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CC 2005-01-13 Advertisement
el concepto de la proporcionali- dad, el Padre Jordi se refirid a un caso histdrico. Se dice a' �n sus primeros ahos en el , r, Hitler mejoro la economia del pueblo aleman y hasta gtuiso que cada obrero. tuviera un au- tomdvil. Sin embargo, ' nunca hubiera sido moralmente posi- ble apoyar a Hitler porque, jun- tamente con sus medidas econo- micas, queria llevar a cabo el exterminio de todo un sector de la poblacion, como to era el pue- blo judio. Segall el ponente, otros temas que tienen mucha importancia desde el punto de vista de la mo- ral cristiana, son el de la euta- nasia y el de la experimentacion biologica. Aproposito de estas cuestiones, cito al Obispo Myers de EE.UU., quien ha hablado muy claro sobre las mismas. En cuanto a la experimentacion biologica, aclard que la Iglesia favorece y apoya el uso de las celulas estaminales, siempre que no se obtengan a base de destruir a seres vivientes. Esas celulas se pueden obte- ner de otro modo, y entonces es perfectamente lfcito experi- mentar con ellas. Sin embargo, los enemigos de la Iglesia, o los que no conocen el tema profun- damente, esgrimen el argumen- to falso de que la Iglesia se opo- ne al uso de estos medios, impidiendo la curacidn de per- sonas enfermas. nezuela e en el debate artinez la Pag. 1-B) umentada e indocumentada tam- tidaria de que quienes vienen a en ser reconocidos como residen- visionales necesarias para desem- y estudiar. Este fue un aspecto en val Aunque adviritio que en tien- fronteras y parar la entrada de estar atenci6n a los que ya entra- nes para normalizar su estatus. ia, la contienda por el poltr6n se- dor dem6crata Bob Graham, apa- empate segun distintas encuestas. astor tiene mayorfa en el norte y artinez, que fue alcalde de Orlan- 1 cinturan central de la Florida y yo que parece tener de un gran 111 e vo ar (Viene de la Pag. 1-B) toral Deborah Clark dijo que sus empleados midieron el tempo que les tomb a los votantes y en- contraron que votaron en menos tiempo porque los empleados en- tregaron copias de las enmien- das constitucionales mientras los votantes esperaban. Los empleados tambien les die- ron tarjetas de prueba y un lapiz de manera que pudieran marcar su eleccion mientras esperaban. La Supervisora Clark comenzd este sistema durante las eleccio- nes del 2002. Funcionarios electorales tam- bien han dicho que la votacidn por anticipado aliviara la pre- sion el Dia de las Elecciones. "Yo creo que quizas el 25 por ciento del total estara constitui- do por votos anticipados y votos de ausentes", dijo Clark. Alg( ' los supervisores elec= torale,_ _el Estado estan sena- lando es que los votantes deben esperar colas el Dia de las Elec- ciones. "No creo que haya quien diga que no habra colas. Esto no es nada malo, sino que demues'- tra que la gente vota", coment6 Joan Brock, ayudante principal de la Supervisora Clark.- APROVECHE LOS BAJOS INTERESES Hipotecas a 15 Anos 5.62% Hipotecas a 30 Anos 6.25% rek LLAME HOY CARLOS LOPEZ (786) 317-6000 CIUDAD DE MIAMI,FLORIDA OPORTUNIDADES PARA MIEMBROS DE LAS JUNTAS DE ZONIFICACION Y ASESORIA DE PLANIFICACION EN CUMPLIMIENTO DE LAS SECCIONES 62-61,62-91, 62- 121, 62-122, 62-123, 62-124, 62-125 Y 62-126 del codigo de Ia Ciudad de Miami, Florida, por Ia presente se notifica que Ia Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, a partir de treinta (30) dfas de esta fecha, considerara ciertas oportunida- des para nombramientos de miembros de la Junta de Zonifi- cacion ,y la Junta Asesora de Planificacibn. Cualquier organizacion publica, profesional o ciudadana del area que posea conocimiento del proceso de planificacion y puesta en marcha del plan, esta invitada y alentada a someter a la Secretaria Municipal, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, por escrito, los nombres y direcciones de personas y sus calificaciones para ser consideradas como posibles nom- brados para Ilenar las actuales vacantes en dichas juntas. De acuerdo con la Section 2-884 del Codigo de Ia Ciudad de Miami: (1) Todos los miembros de las Juntas de la Ciudad deberan ser residentes permanentes de la misma, poseer propiedad inmobiliaria en Ia Ciudad, o trabajar o mantener un negocio en 1a Ciudad de Miami; y (2) Ningun empleado del Condado Miami -Dade, Florida, o cualquier municipalidad den- tro del mismo a excepcibn de los empleados de Ia Ciudad de Miami, podra servir o ser nombrado a cualquier Junta de Ia Ciudad de Miami. Sera apropiado que Ia Junta de Comisionados Ilene las vacan- tes existentes en su reunion del 13 de enero del 2005. La rela- cidn oficial contentiva de los nombres de individuos interesados estara disponible para revision publica en la ofi- cina de la Secretaria Municipal el 13 de diciembre del 2004, a continuacion de Ia fecha tope programada para recibir dichas solicitudes (10 de diciembre del 2004). Las planillas de solicitud estaran disponibles en la Oficina de Ia Secretaria Municipal. PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON (#14891) Secretaria Municipal •e than a century. ler time on record major hurricanes in ; it was in s. Charley was the id the first to hit August. Expected Campa Bay area, le landfall farther iday the 13th as a storm with winds h. The storm left ross southwest flattened parts of a and Port Char- ularly vulnerable ie high number of d homes. Ire hurricanes — Sept. 5), Ivan i Jeanne (Sept. 25) the next several ind Jeanne both in nearly identi- n Florida's east tuart. A Category Lflicted less wind L Charley but" was ring storm that he state as it rd Tampa. A Cat- rine was the last to hit the state, g damage already ices three weeks Lade its way north :sonville and Tal- s arguably Ivan, gory 3 storm, that indelible impress Lurricane season: rt of Interstate 10, lle's major east - ay, and erasing Panhandle coast's ousing. The most vas a semi -trailer g over the side of cab missing and swept away by 7ge. storms killed 117 lorida. The Red ates the storms Lore than 25,000 ieavily damaged a former member of the Bush Administration, became the first Cuban American elected to the U.S. Senate after he defeated Democrat Betty Cas- tor in a bitter campaign to replace Sen. Bob Graham. 