WHEREAS, THE _City of Miami is interested in carrying out the
(Name of Agency)
following described project for the enjoyment of the citizenry of Miami -Dade County
and the State of Florida:
Project Title .
Dinner Key Spoil Islands Enhancement Project
Total Estimated Cost S , 850,000
Brief Description of Project:
The proposed improvernents include the the removal of of exotic vegetation, the creation of an
interpretive nature trail and picnic sites, the stabilization of the eroding shoreline (utilizing
natural lisnerock boulders), the restorationof of wetland and matitime hammock habitat, the
retrofitting of an existing wooden linear boat docking walkway along Wagner Creek, and the
installationof an educationaUtour boat docking facilityalong the Miami River.
AND, Florida inland Navigation District financial assistance is required for the
program mentioned above,
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City of Miami
that the project described above be authorized,
(Name of Agency)
AND, be it further resolved that said the City of Miami
• (Name of Agency)
make application to the Florida Inland Navigation District in the amount of 50 % of the
actual cost of the project in behalf of said City of Miami
(Name of Agency)
AND, be it further resolved by the City of Miami
that it certifies to the following:
(Nome of Agency)
1. That it will accept the terms and conditions set forth in FIND Rule 663-2
F.A.C. and which will be a part of the Project Agreement for any assistance awarded under
the attached proposal.
2. That it is in complete accord with the attached proposal and that it will carry out
the Program in the manner described in the proposal and any plans and specifications attached
thereto unless prior approval for any change has been received from the District.
Form No. 90-21 (Effective dale 12-17-90, Rev. 10-14-92) (1)
and that the project will be operated and maintained at the expense of said
City of Miami for public use.
(Name of Agency)
4. That it will not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color or
national origin in the use of any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this
proposal, and shall comply with the terms and intent of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, P. L. 88.352 (1964) and design and construct all facilities to comply fully with statutes
relating to accessibility by handicapped persons as well as other federal, state and local
laws, rules and requirements.
5. That it will maintain adequate financial records on the proposed project to
substantiate claims for reimbursement.
6. That it will make available to FIND if requested, a post -audit of expenses
incurred on the project prior to, or in conjunction with, request for the final 10% of the
funding agreed to by FEND.
This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly and
legally adopted by the City of Miami_ at a legal meeting
held on this day of 20
Attest Signature
Title Tide
Form No. 90-21 (Effective date 12-17-90, Rev. 10-14-92) (2)