HomeMy WebLinkAboutpre itemMAY--24-2004 10:04 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.05 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission ez City Manag DATE; SUBJECT : J U L 1 2002 FILE Allocation of 28'h Year CDBG funds for Municipal Services and Related Activities RI:FsRENCI $Special City Commission Meeting ENCLOBUREsJUIY 8, 2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution allocating $7,395,100 of 28`h Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds and $1 300,000 of program income to support City municipal services and related activities listed herein for the 28th Year Program Year beginning October 1, 2002, subject to applicable City Code provisions. BACKGROUND: Under the entitlement formula, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has advised the City that the projected Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement for the 28` Program Year, which commences October 1, 2002, will be $12,856,000. In its discussion regarding the establishment of the 28th Year Planning Calendar, the Administration sought City Commission direction relating to the proposed use of HUD funds in Program Year 28. As a result of this direction, the Administration established the funding levels for the 28" Year Request For Proposals process and continued Municipal Services and Related Activities. In addition, based on this direction, the Administration recommends funding to the following City sponsored activities for the Program Year beginning October 1, 2002: Funding Activity Pr000sed 28`b Year Allocation Grant Administration Lot Clearing Code Enforcement - NET Code Enforcement — Unsafe Structures Parks Department — Disabilities Program Section 108 Loan Guarantee CRA - Baseline Funding CRA — CLUC 90 Little Haiti Job Creation Project Downtown Development Authority Total $3,871,200 $ 350,000 $1,000,000 $ 500,000 $ 119,000 $1,400,000 $ 379,900 $ 100,000 $ 225,000 $ 750.000 $8,695,100 02- 773 MAY-24-2004 10:05 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 6513 1610 P.07 • The proposed Admiiustratiatrreconunendation maintains existing City sponsored activities at the current year funding level for Lot Clearing, Code Enforcement -. NET, and Code Enforcement — Unsafe Structures (historically classified in the past as Demolition). The Parks Department Disabilities Program will receive a. slight reduction of $3;000, from $122,000 to $I19,000. Under F&leral regulations, grant recipients may allocate 20% of the entitlement and Program Income collected in the immediate prior year for grant management and administration. The proposed recommendation includes a total of $3,871,200 for this purpose, $2,571,200 from the entitlement itself and $1.3 million dollars from program income collected in Program Year 27. The recommendation also includes $1.4 million to cover the Section 108 Debt Obligation for the CRA .Southeast Overtown Park West and defaulted Wynwood Foreign Trade Zone Loans, the final year of the five (5) year funding commitment to the Little Haiti Job Creation and CRA CLUC 90 Projects, and CDBG support of CRA Baseline Operations. Finally, the recommendation includes an allocation of $750,000 to the Downtown Development Authority for the Flagler Marketplace Project, which replaces a previously recaptured funding award from this project in that same amount. When the City Commission authorized the reprogramming of this previously approved allocation, it did so with the proviso that these CDBG funds be replaced in the future. It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution allocating $7,395,100 of 281h Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds and $1,300,000 of program income to support City municipal services and related activities listed herein for the 28th Year Program Year beginning October 1, 2002, subject to applicable City Code provisions. The proposed Resolution allocates CDBC grant funds and does not have a budgetary impact on the General Fund. e34' 02- 773 MAY-24-2004 10:05 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.06 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ISSUES AND THE PROPOSED FY 2002-03 ti ACTION PLAN FOR THE USE OF HUD GRANT FUNDS BY THE CITY OF MIAMI Funding recommendations for the City of Miami Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Housing Opportunities for persons With AIDS (HOPWA), HOME and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESO) Programs will be considered and approved. Pursuant to the Department of Housing and Urban Development 24 CFR Part 91, et al, it is required that the City of Miami submit its Annual 2002-03 Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City of Miami has completed a series of Public Hearings in each City Commission District to solicit community input and participation in the development of the proposed Annual Action Plan, The final Public Hearing to discuss and approve funding recommendations for FY.2002-2003 activities for the aforementioned HUD grant programs and other Community Development issues will be held: Monday, July 8, 2002 at 2:00 P.