The project is divided into two phases following the major tasks set out in RFQ#03-04-022,
Addendum No.1, and discussions with the City of Miami. Following the two-phase work plan
outlined below, the 11 month work schedule is divided into the following:
Phase 1 - Master Plan, Schematic Design
Phase 2 - Design Development
An outline schedule follows:
Phase 1 - Master Plan, Schematic Design
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
7 months
4 months
Master Plan — Kick -Off, Mobilization, Analysis progress
Master Plan — Analysis Findings, Design Principles
Master Plan -- 50% Options, MMA, MMS&P siting options
Master Plan — Agree preferred Option, commence Plan
Master Plan — final Plan
Schematic Design 50% package
Schematic Design 100% package
Phase 2 - Design Development
Month 8 Design Development progress
Month 9 Design Development 70% package
Month 10 Design Development, Design Guidelines MMA, MMS&P
Month 11 Design Development 100% package
It is proposed that specific meeting dates and target deadlines are fixed in the Kick -Off
Our services will be provided, in part, directly by us and, in part, by our sub consultants. We
will present a list of the sub consultants we intend to use for this project upon request by the
General Conditions
The starting point for scope and program is RFQ #03-04-022 Master Plan for Bicentennial
Park "Museum Park Miami" and the Report Bicentennial Park Becoming Miami's Premier
Park, City of Miami, May 2001. The following general conditions have been drawn from
these and additional detailed assumptions as described in subsequent sections of this Exhibit A.
Our basic services ("Scope of Services"), as defined in this Exhibit A, and our compensation
for these services, as set forth in Exhibit B, are subject to the terms, conditions and assumptions
in this Exhibit A. Our services include only those to be provided by us, and not those of the
City or any third party. If these terms, conditions or assumptions change for reasons not caused
by us, and, as a result, we are required to perform additional services, we will be entitled to be
compensated for Additional Services in accordance with Exhibit B.
• Day-to-day administration will be through the City's Department of Planning or another
City section. As noted above, the City should assign a Project Manager as our day-to-day
point of contact. The necessary public steps needed to move from a vision to a detailed
master plan and developed design for the park will be administered and managed by the
• The City will approve an outline written Park Program of Requirements for the Park in the
Master Plan, Analysis phase. The program direction is fixed and that final definition of the
program will occur in a working session with the City in the context of which the program
will be agreed.
• The RFQ calls for planning and design development of 'compatible Park amenities for
visitors'. The vision plan calls for up to four structures: a Community Hall, a Restaurant, a
Pavilion, and a Public Overlook. For the purposes of this proposal, the following program
assumptions have been made as regards the level of program and building complexity:
o Community Hall: partially enclosed 1-story, 5,000-6,000 gsf structure, housing
public uses such as public toilets, information boards, minor storage, equipment.
hire, ticket concessions office, etc.
o Restaurant: 1 -story, approximately 5,000 gsf, enclosed structure; the kitchen is
assumed to be designed by others during project implementation.
o Pavilion: 1 story open structure, approximately 4,000-5,000 gsf
o Public Overlook: 1 story, open structure, approximately 1,000-2,000 gsf
As part of the confirmation of the Park Program of Requirements, the City will need to
determine which if any of these park structures are retained.
• Preliminary program information for MAM and MMS&P sufficient to commence site
planning will be provided during the Master Plan/Schematic Design, Analysis phase. This
information will be developed during analysis and evaluation sessions with the individual
museums as led by CRP and will set out operational and area assumptions to full build out
— even if a phased building program is anticipated for the museums -, collection strategies,
educational programs, service requirements, and outdoor program areas. Additional
program detail would be required at the beginning of the design guidelines phase.
• The sites identified for MAM and MMS&P will be designed as interim landscapes in this
phase assuming their phased implementation so that the site works as a whole from the
opening of the Park,
• There is to be no building development around the FEC Slip.
• The transient yacht and mega -yacht marina considered for the north-east corner of the park
in the "Bicentennial Park" report is not part of the program.
