HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibitLEXHIBIT L DETAILED COST ESTIMATE creation Design a Construction N. PoweLne Road, Fill Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Project name Little Haiti Park 64 & 62 Street N. E 2 ave Miami FL Bid date 2f2412005 Notes 1.) Site planning & Prep. including demo, fill, gang, drainage and utilities. 2.) Renovation of a 12,000 SF Recreational building inCtuding but not limited to (aerobics room. arts & crafts, 2 Classrooms, office & computer mom% excerciselweight room, multi -purpose room, restroom, support areas, storage, electrical /mechanical /data telephone. terrace 3.) One (t) International FIFa soccer fields with practice field. 4.) Concrete Fared bleachers . with Control Booth 5.) Concession with Mena and Womens restroom and storage. 6.) Vita course 20 Stations_ 7.) Domino shelter and 4 game tables 8.) Picnic areas (shelters & picnic tables ) 9.) Playground 10.) Sports & security fighting 11.) Landscaping & irrigation 12_) Site furnishings Report format Sorted by 'Location/Phase 'Detail' summary 13ation Design & bOrrstructiOn EXHIBIT "L" Page 2 V. PaweGne Road, Fo4 Lauderdale FL 33309 Little Haiti Park 2124/20% 4:28 PM em Description Takeoff Qty Gen Desii 19.00 Scheduli Consultant 1 Scheduing Scheduling bnsuttant 19.10 Aquatic kflgineering 5 Aquatic Ergine 1ng Consultant Aquatic Engteering 70.00 ArchitectTai Design 01 Project Ar dtiitet* Fees Architecirrrdl Design 72-00 Civil Endiheering 01 CIA Ergineeriiil Fees Civic Engineffring 174.00 Electrical engineering 02 Electrical EngiA®eritg Fees Electrical Engineering 175.00 Landscaping Design 01 Landscaping disign Fees Landscapirt, Design 176.00 irrigation besign 01 Irrigation Systc011 Design Fees 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 is 012: Gen Iesig Gen Con 110.00 Supervition 10 Site Manager !Liner Intendant Supervisiall 460.00 Labor hours 111.00 Project Management 10 Praiect Marmdl/r Project Mallagement 1 rp50.00 Labor hours 113.00 Surveyl j Services 01 Baundry & Tc bgraphical Surveys 39.00 wk 39.00 wk 1.00 Is 3,000.00 As 17,000.00 As 175.000.00 As 75,000.00 As 12,500.00 As 59,000.00 As Amount 3.000 3,000 17,000 17,000 175,000 175,000 75,000 75,000 12,500 12,500 59,000 59,000 0 0 0 341,500 74,100 74,100 76,440 76,440 1,900.00 !wk 1,960.00 fwk 74,100 74,100 76.440 76,440 15,000 15,000.00 As 15,000 'eation Design & bonstruction N. Paweline Road, Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Page 3 2124/20044 4:28 PM ern Description Takeoff Qty Surveying Sdhices 5.00 Project Alm 01 Main Project Si4li 01 Canslmdion sitss Project Sig 18.00 Mobilizatilh & Setup 05 Mobilization Mohiliafiod k Setup 19.00 Temporal, Fence 10 Temporary Chnk Fence Temporary France 20.00 Temporal Electric 10 Temp Electric Service Temporary tiEcttic 21.00 Temp Skiers & Controls 10 Temporary Bars and Controls Temp Barr% & Controls 22.00 Temp Ldttbr 01 Labor Pod Fof3@s Temp Labof 140.00 Labor hours 123.00 Fuel 01 Fuel & Oil for c Equipment 02 PM Mileage ,9ve1 to Job site Fuel 125.00 Prints,CDies & Expeditor 10 Drawing Repreitudion Prints,Co" & Expeditor 126.00 20 Office"Her & Storage Office Trailer ed) Office Trait & Storage 11359.97 Equipment hours 127.00 Temp Phones & Connection 10 Phone Conflation Temp Phof3ls & Connection 128.00 Phones Alonthly 10 Trailer