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida The Agenda for the Special Meeting is as follows: 1. Discussion and proposed ordinance establishing six (6) Special Revenue Funds for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME, HOPWA, Emergency Shelter Grant, Section 8 and SHIP Programs and authorizing the City Manager to accept said grants from U.S. HUD and the State of Florida 2. Discussion and proposed resolution to allocate $7,395,100 of 28s' Year CDBG funds and S1,300,000 of Program Income to City sponsored Municipal Services and Related Activities as follows: Activity ,Amount Grant Administration S3,871,200 Lot Clearing $ 350,000 Code Enforcement - NET $1,000,000 Code Enforcement — Unsafe Structures $ 500,000 Parks Department — Disabilities Program $ 119,000 Section 108 Loan Guarantee $1,400,000 CRA - Baseline Funding $ 379,900 CRA ^ CLUC 90 $ 100,000 Little Haiti Job Creation Project $ 225,000 Downtown Development Authority $ 75Q_000 02- 773 MAY-24-2004 10:06 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.09 Total S8,695,100 3, Discussion and proposed resolution to allocate $ 347,000 of 28a' Year ESG funds as follows: Activity Amount City of Miami Homeless Program $ 433,590 Grant Administration S 13.41Q S 347,000 4. Discussion and proposed resolution allocating $2,303,222 of28s' Year HOME funds as follows: Activity Amount CRA — Housing Assistance $ 262,322 Model City Homeownership Project $1,500,000 Grant Administration $ 540.900 Total S2,303,222 5. Discussion and proposed resolution allocating $1,928,400 of 28m CDBG fimds and $960,000 of Program Income in the Public Services Category by City Commission District as follows: District 1 Aeencv Amours Action Community Center, Inc. $108,333 A]lapattah Community Action, Inc. 350,000 C atholic Charities of the Archdiocese 4,500 of Miami, Inc. Emergency Services Deaf Services Bureau, Inc. 6,000 Lions Horne for the Blind, Inc, 13,000 Little Havana Activities and Nutrition 40,847 Centers of Dade County, Inc./Elderly Meals The Association for Development ofthe 15,000 Exceptional, Inc. District 1 Priority Set -aside 40.000 Total District 1 Allocation $577,68Q District 2 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of $ 8,040 Miami, Inc./Centro flispano Catolico Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of 28,500 Miami, Inc./GESU Center Services for the Elderly Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. 10,000 De Hostos Senior Center, Inc. 271,721 Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the 35,000 Aged, Inc./Douglas Gardeos First United Methodist Church of Miami 21,000 KIDCO Child Care, Inc. 10,000 Lions Horne for the Blind, Inc. 18,000 Theodore Gibson Memorial Fund, Inc. I0,000 YMCA of Greater Miami, Inc./Coconut Grove 9,883 District 2 Priority Set -aside 40.000 Teti! District 2 Allocation S462,144 Distrt 3 Action Community Center, Inc. S 108,333 Catholic Charities of the ,A.rchdiocese 66,600 of Miami, Inc./ Centro Mater Child Care Catholic Charities ofthe Archdiocese of 10,000 Miami, Inc./Emergency Services Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of 67,500 Miami, IncfSagrada Familia 0.2 - 773 MAY-24-2004 10:06 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.10 • • r Deaf Services Bureau, Inc. 6,000 Dr. Rafael A. Penaiver Clinic, Inc. 40,000 Josefa P. Casten Kidney Foundation, Inc. 10,000 Lions Home for the Blind, Inc. 30,000 Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers 160,899 of Dade County, Inc./Elderly Meals Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers 60,000 of Dade County, Inc./Pro Saiud Regis House, Inc. 10,000 The Association for Development of the 10,000 Exceptional, Inc. The Young Men's Christian Association of 45,000 Greater Miami, Inc International Branch District 3 Priority Set -aside 40,000 Total District 3 Allocgiion 5664432 District 4 Aaenev Arnopnt Action Community Center, Inc. S 108,334 