HomeMy WebLinkAboutsection1SECTION I
1.1. Invitation
Thank you for your interest in this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") process. The City of Miami
("City"), through its Purchasing Department invites responses ("Proposals" or "Responses") from
proposers ("Proposers") which offer to provide the services described in greater detail in Section
2.0: "Scope of Services."
1.2. Term of Contract
The Proposer qualified to provide the service(s) requested herein (the "Successful Proposer") shall
be required to execute a contract ("Contract") with the City, which shall include, but not be limited
to, the following terms:
A. The term of the Contract for the specific project listed herein shall be for the duration of the
B. The City shall have the option to extend or terminate the Contract for convenience, that is,
for any or no cause.
C. A hold harmless, indemnity, covenant not to sue, and release provision
D. A no discrimination clause
E. A right to audit clause
F. A local venue, waiver of jury trial and permissive counterclaim clause ,
1.3 Mandatory Pre -Proposal Conference and Site Visit
Potential Proposers are required to attend the Mandatory Pre -Proposal Conference and Site
Visit, which will occur on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 10:00 AM, at Bicentennial Park,
located at the FEC Water Slip, adjacent to the north side of American Airlines Arena, 601
Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Florida. A discussion of the requirements of the RFQ will occur at that
time. Each potential Proposer is required, prior to submitting a Proposal, to acquaint itself
thoroughly with any and all conditions and/or requirements that may in any manner affect the
work to be performed. No allowances will be made because of lack of knowledge of these
The purpose of the pre -proposal conference is to allow potential Proposers an opportunity to
present questions to staff and obtain clarification of the requirements of the RFQ documents.
Because the City considers the conference to be critical to understanding the RFQ requirements,
attendance is mandatory.
1.4. Deadline for Receipt of Request for Additional Information / Clarification
Pursuant to the Cone of Silence, any request for additional information or clarification must be
received in writing no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 21, 2004. Proposers may
fax, mail or email their requests to the attention of Pamela Burns, CPPB, Sr. Procurement Contracts
Officer, at the City's Department of Purchasing, 444 S.W. 2" Avenue, 6 Floor, Miami, Florida
33130. The facsimile number is (305) 400-5026 or email: pburns@etiniami.fl.us. This RFQ is
subject to the City's "Cone of Silence" in accordance with Section 18-74 of the City's Ordinance
No. 12271. This Ordinance is available, upon request, as a public record.
1.5. Cone of Silence
Pursuant to Section 18-74 of City Ordinance No. 12271, a "Cone of Silence" is unposed upon each
RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or IFB after advertisement and terminates at the time the City Manager issues a
written recommendation to the Miami City Commission. The Cone of Silence shall be applicable
only to Contracts for the provision of goods and services and for public works or city improvements
for amounts greater than $200,000. The Cone of Silence prohibits any communication regarding
RFPs, RFQs, RFLIs or IFBs (bids) between, among others:
• Potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyists or consultants and the City's
professional staff including, but not limited to, the City Manager and the City Manager's
staff, the Mayor, City Commissioners, or their respective staffs;
• potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyist or consultants, any member of the
City's professional staff, City Department Directors or their respective staffs and any
member of the respective selection/evaluation committee
The provision does not apply to, among other communications:
• oral communications with the City purchasing staff regarding Minority/Women Business
Enterprise (M/WBE) and local vendor outreach programs;
• Communication is limited strictly to matters of process or procedure already contained in
the solicitation document;
• the provisions of the Cone of Silence do not apply to oral communications at duly noticed
site visits/inspections, pre -proposal or pre -bid conferences, oral presentations before
selection/evaluation committees, contract negotiations during any duly noticed public
meeting, or public presentations made to the Miami City Commission during a duly noticed
public meeting; or
• communications in writing or by email at any time with any City employee, official or
member of the City Commission unless specifically prohibited by the applicable RFP, RFQ
or bid documents.