Phone likinthly Amount Amount 1.00 ea 800 650 1.00 Is - 800 800 1,450 1.00 Is 3,200.00 It 1.00 Is 1.00 is 300.00 hr 39.00 wks 9.00 mos 1.00 Is 9.00 ninth 1.00 Is 9.00 math 1,500 1,500 650 650 3,500 1,200 3,500 1,200 Amount 15,000 Name Unit Coat Amount 15,000 1,450.00 lea 1.450 800.00 lls 800 2,250 2,150.00 /Is 2.150 2,150 10,080 3.15 At 10,080 10,080 10,080 3,700 3,700.00 AS 3,700 3,700 3,700 5,900.00 As 5,900 5,900 4,950 16.501hr 4,950 4,950 4,950 1,500 1,500 60.00 Mks 320.00 /mos 1,500.00 As 370.00 !ninth 450.00 As 120.00 lmnth 2,340 2,880 5,220 1,500 1,500 3,330 3,330 450 450 1,080 :reation Design & torlsb action IN. Pawe1ine Road, Fd�! Lauderdale FL 33309 Item Description Takeoff Qty Amount Phones MdMthly 1,§69.97 Equipment hours 29.00 Temp Tots 10 Portable Toiler 21.00 ea Temp Toiler 30.00 Small Tgas & Equipment 10 Small Tool Relish 1.00 1a - Small Tool3It Equipment 131.00 Clean Ulf 10 Daily Clean Ud 38.00 wk 7,600 Clean Up 7,600 1,41I0.00 Labor hours 132.00 Final Cling 10 Final Clean Ud 1.00 Is _ Final Clean 141.00 Punch Litt 10 Punch List La* 3.00 day 1,185 Punch List 1,185 14.00 Labor hours 149.00 Dumpst0 Fees 30y 30 cy Trash Cdhtainer Dempster Files 150.00 Dump Fits 10 Safety Materi8ik Dump Fees 151.00 Elec Utilities Monthly 10 Trailer EleWid 4Aonttrly Elec Util"itre Monthly 152.00 Temp Witter Hookup 10 Temp Water filitkup Temp WatePtlookup 156.00 Areial Altos 10 Areial Photos Areial Photell 157.00 Expedrtdl Plans 10 Permit Expedlibr 28.00 ea 1.00 Is 9.00 math 1.00 Is 9.00 mnth 1.00 Is EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Amount 1,575 1,575 Amount Name Unit Cost Amount 1,080 200.00 /ea 4,200 4,200 4,500.00 As 4,500 4,500 200.00 Ark 7,600 7,600 2,500 2,500.00 ns 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 395.00 lday 1,185 1,185 375.00 lea 1.00 As 10.500 10,500 300.00lmnth 2,700 2,700 2,800 2,800.00115 2.800 2,800 2.800 175.00 lmnth 1.575 1,575 1,500 2,500 4,000.00115 4.000 Page 4 2/24/20fr 4:28 PM creation Design Construction 0 N. Pavane Road, Flirt Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park 21 Item Description TakeoffTakeoffQty Amount Amount_ Expeditor Mims 158.00 As -Built Amount 1,500 2,500 Name Unit Cost Amount 4,000 10 As-Bui!ts 1.00 Is 1,200.00 As 1,200 As-Builts 1,200 159.00 Security 1 Watchman 20 Watchman - ` 38.00 wk 32,300 850.00 Mk 32,300 Security & Ratchman 32,300 32,300 1t&20.00 Labor hours 161.00 Field O111be Supplies 10 Field Otfae Si#Iplies Monthly 1.O0 Is 500 500.00 As 500 20 Field office edbipment 9.00 mth 900 100.00 !mth 900 Field Offtcl Supplies 1,400 1,400 162.00 Mobile 3 Nextel Phones 10 Nextel Phone 9.00 mnth 150.00 Imnth 1,350 Mobile & Pl Xtel Phones - 1,559.97 Equipment hours 163.00 Postagoi & Mail 10 Fed Ex, UPS 120stage 1.00 Is 600.00 /Is Postage & bait -179.00 Testing 1 Lab Services 01 Testing Sery bs 1.00 ea 5,500 5,500.00 lea Testing & Lab Services 5,500 •180.00 Insuranh! 