HomeMy WebLinkAboutpre public hearing85 I SATURDAY, MAY 7Q 7004 w The Miami City Commission wile hold a Public Hearing to discuss Issues relating to the Community City of Miami Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other HUD Department of Community Development Progrendi. Thursday, June 10, 2004, 3;00 P.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3300 Pan Arnnerioan Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Federal regulations ggova nIno CMG end other HUb programs require NO a participating furNdiclion provide cilium with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any wnwndmxde to handing of HUD programs. In addkfan, the public Is advised of tiro pow rtwxlmer4(s)10 the hrndmp of the City progriunad Indicated below. 1. 'Oseuseion end Proposed resolution authorizing the louder of Home levntrnem Partnerships Program fund' (HOME) lunds prwlausy Placated to Model GIty Horrroomroishlp Zona 10 en hill laudable housing project as Woven below' TRANSFER FUNDS FROM) REALLOCA N or • almtbutl Prooranl"tc"d6! rwtl>Ip Model Cty ln•F61 Affordable IZIontJPi Probed !parts) tbl T+h , Housing 2. 'O1cusslan and Proposed Reeolutlon authorizing the conveyance of the awned building located at 2366 Northwest 35th Shoal, MIemn, a to Alltrpaltah Oweiapmwd Authority, Inc. {ADWtf, a non•prafit ayanlnattan. 3. 'Discusain and Proposed Resolution accepting the Stet. Housing Initiatives PeNrorehlp (SHIP) funds for Racal Yew 2004.2006 tar lha implement hint of the Local Houtlng Msfstsnce 4. 'Diseusalan end Proposed R.saullan approving the CI ry at Miami's Flue 10 Yew Strategic Plan Flecel Year 2006.2009 en the s 2004 Annuli Rai for Yew 2004, In connection with the Plan. Implementation and edminielrstton of the City's Section 8 Madwale l.hahi6taban Centred. S. tIw uM1on w*d Propped Re.dteion authorizing She d.•abtt0aeon d Conem101 Development Block Grant 1 (undo a total amount or $151.960 and allocate funds as Mown below REALLOCATE FUNS TOt TAANir'ER FUNDf FROM: ep frritial flra�rop'wn H Foundation, Inc. 11,060 GAMEof Development Corporation Childre span IrConip. 86.000 The EmbraceFaurtda6an The Halle Dance Company. Inc. eness anti Linked Heiken American ArNats COMP Founded Inc. Fwtm Ayleysn Nan Mywnl, Inc. 1. 'pacwe)on aid Propa..d Resolution approving the City o1 Miami Cons0ikNted Plan for 2034.2009 and the Annul Action Plan to Fisad Yw 2004.2005 wkh funding r co >roorr lor me td ations for Commu Development 0ev�pmsnt block Grant {CMG), HOME Inv.etmwrt Palnmahtps Program (HOME); Emergency Shd0w chant 1E$G1 and Housing Upporla Persons with sloe N. U.B. HUD moues entitlement cities, the Clty of Miami, that soaks hinds undue ha grant programs la prepare a coneal tried eve year, which Mills proposed activiW madlniza the Innen of fedwd tundlnp Monday.Jule 14, NM tad Upon Ciry Commissiony�tppro d. the Cansdidat.d Plan will be available kr public review and comment la 30 days. TM mime oral comment parlod begin* on uncle Taesdey. July 13, 2004. Droll copies of the 2004.200g,Ccmalidslnd Plan w9 be svdleble el two Ciy of Miami Department of Commune/ anent looatioraa:44413W Rnd Avenue. Ind Floor, Mime Ftarida 33130 • or 1313 MY 36th Stud, end Encore HOW Florida 33142. The drafts will also be maldtN at the Cky ofo10c11 Miami NET offices, rind Public Obrvla fooled within the Cky (Jenks. 