5. The Florida Supreme Court struck down a law sup- ported by Gov. Jeb Bush and the Republican -led Legislature ordering the reinsertion of a feeding tube into Terri Schiavo, a brain -damaged woman at the center of a court battle and right -to -die contro- versy. Bush has appealed the ruling in "Terri's Law"; The feeding tube can't be removed until appeals are exhausted. en -year contract, just days warm -climate team to capture after the Gators lost for the the NHL crown. /._ Donate Your Car, Boat, B • Tax Deductible Rd. Given • We handle DMV Paperwo • Non -Profit 501©3 • Free Pick-up Running or Not (Dade, Broward and Palm Beaches) Miami City Mission 305-576-3725 or 1-866-787-CITY Skills Training for the Poor & Homeless 95 N.W. 23 Street Mlaml, FL 33127 2004 TAX DEDUCTION CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF 2005 COMMISSION MEETING DATES Beginning with the January 13, 2005 Commission Meeting, the City of Miami Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. For a list of 2005 Commission Meeting dates, please refer to the City of Miami's website at www.ci.miami.fl.us or call the Agenda Office at (305) 416-2070. All interested parties are invited to attend. In accordance with the American& with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in these proceedings may contact the Office of the City Clerk no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding at (305) 250-5360. (#14914) Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk With Herald Classified, recruiting the best costs Tess. careerbuilder amen n In Memoriam ROBERT (Mitch) MITCHELL June 10, 1932 -1Dec. 2,6, 1993 I am still here, but my heart is there Your loving wife, Joni SAFELY HOME All the pain and grief is over, Every restless tossin passed; I am now at peace torever, Safely home in Heaven at last Sadly missed by father & mother, Derrick & Barbara; brothers: Gregory & Lee, his love Karen & their daughter Jordan, niece Stephanie, nephews: Craig & Dane & man relatives & friends. His surrogate families: The Chai's & The Harris' Cemetery Lots MEMORIAL PARK DADE SOUTH Sec- tion #002 Space 100, Lot 435, Vaults two Cascetts opening/closing $7000. 305-685-8161 or 786-554-8161 /cell MIAMI MEMORIAL PARK Prime loc, 3 single spaces, $3000 ea. 305-221-2097 VISTA MEMORIAL GARDENS Side/ Side w/vault, Pine Lawn Section 1, Lot 181, Spaces 1 & 2, $6000 OBO 407-620-8330 Funeral Services Directory AARON Cremation & Burial Services 6107 Miramar Parkway Miramar, FL 33023 954-730-7557 Toll Free: 800-940-4272 Dade, Broward & Palm Beach FERDINAND FUNERAL HOME &CREMATORY Fernando Caballero, L.F.D. Felipe Caballero, L.F.D. 305-631-0001 Pre -need Plans $20.00 a month No Interest Traditional Funerals Private Crematory Funeral Services Directory Fl ORIDA FUNERAL HOME CREMATORY Simple Cremation $395.00 Funerals including Casket from $995.00 Pre Payment Plans $20.00 Month Private Crematory and Chapel on Site Identify loved one prior to Cremation Leader in Worldwide Shipping of Deceased Same Location since 1967 305-325-1171 Visit us online at www.floridafuneralhome.com Serving Miami-Dade/Broward/Palm Beach LAKESIDE MEMORIAL PARK MAUSOLEUM SPECIAL $53.00 Per Month 20% Down - Interest Free - 48 Months Level 5 Exterior Roadside Crypt -Bronze Plaque -Labor Charges Other important services Call 1-888-454-0572 SERENITY CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME & CREMATIONS $375.00 Basic Cremation ($25.00 credit towards urn selection) $900.00 Cremation with Funeral Services and viewing ($50.00 credit towards urn selection) 305-835-1133 866-835-1133 (Toll Free) Financial Assistance available for Crime and auto accident victims 1111111100111111111111111111001001110110111110.1.11 HOW TO PLACE AN. OBITUARY caii: a mi cod through in dvertisingDe h notice is g� and inccludes tionai)` LID SOJ E l p$U O rn tl3i, Uau iC nnnros 1-1111.+,... L REUNIONES DE LA JUNTA DE JOMISIONADOS PAlt.. ZL 2005 La Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami se reune normalmente en el segundo y cuarto jueves de cada mes, comenzando a las 9:00 a.m. en el ayuntamiento (City Hall), 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. A continuacian se consignan las fechas para el affo 2005: Enero 13 Bnero27 Febrero 10 Febrero 24 Marzo 10 Marzo 24 Abril 14 Abril 28 Mayo 12 Mayo 26 Junio 9 Junio 23 Julio 14 Julio 28 Agosto = receso Septiembre 8 Septiembre 22 Octubre 13 Octubre 27 Noviembre 10 Noviembre 24* Diciembre 8 Diciembre 22* Nota: Las reuniones del 24 de noviembre y 22 de diciembre caen en dfas festivos o en la temporada de festividades, por tanto, esas fechas pueden ser reprogramadas. Se invita a asistir a todos los interesados. De acuerdo con la ley denominada 'Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990-, " aquellas personas que necesiten acomodaciones especiales para participar en estas audiencias; podran ponerse en con- tacto con la oficina de la Secretaria Municipal (Office of the City Clerk), con no menos de dos (2) dfas habiles de anticipacibn a la fecha tie las sesiones, llamando al (305) 250-5360. (#14911) Priscilla A. Thompson Secretaria Municipal ehe Miami /lkrata the Herald BROWARD el Nuevo Herald PUBLISHED DAILY MIAMI, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Sonia Correa who on oath says that she is an Account Executive of The Miami Herald, a daily newspaper published at Miami in Dade County, Florida; that the advertisements for City of Miami appeared in said newspaper in the issues of: The Miami Herald, Metro & State, December 26th, 2004, Pg. 5B Affidavit further says that the said Miami Herald is a newspaper published at Miami, in the said Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. Sworn to and subscribed before me This 4th day of January 2005 'Y•°�:; Carolyn Mason •; �!