02 13uilders Risk litsurance 1.00 Is 3,200.00 /Is 3,200 Insurance 1.00 is 4,500.00 As 1.350 600 600 5.500 -010.00 RDC &liniment 00 RDC EquipmPIt RDC Equirlikent 5,500 3,200 4,500 4,500 01: Gen ton 203,875 7,775 42,080 297,761 S,1184.00 Labor hours 4179.91 Equipment hours »0 Clearing -220.01 Site Deglutition 01 Demo Site Milt Item and dispose 1.00 LS 105,200 105,200.00 /LS 105,200 Site Gemc1P on 105,200 105,200 Page 5 2/24/2815 4:28 PM -230.10 Clear Bh, Grub Roots 10 Clear 8 Grub Prep site 11.00 are 25,300 2.300.00 1acre 25,300 reation Design 8 bonstruction - N. Poweline Road, FAR Lauderdale FL 33309 tem Description Takeoff Qty Clear Brush rub Roots EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Amount 25,300 Name Unit Cost Amount 25,300 02.0 Cleag 1 Earthwork 01.25 Bulk Excavation 10 Cut and Ralan& Site Bulk Excavilkon 103.00 Backfill 10 Standard Fill Anal Nay > 12" Backfill 418,000.00 sf 23,630.00 tons 0 0 130,500 62,700 62,700 283,560 283.560 0.15 !sf 130,500 62,700 62,700 12.00 ►tons 283,5613 283,560 02.1 Ea • ork 2 Soccer 0 0 346,260 346,260 303.00 Backrll 10 6" Of Sandill 6 Soar & 4,950.00 tons 61,875 12.50 /tons 61,875 Practice Final Floating of Fields 198,000.00 sf 5,940 0.03 lsf 5,940 Backfill 67,815 - 67,815 355.10 Laser G1Oding 10 Laser Grading 198,000.00 sf 23,760 0.12 Id 23,760 Laser Grad% 23,760 23,760 365.10 Fumigafibn 10 Fumigation of "%Ids 198,0013.00 st 59,400 0.30 Isf 59,400 Fumigatioi 59,400 59,400 795.00 Sports ehicl Special Work 01 Soil PH & Bal�1■fk:e 5.00 ac 3,072 614.320 !ac 3,072 Sports RA/Special Work 3,072 3.072 870.15 Soccer - Sorter Goals 1.00 pair - 4,500 4,500.00 !pair 4,500 Soccer Go& 4,500 4,500 910.00 Sodwor, 10 Bermuda Sod 198,000.00 sf - 68,420 0.35 !st 68,420 Sodwork 68,420 68,420 .915.10 Fertilize bn 10 Fertilizationoitields 198,000.00 sf 2,970 0.02Isf 2.970 10 Maintanenoe#Fields 3.00 ninth - 16.126 5,375.30Imnth 16.126 Page 6 2/24/2016 4:28 PM eatian Design & b instruction - V. Poweline Road, For! Lauderdale FL 33309 am Description Takeoff Qty Fertilization 1200 Ball Field lighting - Soccer Field i4Wing Ball Field Witting EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Amount Amount Amount Name Unit Cost Amount 19,096 19,096 1.00 Is 137,500 137,500 137.500.00 As 137,500 137,500 02.2 Soccit L Utilities 0 0 383,562 383,562 11.10 Ductile Irt'�h Pipe F 15 iZ" Ductile Iran pipe 885.00 IF 39,825 45.00 ! 39,825 15 Misc Fittings 1.00 Is. 300 300.00 As 300 Ductile Iron Pipe 40,125 40,125 01.14 Fire Hydrehts 10 Fire Hydrants i 1.00 EA 4,750 4,750.00 /EA 4,750 Fire Hydrant 4,750 4,750 01.15 BackfloW *reventer 10 3" Irrigation BaLeftow 1.00 EA 3 200 3,199.58 IEA 3,200 15 Main Backliow 1.00 EA 5 759 5,759.25 1EA 5,759 Backflow Pt tenter 8,959 8,959 4)1.60 Water Lh s: PVC 10 1" pipe, include! trenching. fining 780.00 LF 55 540 7.103 ILF 5,540 in place Water Lines6 PVC 5,540 5,540 i05.11 Sanitary ewer Pipe 10 Cleanouts 2.00 ea - 1 536 767.90 !ea 1,536 Sanitary Selmer Pipe 1,536 - 1,536 505.30 PVC Schedule 40 20 8" Pipe 600.00 LF 6,527 10.88 I F 6,527 PVC Schedelb 40 6,527 505.40 Sewer Mfihholes 20 6 deep 1.00 EA 3,500 3,500.00 !EA Sewer Manilbfes 3,500 505.50 Sewer Cehnection Fees 10 Typical munic44111 fee 1.00 EA 2.000 2,000.00 !EA Sewer Conffction Fees 2,000 515.10 Grease I#ps 10 Grase Trap 1.00 EA 2,350 2,350.00 !EA 6,527 3,500 3,500 2,000 2,000 2,350 Page 7 2124/2001 4:28 PM lion Design 8 bonstruction N. Poweline Road, Fe&Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT r1L" Little Haiti Park Page 8 4:28 PM am Description Takeoff Qty Grease Trapp 10.25 Catch (Complete) 40 4 x 4 x 4 Catch in 17.00 ea Catch Basin (Complete) 10.40 Undergrd`hd Trench Drains 12 15' deep x 6' with ExMiation 2,200.00 If Trench Undergrounl Trench Drains Amount Amount 