• No structured above or below ground parking is to be considered for the park.
• Parking generation for the site will be analyzed in the phase one. Parking generation from
the museum sites is to be assessed in relation to their program and internal access and
service road capacity and only be considered to a master plan level within the museum
• The City of Miami will provide to the consultant team courier and express delivery
• The City of Miami will provide to the consultant team reproduction services including
printing, scanning, and plotting suitable for large -format, color, high resolution (600dpi)
The Bicentennial Park Charrette established a sound beginning from which the next phase of
planning, design, and development efforts can proceed in the creation of Museum Park Miami.
The City will assign an experienced City Project Manager to the project to ensure day-to-day
administration. To ensure an efficient, comprehensive, but not overly -burdened process, and in
order to meet the schedule, a three -tiered approach for interfacing with institutions, agencies,
and the public will be adopted as established by the City.
Policy Makers
At one tier, we recommend establishing a policy making committee composed of decision
makers from the affected agencies and institutions. This body will serve as the `Client' arid
should include director -level representation with decision -making responsibility from the key
public stakeholders in the project, including City agencies, Miami Art Museum (MAM), Miami
Museum of Science & Planetarium (MMS&P), and Miami Dade County.
Presentations/work sessions will be held with this committee throughout the project with a key
focus in the Master Plan/Schematic Design phase in setting project direction and reviewing and
agreeing on design options. If required, and in order to minimize travel time and costs,
presentations to the City Commission are assumed to occur on days already scheduled for
meeting with the Policy Makers,
Technical Working Group
Technical advice will be coordinated through a technical working group established as the
second tier with representatives from the affected public entities directly responsible for the
approval, implementation, and ongoing operation of Museum Park Miami.
From preliminary discussions with the City, we understand this group will likely include the
following Departments: Planning, Pubic Works, Transportation and CIP, Parks; and Boards:
City Commission, Waterfront Advisory, Parks Advisory, PAB, WASA, Community
Redevelopment Agency, Downtown Development Agency.
This group will have a role throughout the project: in the Master Plan/Schematic Design phase
identifying issues, commenting on options, reviewing and commenting on physical design in
the Design Development phase, regulatory, operational, and maintenance issues. The Technical
Working Group should be composed of senior representatives from the affected entities and
must be individuals with the ability to make decisions in the context of working meetings with
the consultant team.
We will meet with this group on five occasions: twice in the Master Plan/Schematic Design
phase (stakeholder interviews, options review as part of Public Meeting #2), once in the+
Schematic Design phase and twice in the Design Development phase.
Membership and responsibilities for the different City project committees should be established
in the Kick -Off stage of the project.
Community Involvement
The Bicentennial Park Charrette provided the substantive context for community comment and
reaction to ideas for changes to this important place. It established the program direction for the
public park appropriate to initiate the current master plan and design efforts to redevelop
Bicentennial Park as a cultural park. Subsequent community meetings should focus on moving
from the program elements fixed in that earlier process to design principles to guide physical
planning and design. RFP Addendum No. 1 (1/26/04) suggested there be up to three community
meetings. We will work with the City to determine the appropriate timing for these meetings„
but as a first approach we suggest they occur during Phase I at the end of the analysis and master
plan phases and at the end of Schematic Design. It would also be appropriate and we have.
allowed to meet with the community in the Design Development phase.
Phase 1. - Master Plan, Schematic Design
1.1. Master Plan
To ensure the project meets the schedule, the Master Plan phase will need to be
complete in the first five months. In this phase we establish a plan to guide the
subsequent schematic design and design development efforts. By early reviewing key
issues and design problems, and reaching consensus with public entities and the public
at large on key physical design principles, the subsequent design phases and museum
guidelines can proceed. Work will proceed in the context of an understanding of flood
zones and FEMA regulations.
Tasks include:
1.1.1 - Kick-Off/Discovery
• Kick -Off meeting: Meet with the City, MAM, MMS&P and key public stakeholders
to affirm work plan, schedule, and identify key contacts and communication means,
and establish the Policy Steering and Technical working groups.