� :.= MYCOMMISSION# DD148187 EXPIRES +'• September 6, 2006 F pF F ; `. BONDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE, INC 'e than a century. ter time on record major hurricanes in r u- was in S. • Charley was the id the first to hit August. Expected rampa Bay area, ie landfall farther iday the 13th as a storm with winds h. The storm left ross southwest flattened parts of a and Port Char- ularly vulnerable ie high number of d homes. tre hurricanes — Sept. 5), Ivan 1 Jeanne (Sept. 25) the next several Ind Jeanne both in nearly identi- n Florida's east tuart. A Category tflicted less oiled Charley but`was ring storm that :he state as it Lrd Tampa. A Cat- nne' was the last to hit the state, g damage already aces three weeks lade its way north csonville and Tal- s arguably Ivan, gory 3 storm, that indelible impress turricane season: rt of Interstate 10, Ile's major east - ay, and erasing Panhandle coast's ousing. The most vas a semi -trailer g over the side of cab missing and swept away by cge. storms killed 117 lorida. The Red ates the storms ore than 25,000 ieavily damaged a former member of the Bush en -year contract, just days Administration, became the after the Gators lost for the first Cuban American elected /" to the U.S. Senate after he defeated Democrat Betty Cas- tor in a bitter campaign to replace Sen. Bob Graham. 5. The Florida Supreme Court struck down a law sup- ported by Gov. Jeb Bush and the Republican -led Legislature ordering the reinsertion of a feeding tube into Terri Schiavo, a brain -damaged woman at the center of a court battle and right -to -die contro- versy. Bush has appealed the ruling in "Terri's Law"; The feeding tube can't be removed until appeals are exhausted. Donate Your Car, Boat, MD`� • Tax Deductible Rct Given • We handle DMV Paperwo • Non -Profit 501©3 • Free Pick-up Running or Not (Dade, Broward and Palm Beaches) Miami City Mission 305-576-3725 or 1-866-787-CITY Skills Training for the Poor & Homeless 95 M.W. 23 Street Miami, FL 33127 2004 TAX DEDUCTION With Herald Classified, recruiting the best costs less. warm -climate team to capture the NHL crown. CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF 2005 COMMISSION MEETING DATES Beginning with the January 13, 2005 Commission Meeting, the City of Miami Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. For a list of 2005 Commission Meeting dates, please refer to the City of Miami's website at www.ci.miami.fl.us or call the Agenda Office at (305) 416-2070. All interested parties are invited to attend. In accordance with the American& with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special aCcommodations to participate in these proceedings may contact the Office of the City Clerk no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding at (305) 250-5360. Priscilla A. Thompson (#14914)City Clerk careerbuilder MEN! MI In Memoriam ROBERT (Mitch) MITCHELL June 10, 1932Dec. 26, 1993 I am still here, but my heart is there Your loving wife, Joni SAFELY HOME All the pain and grief is over, Every restless tossing passed; 1 am now at peace forever, Safely home in Heaven at last Sadly missed by father & mother, Derrick & Barbara; brothers: Gregory & Lee, his love Karen & their daughter Jordan, niece Stephanie, nephews: Craig & Dane & many relatives & friends. His surrogate families: The Chai's & The Harris' Cemetery Lots MEMORIAL PARK DADE SOUTH Sec- tion #002 Space 100, Lot 435, Vaults two Cascetts opening/closing $7000. 305-685-8161 or 786-554-8161/cell MIAMI MEMORIAL PARK Prime loc, 3 single spaces, $3000 ea. 305-221-2097 VISTA MEMORIAL GARDENS Side/ Side w/vault, Pine Lawn Section 1, Lot 181, Spaces 1 & 2, $6000 OBO 407-620-8330 Funeral Services Directory AARON Cremation & Burial Services 6107 Miramar Parkway Miramar, FL 33023 954-730-7557 Toll Free: 800-940-4272 Dade, Broward & Palm Beach FERDINAND FUNERAL HOME &CREMATORY Fernando Caballero, L.F.D. Felipe Caballero, L.F.D. 305-631-0001 Pre -need Plans $20.00 a month No Interest Traditional Funerals Private Crematory Funeral Services Directory FI ORIDA FUNERAL HOME CREMATORY Simple Cremation $395.00 Funerals including Casket from $995.00 Pre Payment Plans $20.00 Month Private Crematory and Chapel on Site Identify loved one prior to Cremation Leader in Worldwide Shipping of Deceased Same Location since 1967 305-325-1171 Visit us online at www.floridafuneralhome.com Serving Miami-Dade/Broward/Palm Beach LAKESIDE MEMORIAL PARK MAUSOLEUM SPECIAL $53.00 Per Month 20% Down - Interest Free - 48 Months Level 5 Exterior Roadside Crypt -Bronze Plaque -Labor Charges Other important services Call1-888-454-0572 SERENITY CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME & CREMATIONS $375.00 Basic Cremation ($25.00 credit towards urn selection) $900.00 Cremation with Funeral Services and viewing ($50.00 credit towards urn selection) 305-835-1133 866-835-1133 (Toll Free) Financial Assistance available for Crime and auto accident victims 0 0 7-4 To: Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk City of Miami Post Office Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 STATE OF FLORIDA ] ] COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE ] rt N Co) I, the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the attached magazine page, containing an advertisement of the City of Miami, Florida is a true and exact original magazine page belonging to the Brickell Post magazine, published in Miami, Florida by Mass Media Enterprises Corp., a Florida corporation, with mailing address: 2980 McFarlane Road, Suite 204, Coconut Grove, Florida 33133. The City of Miami advertisement appearing in the attached page was published in the January2005 edition of said magazine. Witness my hand and official seal, this% day ofA.D., 2005. .1.a 0 00-, sok Notary Public at Large, State