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Traffic Impact Analysis I
• • • URS August 6th, 2004 Ms, {_ilia 1. Medina Assistant Transportation Coordinator Office of Transportation, City Manager's Office City of Miami, 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Re: NW 36th Street at NW 3"1 Avenue MUSP Sufficient Letter — W.O. # 67 Dear Ms. Medina: Subsequent to our July 12th, 2004 review comments for the subject project, we have received a revised traffic impact report (dated August 2004) frorn Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. (TAP). We have reviewed the revised study. We conclude that both the issues raised in our original review comments have been adequately addressed and the traffic impact report was found to be sufficient. Should you have any questions, please call me or Quazi Masood at 954.739,1881. Sincerely, URS Corporation Southern Ra Shanmugana, R.E. Se for Traffic Engineer cc: • Kevin Watford, Planner i, City of Miami Henry A. Fardrei, PE, PTOE, TAP, Inc_ Attachmert URS Carp:Tetinn Lekehoi9 Complex 5100 NW 33rc Avenue, Suite 150 Fort Leuderda[e, FL 33309.6.375 T9h 9$4,739.11381 Fax; 954,739.1789 • NW 36t11 STREET AT 3rcl AVENUE MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT MIAMI, FLORIDA • TRAFFIC IvtPACT STUDY AUGUST 2004 • • NW 36th STREET AT 3r`i AVENUE MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT MIAMI, FLORIDA TR►FFIC IMPACT STUDY Prepared for RENEGADE INVESTMENTS, INC, P.O. Box 520682 Miami, Florida 33152-0682 (305) 362-0400 Prepared by TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, INC. L.B. No. 3766 8701 SW 137`h Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183 (305) 385-0777 Updated August 2004 4525 NW 36th STREET Al ?rd AVENUE NIIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TABLE OF CO1'TENTS INTRODUCTION l EXISTING CONDITIONS 4 PLANNED & PROGRAMMED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 8 TRIP GENERATION & DISTRIBUTION 9 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH AND COMMITTED PROJECTS 12 PROJECTED CONDITIONS 14 PROJECT DRIVEWAY OPERATIONS 17 CORRIDOR CAPACITY 18 TRANSPORTATION CONTROL PLAN MEASURES 24 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 25 TABLES Table 1 - Existing Intersection Levels of Service 7 Table 2 - Planned and Programmed Transportation Improvements 8 Table 3 - PM Peak Hour Trip Generation 9 Table 4 - Projected Intersection Levels of Service 16 Table 5 - Project Driveway Operations 17 Table 6 Existing Corridor Capacity for NW 36`h Street 70 Table 7 - Projected Corridor Capacity for NW 36th Street 71 Table 8 - Existing Corridor Capacity for N. Miami Avenue 22 Table 9 - Projected Corridor Capacity for N. Miami Avenue 23 FIGURES Figure 1 - Location Map 2 Figure 2 - Site Plan 3 Figure 3 - Existing Intersection Geometry and Traffic Control 5 Figure 4 -- 2004 PM Peak Hour Traffic 6 Figure 5 - Project Trip Distribution 10 Figure 6 - Project Traffic - PM Peak Hour 11 Figure 7 - 2007 PM Peak Hour without Project 13 Figure 8 - 2007 PM Peak Hour with Project 15 Figure 9 - Corridor Geometry 19 APPENDICIES Appendix A - Scope of Services Appendix B - Traffic Counts Appendix C - Traffic Signal Operating Data Appendix D - FDOT Seasonal Adjustment Factors and Projections Appendix E - Excerpts from Transportation Improvement Program .Report Appendix F - Trip Generation & Distribution Appendix G - FDOT Quality/LOS Handbook - Table 4-7 Appendix H - Public Transit Records Appendix I - Capacity Analyses Appendix J Committed Developments • • • NW 36€H STREET AT 3 " AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY INTRODUCTION The NW 36th Street at 3'd Avenue Project is a development containing residential and retail uses. It will be located on the southern side of NW 36'h Street and on the western side of NW ' 3rd Avenue. The general location and approximate study area for this project are shown in Figure 1. The NW 36`E' Street at 3rd Avenue Project will contain 112 residential condominium units above the ground floor. It will also have 10,000 sf of retail provided on the ground level. Access to residential parking will be via a driveway on NW 3rd Avenue. Parking for the retail uses will be accessed by a single driveway on NW 36`h Street. A site plan for the ground floor of the development is shown in Figure 2. The scope of these traffic analyses and methodology used for this report were coordinated the City of Miami's Traffic Consultant. (See Appendix A). This report has been updated to respond to the initial review comments of the City's Traffic Consultant. 4F Serf, sT I?i r:L5}0:I if,, I ? , ! ! Ti V Is r t 1 �Tal $T IkE fpjj! 1 r 1 NE 5111G5 L. 43RD5r E = �...._—....rI Iir. JJ F'Fi^ST i4+f 3 s.. ` , ] ` x 111 r;T�. 5,yp sr j!L yy soNn Sr1.1 1 [e-1E 57NO ST i i � "�J ^�-fl :] � ! ft . j ,N_ 51'T '.;Y v�,;;sr s,+ �r jJ t Nr SITH ,1 LW/ 11 11 r/i/ � I NW 4RT9 eT a1.r pG�J! }IteN 4TTH 7E / G,J f_a8TH 57. 11 GV� 1. N- 47'n °7 �'� vow — ��> z jj j a LyW 48TH AT NE .TH �T NE 46TH sr J f � s� pR° i—........,...—.1 if 11 �—1 i I1 IL_ 2ND 5T NW 31ST ST NW 30TH Si NW 29TH fE r9TH S NW 27TH ST Z NW 2,515T 1/p TR NSROAr ANAY$:5 PROFESSIONALS 8/3/04 NW 42NO ST NW 39TH ST NW 23130 ST NW 22512 LA W 28TH ST e.,14111 75TH ST J .-NW 27NO TE NW 72,4 ET #IW 42NO ST (a o .11 I( I If —11J11 ( �1 t ARAL PALM R 30TH TE F 24 TH CT E 27TH 1NE 2571-1TE N 45'.H5 NE 20TH TE E 19T1a T NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Traffic Impact Study 2 NE 22N0 TE NE 22ND ST APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA N.T.S. Figure 1 Location Map • • N.W. 36714 STREET N.W. 3RD AVENUE 1) Jt RASH SUPPLA7I Pmx,RC ]I SPmf.ES NW 36 Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Traffic Impact Study Figure 2 Site Plan MgNSPORT A4xLT {S PROFESfONALS 3 • • EXISTING CONDITIONS The number of lanes and lane use on the roadways surrounding the site and traffic control at the intersections studied arc shown in Figure 3. Turning movement count data was collected between 4:00 and 6:00 PM at the four (4) study intersections during May 2004 on typical weekdays. The intersections examined were: NW 361' Street and 5`h Avenue NW 36`1` Street and 3' 1 Avenue NW 35`1' Street and 511 Avenue NW 35`€' Street and 3`° Avenue These traffic volumes were increased to convert measured traffic to peak season traffic using standard Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) adjustment factors. Use of the FDOT factors resulted in an increase i�/a over the volumes collected. Existing traffic adjusted for peak season flow rates is shown in Figure 4. The traffic counts are found in Appendix B to this report, signal operating data is found in Appendix C and FDOT seasonal adjustment factors are in Appendix D. Existing peak season traffic was evaluated using software that supports the latest edition of the Highway Capacity Manual. Existing peak season levels of service at the intersections studied are shown in Table 1. Corridor capacity and level of service on NW 36`1' Street and on Miami Avenue were calculated and existing conditions are described later in this report under corridor capacity. 4 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Figure 3 Traffic Impact study Existing Intersection Geometry & Traffic Control 5 •I • • 'L- 5 -4— 459 686 592-9 41 ---,� N.T.S. 29 —� 17 —y n c- 1,1 d NCO 30 +E— 496 F 53' A-26 6141 —y 16 CN NW 42ND ST 1111/4 /4Tr Zr essr PRIM NW 37TH ST.� R— 3 '1F--- 28 0— 11 NW 31i S7 5 19 --► 1 I I 9 --1 :--Nr" s,A TRANS UKS ANALYSIS ✓ROfSSIONALS NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Figure 4 Traffic Impact Study 2004 PM Peak Hour Traffic 6 • • Table 1 EXISTING INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE LOS for PM Peak Period Signalized Intersection NW 36th Street and 5th Avenue Unsignalized Intersections NW 36th Street and 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street and 5th Avenue NW 35th Street and 3rd Avenue Approach LOS Int'n I3 NB SB 1313 l3 WB A NB D SB C EBL A WBL A NBL A SBL A EB B WB B NBL A SBL A EB A WB A Note: f_OS standards for unsignalized int's are significantly different from those used for signalized int's • • PLANNED AND PROGRAMMED TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for 2005, prepared by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, was researched to determine what near -term transportation projects are planned and programmed for construction within the general vicinity of the NW 36'€' Street at 3'd Avenue Project. Transportation improvements in the general area of the NW 36``' Street at 31'; Avenue Project are as follows: Table 2 Planned and Programmed Transportation Improvements ❑ NW 36th Street resurfacing, lighting, signal upgrades and sidewalks ▪ SR 1 12/1-195 from NW 2 `' Avenue to Miami Avenue widen/resurface existing lanes ❑ SR 112/1-195 from NW 1 1 th Avenue to Alton Road -- Traveler information system © NE 2" `i Avenue from 36 Street to Sr"' Street -- Beautification and resurfacing As cart be seen in Table 2, the only project which will have a direct impact on the NW 36'` Street at 3111 Avenne Project is the FDOT resurfacing project on NW 36`h Street. 8 TRIP GENERATION .AND DISTRIBUTION As stated earlier, the NW 36th Street at ri Avenue Project will have 112 residential condominium units and 10,000 sf of retail. The retail uses will be specialty retail which are oriented toward serving the residential portion of the development plus nearly business and residential. There is frequent bus service on NW 36`' Street in front of the project and there are bus bays in front of the new project which will be reconstructed as part of the NW 36`!' Street resurfacing and beautification project to be constructed by the Florida Department of Transportation. There is also convenient north/south bus service available within the area. For these reasons, it is assumed that transit use will result in a 10% reduction in vehicle trips to and from this project. The Institute of Transportation Engineers has data for estimating the level of pass -by traffic for shopping centers of this size although there is no specific data for specialty retail. A shopping center with 10,000 sf of leasable area would have approximately 75% pass -by trips during the PM peak hour, It has been conservatively assumed that 40% of the traffic to and from the retail component of this development will be pass -by traffic. Internal Capture, i.e. trips between the retail and residential uses on -site was estimated at 10% using the procedures found in the ITE Trip Generation Manual. Details of these calculations can be found in Appendix F. However, no additional reduction for Internal Capture was made to the number of external trips, given that external trips were already reduced for transit and for pass -by. Land Use Table 3 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation ITE Land Enter Exit Total Size Use Code Trips Trips Trips Residential Condominium 112 D.U. .230 44 22 66 Specialty Retail 10,000 sf 814 20 25 45 Unadjusted Vehicle Trips 64 47 111 Transit Trip Reduction @ 1 0.0% -6 -5 -11 Total Driveway Trips 58 42 100 Retail Pass -By Trips @ 40% -8 -10 -18 Net External Trips 50 32 82 Net vehicle traffic to and from the NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue Project was assigned to the local roadway network using the Cardinal Distribution of Trips developed by the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Percentage distribution of project trips per the Cardinal Distribution can be found in Appendix F. The distribution of project vehicle trips during the PM peak hour is shown graphically in Figures 5 and 6 and is described in Appendix B, Table B-1. 