2,350 54,400 54,400 253,000 253,000 Name Unit Cost 3,200.00 lea Amount 2,350 54,400 54,400 115.00 At 253,000 253,000 022. Util 3 Paving 00.50 Asphalt wing Assembly SG01 Sub -Grade Pnl, Rol and compact area. N2.5 8" Compacted ILimerock Base %v2.5 Asphalt Wear (ls Type 'S-i' 2-16. Asphalt PaV1hg Assembly 86,800.00 SF 9,650_00 sy 9,650.00 sy 0 0 382,687 10,416 148.205 382,687 0.12 ISF 10,416 15.36 lsy 9.60 Isy 148,205 92.628 251,249 251,248 '60.00 Pavmmes* Stripes & Signs - 05 Directional Sig18ge 5.00 ea - 2 528 505.534 Iea 2,528 05 NC Signage or, Pole 9.00 ea 4 895 543.93 lea 4,895 10 Pavement Stifling 1.00 Is 832 831.89 As 832 11 Parking lot Strilling 216.00 ea - 8.293 38.40 lea 8.293 14 Parking Stall ilbmpers 216.00 ea 14,040 65.00 lea 14,040 50 Fire Lane Marltltrg 1.00 Is 1 536 1,535.80 As 1,536 10da Directional AnAMis 1.00 is 384 383.95 As 384 Pavement dttipes & Signs 32,508 32,508 02.3 Pavilk 0 0 283,757 283,757 31 Ace Road r10.10 Gravel Iumerock Base 42 Lime Rods 9ai b 5" 2,000.00 sy 24.000 12.00 Isy 24.000 Gravel & LiIlerock Base 24,000 24,000 310.00 Sodworli 4 Topsail Pre,�,,,y',',`,"�,' 2' Minimum 380.00 cy - 10.070 26.50 lty 10,070 01 Paspailum sod 18,650.00 sf 5,595 0.30 /at 5.595 Sodwork 15,665 15,665 02.31 Ace Road 0 0 39,665 39,665 eation Design & bnstruction N. Poweline Road, For4 Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Parlr Page 9 2/24/200‘ 4:28 PM em Description Takeoff Qty 3Curb&Wa '0.20 Conc. Writs & Flatwork' 01 4" Concrete Siralk Non Rein Conc. Walk3 k Flatwork • ro.22 Curbwor* • 110 D-Curb Curbwork' 3,800.00 SF 2,500.00 If Amount Amount Amount 19 2.10 19,210 50,000 - 50,000 Name Unit Coat Amount 5.061SF 19,210 19,210 20.00 !K 50.000 50,000 02.33 Curd 8 Wa t VitaTrail O 0 69,210 69,210 00.05 Paving Trails & walkways - Jogging Trail Pitying & Base 1,800.00 sy 42,300 23.50 /sy 42,300 Paving Trait & walkways 42,300 42,300 000.03 Mulching - Workout Staudt Mulch 720.00 sy 5,068 7.04 !sy 5,068 Mulching 5,068 5,068 170.10 Landscatie Timbers (Plan) - Landscape -f-dyers 1,080.00 If 4147 3.84 M 4,147 - Landscape Tirt(ber Stakes 100.00 ea 896 8.96 lea 896 Landscape timbers (Plas) 5,043 5,043 170.20 Excercisi Equipment - Vita Trail 20 Anion 1.00 Is 32,300 32,300.00 1Is 32,300 Excercise Elluipment 32,300 32,300 02.4 Vita it 0 0 84,711 84,711 .7. Site Fenc 820.00 Fencewdlk 10 Main Entry GA1 E 1.00 Is 13,500 13.500.00 11s 13,500 t0 Sub Entry are 2.00 Is 20,000 10,000.00 lis 20,000 Fenceworli 33,500 33,500 02.7. Sita?enc 0 0 33,500 33,500 '.8 Site Fumi 8'70.01 Picnic Ales eation Design & Construction - N. Powe6ne Road, Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 em Description '0.01 Picnic Tanks Hex Picnic Tab 66 ADA Hex Picnic' tables Picnic Table. F0,03 Trash - Trash R Trash ReceOlkcies 70.04 Bike RacI - Bike Racks Bike Racks 70-05 Barrbecu8 gills - Barbecue Wit Barbecue Gibs 170.99 Install Sid Furnishings - Install Site Furnshings install Site rtmishings 14.00 Labor hours 307.00 SOG Co1+treta 20 Concrete SOGNatwork (4") SOG ConcrMe 400-10 Drinkindountains ---- Drinking Founfn Drinking FdtIntains Takeoff Qty Amount EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Amount Amount Name Unit Cost Amount 4.00 ea 7.383 595.7631ea 2,383 2.00 ea - 1.192 595.75 lea 1,192 3,575 3,575 6.00 ea - 2.859 476.53 lea 2,859 2,859 2,859 3.00 ea - 120 