of, orida NO' IMMEDIATE RANGES FOR Sh RATON The Related Group of Florida broke a company record as it bought the Sheraton Biscayne Bay ho- tel for $94 million from Mass Mutual. According to CFO Matt Allan, the company is in no rush to demolish the successful hotel. Related may take up to a year to research the best use of the property as the Sheraton's revenue pays off the debt service. Potential future uses could range from mixed use residential and retail or a hotel and of- fice space. There was no immediate word on whether the architectural theme of the upcoming project will incorporate nearby Miami Cir- cle or affect access to the archeological site. Leadership Miami Turns 25 The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Mia- mi (LM) program recently kicked off its 25th year. The 2004-2005 LM program will prepare 120 business people for leadership posi- tions in community volunteerism. Leadership Miami offers participants the opportunity to meet Miami's leaders and share an intensive learning experience focused on community issues and leadership skills. The program features seven industry specific sessions that include lectures, seminars, small group discussions and leadership skill exercises. Leadership Miami's dynamic format stimulates animated and critical discussions among participants and guest speakers, while training the next gen- eration of Miamians to address the vital issues affecting Miami -Dade County and meet the future challenges of our community. Since 1979, Leadership Miami has graduated over 6,000 alum- ni that include some of our community's most prominent business, political and civic leaders. An annual program of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Miami is sponsored by a num- ber of the county's premier businesses and agencies. aSaltarapT 625 Brickell Key Drive • 786.326.1426 yordan_mirabal@yahoo.com SHOPPING SPREE BENEFITS �.F ,Cancer Research Mikki Canton, a shareholder with the downtown law offices of Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart, and Vogue maga- zine recently hosted an exclusive evening of shopping at the Adrienne Vittadini store at the Village of Mer- rick Park to benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation of Miami. A percentage of sales from the event was donated to the organization. The reception gathered close to 100 of Miami's social elite to the up- scale store for an evening of fashion presentations, informal modeling of the current Adrienne Vittadini collection and private shopping with experts from Vogue. Canton was joined by Kathryn Becker and Bobbi Meyers of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Dr. Letty Villa and other key members of the foundation. For more than 20 years, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has been a global leader in the fight against breast cancer through its support of innovative research and commu- nity -based outreach programs. Mikki Canton; Kathryn Becker, and Dr. Lefty Villa. Pat Dahne, Carol Slawnikowski and Carol Romine Hawks CITY OF MIANII, FLORIDA NOTICE OF 2005 COMMISSION MEETING DATES The City of Miami Commission regularly meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Following are the dates for 2005: January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 July 14 August = recess September 8 October 13 November 10 December 8 January 27 February 24 March 24 April 28 May 26 June 23 July 28 September 22 October 27 November 24* December 22* Note: The meetings of November 24, and December 22 fall on Holidays or around the Holiday Season, therefore, those dates may be resched- uled. All interested parties are invited to attend. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in these proceedings may contact the Office of the City Clerk no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding at (305) 250-5360. Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk massmediamiami.com january 2005 55 To: Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk City of Miami Post Office Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE -n I, the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the attached magazine page, containing an advertisement of the City of Miami, Florida is a true and exact original magazine page belonging to the Coconut Grove Times magazine, published in Miami, Florida by Mass Media Enterprises Corp., a Florida corporation, with mailing address: 2980 McFarlane Road, Suite 204, Coconut Grove, Florida 33133. The City of Miami advertisement appearing in the attached page was published in the January 2005 edition of said magazine. Witness my hand and official seal, this 7" day ofQQ/�. A.D., 2005. Notary Public at Large, State o dorida RTUNE tional Reoliy Horacio Yrausquin Realtor -Associate 305-491-2405 Buying or selling you get a FULL service Realtor®! Not an assistant or a trainee. From the initial interview to the closing day. Visit our website: www.FIR.com. Now on: www.HOMES.com www.HyHOMES.com CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF 2005 COMMISSION MEETING DATES The City of Miami Commission regularly meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Following are the dates for 2005: January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 July 14 August = recess September 8 October 13 November 10 December 8 January 27 February 24 March 24 April 28 May 26 June 23 July 28 September 22 October 27 November 24* December 22* Note: The meetings of November 24, and December 22 fall on Holidays or around the Holiday Season, therefore, those dates may be resched- uled. All interested parties are invited to attend. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in these proceedings may contact the Office of the City Clerk no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding at (305) 250-5360. (#14911) Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Top Priorities... ued from page 4 olations," such as unlicensed businesses, junkyards, illegal dumping and overgrown lots, he asserts. After listening to Grove residents address concerns about tree re- moval, abandoned vehicles, and a lack of consistency in enforcing city code, Gonzalez urged them "to become more educated" regard- ing NET and Code Enforcement's different roles. "NET plays an intricate role in the city," he explained. "They provide resources for residents. When citizens have a complaint, NET contacts the city's different offices to make sure concerns are ad- dressed. "Code enforcement, on the other hand, is responsible for enforc- ing the city's code and zoning ordinance," he continued. "Our inspec- tors drive down every single street, looking for quality of life viola- tions. We don't just ticket, walk away and never come back. It is tick- et, come back and ticket again if violations aren't corrected." To dispel confusion about to "who -does -what" and to keep track of monthly code enforcement board hearings, Gonzalez encourages residents to visit the City of Miami's website, www.ci.miami.fl.us. "We've been doing what we're supposed to be doing," he stated during a recent phone interview, "nothing has changed. "Coconut Grove just doesn't know how well they have it," he added, "It is the only area in the City of Miami that has its own Code Enforcement inspector working every Saturday. People in the Grove get served on a silver platter." —ASHLEY CHASE (PHOTOGRAPHY BY WES WARNACK) We have a common attitude towards life and real estate. Enthusiasm, diligence and courtesy set us apart from the competition. Whether tracking down the right home or sniffing through prospective buyers, we would like to show you how the right attitude can change the experience of buying or selling real estate. Mention Browser and receive a free video tour when you list with us. Contact Us Today: Alvaro Coraspe & Browser www.alvaroandbrowser.com @ 786.287.4422 54 january 2005 massmediamiami.com tuvieron un exito limitado en el imer dia de la sesion especial. lideres del GOP estuvieror uerdo en que mas de un adu.w be supervisara los 18 alumnos de anos de edad, algo sobre to que el bernador Jeb Bush insistia. "No ndremos mas de 10 alumnos por ulto en el aula", dijo el Represent- te Dudley Goodlette, republicano r Napoles que fue co -redactor del ecto de ley sobre ensefianza er. Con todo, los legisla- res no se han puesto de acuerdo bre otras demandas que los criti- s han sugerido llenarian las nor - as de "alta calidad" aprobadas r los. votantes, tales como mas oras de clase y maestros con me- res credenciales academicas. La realidad se interpone, dijer- n los legisladores: La .Florida o tiene dinero suficiente, ni mpoco tiene aulas suficientes i maestros certificados con titu- s de Bachiller para hacer todo que todos quieren. Los legisladores estan tratando or segunda vez de crear el pro- rama prekindergarten que por andato de los votantes debera omenzar en agosto proximo. El obernador Bush veto el primer royecto de ley en la primavera e este afio diciendo que no era programa de alta calidad. El royecto de ley que los lideres de ca el primer On especial ameral sobre Seguros, Dennis ss, republicano por Lakeland, radio otra variable despues de scuchar testimonio de que un educible por temporada aumen- aria el costo de las polizas para os propietarios. El Representante Ross dijo a tarde el lunes que e1 trata- ia de enmendar el plan de la amara este martes, ofrecien- 0 otra alternativa: Requerir ue las empresas asegurado- as ofrezcan un deducible por emporada en el futuro que no ea obligatorio para los consu- idores comprarlo. Aun el Gobernador Bush pare - fa estar resignado a que su ropuesta tendria que esperar asta marzo, en la sesion legis- lativa regular: "Hay dudas so- re si esto se va a resolver o no, esperamos que haya un cambio en perspectiva".- Los aeticratas no esuvieron muy contentos, a pesar de que los republicanos diieron que el- los seguirfan tratando de mejo- rar el programa en los anos venideros incluyendo "metas de- seables" en el proyecto de ley. "Este es un buen primer paso", dijo el Representante Curtis Richardson, democrata por Tal- lahassee que tambien es miem- bro de la Comision PreK-12. "De- safortunadamente, cuando se habla de nifios, primeros pasos buenos no cuentan porque sola- mente hay una posibilidad de hacer las cosas bien". Richardson y otras no quieren dejar a futuros legisladores la tarea de "arreglar" el programa si no resulta como esta planea- Bac-fuller para et 2013 sea requeri- do. Esto fracaso en la Comision PreK-12, la rual aprobo el proyecto de ley sir bios con una votacion a to largo Linea partidista de 6 a 3 votos. Ansley, que es miembro de otras comisiones que tienen que aprobar el proyecto de ley, dijo que ella continuaria presionando a los republicanos: "En esto no podemos darnos el lujo de no hacerlo bien desde el principio", comento la Repre- sentante Ausley. Los demdcratas presentaron dos enmiendas al proyecto de ley. Una para re- querir dos adultos en clases pre - kinder con mas de 10 alumnos; y la otra aumentar las horas de in- struccion de 540 en 180 dfas, a 720 horas en el curso escolar.