• Confirm programs and budget
1.1.2. - Analysis
• Document review and analysis.
• Analyze existing studies and plans as provided by the City. Summarize key findings
and identify areas where the analyses and data need to be updated and refined in all
areas including transportation, infrastructure and marine. This will include updates
on key context work including the seawall improvements and Biscayne Boulevard.
• Assemble relevant data regarding the site and surrounding area, traffic and access„
transit, planned capital improvements, planning policy, neighborhood conditions, and[
existing zoning regulations.
• Compilation of initial base plan information and identification of additional.
information as needed.
• Stakeholder interviews by phone.
• Urban design and open space analysis, including such issues as: Neighborhoods„
Views, vistas, and visual landmarks; Access, connections, circulation: vehicular
(visitor, service, emergency), metro -mover, pedestrian, bicycles, service, water side,
Open space; Ecology and micro -climate; Plant types.
• Transportation analysis: Develop transportation library for the area. This will include
proposed roadway plans, existing traffic studies in the area, existing traffic counts,
redevelopment projects in the area, available public parking within a five minute
waking distance of the site, pedestrian/bicycle plans, planned capital improvements,
Metromover/Baylink plans, and the like. The library will include both short-term and
long-term projects contemplated by the agencies; Determine existing traffic
conditions adjacent to the site, including: bus routes, bus stops, roadway Lane
designations, traffic signal locations, traffic signal pedestrian features, designated
bicycle routes, and update available data on locations of on -street parking through
windshield surveys; Inventory existing Metromover conditions, stations locations, and
ridership information; Undertake preliminary site and transportation analysis and
frame the transportation related issues for the project. This will include access for
vehicles (visitor, emergency, and service), pedestrians, transit, and bicycles.
• Determine preliminary traffic impacts to Biscayne Boulevard based on the project's
development program. Traffic counts from existing studies in the area will be used.
The study hour will be a typical weekday during the pm peak hour. This coincides
with existing traffic analyses prepared for the area. Project traffic will be assigned to
the proposed driveways and distribution to the roadway network using the MUATS
model cardinal distribution.
• Museums analysis including review of program development and evaluation of site
capacity, exhibition strategies, educational programs, servicing and phasing for MAM
and MMS&P
• Bay front analysis, including impact of current seawall improvements; opportunities
and constraints. We will compile available data relating to marine structural and
environmental conditions with the Project area, including site surveys, permits, and
site improvements in progress.
• Economic analysis: review of Site and Museum Analyses, including review the
physical analyses of the park land and the plans for museum relocation and
expansion in the park in order to understand the programming context.
• Public Meeting #1 Analysis, Goals, Design Principles.
• Agree Design Principles
1.1.3. - Options
• Develop options for park design (landscape, structures, access roads, parking, and
marine project elements).
• Develop options for siting MAM and MMS&P
• Design team work session: Coordinate Museums and Park schematic design options.
Evaluate economic/ neighborhood impacts to options.
• Preparation of presentation materials for Public Meeting.
• Review of options with Policy Steering Committee.
• Work session with the Technical Committee to be part of Public Meeting #2.
• Agree preferred Option
1.1.4. - Plan
• Development of preferred option into final Master Plan package.
• Public Meeting and Private Stakeholder Session - establish baseline parameters
within which economic recommendations will take place and ensure the
development of commercial programming that is in keeping with the cultural.
vision and community expectations; complete a memo for inclusion in the Master
Plan that lays out the principles that will guide economic evaluation including
the relationship of revenue generating activities to the overall park operating
• Working session with Policy Makers.
• Production of presentation materials for Public Meeting.
• Public Meeting #2 Plan.
• Approve Master Plan.
• The Master Plan package includes analysis, options, and plan drawings (in CAD and
hand drawn on yellow trace), photographs, and written materials as appropriate to the
task; three public meetings; all products provided digitally. A physical study model
will be built.
