HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit1Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION GRANT APPLICATION Application Deadline: April 1, 2005 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. LEGAL NAME OF APPLICANT (Government) Street City Zip County Name of Chairman of Applicant's Governing Authority Federal Employer Identification (FEID) Number B. NAME OF LIBRARY DIRECTOR Telephone ( ) Fax E-mail Library Street City Zip C. NAME OF PROJECT MANAGER Title Agency, organization or governmental unit Street City Zip Telephone ( ) Fax E-mail D. NAME OF BUILDING CONSULTANT (MLS degree) Street City Zip Telephone ( ) E. NAME OF REGISTERED ARCHITECT Street City Zip Telephone ( ) Registration Number F. INDICATE IF CONSIDERING STARTING THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT PRIOR TO THE GRANT AWARD YES-- NO Public Library Construction Grant Application DLIS/PLC01, Effective 1/9/2003 y-7 i 11. PROPOSED PROJECT A. Name of Proposed Facility B. Type Construction Project (check one): New Building Expansion C. Building to be Used as (check one): Single county library headquarters Multicounty or library cooperative headquarters Multicounty or library cooperative branch or member (more than one library in county) Multicounty or library cooperative branch or member (only library in county) III. PROJECT DATA A. Floor Area in Square Feet Remodeling Single county branch or library cooperative member Independent municipal library (headquarters) Independent municipal library (branch) M 1. Facility prior to project (Check one and give square feet where applicable): —a. No facility currently exists b. A facility currently exists, but will not be used as a library after project completion —c. A facility currently exists and will be used by library after project (may be present Iibrary or another building) 2. New facility to be constructed sq. ft. 3. Expansion of existing facility Square footage of existing building sq. ft. Square footage of the portion of building to be expanded sq. ft. Total square feet of building after expansion sq. ft. 4. Remodeling of existing facility (not included in # 3) sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. B. Geographical Area And Population To Be Served By Proposed Facility: 1. Name of city(s), county(s) or region. (If the service area does not conform to city or county boundaries, give the location and population by census tracts.) 2. Current popuktion The population should be from the most current Florida Estimates of Population, University of Florida. Public Library Construction Grant Application OLIS/PLC01, Effective 1/9/2003 2 IV. ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT A. Funds By Category (Indicate project cost by applicable categories): I, Architect's Fees (include planning costs) 2. Site Acquisition 3. Acquisition cost of building 4. New Construction 5. Expansion of existing building 6. Remodeling of existing building 7. Initial Equipment S. Other (Specify) 9, TOTAL (Must equal B.4) $ B. Source of Funds: i, Local funds available 2. Amount of funds requested from the Public Library $ Construction Grant Program (State General Revenue) 3. Amount of funds requested from other State sources $ 4. TOTAL (Must equal A.9) $ If total above includes funds already spent, please specify amounts, type and dates of expenditures. (Appraisal costs and incidental purchase costs such as surveys, title insurance, legal fees, etc., are not eligible expenditures and are not reimbursable.) Amount Dates Advance plans $ Estimates $ Acquisition of Lands $ Other (Specify) $ Public Library Construction Grant Application 3 DLUS/PLC01, Effective 1/9/2003 V. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS One copy of each of the following documents is required to be submitted as a part of the application for public library construction grant funds. Assemble, label and submit documents in the order listed below. A. Certification of Application. The chair of the governing body of a county; the governing body of a municipality; or the governing body of a special district or special taxing district that will own or have unconditional use of the building to be constructed, expanded, or remodeled must sign the Certificate of Application. B. An ordinance or an adopted and certified resolution from the governing body of the county, municipality, special district or special taxing district including: 1. Authorization for submission of the application; 2. Name or position title of person authorized to sign the application andprovide required certifications; 3. Assurance that the required match of a dollar for dollar of the grant request will be available and unencumbered at the time of grant award; 4. Assurance that funding is sufficient and will be available in order that the project will result in a completed Iibrary building; 5. Assurance that upon completion of the project, sufficient funds will be available to operate the facility; and 6. Assurance that the building will be used exclusively for the public library purposes for which constructed or altered, and submit proposed changes in use to the Division for approval if within 20 years of the completion of the construction project. C. Copy of documents that establish the library, such as a contract, resolution, or ordinance of the government. A copy of the interlocal agreement(s) for library cooperatives and multicounty libraries may be used to meet this requirement. D. A narrative description of the construction project, prepared and signed by a professional library staff member who has completed a library education program accredited by the American Library Association. The narrative statement must describe: 1. How the building will function in a currently established multicounty, county, or municipal library. This includes, but is not limited to programs, services and governance; 2. How the construction project will contribute to new or improved services in the area it will serve; and 3. The effects of staffing, maintaining, and costs of operating the proposed facility. Public Library Construction Grant Application 4 DLt51PLC01, Effective 1/9/2003 E. A detailed written building program, prepared and signed by a professional librarian , who has completed a library education program accredited by the American