- CIUDAD DE MIAMI AVISO DE FECHAS DE REUNIONES DE LA JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS PARA EL 2005 L Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami se reune normalmente en el segundo y cuarto jueves de cada mes, comenzando a las 9:00 a.m. en el ayuntamiento (City Hall), 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. A continuaci6n se consignan las fechas para el afio 2005: Enero 13 Enero27 Febrero 10 Febrero 24 Marzo 10 Marzo 24 Abril 14 Abril 28 Mayo 12 Mayo 26 Junio 9 Junio 23 Julio 14 Julio 28 Agosto = receso Septiembre 8 Septiembre 22 Octubre 13 Octubre 27 Noviembre 10 Noviembre 24* Diciembre 8 Diciembre 22* Nota: Las reuniones del 24 de noviembre y 22 de diciembre caen en dfas festivos o en la temporada de festividades, por tanto, esas fechas pueden ser reprogramadas. Se invita a asistir a todos los interesados. De acuerdo con la ley denominada "Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990", aquellas personas que necesiten acomodaciones especiales para participar en estas audiencias, podran ponerse en con- tacto con la oficina de la Secretaria Municipal (Office of the City Clerk), con no menos de dos (2) dfas habiles de anticipaci6n a la fecha de las sesiones, llamando al (305) 250-5360. (#14911) Priscilla A. Thompson Secretaria Municipal temoigne un jeune de Cite Soleil. Depuis le depart en exil de l'ancien president Jean - Bertrand Aristide, un climat de tension a prevalu dans le bidonville (600.000 personnes environ) oil les groupes armes s'entredechiraient faisant des victimes quotidiennes au sein de la population. Les centres de sante et les ecoles ne fonctionnaient pratiquement plus alors que la police, souvent la cible des partisans de l'ex-president, avait abandonne le les casques bleus ont repris le controle des postes communique de la mission. de police. Plusieurs victimes lors d'une operation de 1'ONU LEMONDE.FR 115.12.04 Cet incident a eu lieu au cours d'une operation de l'ONU dans le bidonville de Cite-Soleil ii Port-au- Prince, qui est regu- lierement le theatre d'une guerre des gangs entre partisans et adversaires de l'ancien president dechu, Jean - Bertrand Aristide. Quatre per- sonnes, dont un casque bleu, ont ete blessees, mardi 14 decembre, dans des accrochages survenus dans un bidonville de Port-au- Prince lorsque la force de paix de 1'ONU y est entree pour tenter de mettre un terme a des violences entre gangs rivaux. Cet incident intervient dans le cadre de 1'operation lances par l'ONU, mardi, pour reprendre le controle de Cite-Soleil, le plus grand bidonville de Port-au-Prince, considers comme un fief des partisans de 1'ex-president Jean - Bertrand Aristide. Un porte- parole des Nations CITY OF MIAMI AVI SU DAT MEETING you ane 2005 la. Comission City of Miami rankontre chak dezyem ak katryem jedi nan mwa- a depi 9ve nan maten nan City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Men dat yo gade pou ane 2005 lan: January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 July 14 August = recess September 8 October 13 November 10 December 8 January 27 February 24 March 24 April 28 May 26 June 23 July 28 September 22 October 27 November 24* December 22* Note: Rankont 24 Novanm lan menm jan ak sa 22 Desanm lan tonbe you jou fet oswa nan sezon fet lan. Ositou dat sa-a yo ka rechanje. Tout moun ki interese invite pou yo asiste nan rankont yo. Dapre Americans with Disabilities Act nan ane 1990, moun ki to bezwen akomodasyon espesyal ka kontakte Biwo City Clerk la environ 2 jou avan dat rankont lan. Nimero telefon la se : (305) 250-5360. Priscilla A. Thompson (#14911) City Clerk unies a declare ne pas etre en mesure de confirmer les informations des habitants de Cite-Soleil selon lesquelles un bebe aurait ete tue dans ces accrochages avec les membres des gangs. "Cette operation s'est faite par terre, air et mer, avec l'utilisation de blindes", a declare le porte-parole de la Mission des Nations unies pour la Stabilisation en Haiti (Minustah), Damian Anses Cardona. Il s'agissait pour 1'ONU de "sa plus importante operation militaro-policiere" depuis l'activation de la Minustah en juin, a fait valoir le porte-parole. Des "contingents militaires bresiliens jordaniens, sri-lankais et de farm& de l'air chilienne ainsi que des unites de police speciale jordanienne et chinoise et de la police nationale d'Haiti (PNH)" y ont contribue, a precise M. Cardona. GUERRE DES GANGS Peuplee d'un demi-million d'habitants, Cite-Soleil est le theatre d'une guerre des gangs entre partisans et adversaires de l'ancien president, Jean -Bertrand Aristide. Des dizaines de personnes ont trouve la mort dans divers accrochages dans le bidonville depuis le mois de septembre. L'intervention de l'ONU est survenue un jour apres que le contingent international eut ete violemment critique par le gouvemement interimaire haitien pour sa passivite face a ces violences. "Cette operation va permettre de mettre en place un environnement propice a la reprise des actions humanitaires Cite-Soleil", a-t-il dit. Les casque bleus doivent etablir une presence permanente dans le bidonville. Le gouvemement interimaire haitien accuse Aristide, qui a ete contraint de s'exiler le 29 fevrier demier, d'orchestrer depuis l'Afrique du Sud les violences de Cite-Soleil. Un adolescent avait deja ete tue par balle, mardi, et quatorze autres personnes blessees egalement par balle dans un quartier du centre de Port-au-Prince, lors d'incidents qui ont mis en cause des activistes armes du president dechu Jean -Bertrand Aristide, selon des sources hospitalieres. Les "chimeres", ex - partisans armes du regime dechu qui faisaient regner la terreur sur file, ont commence a entrer en action tot dans la matinee, tirant de nombreux coups de feu, selon des sources policieres. Its ont ensuite tents d'incendier un hotel du centre-ville mais la police est intervenue et des affrontements armes ont eu lieu entre policiers et activistes, a-t-on ajoute de meme source. Avec AFP MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of P.O. #14911 CITY OF MIAMI - NOTICE OF 2005 COMMISSION MEETING DATES in the XXXX Court, was published in sad newspaper in the issues of 12/13/2004 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing thjs'advertiserrJea�for publication in the said newspaper Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13 day of DECEMBER (SEAL) , A.D. 2004 ott Cheryl H Marmet O.V. FERBEYRE personally trIlittptyiyecommission DD338558 a wd� Expires July 18, 2008 CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF 2005 COMMISSION MEETING DATES The City of Miami Commission regularly meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Following are the dates for 2005: January13 January27 