23 February 2005
Eyleen Bello
Construction Manager
Office of the City Manager
444 SW 2 Ave., 8 Fl
Miami, FL 33130
Re: City of Miami Orange Bowl Storm Water
Pump Station Upgrades B-5650C
NCI Job Number 0401
Subject: Contract
File: 3.76.0001
Dear Ms. Bello,
NCI Construction Co, is in accord with the proposed resolution in the amount of
twenty thousand dollars .and no cents ($20,000) for the amendment to the original
contract to complete the Orange Bowl StormWater Pump Station Upgrades (3rd Bidding)
B-5650C as per the original scope of work.
Additional time required for these changes is one month.
Allen J.
son P.E.
130 SW 9 SREET, SUITE 200 • MIAMI, FLORIDA • 33030
PHONE: 305-954-4066 • FAR: 305.854-7066