HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibitLEXHIBIT L DETAILED COST ESTIMATE creation Design f Construction 0 N. Paweline Road, Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Gra • - Land Heights Project nary Grape Land Heights 836 West and 37 Ave Miami Bid date 2/24/2005 Notes This is Please 1: 01/24/2005 Grapeland Heights: Phase 1 Complete Site Demolition. Site utilities& Earthwork for Phase 1 construction. . 4 baseball Field, concession restroorn. Baseball Parking, stripping and marking. Lighting at Baseball parking. Report format Sorted by location/Phase' 'Detail' summary Page t 2125/2005 9:05 AM ryr :reation Design ,Construction N. Poweline Road, FIALauderdale FL 33309 Item Description Takeoff City 1: Gen Desig 169.00 Schedtg Consultant 1 Scheduling t lsuttant Sched uii4 C onsultant 169.10 Aquatic ngineering 5 Aquatic Eng4ering Consultant Aquatic Elljineering -170.00 Arch ral Design 01 Project Fees Architectdhl Design -172.00 Civil Meeting 01 Civil Eng' Fees Civil En ring 1-174.00 E 1 Engineering 02 Site E Engineering Fees Elects' ngineering 1-175.00 Ian ping Design 01 Landsca 4 Design Fees Lan g Design 1-176.00 IrrigalAbn Design 01 Irrigation Design Fees irrigati Design 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 is 1.00 Is Amount Grape Land Heights 0/2: Desig 1: Gen Con A. 1-110.00 Su ion 10 Site (Super Intendant Supers 1,560.00 Labor hours 1-111.00 Management 10 Project Projecl nagement 1,560.00 Labor hours 39.00 wk 39.00 wk 1-113.00 Sufyittg Services 01 BouncilyTopographical Surveys 1.00 Is 0 74.100 74,100 76,440 76,440 Amount Amount 0 0 EXHIBIT "L" Page 2 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Name Unit Coat Amount 3,000.0011s 3,000 3,000 80,000.00 /Is 110.000 80,000 453,350.00115 453,350 453,350 275,000.00115 275,000 275,000 36,500.00 /Is 36,500 36,500 40,000.00 Its 40,000 40,000 20,000.00 /Is 20,000 20,000 907,850 1900.00 hrkc 74,100 74,100 1,960.00 !wk 76,440 76,440 28,500 28,500.00115 28.E ecreation DesigA Construction 190 N. Poweline Road, art Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L Page : Grape Land Heights 2/2512OO5 9:05 AM Item Description Surveyidl Services 1-115.00 P , • • Signs 01 Main P _ ,: Sign 0i C Project 1-118.00 Mobion & Setup 05 Mobil Mobt1'iril�n & Setup 1-119.00 Tem ry Fence 10 Temporenf inlink Fence Tem Fence 1-120.00 Tem ry Electric 10 Temp E Service Tempo Etc 1-121.00 T arners & Controls 10 Tem Men and Controls Temp & Controls 1-122.00 Tem! tabor 01 Labor Temp 600.00 Labor hours 1-123.00 Fuey 01 Fuel & RDC Equipment 02 PM Mi Travel to Job site Fuel 1-1255.00 Pri Copies & Expeditor 10 Drawing Prints, & Expeditor Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount Name Unit Cost Amount . 