639.92 lea 1,920 1,920 1,920 2.00 ea 1,216 607.92 /ea 1,216 1,216 1,216 3.00 day 2,048 682.58 /day 2,048 2,048 2,048 1.00 Is 4,500 - 4,500.00 As 4,500 4,500 4,500 3.00 ea 12.478 4,159.46 lea 12,478 12,478 12,478 02.8 Site rni k4.00 Labor hours .9 Planting .00.00 LANDSdAPING 09 Landscaping -15lanting Areas LANDSCAII1NG -910.00 Sodwotll 05 St Augustine iloratarn` Sod Sodwork -930.00 PAIT1GAION MITIGAT1A 1.00 Is 116,416.80 st 1.00 Is 2,048 0 26,548 28,595 166.378 166,378.31 As 166,378 44 698 0.384 lst 44,698 254597 25,596.66 As 25,597 166,378 166,373 44.696 44,698 25,597 25,597 Page 10 2/2412001 4:28 PM reation Design 8 Construction N. Powefine Road, FaitLauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Page 11 2/24/204 4:28 PM lem Description Takeoff Qty • Amount 6. Amount Amount Unit Coat Amount 02.9 Plan ?1 lrigation 0 0 236,673 236,673 20.00 RRIGATIbm 33,275.660 As 33,27fi 01 Irrigation Cont Iers 1.00 Is 33 276 09 Site !ligation cdPhmon areas 6.00 ac 43,002 7,167.07 lac 43,002 15 Irrigation Sport4 Ield, lndudign all 5.00 ac 52,473 10,494.632 laC 52,473 Piping IRRIGATIOrl 128,751 128,751 02.91 lrig*tion Domi Shelter 301.01 Exc Codtbhuous Footings 10 Exc roofings Exc Continitous Footings 303.00 Backfill 10 Building pad FIh Backfiit -300.00 Concrete -Material 15 T Beam Conchite Concrete .819terial • -300.02 Reinf Cehcrete In -Place 10 Footings & F111Ar Slabs 20 Column Conclbte 60 Tie Beam Calltrete Reinf Concrete In -Place 500.00 Misc Metal Fabrication' 50 Misc Metals elId Hardware Misc Metal tabri ation * 1-1 00.00 Roughntry 25 Misc BIodcird turd ratrans 25 Fascia 2414 Mttsc Lumber land framing Rough CJentry i-140.00 Sheatf ' 10 Roof Sheathlhg 518' 56.00 CY 185.00 tons 15.00 cy 65.00 cy 12.00 cy 18.00 cy 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 260.00 tl 1,000.00 sf 54.00 ea 0 0 128,751 128,751 1.792 32.00ICY 1,792 1,792 1,792 3,700 20.00 Bons 3,700 3,700 3,700 9,119 607.921 icy 9,119 9,119 9,119 24,375 375.00 Icy 24,375 5,400 450.00 icy 5,400 10,350 575.00 icy 10,350 40,125 40,125 1 920 1,919.75 As 1,920 1,920 1,920 11 536 1.535.80 As 1,536 832 3.20 ftf 832 704 0.704 Isr 704 2,240 832 3,072 3,594 66.551 lea 3,594 :motion Design 8 tonstruction m N. Poweliine Road. Fdtt Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Page 12 2/24/20, 4:28 PM Item Description Takeoff Qty Sheathing 4 i50.00 Rough Li tuber -Framing' 35 Install Tr sse& 1.000.00 sf 3,500 3.50 Isf 3.500 45 Crane 6.00 hrs - . 236.77 Rus 1,421 Rough l..unl`er framing' 3,500 4,921 Amount Amount 6.. Amount Name Unit Cast Amount 3,594 3,594 170.00 Wood T}Msses 05 Wood Tru.set 1,000.00 sf 4,479 4.48 isf 4,479 Wood Truss 4,479 4,479 200.00 Buildin fnsutation' 10 R-19 Ceiling 1,000.00 sf - 666 0.67 Isf 666 Building !Ablation' 666 666 4150.00 Standt Seam 10 Standing Metal Roofing 19.00 sq 9,000 900.00 Isq 9.000 Standing $km 9,000 9, 000 -200.01 Stucco t 10 Stucco Colo"& Ceilings 2,700.00 sf - 9,600 3.56 Isf 9,600 Stucco' 9,600 9,600 -900.00 Paintin4 ' 10 Painting Extel$Cr 2,700.00 sr 3,510 1.30 Isf 3,510 10 Painting Float% 1,000.00 sf 1.500 1.50 Isf 1.500 Painting 4 5,010 5,010 :-500.00 Misc. Flknishings - Domino Tablak 4.00 ea 600 77 679 2,069.75 Iea 8,279 Misc. Funlhings 600 7,679 8.279 1-100.00 Electridiff Work 1 Electrical - _ 1.000.00 sf 12,500 12.50 Isf 12,500 Electrical Work 12,500 12,500 03 Dams thelter fi00 21,258 94,497 117,775 3 RR & Concess 2.