6t In addition, the City cl MIemt Department of Community Development has el6Nneted ks esledng Community ilevkalraltia0 Uf*1dc1a se pat of k. Cormaidehd Pim to 004-nCROs ann IN bounds/Ns now eyed to ter Neighborhood Development Zones INDZ31 Mk sin be available for public re anw and condb Theme ND7a will npiue the Prowl0Usy burdened, Tin proposed NM Integra, me 'model Pock'. conceal which win save es twlM woes for effgdeble housing devil aclSvltia. llna modal Moak ttcundarlas, which recce Ydtidrh the new NDZ bohnderlee, will silo be moll* to public review and communal the Iwo Community Developrwrd locarons listed Grant too fund. and 26tlr Yew Ow Our In tits Prowl at 'Olecuselon end Proposed Reeohdkn directing the allocation al 59.926.000 of the 30th Yew CommunityDevelopment Block PO4r916 and Program income: the amount of 11,100.000 al specified herein for tins 30th Program Y beginning October 1, 20044nrewn stem below: ECIWILWAYALi Beckon 1 %ee l,aaa.S I.100200.0�00 r d Mlerre Bulking Depwerien*Unsafe Structures C -icy d Mimi Copilot improvement Proleets 1.600, 0000 Economic Grant 4,173,000 IIii,173 000 Economic ng � ublk: FacOklee 8 Improvement i�160 Total ODD° Fun** , ' to be funded through the CI of Miami Hauslrav 1 Commercial Loan Camilla 1. 'Olsousdon end Pwpoeed Resoluton authorising Its aacoplence o1 Home Investment Partnership, (FE) funding In Use amount of 56.117,000; Moulting such hands to the mica housing WAN listed blow: 1 7,000 47 000 t', F�orh j Pry fin& gakiigpg amid 4ntfoualrag(i not Prowl Little Havana Homeowners, Dual 1,500,000 'Hamawrorpnrehip rum rib%; 1.063.976 'frontalrie GHQ ' To to funded through tit. City d 14Iam1 I_4aning and Commwdal Loan Committee. t t 3 11 3 V kg It Id M al Id 7. S, 'P4euwcn end Proposed Resolution allocating a protected amount a! $10,715,000 for Fiscal Veer 2004.2005 Ind 036,406 of Rom -cut ridsfOr FIsoal Yew 20334034 HaulingOppo 1ur26 s for Ppaone with AIDS NIOAWRi for / laid smart of $12,750,445 program funds as specified for the pr0Mfelo+ of hawing au stake and hexing related auntie to law bourne persars 0rkp with HI WNDS w lo0ea s: Community i�anlo�a r1a nc. Canter lot inhxmelon 1 Ori&M0lon, Inc. The Center for Cam Case en Ceovincionu, Inc. mierrl, Inc, Carrie tar Indepsnden LMng of South Florida, Inc, Douglas G t snn G mlunly Monte HeethCentr of Miami Reach, Inc. Emprmirr Hi Beech Camm�lty Mattel Corporation Inc. Neu Horizons Comrr>unlirEdMratd Health Cent"; Inc. •Mrrican Bask ucatlan 4 Rehabdtaticn, Inc, TLorerlomn Mlami Department of IH Dovdapmenl Proem Administrolon, lo City of Mlinil - Deportment of Mndedmmunity Dnvel d Tree Psrepec11nie, Inc. inforrnetton, Newel end Advocacy AliwlopnNnl lion, Inc. MI Such Community Development don. Inc. City atMOTO-Depwhrwd of Community mud PmNt1•E'Md Denial or Operational Mime B� _lwril � pmen dip Inc. Mil FIMOPWA F- wddilp Community Devalopnlyd $12, CO,71� 10. 