500 1-126.00 Trailer & Storage 20 Ofrce T (Med) Office filer & Storage 1,559.97 Equipment hours 1-127.00 thc:onnes & Connection 10 Phon T e.� ! C. nnec : n 1-128.00 P Monthly 10 Trailer Monthly 28,500 1.00 ea 600 650 1,450.001ea 1,450 1.00 Is - 1,500 1,500.00 As 1,500 1100 2,150 2,950 1.00 is 2,500 650 3,150.00 As 3,150 2.500 650 3,150 5,600.00 If 17,640 3.15 AI 17.640 17,640 17,640 1.00 Is 4,500 4,500.00 As 4,500 4,500 4,500 1.00 Is 3,500 1,200 5.900.00 As 5,900 3,500 1,200 5,900 600.00 hr 9,900 16.50 A1r 9,900 9,900 9, 900 39.00 wks - 60.00 Mks 2.340 9.00 mos 500.00 linos 4.500 5,840 1.00 Is 2,000 2.000.00 As 2,000 2,000 2. 000 9.00 ninth 370.00 ►ninth 3.330 3,330 1.00 Is - - 1.500.00 As 1,500 1,500 9.00 mnth 120.00 !ninth 1,080 ;creation Desig Construction 90 N. Powefine Road,,,yort Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 4 Grape Land Heights 2125/2005 9:05 AM Photos Hem Descriptioft Phones llonthly i 559.97 Equipment hours 1-129.TePortable T nets 10 1 D Portable Temp T ♦♦♦♦ 1-130.00 Smaioois & Equipment 10 Small Tod ntais Small Ails & Equipment 1-131.00 Clea �ip 10 Daily C t/p Clean 1,520.00 Labor hours 1-132.00 Fine leaning 10 Final bp Final C ning 1-141.00 Pu List 10 Punch List bon Punch 24.00 Labor hours 1-149.00 Du r Fees 30y 30 cy T Container Dum Fees 1-150.00 Du Fees 10 Safety Dump 1-151.00 E Utilities Monthly 10 Trader E ie -Monthly Elec Monthly 1-152.00 Te Water Hookup 10 Temp Hookup Temp Hookup 1-154,00 1 D Areiat Metal 1-157.00 Exelclitor Plans 10 Takeoff Qty 21.00 ea 1.00 Is Amount 38.00 win 7,600 7,600 Amount Amount Name Unit Cost Amount 1,080 200.00Iee 4,200 4.200 4,500.00 As 4,500 4,500 200.00 iv* 7,600 7,600 1.00 Is 2,500 2,500.00 /Is 2,500 2,500 2,500 3.00 day 1.185 395.00 /day 1,185 1,185 1,185 28.00 ea 375.00 /ea 10,500 10.500 1.00 Is 2,500 3,500.00 As 3,500 2,500 3.500 9.00 mnth 300.00 /ninth 2,700 2,700 1.00 Is 2,800 2,800.00 As 2.800 2,800 2' 9.00 mnlh 1,575 175.00 Imnth 1.575 1,575 1.575 1.00 IS 1,S I - -- Inn 4.000.00 As 4.000 !ecreation Desi & Construction 390 N. Paweline Fart Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 3 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Item Descriptk Expeditit Plans 1-158.00 Ala-Allta 10 As-Btdts As-Bui1 1-159.00 Sec & Watchman 20 Wal Secant IL Watchman 1,520.00 Labor hours 1-161.00 Fiel 1Nf"ice Supplies 10 Field Supplies Monthly 20 Field €quipmenl Field Supplies 1-162.00 Mo & Nextel Phones 10 Nextel Mobile Nextel Phones 1,559.97 Equipment hours 1-163.00 P & Mail 10 Fed Ex, S Postage Posta k Mail 1-179.00 Tes$I1g & Lab Services 01 Testing Testinli Lab Services 1-180.00 1 nce 02 