HomeMy WebLinkAboutgrant of temporary construction(. R NT OF TE\IPOR_-\R\ CO\STRL-CTIO\ E.ASF\1I \T 13E:T\\ [:E\
!HIS \(RE":[::\thi, dd\ n
het\\,cen -ERE C[ I"Y" or: NII_\N[1. t1 municipal corporation or the State t t FI;.1r1di.
(hereinattcr called the "GRANTOR-). and FLORIDA POWER & L[GF[T C W,4P.vN , a
corporation �.�t' the State of Florida (hereinafter called the "GRANTEE-) .
(ik.\tiTOR, for and in consideration or the SLIM of one dollar 61.00) t00) and other
Llood and \ aluable consideration. the receipt of \\-hicll i5 beech'~ acl:no\\ lcd,ed by the
GRANTOR. has Li.rLlntcc[ and does hereby `�ranr to the (IR.\N"I1...1:. it �ucces or's LII1J
assiiins. the rw,ht and pr
\ or a I Cif p0rarY 0115truc1i0I1 1 '.lClllCi1i \\ Ith !aH rl_Ilt at
in`�ress thereto and ct1ress there ronl. (herclnaltc.- the 'f:_\SF:\[I..\ f on
af?[71'i�\1111a[CI'•' OOI). P\ 610. COVIStrinCtiL}I1 \\Or1\ JrCLIs and t\\'l, apprO.\lnlale )f1.\\I.le pip
Ia\DLit I'ro111 1.11c uI
,uhnlcrrcd pr0hcrtC•it\I11'0fn rt\ Ihc! I1 iltcr cLlll,.l the I'I�l?['l.ff f \
Ifl!' titLY'IIInL' material titoiaf ti L10\I1 II.IN'iCL111011 ,l'� 111"I�' Il�li'll�i.iiaiI' �.ic,l'I'll�c�.l ;II1LI
I1 oil i,.1C .'P-I iUIILll.11C(.{ IIILILIC
l felt[ 1C,'l »0
v'I�t r1)E
i� 1L H0
1 i:it !'; at._L': I'. .. I r Clir1 .i; t!L !1. ..ir !
V1 ili011 �L71t�1�� :I_etl'!c�tl C:it�le�.
(.riyA-s..\, IOIt !'eser\e', EI1C' rL 'hL to use Me k'IVOPE.R T for LIi1`. 1SLI11.osc that
1lli not pre',Cnt or 111tcrterc t11t11 Ilse e.xerclse ht the ORA\ i I.. 0C 'il� I!�hls `!r1r1ICCl
L!n`.le r this t-i.1SE'.ME\ l
The term of this T ;\ E,tilE: ' 1' shall he for a one oetir period ornmencinf. on the
day 'l11ci \cor set forth belo\.4 in \4hich (.iRAN I [11 accepts The 1'..\SF\-1EN-I ihcrclnafter
called the "EXECUTION DATE") provided. howe%or. that il• the 'construction and
relocation of the t«o high volta!oe electrical cahles arc completed prior to the expiration
of said one year period. this Grant of 1 enlporan- Construction Easement shall terminate
L1po11 completion oItlle construction Lund installation or the tvvo cah1cs.
Upon the expiration. termination or CancellatIO11 of the 1.:1 1:,\li:\ I . (rR.1\ I Eh
511a1! res[oro the PROP1IR1 Y and any areas used by (iR...1\-11.1. Ii.Ir inoress and caress to
the E'ROPi R E Y.:1t (1:.1\1 E_!s solo cost Lind expense. to the ,i_11I1c ,2 .1L1iti`1n or hL.:LUC
111 ti it <<L, prior to (iR.1\ 1 11 use ihererl
(i1.1\ 11.E. s1io11 he resp nslhle. (rk 1\ 1 l
oi1\Er011111C11tL11 cIcaIi Llp. I� 1c 1Lll!ed by 'a I'eJorLII, :()LLU a202nL:'.-. ',,01I0) I11;1� Inc
caused h\ the granting LEI this k•:.1SE1\11;\ I
ShoulLI (.'!R 1\ I I:I: 1,1i1 to restore the I'I:.(EI'1 1'. 1 `i ui1 l ;_iretis }: in'iress Cti1Li e-yress
ocrk rail aI1\ cn\ OLirsLiwll 1
EASEN1EN1 thirty lL.''r recoil}l of \\ Hit (2n )1iCc Iii)11i ( l: 1\ ! I' 11.;
tlirectin0 the rcot!ircc{ reshiratio1I Lincl glob l-rih, {11: 1\ I.O1:. shall cause 111E 1 `!