-360.00 Son Pdl#oning 5 Sal Treetmnl t Soil Poisdlling 3-253.00 D nnpithr Enclosure' 10 Dumpster 2,700.00 sf 1.00 LS 346 346 8,500 0.13 Isf 8.500.00 ILS 346 346 8,500 reation Design & bonstruction N. Poweline Road, FM Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Page 13 2/24/200f 4:28 PM tem Description Takeoff City Dumpster E Iosure • 00.00 Rough 25 M1sc Blocking Bac king Rough Carhtry 00.00 Cabinet3.I Vanities 5 Concession Ciinets Cabinets &'snities 100.00 Caulkin4 l Waterprfing 10 Caulking & W rproofing Caulking &``aterprfing 200.00 Buildin4ihsulation* 05 Ceiling Insulat l R-19 Building !Ablation • 105.00 HM Fradhls 5 HM Frames single 5 HM Frames dttYbia HM Framed 106.00 HM DodP9 * 5 HM Doors HM Doors 1 •120.00 Hardwalt Packages' 5 Harware Packdge Hardware ockages -300.00 OH & RMlup Doors 43 Rol -Up Doord OH & Roll* Doors' -200.00 Lath, Filter & Stucco 5 Stucco Lath, Plastif & Stucco -260.00 Frainin! & Drywall 10 Framing S Framing m rywal' .670.00 Epoxy Poor Covering 01 Epoxy Paint for Epoxy Float Covering 1-900.00 Painttny • 02 Painting 1.00 Is 1.00 1s 1.00 If 4,300.00 sf 3.00 open 2.00 open 7.00 open 1.00 Is 1.00 ea 1,250.00 sy 3,000.00 sf 1,200.00 sf 10,300.00 sf Amount Amount 576 476 1,052 6422 6,422 Amount 8,500 640 640 5.887 5.887 11920 1,920 2,862 Z862 3,584 3,584 2,300 2,300 25,000 25,000 11.167 11,167 3,072 3,072 13,703 Name Unit Cost Amount 8,500 639.92 As 640 640 5,887.23 As 5,887 5,887 1,919.75 Ili 1,920 1,920 0.67 Is1 2,862 2,862 191.973 /open 576 238.00 lopen 476 1,052 511.93310pen 3,584 3,584 6,422.20 As 6,422 6,422 2,300.00 lea 2.300 2,300 20.001sy 25,000 25,000 3.7221sf 11,167 11,167 2.56 lsf 3,072 3,072 1.33 !sf 13,703 creation Design Construction 0 N. Powe$ne Road, Flirt Lauderdale FL 33309 Item Descript9on Painting • 150.00 Toilet P Itiflons • 01 Toilet Partibodi 01 Urinal Screent Toilet Part%bns' Z00.00 Louvers 1 Vents' 11a Louvers Painittd Steel 1 Louvers & tints 400.00 Signage 1 I.D. Devices • 01 Wall Signage++ Signage & Lb. Devices 520.00 Fire ExtIhguisherslCab. • 5 Fire Extinguishers 104 ABC Fire Extin4tishersCCab.' 0.67 Labor hours 800.00 Toilet Alioesaories • 5 Accessories *at & Install Toilet Accltsories • 400.01 Plumb* Fixtures 10 Plumbing F'uxtfes Plumbing Abctures • 800.00 Exhaust equipment 01 Exhaust Farm Exhaust aiiipment .100.00 Electrical Work 1 Electrical Electrical irk Takeoff Qty 7.00 ea 200 ea Amount EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Amount Amount Name Unit Cost Amount 13,703 6,074 1,530 7,604 6.00 ea 6.911 6,911 13,703 857.73 lea 6,074 765.00 /ea 1,530 7,604 1,151.85 /ea 6,911 5,911 7.00 ea 840 120.00 fea 840 840 840 1.00 ea 160 159.98.. fea 160 1.00 ea 160 160 7.417 7,416.63 /ea 7,417 7,417 7,417 17.00 ea 50,150 2,950.00 /ea 50,150 2.00 ea 1.00 Ls 50,150 50,150 10.751 5,375.30 lea 10,751 10,751 10,751 32,650 32,650.00 /Ls 32,650 32,650 32,650 03 RR & oncess 0.67 Labor hours ' Splash Deck .350.00 FINE GARDE 09 Fine Grading FINE GRA * 501.00 Site Wr w05 Water Servic " 1 1l2 " 6,976.00 sf 100.00 If 7,474 195,461 202,936 312S 0.451sf 3.125 3,125 3,125 2.56Q 25.60 llt 2,560 Page 14 2/24/20.1 4:28 PM creation Design * Construction - 0 N. Poweline Road, Flirt Lauderdale FL 33309 Item Description Takeoff City Site Water 510.00 Site Seer 03a Sanitary