Buiders Insurance Ins 1-010.00 Equipment 00 RDC E ROC E!uipment Takeoff Qty Amount 1.500 Amount Amount 2,500 Name Unit Cost Amount 4,000 1.00 Is 2,500.00 As 2,500 2,500 38.00 wit 32,300 850.00 lurk 32,300 32,300 32,300 • 1.00 is 500 500.00 As 500 9.00 mth 900 100.00 lmth 900 1,400 1,400 9.00 ninth 150.00lmnth 1,350 1,350 1.00 Is 1.00 ea 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 8,000 8,000 1,200.00 As 8,000.00 tea 4,850.00 As 8,500.00 As 1200 1,200 8,000 8,000 4,850 4,650 8,500 8,500 01: Con 209,825 11,475 66,440 342,990 6,784.00 labor hours 4,679.91 Equipment hours 12.0 Clearing 2-220.80 De*b Misc. * 14 TYIISG VCRN num.. 2-230.10 Cl�r Brush, Grub Roots 10 Clear & & Prep site • wet1.. 1 F5,865 165.865.00 /Ls 165,865 165,865 165,865 20.00 acre 40,000 2,000.00 facie 40,000 !creation Design` Construction 30 N. Powefine Road, Fbrt Lauderdale FL 33309 item Descriptiotl Takeoff Qty -230.10 Clearh, Grub Roots 10 Remove a tIitigate Trees Clear B , Grub Roots 02.0 Cring 2.1 Earthwork 2-301.25 Bulk hcavation 10 Cut and Bnce Site 10 Stock Pile Bulk Exon 2-303.00 Back 10 Std F5l to elev > 12' 10 Std Fill to I elev ( Baseball Backfill 1.00 1s 541,400.00 sf 1.00 Is 12.650.00 tons 13,758.00 tons Amount Grape Land Heights Amount &e, Amount 15,000 55,000 0 0 220,865 02.1 Elrthwork 2.2. Utilities 2-501.10 Du Iron Pipe 15 12" DIP Mains 15 12xe"DI Tees 15 12X6T 15 12" Main 15 Misc F" Ductile n Pipe 2-501.14 Fire14ydrants 10 4" Fire nts Fire 2-501.15 ow Preventer 10 3" ! , Backflow 10 3' Miens 15 6" Main Bec Preventer 2-501.60 W Lines: PVC 30 3" pipe, udign trenching, fitihn in 30 1" pipe. Itludi9n trenching, %tang inlIbm 30 Pvc ipe and Hangs 1,000.00 if 2.00 ea 3.00 ea 1.00 ea 1.00 is 5.00 EA 1.00 EA 4.00 EA 1.00 EA 650.00 LF 400.00 LF 1.00 Is 0 64,968 62,016 126,984 EXHIBIT "L" Page 6 2)25512005 9:05 AM Name Unit Cost 15,000.00 As 0.17 lsf 62,016.00 As Amount 15,000 55,000 220,865 89,968 62,016 151,984 151,600 12.00 /tons 151,800 165.096 12.00 /tons 165,096 316,1396 316,896 0 443,880 468,880 35,000 35.00 /t11 35,000 900 450.00 lea 900 834 278.00 Iea 834 4,000 4,000,00 lea 4.000 10,500 10,500.00 As 10.500 51,234 51,234 21,000 4,200.00 /EA 21.000 21,000 21,000 2.500 2,500.00 1EA 2,500 10,000 2,500.00 IEA 10,000 4.500 4,500.00 /EA 4,500 17,000 17.000 9,100 2.400 2 non 14.00 /LF 6.00 /LF 9,100 2,400 3mn ecreation Des" ! Construction 190 N. Powe6ine Roalort Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 7 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Item Descripddff Water Alit: PVC 2- 05.11 Sant Sewer Pipe 10 8' Sanitaribterals 10 Cleanouts Sanita4 ilwer Pipe 2-505.20 Gra $t Sewer & F Mains 10 12' ForceddIn Pipe 20 Sewer