• communications in connection with the collection of industry comments or the performance
of market research regarding a particular RFP, RFQ, RFLI OR IFB by City Purchasing staff,
• Protests cognizable under the Purchasing Ordinance
Proposers or bidders must file a copy of any written communications with the Office of the City
Clerk, which shall be made available to any person upon request. The City shall respond in
writing and file a copy with the Office of the City Clerk, which shall be made available to any
person upon request. Written communications may be in the form of e-mail, with a copy to the
Office of the City Clerk at JCei:rato(i7ci.naiami.fLus
In addition to any other penalties provided by law, violation of the Cone of Silence by any proposer
or bidder shall render any award voidable. A violation by a particular Bidder, Proposer, Offerer,
Respondent, Lobbyist or Consultant shall subject same to potential debarment pursuant to the City
Code. Any person having personal knowledge of a violation of these provisions shall report such
violation to the State Attorney and/or may file a complaint with the Ethics Commission. Proposers
or bidders should reference Section 18-74 of the City of Miami Code for further clarification.
This language is only a summary of the key provisions of the Cone of Silence. Please review City
Ordinance No. 12271 for a complete and thorough description of the Cone of Silence. You may
contact the City Clerk at 305-250-5360, to obtain a copy of same.
1.6. Additional Information or Clarification
Requests for additional information or clarifications must be made in writing and received by the
Senior Buyer specified on the cover sheet of this RFQ, in accordance with the deadline for receipt
of questions specified in the RFQ (see Section 1.4) and the Cone of Silence (see Section 1.5). The
request must contain the RFQ number and tide, Proposer's name, name of Proposer's contact
person, address, phone number, and facsimile number.
Electronic facsimile or email requesting additional information will be received by the Sr. Buyer for
this RFQ at the fax number or email specified on the cover sheet of this RFQ. Facsimiles must
have a cover sheet which includes, at a minimum, the Proposer's name, name of Proposer's contact
person, address, number of pages transmitted, phone number, facsimile number, and RFQ number
and title.
The City will issue responses to inquiries and any other corrections or amendments it deems
necessary in written addenda issued prior to the Proposal Submission Date. Proposers should not
rely on any representations, statements or explanations other than those made in this RFQ or in any
written addendum to this RFQ. Where there appears to be conflict between the RFQ and any
addenda issued, the last addendum issued shall prevail.
1.7. Award of Contract
A Contract ina ._be awarded to the most advantageous Proposer by the City Commission based
upon the minimum qualification requirements reflected herein. The City reserves the right to
execute or not execute, as applicable, a Contract with the Proposer that is determined to be in the
City's best interests. Such Contracts will be furnished by the City, will contain certain terms as are in
the City's best interests, and will be subject to approval as to legal form by the City Attorney.
1.8. Contract Execution
Contract will be negotiated and executed between the Successful Proposer and the City.
1.9. Unauthorized Work
The Successful Proposer shall not begin work until a City Purchase Order ("Purchase Order") is
received. The Purchase Order(s) shall specify the price and period of time allotted for the
completion of the work.
1.10. Instructions
Careful attention must be given to all requested items contained in this RFQ. Proposers are invited to
submit Responses in accordance with the requirements of this RFQ. PLEASE READ THE
necessary entry in all blanks provided for the responses.
The entire set of documents constitutes the RFQ. The Proposer must return these documents with all
information necessary for the City to properly analyze Proposer's response in total and in the same
order in which it was issued. Proposer's notes, exceptions, and comments may be rendered on an
attachment, provided the same format of this RFQ text is followed. All Responses shall be returned in a
sealed envelope or package with the RFQ number and opening date clearly noted on the outside of the
Proposers must provide a response to each requirement of the RFQ. Responses should be prepared in
a concise manner with an emphasis on completeness and clarity.
1.11. Changes / Alterations
Proposer may change or withdraw a Proposal at any time prior to Proposal submission deadline;
however, no oral modifications will be allowed. Written modifications shall not be allowed following
the Proposal deadline.