9 • N.T.S. 1aa_44TH ST J ►-- z NW 3RD S? 1 NNW 42ND ST Ls NW 41ST ST L NW 40TH ST NW 39TH ST 9 NW 35TH ST NW 34TH ST NW 37TH ST ISITE I NW 33RD ST NW 32ND ST a S H NW 30TH ST NW 29TH NW 31ST ST i E Ji NmL4And_s_T__� NW42NDST I1 L J I NW 38TH ST 1r NW 36TH �NW35THS- i NW 34TH T NW 34TH S NW 33RD S z N z CARDINAL DISTRIBUTION FOR TAZ #498 13.59 12.68 12.35 6.16 18.59 18.47 5.11 13.05 jj7 I RANSPCHT ANA,S15 PROFESSIONALS NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Figure 5 Traffic Impact Study Project Trip Distribution 10 • • 5 N.T.S. 3 L 4(-w5)--r cv 2 1 F R z4 � ►� f� NW 40TH ST i� � j` 1• Ids—l� MOW 13 4 34TH ST NW 33RD ST NW 2ND NW 39TH ST NW 31S gift 14\ 1 SITE 1 co 35 IfRANSPUFU ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Figure 6 Traffic Impact Study Project Traffic PM Peak Hour 11 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC GROWTH AND COMMITTED PROJECTS • • • Construction of the NW 36 Street at 3" Avenue Project is scheduled for completion during the year 2007. FDOT proiections for NW 36`1i Street suggest no annual growth. Nevertheless a 2% growth rate for background traffic has been assumed for these analyses. There are no committed and approved developments in this area which will add traffic to the study area. However, two projects, Shops at Midtown Miami and Two Midtown Miami are currently being proposed. At the request of the City of Miami, traffic associated with these potential projects has been added to background traffic for these analyses. A detailed table showing calculations and background traffic growth, traffic from the two proposed developments and assignment of project traffic to the study area can be found in Appendix B, Table B-1 Future (2007) background traffic which includes the potential effects of the Shops at Midtown Miami and Two Midtown Miami is shown graphically. in Figure 7. 12 NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Figure 7 Traffic Impact Study 2007 PM Peak Hour Traffic without Project Y:t,SNS QPT ANALYSLS PROFLSS5OYAIS 13 • PROJECTED CONDITIONS Total projected traffic volumes for 2007 are shown in Figure 8. The 2007 peak hour traffic volumes consist of estimated background traffic, traffic from both of the proposed Midtown Miami projects and external vehicle trips from the NW 36th Street at 3'1 Avenue Project. Calculation of these projected volumes can be found in Table S-1, Appendix B. Intersection capacity analyses were perfoi need for the four intersections within the study arca to analyze levels of service associated with the projected 2007 PM peak hour; both with and without this project. The results of these analyses are found in Table 4. Preliminary analysis of conditions in the year 2007 without this new project indicated substantial delays on northbound NW 3r`' Avenue at 36th Street. This deficiency can he mitigated by providing a separate northbound left turn lane at the intersection. This turn lane can be created by removing 75 feet to 100 feet of parking on both sides of NW 3rd Avenue immediately south of NW 36th Street and restriping the roadway to provide one northbound through and right lane, a northbound left turn lane and a southbound through lane at this location. Vehicles making the northbound left turn at this location will still experience long delays. However, the northbound left turn volume will only use about 36% of the capacity for this movement at the intersection. This means that demand for the left turn should always be less than capacity and that maximum backups for the left turn will be less than two vehicles. In reviewing Table 4 it can be seen that all of the intersections studied will operate at equal to or better than the minimum standards established by the City of Miami. 14 • i 6 725--lb- 44 _ N.T.S. t� N 11) -r667 876 4" ! 14 ccv c +. R 32 co m + 622 i I 88 --1�- 6 3 786 - ■ 21 NW 40TH ST __,........NW 39TH ST 2W 37T 34TH ST N'W33R0 STj J W 32ND :T CO o Q R-3 -I- 30 13 n ST 1110.: Ai ....C.o.!. ito 0 NW 31 ST ti ISM E i9 1 �� %ZIP' NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Figure 8 Traffic Impact Study 2007 PM Peak Hour with Project TR),NSPOFC ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS 15 Table 4 PROJECTED INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE LOS for PM Peak Period 2004 2007 2007 Approach Existing w/o Proi. \vith Proi. Signalized Intersection NW 36th Street and 5th Avenue Int'n B B B NB D D - D SB D D D LB I3 11 B WB A A A Unsignalized Intersections NW 36th Street and 3rd Avenue NB D E* E* SB C D E EBLAA A WBL A A B NW 35th Street and Sth Avenue NW 35th Street and 3rd Avenue NBL A A A SBL A A. A EB B B B WB B B B NBL A A A SBL A A A EB A A A WB A B B * With Northbound Left Turn Lane Note: LOS standards for unsignahzed int's are significantly different form those used for signalized int's 16 CORRIDOR CAt'_44,CITY Corridor capacity NW 3C Street and on North Miami Avenue in the general vicinity of this project was malyzcd using i.he, City of Miami's person trip methodology which is contained in Miami's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan as updated. The number of lanes and lane uses on NW 76 Street and on North Miami Avenue are shown schematically in Figure 9, which follows. Future conditions are for the year 2007 and include background traffic growth along with associated person trip growth, the impact in person trips of this project and impacts of the two proposed developments; Shops at Mid -Town Miami and Two Mid -Town Miami. Existing and projected corridor capacity and Level of Service for NW 36th Street are described in Tables 6 and 7. Similar analyses for North Miami .Avenue are described in Tables 8and 9. In reviewing Tables 6 — 9, it can be seen that both corridor will operate at Level of Service D or better in the year 2007. This exceeds (is better than) the minimum standard established by the City o f Miami. 18 • irja } ANSPONT ANAL':S:$ PROFESSIONALS 8/3/04 NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue MUSP Traffic impact Study Figure 9 Corridor Geometry 19 • • Corridor Segment Dir NW 36th Street NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave EB NW bth Ave to Miami Ave WB Corridor Segment Dir NW 36th Street NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave E13 NW 6th Ave to Mianii Ave WB Corridor Segment Dir NW 36th Street NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave EB NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave WB Table 6 Existing Corridor Capacity for NW 36th Street (PM Peak. Hour Period in 2004) Roadway Conditions (vehicles & person trips) 1 2 3 4 5 F, 7 Capacity Person 2004 Person Excess Roadway Lanes Max Ser in vph Trip PM Pk ilr Trips R'dway Person o 0 ro a E Volume (LOS E) Capacity (@;i.6 ppv) Period {vph) Auto (414 ppv) Prs Trip Capacity Tl:p V/C LOS o Cj [A] [B ] E+20 LS 1 1,020 850 1,360 613 858 502 0.(3 C E+20 LS 1 1,020 850 1,360 534 748 612 0.55 C Transit Conditions (person trips) 8 9 10 11 12 13 Local Bus Expr Bus Rail: Total Existing Excess Person Person Person Transit Transit Transit Trip Trip Trip Prs Trip Ridership Prs Trip Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity [CI [c] 286 0 0 286 129 157 302 0 0 302 174 128 Segment Capacity 14 15 16 17 Segment Segment Pers Trip Person Trips Pers Trip Pers Trip Excess on Segment Capacity Volume Capacity VIC LOS 1,646 987 659 0.60 C 1,662 922 740 0.55 C 4 Corresponds to note numbers in City of Miami Report Tronsportation Corridors , 1989, pages 16 & 17 [A] FDOT Quality/Level of Service llandbook, Table 4-7, Appendix G [B] 2004 Peak Hour Period Volume from MOT count. See Appendix B IC] Existing bus ridership and capacity on NW 36th Street are from Appendix'.{, Table 11-1 LOS vph V/C ® Ott' 590 810 0.95 850 1.00 1,020 1.20 1AP71 fir.?0t-t • • Corridor Segment Ltir NW 36th Street NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave Ef3 NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave AVB Corridor Segment Dir NW 36th Street NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave EB NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave ll'B Corridor Segment Dir NW 36th Street NW 6th Ave to Miami Ave EB NW €ith Ave to Miami Ave WB Table 7 Projected Corridor Capacity for NW 36th Street (PM Peak Hour in 2007) E+20 E+20 t—' L.S LS Lanes Max Ser Volume (E+20) 1,020 1,020 Capacity in vph (LOS E) [Al 850 850 3 Person Trip Capacity 1 rz+1.6 ppv) 1,360 1,360 2004 PM Pk l'lr Period (vph) fB 1 613 534 Roadway Conditions (vehicles & person trips) B'ground 2007 Other Traffic 13'ground Devel'mt Growth PM Pk Hs Traffic Period 1.06 1.06 650 566 [c] 92 85 Project Vehicle 'Traffic [c] 31 46 4 Total 2007 PM Pk Traf 773 697 Person "Trips Auto 04,1 1,082 976 6 Excess 1t'dwap Prs Trip Capacity 378 384 Roadv, a} 1'erson Trip V/C 1.OS 0.80 0.72 8 Local Bus Person Trip Capacity if)] 286 302 9 Expr Bus Person Trip Capacity 0 0 10 Rail: Person Trip Capacity 0 0 11 Total Transit Prs Trip Capacity 286 302 Transit Ct nditioris (person trips) Transit Ridership in 2004 (l)] 129 174 B'ground Ridership Growth 1.06 1.06 B'ground Transit Ridership (2007) 137 184 Ccrrm't Devel. Transit Ridership 13 12 Project Transit Ridership 1 12 fota1 Transit Ridership (2007) 152 197 13 Excess Transit Prs Trip Capacity 134 105 Segment Capacity l4 15 16 17 Segment Segment Pers Trip Person Trips Pers Trip Pers Trip Excess on Segment Capacity Volume Capacity V/C LOS 1,646 1,662 1,234 1,173 412 489 0.75 0.71 D D # Corresponds to note numbers in City of Miami Report Tramportariun Corridors, 1989, pages 16 & 17 [Al FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook, Table 4-7, Appendix G till 2004 Peak Hour Period Volume from FDO"[' count. See Appendix B [C] frotn Table B-2 in Appendix B [D] Existing bus ridership and capacity on NW 36th Street are from Appendix 11, Table H-1 [1:] from Table B-3 in Appendix t3 Lf)S %VI V, C B 100 0.t2 C 590 0.69 l) 21'] 0.95 E 850 1.00 E+20 io 1,020 1.20 Al 7i26'2tJ.-4 er IIP Corridor Segment Dir N Miami Avenue NE 129th St to 146th St NB NE 129th St to 146th St SB Corridor Segment Dir N Miami Avenue NE 129th St to 146th St NB NE 129th St to 146th St S13 Corridor Segment Dir N Miami Avenue NE 129th St to 146th St NB NE 129th St to 146th St SB Table 8 Existing Corridor Capacity for N. Miami Avenue (PM Peak Hour Period in 2004) Roadway Conditions (vehicles & person trips) 0 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 Person 2004 Person Excess Roadway a Lanes Max Ser Capacity Trip PM Pk Hr Trips R'dway Person Q Volume in vph Capacity Period Auto Pers Trip Trip E v (E+20) LOS E [AI (@1.6 ppv�) (vph) [RI ;41.4 npv°) Capacity WCLUS E+20 LS 2 2.060 1,720 2,752 1,194 1,672 1,080 0.61 C E+20 LS 2 2,060 1,720 2,752 486 680 2,072 0.25 C Transit Conditions (person tr ps) 8 9 10 11 12 14 Local Bus Expr Bus Rail: Total Excess Person Person Person Transit Existing Transit Trip Trip Trip Pers Trip Transit Pers Trip Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Ridership Capacity [CI [CI 161 0 0 161 67 94 152 0 0 152 64 88 Segment Capacity 15 16 17 18 Segment Segment Pers Trip Person Trips Pers Trip Pers Trip Excess on Segment Capacity Volume Capacity V/C LOS 2,913 1,739 1,174 0.60 C 2,904 744 2,160 0.26 C # Corresponds to note numbers in City of Miami Report Transportation Corridors, 1989, pages 16 & 17 [A] FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook, Table 4-7, Appendix CI [13] 2004 Peak Hour Period Volume from TAP count. See Appendix 13 (CI Existing bus ridership and capacity on N Miami Avenue are from Appendix 11, Table 11-2 LOS vph V/C _&® ** B ** ** ® 1120 0.65 ® 1620 0.94 E 1720 1.00 E-f-20 2060 1.20 1AP71'0,'"2tiul • Corridor Segment Dir N Miami Avenue NW 129th St to 146th St NB NW 129th St to 146th St SB Corridor Segment Dir N Miami Avenue NW I29thStto146thSt NB NW 129th St to 146th St SO Corridor Segment Dir N Miami Avenue NW 129th St to 146th St NB NW 129th St to 146th St SB Table 9 Projected Corridor Capacity for N. Miami Avenue (PM Peak Hour in 2007) D E E+20 E+20 ' v Corridor Type: Lanes 2 2 Max Ser Volume (E+20) 3,900 3,900 2 Capacity in vph (LOS E) [A] 3,900 3,900 3 Person Trip Capacity ter t.b ppv) 6,240 6,240 Roadway Conditions (vehicles & person trips) 2004 PM Pk lb - Period (vph) [B1 1,194 486 B'ground Traffic Growth 1.06 1.06 2007 B'ground PM Pk 1-1r Period 1,266 515 Other Devel'mt Traffic [C] 229 187 Project Vehicle Traffic 72 12 4 Total 2007 PM Pk Traf 1,567 714 5 Person Trips Auto (,u i 4 ppv) 2,194 1,000 Excess R'dwsy Pers 'Trip Capaci,y 4,046 5.240 7 Roadway Person Trip WC LOS 0.35 0.16 8 Bus: Person Trip Capacity [D] 161 152 9 Expr Bus Person Trip Capacity 0 0 10 Rail Person Trip Capacity 0 0 11 Total Transit Prs Trip Capacity 161 152 Transit Conditions (person trips) - - 12 B'ground B'ground Transit Transit Transit Ridership Growth Ridership in 2004 (2007) [Di 67 1.06 71 64 1.06 68 Comm't Devel. Transit Ridership 1E] 40 30 Project Transit Ridership [E] 4 4 13 Total Transit Ridership (2007) 115 102 14 Excess Transit Pers Trip Capacity 46 50 15 Segment Pers Trip Capacity 6,401 6,392 Seg 16 Segment Pers Trip Volume 2,309 1,102 went Capa 17 Pers Trip Excess Capacity 4,092 5,290 city 18 Person Trips on Segment V/C LOS 0.36 D 0.17 C # Corresponds to rtote numbers in City of Miami Report Transportation Corridors , 1989, pages 16 & [A] FDOT Quality/Level of Service. Handbook, Table 4.7, Appendix G [B] 2004 Peak 1-lour Period Volume from TAP count. See Appendix B [C] from Table B-2 in Appendix 1.3 11)] Existing bus ridership and capacity on N Miami Avenue are from Appendix 11, 'l able 11-2 [L] from Table 13-3 in Appendix B 7 LOS vph V/C A s" x• B «. w. C 1350 0.42 1) 3130 0.96 1. 