Pull. Station Gra��vity�wer & F Mains 2-505.40 SeweLLr%lanhofes 20 6' deep 20 4' deep Sewer IIIIhhoies 2-505.50 Serail Lonnection Fees 10 Typical mtittipal fee Sewer abhnection Fees 2-515.10 Graft Traps 10 2000 Galld0 Grase Trap kitchen 10 750 Gallop brase Trap - Builcfing Grease 2-630.00 STCI DRAINAGE Yd5 Cut TOR areas SN GE 2-630.25 Cate§ Basins (Complete) 40 4 x 4 x 4 alItch Basin Catch isms (Complete) 2-630.40 nd Trench Drains 12 6'x 4 feet undergrouind french Unnd Trench Drains 2-870.00 Sitd trmishings 01 Drinker 01 Bike Site Fd111lshinge Takeoff Qty 1,061.00 LF 200 ea 250.00 LF 1.00 Is 1.00 EA 5.00 EA 1.00 EA 1.00 EA 2.00 EA 6,400.00 CY 2200 ea 4,300.00 If 2.00 ea 1.00 ea Amount Amount Amount 13,500 21,220 2,400 23,620 Dame Unit Cost Amount 13,500 20.00 ALF 21,220 1,200.00/ea 2,400 23,620 9,000 36.00 /LF 9,000 56,000 56,000.00 As 56.000 655,000 65,000 3.200 3,200.00 /EA 3,200 11.500 2,300.00 JEA 11,50D 14,700 14,700 2,500 2,500.00 /EA 2,500 2,500 2,500 8,000 8,000.00 /EA 8,000 7,000 _ 3,500.00 /EA 7,000 15,000 15,000 32,000 5.00 /CY 32,E 61.600 2,800.00 lea 61,600 494,500 115.00 M 494,500 32,000 32,000 61,600 61,600 494,500 494,500 7,500 3,750.00 /ea 7,500 2,200 2,200.001ea 2,200 9,700 9,700 02.2. Iltihities 0 0 0�J, 354 32' 3M !creation Desig!'1��e. Construction 30 N. Poweline Roa PCrt Lauderdale FL 33309 Item Descriptiaft Takeoff Qty 2.3 Paving !-700.50 Asplalt Paving Assembly SG01 Sub-Gradd Plea, Roll and compact a . w2.5 8" C Limerock Base w2.5 Asphalt Wilif Crs Type "S-1" 2-% w2.5 Asphalt Wirlif Crs Type "S-1" 2W Asphalting Assembly 2-760.00 Pava nt Stripes & Signs 05 Direction 05 NC be Pole 11 Parking lot 14 Parking `i= Bumpers Paved areas 10da Directional Pave Stripes & Signs 84,000.00 SF 9,340.00 sy 9,340.00 sy 1.00 Is Amount EXHIBIT "L" Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Amount Amount 5,040 112,080 70,050 65,000 252.170 Name Unit Cost f. Amount 0.06 /SF 5.040 12.00 !sy 112,080 7.50 /sy 70,050 65,000.00 As 65,000 252,170 6.00 ea 2,370 395.00 lea 2,370 7.00 ea 2,975 425.00 !ea 2,975 190.00 ea - 5,700 30.00lea 5,700 190.00 ea 10,450 55.00lea 10,450 1.00 Is 300 300.00 lls 300 21,795 21,795 02.3 IVing 2.4 Curbs & SW 2-770.20 C Walks & Fiatwork' 01 4" Sidewalk 5 feet wide 01 4" C Sidewalk 8at ball fields A Conc. ks & network 2-770.22 Curork d10 D-Curb fl0 F-Curb Curbvdin 7,300.00 SF 5,200.00 SF 4,400.00 If 200.00 if 0 02.4 rbs & Sw 12.5 Planting 2-9D0,00 SCAPING 09 - Planting Areas 09 Shrubs 1r Ground Cover LAND AF1Nra 2-910.00 10 Berrnud sotihrk 0 273,965 273,965 31,025 22,100 53,125 4.251SF 31,025 4.25 !SF 22,100 53,125 88,000 20.00 /If 88,000 6,000 30.00 /If 6,000 94,000 94'000 0 147,125 147,125 1.00 