Sews- 6" pvc 511 Sanitary Clealbut Site Sewer -820.00 Fencevlbtk - Fencing Fenceword -300.00 Concretti -Material • 10 Concrete Flat*0rk 20 Concrete sod (w!Reinf & Forms} Concreteleteriai * -630.00 Pooi Ptlhtps and Controller 05 Spatsh Deck *imps and Controllers Pool Pun,' and Controller -700.00 Coilertch Tanks 02 Collector tans Splash Decks Collertors nks -150.00 Cast In Place Pools 100 Pool Mecianb`el Equipment Cast In Plibe Pools -165.00 PreEngiutl Pod Play Struc 10 Rain Drop PI Features PreEngr'd Pbol Play Struc -400.00 Plumbilkl Rough -In' 477 Misc drains & Vitlings Plumbing Itbugh-In -100.00 EtectriCtil Work 1 Electrical Electrical fib& 100.00 If t00 ea 209.890 If 2.326.450 sf 1,491.138 sf 1.00 Is 1.00 Ls 1.00 Is 1.00 ea 1.00 Is 1.00 Is Amount EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Amount 18,650 Amount 2,560 768 384 1,152 7 679 _ 7,679 15.331_ 6 110 21,441 Name unit Cost Amount 2,560 7.68 itt 768 383.95 Iea 384 1,152 36.59 Al 7,679 7,679 6.59 Isf 4.10 Isf 15,331 6,110 21,441 18,650.00 As 18,650 18,650 18,650 48.634 48,634 13,200 13,200.00 As 13,200 13,200 13,200 120,935 120,935.28 As 120,935 120,935 120,935 48,633.66lea 48,634 48,634 3,244 3,244.00 As 3,244 3,244 3,244 12.798 12,798.33 As 12,798 12,798 12,798 03 Spla4A Deck 3.1 Comm Bldg '-100.01 Bldg Int f Renovations - Community dl1Nding Renovation 12.000.00 sf 0 67,284 186,135 965,700 253,418 80.48Isf 965,700 Page 15 2/24/20" 4:28 PM creation Design Construction - 40 N. Pawrekne Road, Fdrt Lauderdale FL 33309 Item Description Bldg Int & it novations 03.1 Cain Bldg .2: Contr Bth -300.01 Excay. dbncrete Work 10 Excav Contintibus Footings Excay. Colhrete Work Takeoff Qty Amount EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Amount Amount 965,700 Name unit Cost Amount 965,700 -300.02 Reinf CWIcrete In -Place 10 Footings Reinf Con In -Place -500.00 Misc Mitai Fabrication' 02 Control Booth tourer Structure Mist Metal Webrication -510.00 BOLTS k ANCHORS 01 Misc Arm -hold BOLTS & kFICHORS -600.01 VCT FIWiring 01 VCT Flooring VCT FloorItg •.500.00 Misc. Alois/rings Control Bao00(. Strucbue Unit Misc. Furdhhings 100.00 Eiectridil Work 1 Electrical Electrical Work 12.00 cy 12.00 cy 1.00 Ls 1.00 Ls 100.00 s1 1.00 Ls 1.00 Is 0 0 965,700 200 200 240 240 965,700 20.00 /cy 240 4,500 375.00 Icy 4,500 10,300 10,300.00 lt.s 10,300 200.00 /Ls 185 1.85 fst 185 32.650 32,650.00 /L.s 32,650 3,500 3,500.00 /is 3,500 240 4,500 4,500 10,300 10,300 200 200 185 185 32,650 32,650 3,500 3,500 03.2: Comtr Bth 3. Shade Shell 1-300.03 Shade getter Concrete 20 Shelter SIabd R Floors Shade Shifter Concrete I-900.00 Paintirt, " 111 Paint 20 x 211.1 Painting tl 30.00 cy 2.00 ea 0 200 51,375 11,250 11,250 2.048 2,048 51,575 375.00 Icy 11,250 11,250 1,023.87lea 2,048 2,048 Page 16 2/24/2015 4:28 PM t-128.00 Pre-Etr'd Shade Shelter creation Design & Construction I N. Poweline Road, Fdh Lauderdale FL 33309 Item Description 28.00 Pre -Engel! Shade Shelter 4824 Shade Shelter 15' x 15' Hip Pre-Engr'd blade Shelter 100.00 Plumbing Rough -In' 30 Hose Bibb Routh -In & Install Plumbing I bugh-In' 100.00 Electricit Work 35 Medium sheltd Electrical 'Ark EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Takeoff City Amount Amount Amount Name Unit Cost 2.00 ea 7,000 17,000 12,000.00Iea 7,000 2.00 ea 22 048 1,023.87 lea 2,048 17,000 