3250 1.00 E +20 3 3900 1.20 AP I • • • TRANSPORTATION CONTROL PLAN MEASURES The City of Miami requires that developments needing a WISP explain how the proposed development plans to reduce the :site's traffic impact on adjacent and nearby intersections and streets. tiletrobus has routes that serve NW 36th Street and NW 2" Avenue. Additionally, Route 36 connects to Metrorail at the Allapattah Station. This service will reduce the volume of primary auto trips to and from this project. There are other traffic reduction measures, which may reduce primary trip making as well. Suggested measures include, but are not limited to, the following: Encourage car-pooling and vanpooling Post crass transit schedules, maps and related information in the public areas of the new facility A bicycle storage rack near the retail uses 24 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed development Fails within the traffic concurrency exception area established by the South Florida Re6onal Manning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The roadways and intersections studied for these analyses will operate at acceptable Levels of Service after the NW 36th Street at 3r`; Avenue project has been fully constructed and occupied. One minor intersection improvement is recommended. This improvement is to restripe NW 3rd Avenue south of NW 36`h Street to provide a separate northbound left turn lane at the intersection. This operational improvement can he accomplished by altering pavement markings on the existing roadway. In summary, the proposed condominium and retail development on NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue can be constructed without causing any intersection or roadway in the area to fail. It is likely that the external traffic impacts described in this report are greater than the impacts, which are likely to occur. FDOT projections for NW 36th Street show less background traffic growth than was utilized for this report. Therefore, delays at the intersections studied are likely to be lower than what is described herein. Furthermore, convenient access to transit may encourage a modal split of greater than 10% from automobile to transit for this development. ?5 so • APPENDIX A SCOPE OF SERVICES • • July 12, 2004 Ms. Lilia I. Medina Assistant Transportation Coordinator Office of Transportation, City Manager's Office City of Miami, 444 SW 2rd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Re: NW 36th Street at NW 3r'd Avenue MUSP Traffic Impact Analysis Review — W,CI. # 67 Dear Ms. Medina: We have reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis report for the NW 36th Street of NW 3r`' Avenue project prepared by Transportation Analysis Professionals (TAP) dated June 2004, Our detailed comments are outlined in the attached memorandum_ in summary, the applicant needs to revise few sections of the report. The key issues specifically include but are not limited to: 1. The report must include a schematic of lane geometry of Miami Avenue located within the study boundary, 2. In the person -trip methodology section, four issues, such as, the roadway vehicular capacity, the source of the roadway vehicular volume, calculation of both hourly transit average rider -ship and transit capacity need to be revised, clarified/explained. Please note that the applicant is committed to providing a physical/geometric improvement of the lane alignment at NW 3rd Avenue, and the conclusions of this report are based on this particular geometric change. Should you have any questions, please call me or Quazi Masood at 954.739.1881. Sincerely, URS Corporation Southern Jenn L. King, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer JLKlgrn cc: Henry Fandrei, Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. Attachment: URS Memorandum URS Corporation Lakes/tare Complex 5100 NW 33rd Avenue, Suite 150 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309.6375 Tel: 954.739.1881 Fax: 954.739.1789 Henry Fandrei • • From: Henry Fandrei [hfandrei@tapmiami.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 11:05 AM To: 'yuazi_masood@urscorp.com' Cc: Raj Shanmugam P.E. (raj_shanmugam@urscorp.com) Subject: Updated Methodology for MUSP on NW 36th Street at 3rd Avenue within City of Miami Dear Mr. Masood: This e-mail contains my recommendations re. preparation of the MUSP traffic analyses for this project. This methodology has been updated to reflect the changes URS has requested. The project will be located on the southwest corner of NW 36th Street and 3rd Avenue. It will have 112 residential units above the ground floor and 10,000 sf of retail on the ground floor. Residential access will be via a driveway on NW 3rd Avenue. Parking for the retail uses will be accessed by a single drive on NW 36th Street. 1 propose the following scope of services for the traffic study: Data Collection/TMC's The residential component of this development will generate approximately 66 two-way trips in the Roadway PM peak vs. 57 trips in the AM peak. The specialty retail on the ground floor will also generate more in PM peak hr. traffic than in AM peak. We have obtained a recent FDOT count of traffic through Station 87-5077. The FDOT count report shows that traffic on NW 36th Street to the east of I-95 is heaver during the PM peak hour for both EB and WB traffic. For these reasons, I recommend that the TMC's be performed from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. The following intersections will be counted per your preliminary request: NW 36th Street and NW 3rd Avenue NW 36th Street and NW 5th Avenue NW 35th Street and NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street and NW 5th Avenue Corridor Analysis will be performed for NW 36th Street (east/west) and Miami Avenue (north/south) A review of the City of Miami's project list indicates that there are no projects in the construction or approved and not built phase within the general proximity to this project. However, we will include the impacts of 2 projects which are currently proposed. They are: "Shops at Midtown" and "Two Midtown". We propose using a 2%/yr. growth rate for background traffic. Peak season traffic will be used in the analysis of existing and future (with project) conditions. Capacity Analyses Intersection analysis will be performed per the procedures in the HCM. If the 4 intersections do not have the same PM Peak Hour, we will use a common peak hour for the 4 intersections which represents the worst traffic conditions fro the intersections as a group. 6/15/2004 Existing traffic signal operations will be used for analysis of sig.nahzed intersections. The City's Corridor Analysis procedure will be used for the two study corridors. 110 Trip Generation and Distribution Trip generation for the facility will be perfoinmed using the equations found in The ITE Report: Trip Generation, 7th Edition. • The Cardinal Distribution from the County's MUATS model will be used for site traffic distribution. We have forwarded our estimated distribution of site traffic on local roadways for your review and have received your approval. 'Miscellaneous We propose to address site circulation as it pertains to affecting traffic on public roadways. This will include queuing of traffic, if any, on public roadways and capacity analyses at the intersections formed by site driveways and their connection to public roadways. Our traffic study will also address queuing within the parking garage or retail parking lot, garage maneuvering or isle design; parking dimensions or quantities. Please e-mail or call me with any additional comments or questions regarding this proposed scope of services. Thank you for your assistance. Hank Fandrei Henry A. Fandrei, P.E., PTOE Transport Analysis Professionals, inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183-4498 Office: 305/385-0777; Fax: 305-385-9997 6/15/2004 APPENDIX B TRAFFIC COUNTS • • Table B-1 Turning Movement Count Data (Existing, Peak Season, 2007 Background & 2006 with Project) may'04 Adj. To Pk Season Balance Adjusted Growth B'ground Reba]- I Proposed Devel. 12647 wlo Project Total Intersection Mvmt Count Pk. Season 2004 Flows 2004 to 2007 2007 ante 2 Shops at Proiect Traffic 2147 Midtown Midtown NW 36th Street EBL 6 1.01 6 0 6 1.06 6 0 0 0 6 0 6 & 5th Avenue EBT 586 1.01 592 0 592 1.06 628 0 27 65 720 5 725 EBR 33 1.01 33 8 41 1.06 43 1 0 0 44 0 44 WBL 85 1,01 86 0 86 1.06 91 0 0 0 91 0 91 WBT 454 1.01 459 0 459 1.06 487 2 20 65 574 3 577 WBR 5 1.01 5 0 5 1.06 5 0 0 0 5 0 5 NBL 48 1.01 48 10 58 1.06 61 1 0 0 62 0 62 NBT 4 1.01 4 1 5 1.06 5 0 0 0 5 0 5 NBR 144 1.01 145 0 145 1.06 154 0 0 0 154 0 154 SBL 3 1.01 3 0 3 1.06 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 SBT 2 1.01 2 0 2 1.06 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 SBR 13 1.01 13 0 13 I.06 14 0 0 0 14 0 14 NW 36th Street EBL 77 1.01 78 5 83 1.06 88 0 0 0 88 0 88 & 3rd Avenue EBT 581 1.01 587 54 641 1.06 679 2 27 65 773 13 786 EBR 6 1.01 6 10 16 1.06 17 0 0 0 17 4 21 WBL 26 1.01 26 0 26 1.06 28 0 0 0 28 35 63 WBT 451 1.01 456 40 496 1.06 526 0 20 65 611 11 622 WBR 30 1,01 30 0 30 1.06 32 0 0 0 32 0 32 NBL 7 1.01 7 5 12 1.06 13 0 0 0 13 1 14 NBT 14 1.01 14 11 25 1.06 27 0 0 0 27 0 27 NBR 24 1.01 24 18 42 1.06 45 0 0 0 45 18 63 SBL 8 1.01 8 0 8 1.06 8 0 0 0 8 0 8 SBT 23 1.01 23 0 23 1.06 24 0 0 0 24 0 24 SBR 37 1.01 37 5 42 1.06 45 0 0 0 45 0 45 NW 35th Street EBL 29 1.01 29 0 29 1.06 31 0 0 0 31 0 31 & 5th Avenue EBT 14 1.01 14 3 17 1.06 18 0 0 0 18 0 18 EBR 8 1.01 8 0 8 1.06 8 0 0 0 8 0 8 WBL 8 1.01 8 3 11 1.06 12 0 0 0 12 1 13 WBT 22 1.01 22 6 28 1.06 30 0 0 0 30 0 30 WBR 3 1.01 3 0 3 1.06 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 NBL 14 1.01 14 0 14 1.06 15 0 0 0 15 0 15 NBT 174 1.01 176 0 176 1.06 187 0 0 0 187 0 187 NBR 13 1.01 13 0 13 1.06 14 1 0 0 15 1 16 SBL 8 1.01 8 0 8 1.06 8 0 0 0 8 0 8 SBT 111 1,01 112 0 112 1.06 119 0 0 0 119 0 119 SBR 9 1.01 9 0 9 1.06 10 0 0 0 10 0 10 NW 35th Street EBL 10 1.01 10 0 10 1.06 11 0 0 0 11 1 12 & 3rd Avenue EBT 19 1.01 19 0 19 1.06 20 0 0 0 20 0 20 EBR 9 1.01 9 0 9 1.06 10 2 0 0 12 0 12 WBL 6 1.01 6 0 6 1.06 6 0 0 0 6 0 6 WBT 24 1.01 24 0 24 1.06 25 0 0 0 25 0 25 WBR 12 1.01 12 0 12 1.06 13 0 0 0 13 0 13 NBL 11 1.01 11 0 11 1.06 12 1 0 0 13 0 13 NBT 56 1.01 57 0 57 1.06 60 0 0 0 60 0 60 NBR 7 1.01 7 0 7 1.06 7 0 0 0 7 0 7 SBL 11 1.01 11 0 11 1.06 12 0 0 0 12 0 12 SBT 47 1.01 47 0 47 1.06 50 0 0 0 50 0 50 SBR 7 1.01 7 0 7 1.06 7 0 0 0 7 1 8 TAP 8/3/2004 B-1 • • Table B-2 PM Vehicles per Hour* on Corridor for This Project and for Proposed Developments Total for Total for Grand 2 Shops at Proposed This Total Corridor Mvmt Midtown Midtown Developments Project New Trips NW 36th Street EB 27 65 92 31 123 WB 20 65 85 46 131 N Miami Avenue NB 42 240 282 4 568 SB 28 189 217 4 438 * vph are based on highest number of vehicles/direction on segment analyzed. See Table B-1 and Appendix 3 TAP 8/3/2004 B-2 • Table B-3 PM Transit Ridership Data for This Project and for Proposed Developments Total for Total for Grand 2 Shops at Proposed This Total Corridor Mvmt Midtown* Midtown* Developments Project** Transit NW 36th Street EB 4 9 13 2 15 WB 3 9 12 1 13 N Miami Avenue NB 6 34 40 4 84 SB 4 26 30 4 64 * Passengers per hour are estimated as 10e/4 of vph from proposed development x 1,4 people/vehicle ** Based on Project Transit Assignment in Appendix F TAP 8/3/2004 B-3 RASPT - :1: A .': SIS PRE .7'CS_ \LS, Inc.. ',3 SW 137th AVENUE, SL ITE 2 J )uuter: 3077: 3076 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 s r.z Site Code -. 