February 10 February 24 March 10 March 24 April 14 April 28 May 12 May 26 June 9 June 23 July 14 July 28 August = recess September 8 September 22 October 13 October 27 November 10 November 24* December 8 December 22* Note: The meetings of November 24, and December 22 fall on Holidays or around the Holiday Season, therefore, those dates may be rescheduled. All interested parties are invited to attend. in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in these proceedings may contact the Office of the City Clerk no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding at (305) 250-5360. (#14911) 12/13 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 04-4-23/506980M contrepoids a l'ex-armee en laquelle on n'a pas une confiance totale a Washington. L'embargo sur la vente d'armes et la presence des ex-militaires sur le terrain assurent le controle de Washington. Herard Abraham n'est pas arrive par hasard a 1'Interieur eta la Defense nationale. L'armee d'Hatti partiellement ressuscitee joue le role qui lui etait impartie apres le depart des marines en 1934. l'armee a faim, donc son leadership restera probablement erratique dans les affaires locales et le trafic des stupefiants, mais remplira sa nouvelle tache minimisant drastiquement les tentatives de fuite vers la Floride de la population aux abois. Dans cette optique, le role imparti a 1'ONU est egalement humanitaire. Les Etats-Unis ayant remarque CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF 2005 COMMISSION MEETING DATES The City of Miami Commission regularly meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. Following are the dates for 2005: January 13 February 10 March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 July 14 August = recess September 8 October 13 November 10 December 8 January 27 February 24 March 24 Apri128 May 26 June 23 July 28 September 22 October 27 November 24* December 22* Note: The meetings of November 24, and December 22 fall on Holidays or around the Holiday Season, therefore, those dates may be rescheduled. All interested parties are invited to attend. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in these proceedings may contact the Office of the City Clerk no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding at (305) 250-5360. Priscilla A. Thompson (#14911) City Clerk Que fait M. Latortue avec les moyens du bord ? A-t-il defini une culture de 1'execution pour 1'Executif ? Quelles sont ses initiatives pour assainir 1'administration, la police, le systeme judiciaire ? Fait-il le suivi systematique avec ses ministres ? Comment juge-t-il la competence de (voir Derive / 14) "Burglar Bars"Fe Foje Kont Vole yo: Le Se Segonn Wap Konte, Eske Wap Kapab Fe Fanmi W Soti? Depatman Kominikasyon Konte Miami -Dade Pa gen lontan de sa, nou tout te tande yon difizyon nouvel byen tris. lstwa trajik sa a se te istwa yon dife ki pran nan yon kay Hialeah epi kat ti moun mouri laden li. Sa ki plis make trajedi sa a se koze ke fe foje ke yo rele "burglar bars" yo te nan tout Tenet yo epi sa te anpeche ponpye yo rantre byen vit pou gen tan sove ti moun yo. Fe foje tre popile nan Konte Miami -Dade. Dives fanmi apresye pwoteksyon yo, bote yo ak vale diplis ke sa ajoute sou kay yo le yo enstale yo nan kay la. Mezalo, Malerezman, fe foje gen dwa pyeje yon met kay andedan kay yo si yon dife eklate nan kay la. Lese kelke segonn w genyen pou w sove soti nan kay la, fe foje yo kapab koz yon gwo trajedi pou w ak fanmi w. Konte Miami -Dade entwodwi yon nouvo kanpay edikasyonel pou ankouraje epi asire ke pwopriyete kay yo enstale yon seri nan fe foje yo ki ouve vit "quick release mechanism", pou pemet ke moun sove sob vit nan ka dijans. Yon "quick -release mechanism" se yon mezi de sekirite ke yo ofri pou tout nouvo enstalasyon fe foje. Aparey sa a gen dwa menm enstale nan fe foje ki deja la. Ak tout ke genyen diferan kalite seri pou sistem ouve vit sa a, tout gen menm fonksyon an, se nan ka dijans, tout lafami kapab ale soti ouve fe foje yo jis ak yon kout levye oswa jis pouse yon bouton (ki chita andedan pou vole ki to renmen rantre nan kay la pa kapab rive jwenn yo), lage fe fo an pou soti. Ke se yon tenet oswa pot, kounyeya, fanmi w kapab sove an tout sekirite. Kod konstriksyon Konte Miami -Dade mande pou tout kay ki genyen fe foje laden yo fet pou genyen enstale siste ouve vit la. Tout nouvo kay ki vann nan Konte an epi ki gen fe foje sou tenet yo ak pot yo, fet pou genyen sistem ouve vit sa a pou pase enspeksyon. Ansyen kay yo ki genyen fe foje, fet pou enstale sistem ouveti vit sa a anvan kay la kapab vann. Nou ankouraje tout pwopriyete kay yo enstale seri sistem ouve vit sa yo sou pot yo ak tenet ki genyen fe foje deja anplas yo, epi le yap fe sa ke se sevis kontrakte ki genyen pemi ki pou asire ke travay sa yo fet byen epi dapre kod konstriksyon yo. Pou jwenn yon lis kontrakte ki apwouve epi pou plis enfomasyon sou sistem ouve vit sa a pou fe foje yo, rele sant enfomasyon "Miami - Dade Answer Center" nan 305-468-5900. Oswa w kapab ale sou entenet la www.miamidade.gov/buildingcode. Men kod konstriksyon w pa, nou pa kapab fin ranfose enpotans pou nou enstale sistem ouve vit sa a nan fe foje ki lakay w. Kounyeya ak epok fet yo epi tanperati an kap tounen pi fre—epi plizye moun kap sevi ak limye elektrik ppu dekorasyon ak chofaj pou kay yo, ki tou de gen dwa kreye de danje pou dife—se bon tan pou nou aprann plis koze. Sonje, chak segonn konte, asire w ke w kapab soti. Pou plis enfomasyon, rele sant enfomasyon Miami -Dade Answer Center at 305- 468-5900. iu tine potila USlar llla(10 llellle a la television ellclerre tanto lento dentro de sf. "No puedo concebir el tfpico grupo de jazz, que son agnificos interpretes, pero no tienen en cuenta al publi- y porque a mi lo que me gusts es entretener, saltar de mi mqueta del piano y bailar como un loco". Por esto Alum ofrece un jazz distinto que intenta reconciliar el undo de la interpretation con el espectaculo. UNA