Is 130,000 130,000.00 as ilia Ls - 43.200 43,200.00 /Is 173,200 1.00 Ls - 34,000 34,000.00 !Ls 130,000 43,200 173,200 34,000 Page e ecreation DesigJ t Construction SO N. Powefine Reaction Lauderdale FL 33309 Item Descriptio4 Sodworl Takeoff Qty Amount EXHIBIT "L" Page-9 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Amount Amount 34,000 Name Unit Cost Amount 34,000 02.5 Plwtting 2.61rigation 2-920.00 IRRIl*TII 01 Irrigation 15 Irrigation Piping j IRRIGAN Indudign all 1.00 Is 1.00 Ls 0 0 207,200 52,000 52,000.00 As 73,500 73,500.00 !Ls 125,500 207.200 52,000 73,500 125,500 02.61rAation 0 0 125,500 27. Site Fenc 2-820.00 Fen rk 01 FencewoM Site 10 Main EntraATE 19 Sub Entry Fen 1.00 Ls 1.00 Is 2.00 Is 0 125,500 0 135,200 135,200.00 !Ls 135,200 8,000 8,000.00 As 8.000 6,000 3,000.00 As 6,000 149,200 149,200 027. Fenc 0 2.8 Park Sign D-400.00 Sigike a t.D. Devices* 10 Signage Sigra8.I.D. Devices 1.00 Is 0 149,E _ 149,200 0 12,650 12.650.00 As 12.650 12,650 12,650 02.8 '6rk Sign 0 0 12,650 12,650 2.9 Baseball , 2-365.10 10 F • . . of Fields Fumi 2-760.00 Stripes & Signs 09 13a11 field rking P Stripes & Signs 2-IluIu.00 4 u wa11Nar`ruim•a:..... 10 Flalwvrk Rite Only 250,000.00 sf 4.00 ea 15,800.00 sf 75,000 0.30151 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 5.B00 1,450.00 lea 5,800 5,800 5.100 07, iaG �4 7c /ef 47,150 _ ., 'ecreation Desif! & Construction 190 N. Powelne RA Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 90 Grape Land Heights 2/2512005 9:05 AM Item Descrtp4I ConcAllis/Curbs/Gutters Takeoff City 2-796.01 • 1f Field Assembly 11 Clay coq = and warning tracks 4.00 ea 11 Infield C areas& bull pen 4.00 ea 11 6" Sand • Field Planting 4,62200 tons 15 Laser L ing of fields 250,000.00 sf 21 Soil Ph • - 6.00 acre 21 Field - . - ' rnent- pest control 3.00 mos 90 day 21 Berm y-90' 250.000.00 sf 21 Fertilize •. per field 4.00 ea 232a Rough . ing 250,000.00 sf Base Field Assembly 2-820.00 01 Bac kstod 8ncing 30 ft high 01 Buff pen 10 ft high 01 Dug Outh�intang 10 ft high 01 Outfield Flticework 6 ft high 01 Gates 01 Foul Baling 01 Batting meeting 01 Batting Fencing Fence*brk 2-870.00 Site l umishings 01 Player 01 Wmd S $. Batter Eyes 01 Poly Cad 01 Bases, hire Plate & Pitcher Rubber 01 Foul Bali Site rshings 3-001.00 0' Ion 3 Subcontractor 300 Dugout Divisiek 3 Subcontractor 3-307.00 SC* Concrete 20 dugouts bi . SOG %hcrete 2-600.00 Blhers - Bleach 2-700.00 SOP* /scards - Daktroredi Scoreboards 400.00 If 160.00 If 400.00 If 4,400.00 If 24.00 ea 26,500.00 sf 6,300.00 sf 288.00 ea 8.00 ea 13,800.00 sf 2,300.00 If 4.00 ea 8.00 ea 8.00 ea 101.00 cy 8.00 ea 4.00 ea -74 Amount Amount Amount 67,150 Name Unit Cost