4 _ punted By: PCC; DAB (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Bather: Clear Stan Date 05,1 2: J4 titer: Page No : 1 S Groups Printed Cars - Heavy Trucks NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street 5authbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time LeftThru RTOR Right APP Left Thou ' RTOR ' Right App ! Left '.. i nry RTOR : Right -/4 Lea "num RTOR Right APp im Total Total I - i Total : Total .�; al Factor: t.0 : 1.0 i 0 1.0 I 1.0 1.9 14: 1 0 i 1.0 '. 10 E.0 10 10. 10, LC 1 0 16:00 1 1 3 2 7 E 22 112 0 1 135 10 4 36 15 65 3 144 1 8 156 363 16:15 2 0 0 2 4 22 109 0 0 131 11 0 28 5 44 0 154 2 6 162 341 16:30 0 1 4 1 6 25 129 1 3 158 ? 14 0 24 4 42 2 118 2 7 129 335 16:45 0 0 0 1 1 16 104 0 0 1201 13 0 24 8 45 1 170 0 6 1771 343 Total 3 2 7 6 18', 85 454 1 4 544 48 4 112 32 196! 6 586 5 27 624: 1382 17:00 i 1 1 0 17:15 1 0 4 1 17:30 0 1 0 1 17:45 1 0 3 0 Total 4 2 8 2 15 3rand Total 6 4 15 8 33 Apprch % 18.2 12.1 45,5 24.2 Total % 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.3 1.2 15 109 1 3 128' 21 0 25 9 55'', 3 132 3 7 145 331 13 97 0 0 110 8 0 22 5 35 4 160 2 14 180. 331 17 112 0 1 130€ 22 0 27 4 53 1 161 3 8 173 358 14 83 0 1 98 i 17 0 20 11 48 ; 4 136 2 7 149 299 59 401 1 5 466 68 0 94 29 191 12 589 10 36 647 1319 144 855 2 9 1010 116 4 206 61 387 18 15 15 63 1271 2701 14.3 84.7 0.2 0.9 30.0 1.0 53.2 15.8 1.4 92.4 1 5.0 5.3 31.7 0.1 0.3 37.4 4.3 0.1 7.6 2.3 14.3 0.7 43.5 0.6 2.3 47,1 NW 5th Avenue Out In Total 331 33; S6 0`. 0 0 33 , 33. 23. 41 6 OE 0' 0 23: 4; 6. Right Thru Left g �f CO tin. =grnN -- -0 CV N- 5 -CD GO' a A a C '- ala co co coZZ{ tit G�N C r- mGI. c tom+ • : ;7 5/10/2004 4.00:00 PM ... . j -.t ': m - ^ � + 5/10/2004 5:45.00 PM ' 4----� o. A o 0 co 5- '1f :cn.m �: o;-+ I., fA avw..... Cars I:z..�.m HeavyTrucks -m ° 4, -► Left Thru Right 113 4' 260. 3' 0 7 116 4: 267 213: : 377, ; 500 13! ; 10 23 226: ; 387. 613 Gut In Total NW 5th Avenue TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 File Narne : 4525-5.36pm Site Code : 45253077 Start Date 05 i 0:2004 Page No : 2 Start Time NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street Sauthbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Left Thru RTOR Right App. Total Loft Thru RTORRight Total LCR Thrte RTOR Right App Total 11 Thru RTOR Right App Total „_:ai ?eak Hour From 16 00 to 17.45 - Peak ! of f intersection 16:00 1 Volume 3 2 7 6 181 85 454 1 4 544 1 48 4 112 32 196 6 586 5 27 624 1362 Percent 16.7 11.1 38.9 33.3 1 15.6 83.5 0.2 0.7 24.5 2.0 57.1 16.3 1.0 93,9 0.8 4.3 Volume 3 2 7 6 181 85 454 1 4 544 48 4 112 32 196 6 586 5 27 624 1382 Volume l 1 3 2 7! 22 112 0 1 135 10 4 36 15 65 3 144 1 8 156 363 Peak Factor 0.952 High Int. 16:00 16:30 16:04 16:45 Volume 1 1 3 2 7 11 25 129 1 3 158 10 4 36 15 65 1 170 0 6 177 Peak Factor 0.643 0.861 1 0.754 0.881 • • NW 5th Avenue Out In Total 18 j 1 33 13i 2 31 Right Thru Left North 511012004 4.00:00 PM 5110/2004 4:45.00 P M Cars Heavy Trucks Left Thru Right . 48. 41 144'. 1 1191 ; 196! 315', Out In Total NW 5th Avenue CD CD-; TRLNSP2° `2/122Rc 2hA ENL EsbiTE 2 IAMEEEORIDA 3,3183a498 905)3850777 Offic (305) 385 9997 1 1 Name 4f.,75_5 7 3 Site Code,x?m3 Start Date :m« T:w; %a No :3 1unter: 3077 3076 ;unted By PCC DAB Bather: Clear .her: • s _.SW 37L'nAvE'4 2. NTIAMI, FLORIDA33183 <4.98 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Cars .':ame _. Site Code Star Date Pa;•e Ne, 1 NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Star. Time • Led Thru RTOR Right 'aPP Left '', Thru RTOR Right '-FP• Left : RTOR : Right 'DPP • Left Thru RTOR Right A:p I^_. Total Total Total - :aa.._. Factor I 1 0 1.0 10 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 '0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1 0 1 0 - 1.0 16:00 1 1 3 2 7 1 22 107 0 1 130 9 4 35 14 62 3 136 t 8 1-18 3-7 16:15 2 0 0 2 4 19 101 0 0 120 10 0 27 4 41 0 150 2 6 158: 323 16:30 0 1 4 1 6 21 123 1 3 148 14 0 23 3 40 2 115 2 6 125 315 16:45 0 0 0 1 1 15 101 0 0 116 13 0 24 8 45 1 164 0 6 171 333 Total 3 2 7 6 18 77 432 1 4 514 46 4 109 29 188 6 565 5 26 602. 1322 17:00 1 1 1 0 3= 15 103 1 3 122 21 0 25 9 55. 3 128 3 6 140 320 17:15 1 0 4 1 6 i 12 93 0 0 105 7 0 22 4 33 4 152 2 13 171 313 17:30 0 1 0 1 2 17 104 0 1 122 : 22 0 27 4 53 ' 1 158 3 8 170 347 17.45 1 0 3 0 4 14 75 0 1 90 1 17 0 20 11 48 4 I30 2 6 142 284 Total 15 58 375 5 439 67 0 94 28 189 12 568 10 33 623 1266 ;rand Total 6 4 15 8 33 ' 135 807 2 9 . 953 1 13 4 203 57 377 18 113 15 59 1225 2588 Apprch% I8.2 12.1 45.5 24.2 14.2 84.7 0.2 0.9 i 30.0 1.1 53.8 15.1 1,5 92.5 1.2 4.8 Total % 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.3 1.3 5.2 31.2 0.1 0.3 36.8 ' 4.4 0.2 7.8 2.2 14.6 0 7 43.8 0.6 2.3 47 3 NW Sth Avenue Out In Total 33 33 . 66'. 23 4 6 Right Thru Left 4-� North 5/10/2004 4:00:00 PM 511012004 5:45.00 PM Cars Left Thru Right 113 4: 260 213 377 540 Out to Total NW 5th Avenue W:0 s NW 5th Avenue Southbound Stan Tirrc Left .-.._..VThru RTOR Right TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 13 7th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 app Tout', Left Thru ' RTOR nigh' File Name 526 - S;to Code 4525 _ Start Date :aoeNo : 2 NW 36th Street NW 51h Avenue Westbound Northbound App Tots Left Thn6 RTOR Righ APP Lei Total NW 36th Street Eastbound Thra RTOR • Right • App gh �Total eak Hour From 16 00 to 17.a5 - Peak 1 or Intersection 16:00 Volume 3 2 7 6 18 77 432 1 4 514 46 4 109 29 188' 6 565 5 26 602 1322 Percent 16.7 11.1 38.9 33.3 15.0 84.0 0.2 0.8 24,5 2.1 58.0 15.4 1.0 93.9 0.8 4-3 Volume 3 2 7 6 18 77 432 1 4 514 46 4 109 29 188 6 565 5 26 602 1322 Volume 1. 1 3 2 7 22 107 0 1 130. 9 4 35 14 62 3 136 1 8 148 347 Peak Factor 0 4322 High Int. 16:00 16:30 16:00 16:45 Volume 1 1 3 2 7 21 123 1 3 148 9 4 35 14 62 1 164 0 6 1 7 1 Peak Factor 0.643 0,868 0.758 0-880 FNW 5tn Avenue Out In To1at 15 18 33 13 2 Right Thru Left North 5/10/2004 4:00:00 PM 5/10/2004 4:45:00 PM Cars Left Thru Right 46. 4: 138' 11a 188 296 Out in Total NW 5th Avenue A. 73E Z cn t 3� F 0) w m —1,11 a Gunter: 3077 3076 punted r: PCC DAB leather: Clear they' NW 5th Avenue Sauthbound Stan Time i Ltft Thry RTOR ', Right i Factor1 10! 1.0; i_0 l.0 16:00 0 0 0 0 16.15 0 0 0 0 16:30 0 0 0 0 16:45 0 0 0 0 Total 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 Total 0 0 0 --RANczr-. -- A_NA- ` sis PR' _7S °(), \LS, hi'? 5 . E . SW 1 37th .A VENLE, 1 T ., MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 App Total 0 0'. 0'^ Groups Printed- Heavy Trucks NW 36th Street NW 5th Avenue Northbound Lc@ T`uu RTOR Right '' Total ! 4cft Thru RTOR Right ApP Total 0101 1.0 10'' 10': 10 1.0 _ 10'. 10: [0' 10 10. Narnc S,e Code Start Date 05': Page No 1 0 3 4 Westbound i05 5 0 0 5 1 0 1 1 3 0 8 0 0 11 I 1 0 1 1 3; 0 6 0 0 10I 0 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 4' 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 30 2 0 3 3 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0': 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 26 0 0 27 i 0 1 Thru NW 35th Street Eastbound RTOR : R :ght 3 6 21 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 2 0 8 0 3 0 6 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 1 Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0 9 48 0 0 57 3 0 3 4 10 0 42 0 4 Apprch % 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 15.8 84.2 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 30.0 40.0 0.0 91.3 0.0 8.7 Total % 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 8.0 42.5 0.0 0.0 50.4 2.7 0.0 2.7 3.5 8.8 0.0 37.2 0.0 3.5 40.7 A;,p 8 4 5 • • 0:- • -.0 NW 5th Avenue Gut In Total 0; 0 0 0 0 0 Right Thru Left 4 -0 0 North ° z T o, �� rn 5/10/2004 4:00:00 PM 5/10/2004 5:45:00 PM w, r - Heavy Trucks -0 0 t co Left Thru Right 3' 0• 7, 13, 10 23, Gut in Total NW 5th Avenue 46 15 18 16 113 • NW 5lh Avenue Southbound Stan Time Left Thn3 RTQR Right eak Hour From I0 00 to I T.45 Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 16:00 Volume 0 0 0 0 Percent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Volume 0 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 0 0 Peak Factor High Int. 3:45:00 PM Volume 0 0 0 0 Peak Factor • • TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MI.AMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 NW 36th Street NW 5th Avenue Westbound Northbound APP T PPI Left 17,7U RTGR Right Total Lei* Thru RTOR Right 0 8 22 0 0 30• 2 26.7 73.3 0.0 0.0 l 25.0 0 8 22 0 0 30 2 0 3 8 0 0 It 1 0 3 3 0.0 37.5 37.5 9 3 3 0 1 APP Left Total 16:15 1600 3 8 0 0 11 1 0 1 1 3 0.682 0.667 File Name 0.3 pm Site Code : 452 Start Date : 05' i Page No : 2 NW 36th Street Eastbound Thru RTOR Right 0 21 0 I 22 0.0 95.5 0.0 4.5 0 21 0 1 22 60 0 4 0 0 4 s 0.833 6:00 0 8 0 0 8 0.688 NW 5thAvent,e Out In Total Right Thru Left North } 5/10/2004 4:00:00 PM 5/10/2004 4:45:00 PM Heavy Trucks 47 -► Left Thru Right 2 0: 6 9 8: 17 Out in Total NW 5th Avenue • • PEDESTRIAN CROSSING VOLUME COUNT TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS. Inc. LOCATION COUNTY STS DY PATE NW 5th AvenueNW 36th Street Dade CITY Miami 5/ 10, 2004 IN 43 TYPE OF CONTROL Sienal OBSERVER ?CC 4:00-4:15 4:15-4.30 4:30 4:45 4:65 - 5:00 0 0 0 0 4:00. 4:15 4:15.4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 0 3 2 0 4:00 - 4:15 4:15.4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45.500 4 0 0 0 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45.5:00 2 0 0 3 TIME: FROM 4:00 PM TO 5:00 PM 4 N NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street 4:00-4:15 2:15 - 430 4:30- 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 4 0 0 0 4:00 . 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 . 5:00 1 0 1 2 4:00 - 4:15 4:15.4--30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 6 0 3 3 4:00-4:15 4:15.4:30 4:30-4:45 1 4:45 - 5:00 0 2 3 3 5:00 - 5:15 5:15.5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45 - 6:00 2 1 1 0 5:00-5:15 5,15.5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45.6:00 0 0 1 0 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30.5:45 5:45.6:00 0 0 0 1 5:00 - 5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30- 5:45 5:45.6:00 1 0 I 2 TIME: FROM 5.00 PM TO 6 00 PM C N NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street 5:00-5:15 5:15.5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45-6:00 0 0 0 1 5:00 - 5:15 - 5:15 . 5:30 5:30 . 5:45 5.45 . 6:00 0 0 0 4 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45-600 1 1 0 0 " 5:00 - 5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5.45.6:00 1 0 0 0 • PEDESTRIAN CROSSING VOLUME COUNT TRANSPf1RT ANALYSIS PR f1FF_CSIONALS_ Enr. LOCATION COUNTY STUDY DATE NW 5th Avenue a. NW 36th Sveet Dade CITY Miami 4iS;'_004 JN 4525 TYPE OF CONTROL Sienai OBSERVER PCC 0 0 a 0 o o 0 o a o a o 0 0 0 0 a a o a 0 0 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 C N W Silt Averute NW 36th Street o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a a o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o a 0 0 0 0 0 o o a a o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o a o 0 0 0 NW Sill Averrn NW 36th Street a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING VOLUME COUNT TRANSPORT .ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Tn. LOCATION COUNTY STIZDY DATE Dade NW 5th Avenue. NW 36th Street CITY Miami 5;1002004 4525 TYPE OF CONTROL Sizal OBSERVER ?CC 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 445.5:00 0 0 0 0 4:00 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4.30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 0 3 2 0 4:00 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45.5:00 4 0 0 0 4:00.4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 2 0 0 3 TIME: FROM 4:00 PM TO 5:00 PM => ( NW 51h Avenue NW 36th Street 4:00-4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:36-4:45 4:45 - 5:00 4 0 0 0 4:00-4-15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30-4.45 4:45-5:00 1 0 1 2 4:0-0-4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30-4.45 4:45.5:00 6 0 3 3 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4.30-4:45 4:45 - 5:00 0 2 3 3 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45-6:00 2 1 1 0 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30-5:45 545-6:00 0 0 1 0 5:00 - 5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 0 0 0 1 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45.6:00 1 0 1 2 TIME: FROM 5:00 PM TO 6:00 PM Ci GE] N NW 5th Avenue NW 36th Street 5:00-5:15 5:15-5'.30 5.30.5'45 5:45 - 6:00 0 0 0 1 5:00-5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45-6:00 0 0 0 4 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 1 1 0 0 5:00.5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30.545 5:45 - 6:00 1 0 0 0 3unter: 3077 3076 ounted By: PCC / DAB reather: Clear then: NW 3rd Avenue Southbound -R A Nc: 7 q r .SI S54r® J {J.J-rti 1_"thAVENUE, SUTE_.!J N1IA I1. FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Cars - Heavy Trucks NW 36th Street t4W 3rd Avenue Westbound Start Time 1 Left Thru Right Peds Total i.cet Thru Right Peds Factor 10 10 _ 1-0 i 0= 10- ii_....... 10: 10 .. 10 16:00 0 7 16 0 23 9 113 10 0 16:15 3 9 3 0 15 5 95 6 0 16:30 0 5 12 0 17 2 117 10 0 1645 5 2 6 0 13 10 126 4 0 Total 8 23 37 0 68 26 451 30 0 _ r _, f3i'0. ;le Name . Site Code : 253077 Start Date : 05i 12. 200 Page No : 1 NW 36th Street Northbound Eastbound App. Lcd Thru : Right Peds ,hru .p. Lea iRight' Pods App. Total Total - Taal ai T_._..._. _._._._...._.r ..,....._.._ - .......r la': `o- €e to tc 10 Io ,p 132; 0 _W...4 2 0 6 22 145 2 0 169 330 106 1 4 8 0 13 17 165 2 0 184 3 8 129 3 2 5 0 10 14 124 1 0 139 : 295 140! 3 4 9 0 16 24 147 1 0 172 . 341 507 7 14 24 0 45 77 581 6 0 664 1284 1 7:00 3 8 11 0 22 4 121 4 0 129 1 4 6 0 11 25 124 17:15 2 7 8 0 17. 11 107 1 0 119 3 9 10 0 22' 14 151 17:30 3 4 8 0 15 7 88 6 0 101 I 1 8 6 0 15 17 162 17:45 7 4 10 0 21 8 90 8 0 106 1 6 11 0 18• 15 152 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 Total 15 23 37 0 75 30 406 19 0 455 6 27 33 0 66 71 589 17 154 316 169 32' 182 313 172 3l7 677 '_73 Grand Total 23 46 74 0 143, 56 857 49 0 962 13 41 57 0 111: 148 110 23 0 1341 2557 Apprch % 16.1 32.2 51.7 0.0 5.8 89.1 5.1 0.0 11.7 36.9 51.4 0.0 1 1.0 87.2 1.7 0.0 Total% 0.9 1.8 2.9 0.0 5.6 2.2 335 1.9 0.0 37.6 05 1.6 2.2 0.0 4.3: 5.8 45.8 0.9 0.0 524 t4 cn in co: . t 7:-!= N: ... -1 1 NW 3ro Avenue Out In Total 235 140 375 3 : 3: 6 : 238! 143` 381 72' 46 22 0' 2' 0 1 0 74', 46 23 0 Right Tara Left Peds North 71 3 a a` v m u,.0 -: N Tr ". r..- 2 4 _ . CO to in m v co .1-* 5,112)2004 4:00-00 PM 2 0 nA. ;� (0on r 5 5/1212004 5:45.00 PM ,� b ( CO 5 a } Cars } ct u'1 P W fJ G �➢ W v m o 0 0' Heavy Trucks v A, iv ,-\-I " 0 m j: o d a - n�r�.a o.� 1,7 . O c, ca -* Left Thru Ri ht Peds 121 41 561 0. i! 0, 1 131 411 57J 9 122, 1 109231 3' 2' 5 125- 111I 2361 Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue Start Time ' Left Taro Right Peds TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 3701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 File Name : 47325-3 t:P\l Site Code :45'_]3'i77 Start Date - 75i l.2'21ri* Paoe No 2 NW 3rd Avenue Nov 36th Street NW 3rd Avenue NW 36th Street Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound That Right '. Peds '� Left . . Thru Right Peds App Lei Total '.. otal Apg. Ltit - Thru : R ght Fees Total App T .aJ ak Hour From 16:eo to 17.45 - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 16:45 Volume 13 21 33 0 67 E 32 442 15 0 489 8 25 31 0 64 80 584 13 0 677 i 297 Percent 19.4 31.3 49.3 0.0 6.5 90.4 3.1 0.0 12.5 39.1 48.4 0.0 . 11.8 86.3 1.9 0.0 Volume 13 2! 33 0 67 32 442 15 0 489 8 25 31 0 64 80 584 13 0 677 1 297 Volume 5 2 6 0 13 10 126 4 0 140 3 4 9 0 16 24 147 1 0 171 ?eak Factor 1151 High Int. 17:00 16:45 17:15 17:30 Volume 3 8 11 0 22 10 126 4 0 140 ', 3 9 10 0 22 : 17 162 3 0 182 ?eak Factor 0.761 ' 0.873 0.727 0,930 • TG to: oT,.� ,w ar— NW 3rd Avenue Out In Total 120 67 187'. 33 21 13 Right Thru Left Peds North 5/1212004 4.45:00 PM 5/12/2004 5:30:00 PM Cars Heavy Trucks Left Thru Rignt Peds 5 25 311 0 66: 64' i30' Out in Total NW 3rd Avenue me z w co m CA T RAN S r_ • P ..„ N1IAN11. FLORIDA 3$183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 H-".! Site Code Start Date : I Page No 3 °Linter: 3077 ; 33076 ounted By: PCC DAB leather: Clear ether: NW 3rd Avenue Southbaund ,TR .3 PR ESS1O' .. 6 J5 Sri' 1 ret AVENUE, S1TE210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Cars NW 36th Street ,W 3rd Avenue Westbound Northbound Site Cade-1525 Start Date G '. W v! 0,'4 Page No 1 NW 36th Street Eastbound Stan Time i Left Thru Right Feds App i_ That itigin Peds Total Total €.eR TI^.ri Right : Pews F Led ' Thai Right - Pais Grp. . o;ai Factor 1.0 10 J 10 1 1.0 ! !A L© 16:00 0 7 15 0 22 8 108 10 16:15 2 9 3 0 14 4 91 6 16:30 0 5 12 0 17', 1 109 10 16:45 5 2 6 0 13 10 120 4 Total 7 23 36 0 66 23 428 30 0 0 0 €©': 1.0 '. l.0 10 i0 126 0 4 2 0 6 22 139 2 101 i 1 4 8 0 13 17 158 2 120i 3 2 5 0 10 13 12i 1 134 2 4 9 0 15 24 143 1 481 6 14 24 0 44 76 561 6 10 0 0 0 a\; 163 317 177 305 135 282 163 33';1 643 • 1234 17.00 3 8 1 t 0 22 4 117 4 0 125 1 4 6 0 11 25 119 5 0 149 31t 17:15 2 7 8 0 17 11 100 1 0 112 3 9 10 0 22 13 141 4 0 153 3';.4 17:30 3 4 7 0 14 7 83 6 0 96 1 8 6 0 15 17 159 3 0 179 35 17:45 7 4 10 0 21 8 87 8 0 103 6 10 0 17 14 145 5 0 164 . 3Ct5 Total 15 23 36 0 74 30 387 19 0 436 ' 6 27 32 0 65 1 69 564 17 0 650 1225 Grand Total 22 46 72 0 140' 53 815 49 0 917 12 41 56 0 109 145 1t5 23 0 1293 2459 Appreh % 15.7 32.9 51.4 0.0 : 5.8 88.9 5.3 0.0 1 1.0 37.6 51.4 0.0 1 1,2 87.0 1.8 0.0 Total% 0.9 1.9 2.9 0.0 5.7 2.2 33.1 2.0 0.0 37.3 0.5 1.7 2.3 0.0 4.4 5.9 45.8 0.9 0 0 52.6 NW 3rd Avenue Out in Total 235' 140 375- 72 46 22 0 Right Thna Left Peds 1 North 5/1272004 4.00-00 PM 5/1212004 5:45.00 PM Cars Left Thru R[9ht Peds 12i 411 56T 0, 122 1 109 '. 231! Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 WANE, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Fifes Name : 4525-3...,7.35FM Site Code .45253077 Start Date 05.12t: j4 Page No 2 NW 3rd Avenue NW 36th Street NW 3rd Avenue Soouthbound Westbound Northbound Start Time Left Thrd Right Pcds Total Lift Thru - Right Pcds Total Left rani Right : Ped APP Left Total NW 36th Street Eastbound ru Right : Reds yak Hour From 16.00 to 17.45 - Peak 1 or 4 Intersection i6:45 Volume 13 21 Percent I9.7 31.8 Volume 13 71 Volume 5 2 Peak Factor High Int. 17:00 Volume 3 Peak Factor • 32 0 66 : 32 48.5 0.0 6.9 32 0 66 1 32 6 0 13 10 16:45 8 11 0 2310 0.750 420 15 0 467 7 25 31 0 89.9 3.2 0.0 11.1 39.7 49.2 0.0 420 15 0 467 7 25 31 0 120 4 0 134', 2 4 9 0 63 79 12,1 63 79 15 24 AFP Total T..:ta 562 13 0 654 1250 85.9 2.0 0.0 562 13 0 654 1250 143 1 0 168- 330 0.947 17:15 17:30 120 4 0 134 3 9 10 0 22 17 159 0.871 [ 0.716 NW arri Avenue Out In Total 119', 66 185' 32 2t' 13 Right Thru Left Pees North 5112/2004 4:45:00 PM 5/12/2004 5:30:00 PM Cars 4-1 Left Thru Right Potts 71 25[ 31 0 • 66' 63129 Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue -4 414. 3 0 179 0.913 :aunt r 077 TOTC Thunted By: PCC i DAB A eather: Clear 9 ther: NW 3rd Avenue Southbound --1 .NA:LYSIS PR.. S ; .'.\ .S, i iS70i SW 137th AVENUE,SL TE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Heavy Trucks NW 36th Street NW 3rd Avenue Northbound Westbound File Name - 25- Site Code Start Date : 95:' Page No NW 36th Street Eastbound Start Timc Left '. Thru Right Peels Tagil Left • Thru ''. Right Peels Factor 1.0 € 0 '. 1 0 1.0 ; 1 0 ' 10 k 1.0 , 1.0 16:00 0 0 1 0 1'I 1 5 0 0 16:15 1 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 16:30 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 16:45 0 0 0 0 0'' 0 6 0 0 Total 1 0 1 0 2` 3 23 0 0 App Total 6 5s 9 17:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 17:15 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7'; 17:30 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 5 17:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 Total 0 0 1 0 19 0 0 19 $ rpm 1 Right Pc15 App. E Total Left ThruRigh[ PC^� Total 0 1.0- L0 10€ 1.0 I €.0- €.0, 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 6 0 0 6 ._ 0 0 0 0 i 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 4 • 13 1 0 0 0 1 i 0 4 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 21 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 5 0 0 5 9 1 10 0 0 11 18 0 3 0 0 3 9 1 7 0 0 8 1 2 25 0 0 27 48 Grand Total 1 0 2 0 3 3 42 0 0 45 1 0 1 0 2 3 45 0 0 48 98 Apprch % 33.3 0.0 66.7 0.0 6.7 93.3 0.0 0.0 ' 50.0 0-0 50.0 0.0 6.3 93.8 0.0 0.0 Total % 1.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.1 3.1 42.9 0.0 0.0 45.9 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.1 45.9 0.0 0.0 49.0 NW 3rd Avenue Out In Total 1 3 3 6 2 0 1 0- Right Thru - Left Peds 4_1 North 5112/2004 4:00:00 PM 5112/2004 5:45:00 PM Heavy Trucks J 47. r-# I Left Thru Right Peds 11 01 11 0 1 3! 2: 5. Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue 4 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MI_AMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 • HIc Name . Site Code 5 251t Start Date 05:' 1 2. _:0) Page No _ NW 3rd Avenue NW 36th Street NW 3rd Avenue NW 36th Street Southbaund Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time i Left Thru ' Right I Peds tak Hour From 16:00 to 17 45 Peak 3 of Intersection 16:30 Volume 0 0 0 0 Percent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 App. Total Leff ', Thru ' Right Pcds App Total Left • Thrs _ Right PtdS App Total Left Thru Right Peds Volume 0 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 0 0 Peak Factor High Int. 3:45:00 PM Volume 0 0 0 0 Peak Factor • 1 25 0 0 26 1 0 0 0 3.8 96.2 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 I 25 0 0 26 i 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 APP 2 22 0 0 24 8.3 91.7 fl.0 0.0 2 22 0 0 2-t 5 i 1 10 0 0 1 I6:30 16:45 17:15 1 8 0 0 9', 1 0 0 0 1.; 1 10 0 0 11 0.722 0-250 I 0.545 NW 3rd Avenue Out In Total 0 2 0' 0 0 0 Right Thru Left Peds • North 5/12/2004 4.30:G0 PM 5/12/2004 5:15:00 PM Heavy Trucks Left Thru Right Peds 1 01 0 0: 2 Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue 0 70 8 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING VOLUME COUNT 7RAtiSPORTANALYSIS PROFESSIOtiaLS. Ins. LOCATION COUNTY STUDY DATE NW 3rd Avenue ::a< YW 36th Su-eet Dade CITY Miami 5 122004 SN 4525 TYPE OF CONTROL R1-1 OBSERVER PCC 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00 0 0 0 1 4:00 - 4:15 1 4:15 - 4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45.5:00 0 0 0 2 4:00-4:15 4:15.4:30 - 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 3 0 0 0 4;00 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30.4:45 4:45 - 5:00 3 0 0 1 TIME: FROM 4:00 PM TO 5:00 Ptii ti NW 3rd Avenue NW 36th Street E*. 4:00.4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 2 2 1 0 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00 0 0 0 0 4:00 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00 0 0 0 1 4:00 - 4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 2 0 3 0 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45 - 5:00 3 0 0 3 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45-6:00 3 0 1 0 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5.30.5:45 5:45 - 5:00 3 2 0 7 5:00 - 5:13 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 0 1 1 0 TIME: FROM 5.00 PM TO 6.00 PM ti NW 3rd Avcnu NW 36th Street => ( 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 1 0 0 0 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30.5.45 5:45 - 6:00 0 0 1 3 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5.45.6..00 0 0 1. 