_i'.'U the ei, i-J. iheiress to �� •r ., .i ',ti: Jn its Il r.end, IH •r
!1Llit..L\ a:l Iti;: ( R.1\. i {
irillll tht•rl'.. i{i l Elan s lei receipt ot .Ill i!1`, oicc Iroill tliR.\\TOR iadicatini t''i cost 11•
such required restoration ;And �i LII) LE1
CRAM (1 h 111 C\ercisti the rights `lfaiited herein in such a manner OS llt-)t tU
CalJsc Gill dllilla!_'t or destruction or any nature to or Interruption of the use.or' the
ad oinintu lands owned by (iiRA\TOR.
GRANTEE shell pay for Lind obtain the neeessar:,- and applicable permits in
compliance with all Federal. State and local statute. ia\\ s. rules and re`au1ations ill
connection with its use of the PROPERTY.
Upon the termination. cancellation or e\piration or the L__1SE11ENT. GRANTEE
shall lime the right to remo\e. Lit its .sole cost Orld C.\pcnse. any 1110\ahlc personal
propert\ th11t it places in or on the PROPF'1R TY.
Il all`,- part oh the PR(.)PLIZ I \t" is in and ;\ 17,\ the IU1110\ L11 ctl :In
I110 VahI [Il's011a1 propert\. said dlanlat2e shall he repaired h`. (11 .L\ I I.1. Its sole cost
Lilld c\pensc. Shc!l!1�1 (rR.L� l i I. Iall repair ails iunlslec c,.lused to the I'ROI'I.1: 1
��itlliil shirt\- r_;t11 Jugs alter receipt o +.rittcn notice I•ri)J11 (IRAN I()R t_lire(.2tmc tllc
:'�tllill'cd rChall's. it1�.L�' I t )1I.Iic P1�(Ip1�l� 1 tt� he rcTulir'tll 011
and 1N NTH shall pay- (;R.\N 1OfZ t..'0 ,}i sLlch rc!nuirs ��ithin
llirl� (.,{)> LIO s l rceeipt oI-rani lik.\ 1 t 11� in�!ie.I[in` the L'rnl I+I ;LIcI1
l'L'CIuifcd 1'cp: I!",
(i1:,1N I{)k assumes no rc.spoiisihilitY lur ,It1~, property o! the N I I I.. its
a.2.cr1ts, tiel' 'illlts, crllpin\ccs ru contrLlctol'ti NI'oLI`�Ilt on or about the I'1:0P}.1I wld the
0 PA: i'll ?PER I Y.
)il1Ll' .t` ..:r-: i}' 'lle!r. �L! •`:l:ll .
trl� `•\ i EL tlecepts tll!> 1 .\ E\I['\ 1 and IlL'ICI„ ael<no\\led_,es than,
ELL. L:nnlpliance \ ita till .tppheal-1e Etderai. State and ioctil statutes. lats.
��rlllllLU1c Ll!ld regulatiorH in its use or the PROPER f Y. InC[lidill'_' hilt not !im!ted to
i)llltdlll4l Cr. leti lnQ Z111ii1Lr CSIi'llllt111�.
. a condition H.' '!pis E.lii...1'.•&:MENT acid
CrFLA\ E E shzlil comply tllere\\ith is the same pre !]tl\ exist and as such Ilia~. he
amellckd hereafter.
GRANTEE shall pm\ ide all utilities for the PROPERTY. incltldina. but not
linlited to telephone. electricity., \\titer. <<<ls. tzarba�re and se‘vaLte disposal.
CiR.1\TE11 agrees to inclemniR. hold harmless and defend G;RA\TOR and an\
and :All of its agents llnd cnlpilivices. Irons and in cIlnncctioll With. all i_!tiinl,. uctio!]s.
jLldn Vents. liuhilit\, lc,tis. cost. e.\pense, court costs. attnrne\ fees and denlunds or
\dhatc\er nrttlire incurred hV, or pretiented .1i2L1111 t (;RArOR (}Cor h\ reason
oI'the actions ol (iR_1N h[•: . its a rents. s r'v ants. ei 10-ccs or contractors in the c.yerci;L•
0 its riLtllts hercLlildcr. il;L'llidlllr_ uricnL1tlr+n. that (IR.1\ 11L1; j`i4ti�lt •_I l�,lir Fill t'.i'
\ icarinusl\ ihlc (IR.1\ i 1 1. LI IL't.'s In t,il.c lit 1,l ull renlediul Ltctinn, I'L".lulrcct
0\Cr!1!11cnla !'cerlilatui". Iilt Lltlllt,' !'Lii !l l'' !I!1'It'C,I Li, ells n''.'n111nll[31 rr_`'nlllult'r!',
!"CnL leti.
Prior to L'ntcrina upon the 1'Rttl'I.1. 1 1 . { fi:. 1\ i I I ii01 lurnitill to !he
N 1 (il, holle\ policies 0 insl!runt.e i r LULL iic:tes of illstirunce lrLtnl ( Ifs.-1N 111 ti
eontractt)rs 111 101111 LII]ll shell rrLlsoi)tlhlc Lil110l111t; apprt1ved by the (Ii, •1\ 1 OR !iun1ii1C
tilt' (IIZ 1\ I ( its 1:, un JL1diliOr1a1 insured [iiid prl,lectil)a tI1L: ('i1:A\ Et )I: Ii}r !hc Litirut10n
c+�!l�LrlLU1L ,'JlLl +:c`Iltt_icf'I_�
+,i ,,,,e!.. lllia'c' .?i
.lam 'ii`. r .eel.
