This Exhibit describes the anticipated Scope of Services for this work to be subsequently assigned via a
Work Order between the City of Miami (hereinafter referred to as the CITY) and
(hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT) under the City's
existing Professional Services Agreement, dated October 2004, for Major Transportation and Transit
Services (pursuant to RFQ No. 03-04-087) relative to the transportation facility described as follows:
Description: SW f' Avenue Tunnel below the Miami River, connecting SW 1'
Avenue between SW 8`h Street and SWlst d Street.
The purpose of this Exhibit is to describe the scope of work and the responsibilities of the
CONSULTANT and the CITY in connection with the Feasibility Study for the proposed improvements to
this transportation facility. Throughout these documents the term DEPARTMENT shall be used to refer
to the Florida Department of Transportation. Throughout these documents the term COUNTY shall be
used to refer to the Miami -Dade County Public Works Department.
The CONSULTANT shall perform those engineering services required for determination of the feasibility
of the proposed tunnel, including consideration of all social, economic, environmental effects, and
mitigation as required by the appropriate Federal, State, and Local regulatory bodies.
Sections 1 through 4 of the Scope of Services will establish which items of work are specifically included
in this contract, and also which of the items of work will be the responsibility of the CONSULTANT or
the CITY. Determination of roles and responsibilities of CITY, COUNTY and DEPARTMENT will be
defined in subsequent Joint Participation Agreement(s) between those agencies subject to approval by the
Miami -Dade Board of County Commissioners and the Citizens' Independent Transportation Trust.
"Approval by City" of like terms may subsequently come to mean CITY and/or COUNTY and/or
The CITY will provide contract administration, management services and will facilitate technical reviews
of all work associated with the development and preparation of the feasibility study report for the
transportation facility. The scope defined herein is provided for the purpose of selecting the best qualified
CONSULTANT and maybe modified by the parties prior to execution of the Work Order.
The CONSULTANT is to study and make recommendations to determine the feasibility of: a new multi-
lane tunnel below the Miami River along SW 151 Avenue in Miami Dade County, Florida, between SW 7th
Street and SW 1st Street.
Governing Regulations
The services performed by the CONSULTANT shall be in compliance with all State and Federal
regulations. The current edition, including updates, of the following DEPARTMENT Manuals and
Guidelines shall be used in the performance of this work. It is understood that AASHTO criteria shall
apply as incipient policy.
Applicable regulations include, but may not be limited to, those governing below. Other regulations may
apply and CITY is fully responsible to comply with all regulations in effect.
■ Florida Statutes
• Florida Administrative Codes
• Applicable federal regulations and technical advisories.
• Project Development and Environment Manual
• Plans Preparation Manual
• Roadway Traffic and Design Standards
• Highway Capacity Manual
• Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction, and Maintenance for
Streets and Highways
■ Bicycle Facilities Planning and Design Manual
• Right -of -Way Mapping Handbook
• Location Survey Manual
• EFB User Guide
■ Drainage Manual
• Outline Specifications - Aerial Surveys/Photogrammetry
• Soils and Foundations Manual
• Structures Design Guidelines
• CADD Manual (No. 625-050-001)
■ CADD Production Criteria Handbook
■ Florida's Level of Service Standards and Guidelines Manual for Planning (No. 525-000-
• Equivalent Single Axle Load Guidelines (No. 525-030-121)
• Design Traffic Procedure (No. 525-030-120)
• K-Factor Estimation Process
■ Project Traffic Forecasting Guidelines
• Florida Highway Landscape Guide
• Basis of Estimates Manual
• City of Miami applicable laws, rules, regulations, guidelines and ordinances
■ Miami -Dade County applicable laws, rules, regulations, guidelines and ordinances
Liaison Office
The CITY, with input from DEPARTMENT and the COUNTY will designate a Liaison Office and a
Project Manager who shall be the representative of the CITY for the Project. While it is expected the
CONSULTANT shall seek and receive advice from various State, regional, and local agencies, the final
direction on all matters of this Project remain with the Project Manager.
Key Personnel
The CONSULTANT'S work shall be performed and directed by the key personnel identified in the
proposal presentations by the CONSULTANT. Any changes in the indicated personnel shall be subject
to review and approval by CITY.