PROMESA QUE SE CUMPLE Lleno de una temible juventud, ha acabado por convertir- en la nueva promesa del jazz, gracias a un innovador esti- que le ha servido para vender mas de dos millones de pias de su album "Twentysomething", en el que, ademas de rsiones de clasicos como "Singin' in the rain", ofrece com- siciones propias. Asegura que tanto en las versiones que hace, como en sus apos temas, deja atras el corse del jazz viejo, para alimen- •se de su propia experiencia, incluyendo ritmos rock o ;chno", que escuchaba cuando iba a las discotecas. "Lo ie hago es trasladar musica de otros estilos al trio de rz y al piano", comenta a EFE Reportajes. Es consciente de sus limitaciones tecnicas, y no se consi- ra un virtuoso, por eso deja que su talento discurra por la provisacian y la curiosidad, comparandose con un nifio en a jugueteria que quiere tocarlo todo, y aduefiarse de todos juguetes. Con ese espfritu eclectico consigue introducir en jazz un aire pop que no es casual. LMITACIONES Y POSIBILIDADES DEL TALENTO Como todo ejecutante de un instrumento, sufre en su deseo alcanzar la perfection tecnica, pero es consciente de la ;:esidad de dejar pasar el tiempo en la practica y la investi- : ion de otros generos. Con esta idea de hacer mtisica es rno Jamie Cullum se permite hacer lo que le viene en gana, ndose cuenta que es de su manera de hacer musica, de nde surge el exito. "Es una manera de arriesgarse al maxi- )", confiesa. De forma que mientras interpreta e improvisa )re sus propias canciones, Cullum deambula sobre el peli- a no gustar de la misma manera que un torero se acerca a cuernos del toro. L'11 l.wt-ntyStnllf'.UU11g nll1Uye 111110VUUl1- res versiones como la famosa "Singing in the rain", de "Wind cries Mary" de Jimmy Hendrix, de "I could have danced all night" de la banda sonora de "My Fair Lady" o del clasico de Frank Sinatra "I get•a kick out of you". Salvando las distancias temporales, el joven Cullum asume que se ha dejado influen- ciar por Sinatra en su faceta de vocalista. "Profundice en Sinatra gracias a versioneg posteriores de sus composiciones que hicie- ron Billy Joel o Steve Wonder, pero tambien admiro a Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hendrix, The Beatles o Radiohead". "Soy muy consciente de no venir como el jovencito que canta vie- jas canciones. Querfa llegar como el jovenci- to que canta viejas canciones pero con una nueva mentalidad". Jamie Cullum, el primer musico de jazz candidato a los Brit Awards como Artista Revelation y que ya ha conseguido un disco de platino con "Twentysomething", no se considera joven para triunfar. "Me siento muy afortunado, pero llevo muchos afios trabajan- do en la musica. Si lo comparas con muchos artistas pop y to rapido que triunfan yo soy casi un dinosaurio", asegura con naturalidad. Cullum ya ha tocado en salas como la neo- yorquina Algonquin Rooms o ante la reina de Inglaterra; segun el, jamas se ha asustado, "Llevo desde los 15 afios dando conciertos, he tocado en mas de mil actuaciones y esto me da mucha seguridad". Sus interpretacio- nes se hairescuchado en todo tipo de festiva- les y salas de jazz, rock y pop. "No podria decir ante que tipo de publico prefiero tocar, porque me encanta hacerlo en cual- quier situation, aunque lo cierto es que es mas agradecido un auditorio mas entrega- do, con el que conectas mas, al estilo de los festivales de pop rock". CIUDAD DE MIAMI NOTIFICACION DE FECHAS DE REUNIONES -DE LA COMISION MUNICIPAL EN 2005 La Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami se reline el Segundo y cuarto jueves de cada mes, comenzando a las 9:00 a.m. en el Ayuntamiento Municipal, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. La siguiente lista incluye las fechas de las reuniones programadas para el aiio 2005: 13 de enero 10 de febrero 10 de marzo 14 de abril 12 de mayo 9 de junio 14 de julio Agosto = receso 8 de septiembre 13 de octubre 10 de noviembre 8 de diciembre 27 de enero 24 de febrero 24 de marzo 28 de abril 26 de mayo 23 de junio 28 de julio 22 de septiembre 27 de octubre 24 de noviembre* 22 de diciembre* Nota: Las reunions del 24 de noviembre y 22 de diciembre caen en dfas festivos o cerca de un dia festivo, por lo tanto puede que se cambien las reu- niones que corresponden a esas fechas. Todas la personas interesadas en asistir estan invitadas a participar. De acuerdo con la ley de Americanos Deshabilitados de 1990 ("Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990"), aquellas personas que necesitan arreglos espe- ciales para participar en estas reuniones pueden llamara a la oficina de la Secretaria Municipal con no menos de dos (2) dfas laborables deoanticipa- cidn antes de la fecha programada al (305) 250-5360. (#14911) Priscilla A. Thompson Secretaria Municipal 1-3 c 1 / ,1 •1 i f•. "•'1 r 1n --- -- o Zbe fillianti Mimeo 00 NW 54th STREET MIAMI FLORIDA 33127 305-757.1147 Published Weekly Miami Dade, County, Florida STA E OF FLORIDA SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COU TY OF DADE Befor- the undersigned authority personally appeared Mitzi Williams who, on oath, says that she i the Ad Traffic Clerk of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in th - issues of: April 7, 2005 Affia t further state that THE MIAM1 TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade Coun y, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post • ffice in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date • f publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that she has neith r paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refun • for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in this newspaper. r-cv JL 6_ Ad1Tregiffic Clerk Swo to . d subscribed before me on this, the 7th day of April, A.D. 2005 NO RY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT ARGE, My commission expires: Ns. Karon Remo' ww1..►. g • My Conlssion DD330365 1i„ mod° n.Expires June 17 2008