Library Association, functioning as a library building consultant. The professional librarian functioning as the building consultant may be a library staff member. The building program must include: I. A brief overview of the library including a historical perspective, mission and goals (or roles) of the library; 2. A description of how library functions relate to each other in terms of space, including a description of patron use and work flow patterns; and 3. Projection of future needs based on anticipated future demographics. F. If an applicant is applying for funding for a construction project from more than one state funding source, the following information must be provided: I. Identify all additional state funding sources being applied for. Include the name of the funding program and the state agency administering the program, and 2. Describe how: a. The multiple funding sources will result in a project to provide a higher level of service to residents; or b. The project is in partnership with another organization or agency and how it will provide a higher level of service to residents; or c. Each funding source will be used to accomplish a different or unique portion of the entire construction project. Public Library Construction Grant Application 5 DLIS/Pt_C01, Effective 1/9/2003 One copy of each of the following documents is required to be submitted to the Division for approval no later than 90 days after the date of grant award. If the applicant anticipates starting the construction project prior to the date of the grant award, the following material must be submitted for approval at the time of application submission. Assemble, label and submit documents in the order listed below. A. Specific location of site and a narrative evaluation of the site of the building to be constructed, expanded, or remodeled that is prepared and signed by a professional librarian, who has completed a library education program accredited by the American Library Association, functioning as a library building consultant. The professional librarian functioning as the building consultant may be a library staff member, The site evaluation should justify the choice of site considering: l . Plans for future expansion or growth; 2. Community growth and traffic pattern projections for the future; 3. Adequate parking, taking into consideration local zoning and building codes, or standards; 4. Convenient access to major pedestrian and vehicular traffic routes; and 5. Physical characteristics of the site. B. Assurances, such as a deed, showing that the applicant has legal title to the property and building, a long-term lease of not less than 20 years or a resolution adopted by the applicant's governing body, that the applicant has unconditional use of the site and the building. If a resolution is used as proof, it shall state whether the applicant owns or leases the site and building. C. A comparison of the proposed project to .6 square feet per capita for total floor space and standards for library facilities and services. Cite standards used and the source of standards. This shall include at a minimum: 1. Total floor space; 2. The amount and kind of space required for all library functions, including both public and staff areas, meeting space, and space for specific services; 3. Shelving required; 4. Staffing required; 5. Lighting required; and 6. Telecommunications and electrical requirements D. A list of the kind and amount of initial furniture and equipment needed for the project. Public Library Construction Grant Application DLISIPLCO1, Effective 1I9/2003 6 E. Subsurface soil analysis. This analysis, which involves soil borings, is to assure that the site can support the weight of a library building. The analysis is required for the following: 1. New construction; 2. Expansion of existing library facility onto previously unbuilt land, including parking lots; or 3. Projects involving an existing building that was not previously used as a library building. If problems are identified in the analysis, the Division must be informed of how the problems will be corrected. F. Certification that the construction project will be in compliance with Federal Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management, as amended by Executive Order 12148, which are incorporated herein by reference, including certification that the use of flood plains in connection with the construction will be avoided as far as practicable. Certification can be obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. If problems are identified, the Division must be informed of how the problems will be corrected. Include copies of the evaluation report and the plans for correction, if applicable. G. Assurance that the site selected for the construction project does not interfere with the protection of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places in accordance with Section 267.061, Florida Statutes. Include a copy of the letter of evaluation. If the project is covered in the protection of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places in accordance with Section 267.061, Florida Statutes, the applicant must obtain written approval from the Division of Historic Preservation before the project is let for bid. H. Assurances, such as a deed, showing that the applicant has legal title to the property and building, a long-term lease of not less than 20 years or a resolution adopted by the applicant's governing body, that the applicant has unconditional use of the site and the building. If a resolution is used as proof, it shall state whether the applicant owns or leases the site and building. I. Certification by grantee's governing body such as a resolution, or, a signed document from the person or position designated by the grantee's governing body in the resolution submitted with the application, that the grantee will competitively award construction contracts based on the submission of sealed bids, proposals submitted in response to a request for proposal, proposals submitted in response to a request for qualifications, or proposals submitted for competitive negotiations. This also includes contracts for construction management services or design -build contracts. Public Library Construction Grant Application 7 DLISIPLC01, Effective 1/9/2003