HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit2V I/ IrJ/dVV:J 11 . 14 flln QVJY IVJYYY .441 VV, f VV . Sent By: 'SS, Inc.; u 1,47 815 772 29661 Jan-14.05 11:03AM; RIAU. r1Mt: MLSVUL Page 4/6 002/OO4 9 1.#2 411,1414/2 C Aftonv 6} Information Station Specialists, Inc, (mall) PO sort 61 -- (ship) 3366 SSA" Avenue —Zeeland, MI 494614 (phone) 816.772.2300 — (tie) 816.772.294d (smelt) ill heRADIosoures.coj (webslle) w Av.th.RADlOsoures.t:orn FCC License Application Questionnneire Fixed Point Station(s) Please fill Out and faxhtrrlall back to I8& at 81e-772.2060, attention Bill Baker. (bl I IQth BRAD lOso u roe. corn). check here If you arc requesting a modification or a renewal of an existing FCC IiceMs. If ao. sea section C. Check here W you do n2s want MO to file Me sppllcetlon wllh the FCC, but only to priP litre the engineering attachment for your agency to file. A General Questions Aarllleant Entity Who li applying for the license? List the name of the governmental entity, the street i mailing address, city, elate, zip code, end 9sugn federal tax lb number (TIN/FEIN). Entity Name: City of Miami Deprlrtnlsnt of Fire -Rescue (must be governmental) Address, 1161 NW 7" $tnet, 3l Floor City: Miami State: FL Zip: 33138 MUST INCLUDE Fed.Tax ID Number (TIN/EIN): 59-6000375 IF YOUR AGENCY HAS s Frequency Registration Number and Password already, list them billows* we can moose end submit on your bell, Leave blank if not applicable. Frequently Registration Number 00/2 3107 13 Password /2",q..77 NIRg Llst the name of the person (at the above address) whose name will appear an the application, along with their title, phone, fox end email Name: Joseph R. Fernandez Title: Aatilatent Fire Chief Phone: (306) 416.6414 Fax: (303) 4004031 Email: Jrfemandetegai,rrlleml,H.ua Pi # iDYe r sir"( Itage c f 7d$ 9$ V If IJf ..VVJ 11 . 14 1 lift JVJ1 IIJJt IIIfl111L 1 .LI1L I1LJyUL Sent By: 166, Inc,; me 772 2E366; Jen•14-05 11:03AM; manna rink KtSUUE Ij UU4/ UU4 Page 5/e Z os3/004 (Optional) autIs/nit Who should be notified once this application has been flied with the FCC? List the persons name, street address with Yip code, telephone. fax and email. If Ihla will bo the lama Perim you Identified above. please circle "SAME''. Name: Kelly Penton SAME Street Address & Zip Cods: 444 SW el Avenue. 9°` Floor City: Miami State: FL Zip Code: 33130 Phone: (3015) 418.1036 Fax: (305) 400-S296 roust kpenton®oLmlarnl.fl.us ERjD1 • ' CeMro1 The station(s) operation will be controlled from the following Ioegtlon: Street Address: 444 SW 2' Avenue Telephone number: (305) 418.1036 Nearest City: Miami County: MlamhOede State: Fl, Content Circle items that will be In the broadcast content of the station: Triad i nce rend omdidlEihiirs I " TreffIc hated ehEq,dianr.l�rodvlsoJJga I Avaijablitty o ,ropgl Dlrfialion>r " "'' • Wels')hiartftlol�natlon DE�s0001o,,e of lotri.PoI 1fRiecelt B Antenna Information Fixed point Fill out this section far each fJxed!p,alnt enterer' locallon, Weight and type (circle) of support structure: 12 ft premldss at approximately 30 ft) BUILDING Consult with !S6 if structure is taller than 25', also a hoes tower located on the Other 6- 3 w+t► Address or geographlo description; all other Iocadlons are yard style Nearest City, County & State Nearest City: Miami County: MIamI•Dsde State: FL Frequency Circle or write in the frequency you wish to apply for at this location. If you dv not know the frequency or are unsure at this time, circle "NOT KNOWN". ( ISS will assist 1n determining the best frequency, subject to your approval.) 530 1610 1620 Other Frequenc 16i90 NOT KNOWN MUST INCLUDE Map Provide as an attachment a marked street or highway map showing the proposed antenna location. (Optional) Coordinates Provide the latitude and longitude of the fixed point antenna site: N W (Optional) Elevation (CIRCLE foot or meters) V I/ IV/6VVJ II IL TAA 41VJ4 IOJ44Y Sent By: ISS, Inc.; Mi %f'1l rinr. nc.'suuL 816 772 29de; Jan-14-05 11:04AM; •+anti♦ rAnc, ntb6Ut t3WJ4/0Q Page 8/8 004/0041 C For Operators Who Are Modifying And/or Rtenawing Existing Licenses If this application le for the modification and/or renewal of an extellrig license, first fill cut In Section A the "Applicant Entity' and Name" 'actions only. Then, onry fill out other parts of this application which have changed and need updating, leaving items which are staying condtanl blank. Finally, list the following: Calleign(e) of me radio stations to be renowad/madifled, Location name (typle*lly city) of the station to be modlflod , D Special Temporary Assignment (STA) The purpose of a STA is to provide • lioanae to cover the applicant whiio hie primary license application Is pending or for a station that is to operate for only • limited period of lime. There iv a charge for ISS to process and Ala the STA application on your behalf. f1 your need for an STA Is to provide a Manse while your primary limns. appfioatlon le being ;ranted, please leave that section blank. If your need for an STA to to provide a temporary license for a short period of time, state the dates you would request for the STA; Starting: unknown at this time (perhaps January or February, 2005) Ending: (e months max). E Statement of Understanding I understand that Information Station SPicialista Is not responsible for the approval or dlseppr>Dvel of this license application by the Federal Communications Commission. If Granted, opandlon is subject to changes In primary services on the AM broadcast band, and must aaconenodats those changes. (For portable operations, this also Inoludss the aocommodallon of fixed-point TISIIIAR changes,) I further state that the information provided h accurate, to the but of my knowledge, and that I have the approval of the above -named governmental entity to provide this Information on Its behalf. - Narn Doty ..zz -/e-ce I