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ATTACFfT6 QOM DeonseretnaolCasaeaady0ea lopaat f GEMOES MOT IRECOMPIEcFo FORM=SE MICE5 FUMING Fa0020042015 Agency District Proposed Description of Snice; 1oSeerc Fmndlion Request FY20S4 0-66ict1 Dis0ict2 Ofslrkt3 01sFict4 MOM 5 Funding RecaonouldaYo n James E-Scot Camesuray Associaim.Inc. 5 Young gins=Young Larlesda a t=Van S 1104145 9 $ 119.846.00 S 115,816.00 Ltenld=ConnasrtySiMomangora. Robb. Imo. Senicesit 6edirdrted - Case marapasmaR & iniagrader=Mom,Coe=isda0.Kisoatooledin $ 13,53000 i 2.7 6.00 $ uaso0 $ 2,70600 $ 2,78610 S 2,785.00 S 13,990.00 prdpoeaL Legal Sonic= el GetMr9rmn0.ic. 2.3.4 AIM/AdultEducationalPomo= S 252.191A0 $ 11 .96957 S M.00006 $ 81416357 $ 252.i0t00 Li0eMothers -Faerdsate Bdarlr.Inc. 4 EldrodrPronon-Trransponationa`6wrperryFoad (Meek) Services & agwrSeavicesto noeeft* i 18.1W.00 S 19.10200 $ 12100.00 Die FtdwsaACtivi►.S&MMdgOol:artaSof 2.5 ErnpbymatTriiey $ 75.000.00 $ 37.500J10 $ 3T.500.00 $ 75)100110 Dade Coyly. Inc. LosaemnSrrviossFlorida, Inc. - Fair Mousing S 65.000.00 S 13000.00 S 13.000.00 S 13.000.00 S 13000.00 S 13.000.00 S 65.000.00 Ma rin Luther Wog Economic Development )4P �1) Cowan=assets Monde tools to kelp pawn boldiadividrai neater 1.2.3. 4.-0ammittidmr eidral&slalomtasediriaiorstat f0 S 150.0-00 S 30.000.00 � $ 30J-00 $ 32000A0 $ 3200000 $ 30.00000 5 150.00000 Malin Luber Wag Eoosaic Developrrrlt Capo al= (4 pe0Po®ts it 1) Weds Sonicss meals. dherarrrices atas:Nes FioieyfCarde P. Mese SesiarConiar S 06.S60A0 $ 47.50008 $ 47500l10 $ 85.000A0 84ANvimalAseodates,lic. F3datyImpala deSafely&.meaty i 44000.00 S 11.00000 $ 11,030.00 S 11.000.00 5 11.000-00 5 44.000.00 cam prevea6an. albs Imams anoig44airoodsofrad rty&disabled clams Po bo-Social RelaablitaL .. Canter, We 3 Canamoailr legal EBrammo prow= $ 12rPOA0 S 12,000.00 $ 12,00000 Mao salsinI) Ode* Heath Sonirss $ 111.961A0 $ 27.96675 $ 27.066.75 $ 27906.75 $ 2.966.75 $ 111,867AO Solos & Malden Former. 4 NO= adults wino some & par;der&psydral is disobliges to act=ve irlagoa0on & sell=Macs_ i 56.309.00 $ 55,389_00 $ 56509.00 the Centerfor Pos&ve Connections. Inc. 32ieOdeiElfrio Malorral Ftundanork1 3 Educational & PraaaiGur dm®Cb mmuriralm • • ; -, wile HMOSaffected a al arms i 86,51590 $ 86515.00 $ 96.516.00 CialdraeFrograa S 110,510.00 S110,500.00 5 110500.00 The Yam Wes ClaisFaAssoaMonotGratr lgem%( i-WestGroveBranch 5 Ater Schad Chid CAM Rowan S 22,2I914 $ 22.Z1944 5 ' 22Z1B44 ilrysi. Inc. Yam Roam=-Careprer support grooms. case 5 comet co etlrraiaal workshops. paen.rg dab, boosporlanon S 75,036.00 S 76.696A0 $ 75.635.00 Victim Siervces Cooler, tree 1.2. 