Colombian American Service 20,000 Association, Inc. Fifty -Five Years and Up, Inc. 25,000 Lions Home for the Blind, Inc. 20,000 Little Brother - Friends of the Elderly, Inc. 20,000 Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers 58,254 of Dade County, Inc./Elderly Meals Southwest Social Services Program, Inc. 125,000 The Association for Development of the 16,672 Exceptional, Inc. District 4 Priority Set -aside 40.00 Total District 4 Allocation S433,260 District 5: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of 25,000 Miami, Inc./Emergency Services Center for Information and Orientation, Inc. 25,000 Community Committee for Developmental 25,000 Handicaps, Inc. Deaf Services Bureau, Inc. 6,000 Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miami, Inc. 50,000 Haitian American Community Association 25,000 of Dada County, Inc./Food Voucher Haitian American Community Association 25,000 of Dade County, Inc./After School 25,000 Haitian American Foundation, Inc. 50,000 James E. Scott Community Association, Inc./ 100,000 Hadley Park Elderly Program Jaynes E. Scott Community Association, Inc./ 25,000 Community Awareness Program Lions Home for the Blind, Inc. 9,000 The Association for Development of the 20,000 Exceptional, Inc. The Children's Psychiatric Center, Inc. 25,000 The Liberty City Optimist Club of Florida, Inc. 40,000 02- 773 MAY-24-2004 10:06 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 856 1610 P.11 • • The Young Men's Christian Association of 60,000 Greater Miami, Inc./Carver Branch District 5 Public Service Reserve Fund 200,984 District 5 Priority Set -aside 40 0 Total Map —[et 5 Allocation $750.984 Total for Public Service Activities $2,888,400 6. Discussion and proposed resolution allocating S2,085,000 of 28'a CDBG funds in the Economic Development Category by City Commission District as follows: District; Ae cn v Amount Allapattah Business Development S150,000 Authority, Inc Service Corps of Retired Executives 10,000 Association District 1 Economic Development 16/.000 Pilot Projects Total District 1_Aiocetioj S321,D00 District 2: Coepout Grove Local Development $ 25,000 Corporation, Inc. Downtown Miami Partnerships, Inc. 125,000 Edgewater Economic Development 50,000 Corporation, Inc. Rafael Hernandez Housing and Economic 61,600 Development Corporation, Inc. Total District 2 Allocation $261,600 pistrjct 3 Service Corps of Retired Executives $ 10,000 Association Sma11 Business Oppornu►ity Center, Inc. 210,000 District 3 Economic Development 116.050 Picot Projects Total District 3 Allocation ,$376.050 Distrjct 4; Anna Amount Service Corps of Retired Executives S 10,000 Association Small Business Opportunity Center, Inc. 150,000 District 3 Economic Development 85.250 Pilot Projects Total District 4 Allocation $245,250 5 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of $ 100,000 Miami, Inc./Pierre Toussaint Center Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc. 150,000 Word of Life Community Development 175.100 02-- 773 MAY-24-2004 10:06 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.12 • Corporation, Inc. Total Distrkt5 M ocati 5750.984 Commercial Facade Program Rehabilitation $450,000 Total for Economic Dev. Actl jges S2.085.000 7. Discussion and proposed resolution allocating $1,1117,50 of 28* CDBG funds in the Housing Development Category by City Commission District as follows: Alltrict l: Away Amount Allapattah Business Development $ 75,000 Authority, Inc. CODEC, Inc. 92,500 Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. 15,000 Jewish Family Services of South Florida, Inc. 11,000 Jubilee Community Development )0.000 Corporation, Inc. Total District I Allocation 5223.500 District 2: Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. S 15,000 .Jewish Family Services of South Florida, Inc. 11,000 Little Haiti Housing Association, Inc. 37,500 District 2 Dousing Pilot Project 115.300 Total District; allocation S178.800 District 3; CODEC, Inc. East Little Havana Community Development Corporation, Inc. Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. Jewish Family Services of South Florida, Jubilee Community Development Corporation, Inc. Tota1District 3 Allocation District 4: Asvenev East Little Havana Community Development Corporation, Inc. Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. Jewish Family Services of South Florida, Model Housing Cooperative Total nistri£t 4ALloFatjon District 5: Greater Miami Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Inc. Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Haven Economic Development, Inc. S 92,500 93,375 15,000 Inc. 11,000 45�150 257,025 Amount S 91,625 15,000 Inc. 11,000 40.000 $127.625 $ 50,000 15,000 117,000 50,000 02- 773 MAY-24-2004 10:07 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.13 • • s Jewish Family Services of South Florida, Inc. 11,000 Jubilee Community Development 10,050 Corporation, Inc - Little Haiti Housing Association, Inc. 7.500 TotalDistrlat,_Alloeljion $290.550 Dal for Hougitrg Dev o f t es S 1 0 8. Discussion and proposed resolution allocating $330,000 of 28's Year CDBO funds in the Historic Reservation Category as follows: umat City iami Planning Department -- $ 75,000 Historic Preservation Activities City of Miami Retired Pollee Officers 155,000 Community Benevolent Association, Inc. First and First Investment Association, Inc. 100.000 Total Historic Preservation Activities $330,000 9, Discussion and proposed resolution allocating 512,482,000 of 28'' Year HOPWA and $1,086,460 of uncommitted 2r Year HOPWA funds as follows: boenev Amount Long Tenn Housing: Miami Dade Housing Agency (6 month allocation) $ 748,000 City of Miami Dept. of Community Development 4, 114,000 Douglas Gardens Comxnanity Mental Health Center of 2,730,000 Miami Beach Spanish-American Basic Education and Rehabilitation, Inc. 1,122,000 Reserve for Transition of Remaining Miami Dade 748,000 Housing Agency clients (6 month allocation) Support Services Utilities Assistance: City ofMiami Dept. of Community Development $ 660,000 Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health 360,000 Center of Miami Beach Spanish - American Basle Education and 180,000 Rehabilitation, Inc. Better Way ofMiami, Inc. 75,000 Bethel A.M.E. Church, Inc. 134,000 Community AIDS Resource, Inc. 50,000 Emergency Services (Operator to be determined) 1,500,000 Food for Life Network, Inc. 40,000 Lock Towns Community Mental Health Center, Inc. 110,000 Miami Beach CDC, Inc. 110,000 South Florida Jail Ministries, Inc. 126,000 Spanish - American Basic Education & Rehabilitation, Inc. 287,000 The Center for Positive Connections, Inc. 100,000 Grant Administration 374,400 Total HOPWA Funding $13,568,460 10. Discussion and proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit the proposed Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development �12-3 MAY-24-2004 10:07 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.14 • • a (HUD) for the use of funds received by the City to implement the Conununity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program, HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESO) Program; and firmer authorizing the City Manager to execute individual grant agreements with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 11. Discussion and proposed resolution allocating $425,000 of Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program fiends to purchase the property located at 7104, 7126, 7160 NW 14 Place, also known as the Sugar Hill Project; from the Economic Opportunity Family Health Center, Inc.; to establish a transitional housing facility for the impacted population. 12. Discussion and proposed resolution rollidg over S56,421 of 266 Year Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Hinds previously approved for the City of Miami Homeless Program to Fiscal Year 2001- 2002. 13. Discussion and proposed resolution increasing the existing allocation to Spanish American Basic Education Rehabilitation, Inc. (SABER) by $228,410 and Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center of Miami Beach by S304,000 to provide long term housing assistance previously provided by the Miami -Dade Housing Agency and further allocating en additional SS0,000 of HOPWA funds to Sharpton, Brunson and Company to conduct a financial and performance audit to closeout Miami Dade County Housing Agency and Miami — Dade Office of Community Services HOPWA contracts. Interested individuals are encouraged to attend the above Public Hearing. The Hearing site is accessible to the handicapped. Following the Public Hearing, the public review and comment period will run from July 9, 2002 through August 10, 2002. The City of Miami invites all interested parties to communicate their comments regarding the proposed Action Plan in writing to: City of Miami Department of Community Development 444 S.W. 2 Avenue, Second Floor Miami, Florida 33130 The Action Plan will be available for review at the above iocation. • (AD �2- (73 TOTAL P.14