Amount 67,150 145,000 36,250.00 !ea 145,000 98,600 24,650.00 lea 98,600 57,775 - 12.50 /tons 57,775 - 30,000 0.12 1st 30,000 3,720 620.001acre 3,720 49.920 16,640.00 /mos 49,920 87,500 0.35 /51 87,500 2,400 600.00 lea 2,400 25,000 0.10 /sf 25.000 301,375 198,540 499,915 10,000 90,000 250.00 /If 100,000 10,400 65.00 /If 10.400 18,000 45.00 M 18,000 95,260 21.65 /If 95,260 11,520 480.00 lea 11,520 3,179 23,850 1.02 lsf 27,029 756 5,670 1.021sf 6,426 53,280 185.00 tea 53,280 13,935 307,980 321,915 3,520 440.00 lea 3,520 3.270 6.762 0.73151 10,032 2,047 1.64 At 3,772 1,812 453.00 lea 1,812 4,995 28,000 28,000 4.195 41,600 41,600 3.600. 450.00 lea 3.600 17,741 22,736 8,700.00 lea 69,600 69,600 35,350 _ 350.00 /cy 35,350 35,350 35,350 22,360 3,319.38 lea 26,555 e 444 22-360 26.555 114,000 28,500.00lea 114,000 ?ecreation Desiit Construction 990 N. Powefineort Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 11 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Item DescriptiA Score 8tirds 6-100.00 Elec4Fcal Work 1 PAS 1 Baseball F1ild Lighting with 70ft Poles Electric. Work Takeoff Qty 4.00 ea 1.00 Is Amount Amount Amount 114,000 8,000 245,650 253,650 Name Unit Cost 2.000.00 /ea 245,650.00 11s Amount 114,000 8,000 245,650 253,650 02.9 Baseball 13 RR 8 Concest 51,125 342,975 1,097,571 1,491,671 2J60.00 Soil ironing 5 Sail Tre 2,700.00 sf - 270 0.10 1sf 270 Soil P ning 270 270 22-780.00 P 10 Brick Pa on sand cushion 3.500.00 sf - 14,875 4.25 1st 14,875 Pavers 14,875 14,875 +3-100.00 1C tete Shell 10 CONCR wORKS Cone Shell 1.00 IS - 105,652 105,652.00 118 105.652 105,652 105,652 23-253.00 Du ter Enclosure • 10 Dumps�s 1.00 LS 2.200 21.00 LS 3,500 3,500.001LS 3,500 40 Du ,200.001LS 2,200 Dumpy Enclosure • 5,700 5,700 ut 200.00 Mary ` 01 Masonry 11s Cor>Cession 4,575.00 sf 24,019 5.25 1st 24,019 01 Masonry ails Concession 2nd 900.00 sf 4,725 5.25 Isf 4,725 Floor Masolo • P5-500.00 M Metal Fabrication' 10 Stair 10 Railing 2nd Floor 10 Elevator , Ladder 10 Hoist 10 Misc 10 Dumps _. Metal Gates Mix - • 1 Fabrication • . !An M 25 60.00 It 30.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 28,744 28,744 2,700 1,350 500 1,000 1,000 3,000 9,550 26,500 WGRA 45.001tf 2,700 45.00 /Is 1,350 500.00 /Is 500 1,000.001Is 1.000 1,000.0011s 1,000 3,000.001Ls 3,000 9,550 26,500.00 As 26,500 6-170.00 Wlltt Trusses ecreation Design 6 Construction )90 N. Poweline Roacktort Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 12 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Item DescriptioA Takeoff Qty 3470.00 W trusses 05 Wood Tnr .Lowre Framing 05 Wood T upper Wood 3-170.01 Steel cusses 05 Metal C Structure Steel T i 220.00 Lap ing (Nardi Board) 10 Heidi Lap Siding Lap Sid (Hardi Board) 3-400.00 Cabl 5 5 Count Cabin it Vanities 7-100.00 Cau ng & Waterprfing ` 10 Caulking Gault: Caulki & Waterprffng • 7-200.00 Buil g Insulation' 05 Ceiling In R-19 Buiidi Insulation' 7-450.00 Sta ing Seam 10 Metal g Stanch Seam 3-105.00 5 HM F HM F B-106.00 5 HM HM B-120.00 HarLa` are Packages • 5 Hinges 15 Locksel 6 20 Deadbo ! 