County/City PAnT) Program Appendix A
Rosenberg, Donald G. M.D.
Emory University
Emory University School, of Medicine
Internal Medicine Internship -Jackson
Internal Medicine Residency -Grady
Emory University -Cardiology Fellowshi
Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine
Board Certifications and Licensures:
Licensed Medical Doctor -Florida 1956
Licensed Medical Doctor -Georgia 1956
American Board of Internal Medicine
1964 and recertification in 1974
American Board of Cardiology 1977
Hospital Appointments:
Jackson Memorial Hospital Courtesy Staff
July 1960-June 1963 Active Staff
July 1963-June 1971 Courtesy Staff
July 1971-June 1988 Active Staff
July 1988-Present Active Staff
Dept. of Medical Cardiology Chief of Staff
American Heart Association
Chairman, CPR-ECC
July 1990-June 1994
Greater Miami Committee
North Miami General Hospital
Senior Attending - July 1961 - 1962
Chairman, Audit Committee July 1971-1972
Chairman, C1CU Committee July 1971-1973
Dept. of Medical Cardiology
Chief of Staff
July 1979-June 1980
Board of Directors July 1980-June 1989
Parkway Regional Medical Senior Attending
Florida Affiliate
Member ACLS Subcommitte
July 1994-June 2001
Books, Chapters in books and monographs published:
1. Myerburg RJ, Velez M, Fenster J, Rosenberg D, Castellanos A. The role of
automated external
defibrillators for out -of -hospital cardiac arrest. In Santini M, Ed. Non -
Pharmacological Treatment of Sudden Death. Rome, Italy, 2003; 1-22.
Juried or Refereed Journal Articles:
1. Rosenberg, DG, Galambos, JT. Yellow spinal fluid: American Journal of
Digestive Disease. 1960; 32-48.
2. Rosenberg, DG, Rape WC, Rubble L, Jr. Journal of Parenteral Methylphenidate
HCL ion Barbiturate Poisoning: Medical Association of Georgia, January 1959;
Vol#?: 19-21.
3. Rosenberg, DG. Use of Allopurinol in Gout, Hypericemia and Uric Acid Lithiasis:
Southern Medical Journal, Birmingham, AL, Feb., 1967; Vol #: 215-218.
4. Levin E, Bominina E, Rosenberg DG, et al. Ethnic Differences in Return of
Spontaneous Circulation after Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in
County/City PADD Program
Appendix A, page 2
Witnessed Out -of -Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Circulation Supplement, Vol. 94,
Number 8, October 15, 1996.
5. Morrow DA, Antman EM. Sayah A., Schuhwerk KC., Giugliano RP. deLemos
JA., Waller M., Cohen SA., Rosenberg DG., Cutler SS., McCabe CH., Walls
RM., and Braunwalk E., Evaluation of the Time Saved by Pre -hospital Initiation
of Retavase for ST Elevation MI: Results of the Early Retavase (ER)-TIMI 19
Trial. J Am Coll. Cardiology 2002; Vol #40..; 71-77.
6. Rosenberg, DG. Levin E., Lausell A., Brown A., Gardner J, Perez E., Veenedaal
M., Ong YSC. and Gunn M. Feasibility and Timing of Pre -hospital
Administration of Retavase inpatients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Accepted for publication in the Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 13(3),
147-153, 2002.
7. Myerburg RJ. Fenster J., Mauricio V., Rosenberg, DG., Lai S., Kurlansky P.,
Newton S., Knox M., and Castellanos A. "Impact of Community -Wide Police Car
Deployment of Automated External Defibrillators in Survival from Out -of -Hospital
Cardiac Arrest." AMA Circulations 2002; 106: 1058-1064.
8. Myerburg RJ. Valez, M., Jenster, F., Rosenberg DG., and Castellanos, A.
"Community -Based Responses to Impending of Actual Cardiac Arrest and
Advances in Post -Cardiac Arrest Care" Journal of Interventional Cardiac
Electrophysiology; 9, 189-202, 2003.
Other Works Accepted for Publication:
1. Cardiology Patient Simulator (Supplement). From the Medical Training and
Simulation Laboratory,
Division of Research in Medical Education and Division of Cardiology,
Department of Medicine.
Funded research grants received within last five years (*currently active):
1. Boehringer Mannheim Corporation: Multicenter, Open, Pilot Trial to Determine
the Feasibility and
2. Timing of Field Administration of Retavase in Patients with Acute Myocardial
Infarction. January 1998-Present, Principal Investigator: Donald G. Rosenberg,
Honors and Awards:
07/09/1999, Recipient -"Raymond H., Alexander, M.D. EMS Medical Director of the
Year for the State of Florida Award 1998", 0610611998, Recipient -"Roy M. Baker, M.D.
Award for Outstanding Leadership in the State of Florida Emergency Provision of
Medical Services by a Physician or Layperson." 05/14/1989 , Completed Continuing
medical education Program, "Medical Risk Management." 0512111989, Completed
American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor Course.