HomeMy WebLinkAboutBackground InformationSul-14-05 02:l8pm From- T-203 P.03/03 F•533 CUBAN MUSEUM CUB*NO BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFWLIA TAIANES-PERNANOSE PRESIWENT A4mREn° A. C'ARA&.I.ItRO VICE-PRSRIDSNT MARWWITA MUIaA SECRETARY MARTHA CAERALLO TIIEA$UNEN VfrTOR J. CITAREG.LA 11a16i4 Musson SANTIAGO D. ECHEMIENAIA mango L. Mockiaa% Rev. P JOirt Lure MEN&eNUEE YOLANDA NADER. DIRECTORS I4oNcRARY COUNCIL: ROYA M. ASELLA OSVALDo Amstutz Lute J. RorlFac.I. 14iLARIo CANDELA RAOUL GARCIA IGLESIAS HUMBERTO L6TEZ ALIA MIGNON P. MRORAN° ANA ROSA NSA= t MAra.Dc PONCE Grew. TAsARRis-FW NDRE MANIA TERESA VARSAS 616IMEs JENNWSN $AIwIAA, ESQ. COUNSEL 13ACK(.1ROUND INFOR.MAT1ON The CUBAN MUSEUM is a no -for -profit organization founded on September 26, 1.996, according to the laws of the State of Florida The CUBAN MUSEUM enjoys all benefits granted by the lutes Revenue Code to the organizations in accordance with 501 0 (3) and is registered and has the pertinent certifications to solicit and receive tax except donations The CUBAN MUSEUM enjoys the mond and financial support of the community and especially to the more of a thousand members of the AMIGOS COMMITTEE who attend the cultural activities and supports its financial needs. The "AMIGOS" of the Museum are distributed among the different cities of the Iv iami Dade County as well as from other cities in central and south Florida as well as other places in the USA and abroad. The larger segment resides ill the City of Miami, which is undoubtedly the "capital pfftlae Cuban exile community, seed of the multiethnic and vibrant community we all enjoy today. ilia Cuban Museum is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(d (3) ov$anlratian • M.Mber, American Association of Museums AcirninlWatve Offices 214 Giralda Avenue + Corm Gables, FL 33134 Maslen Addresst P.G. Box 144291 a Coral Gables R. 33114+F291 Telechor x (305) 529-5100 • Faxt (305) 4 6-1090 • E-meth setibanmuseumOSSOaccteas.corn J41-14-05 02:l6pm From- CURR 1111 MUSEUM MUSE+, CURRNO BOARD Or DIREcToRs aFELIA TARARER-FiERNANDEZ PRESIDENT ALFR DQ A. CARALLERQ VICE-PRESUDE NT MAR#ARUTA Mu1NA SECRETARY MARTHA CAREALI.O TREASURER VECTOR J. CITAR£1..LA VERA I:WILSON SANTIABO 4. ECHRMQNOIA CEL REO L..' FERNANDEZ REV. FP, Joni Luis MEN>+NDEZ YOI.ANDA NADER OIREcTORs HONORARY CcuNc1LI RO SA M. APILLA 09VAI,Do AoulyIRE Luis J. 8CrIVOLL HILARIO CANDELA RAOUL GARCIA IQLzGiA$ H40M18Ei1TO L PM% ACID MIGNON IP, MthRANo ANA ROSA N6 rEz'il MATtLp6 PONCE fi' OFELJA TA6ARE6-FERNANRRZ MARIA 'renew', VAAGAA G6MUZ JENNIFER SAMARA, ESQ. COUNSEL The Cuban Museum is Telephone: T-208 P.02/03 F-388 • The CUBAN MUSEUM at Robert King High Park will serve as a community anchor, attracting new cultural and business activities to the area. • The Museum staff, as well as its volunteers, are good com»mwtity citizens that serve all segments of our community, including children, families, senior citizens, and undersorved neighborhoods. • In keeping with its mission, the CUBAN MUSEUM has presented more than 70 cultural activities in less than nine years, notwithstanding the lack of an adequate building. Recognized intellectuals and artists, as well as promising young talents, have participated, free of charge, at Museum functions (Exhibit A). The Museum has conducted its organizational and administrative work for many years from office space donated by Bank of America, at 214 Giralda Avenue, in Coral Gables. • All Musenun activities have been top-quality vehicles for the cultural enrichment of the attendees, with two of its activities receiving grants from both the Cultural Affairs Council of the City of Coral Gables and Miami -Dade County. • In the last general elections, the Miami -Dade County community approved, by a margin of 2 to I, more than $450 million to support the growth of the arts in the county, with $10 million assigned for the construction of a building for the CUBAN MUSEUM. • The Museum has already selected the architectural firm of Rodriguez and Qufroga to design the proposed building, winch will include permanent and temporary series, support apes, conference and concert ems, storage, classrooms, offices, and other appropriate activities. • Cubaua in exile represent the largest freedom -seeking population on the American continent and have been the genesis of the vibrant, multiethnic community we experience in our area today. GRANTING THE CUBAN MUSEUM'S REQUEST FOR A SITE AT ROHERT KING HIGH PARK WILL SERVE AS A BEACON TO FREEDOM AND A L1ViNG MONUMENT TO THE MASSIVE EXODUS OF A POPULATION PURSUING THE GIFTS OF LIBERTY, IT'S STUROOLE AND CONTRIBUTIONS, IONS, INCLUDING THE LARGE CUBAN- AMERICAN GYRATION. a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c) (3) organization - Member, Amartc an Association of Museums Administrative Offices: 214 Ciralda Avenue • Coral Cables, Ft. 33134 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14-4291 • Coral Cables FL 33114-4291 13051529-5400 • Fax: (305) 446-1090 • E-mail: ecobanmuseumO550access.com Jul-14-05 02:16pm From- T-20$ P.01/03 F-533 CUBAN MUSEUM MULE* CUMIN* BOARD OF °IRE11Tons QFiluA TABARES•PERNANDEE PRE61DENY ALFREDO A. CADALL,EPO MARGARITA AfUIgrA SECRETARY MARTHA CARGALtdo TREASURER vlcroR J. C1rAregi-LA VERA DU*SON SANTIAGO D. EGJ+ENENDIA CsaAr Q 1.