0 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 530-5:45 5:45 - 6:00 2 0 1 1 iunter: 3076 anted By: DAB Bather: Clear her: NW 5th Avenue Southbound 07T . _ S PR" `SSION jtiV137thA4E;NLE, oL[ F 2i3 MIA:MI, FLORIDA 33183--498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Cars - Heavy Trucks NW 35th Street NW 5th Avenue Westbound Ncrthbound _e.Nam.e Site C>D Star Date Pace No NW 35th Street Eastbound Star, Time Left . Thra Right App Total LeR Thu Right : .App Fetal Leo Thru RIght_._...:?t?k.Totai_._._., _L.'i.Thr ` Right ap Totui ..____r`aaa: 10' iA ' 10 f.9�_.....,.__ € 00 i.0 i 0 3 0 L0 . '10 • 1 0 I 16:00 0 35 1 36 2 6 1 9 7 46 3 56 13 2 3 13 1 1) 16:15 4 28 4 36 3 6 1 10 1 43 3 47 ` 7 2 4 13 1 6 16:30 3 30 2 35 3 4 1 8 2 39 3 44 5 6 1 12 99 16:45 1 18 2 21 1 0 6 0 6 1 4 46 4 54 4 4 0 8 S9 Total 8 11I 9 128 8 22 3 33 14 174 13 201 29 14 8 51 17.00 0 35 3 38 2 2 1 5: 6 45 3 54 3 4 4 I 1 1 )8 17.15 2 27 5 34 3 2 4 9. 3 48 5 56' 4 2 5 €3 .10 17:30 2 19 4 25 1 2 1 4 7 52 4 638 3 4 35 1€)7 17:45 1 24 0 25 1 1 4 6 i 4 35 3 42: 4 2 4 10 53 Total 5 105 12 122 7 7 10 24! 20 180 15 215 19 11 7_.. 8 Grand Total 13 216 21 250 i 15 29 13 57', 34 354 28 416 48 25 25 98 823 Appreh % 5.2 86.4 8.4 i 26.3 50.9 22.8 8.2 85.1 6-7 49.0 25 -5 25,5 Total % 1.6 26.3 2.6 30.5 1.8 3.5 1.6 6.9 4.1 43.1 3.4 50.7 5 8 3.0 3.0 11.9 • NW 5th Avenue Out In Total 405', 239 644. 10 ' 111 2k. 415. 250 665'. 21 206! 12 0 10 1 21 216 13. Right Thru Le V ,COKO 'CV T,p _ `a) N A' - North - z ---wow ' c° N-NL 51i1120044:G0:0OPM -1 W�. F-I 511112004 5:45:00 PM 1 ;l t_c c'nt v' : v v v+ cn 21 - �o� 'Cars --_-_'_..' r can Z D W `� a -"� cv... - Heavy Trucks �""r 1 -3 :K ♦ cnto to �': �ft Thru Right 34 346 28 0 8 0 34'. 354 28. 2461 408' 554. 10 8 18'. 256! 416 . 672'. Out In Total NW 5th Avenue TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 File Name ...L;t Site Code : 4525 '_175 Start Date 05/ 1 i.2'004 Page No : 2 NW 5th Avenue NW 35th Street NW 5th Avenue NW 35th Street Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time ' Left i Thru FLitht App Total Left Thru Right App_ Total Left Thru : Right App Total Lett Tams E Right Apo- Tata€ : TSC9 ak Hour From 15A0 to 17. 45 - Peak E of 1 Intersection 16:45 Voiume 5 99 14 118 6 12 6 24 20 191 16 227 19 13 13 45 414 Percent 4.2 83.9 11.9 25.0 50.0 25.0 8.8 84.1 7,0 42,2 28.9 28.9 Volume 5 99 14 118 6 12 6 24 1 20 19l 16 227 19 13 13 45 414 Volume 2 27 5 34 ` 3 2 4 9 3 48 5 56 4 2 5 11 1.10 Peak Factor 0.941 High Int. 17:00 17:15 1 7:30 1 7:30 Volume 0 35 3 38 3 2 4 9 7 52 4 63 8 3 4 15 Peak Factor 0.776 : 0.667 0.901 0.750 NW 5th Avenue Out In Total 216. 1187 334 141 995 Right Thru Left North .._. y.' — -A' z 5 at 5/1112004 4:45:00 PM 5/11/2004 5.30.00 PM = A Kars _ Q Heavy Trucks • Left Thru Right 20 191: 16 1181 227: l 345 Out In Total NW 5th Avenue ^.• AL ISPR . . :w:SW 17th ENLE,SL d5 g G«t FLORIDA 33183 &49: g03 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 !a 76 \Cofic . Da .05.1 /\/; aw», 2 3unter 3076 3unted Bv, DAB eather: Clear Cher: Stan Time Factor 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 Tonal NW 5tft Avenue Southbound SIS PR SD - S '31 . 37th AVENUE, `L:TE 210 MEA�t1, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Cars NW 35th Street NW 5th Avenue Westbound Northbound Leo? Thru 3 R ht ; Apt. Total Le. Thar 1 ?den App. Total _ :.eft : T4ra Ram : AopTTata1 .. 1.0 1.0 • 1 0 1 € 0: 1 0 1.0 . 0 31 1 32 2 6 1 9' 7 45 3 55 4 27 4 35 'i 3 5 1 9 1 42 3 46 2 30 2 34 3 4 1 8 I 2 38 3 43 1 14 2 17? 0 5 0 5 I 4 46 4 7 102 9 8 20 3 31 14 171 13 1.0 E 0 1.0 118 17:00 0 35 3 381 2 2 1 5 17:15 2 27 5 34 3 2 4 9 17:30 2 19 4 25 i 1 2 1 4 17:45 1 23 0 24 1 1 4 6 i0 17 6 5 54 4 198 27 i=tit Name Site Cede Star; Date Page No NW 35th Street Eastbound Thru ftiiht App Tatat 30. 10 1 3 i6 2 4 12 6 1 12 4 0 8 13 8 -18 6 44 3 53 3 4 4 11 1(1)7 3 47 5 55 4 2 5 t t 109 7 51 4 62 8 3 4 15 ' n 4 33 3 40 4 2 4 10 59 Total 5 104 12 121 7 7 10 24 Grand Total 12 206 21 239 Apprch % 5.0 86.2 8.8 Total % 1.5 25.8 2.6 30.0 • 20 175 15 210 'i 19 11 17 4 402 15 27 13 55 34 346 28 40846 24 25 95797 27.3 49.1 23.6 8.3 84.8 6.9 48.4 25.3 26.3 1.9 3.4 1.6 6.9 4.3 43.4 3.5 51.2 5.8 3.0 3.1 11.9 : _'ni. J N C�in Nei � NW 5th Avenue Out In Total 405 239 644 21i 206 12 Right Thru Left North 5/1112004 4:01100 PM 6/1112004 5:4500 PM Cars Left Thou Right 34 346 28 246 408 654 Cut in Total NW 5th Avenue TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33 1 83-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 FileName : Site Code . 452530 Start Date : 05/11, 004 Page No 2 NW 5th Avenue NW 35th Street NW 5th Avenue NW 35th Street Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Slalf Tame Left Thus Right ; Apo Total '.. Le l Thru R!$ht App. Total Left This Wet ' ApP. Total 1-eft Thal R:eht App. Total Lk Hour From Ifs. Oa to 17.45 - Peak I of 1 Intersection 16:45 Volume 5 95 14 114 6 11 6 23 ,20 188 16 224 19 13 13 45 476 Percent 4,4 83.3 12.3 26.1 47.3 26.1 8.9 83.9 7.1 42,2 28.9 28.9 Volume 5 95 14 114 6 11 6 23 20 188 16 224: 19 13 13 45 406 Volume 2 27 5 34 3 2 4 9 3 47 5 55 4 2 5 It 1 G9 Peak Factor i 0.931 High Int. 17:00 117:15 17:30 17:30 Volume 0 35 3 38 1 3 2 4 9 7 51 4 62 ' 8 3 4 15 Peak Factor 0.750 1 0.639 0.903 0.750 cc NW 5th Avenue Out In Totai ' 213, 114: ; 327 14j 55 5 Right Thru Lett North 5/11120044:45:00 PM 5/11/2004 5:30:00 PM Cars Left Thru Right 20 188 16 114 224: 338! Out In Total NW 5th Avenue _ PR _ SS ION AL3, )unter: 3i 1 6 punted By: DAB .gather: Clear ;her: NW 5th Avenue Sauthbound Start Time Left Thu - li ght Aop. Total Factor 1.0 10 E.0 16:00 0 4 0 16:15 0 1 0 16:30 1 0 0 16:45 0 4 0 S70 SW 13 th AVENUE, SUITE 2'1r) MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Heavy Trucks NW 35th Street NW 5th Avenue Westbound Northbound Name ,15 Site Code . 45253076 Start Date : 05.'11 2 )ij4 Page No 1 NW 35th Street Eastbound .eft Thru Right Aop- Total : Left . Thru Ratht ' App. Total Left , Thru ' Right . Aap T--._.._ a I I 1.0 10 - ;.0 1 0 ' 1'0 - 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 I 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Total 1 9 0 10 1700 0 0 0 17:15 0 0 0 17:30 0 0 0 17:45 0 1 0 Total 0 1 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 2 1 0 3 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 1' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 1 10 0 11 0 2 0 Apprch % 9.1 90.9 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0-0 100.0 Total % 4.2 41.7 0.0 45.8 1 0.0 8.3 0.0 8.3 0.0 33.3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 6 0 8 0 8 2 1 0 3 00 66.7 33.3 0.0 0.0 33.3 8.3 42 0.0 12.5 venue Out In Total 0' 10 Right Thru Lett North 5/1112004 4.00:00 PM 5111 /2004 5.45.00 PM :Heavy Trucks 4-- -1 Left Ttvu Right 0 8. 0 10 8 18 Out n Total NW 51.11 Avenue zo, z co N .N. 10 -2,, 9p a. 24 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW l37th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAlMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 NW 5th Avenue Southbound Start Tme. . Left Thru Right : App Total ak Hour From eS 00 to 17.45 - Peak 1 311 Intersection 16 00 Volume 1 9 0 10 0 2 0 10.0 90.0 0.0 0.0 100-0 0.0 1 9 0 10 0 2 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 16:00 16:15 Percent Volume Volume Peak Factor High int. Volume Peak Factor • 0 4 0 4 0.625 NW 35th Street NW 5th Avenue Westbound Northbound rise Name 5i.e Code Start 14ate 05;1, 1 301)4 PaieNo 2_ NW 35th Street Eastbound Thru Right - App- Total Left _ Thru Riga App. Total Left Thr.: Riitht Aop Total 0 3 0 3 2 1 0 i:ti 0.0 100.0 0.0 66.7 33.3 0.0 0 3 0 3: 2 1 0 3 IS 0 1 0 1. I I 0 2 7 0643 6:00 16 00 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0.500 0.750 0.375 M 0 NW 5th Avenue Out In Total 5! 10; t5, 0 9', Right Thru Left 4J ► North 511112004 4:00:00 PM 5/1112004 4:45:00 PM Heavy Trucks A. 4- --► Left Thru Right 0 3 0 9 3 12. Out In Total NW 5th Avenue n. _T : m p'' PEDESTRIAN CROSSING VOLUME COUNT TRANSPORT ANALYSES PROFTSSIONALS, Inc. LOCATION COUNTY STUDY DATE NW 5th Avenue 'v! NW 35th Street Dade CITY -Miami Sit t12004 SN- 4525 TYPE OF CONTROL RI-1 OBSERVER DAB 4:00-4:15 4:15-430 4:30-4:45 4,45-5:00 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45 - 5:00 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00 2 3 0 0 4:00-4:15 4:15.4730 4:30-4.45 4:45 - 5:00 0 2 0 0 TIME: FROM 4--00 055 TO 5:00 PM N NW 5€h Avail_ NW 35th Street 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00 0 0 0 0 4:00-4:€5 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 445.5'00 7 I 2 0 4:00 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 3 0 0 0 4:00-4:15 4:15.4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00 2 0 0 0 5:00- 5:15 1 5:15 - 5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45 -6:00 0 1 0 1 5:00-5:15 5:15-530 5:30-5:45 5:45-6:00 1 0 0 0 5:00-5:15 5:15.5:30 5:30.SAS 5:45 - 6:00 0 0 0 1 5:00-5:15 5:15.530 5:30-5:45 5:45-6:00 0 0 0 0 TIME: FROM 5:00 PM TO 6 00 PM => ( NW 5t Avenue NW 35th Street Ci 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 0 2 3 0 5:00 - 5:15 515-5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 1 0 0 2 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45-6:00 0 1 1 2 5:00 - 5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45 - 6:00 0 0 0 0 'oSx punter. 30' 7 aunttdl By: PCC Bather: Clear ;her: 'SIS .`FT'_ _ .. >7001 SW 137: 1 AVENUE, SL/ F E 2 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 10- Groups Printed- Cars - Heavy Trucks NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street NW 3rd Avenue Southbound Westbound Northbound Fi.0 Name _ __ Site Code =_. Start Date Page No 1 NW 35th Street Eastbound Start Time Left Tt:rtt Right Pds .pp. Left Thru R:ght �. Peds A' ' Lcft Thra : R ght 1 Peds APP Left Thru Right : Pe1s - 3", Tutai Total 1 Total Total Factor ' 1.0 : 1.0 1 0 1.0 1 0 10 10 1.0 ; 1.0 L0 - L0 101.0 : 10' 1.0 10 16.002 15 1 0 18 1 7 4 0 12 3 17 2 0 22 1 5 2 0 8 h;; 16115 1 14 2 0 17' 4 3 3 0 10 4 13 3 0 20 3 5 2 0 10 16130 3 7 2 0 12 0 7 2 0 9 2 12 0 0 14 ''i 4 4 3 0 11 4`i 16:45 5 11 2 0 18 1 7 3 0 11' 2 14 2 0 18 2 5 2 0 9 3 Total 11 47 7 0 65_' 6 24 12 0 42 1 ` 56 7 0 74 10 19 9 0 38 i9 17:00 1 14 0 0 15 1 0 6 5 0 1 I 0 14 3 0 17 17:15 3 18 3 0 24 i 1 2 4 0 7 0 12 3 0 15 17:30 2 13 1 0 16 3 3 3 0 9 1 15 4 0 20 17:45 2 11 4 0 17 3 2 2 0 7 1 3 11 3 0 17 Total 8 56 8 0 72 1 13 14 0 34 i 4 52 13 0 69 2 7 1 5 2 5 4 2 9 19 1 0 10 53 0 0 6 5_ 2 0 9 54 0 0 6 47 3 0 31 213E 33rand Total 19 103 15 0 137 13 37 26 0 76 15 108 20 0 143 19 38 12 0 69 425 Appreh % 13.9 75.2 10,9 0.0 17.1 48.7 34.2 0.0 10.5 75.5 14.0 0.0 27.5 55.1 17.4 0.0 Total % 4.5 24.2 3.5 0.0 32.2 ` 3.1 8.7 6.1 0 0 17.9 ' 3.5 25.4 4.7 0.0 33.6 4.5 8.9 2.8 0.0 16 a" ' CO t.7 : E, nor`+ r N't Z m'vs to a o�o',. 0 - 0. NW 3rd Avenue Out In Total 152'''. 135 287 1 2 3 153 -137250 15 102 18 0 0 1 1 0• 15 103', 19 0 Right Thru Left Peds 4-- North 5/11/2004 4:00' 00 PM 5/11/2004 5:45 00 PM Cars Heavy Trucks 4-, ,..4. Left Thru Right Reds 141 1081 201 0 11 01 0' 15i 108I 201 126', 142, 268 2 1' , 3 128' 143 : 271 Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue AL 0 rn a � - -, - - W A: 2 F- P ',,µ rn. c {'0 v'3 S CO it) CO 0 c. c.�cnm- TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIO\B LS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 File \"ame . Site Code - 45253. Sari Date . 05111..2. [sage No : 2 NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Stree Southbound Westbound Start Time Left '', Thru - REg tt Reds Total Let Utz) Right Pads App Total NW 3rd Avenue Northbound Lcit ',., Thru _ Right Pads '.. APP Totals NW 35th Street Eastbound Let Thra _ Right Peds AlPP Taal )t31 c Hour From € 6.Oa to 17:45 - Peak [ of 1 ltersection l6:00 Volume 11 47 7 0 65 6 24 12 0 42 ` 11 56 7 0 74 10 19 9 0 38 219 Percent 16.9 72.3 10.8 0,0 14.3 57.1 28.6 0.0 14.9 75.7 9.5 0.0 26.3 50.0 23.7 0.0 Volume 11 47 7 0 65 6 24 12 0 42 • 11 56 7 0 74 10 19 9 0 38 219 Volume 2 15 1 0 18 1 7 4 0 12 3 17 2 0 22 1 5 2 0 8 60 eak Factor 0.913 High Int. 16:00 16:00 16:00 16:30 Volume 2 15 1 0 18 1 7 4 0 12 3 17 2 0 22 : 4 4 3 0 i I eak Factor 0.903 ` 0.875 0.841 . 0.864 NW 3rd Avenue Oat Itt Total 76 65 143 7 47 11' D_ Right Thru Left Peds 4- amO y. - wc. ;q s0 — T' ---, -- 6 0 W. North `'' z m rn z —1 '. L —04— 2,'� tv 5ttt720044:00:00 PM a 3 .)in— °s Cr— 5111 /2004 4:45:00 PM — r ro Lel 5 v — -5 i Cars _`m- 0. 