Meetings And Presentations
The CONSULTANT shall attend a Notice to Proceed Meeting with CITY representatives, where relevant
project information will be provided by the CITY, along with procedures for administering the contract.
The CONSULTANT and his staff shall also be available with no more than a five (5) workday notice to
attend meetings or make presentations at the request of the CITY. Such meetings and presentations may
be held at any hour between 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 midnight on any day of the week. The CONSULTANT
may be called upon to provide maps, press releases, advertisements, audiovisual displays and similar
material for such meetings.
Quality Control
The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for insuring that all work products conform to DEPARTMENT
standards and criteria. This shall be accomplished through an internal Quality Control (QC) process
performed by the CONSULTANT. This QC process shall insure that quality is achieved through
checking, reviewing, and surveillance of work activities by objective and qualified individuals who were
not directly responsible for performing the initial work.
Prior to submittal of the first invoice, the CONSULTANT shall submit to the CITY'S Project Manager for
approval the proposed method or process of providing Quality Control for all work products. The Quality
Control Nan shall identify the products to be reviewed, the personnel who perform the reviews, and the
method of documentation.
Copies of all written correspondence and/or documentation between the CONSULTANT and any party
pertaining specifically to this study shall be provided to the CITY for their records within one (1) week of
the receipt of said correspondence.
The CONSULTANT shall provide copies of the required documents as listed below. These are the
anticipated printing requirements for the project. This tabulation will be used for estimating purposes,
and the Project Manager will determine the number of copies required prior to each submittal.
Engineering Items/Miscellaneous Reports: Copies:
Design Traffic Technical Memorandum 10
First Draft Feasibility Study Report 20
Second Draft Feasibility Study Report 20
Final Feasibility Study Report 20
Conceptual Design Roadway Plan Set 20
Each submittal shall include a copy in digital format able to be reproduced. Upon completion of the
study, the CONSULTANT shall deliver to the CITY, in an organized manner, all project files, maps,
sketches, worksheets, and other materials used or generated during the study process.
Computer Automation
The project will be developed utilizing Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CARD) systems. All
computer disks shall be scanned for viruses prior to submitting to the CITY. Failure to scan for viruses
may result in a lower Consultant work performance evaluation.
Coordination with Other Consultants and Entities
The CONSULTANT is to coordinate
its work with any ongoing and/or planned projects, public or private, that may affect this study.
The CONSULTANT is to coordinate with local governmental entities to ensure design and right of way
requirements for the project are compatible with local public works improvements and right of way
Optional Services
The CONSULTANT may be requested to provide PD&E, final design and plans preparation services or
expert witness services for right-of-way acquisition. A supplemental agreement adding the additional
services shall be executed in accordance with a standard consultant agreement.
Public involvement includes communicating to and receiving information from all interested persons,
groups, and government organizations information regarding the development of the project. The
CONSULTANT shall coordinate and perform the appropriate level of public involvement for this project.
1.1 Public Involvement Program
The consultant shall prepare a Public Involvement Program for all phases of the Feasibility Study
and submit to the CITY for approval within 10 working days of Notice to Proceed. The basis of
the Public Involvement Program shall be as outlined in this section.
1.2 Public Involvement Data Collection
In addition to public involvement data collection, the CONSULTANT shall assist the CITY in
preparing responses to any public inquiries as a result of the public involvement process.
1.3 Notice Of Intent
Not Applicable
1.4 Advance Notification
Not Applicable
1.5 Scheduled Public Meetings
The CONSULTANT shall provide all support necessary for the CITY to hold or participate in
various public meetings, which may include but not limited to:
• Elected Officials/Government Agency Kick-off Meeting
• Public Kick-off Meeting
• Alternatives Public Meetings
For any of the above type meetings, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and/or provide:
• Scripts or agenda for presentation.
• Handouts
• Graphics for presentation.
• Meeting equipment set-up and tear -down.
• Legal and/or display advertisements. (The CONSULTANT will pay the cost of publishing.)
• Letters for notification of elected and appointed officials, property owners and other
interested parties. (The CONSULTANT will pay the cost of first class postage.)
• News releases, for use three to five days prior to meeting.
• Summary notes of meetings.
• Briefing and debriefing of CITY staff.
The CONSULTANT will investigate potential meeting sites to advise the CITY on their
suitability. The CITY will pay all costs for meeting site rents and insurance.
