HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit4M IA M I•DIADE cuituraiaffairs COUNTY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS Community Grants Program - Second Quarter GRANT AWARD AGREEMENT - ARTICLE The Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners are pleased to announce that Miami -Dade County has awarded a grant as described herein to City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (hereinafter referred to as the Grantee). The grant award is the result of an extensive public review process, which found that the Grantee is performing a public service through its programs and projects, and is awarded as follows, GRANTEE: 2, AMOUNT OF GRANT: 3. PROJECT: 4, ITEMIZED PROJECT BUDGET: 5. GRANT START DATE: 6. GRANT END DATE: 7. REPORT DEADLINE: GRANTEE AND GRANT DESCRIPTION City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (EIN#59-6000375) 444 S.W 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130 $4,041 Red Velvet Arts Festival (as described in the program application and any revisions attached) (as described in the Reinstatement of Project Budget attached hereto) 1/1/2005 3/31/2005 5/15/2005 The Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day of , 20 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, by its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Clerk, Miami -Dade County Board of County Commissioners County Manager/Designee GRANTEE: Articles 1, II, III, IV and V, together with their exhibits, the Restatement of Project Budget, original application and Universal Affidavit, make up this grant award contract. In signing this article, the undersigned officials, on behatf of the Grantee, certify that they have read and will abide by the terms and considerations set forth in the General Terms and Conditions for Grants (Articles ll, III, IV and V) dated September, 2004 as provided with the grant award package, and with those provisions outlined in the notarized and attached Universal Affidavit. Further, the Grantee agrees that the funded project will be executed in substantially the form outlined in the original application as approved for funding; in accordance with the program guidelines of the Community Grants Program; and within the scope of budget submitted in the attached Restatement of Project Budget. Signature -City Manager Signature -City Attorney Printed Name -City Manager Printed Name -City Attorney Signature -City Clerk Signature Authorized Official -Risk Management Printed Name -City Clerk Printed Name Authorized Official -Risk Management Approved for form and legal sufficiency by the Miami -Dade County Attorney (912004) MIAMI•QADE culturalaffairs COUNTY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS Community Grants Program - Second Quarter GRANT AWARD AGREEMENT - ARTICLE I The Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners are pleased to announce that Miami -Dade County has awarded a grant as described herein to City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (hereinafter referred to as the Grantee). The grant award is the result of an extensive public review process, which found that the Grantee is performing a public service through its programs and projects, and is awarded as follows: 1. GRANTEE: 2. AMOUNT OF GRANT. 3 PROJECT: 4. ITEMIZED PROJECT BUDGET; 5. GRANT START DATE: 6. GRANT END DATE: 7, REPORT DEADLINE: GRANTEE AND GRANT DESCRIPTION City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (EtN#59.6000375) 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130 $4,041 Red Velvet Arls Festival (as described in the program application and any revisions attached) (as described in the Reinstatement of Project Budget attached hereto) 1 /1 /2005 3/31/2005 5/15/2005 The Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day of , 20 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, by its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Clerk, Miami -Dade County Board of County Commissioners County Manager/Designee GRANTEE: Articles I, II, HI, IV and V, together with their exhibits, the Restatement of Project Budget, original application and Universal Affidavit, make up this grant award contract. In signing this article, the undersigned officials, on behalf of the Grantee, certify that they have read and will abide by the terms and considerations set forth in the General Terms and Conditions for Grants (Articles II, III, IV and V) dated September, 2004 as provided with the grant award package, and with those provisions outlined in the notarized and attached Universal Affidavit. Further, the Grantee agrees that the funded project will be executed in substantially the form outlined in the original application as approved for funding; in accordance with the program guidelines of the Community Grants Program; and within the scope of budget submitted in the attached Restatement of Project Budget. Signature -City Manager Signature -City Attorney Printed Name -City Manager Printed Name -City Attorney Signature -City Clerk Printed Name -City Clerk Signature Authorized Official -Risk Management Printed Name Authorized Official -Risk Management Approved for form and legal sufficiency by the Miami -Dade County Attorney (9/2004) M IAMI•DADE culturalaffairs COUNTY MIIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS Community Grants Program - Second Quarter GRANT AWARD AGREEMENT - ARTICLE I The Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners are pleased to announce that Miami -Dade County has awarded a grant as described herein to City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (hereinafter referred to as the Grantee). The grant award is the result of an extensive pubfrc review process, which found that the Grantee is performing a public service through its programs and projects, and is awarded as follows; 1. GRANTEE: 2. AMOUNT OF GRANT: 3. PROJECT: 4. ITEMIZED PROJECT BUDGET: 5. GRANT START DATE: 6. GRANT END DATE: 7. REPORT DEADLINE: GRANTEE AND GRANT DESCRIPTION City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (EIN#59-6000375) 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130 $4,041 Red Velvet Arts Festival (as described in the program application and any revisions attached) (as described in the Reinstatement of Project Budget attached hereto) 1/1/2005 3/31/2005 6/15/2005 The Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day of ,20 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, by its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Clerk, Miami -Dade County Board of County Commissioners County Manager/Designee GRANTEE: Articles I, II, III, IV and V, together with their exhibits, the Restatement of Project Budget, original application and Universal Affidavit, make up this grant award contract. In signing this article, the undersigned officials, on behalf of the Grantee, certify that they have read and will abide by the terms and considerations set forth in the General Terms and Conditions for Grants (Articles II, Ill, IV and V) dated September, 2004 as provided with the grant award package, and with those provisions outlined in the notarized and attached Universal Affidavit. Further, the Grantee agrees that the funded project will be executed in substantially the form outlined in the original application as approved for funding; in accordance with the program guidelines of the Community Grants Program; and within the scope of budget submitted in the attached Restatement of Project Budget. Signature -City Manager Signature -City Attorney Printed Name -City Manager Printed Name -City Attorney Signature -City Clerk Signature Authorized Official -Risk Management Printed Name -City Clerk Printed Name Authorized Official -Risk Management Approved for form and legal sufficiency by the Miam-Dade County Attorney (9/2004) MIAMI•QA EE COUNTY culturalaffairs MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS Community Grants Program - Second Quarter GRANT AWARD AGREEMENT - ARTICLE f The Miami -Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners are pleased to announce that Miami -Dade County has awarded a grant as described herein to City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (hereinafter referred to as the Grantee). The grant award is the result of an extensive public review process, which found that the Grantee is performing a public service through its programs and projects, and is awarded as follows: 1. GRANTEE: 2 3. PROJECT: AMOUNT OF GRANT: 4. ITEMIZED PROJECT BUDGET: 5. GRANT START DATE: 6. GRANT END DATE: 7. REPORT DEADLINE: GRANTEE AND GRANT DESCRIPTION City of Miami Neighborhood Enhancement Team (EIN#59-6000375) 444 S,W 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130 $4,041 Red Velvet Arts Festival (as described in the program application and any revisions attached) (as described in the Reinstatement of Project Budget attached hereto) 1/1/2005 3/31/2005 5/15/2005 The Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day of ,20 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, by its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Clerk, Miami -Dade County Board of County Commissioners County Manager/Designee GRANTEE: Articles I, II, 111, IV and V, together with their exhibits, the Restatement of Project Budget, original application and Universal Affidavit, make up this grant award contract. In signing this article, the undersigned officials, on behalf of the Grantee, certify that they have read and will abide by the terms and considerations set forth in the General Terms and Conditions for Grants (Articles 11, ill, IV and V) dated September, 2004 as provided with the grant award package, and with those provisions outlined in the notarized and attached Universal Affidavit. Further, the Grantee agrees that the funded project will be executed in substantially the form outlined in the original application as approved for funding; in accordance wlth the program guidelines of the Community Grants Program; and within the scope of budget submitted in the attached Restatement of Project Budget. Signature -City Manager Signature -City Attorney Printed Name -City Manager Printed Name -City Attorney Signature -City Clerk Signature Authorized Official -Risk Management Printed Name -City Clerk Printed Name Authorized Official -Risk Management Approved for form and legal sufficiency by the Miami -Dade County Attorney (9/2004)