4,) Heavy Trucks - il:° O to 4-- Left Thru Right Peds 111 561 7: 0 62. 74 136 Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue r PR' 7.SS ONA _S, i.. =.';L.. S_ T.i 210 \UAN.11. FLORMA 33183-449S (305) 385 0777 Of0er. (305) 385 9997 Name Site Code Sur. Date . Page No 3 10 =untcr: 31077 3untexi By: PCC eather: Clear her: NW 3rd Avenue Northbound Stet Tune Left Thr3 _ Right Pcds Ta=ai I.cti ! ?":7ri Right ' Peds ''. Total Lei Thru. Right Reds APP APP Factor I 0 !.0 1 0 1.0 • 1.0 1.0 1.0 '. I 1 0 !.0 10 : 1.0 NW 3rd Avenue Southbound TRANSPORT A"N_ LYSIS PROFESSIONALS, L], _. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Cars NW 35th Street Westbound App. Total 16:00 2 15 1 0 18' 1 7 4 0 12 1 3 17 2 0 22 • 16:15 1 14 2 0 17 3 3 3 0 9 1 3 13 3 0 19, 16:30 2 7 2 0 11 1 0 7 2 0 9 i, 2 12 0 0 14 • 16:45 5 11 2 0 18 1 6 3 0 10 2 14 2 0 18 Total 10 47 7 0 64 5 23 12 0 40 '! 10 56 7- 73 ft _ 11e Narne Cocle Start Date : 05.11 - _ . Page No NW 35th Street Eastbound hru Righz . Peds 10 13 '.0. 10 1 3 3 2 5 5 17 2 0 2 0 11) 3 0 10 0 9 55 9 0 35 212 App ;5 17:00 1 13 0 0 14 0 6 5 0 1 1 0 14 3 0 17 2 7 1 0 10 52 17:15 3 18 3 0 24' 1 2 4 0 7', 0 12 3 0 15 1 5 0 0 6 52 17:30 2 13 1 0 16'. 3 3 3 0 9 I 15 4 0 20 2 5 2 0 9 54 17:45 2 11 4 0 17 3 2 2 0 7 3 11 3 0 17 4 2 0 0 6 Total 8 55 8 0 71 7 13 14 0 34 4 52 13 0 69 9 19 3 0 31 2`?5 grand Total 18 102 15 0 135 12 36 26 0 74! 14 108 20 0 142 18 36 12 0 66 417 Apprch% 13.3 75.6 11.1 0.0 1 16.2 48.6 35.1 0.0 1 9.9 76.1 14.1 0.0 27.3 54.5 18.2 0.0 Total % 4.3 24.5 3.6 0.0 32.4 ', 2.9 8.6 6.2 0.0 17.7 3.4 25.9 4.8 0.0 34.1 , 4.3 8.6 2.9 0.0 15 -8 NW-3rd Avenue Cut In Total 152' 135' ! 287: 15 102 18' 0 Right Thru 4-- North eft Peds 5/11/2004 4:00:00 PM 5/11/2004 5:45:00 PM Cars 4-- -* Left Thru Right Peds 141 1081 201 Oi 125 142 268 Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Pile flame 4525-3 Site Code : 45253i_;77 Start Date : 051111207r4 Page No : 2 NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street 5outhbound Westbound Start Time Left Thru Right Pelt App Total Left nu% Right Peds App. Total NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street Northbound Eastbound 5 Thru i Right Peds App Tata/ Thru Right Peels App. Total eak Hour From 16.CO to 17.45 - Peak 1 of ! Intersection 16:45 Volume 11 55 6 0 72 5 17 15 0 37 3 55 12 0 70 7 22 5 0 34 213 Percent 15.3 76.4 8.3 0.0 13.5 45.9 40.5 0.0 4.3 78.6 17.1 0.0 20.6 64.7 14.7 0.0 Volume 11 55 6 0 72 1 5 17 15 0 37 '', 3 55 12 0 70 7 22 5 0 34 213 Volume 5 11 2 0 18 1, 1 6 3 0 10 ', 2 14 2 0 18 2 5 2 0 9 55 Peak Factor 3 .a68 High Int. 17:15 17:00 17:30 i 17:00 Volume 3 18 3 0 24 0 6 5 0 11 1 15 4 0 20 2 7 1 0 10 Peak Factor 0.750 1 0.841 0.875 : 0,850 • NW 3rd Avenue? Out [n Total 77 72 149, 5 55 Right Thru Left Pads -4 gym' v .0 r .P F. North �, z arc — N'.2 Ma 511112004 4.45:00 PM —�'3 • -- - c Si 1112004 5:30 00 PM �' c" z • co 5 _ 'Cars v: .-,,� 3 0 ,g _ .. 61 Left Thru Riot Peds 3 551 121 0 85'. 0; 135 Out in Total NW 3rd Avenue [ r. 3077 punted By: FCC 'eat: er: Clear ther: 8 } Js, ,311,.hAVENI, SLATE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 Groups Printed- Bank 1 NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street NW 3rd Avenue Southbound Westbound Northbound Ap Star; Time Led Thry Right ?eds Z'3 al Left mu • Right Pods To• tal '... Left Thru • Right Reds TooaE Left T?tri Right Reds Faaor' l.0. i0: 10 10 '0 t -e' 0'.. I 10- i0- i0 1.00: t.0 €0 i0 0 16:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16:15 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16:30 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16:45 0 0 0 0 0'. 0 0 0 0 0! 0 0 0 0 0. Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ N'tir1e Start Date Faze do 17:00 0 0 0 0 17:15 0 0 0 0 17:30 0 0 0 0 17:45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NW 35th Street Eastbound 0 0 0 0 1, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 .rand Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apprch % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 Total % • 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 t-. 11. NW 3rd Avenue Out In Total 0, 0 0 0' 0 0 0 Rich# Thru Left Peds North 5/11 /2004 4:00:00 PM 5i1 i/2004 5:45:00 PM Bank 1 Left Thru Ri ht Peds 01 01 0 0 0' 0 0 Out In Total NW 3rd Avenue t. TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW i 37th AVENUE, SUITE 210 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33183-4498 (305) 385 0777 Office (305) 385 9997 File'arn 45?5- S=E.r Code . 4;253 Start Date Page No : 2 NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street Souhbound Westbound Scare rime Ltt� '', Thru R=g^.t Pods :ak Hour From I6:OO to t 7.75 - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 15:00 Volume 0 0 0 0 Percent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Volume 0 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 0 0 Peak Factor High Int. 3:45:00 PM Volume Peak Factor 10 NW 3rd Avenue Northbound APP Total Lift Thru : Rtght Pedo ., 7� a1 Left Thru Right Pods '.. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3:45:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Agp., eft Total NW 35th Street Eastbound Toro ', Right Pcd App Total • 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O°0 3:45:00 PM 3:45:00 PM o Er rir � N — NW 3rd Avenue Out In Total 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 Right Thru Lett Peds North 5f 11 /2004 4:00:00 PM 5/11/2004 4:45:00 PM Bank 1 Left Thru Right Peds a€ 0 0 0 0 0'', 0'. Out in Total NW 3rd Avenue PEDESTRIAN CROSSING VOLUME COUNT TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS- Inc LOCATION COUNTY STUDY DATE NW 3rd Avenue (32 NW 35th Street Dade CITY Miami 5iI1;^004 ;N 4525 TYPE OF CONTROL 5;>€a OBSERVER PCC 4.00-4:15 415-4.30 4:30.4:45 4:45.5:00 0 0 3 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 1 6 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45-5:00 1 1 2 5 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:36 4a0.4:45 4:45-5:00 3 1 2 3 4:00 - 4:' 5 4:15 - 4:30 4:30.4:45 4:45 - 5:00 2 1 2 3 TIME: FROM 4:00 PM TO 5 00 PM NW 3rd Avenue NW 35th Street 4:00 - 4: 15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 5:00 0 0 1 0 4.00.4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4.45 4:45 - 5:00 1 1 0 2 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45- 5:00 4 4 3 2 4:00-4:15 4:15-4:30 4:30-4:45 4:45-5:00 0 1 1 1 0 3 1 3 0 2 0 2 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45.6:00 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5:00 - 5:15 5 15.5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 0 2 1 4 5:00.5:15 5-15.5:30 5:30.5:45 5:45-6:00 0 1 1 1 5:00-5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30-5:45 5:45-6:00 2 2 3 2 TIME: FROM 5:00 PM TO 6:00 PM NW 3rd Avenue NW 351h Street 5:00 - 5:15 5:15.5:30 5:30-545 5:45 - 6:00 0 0 1 2 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45-6:00 1 0 0 0 5:00-5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 1 1 0 0 5:00 - 5:15 5:15-5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 ^is analysis was sed to estab; sh "raffle _iew durine the Peak 2-Hiciur Period used for Corridor Analyses 87-5077 NW 36th Street, Efo I-95 {vphl 5f3/2003 EB 003 Total TIME EB WB EJWB 2-HOURS 1500 136 120 256 1515 137 122 259 1530 136 147 283 1545 140 143 283 1500 152 137 289 1615 149 130 279 1530 174 128 302 1645 189 1,213 106 1,033 295 2,246 1700 190 1,267 126 1,039 315 2,305 1715 159 1,289 125 1,042 284 2,331 645 521 1,166 1730 140 1,293 106 1,001 246 2,294 1745 115 1,268 105 963 220 2,231 1800 125 1,693 102 928 227 2,159 1815 121 1,649 96 894 217 2,107 1830 126 1,557 93 859 219 2,024 1845 100 1,450 77 830 177 1,906 1900 105 886 73 777 178 1,768 1915 105 727 70 722 175 1,659 1930 82 587 66 682 148 1,561 1945 82 374 84 661 166 1,507 6/4/2003 TIME EB WB EMS 2-HOURS 1500 131 105 236 1515 138 111 249 1530 131 128 259 1545 146 151 297 1600 154 143 297 1615 138 135 273 1630 146 112 258 1645 129 1,113 107 992 236 2,105 1700 158 1,140 118 1,005 276 2,145 1715 137 1,139 125 1,019 262 2,158 570 510 1,079 1730 155 1,163 100 991 255 2,154 1745 131 1,148 90 930 221 2,078 1800 132 1,126 108 895 240 2,021 1815 114 1,102 100 860 214 1,962 1830 108 1,064 90 838 198 1,902 1845 106 1,041 99 830 205 1,871 1900 14 897 88 800 102 1,597 1915 96 856 86 761 182 1,517 1930 105 806 88 749 193 1,555 1945 101 776 83 742 184 1,518 6/5/2003 TIME EB WB E/WB 2-HOURS 1500 127 122 249 1515 142 125 257 1530 137 149 286 1545 151 134 285 1600 152 143 295 1615 163 131 294 1630 149 123 272 1645 134 1,155 138 1,065 272 2,220 1700 145 1,173 140 1,083 285 2,256 587 542 1,128 1715 136 1,167 97 1,055 233 2,222 1730 154 1,184 100 1,006 254 2,190 1745 114 1,147 94 966 208 2,113 1800 130 1,125 106 929 236 2,054. 1815 107 1,069 113 911 220 1,980 1830 106 1,026 107 895 213 1,921 1845 101 993 62 819 163 1,812 1900 105 953 67 746 172 1,699 1915 91 908 78 727 169 1,635 1930 88 842 73 700 161 1,542 1945 81 809 71 677 152 1,486 Adjusted to 2003 Peak Season, f = Adjusted to 2004 Peak Season, f = Average = 601 524 1,124 1.00 ) 601 524 1,124 1.02 ) 613 534 1,146 unty: 87 n: 5077 tion: SR 25/uS-27/NW 36 ST, 200' E 1-95 a t Date: 06/03/2003 art Time: 0000 Direction: E Direction: W Combined me 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Total 00 30 19 19 8 76 00 18 12 9 9 48 00 6 10 6 7 29 00 5 5 8 8 26 00 7 9 12 6 34 00 13 14 24 31 82 00 33 57 81 85 256 00 107 135 136 161 539 00 125 122 137 148 532 00 138 121 118 124 501 00 107 100 114 128 449 00 111 132 127 126 496 00 144 125 133 137 539 00 139 133 102 119 493 00 127 149 132 155 563 00 136 137 136 140 549 00 152 149 174 189 664 00 190 159 140 115 604 00 125 121 126 100 472 00 105 105 82 82 374 00 74 76 75 55 280 00 84 90 64 71 309 48 58 31 40 177 46 50 36 32 164 -Hour Totals: 12 23 16 15 66 14 6 10 10 40 5 9 4 6 24 3 4 5 7 19 7 11 6 9 33 9 17 25 25 76 42 44 67 74 227 79 99 98 117 393 89 105 111 110 415 90 96 80 83 349 87 101 104 98 390 109 93 107 103 412 117 94 101 119 431 105 111 108 97 421 100 129 100 124 453 120 122 147 143 532 137 130 128 106 501 126 125 106 105 462 102 96 93 77 368 73 70 66 84 293 83 78 65 67 293 70 44 49 32 195 43 31 31 30 135 42 33 29 19 123 142 88 53 45 67 158 483 932 947 850 839 908 970 914 1016 1081 1165 1066 840 667 573 504 312 287 8256 6651 14907 Peak volume Information Direction: E Direction: w combined Directions Hour volume Hour volume Hour volume M. 0715 557 0745 422 0745 967 M. 1630 712 1530 557 1630 1197 ily 1630 712 1530 557 1630 1197 uck Percentage 7.00 6.00 6.00 Page 1 unty: 87 on: 5077 tion: SR 25/US-27/NW 36 ST, 200' E 1-95 t Date: 06/04/2003 art Time: 0000 Direction: E me 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Total Direction: w Combined 00 36 23 26 18 103 18 19 27 17 81 184 00 16 28 11 6 61 11 17 11 6 45 106 00 6 7 14 6 33 11 7 9 7 34 67 00 9 7 5 9 30 6 5 3 6 20 50 00 5 12 11 8 36 2 11 10 9 32 68 00 15 18 17 36 86 11 16 26 25 78 164 00 40 66 71 89 266 42 45 57 58 202 468 00 116 138 136 141 531 79 87 104 120. 