The CONSULTANT will attend the meetings with an appropriate number of personnel to assist
the CITY'S Project Manager.
It is estimated for this project there will be a minimum of 3 Public meetings during the study.
1.6 Unscheduled Public and Agency Meetings
In addition to scheduled public meetings the CONSULTANT may be required to participate in
unscheduled meetings with the public, elected officials, or public agencies. The
CONSULTANT's participation will include participation during the meeting, note taking, and
summarizing the meeting in a memo to the file. It is estimated for this project there will be a
minimum of 6 meetings during the study.
1.7 Public Hearing
Not Applicable
1.8 Location and Design Concept Acceptance
Not Applicable
1.9 Special Public Involvement Requirements
Not Applicable
1.10 Quality Control
The CONSULTANT shall coordinate and perform the appropriate Ievel of engineering analysis for this
project as outlined in Part 1, Chapter 9 of the DEPARTMENT's PD&E Manual and the following
sections. Each item below shall be documented in the Feasibility Study Report.
Data Collection
Immediately following the Notice to Proceed, the CONSULTANT shall begin preliminary assessments of
the study corridor from an engineering standpoint. This task is largely of a data gathering nature. This
activity consists of collecting various information and materials relative to the performance of
engineering analyzes within the study area. The information should include all data necessary to perform
adequate evaluation of the location and design of a transportation facility.
2.1 Field Review
The CONSULTANT shall conduct all anticipated field trips needed to collect engineering data
2.2 Aerial Photography
Aerial Photography shall be used as a basis for plotting various data necessary for both
engineering and environmental analysis, alternative corridor and design studies, and the
development of the preliminary plans of conceptual design. Copies of aerial photography are the
prime source of information used to convey project considerations to the public at public
The CONSULTANT will furnish the necessary aerial photography to be used in the study. Aerial
photography shall be prepared for the following uses at the noted ratios:
Overall Project Location Map/Corridor Map 1'=200'
Alternative Plans and Profile (Horizontal Scale) 1'=50'
2.3 Survey Coordination
This task will include collection of the following:
The CONSULTANT shall perform all surveying services as necessary to set aerial
targets and establish State Plane Coordinates on the project, including the following:
Place aerial targets as required providing sufficient control for aerial photographs
meeting accuracy standard for the listed scales. Targets shall be monumented with
concrete monuments, iron rods, spikes in payment or other suitable permanent markers.
It is anticipated that one (1) target for every three (3) aerial photography sheets will be
Investigate sources of existing geodetic control points in the vicinity of the project.
Tie aerial targets to existing geodetic control points in the vicinity of the project and
provide State Plane Coordinates NAD83/90 for each point. These ties may be made by
either Global Positioning System (GPS) or field traverse using the DEPARTMENT'S
Electronic Field Book (EFB) technology.
(4) Provide the CITY with copies and original field books, computations, raw data files and
processed files as per the Location Survey Manual.
(5) Tie all GPS points to NAVD 88 Vertical data.
The CONSULTANT shall also be responsible for collecting the following:
Navigation Charts for the River Channel
Proposed Dredging Plans for the Miami River
ACOE Channel Limits and maximum allowable dredge depth.
Sub bottom profile of Miami River at the proposed crossing.
Existing ground profile along the proposed alignment.
Property maps for all parcels adjacent to the proposed tunnel crossing, to identify existing
Right of Way conditions.
2.4 Existing Roadway Characteristics
2.5 Existing Structure Characteristics
This shall include structural characteristics for the adjacent Metrorail Bridge and/or building
structures within close proximity to the proposed tunnel.
2.6 Traffic Data
The CONSULTANT will furnish 24-hour traffic machine counts (approach volumes at 15-minute
increments) at the following intersection locations at a minimum:
SW 7th St and SW 1 Av
SW3rdStand SW2Av
SW 8 St and SW 2 Av
SW 7 St and SW 2 Av
SW 1 St and SW 2 Av
SW 1 St and SW 1 Av
SW 8 St and SW 1 Av
SW 2 St and SW 2 Av
SW 8 St and Miami Av
SW 2 St and Miami Av
SW 2 St and SW 1 Av
Based on an analysis of the 24-hour traffic machine counts and evaluation of current and future
development trends (traffic generators) the CONSULTANT will then perform 8-hour manual
vehicle turning movement counts for peak hours at those intersections where required.
