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Form A-12
Code of Business Ethics
In accordance with Resolution R-994-99 each person or entity that se seeks
to do
with M iami-Dade County shall adopt the M lami-Dade Coun y
Commerce Code of Business Ethics as follows:
The Miami -Dade County/Greater Miami Chamber of Commerceseeks
to creaateCand
de of sustain
in ss in an
ethical business climate for its members and the community by
Ethics. Miami -Dade County/Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce encourages its members to
incorporate the principles and practices ouand suppd here in liers. This ir ual codes of Madel Code calns, which will
and should
guide their relationships with customers, clientsbe incorporated into marketing
be prominently displayed at all business locations and may
materials. Miami -Dade County/Greater Miami Chamber
of theirs organizations' busmerce believes iness ss codes o
should use this Code as a model for the development
This Model Code is a statement of principles tolp inguide decisions the community. and
Miami (Dade County/Greate
based on respec
for the importance of ethical business standards
Miami Chamber of Commerce believes the adoption of a meaningful code of ethics is th,
responsibility of every business and professional organization.
By affixing a signature In the Proposal signature CountylGreatere, Form A-12, he M amlpChambeerl<
agrees to comply with the principles of Miami -Dade
Commerce Code of Business Ethics. i f t he P rOposer firm's code v arias in any way document attached to Form A-12. th
Proposer must identify the difference(s) on a separate
Com Hance with Government Rules and Re ulations
• We the undersigned Proposer will properly maintain all records and post all licenses al
certificates in prominent places easily seen by our employees and customers;
In dealing with government agencies and employees, we will conduct business in accordan
with all applicable rules and regulations and in the open;
• We, the undersigned Proposer will report contract irregularities ndother
h r improper
or unIa
business practices to the Ethics Commission, the OfficeInspector
law enforcement authorities.
Recruitment Selection and Com•ensation of Contractors Consultin• Vendors and Su • •liars
• We, the undersigned Proposer will avoid conflicts of interest and disclose such conflicts wt
• Gifts that compromise the integrity of a business transaction are unaccepcone atctng wepailll of I
back any portion of a contract payment to employees
or acc
such kickback.
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• Ali our financial transactions will be properly and fairly recorded in appropriate books of
account, and
there will be no "off the books" transactions or secret accounts.
Promotion a d Sa es of Products and Service
• Our products will comply with all applicable safety and quality standards;
• We, the undersigned Proposer will promote and advertise our business and its products or
services in a manner that is not misleading and does not falsely disparage our competitors;
• We, the undersigned Proposer will conduct business with government agencies ademployefavor t e
in a manner that avoids even the appearance of impropriety. Efforts to curry political
are unacceptable;
• Our proposal will be competitive, appropriate to the request for proposals/qualifications
documents and arrived at independently;
• Any changes to contracts awarded will have a substantive basis and not be pursued merely
because we are the successful Proposer.
• We, the undersigned Proposer will, to the best of our ability, perform government contracts
awarded at the price and under the terms provided for in the contract. We will not submit
inflated invoices for goods provided or services performed under such contracts,
and will be made only for work actually performed. We will abide by all contracting and
subcontracting regulations.
• We, the undersigned Proposer will not, directly or indirectly, offer to give a bribe or otherwise
channel kickbacks from contracts awarded, to government officials, their family members or
business associates.
• We, the undersigned Proposer will not seek or expect preferential treatment on proposals
based on our participation in political campaigns.
Public Life and Political Cam ai ns
We, the undersigned Proposer encourage all employees to participate in community life, publ
service and the political process to the extent permitted by law;
• We, the undersigned Proposer encourage all employees � �recruit,ate about busupport and iness and ethical
and qualified public officials and engage them in dialogue
community issues to the extent permitted by law;
• Our contributions to political parties, committees or individuals for will be made public disclosure. only All contributno
with applicable laws and will comply with all requirementsP
made on behalf of the business must be reported to senior company management;
• We, the undersigned Proposer will not contribute to the campaigns isons Ordinahoe.who re
convicted felons or those who do not sign the Fair Campaign
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