Amount 24,000 24,000 2,048 2,048 2.00 ea 55119 2,559.67lea 5.119 5,119 5,119 13. Shadi&helt 7,000 0 37,465 .1 Storage 300.01 Excay. &ncrete Work 10 Excav Continrbus Footings 15.00 cy Excay. Codttete Work •300.02 Reinf Cdtcrete In -Place 10 Footings & Fldbr Slabs 26.00 cy Reinf Conelbte In -Place -120.05 Metal BMIldings - Metal Storage building Complete 1.00 Is Metal Builmhgs -400.00 Plumbing], Rough -in' 30 Hose Bibb Rough -In 1.00 ea Plumbing RDugh-ln' -100.25 Etechick Prefab Bldg 10 Metal Bui tlectric 1.00 Is Electrical b Bldg 20.00 Icy 44,465 300 300 9,750 375.00 Icy 9,750 9,750 36,850 36,850 9,750 36,850.00 Its 36.850 36,850 3200 3,199.58 !ea 3,200 3,200 3,200 15,000 15,000.00 /Is 15,000 15,000 15,000 13.1 Stol ge 0 0 65,100 3.2 Playgroun :-303.00 Backbit 10 Sand Backfill 770.20 Conc. *elks & Flabwork' 10 4" Concrete Sidewalks (No Reinf) 200.00 tons 1,200.00 sf 3,000 65,100 15.00 Aons 3,000 3,000 3,000 5511919 4.27 /sf 5,119 Page 17 2I24/201r 4:28 PM creation Design 8 Construction 0 N. Paweline Road. Flrt Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Page 18 2/24/2,5 4:28 PM Item Description Conc. Wally & Flatwork 820.00 Fencewllk 10 Chainiink Feriawork Fencewort 307.00 SOG Cd?lcrete 20 Concrete SOd Conaete surfafe SOG Conciitte .650.00 Safety Atirfaces 10 Safety Surfed! seamless porous stip Safety Surfaces -128.00 Pre-Enef'd Shade Shelter 41h Shade Shalt. Full Sail Pre-Engi'J %bade Shelter 170.01 Playgrdbnd Equipment Playground tttipment Playgrourifi Equipment Takeoff Qty 450.00 1f 1.00 is 1.00 Is 1.00 ea 1.00 Is Amount Amount 17,850 17,850 Amount 5,119 11,250 11,250 6399 6,399 6015 6,015 Name Unit Cost 25.00 /If 6,399.17 /Is 6,015.22 /Is 17,850.00 lea 60,152 60,15216 115 60,152 Amount 5,119 11,250 11,250 6,399 6,399 6,015 6,015 17,850 17,850 60,152 60,152 13.2 Pltgroun 3.3 Bleachers t-301.01 Exc Cd$ltinuous Footings 17 Excavate footers and backfdling Exc Contilbious Footings 3-300.00 Concrde -Material • 05 Concrete Bldher Structure 05 Concrete ADi side Ramps Concrete iilaterral • 4-200.00 Masor* 10 CMUBlock *all (8-x16"xEr) Masonry 5-500.00 Mist Meal Fabrication * 25 Stair & Ramo Railings Misc Mel/Fabrication • Pre-Err*r'd Shade Shelter Pre Enginedd Bleacher Cover 3-128.00 1.00 is 1.00 Ls 1.00 Ls 2,600.00 sf 575.00 if 1.00 Ls 0 17,850 91,936 8.250 8,250.00 lls 8,250 109,786 8,250 8,250 285,360 285,360.00Its 285,360 46,500 46,500.00 Au 46,500 331,860 331,860 14,142 5.44 Isf 14,142 14,142 14,142 48,875 85.00 !lf 48,875 48,875 48,875 189.560 189,560.001Ls 189,560 creation Design Construction b N. Poweline Road, rbrt Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Little Haiti Park Page 19 2/24/2425 4:28 PM Item description Takeoff Qty Pve-Engr'd thade Shelter Amount Amount Amount 189,660 Name Unit Cost 189,560 13.3 Blethers :Site Elec .100.02 Electric! Service & Site — Electrical SerfIce 8 Lighting Electrical §ervice & Site 1.00 Is 0 592,687 592,687 458,915 458,915.00 Bs 458,915 458,915 458,915 16:Site Lie c 0 0 458,915 Estimate Totals Labor 213,523.00 213,523 6,508.670 Material 121,840.00 121,840 Subcontract 4,927,175.04 4,927,175 Equipment 32.081.00 32,081 4,679.910 Other 354,871.00 354,871 5,649,490.00 5,649,490 5,649,490.00 Permit Fee 24,572.00 0.435 % 24,572.00 5,674,062.00 Bonds 51,880.00 0.906 % 51.880.00 5,725,942.00 Total 5,725,942.00 hrs hrs 458,915