The CONSULTANT shall collect existing traffic data from all north south crossings over the
Miami River between NW 5 St and Brickell Drive/US-1 as required to analyze the projected
traffic volumes along the proposed SW 151 Avenue tunnel.
2.7 Crash Data
Not Applicable
2.8 Existing Signage Inventory
Not Applicable
2.9 Utilities
Identify owners and existing facilities for all existing utilities within the proposed tunnel corridor.
2.10 Development Plans
The CONSULTANT shall identify and obtain preliminary private development plans for all
parcels of land within close proximity of the potential tunnel corridor.
2.11 Transportation Plans
The CONSULTANT shall obtain plans for all modes of transportation including surface, transit
and non -motorized modes. The following plans or studies should be obtained:
• Urban Area Transportation Study. If applicable, COUNTY Cost Feasible and Needs
• Local Comprehensive Plans; CITY and COUNTY.
• Transit; rail, bus, other.
• Non -motorized modes, including bikeways and pedestrian walkways (notably the M-Path
and Miami River Greenway Action Plan).
2.12 Soils
The CONSULTANT shall review the United States Department of Agriculture, Geological
Survey, Soil Conservation Service Maps and summarize the findings. The CONSULTANT shall
also collect pertinent existing subsurface data in the vicinity of the proposed tunnel sufficient for
preliminary feasibility analysis of the alternate tunnel construction methods and technology
alternatives. The results of the soils data collection and analysis as required to determine the
feasibility of the proposed tunnel technology options and construction methods shall be included
as an Appendix to the Tunnel Feasibility Study Report.
2.13 Base Map
The CONSULTANT shall develop a CADD database that includes existing characteristics.
CADD data base information shall be compatible for use on aerial photography used for public
meeting presentations, corridor maps, and alternative plans.
Needs Analysis
The CONSULTANT shall establish and/or verify the purpose and need for the project as outlined
in Part 2, Chapter 5 of the DEPARTMENT's PD&E Manual.
2.14 Safety
Not Applicable
2.15 Analysis of Existing Conditions
The CONSULTANT shall analyze the existing conditions in order to identify any deficiencies that
are to be identified in the Needs section.
2.16 Development of Needs Statement
Design Analysis
Utilizing the data collected as part of this scope of work, the CONSULTANT shall perform the
engineering analysis necessary to complete the feasibility study process. The task of engineering analysis
will be ongoing throughout the duration of the project and will be performed with consideration to the
results of the environmental impacts analysis.
After selection of viable corridor(s), the CONSULTANT shall develop and analyze alternate conceptual
design alternatives for the tunnel technology and corresponding construction methods of each technology.
The development of the design alternatives shall also consider the desires of the community with respect
to landscaping, aesthetics, or other special features in order to satisfy the requirements of the
Department's policy on Transportation Design for Livable Communities. Viable alternatives shall be
developed in each corridor.
The CONSULTANT shall develop and evaluate all viable tunnel alternatives in order to address the
project needs.
2.17 Corridor Analysis
As Applicable
2.18 Traffic Analysis
Design Traffic
The CONSULTANT is responsible for developing the traffic projections to be used to establish
the basic design requirements for roadway typical sections and intersection design. The
CONSULTANT will develop Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and Design Hour Volume (DHV) for
the present year, the opening year, ten years and twenty years from opening the new facility. The
CONSULTANT shall develop and analyze the traffic data for each viable corridor and design
alternative, as appropriate.
Traffic Operational Analysis
The CONSULTANT shall also perform the following activities in connection with the Design
year; twenty (20) years post construction traffic.
Capacity analyses at appropriate intersections.
Design Traffic Memo
After selection of viable corridor(s), the CONSULTANT will prepare a Design Traffic Technical
Memorandum. This memorandum will document the methodology used in developing the traffic
demand and multi -modal splits, if applicable. The memorandum shall also identify the design
traffic volumes for each corridor alternate, which may include combinations with other modes of
The CONSULTANT will use the results of the traffic data collection activities described in this
scope of services.
After CITY approval of the Design Traffic Technical Memorandum, those traffic projections will
be used during the study of conceptual design alternatives and for the analysis of any impacts
which depend on traffic inputs (Le. noise impacts and air quality assessments).
