HomeMy WebLinkAboutattachmentBATTACHMENT B - EVALUATION SUMMARY Construction Engineering & Observation Services - HORIZONTAL Consultant Marlin Engineering, Inc Keith and Sdrners. PA The Cafridino Group. Inc. Consul -Tech Construction Management, Inc. Nova Coneulinn* Inc. Trumbull Corporation Barmello% Ajama.& Partners Metric Engineering. Inc. 0BF Enginerrin0. Inc. A2 Group, Inc. Parsons Brkldketilo1V Construction Services, Inc. ICoaa, Castilla Cabana Thompson Selman, PA.(C3T8) Semite Reboil San➢, Inc. 0▪ irnamio Corporate Consultants, Inc. P148 Engineering Corporation A&P Consulting Transportation Eng_irn•rs 7Lin M Associates, Inc. A.D.A. Engineering, Ina Vlllanueve Aseodates, Inc. belts Consulting Engineers Design Grp. Inc. EBS Engineering, Inc. GES Consultants, Inc. RPO No. 03.04-131 Evaluation Summary • Rank Oder Jorge Cano 1 4. 8 2 12 15' 6 9 10' 3 7 6 11 18 13 18 14 ,,.17,. • 15 20 11 19 ' Stephanie Scott Grindall Pritchard 2 10 g 3 3 4 10 1 2 2 7 5 8 6 4 8 12 18 5 9 8 18 d 17 13 11 3 2a 11 15 10.0.061. 24«ryA• 17 14 9 19 16 23 18 22 Fernando Paiva 1 4 4 15 8 10 12 11 13 6 15 9 8 10 11 2 9 12 12 16 8 7 TOTAL 14 20 20 24 29 29 30 32 35 38 37 40 45 48 48 49 49 54 69 50 84 85 87 RANK ORDER 1 2 2 3 4 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 16 15 17 18 19 Pistarhw & Nam Consulting Engineers. Inc. 17 21 R. J. Behar 8 Comps . Ina 21 11 20 16 87 19 Rodriguez Peterson & Prams Architects, inc. r 24 , _ 18 13 14 ' 87 19 meting Engineering a Sdenos. Inc. 23 18 26 17 53 20 PPuriusnl to 6adba 11-74 or the City of Mimi 0relwks No,12241, •'Cone *1 = is Ynpc.sd upon mob RUT, R 0. RPLI, or WO altar ads and 1Mednets at me erns the City Meager Issues a Olen rscanomendrtbn w the MIYnI Cb CcmmNNon. The Cone of Slims sew be applicable only b Coloreds for te provision of goods end merlon and ingagaggigggit rw�rw Roes. RPQ RFU. a Ins public arks or «gam�onsa far amount greater awn 2200,000. Tna Cone or Bwnos grains • patmael vendors, eevka providers. bidden, bbbyisb or oxidant send the CPO protessicost stair including, bur snot Inked*. the CPI Menegsr and me Coy managers etfrvoodoo, . isMayor, 0 * C bidders, s, nsni,lobbyist aorr oonsuwds, any member d arse CIO peal �• �' oepeebnent Modem cr our gist respecavo stairs: , moms vsrdces. swiss previdara, btddua, Isbbyiq respedhre stags esd any member of 1M respect" steclionieveluollon commilaa. 22 On October 18, . the Evaluation Committee reconvened and agreed to recommend en award 01' contract to_ 1- (quantity) fine ranked through (rank number). i Jorge Cano e Grinds!! Scott Pritchard Fernando Palva 2 3 4 6 8 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 15 19 20 21 22 28 28 DOC (4).max ATTACHMENT B Construction Engineering & Observation Service - Vertical RFC/ No. 03-04-131 Evaluation Summary - Rank Order Consultant , Grou • Inc. . ' Jorge Csno Stephanie Grindell Scan Pritchard Fernando Pahre TOTAL, RANK ORDER lid ummitzere—inom®umailmU, , Castello Carballo ' : • pson•S.Iman, P.A. (CM) . 2 1 15 3 • 21 r 1 nddgo Service Corporation . , . 5 8 4 5 . 22 . 2 . Russel Partnership, InC 7 1 13 1 _ 22' _2 ' Nov. Gowning, Inc. 15 7 1 1 24 3 idlest; Construction .: anapement, Inc. 6 2 7 11 26 4 Benno*, Afamtl a Partner ' 1 13 3 • id 27 " 5 dangle Associates, Inc. 12 v 5 — 10 2 _ 29 6 - nrmbuN Corporaion 18 3 2 6 29 B '.. stria Engineering, Inc. 18 4 5 6 _ 30 7 e BF Engineering. Inc. _ 15 4 . 5 5 33 a -:• • riguez Peterson 8 Parrs fleas, Inc. •9 7 _ 14 • 3 33 8' ,-arsons 8dnclerhaff ' BeMas, Ina 8 8 8 4 14 34 , a - istorton S Adam Consulting • , Inc. ' 4 ' 12 17 4 • 37 10 p,*ct Management, 19 9 9 7 _ 44 11 • 118 Engineering Corporation 11 14 8 12 45 18 1 tdo Architect, Ina " 10 _ 10 le 9 _ 45 .12 Red Design Group, L• LC 14 14 12 12 • 52 13 ES Consultants, Inc. 13 11 19 11 . • 114 . 1.4 - J. Behar d Company, Ind 17 ' 18 18 . 1 13 63 L 18 nds Gevsloprrtant nagement LLC 20 18 ' 20 r 6 — 70 _ 16 uant to = - 18-74 • tha'CNy of Mlanli • • Inane No. 1 r 1, a 'Cone "" fs imposed upon tech RFP, � , or IFB after advertisement and terminates at the time the City Manager issues a written raaoinmsndetlon to the Miami Cly The Cons •o} Silence shah be applicable only to Contracts for the tin of goods and services and for public or city improvements for amounts granter than 8200,000. The Cone of Sisnos problbita •env communicating rsgaldhrg ' > RFOs, Raiser IFBs (bids) between, among others: Potential vendors, ssrvlca provider, bidders, lobbyists or annuitants and the Clty'a profsislon.l staff including, but not limited o, the City Manager end the City Manages staff, the Mayor, City Commissioners, or their respective staffs; • potenitrd vendors, service pnovld.m, bidders, lobbyist or consultants, any member of the CNy's professional staff, City par went Directors or their respective staffs end any member oldie respective eelectIonlsvakistlon commits.. . On October 18, 2004, the BvaIyCommittes re-comened'end agreed to rornmweird en rd of contract to 10 (quantity) firms ranted through' • (rank number).1 r ..... Jorge Cano tephanie Grindefl Scott Pritchard Fernando Paiva 3 4 . 5 6 7 a 9 t0 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 DOC (4),max