HomeMy WebLinkAboutpre resolution2J-9d-2d3 1/4/9S RESOLUTIONNO., 8-, 529 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE TICE FINDINGS OF THE SELECTION `COMMITTEE AS TO THE MOST QUALM=SD TEAMS, IN RA}OC ORDER, TO PROVIDE PLANNZ'NO AND DESIGN SERVICES IN T}OC mum OF ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE ARGIETECIM FOR TM RIVERSIDE astevuonteNT PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGES TO NBOOTMTB WITH VIE MOAT QUALIFIED TEAMS, W LANK ORDER, UNTU. HE ARRIVES AT AN AMUSEMENT W)UCH IS ?AIIt, COMPETITIVE AND REASONABLE., FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT, D4 A FORI~i ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL APPROVAL. the City of Muni, pursuant to Resoludoo No. 97466, adopted December 9, 1997, dssisosted the Riverside Riverfront Redevelopment Project (the "Project") u "Category 8" !br the acquisition of professional piennir g and design services; and said Project requires the services of a qualified engineering arm to pane ooeulta* and a landscape architectural firm to first assess City properties located on the Miami River u to their needs for dredging, shoreline stabilization, access and other improvements, and then to prepare a master plan and complete construction drawings for certain improvements to the property known as Lumnus Park/Pioneer Club site, including a riverwalk boat slips, shoreline stabilisation, public plazas, lighting end landscaping and • WIT amass= ammo OF MAY 2 81920 58 -- 529 WHEREAS. Rnolutioa No. 97•1166 also appointed a Certification Committee of P rofeuionals in the field of endeavor and appointed the Chairperson of the election committee to review the. qualifications and related intbrntatioo provided by those responding to a Request for Qualifications. (" PFQ") ' said professicnal servi and . WHEREAS, a competitive selection process, as described herein, was duly conducted in accordance with Chapter 2117, Florida Stoma, and Secdoo 11S1 of the Code of the City of Miami. Florida, ru amended sad the City otiami sdverdsed and issued the UFQ ter the regtdnd envies hr. the project on December 2941997; and • MMi4,S, ten (10) proposds were received by the City Celt oa January 26,199S end the Certification Committee subug'Isntly reviewed and certified miss (9) prop in .coor+danora wide established admix and the Competitive Selection Committee evduated the trine (9) certified proposals according to criteria atabiisbed in the RPQ and " ed" five (5) teams so p.arddpate In a press and interview, and WHEREAS, the Selection Committee subsequer ly interviewed and evaluated, also according to criteria stand in the RPQ. the five hums and #hea adopted n is finding, the live MUM in specified rank order as most qualified to provide the requhed prohuloul services A t this Project; and WHEREAS, the City MaunSer hes reviewed the report of the Selection Committee and recommends that its findings u to the rank order Of the most qualified teams be approved; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; 98- 529 99 -- i )$ • Section I. The recitals and findings contained is the Preamble to this Ambition are herby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated beriln u IU Uy set forth in this Sudan. Section 2. The City Cominluioa hereby accepts the naommendatlon of the Chy r • Mauer to approve the findings of the Compsdtlw Selecting Coam htee as to the bnowi� • teams, In rank order. as the most qualified to provide pluming and dupe services In the fields of engineering and landscape arohltecsure for the Riverside 'timbal Redevelopment Project: r�tE��l Prime CoitsWtant: Snide & Auoaiats% be Suboaneukent(s): C1MMt be. .. • Absn ,Associatelli? Tan Orabo old Associates, Lea The C6anps.bs gip, be. •••:` .. Dud Williams. Architect• Arva Parka R Company THEUtankogla Prloe Consultant: Carnsy-Nsuhaus,Inc. Subconroltant(s): Woos, Roberts A Todd • Moira A Nichol Engineers Walt Ilogincering Prime Consultant: C.A.P.Engineering Con sultants, Ins. Subconaukant(s): curs Rom Design Studio, In. Consulter Engineering and Sdenoom Inc, ) -3 98- 629 T sc ruched N4 Prime Consuhant: Bermefio% i;smil & Partners Subconsultants: %Widener Surveying & Mapping Huhey-Maolaides.4arcia•Suarea Evans Environmental Tsnnannlri Prima Combat Wowing Comm, Inc. Suboonsultants: Wags Engineer LKGOC ofIlarlda, h Rosenberg Design Group ND?, tam Cans Tech Engineering Inc Section 3. The City Commission hereby authorinas do City Manager to modals an ag eement with the Tears ranked tint as set krth in Section 2 herein. In the event that the Cry? Mani er cannot nisi an agreement which. in his opinions Is fair, oortapeddv+e and remonsble with the Team ranked Brat, then he is hereby authorized to random such nigadatIons and to proceed to. negodate with the second most gunflint Tam, and so on. through the rtitsbed provider` until a atLgatar7 agreemmtt is reached. Section 4. T!a City? Manager is hereby diractedy to prdrent the negotiated agreement, in a form acceptable to tits City Attorney. to the City Comnmisdoe !or final approval. Section S. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon hi adopdon. The herein direction is subject to complfsnca with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those pracrlbed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions, .4. PASSED AND ADOPTED chi. , 3tth , day 19911, ATTEST: 10R CAROLLQ MAYOR in madams Mt Iona Oodr lea $.* *as R. for old not Memo wont of Frds losisloioi fay Anigi S In Ile doolptaild Om provided, saki 1000166,1 bosomed m vie Ise Mppoo a Mn (10) fo I ado of Oaigo cn ace' regordrp soft mad re WALTER 1. lORMAN CITY CLERIC - PREPARED AND APPROVED BY LINDA xBLILY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY LXXBSS/pWW2321 98- 529