-' FERNAFiDEI REv. R JO14 LUIS MENtNimr, YOLANDA NADER DIRECTQR0 HONORARY COUNCIL: RONA M. AGELLA OSvALDo AauIRRE. LUIS J. BDTI1+OLL 9 HILARIO CANDELA RAoul. GARCIA 1GLESIAa HuMBERT0 L6PEz Au6 M10NOIs ri MCORANO ANA NOSA NOAsz 9 MA'1'iLDa PONCE OPEL.IA TAMAREE.FFRNAN1)EZ MAniA Tiumi5A VAnomi G0451.2 JRNNIrER 5ARDIAA, ESQ. COUNSEL Memorandum TO: Honorable Commissioner Tomas Regaledo FROM: CUBAN MUSEUM, INC. RE: Free lease site for the CUBAN MUSEUM at Robert .ding high Park, located at 7025 West Flagler Street DATE: June 20, 2005 REQUEST The CUBAN MUSEUM requests a 99 year free lease of a site at Robert King High Park, located at 7025 West Elagier Street, to construct a 15,000 sq. ft, building to house the Museum. • The Mission of the CUBAN MUSEUM is to "preserve and share the Cuban cultural heritage in freedom brought by the Cuban Diaspora that commenced with the 1959 exodus." • The Vision of the CUBAN MUSEUM is to establish a museum that includes among its objectives: o Collecting and preserving historical documents, relics, artworks, and memorabilia inherent to the Cuban cultural heritage; o Providing educational and aesth.etic opportunities to the community, with regard to the Cuban culture in freedom; o Serving as a vehicle for our intellectuals who love freedom and respect human rights, contributing to the cultural enrichment of our community while building a bettor understanding with the community at large. RATIONALE • Many cities ha v demonstrated that a quality museum can improve the surrounding area and attract neighbors as well as tourists. • Accra to the prestigious publication, UMW; Land, museum visits rank only second as a discretionary activity for travelers. • The presence of various public and private schools in the area, combined with the Museum°s outreach to schools, will allow for many opportunities to enrich the lives of students and enhance the use of the park. The Cuban Museum is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c) (3) organization - Member, American Association of Museums Administrative ices: 214 Girelda Avenue + Coral Gables, FL 33134 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144291 • Coral Gables FL 33114-4291 Telephone: (305) S29-5400 • Fax: (305) 446-1O90 • E-mail: ecu Ianmuseum@550access-cum Jul-14-05 02:1Spm From- ¶-207 P.01/02 F-532 CABAN MUS€UM NIII5 i0 CUBAN() 130ARD Of DJR6cTORs QFELIA TARAPIRei'IzERNANi)E7i ALFI 0O A. CABALLERO V icr-RR2si DO NT MARGARITA MUTAA SECR&TASy MARTHA CANOALL.D TRk'AR URER VECTOR J. CITARELLA VERA Dui3SON SANTIMI0 D. EOHgMtND1A criSARso L. F RNJIND6Z REV. H Josi #.ui6 McNeNCIAZ YOL.ANDA NADER PIREGTORS HONORARY COUNCSL: ROSA M. AR I.LA O16VAL0O AaiJiRRE Luis J. ROTIFOLI. 9 It (LARK" CANpELA RAOUL GAMIN IS}L,SBIAR HI/ m1 1RM ]., ?A "LZ AL.i6 MIrsNON R MBDRANO ANA RolA NUNEZ MATILDE PONCE I. °FELLA TABARE5-FERNANDEZ MARIA UNRRA VARaws G6MR1 144umorattdcmi TO; Honorable Commissioner Tomas Regalado FROM: CUBAN MUSEUM, INC. RE; Free leaser site for the CUBAN MUSEUM at Robert King High Park, located at 7025 West Flagler Street DATE: June 20, 2005 REQUEST The CUBAN MUSEUM requests a 99 year free lease of a site at Robert King High Park, located at 7025 West Flaglor Street, to construct a 15,000 sq. it building to house the Museum. • The Mission of the CUBAN MUSEUM is to "preserve and share the Cuban cultural heritage in freedom brought by the Cuban Diaspora that commenced with the 1959 exodus." • The'Vision of the CUBAN MUSEUM is to establish. a museum that includes among its objectives: o Collecting and preserving historical documents, relics, artworks, and memorabilia inherent to the Cuban cultural heritage; o Providing educational and aesthetic opportunities to the community, with regard to the Cuban culture in freedom; o Serving as a vehicle for our intellectuals who love mom and respect human rights, contributing to the cultural enrichment of our community while building a better understanding with the community at large. RATIONALE • Many cities havodernonstrated that a quality museum can improve the surrounding area and attrna neighbors as well as tourists.