HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit5Attachment A — Statement of Eligibility The City of Miami, Florida is eligible to install and operate a Traveler's Information Radio Station at the stated location. Eligibility is consistent with the following FCC rules: 90.242 (a)(5) The transmitting site...shall be restricted to the immediate vicinity of air, train, and bus terminals; public parks and historic sites; bridges; tunnels; and any intersection of a Federal Interstate Highway with any other Interstate, Federal, State or local highway. Proposed transmitter location is immediately adjacent to Interstate Highway 95. 90.242 (a)(7) ...shall transmit only noncommercial voice information pertaining to traffic and road conditions; traffic hazard and travel advisories; directions; availability of lodging, rest stops and service stations; descriptions of local points of interest and weather. The intended purpose of the proposed Traveler's Information Station(s) is to broadcast traffic and road conditions; availability of lodging; traffic hazards, weather information. 90.242 (a)(2)(ii) 90.242 (a)(2)(iv) 90.242 (a)(2)(1,11l) See Attachment B See Attachment C Attachment C and E Attachment B — Consideration of Interference 1.680 MHz Cochannel — The nearest station is WLAA, Winter Garden, FL. FCC rules require that the new TIS station be more than 80.6 miles outside the 0.5 mV/m contours (0,1 mV/m if Class A) of all co -channel stations. The proposed station is outside the 0.5 mV/m contour of WLAA by 190 miles. 1.690 MHz Adjacent — The nearest station is WSWK, Avondale Estates, GA. FCC rules require that the new TIS station be more than 9.3 miles outside the 0.5 mV/m contours (0.1 mV/m if Class A) of all nearby adjacent stations. Proposed station is outside the 0.5 mV/m contour of WSWK by 640 miles. 1.670 MHz Adjacent The nearest station is WMWR, Dry Branch, GA. FCC rules require that the new TIS station be more than 9.3 miles outside the 0.5 mV/m contours (0.1 mV/m if Class A) of all nearby adjacent stations. Proposed station is outside the 0.5 mV/m contour of WMWR by 460 miles. Second and Third Adjacent Commercial Stations — The above named applicant certifies that the possible cross -modulation and inter -modulation interference effects which may result from the operation of the Traveler's Information Station(s) in the vicinity of a commercial AM broadcast station on the second or third adjacent channel have been taken into consideration and there is no foreseen probability of harmful interference. Co -channel 1.680 MHz Traveler's Information Stations — There are no cochannel 1.680MHz TIS stations within 9.3 miles of the proposed TIS station. The nearest known 1.680 MHz station is WPUV867 operated by City of Weston, FL, 23.5 miles to the northwest.