1.12. Sub-Contractor(s) or Sub-Consultant(s)
A Sub -Consultant, herein known as Sub-Contractor(s) is an individual or firm contracted by the
Proposer or Proposer's firm to assist in the performance of services required under this RFQ. A
Sub -Contractor shall be paid through Proposer or Proposer's firm and not paid directly by the City.
Sub -Contractors are allowed by the City in the performance of the services delineated within this
RFQ. Proposer must clearly reflect in its Proposal the major Sub -Contractors to be utilized in the
performance of required services. The City retains the right to accept or reject any Sub -Contractors
proposed in the response of Successful Proposer or prior to contract execution. Any and all
liabilities regarding the use of a Sub -Contractor shall be borne solely by the Successful Proposer and
insurance for each Sub -Contractors must be maintained in good standing and approved by the City
throughout the duration of the Contract. Neither Successful Proposer nor any of its Sub -
Contractors are considered to be employees or agents of the City. Failure to list all Sub -Contractors
and provide the required information may disqualify any proposed Sub -Contractors from
performing work under this RFQ.
Proposers shall include in their Responses the requested Sub -Contractor information and include all
relevant information required of the Proposer. In addition, within five (5) working days after the
identification of the award to the Successful Proposer, the Successful Proposer shall provide a list
confirming the Sub -Contractors that the Successful Proposer intends to utilize in the Contract, if
applicable. The list shall include, at a minimum, the name, location of the place of business for each
Sub -Contractor, the services Sub -Contractor will provide relative to any contract that may result
from this RFQ, any applicable licenses, references, ownership, and other information required of
1.13. Discrepancies, Errors, and Omissions
Any discrepancies, errors, or ambiguities in the RFQ or addenda (if any) should be reported in writing
to the City's Purchasing Department to the attention of the Buyer at the facsimile number or email
listed in Section 1.4. Should it be necessary, a written addendum will be incorporated to the RFQ. The
City will NOT be responsible for any oral instructions, clarifications, or other communications.
1.14. Disqualification
The City reserves the right to disqualify Responses before or after the submission date, upon
evidence of collusion with intent to defraud or other illegal practices on the part of the Proposer. it
also reserves the right to waive any immaterial defect or informality in any Responses; to reject any
or all Responses in whole or in part, or to reissue a Request for Responses.
1.15. Responses / Proposal Receipt
Sealed Responses will be accepted in accordance with the instructions detailed on the cover of this
RFQ. After that date and time, Responses will not be accepted. The Proposer shall file all documents
necessary to support its Proposal and shall include them with its Proposal. Proposers shall be
responsible for the actual delivery of Responses during business hours to the exact address indicated on
the cover and in the RFQ. Responses that are not received by the CITY CLERK'S OFFICE by the
deadline established in the RFQ shall not be accepted or considered by the City.
1.16. Capital Expenditures
The Successful Proposer understands that any capital expenditures that the Successful Proposer
makes, in order to perform the services required by the City in this RFQ, is a business risk which the
Successful Proposer may include in its proposed price. The City, however, is not and shall not pay or
reimburse any capital expenditures or any other expenses, incurred by any Proposer in anticipation
of a Contract award nor to maintain the approved status of the Successful Proposer if a Contract is
1.17. RFQ Process Milestones
The anticipated schedule for this RFQ and subsequent Contract is as follows. All dates are
tentative and subiect to change.
➢ RFQ available for distribution December 24, 2003
D. Mandatory Pre -Proposal Meeting January 16, 2004
➢ Due date for Questions January 21, 2004
➢ Proposal Due Date February 4, 2004
➢ Initial Meeting of Evaluation Committee February 9, 2004
➢ Evaluation/Shortlist of Proposers by Evaluation Committee February 23, 2004
➢ Oral Presentations of Short-listed Proposers week of March 8, 2004
➢ Recommendation from Evaluation Committee to City Manager. ....March 12, 2004
➢ Recommendation from the City Manager to the City Commission. March 19, 2004
➢ City Commission Approval to execute Contract May 13, 2004