390 921 00 144 125 128 139 536 112 134 102 101 449 985 00 109 127 112 86 434 91 76 98 76 341 775 00 107 103 107 122 439 99 97 75 110 381 820 00 109 131 132 128 500 102 110 96 98 406 906 00 113 117 104 127 461 109 104 116 108 437 898 00 114 128 107 129 478 85 95 100 84 364 842 00 130 141 133 151 555 108 126 126 106 466 1021 00 131 138 131 146 546 105 111 128 151 495 1041 00 154 138 146 129 567 143 135 112 107 497 1064 00 158 137 155 131 581 118 125 100 90 433 1014 00 132 114 108 106 460 108 100 90 99 397 857 00 114 96 105 101 416 88 86 88 83 345 761 00 70 68 85 85 308 59 67 59 58 243 551 00 85 63 59 60 267 52 52 44 54 202 469 ii, 87 67 46 52 252 51 32 37 37 157 409 47 31 42 30 150 38 30 20 23 111 261 -Hour Totals: 8096 6606 14702 Peak volume Information Direction: E Direction: w Combined Directions Hour volume Hour volume Hour Volume NI. 0715 559 0730 470 0730 1016 M. 1545 584 1530 557 1530 1126 ily 1545 584 1530 557 1530 1126 uck Percentage 7.00 5.00 6.00 Page 2 unty: : ption: ,on Date: art Time: 87 5077 SR 25/u5-27/mw 36 ST, 200' E 1-95 06/05/2003 0000 me lst Direction: E 2nd 3rd 4th Total 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Total Direction: W Combined 00 .00 00 00 00 00 :00 '00 .00 00 )00 .00 00 00 .00 100 )00 '00 :00 )00 )00 .00 24 15 15 9 8 14 48 129 130 97 120 112 135 108 117 127 152 145 130 105 73 68 59 47 -Hour Totals: 26 17 14 7 13 19 67 103 137 111 111 135 139 122 132 142 163 136 107 91 76 91 64 36 33 10 7 8 7 30 82 122 143 115 126 111 119 120 137 137 149 154 106 88 83 71 52 40 27 14 12 5 11 29 74 166 127 133 105 120 126 125 130 151 134 114 101 81 86 75 38 26 110 56 48 29 39 92 271 520 537 456 462 478 519 475 516 557 598 549 444 365 318 305 213 149 8106 23 8 10 5 3 11 46 95 100 102 88 99 108 94 123 122 143 140 106 67 86 67 35 35 22 11 14 7 6 22 44 87 110 86 93 90 99 88 101 125 131 97 113 78 53 45 38 34 14 14 11 3 11 33 62 92 105 87 80 96 114 100 120 149 123 100 107 73 65 41 33 34 17 9 11 4 11 31 75 115 104 101 103 91 99 102 119 134 138 94 62 71 59 38 34 27 76 42 46 19 31 97 227 389 419 376 364 376 420 384 463 530 535 431 388 289 263 191 140 130 186 98 94 48 70 189 498 909 956 832 826 854 939 859 979 1087 1133 980 832 654 581 496 353 279 6626 14732 M. Lily Direction: E Hour volume 0745 576 1545 615 1545 615 'Lick Percentage 7.00 Peak volume Information Direction: w Hour volume 0745 430 1530 557 1530 557 5.00 Combined Hour 0745 1530 1530 Directions Volume 1006 1160 1160 6.00 Page 3 • This analysis was used to establish traffic flow dur r,q the Peak 24-lour Penoa used for Corridor Analyses N MIAMI AVENUE SOUTH OF NW 36TH STREET (v€7h). 6/29/2004 NB SB Total TIME NB 98 NISB 2-HOURS 1500 180 134 314 1515 172 151 323 1530 244 135 379 1545 245 108 353 1500 294 113 407 1615 229 114 343 1630 320 101 421 1645 297 1,981 96 952 393 2,933 1700 338 2,139 104 922 442 3,061 1715 345 2,312 114 885 459 3,197 1730 318 2,386 76 826 394 3,212 1,193 413 1,606 1745 234 2,375 97 815 331 3,190 1800 207 2,288 98 800 305 3,088 1815 182 2,241 76 762 258 3,003 1830 155 2,076 67 728 222 2,804 1845 127 1,906 70 702 197 2,608 1900 108 1,676 70 668 178 2,344 1915 85 1,416 58 612 143 2,028 1930 72 1,170 58 594 130 1,764 1945 65 1,001 52 549 117 1,550 6/30/2004 TIME NB SS NISB 2-HOURS 1500 175 147 322 1515 196 104 300 1530 263 133 396 1545 224 119 343 1600 273 115 388 1615 255 131 386 1630 297 96 393 1645 317 2,000 134 979 451 2,979 1700 321 2,146 119 951 440 3,097 1715 321 2,271 124 971 445 3,242 1730 303 2,311 95 933 398 3,244 1745 274 2,361 105 919 3'9 3,280 1,181 460 1,640 1800 211 2,299 90 894 311 3,193 1815 171 2,215 81 844 252 3,059 1830 140 2,058 70 818 210 2,876 1845 146 1,887 75 759 221 2,646 1900 100 1,666 55 695 155 2,361 1915 100 1,445 65 636 165 2,081 1930 86 1,228 42 583 128 1,811 1945 91 1,045 64 542 155 1,587 7/1/2004 TIME NB SS N/SB 2-HOURS 1500 154 139 293 1515 216 124 340 1530 246 98 344 1545 235 128 363 1600 237 104 341 1615 248 137 385 1630 318 128 446 1645 304 1,958 125 983 429 2,941 1700 342 2,146 94 938 436 3,084 1715 329 2,259 91 905 420 3,164 1730 305 2,318 88 895 393 3,213 1,159 448 1,607 1745 236 2,319 89 856 325 3,175 1800 246 2,328 80 832 326 3,160 1815 164 2,244 97 792 261 3,036 1830 147 2,073 96 760 243 2,833 1845 117 1,886 57 692 174 2,578 1900 97 1,641 47 645 144 2,286 1915 109 1,421 72 626 181 2,047 1930 87 1,203 51 589 138 1,792 1945 70 1,037 58 558 128 1,595 Average = 1,178 440 1,618 Adjusted to Peak Season, f = ( 1.01 ) 1,190 444 1,634 7/26/04 1:14:33 • TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 ite ID : 4525-1 34 Info 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/O Info 2 : NW 35TH STREET *** Single Channel 15 Minute Lane 2-Normal, Axle, /2 *** eau`. Date : Jun 29, 2004 Tue Factor : 1.00 Hour 2-NB Hour tarts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 12 17 9 17 12 55 1 10 7 4 6 27 2 10 11 2 3 26 3 6 2 3 4 15 4 3 2 2 3 10 5 8 7 22 17 54 6 25 49 60 58 192 7 66 70 82 82 300 8 83 88 96 76 343 9 93 79 94 92 358 10 107 97 88 99 391 111 108 123 136 478 12 105 127 113 113 458 1 143 141 128 131 543 2 141 153 156 147 597 3 181 172 247 247 847 4 294 232 326 301 1153 5 343 349 321 236 1249 6 208 184 156 127 675 7 110 85 72 65 332 8 73 72 67 82 294 9 59 55 57 52 223 10 48 51 46 53 198 11 52 38 22 15 127 ['OTALS 8945 \VERAGE 93.2 period 372.7 Peak AM Hour is *** 11:00am to 12:00pm Volume Lane 2 : 478 Peak Hour Factor 0.879 Peak / Day Total 0.053 Peak PM Hour is *** 4:30pm to 5:30pm Volume Lane 2 : 1319 ‚eak Hour Factor 0.945 eak / Day Total 0.147 *** *** /25/04 :14:33 • TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 Single Channel 15 Minute * * * .te ID : 4525-1 34 Date : Jun 30, 2004 Wed nfo 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/O Factor : 1.00 nfo 2 : NW 35TH STREET Lane 2-Normal, Axle, /2 [our 2-NB Hour .arts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 12 35 22 13 15 85 1 13 5 8 4 30 2 3 1 5 9 18 3 2 3 4 6 15 4 8 5 1 8 22 5 15 19 24 31 89 6 51 52 62 65 230 7 54 56 88 73 271 8 84 95 84 73 336 9 76 92 94 88 350 10 88 91 127 109 415 10 114 105 113 130 462 12 129 129 116 130 504 1 129 122 127 130 508 2 126 128 192 155 601 3 175 196 263 224 858 4 273 255 297 317 1142 5 321 321 303 274 1219 6 211 171 140 146 668 7 100 100 86 91 377 8 65 63 73 53 254 9 75 51 39 56 221 10 48 37 52 54 191 11 29 30 36 25 120 )TALS TERAGE 8986 93.6 period 374.4 ..ak AM Hour is *** 11:00am to 12:00pm Volume Lane 2 : 462 Peak Hour Factor 0.888 Peak / Day Total 0.051 ?ak PM Hour is *** 4:45pm to 5:45pm Volume Lane 2 : 1262 ak Hour Factor 0.983 ak / Day Total 0.140 *** *** 7/26/04 1:14:33 • TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, in^ . 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 ite ID : 4525-1 34 Info 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/O Info 2 : NW 35TH STREET *** Single Channel 15 Minute *** Lane 2-Normal, Axle, /2 Date . Jul 1, 2004 Thu Factor : 1.00 Hour 2-N2 Hour ,tarts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 12 17 17 16 16 66 1 9 12 10 12 43 2 7 8 7 5 27 3 3 4 6 2 15 4 12 15 5 5 37 5 8 18 23 27 76 6 49 48 61 51 209 7 70 73 82 90 315 8 89 96 88 89 362 9 79 103 97 119 398 10 100 96 86 104 386 120 113 134 125 492 It 12 149 116 124 131 520 1 140 125 121 130 516 2 141 162 178 154 635 3 154 216 246 235 851 4 237 248 318 304 1107 5 342 329 305 236 1212 6 246 164 147 117 674 7 97 109 87 70 363 8 74 73 63 66 276 9 63 56 66 60 245 10 37 39 40 50 166 11 37 28 30 21 116 "GTALS 9107 .VERAGE 94.9 period 379.5 ,eak AM Hour is *** 1.1:00am to 12:OOpm Volume Lane 2 : 492 Peak Hour Factor 0.918 Peak / Day Total 0.054 ?eak PM Hour is *** 4:30pm to 5:30pm Volume Lane 2 : 1293 Ilkeak Hour Factor 0.945 eak / Day Total 0.142 *** * * * 7/26/04 L:14:33 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 II/********** Single Channel 15 Minute Final Report (page 2 of 2) [te ID : 4525-1 34 Cnfo 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/O Cnfo 2 : NW 35TH STREET ************* Start Date : Jun 29, 2004 Tue End Date : Jul 1, 2004 Tu Adj. Factor: 1.00 ALL DAYS AVERAGED -lour 2-NB Hour :arts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 12 23 16 15 14 69 1 11 8 7 7 33 2 7 7 5 6 24 3 4 3 4 4 15 4 8 7 3 5 23 5 10 15 23 25 73 6 42 50 61 58 210 7 63 66 84 82 295 8 85 93 89 79 347 9 83 91 95 100 369 10 98 95 100 104 397 10 115 109 123 130 477 12 128 124 118 125 494 1 137 129 125 130 522 2 136 148 175 152 611 3 170 195 252 235 852 4 268 245 314 307 1134 5 335 333 310 249 1227 6 222 173 148 130 672 7 102 98 82 75 357 8 71 69 68 67 275 9 66 54 54 56 230 10 44 42 46 52 185 11 39 32 29 20 121 OTALS 9012 VERAGE 31.3 period 125.2 eak AM Hour is *** 11:00am to 12:00pm Volume Lane 2 : 477 Peak Hour Factor 0.917 Peak / Day Total 0.053 eak PM Hour is *** 4:30pm to 5:30pm Volume Lane 2 : 1289 Ilfak Hour Factor 0.962 ak / Day Total 0.143 *** * * * 7/26/04 1:10:41 • TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, __. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 *** Single Channel 15 Minute *** ite ID : 4525-1 32 Date : Jun 29, 2004 Info 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/O Factor : 1.00 Info 2 : NW 35TH STREET Lane 1-Normal, Axle, /2 Hour 1-SB Hour tarts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 12 17 12 11 16 56 1 8 7 8 4 27 2 11 4 4 7 26 3 3 6 6 1 16 4 3 4 7 10 24 5 15 20 33 46 114 6 52 95 125 179 451 7 151 201 248 304 904 8 293 298 242 268 1101 9 259 205 216 173 853 10 156 141 137 145 579 Ilk 131 136 127 145 539 12 121 133 104 147 505 1 161 127 120 122 530 2 120 104 106 138 468 3 134 151 135 108 528 4 113 114 101 96 424 5 104 114 76 97 391 6 98 76 67 70 311 7 70 58 58 52 238 8 59 40 55 31 185 9 45 47 29 29 150 10 33 30 26 40 129 11 27 27 20 16 90 OTALS 8639 VERAGE 90.0 period 360.0 eak AM Hour is *** 7:30am to 8:30am Volume Lane 1 : 1143 Peak Hour Factor 0.940 Peak / Day Total 0.132 eak PM Hour is *** 2:45pm to 3:45pm Volume Lane 1 : 558 eak Hour Factor : 0.924 eak / Day Total 0.065 * * * * * * 7/26/04 L:10:41 • TRANSPORT ANALYSTS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 Lte ID : 4525-1 32 Cnfo 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/0 Enfo 2 : NW 35TH STREET *** Single Channel 15 Minute *** Lane 1-Normal, Axle, /2 Date : Jun 30, 2004 wed Factor : 1.00 -lour :arts 0 1-SE 15 30 Hour 45 Total AM 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 110 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 8 4 2 10 16 57 183 285 269 165 151 118 115 136 147 115 119 90 55 61 32 36 28 15 8 4 9 11 16 108 190 237 204 141 114 134 112 113 104 131 124 81 65 55 45 36 24 12 11 5 7 6 33 122 264 233 220 133 151 115 137 130 133 96 95 70 42 47 33 31 20 9 4 2 3 9 59 165 299 241 182 130 115 118 120 105 119 134 105 75 64 36 38 32 17 53 31 15 21 36 124 452 936 996 875 569 531 485 484 484 503 476 443 316 226 199 148 135 89 DTALS SJERAGE 89.9 period eak AM Hour is Volume Lane 1 Peak Hour Factor Peak / Day Total * * * 8627 359.5 7:30am to 8:30am 1085 0.907 0.126 eak PM Hour is *** 1:30pm to 2:30pm Volume Lane 1 : 506 Iak Hour Factor : 0.923 ak / Day Total 0.059 *** *** 7/26/04 L:10:41 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 *** Single Channel 15 Minute *** [te ID : 4525-1 32 Enfo 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/O Ento 2 : NW 35TH STREET Lane 1-Normal, Axle, /2 Date : Jul 1, 2004 Thu Factor : 1.00 -tour 1-SE Hour warts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 12 12 17 11 11 51 1 14 10 12 8 44 2 4 5 11 4 24 3 7 4 6 9 26 4 6 9 9 7 31 5 15 22 20 42 99 6 54 94 111 178 437 7 187 225 252 323 987 8 274 267 269 269 1079 9 247 224 193 164 828 10 155 130 142 141 568 I/0 125 131 128 132 516 12 111 132 124 130 497 1 132 141 116 143 532 2 109 125 131 102 467 3 139 124 98 128 489 4 104 137 128 125 494 5 94 91 88 89 362 6 80 97 96 57 330 7 47 72 51 58 228 8 60 55 43 40 198 9 47 35 41 41 164 10 32 32 41 30 135 11 26 33 20 18 97 DTALS 8683 VERAGE 90.4 period 361.8 eak AM Hour is *** 7:45am to 8:45arn Volume Lane 1 : 1133 Peak Hour Factor 0.877 Peak / Day Total 0.130 eak PM Hour is *** 1:00pm to 2:00pm Volume Lane 1 : 532 Irk Hour Factor : 0.930 k / Day Total 0.061 *** *** 7/26/04 1:10:41 Ilk.********** TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 Single Channel 15 Minute Final Report (page 2 of ite ID : 4525-1 32 Info 1 : N MIAMI AVE S/© Info 2 : NW 35TH STREET 2) ************* Start Date : Jun 29, 2004 Tue End Date : Jul 1, 2004 Thu Adj. Factor: 1.00 ALL DAYS AVERAGED Hour 1-SE Hour tarts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 12 15 15 11 12 53 1 10 8 10 5 34 2 6 4 7 4 22 3 4 6 6 4 21 4 6 8 7 9 30 5 15 19 29 49 112 6 54 99 119 174 447 7 174 205 255 309 942 8 284 267 248 259 1059 9 258 211 210 173 852 10 159 137 137 139 572 lki 136 127 135 131 529 12 117 133 114 132 496 1 136 127 124 128 515 2 122 114 122 115 473 3 140 126 122 118 507 4 111 127 108 118 465 5 106 110 86 97 399 6 89 85 78 67 319 7 57 65 50 58 231 8 60 50 48 36 194 9 41 42. 34 36 154 10 34 33 33 34 133 11 27 28 20 17 92 OTALS 8649 VERAGE 30.0 period 120.1 eak AM Hour is *** 7:30arn to 8:30am Volume Lane 1 : 1115 Peak Hour Factor 0.902 Peak / Day Total 0.129 eak PM Hour is *** 12:45pm to 1:45pm Volume Lane 1 : 519 eak Hour Factor : 0.954 ak / Day Total 0.060 ***