FILE ID: O S— 0 01- U 5
Date: 3/22/2005
Commission Meeting Date: 3/24/2005
Requesting Department: Economic Deve
District Impacted: 2
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Revocable License Agreements with Swim Gym Aquatics, Inc., Miami Rowing afid ' ,
Watersports Center, Inc. and Miami Overseas Chinese Association, Inc.
Purpose of Item:
Resolution, with attachment(s), authorizing the City Manager to execute Revocable License
Agreements (the "Agreements"), in substantially the attached form, with Swim Gym Aquatics, In
("Licensee"), a for profit corporation, Miami Rowing & Watersports, Inc. ("Licensee"), a not for
profit corporation and Miami Overseas Chinese Association, Inc. ("Licensee"), a not for profit
corporation, revocable at -will, to occupy and use approximately 1.96 acres of City -owned prope
located at 3601 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida, which licenses shall provide: 1) for a u
period not to exceed September 30, 2005; 2) each Licensee shall have the authority to enter into
professional service agreements with program operators for the purpose of operating and maintai
water recreational and educational opportunities, subject to the City Manager's approval which
approval may be conditioned or withheld in his sole discretion; 3) each Licensee to pay a monthl
fee to the City in the amounts of $400.00, $250.00 and $100.00 respectively, plus Florida State
Tax, if applicable; 4) each Licensee and each program operator to pay the City 12% of their resp
monthly gross revenues, on or before the 30th day following the end of each month, plus Florida
Use Tax if applicable; 5) all amounts paid to the City to be reserved in a special account by the
Finance Department for capital improvements to the property; 6) each Licensee shall be respons
for certain nonstructural repairs and maintenance; and 7) each Licensee shall pay its pro rata sha
utilities, and with other terms and conditions as more particularly set forth in the Agreements.
Background Information:
On April 8, 2004, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 04-0200 that authorized the C.
Manager to execute a Revocable License Agreement, revocable at -will, with Miami Rowing &
Watersports Center, Inc. ("MRWC") to provide water recreational and educational opportunitie
Swim Gym, Inc., one of the program operators, along with the City, attempted to resolve opera
disputes between Swim Gym, Inc. and MRWC. As result of the failure to resolve these issues
the parties, the City has decided to not execute the Agreement with MRWC and to enter into se
agreements with Swim Gym, Inc., MRWC, and Miami Overseas Chinese Association, Inc.
agreements shall require each party to be responsible for certain maintenance and repairs inclu
pro rata share of utilities based upon their use of the property.
Budget Impact Analysis
YES Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
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Start Up Capital Cost: $0.00
Maintenance Cost: $0.00
Total Fiscal Impact: $4,500.00
Final Approvals
If using or receiving capital funds
Purchasing f ,
Risk Man
Dept. Direct
City Manage
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Dalai 3/2/200
Commission Meeting D
Requesting Department: Economic I eve
District Impacted: 2
agency Ordinance Q Discussion Item
Subject: Revocable License Asrree ents wjth $w3m Gyat A
ose o
Resolution authorizing the City Manager • execute Revocable License Agreements
"Agreements") with Swim Gym Aquatics, ., $fotr profit corporation, Miami Rowing
Watersports, Inc. ("MRWC") a nonprofit eo , }t►#ktion, and Miami Overseas Chinese Association„ list.
la nonprofit corporation, revocable at -will, in a •rrn acceptable to tbe City Attorney, to occupy sue.
use 1.96 acres of City -owned property located a 601 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida,. .
which licenses shall provide: 1) for a use period n to exceed September 30, 2005; 2) each Licensee
;shall have the authority to enter into professional se ice agreements with program operators for the
4 purpose of operating and maintaining water recreatio and educational opportunities, subject to
City Manager's approval which approval may be conded or withheld in his sole discretion; 3)
each Licensee to pay a monthly use fee to the City in the ounts of $400.00, $250.00 and $100.00
respectively, plus Florida State Use Tax, if applicable; 4) e h Licensee and each program operetoRte
,pay the City 12% of their respective monthly gross revenue: +n or before the 30th day following lii4
end of each month, plus Florida State Use Tax if applicable; 1 amounts paid to the City to be.
reserved in a special account by the Finance Department for ca • improvements to the property; 6)
each Licensee shall be responsible for certain nonstructural repai and maintenance; and 7) each
Licensee shall pay its pro rata share of utilities, and with other to and conditions as more
particularly set forth in tbe Agreements.
and Information:
On April 8, 2004, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 04-0200 t authorized the City
Manager to execute a Revocable License Agreement, revocable at -will, with iami Rowing &
Watersports Center, Inc. ("MRWC") to provide water recreational and educate al opportunities.
Swim Gym, Inc., one of the program operators, along with the City, attempted t resolve operational
disputes between Swim Gym, inc. and MRWC. As result of the failure to resoly - ese issues with
the parties, the City has decided to not execute the Agreement with MRWC and to ter into separate
agreements with Swim Gym, Inc., MRWC, and Miami Overseas Chinese Associatio Inc. The
agreements shall require each party to be responsible for certain maintenance and rep including
pro rata share of utilities based upon their use of the property.
$udeet Impact Analysis
YES Is this item related to revenue?
NO is this item an expenditure? If so, p tan identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
NO Is this item
I rls dI pr e t
Start Capital Cost: sug
Main te ' • ce Cost: S4,4!
Total Fisc impacts $4.590,00
If using or racxivin* CID t tirod
Final Approvab
Risk Manage
Dept. Direct()
City Manage
Peas 2 of 2