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P. 04 NOV-09-2004 15:28 CITY OF MIAMI when it is approved by the EDA; and Ino. accepted "sgap,O6o.0001 of a grant applicatiOn to the United State p„..1.pm.nt Admini.trat4,1?..ARA4ww. . the redevelopment And‘r,ap0444i0,9 , . and property looated at •Itorthy.:c., • S4`,1:'A in conjunction wilth:,,V*07 • and expressing the,intent ot_ cash match reguireM011 nrir • this prajeC't i:JALT . . '". and Belafonte Taceicy Cen'ter,1: grant award in the amount of . . . .:82, .A;TX"4-4X And thia vrant is. revenue from 1963 Plorida Power CITY OF MIAMI P.05 suk,sirliary of the Ford Fo'.iinis'Ition, Metre>pol(taft Dade Colsnty, and the Greater Miar7.9, Chamwnr. of Commerce: tu©inosa Assis- tance Center will provide matching funds in the amounts of $250,000, $125,000, and $125,000, roapoctively; NOW, THEREFORE, 3E IT HEREBY RFSc)LVED 1'3Y THE COMMOSION OF Tf1R CITY OF MIAtlt, FLORIDA: Section 1. The action taken by the City Nanager in accepting an 5000,000 grant award, from the United Statee Department of Commerce: Economic t vcloprrent Administration for the red€voLopment anri renavativn of the Pantry Pride bUildiag and property located at Northwest 52nd Street and ath Avenue, in conjunction with selafontet Ta:eolcy cantor, Inc., is hereby ratified, apprgveC, and confirmed. Section 2. Th❑ City 2ianager is horoby authorized to enter into an a7rcement with Aclafonte Tacoley Center, Inc., in substantially the farm attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10 day of NOVEMBER , 19(12. ATTET T RALPH . , OtiCIE �•"••7" ' City c1>ark PREPARED AND APPROVED Akr: MAURICEe A. F'ERRe (1AURICE A. FERR£, Mayer -- iF. snx r= Asttiatant City Attorney APPROVED AA TO r'o(lr•1 \b D REC' N SS: IMF R. CARCIA-PEORCVA City Attorney ,7er1/wpc / 7-3/ (1) • TOTAL P.05