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ZB Reso
Miami Zoning Board Resolution No.: 2004-0959 Monday, November 22, 2004 Mr. Carlos Martell offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolution: AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF THE OFFICIAL VACATION AND CLOSURE OF A 10 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY STRIP LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF NORTHWEST NORTH RIVER DRIVE AND NORTHWEST 14TH AVENUE, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED 0 OFFICE. Upon being seconded by Mr. Angel Urquiola, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Mr. Charles J. Flowers Away Mr. Miguel Gabela Yes Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza Yes Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Yes Ms. lleana Hernandez -Acosta Away Mr. Carlos Martell Yes Mr, Juvenal A. Pina Yes Mr. Allan Shulman Yes Mr. Angel Urquiola Yes Mr. Georges William Yes AYE: 8 NAY: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0 NO VOTES: 0 ABSENT: 2 Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 8-0 Teresita lw.. Fernandez, Ex cutive Secreta Hearing Boards Case No. 2004-0899 Item Nbr: 9 LEGAL AND SKETCH PARCEL "A" SURVEYOR' S NOTES: 1. Bearings are based on an assumed value (S64°0139"E) on the centerline of N.W. North River Drive. 2. Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper. 3. This sketch does not represent a land survey LEGEND: POB Point of Beginning P.B. Plat Book PG. Page SF Square Feet LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 13 of "ST. JOHN PARK" as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 19 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. And Lots 1 through 11 of "COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENT SUBDIVISION" as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 133 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the NW corner of said Lot 13 of "ST. JOHN PARK"; thence S64°01'39"E along the North line of said Lot 13 and Lot 1 of "COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENT SUBDIVISION" for a distance of 200.02 feet to the point of intersection with the NE corner of said Lot 1; thence S03°12'58"W along the East line of said Lots 1 and 2 for a distance of 78.00 feet to the point of intersection with the SE corner of said Lot 2; thence N86°47'02"W along the South line of said Lot for a distance of 7.00 feet; thence S03°12`58"W for a distance of 306.07 feet; thence N64°08'30"W for a distance of 33.00 feet; thence S25°51'30"W for a distance of 11.92 feet to the point of intersection with the South line of said Lot 11; thence N64°0219"W along the South line of said Lots 11 and 13 for a distance of 154.52 feet to the point of intersection with the West line of said Lot 13; thence NO3°13'50"E along said line for a distance of 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY: that the LEGAL AND SKETCH of the property described hereon was made under my supervision and that the LEGAL AND SKETCH meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 61G17-6. Florida Administrative Code pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. And, that the sketch hereon is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subject to notes and notations shown hereon. This sketch does not represent a land survey. Ludovici and Orange Consulting Engineers Inc. L.B. #1012 By: Arturo A. Sosa Surveyor and Mapper 2629 State of Florida PROW. NO: 2001 31A DATE: 10-06-2004 DRAWN: AJ f CHECKED: AS LUD ICI & ORANGE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 329 PALERMO AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 • 305/448-1600 • LB 1012 SCALE: AS. NOTED MAHI SHRINE SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS i\aA\PARre3jQcct \MIN2A4i 3+ a POB NW CORNER LOT 13 12 WEST LINE LOT 13 4 NO3.13'50"E 400.00' LEGAL AND SKETCH y _tip PARCEL 'A" !Xi) 0T,��Ege0139/ 6g.O � $ 'Roo I( I— I 2 r7 u) N86.40,g; PARCEL- NA-"-- z 71,136! S,F.3 0. 13 1.63 .;acres \� II V ) O279� 1 4 cj CO 5 4/6 Co to CV • • t1 5 PROJ. NO: 2001 31 A .. DATE: 10-06-2004 DRAWN: AJ SE CORNER LOT 2 SOUTH LINE LOT 2 CHECKED: AS I SCALE: AS SHOWN LUDOVICI & ORS ^� CDNSUL...TING ENGINEERS, INC. 329 PALERMO AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 • 305/448-1600 • LB 1012 \\AeAfiA1.2,W'rojects‘nCiAelia1 31 A •Afil--144PLENMarg 3HIi 33ADLIG ei~e•A i 34� SHRINE SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS, LEGAL AND SKETCH 10' PUBLIC ROAD SURVEYOR' S NOTES: 1. Bearings are based on an assumed value (S64°01'39"E) on the centerline of N.W. North River Drive. 2. Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper. 3. This sketch does not represent a land survey LEGEND: POB Point of Beginning P.B. Plat Book PG. Page SF Square Feet LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A 10 foot Public Road Right -of -Way as recorded in "COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENT SUBDIVISION", Plat Book 6, Page 133 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. Lying adjacent to the West of Lots 1 through 11 of said plat of "COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENT SUBDIVISION", and adjacent to the East of Lot 13 of "ST. JOHN PARK" as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 19 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the NE corner of said Lot 13 of "ST. JOHN PARK"; thence S64°01'39"E for a distance of 23.01 feet to the point of intersecion with the NW corner of said Lot 1; thence S25°45'09"W along the West line of said Lot 1 for a distance of 28.82 feet; thence S03°12'58"W along the West line of said Lots 1 through 11 for a distance of 368.77 feet to the point of intersection with the SE corner of said Lot 11; thence N64°02'19"W for a distance of 11.09 feet to the point of intersection with the SW corner of said Lot 13; thence NO3°13'24"E along the East line of said Lot for a distance of 400.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING 4 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE:: I HEREBY CERTIFY: that the LEGAL AND SKETCH of the property described hereon was made under my supervision and that the LEGAL AND SKETCH meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 61G17-6. Florida Administrative Code pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. And, that the sketch hereon is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subject to notes and notations shown hereon. This sketch does not represent a land survey. Ludovici and Orange Consulting Engineers Inc. L.B. #1012 By: Arturo A. Sosa Surveyor and Mapper 2629 State of Florida 4 PROW. N0: 2001 31A I DATE: 10-06-2004 1 DRAWN: AJ J CHECKED: AS SCALE: AS NOTED MAHI SHRINE J LU L' O /ICI & ORANGE CONSULTING ENt13INEERS, INC. 329 PALERMO AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 305/448-1600 • LB 1fl� SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS- 12 � I P0B 9F NET 73 CORiVE R LO SW CORN, LOT 13 PROJ. - NO:.2001 31 A_ LEGAL AND SKETCH _tipi, A. 10' PUBLIC ROAD I s4.01. 0/39`19 D :0,, 3 ti� 4 2 U2 EAST LINE LOT 13 R DATE: 10-06-2004 c© ti � ` 4, 407. 1 7 I z 1 O DRAWN: AJ CHECKED: AS LUDOV CI & ORANGE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 329 PALERMO AVENUE, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 - 305/448-1600 • LB 1012 4 SCALE: AS SHOWN MAKI SHRINE SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS- 344.Ba4& 3;L .. :