HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit4MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS RESTATEMENT OF PROJECT BUDGET PROJECT INFORMATION Fiscal Year / Program: 2004-2005 Community Grants Program Organization Name: City of Miami Department of Parks and Recreation Disabilities Division Project Title: Disabilities Showcase 2005: Love Is In The Air DatesofActivities: 01/01/05 — 2/11/05 Necessary changes in the project (if any): None required, will attempt to garner donations for certain items. GRANT AWARD BUDGET Itemize cash expenses to be expended from the grant award. Expenditures must equal the total amount of the grant award as listed on the Grant Award Agreement. Round amounts 10 the nearest dollar (do not show cents). NOTE: The items specified in this budget must correspond with the Grant Dollars Allocated column of the Project Expense Budget on your original application form. GRANT AWARD PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATIVE: ARTISTIC: TECHNICAL: OUTSIDE ARTISTIC FEEs: OUTSIDE OTHER FEES: MARKETING/PUBLICITY PRINTING POSTAGE IN COUNTY TRAVEL OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASE SPACE RENTAL INSURANCE UTILITIES SUPPLIES/MATERIALS OTHER Costs (ITEMIZE): 750 1,500 300 1,100 48 800 890 TOTAL GRANT AWARD: 5,388 Reslatemeni of Project Budget (9/2004) Page 1 of 2 List cash and in -kind expenses and revenues specifically identified with your project/season. Round amounts to the nearest dollar (do not show cents). NOTE: Total project expenses and revenues must equal. CASH CASH EXPENSES 1N-KIND REVENUES IN -KIND PERSONNEL ADMISSIONS 1,000 ADMINISTRATIVE: 11,749 CONTRACTED SERVICES ARTISTIC: 3,890 TUITIONS TECHNICAL: 1,000 CORPORATE SUPPORT OUTSIDE ARTESTIC FEES; 2,950 5,000 FOUNOATPON SUPPORT OUTSIDE OTHER FEES: 500 PRIVATE/INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT 5,000 MARKETING/PUOLICITY 3,000 GOVERNMENT GRANTS: PRINTING 1 ,500 FEDERAL POSTAGE 60 STATE IN COUNTY TRAVEL LOCAL OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL APPLICANT CASH ON HAND 22,215 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 13600 OTHER REVENUES (ITEMIZE): EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Theater rental: SPACE RENTAL 2,250 3 technical days 1,200 INSURANCE dress rehearsal 300 UTILITIES showcase night 750 SUPPLIES/MATERIALS 1,140 O rHER COSTS (ITEMIZE): reception 799 GRANT AWARD 5,388 participant gifts 325 honoree awards 90 SUBTOTALS: 28,603 7,250 TOTAL EXPENSES: 35,853 Prepared by: SIGNATURE SUB TOTALS: 28,603 TOTAL REVENUES: DAT E 12/16/04 35,853 7,250 TYPEDIPRINTED NAME Dorcas M. P TITLE Grant Writer Reslalemens of Project Budges (9/2004} Page 2 of 2