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution allocating $4,173,030 of 30th Yew Community Devalapmsnt Black Grant (GDR Program funds In Ito category of Econcmia DeuicpmptVPub2a Faciddes and Improvements to the opines specified below: new dopnlanl dty, Inc, Euolistimalm einige Black Economic DNNapmerrt Cotillion, Inc. 40,000 Catholic Ocala GI ora Archdiocese al Miami, Inc. - Pierre Touuakd Corder 20,000 Depsrtrnsrdal Carnmodly Development Cade Campion,* 600,001 DapsdrneM of Cannunky Development ComnNrrcid Facade 1R00.000 Dawnlawn MWni Prtnenhlp. Inc, 100000 Hiwinic Bushou Waive Fund a! oredw Miami, Inc. 160,000 Line Hsld•Edlecn Fedor" Credit Union 250,000 Neighbors 6 Ndghbon AMoaladar, Inc, 150,000 Rdad Henwldes Noosing a Economic Development Corp 100.000 Small Dueness Conte, Inc.�EIncCity Miami olE opmsnl 260,600 lhe Cord 40,6000 tr•to nwwaod Conmuniy Canter 250,000 oinactel of Miami Dog 1 of Off -Street Parking 25Wetly, Inc. 50,0000 KI Child Cox Inc. 175,000 Niddie Karp Chid 1UIre, Inc i66,000 late Economic ornlc Services ant Ta3Q, g TaGI Eoanamk Pee wd f r 78,000 11, 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating 61,677,766 of Inc 30ah Yoe Community cQt.lopmani block Gant IMAM funds, 6'T5,000 contribution tram T+atnntidansr Re04 Campaign Account to bo distributed 65,000 per District and $300,000 otTraneporteion and Transit Swift] Revenue funds fora laid amount of 12,002,766 In Ls category of Public Servk to the awoke specJ6ed Inc Public 8ervkw Activities In tine loth Program vex bsour*ig Octabr 1, 2004 016,1 All Acdoa Inc. 10,000 13aldorrte T1caIccyy Cad Inc, 25,000 Soya & Girls Clubs o1M Ina - Alai Grove Unit 10,000 Brothers al the Same Mind, Inc, 85,000 WNW Chortles of the Alchd{an s' of Mimi. Inc. • Service' to bra Cidrf) ``Claude Pepped5,447 Crthdk Chrithe Mtr t's•ofdlac6e D1 Miami, Ina • Centro Male CMdure Center 50,000 Catholic Chrhis of Ow A rchdiocni a1 Miami. Inc.-. E.mollalo y Sw*ii 20,000 COO; Cranes d Inc Archdionee o1 MIrnL Inc.. Comm HIepaio Cdalko Chad Care 6tavlaes 11,350 Catholic Mollies ol On kchdlocau of Mi*M. Inc. • 8egreda FamOi Chid Core Color 00,000 Coconut Grave Conn, Ina. 20,000 Ott Hcetoe Banter Conlon, Inc. 100,000 Co. Rohe A. Pones" Clinic, Ina. 20,000 Form /Omen Non Myam6 Inc, Yam700000 FlRvFhe Ya 8 Up,kwa. Ames E. ScottCommunity om m 6ty AAs Incstbn, Inc, 50 0000 Jowl" Peru do�idney Foundation. Inc. 5,000 MOW Child Coos, Ins, 48.668 Liam Plante lot The Blind, Inc, 6,000 LLI�Itle Moi qnne Activities d Nrpollon Centers ofDads Count', Inc. 2 Houle, Ind 4 200 000 Sieiers 1 Paden Frever. Inc. 30.000 Sovlhwqut lade SeMcas Programs, Inc. 137,000 S1, Moan a Deep Nursery, Inc. 44,012 Tnoolcy Economic Dsnlapmsnt Coparadon, Inc. 15,000 The Meodve Programs, Inc. 40,000 TThe En�Fot d�rt, Inc, of the Exceptional, Inc. 60.2253 TLBrrb City COOP Club of Florida, Inc. 20,000 The NomMolona Prgect USA, Inc. 10,000 Theodore Roosevelt ( Son MenetY Fund, Inc. s, fi1 ,T66 Toll P4h6c Berlins Fundy 'The odoplon of this Ordknencd ersoknlon, by the Clly Commission, authorizes the CJty Manegor te'mend tot *grapnels City of Mimi Annual Action Pin. Irdretted individuals are encouraged le *herd Ohl" Public Hearing. The mooting et. is ecceedbie to the handto'ppsd. Regicide Inc Special acocrnmo M6ans may be dkeated to Ill Departmrti o1 Community Development el (305I 416.2080 no Ina than awes 0) buskin's dnye prlor to the Pubic Hearing date. IAD 60711C13 Ellrslidaliamomerffis 106276 127,503 104 375 127,500 63,750 223,125 191250 63,750 63,750 388,475 16 0,f1i,760 $32t,460 100,400 150,000 139.200 010.000 150,000