1.2. Schematic Design
In this sub phase we build on the work of the master plan including initial preparation of
urban design guidelines for the two museum sites, coordination with DOT and Dade
County agencies for improvements to Biscayne Boulevard, the Dade County pump
station, and improvements to the sea wall.
Connectivity between the surrounding neighborhoods and the park will be considered in
detail as will parking, traffic modifications, in -ground infrastructure, and programming
and planning for bayside activities in the FEC Slip and the Bay
The overall schematic design package for the park as well as specific places will
proceed guided by the Program of Requirements, Design Principles, and Master Plan
developed in the first phase.
We will begin preparation of urban design guidelines for MAM and MMS&P in
consultation with the museums. We will continue to review governance/operational
The economic study will continue with an evaluation of park activities consistent with the
principles and vision articulated in the master plan to determine their feasibility in. the
Miami marketplace. Based upon the uses identified above, we will examine the economic
performance of comparable activities in similar contexts and estimate the net revenue
potential for each viable activity. Scenarios will be developed that allow the City to weigh
trade-offs (if any) between revenue production and other programming priorities, Le.
cultural and recreational uses. One scenario might emphasize commercial activities, for
example, while another might give preference to community needs as expressed in public
meetings. Program options for the restaurant will be considered.
Water color renderings of the overall plan and one or two key elements will be prepared
at the end of this sub phase to illustrate the design intent.
A schematic level cost estimate of the park and infrastructure improvements will be
prepared. The estimate will exclude the MAM and MMS&P buildings as well as
improvements proposed outside of the project boundary as part of the Biscayne
Boulevard Sidewalk Widening Project.
Other tasks include:
• Design Team Work Session: refine preferred option based on public meeting,
stakeholder comments, museum needs, and economic analysis.
• Prepare Schematic Design package.
• Transportation/parking: develop off -site roadway/access/pedestrian lanes that meet
Local agency standards; develop schematics for internal roadway system and access
points; develop modifications to the existing and proposed transportation system to
support the project.
• Update and refine parking master plan concepts.
• Marine engineering: schematic design sketches.
• Develop proposed enhancements to Dade county pump station and its setting.
• Water plan, including and proposed modifications to the FEC Slip and bayfront.
• We will move from site planning to the preparation of urban design guidelines for
MAM and MMS&P in consultation with the museums. The guidelines will include the
following: parcel boundary, landscape zone, allowable building zone, easement/service,
entries, build -to lines as appropriate, heights.
• Review governance/operational scenarios taking into account roles and responsibilities
of the City, MAM, MMS&P, and Miami Dade County.
• Refine Schematic design drawings
• Finalize Schematic Design Package.
• Schematic design cost estimate.
• Water color renderings: overall master plan, vignette(s) of one or two key design
• Approve Schematic Design.
Schematic Design drawings and cost estimates. Drawings, studies and sketches at various scales
(in Auto CAD 2004 or hand drawn an yellow trace utilizing CAD base drawings when
appropriate). Hand sketches will be scanned and models will be photographed; all products will
be provided digitally. The physical study model will be used to study the evolving park design
and bulk alternatives for the museums.
Phase 1 client meeting days in Miami: 9
1) Kick Off Meeting: confirm assumptions, confirm programs and budget
2) Work session with Policy Makers
3) Community Meeting #1: Analysis conclusions, agree Design Principles
4) Work session with Policy Makers/Technical Working Group
5) Community Meeting #2: Master Plan direction
6) Working Session: Policy Makers/Technical Working Group: design, governance,
museum guidelines.
7) Working Session: Technical Working Group
8) Community Meeting #3
9) Policy Makers, City Commission: Schematic Design package
The above meeting topics are to be confirmed.