11111,i1� dir'ecr.i\ r ir1L;i!`eltll t'ilil7 tl\e li\ :111` +'i tllel'1 11r
aI1\011C tllE' l\ilosc• acts tl�e1 nla1 t'c Ilal'le, llht+il k,l1 or
aCtl\'itkc:; on the site.
11:I_. }halt maintain. utlir7c and eoridlEct an'. activities upon the
PROPERTY in a proper and sate manner at GR_-1N"l Ei-.= ..A.k2 cost and expense
I hip EASEMENT ;hall be binding upon the pLlrties herein. their successors and
All notices or other conlnlunications \Allich shall or nla\ be given pursuant to this
E..ASEMENl shall be in \\rising and shall he deli\ercc{ b persconal service or by ccrtilied
mail. return receipt reyucstcil, atddresscd to the parties hereto at their respective addre.sscs
illdicclteil hei0vv- (ir as the tian1C iil0v- ill vvritin{1 Irani tinlc to time. Such notice
Shall be dccnled given on the da\ on \(llicll personall\ scr\c.d. or it hH' certified mail. on
the filth da\ after 1 (..:in , posted or the date al uctu:ll receipt, t.\-hichencr is cnlriiLr. \mitt
,hall ht �ll�cti\cl\ �er\:`�' h, (iR \\ I Ih. _won f ij:' �. t f �R \Vhcli addretiscd
(iR.1N FOR aid 11):tricd to the (1 1 ) NtAN:ACHICK at _ Milt Paii .Anlcrican Ive. vIi'tmi.
I ll�l'Id�l. tiC!1t tilt' Lit Attforn(..''. a!ld 1)cpclrtn1L'n1 (I 1..c1+I1u!lilc
l)e\eli'I�Illcnt. -144 \,\ 2 .\\C11LIC. t):!i anti ;r,i I lt,l r I'etiptetElei'. \11;111'!.
\atice ticr\CLi h\ the (;R \N [DI: upon the ('R.\N I1+ \\ilcn
aidre scd I 61�.1` I l:l• Lir-J rmiiit d to (I[{i,rid.! I'c,\\cr. 1.iuht C'c�nlpalll
�eilit,r 1 11\ Irt,nnrt_'ntcll .specialist at i't,st (ll lict 13o\ 14000. huh, E3c,rt:1). I It,ridtl 3t) i
t ill,, _ . I_i l 01111.'.1:
flox i itino E3 111!l. f..,c,ritIn I
Ills EASE:MMf:.A I ;11all he construed LtnL1 .211tOreeci '',:nAs flit
State or E'lllridci and V'entie shall be in \1E.ltlli-DaLle l 1LE!lty • I iorlwl,
In tilt event L1n` !para`'E'Liph. ci use or senteilt•u of this i"'..-\SF.\1F.\T o!
anitndrnent is declared h, a CLlurt of ;urisdictio!l. such pnrngn..ipll,
clause or sentence shall he stricken from the subject EASEMENT and We balance DI the
Fr\SF \1ENT shall not be atTected by the deletion.
No waiver of an\ provision shall be Jlecnlcd to, have been made unless such
v,aiver is in «ritiii and signed h.. OI:AN" fOR and Cik.\N F:F. I lie failure or either
party to insist upon the strict performance of any ill file provisions or conditions or this
l:.1SE:\IE:\ 1 shall not he construed t1 \kaivinil or rclinLluishimi in the n.iture an> such
coy malts or conditions but the sLullc shad ct}n[inuL Lulcl rCE11LW1 i11 1.1.111 Iorct and e1E'tct.
GRANTOR shall provide (.iR.\\11=E.: with \\ritten nc,tice or. Link I'Ltilurc tc
perrori-n or comply 11t11 tilt terms and conditions c uitained herein to He i)nril n/IL•'U h
GRA\ f E f: 1,! (iR.1\' I_I..
ILlllLIt.'fLILI:[ "<<lE!' r�'.I.t1 ',+i1 �I�l+ti �i! Ie'e11�t 0;
(ripen 110i1cc 01 Lici ]Lrit. in addition to the absolute right }i Icrnlina[ion lha+ c+l:.A\1
has Lis pr•cs‘ idcd litir herein. (rR.1\ I OI: shall li e the r'iulll to ternlil;Llte llli; I \.`;I \Il \
I'\ "i\ ri1 W1'111C1l 11011C'ill MILI1 ic'I'Illli1aLiori H ( IQ.\\ 11 1' it .kl {'1' 1nriet 111111 tllc
pr ,\ isir>ns ol'this I: \. l:\1E \ l