3.4. - Merl# Iiei Services 5 60.000.00 $ 10500-00 S 10yWA0 S 10.06600 $ i0000.00 S 10A00.00 $ sosexi00 Woddname, Ca adadFlorida.lac 1,5 Youth Crime Prevail= Rowan 5 84.51a00 S 32,255-00 $ 32255.00 $ 64,510.00 To $ 3.534320.65 S 304.127.75 $ 373.453.11 S 666,39s4t $ 645,266.46 5 154458292 1 3.634.12 2afz AT1 l-I EN7 0 CiydMari - Demeter* dCommiyDavMopmwm AGENCIES NOT RECOMMENDED FARPUBLIC SERWI(; S FLIDIING FORM:14-20M Agana/ District Premed (0 Some Description a(Soni = Fielding Request FY2004 District- ffwtifiet2 Ohaiet3 Ireeiiet4 Distil 5 Rmrdehg Reoom ed° n Aelendlo ends, Inc. 5 GAM/ Moab tic 132.312.00 $ 132312.00 S 137312.00 ADCaNr4 Inc Edrodunal Oka Remake Dade ethic schools i 30 000D i 6620.00 $ S.62Os10 $ 5 eQ090 5 5,62000 $ &M D0 $ 3$100.00 Mots (laritirrd Orgaima6er inc. (AMOR) 5 Wee Ailers�oot proms, dde4jrJDsires & acer0esadiedcam meicesfar a Mai* residents $ 99.070.00 $ 99070.00 1 s5670-00 A®ion Red Ouse ofGrrester Matti & the Keys 5 Youth SlowerCeop Program $ 34¢M9C $ 34524.00 $ 34, 2490 Assitilmh0e lo the Elderly, Inc 5 Meg School Flagrant $ 78,766 0 . $ 78.753.50 3 1 16a60 Malone Tecate',Caster. lnc 5 Sedum to tie 0isabled Eede, y S 101.0100.00 - $ 101000.00 $ 101000-00 CaeminChadian Cale &s hammseo(Maui, & maces tQfim Eldedy (i 2 Bdeny Seeker -Wally Mb enhancement 5 31 .59 $ 3t,52310 $ 31b25$5 Criterion -Wm Sturgs,>ne 5 Gdoor1 $ 99.000.00 I $ 50,00,303 $ 50.000.00 CeeterferirlepeAdeKLlriOga(Sd Flpeida' Inc. 5 inlesa l $ 150,000.00 . $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000A0 Ceram o(IoirrmaGoe and Orirmimr, b 1. 2. 3 Unknown $ 120.000.00 $ 40410o.o0 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000 00 i 120,000.00 . CHORLEE d Dade Comity. 5 Yore Services 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 I $ 75,000.00 Muerie Chime Watch elAdami-Dade Gately, 4 13dpIy Meals Pogrom $ 122.588.60 $122,938.130 $ 172 .5iMl CaketiaeAooCdWnGerriOeAssocia5ca.Inc. (CJ4..1) 4, Braila-.-- rrmc6rYiem>aincCrewre $ 54.05500 $ 27.03 .03 $ 27,033.00 $ 54.06600 5 larorledge dmtrs rermevadable. Assessment Case etanegement.1.0301 & Siegal Ser De Si�'s&wi. Inc. 4 Elderlyswims -Integrate elderly people :.reedd el ldsm lo ter reset dthe elderly kc the Ciy $ $000000 $ 90.00090 S 90,003.00 Hoene What 40er 1 Chicken's Touring DarosCOmpargtYhc Children Senic>er $ 52,000.0.6 $ 52,000.00 S STOOOAO 1 ' t. re. Method, Psyclikilric.Adoplive.— IllaregeesselaLegaL Greater Ward Service Caps_ 3 Adapialim 35arirrai n Frogmen $ 75.000.00 $ 75.00090 5 75,000 00 Harlan American Associalca Against Cerm 5 Mier Schad Enrichment Frogmen $ 70,944,00 i 70944,00 $ 70944A0 Helm Atresir n Farmdaion. Inc. 2, 5 EldatyServicee $ 35,00090 $ 17.500.00 3 17, 00:00 $ 35.000.00 Hater Awarerre55 a Crihrrdl Forrtlaiati Inc. 1 tI1mning a Supportive ServicServices"10 i 14598T32 S 145y57.32 $ 145�.32 Ha4iaeArarre,ress&Came Faw1da on,loc. 2,4Coneweel EFSaslerEdugWnfarOreiaal0 Rermai Mown $ 10.000.00 I i 5.00000 $ 000000 $ 10000.00 Helping HowieYodhCarrier. hoc 3 Youth Services $ 9053000 $ 96830.00 5 9553590 Hawing °modulates Prgedfar Eac atece, lee 3 YauOm Services S 150.60090 $150,600.00 1 $ 150.5i0.00 FermSemites Carillon dDade 4'aurty.Inc. 2 independent &Wig�AO�e sfor peopleMt clmeaktes $ 100.000.t10 $ 20,000.00 $ 20A0090 $ 20500.00 $ 20.0011.00 $ 23.00 00 $ 100.0011.00 E ScotCamersmely Association. lac 5 Atm meek yeah, early Childhood emolument, ent cam reavoeffete. *draGlq (crhmtappowanoes). ia'ED & $ 200000-00 S 200,000.00 S 200,000 00 .Faees ex-05mlderpumaoa td2