Phase 2 - Design Development
In the second phase, we will prepare design development documents based on the
approved schematic design. We will finalize urban design guidelines for MAM and
Infrastructure planning - including site grading and drainage, emergency power
services, utilities, and event infrastructure - will be coordinated with the developed
We will finalize review of the revenue generating opportunities in the park based on the
approved schematic design with the following steps: Testing of Programming Scenarios
Against Operating Costs for Park: Revenue estimates will be developed for each
scenario and measured against estimated operating costs for the park. This exercise will
allow the city to evaluate the cost implications of a particular set of park uses and
implications for the operating gap (Le. subsidy required); Memorandum on Preferred
Program and Revenue Projections: Based upon responses to the various scenarios and
their economic implications, We will refine a preferred program of uses for the park
along with an estimate of the range of likely revenue and the likely operating gap. We
will complete a memorandum giving the conclusions of its economic analysis,
presenting a preferred program and recommending strategies for addressing any
anticipated funding gaps in park operations.
In the context of a refined understanding of the park design and the master plan, we will
finalize general recommendations for the ongoing governance of the park in the context
of the developed plan.
Developed designs and a design development level cost estimate for the park will be
An implementation memorandum will be prepared summarizing the next key steps in
the transformation of Bicentennial Park into Museum Park Miami.
Tasks include:
• Prepare design development drawings for internal roadways and access points.; Coordinate
with public agencies on Biscayne Boulevard issues, proposed off -site traffic modifications,
access issues on Biscayne Boulevard issues, proposed off -site traffic analyses.
• Prepare and review preliminary permit sketches illustrating proposed shoreline and/or
marine works; Preliminary regulatory agency consultation meetings for in -water elements.
• Finalize recommendations on governance.
• Finalize recommendations resulting from economic study of revenue generating
opportunities within the park.
• Finalize urban design guidelines for MAM and MMS&P in consultation with museums.
• Prepare implementation memorandum.
• Water color renderings of one or two key elements.
• Prepare design development cost estimate.
• Design Development approval.
• Design development package
o Production of 70% DD package
o Confirm compliance to all local regulatory and code conditions
o Design Team work session: 70% DD review
o Production of 95% DD package
o Review of 95% set with Policy Making and Technical Group for final approval of
design documents and museums design guidelines
• Urban design guidelines for MAM and MMS&P
• Memorandum on park governance, revenue generating opportunities, implementation
• Design Development Drawings (AutoCAD 2004)
• Design Development Specification
• Design Development Cost Estimate
We will provide one loose full-size copy of the drawings and associated memoranda, a
disc containing relevant digital files, and one size half-size set of the drawings.
Phase 2 client meeting days in Miami: 3
1) 70% DD package review: Technical Working Group: test assumptions on regulatory
compliance and public operational and maintenance program requirements.
Community Presentation #4.
2) 95% DD review: Policy Makers.
3) Policy Makers/City Commission: approve DD Package.
Project Start
Work can begin upon receiving from the City the following:
1) Confirmed up-to-date base map information, in AutoCAD 2004 format, of the
larger Miami context and the site.
2) Up-to-date construction documents for Biscayne Boulevard Sidewalk Widening,
3) Survey of existing utilities, in AutoCAD 2004 format.
4) Aerial photographs, in high resolution (+300dpi) digital format.
5) Plans for seawall restoration, in AutoCAD 2004 format.
6) Relevant previous reports and proposals.
7) Preliminary written statement of requirements for the Public Park
Additional Service Items
The following are Additional Services Items and are not considered part of the Scope of
• More detailed scope than reasonably anticipated.
Schedule delay beyond a reasonable amount
Surveys, geotechnical or soil testing
Research data purchase
Marine resource mapping
Hydrographic surveys
Structural assessments
• Site signage and way -finding
• Design of fountains or water features
• Design of parking structures beyond a master plan level
• Community meetings beyond those set out above
• Client meeting days in Miami beyond those set out above
• Presentation model
• Report for public distribution
• Production of multiple copies of large -format (larger than 11"x17") drawings
• Production of permit sketches for in -water components suitable for permit:
• Environmental impact assessment or alternatives analysis
• Zoning services
• Fundraising
Additional Services would only be provided following written authorization and be billed on a
Time & Material basis including reimbursable expenses /unless otherwise agreed.