30 Closers 35 Th 40 Kock P Hardalte Packages 8-300.00 O Rollup Doors 43 Roll -Up & Vanities Cabinets 1.00 Is 1.00 Is Amount Amount 1,100.00 sf 1,650 3,850 1,450.00 sf 2.175 5,0T5 3,825 8,925 Amount 1.00 Is 3,500 3,600.00 sf 1.00 If 1,450.00 sf 37.00 se 18.000 18,000 8.00 open 1,200 1,200 8.00 open 600 2,600 600 2,600 24.00 pre 8.00 es 8.00 ea 7.00 pus 8.00 pus 2.00 ea 6.00 ea 420 1,000 400 1,365 1,000 90 4,z75 3,500 2,800 2,300 5,100 Name Unit Cost 5.00 lsf 5.00 !sf 3,500.00 As 5.00 !sf Amount 5,500 7,250 12,750 3,500 3,500 18,000 18,000 2,800.00 /Is 2,800 2,300.00 As 2,300 5,100 500 500.00 Af 500 754 -754 33,300 33,300 10,400 0.52 !sf 754 754 900.00 lsq 33.300 33,300 150.00 lopen 1.200 1,200 400.00 !open 3,200 3,200 17.501prs 420 125.00 Iea 1,000 50.00 lea 400 195.00 1prs 1,365 125.00 1prs 1,000 45.00 lea 90 4,215 1,300.001ea 10,400 ecreation Desidil,,a Construction 090 N. Pvwelne Roads Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 13 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AM Item Descripti8R OH A Rethip Doors • 3-500.00 Wi Glass & Glazing 10 Bahama Windo+lti1 Glass & Glazing 9-200.00 Lath; thaster & Stucco 5 Stucco a iN Ilnd skim coat int urdlls 5 Stucco DOIstet Wall Lath, Aker & Stucco 9-260.00 Fra.ldlg & Drywall 10 Drywall FrAng and Hanging Framintt Drywall 9-670.00 E Floor Covering 01 Epoxy P Fbor Epoxy r Covering 9-900.00 Pair lg 02 Painting 02 Painting Irrpster walls Paintini t 0-150.00 Toil! Partitions " 01 Toilet P Toilet 0-200,00 & Vents • lla Lowers Steel Lowe t Vents' 0-400.00 Sig1 ge & I.D. Devices' 01 Wall Signs k I.R. Devices • D-5520.00 Fire nguisherslCab. • 5 Fire .. _ _ 10# ABC Fire guisherslCab. • 0.67 Labor hours 0-800.00 7 Accessories' 5 Inslap 17 Hand -Electric 90ryHC M1m? A0 Mirror 100 Grab Bar t36" - 42"1 115 Toilet Par disp 135 Soap Takeoff Qty 8.00 ea 370.00 Is 1.00 Is 1.00 Ls 1,200.00 sf 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 5.00 ea 8.00 ea 7.00 ea 1.00 ea 1.00 ea 2.00 ea 2.00 ee GVV 4.00 ea 5.00 ea 4.00 ea Amount Amount Amount 10,400 6,400 6,400 11,100 1,300 12,400 21.900 21,900 2,400 2,400 10,650 500 11,150 33 699 3,899 8,000 8,000 420 420 125 125 1,200 _ 390 280 340 325 200 Name Unit Cost Amount 10,400 800.00 Iea 6,400 6,400 30.00 As 11,100 1,300.00 As 1,300 12,400 21,900.00115 21,900 