The Design Traffic Memo will also include the traffic operational analysis of the alternatives.
The design traffic will be prepared in accordance with the Design. Traffic Procedure (# 525-030-
2.19 Typical Section Analysis
The CONSULTANT shall develop all appropriate typical sections alternatives for the project.
These will include the DEPARTMENT's standard typical sections, and any typical sections that
may result in minimizing right of way, or those proposed in Tight of the Department's policy on
Transportation Design for Livable Communities.
2.20 Roadway Design Alternatives
The CONSULTANT shall define the right of way requirements and the horizontal and vertical
geometry for the tunnel alternatives.
2.21 Prepare Concept Plans
The CONSULTANT will overlay Concept Plans on the base maps. At a minimum, the concept
plans should include the horizontal and vertical geometry, River Cross Section/Profile, and the
roadway/bicycle/pedestrian/tunnel typical sections.
2.22 Drainage Analysis and Pond Siting Report
The CONSULTANT shall perform preliminary drainage design in order to determine potential
outfall locations and preliminary sizes (volume and area) of required detention and/or retention
facilities for storm water treatment or attenuation. The location and size of potential
detention/retention areas will be determined for all viable alternate alignments.
The CONSULTANT shall document the required right of way needs associated with the
proposed storm water management facilities.
2.23 Structures
The CONSULTANT will evaluate conceptual structures vertical and horizontal alignments.
This analysis should also include a conceptual tunnel ventilation system.
2.24 Access Management
Not Applicable
2.25 Multi -modal Accommodations
As Applicable for Metrorail and M-Path and Miami River Greenway/Riverwalk.
2.26 Maintenance of Traffic Analysis
The CONSULTANT will analyze the design alternatives for constructability, and the ability to
maintain traffic. If the analysis indicates that there will be a substantial cost to maintain traffic
this cost will be included in the final estimate for that alternative. This analysis will be
performed for both roadway traffic on the adjacent sections of SW 151 Avenue, the corresponding
side streets, and river channel traffic.
2.27 Geotechnical Coordination
2.28 Intelligent Transportation Systems
Not Applicable
Comparative Analysis of Alternatives — Tunnel Technology & Construction Methods
The CONSULTANT shall evaluate construction methods, costs, risks, and other factors affecting the
feasibility of the proposed tunnel for all viable tunnel options. It is anticipated that three options will be
2.29 Comparative Analysis and Evaluation Matrix for Tunnel Technology & Construction
Methods and horizontal/vertical geometry.
2.30 Selection of Preferred Alternative(s)
The CONSULTANT shall recommend a preferred alternative for the Tunnel Technology &
Construction Methods and HorizontalNertical Geometry based on a review and analysis of all
engineering, environmental, and public involvement issues related to the project.
2.31 Conceptual Design Plans (Preferred)
The CONSULTANT will finalize concept plans for the preferred alternative for the Tunnel
Technology & Construction Methods and HorizontalNertical Geometry that include refinements
from the public meetings.
2.32 Identify Construction Segments
Not Applicable
2.33 Value Engineering
Not Applicable
2.34 Construction Cost Estimates
The CONSULTANT shall develop construction cost estimates for each Tunnel Technology &
Construction Methods and corresponding horizontal/vertical geometry design alternative.
2.35 Right of Way Cost Estimates
The CONSULTANT shall develop Right of Way cost estimates for each Tunnel Technology &
Construction Method and corresponding horizontal/vertical geometry design alternative.
2.36 Typical Section Package
Not Applicable
2.37 Design Exceptions and Variances:
The CONSULTANT will identify and justify exceptions from the Florida "Greenbook" and/or
AASHTO "Greenbook".
2.38 Feasibility Study Report (FSR)
2.39 Interchange Modification / Justification Report
Not Applicable
2.40 Quality Control
The CONSULTANT shall coordinate and perform the appropriate level of environmental analysis for this
project as outlined in the PD&E Manual and the following sections.
The CONSULTANT shall utilize the Florida Geographic Data Library (FGDL), or other appropriate,
database that includes all existing features. This data base information shall be compatible for use on base
maps used for public meeting presentations, corridor maps, and alternative plans.
All elements noted below shall be documented in the Feasibility Study Report.
Social Impacts
In accordance with Part 2, Chapter 9 of the PD&E Manual, unless otherwise noted.
