HomeMy WebLinkAboutUDRB Reso• Y O 1F M —'l A M I P I. A \ N i G i N 1) ZONING DEPRTENT URBAN DEVELOPMENT R E V 1 E W BOARD RESOLUTION: L 13 12 B 7- 2 1- O a Item No.: 2 A motion was made by Willy Bermello and seconded by Carlos Touzet for a resolution recommending approval with conditions for a Substantial Modification to a Major Use Special Perrnit fortheprojectouth. Baysborc Tower located at 1390 Brickell Bay Drive with a vote of 3 to 0. Conditions: Attest: Vote List: Yes No Absent or Recuscd Todd B. 1•ragash, Ch. Julio Diaz, V. Ch. Willy Bei and to Robin Bosco Marina Khoury Derrick Smith Carlos 'lovzet ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 0 0 The architect and the applicant to reconsider strengthening the convection along the recreation decks instead of penetrating through an enclosed area so that there is actually a breezeway or stronger open space connection. Look at the articulation of the upper portion to further enhance it so it doesn't look like it doesn't end with a balcony at the top and there is a concerted effort to crown the building_ Ana abe► - chez, Director Pat ic_ Hood -Daniel, DRB Officer