21,900 2.00 Isf 2.400 2.400 10,650.00 As 10,650 500.00 AS 500 11,150 779.80lea 3,899 3,899 1,000.00 Iea 8,000 8,000 60.00 lea 420 420 125.00 lea 125 125 1,200.00 !ea 1,200 195.00 !ea 390 135 00 law 270 140.00 lea 280 85.00 kto 34A 65.00 lea 325 50.00 leg 200 • ecreation UesigM a Construction 90 N. Powerine Rnar ,lorl Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L" Page 14 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 AK Item Descriptid* 1-800.00 ToiletLessories • 140 Diaper C Station Toilet ries • t-200.00 E 200 Elevator (1 Story) Elevato4 5-400.00 Plunllhg Rough -In 10 Typ R.R.ihb {Text count) 13 10 Misc Pipin Plumbii.ltough-In • 5-800.00 Exht Equipment 01 Exhaust F` Exhaust uipment 6-100.00 Elecal Work 1 Electrical i152 si) Electri Work Takeoff Qty 2.00 ea 1.00 ea 1.00 Is 1.00 Is 2.00 ea 1.00 Is Amount Amount Amount 370 3,375 35,650 35,650 Name Unit Cost 185.00 !ea Amount 370 3,375 35,650.00 lea 35.650 35,650 30,000 30,000.00 As 30,000 2,500 2,500.00 As 2,500 32,500 7,200 7,200 52,600 32,500 3,600.00 !ea 7,200 7,200 52,600.00 As 52,600 52,600 52,600 03 Rd 1 Concess 0.67 Labor hours 5.1 Site Fumi - 2-870.00 Site Imishings 1 ROC to Install Site Furnish' 10 Picnic T Hex Tables 11 Picric T Hex Tables Ada 12 Hexa walse Recp Site F hings 2.00 DAYS 6.00 ea 3.00 ea 15.00 ea 4,425 35,000 442,864 482,289 1,600 1,600 2,793 1,397 5.584 9,774 800.001DAYS 1,600 465.551ea 2,793 465.551ea 1,397 372.27 lea 5.584 11,374 15.1 Fumi '6:Site Elec 6-100.00 Ele6Rfcai Work 09 UnderGr$ld Service Burial in 4" Condrut 20 Mains & r .'. • . neds - Baseball 20 Mains & r .. - Buildings 9_n Pid 20 Trans 20 20 Fountain 530 Lighting - mg Lot : Single on Pole 1,200.00 If 1.00 IS 1.00 ea 1.00 ea 1.00 Is 1.00 is 1.00 Is 21.00 ea 1,600 9,774 0 11,374 114,000 95.00 Ai 114,000 32.500 32,500.00 As 32,500 8,500 - 8,500.00lea 8,500 9,000 9,000.00lea 9,000 2,000 2,0fP0. 0 lei 2.600 2.500 2.rannpn es 2.500 2.900 2,900.00lls 2.900 67,200 3,200.00 lea 57,200 creation Design £ Construction D N. Poweline Road, nkt Lauderdale FL 33309 EXHIBIT "L." Page 15 Grape Land Heights 2/25/2005 9:05 Ay Item Description Electricii*rk Takeoff Qty Amount Amount Amount 238,600 Name Unit Cost Amount 238,600 16:Sitt 0 0 238,600 238,600 eation Design & onstruction 4. Poweline Road. F. Lauderdale FL 33309 Labor 266,975.00 Material 399,224.00 Suter 4,247,214.00 Equipment 59,660.00 Other 92�y� 5,901,513.00 Bonds 60.086.00 60,086.00 Permits i7.464.00 17,464.00 EXHIBIT "L" Gra . Land Hai ' his Estimate Totals 266,975 6,784.670 399,224 4,247,214 59,660 4,679.910 440 5,901,513 5,901,513.00 1.005 % 5,961,599.00 0.296 % 5,979,063.00 Total 5,979,063.00 hrs hrs Page fi 2125/2005 9:05 A?