3.1 Land Use Changes
As Applicable
3.2 Community Cohesion
As Applicable
3.3 Community Services
As Applicable
3.4 Social and Economic Impacts
As Applicable
3.5 Relocation Potential
The CONSULTANT shall identify any potential relocations to residential or business properties
within the proposed tunnel corridor.
3.6 Archaeological and Historical Sites
The CONSULTANT shall collect data necessary to completely analyze the impacts to all cultural
and historic resources by all proposed alternatives.
3.7 Section 4(F)
The CONSULTANT shall verify whether any 4(F) properties fall within the limits of the project.
If any 4(F) properties lie within the limits of the project, the CONSULTANT shall identify the
potential impacts to the corresponding property.
3.8 Visual Impacts and Aesthetics
As Applicable
3.9 Utilities and Railroads
As Applicable
Natural Impacts
3.10 Wetlands
The CONSULTANT shall identify and classify the quality/potential mitigation needs of any
wetlands within the limits of the project.
3.11 Conceptual Mitigation Plans
Not Applicable
3.12 Water Quality
The CONSULTANT shall identify any significant impacts to Water Quality due to the
construction methods or tunnel alternatives.
3.13 Outstanding Florida Waters, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and Aquatic Preserves
The CONSULTANT shall identify and advise on potential impacts to Outstanding Florida Waters,
Wild and Scenic Rivers, and Aquatic Preserves within the project limits.
3.14 Floodplains
As Applicable
3.15 Coastal Barrier Resources
Not Applicable
3.16 Wildlife and Habitat
The CONSULTANT shall evaluate whether any protected species exist within the limits of the
proposed tunnel and if so, comment on the impact of the Wildlife/Habitat on the permitting of the
3.17 Identify Permit Conditions
The CONSULTANT shall identify permit conditions, and type of permits required. This task
includes the review of maps and data in order to determine permit related information for the
3.18 Farmlands
Not Applicable
Physical Impacts
3.19 Noise
The CONSULTANT shall evaluate and comment on any fatal flaws related to Noise impacts
resulting from the proposed tunnel.
3.20 Air Quality
The CONSULTANT shall evaluate and comment on any fatal flaws related to Air Quality
impacts resulting from the proposed tunnel.
3.21 Construction Impact Analysis
In accordance with Part 2, Chapter 30 of the DEPARTMENT's PD&E Manual. Special attention
needs to be paid to the possible construction impacts on schedule and cost because of the high
volume of commercial and recreational shipping on the Miami River and private development
within impact area to be defined. This analysis should be evaluated for each of the construction
3.22 Contamination
The CONSULTANT shall evaluate and comment on any fatal flaws related to existing
contamination within the limits of the proposed tunnel.
4.1 Contract and Project Files
Project Management efforts for complete setup and maintenance, developing monthly progress
reports, schedule updates, work effort to develop and execute sub -consultant agreements etc.
Progress reports shall be delivered to the CITY in a format as prescribed by the CITY and no less
than 10 days prior to submission of the corresponding invoice. Judgment on whether work of
sufficient quality and quantity has been accomplished will be made by the Project Manager by
comparing the reported percent complete against actual work accomplished.
Within ten (10) days after the Notice to Proceed, the CONSULTANT shall provide a schedule of
calendar deadlines accompanied by an anticipated payout curve. Said schedule and anticipated
payout curve shall be prepared in a format prescribed by the CITY.
4.2 Project Management Meetings and Coordination
The CONSULTANT shall meet with the CITY as needed throughout the life of the project. It is
anticipated a minimum of 12 meetings will be needed. These meetings will include progress and
miscellaneous review and other coordination activities with the CITY.
Additional Services
See Optimal Services
As defined in the existing Professional Services Agreement for Major Transportation and Transit
Services between CITY and CONSULTANT.
Payment for the work negotiated will be in accordance with the existing CONSULTANT's
Professional Services Agreement for Major Transportation and Transit Services between CITY
The CITY will provide those services and materials as set forth below:
• Project data currently on file.
• All available information in the possession of the CITY pertaining to utility companies
whose facilities may be affected by the proposed construction.
• All future information that is in possession or may come to the CITY pertaining to
subdivision plans, so that the CONSULTANT may take advantage of additional areas
that can be utilized as part of the existing right-of-way.
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