HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit8INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT RWJec ri Job •epart>tri r x�. Building Department Remodeling B-65600 Building Department Future 8-Future One Stop Service Counter B-65601 Building Department Future 8-Future Ademar and Davis Canal Dredging Projects - FEMA B-50680 CIP Administration Active 3-Design Bayfront Park Building Renovations B-30333 CIP Administration Active 5- Construction Black Police Precinct & Courthouse Museum Restoration B-30299 CIP Administration Active 4-Bid Brentwood Village Project B-40665 CIP Administration Active 7-On-Hold CIP Document Management Server B-30196 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Contribution to Ballet Gamonet B-79900 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Downtown Infrastructure Improvements - One Miami B-39901 CIP Administration Future 8-Future FEMA Flood Mitigation Assessments B-59901 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Historic Preservation Initiatives - City Hall B-30121 CIP Administration 5 Active Construction Historic Preservation Initiatives - Gusman Hall B-78510 CIP Administration Active 5 Construction Lawrence Waterway Dredging Project (FEMA FUNDED) B-50689 CIP Administration Active 3-Design Little Haiti Park - Community Building B-30294 CIP Administration Active 2-Pre- Design Little Haiti Park - Cultural Campus B-30295 CIP Administration Little Haiti Park - Cultural Ctr Master Plan B-70850 CIP Administration Active 2-Pre- Design Future 8-Future Little Haiti Park Project - Future Phases B-30308 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Lummus Landing - Miami Riverfront Redevelopment B-30286 CIP Administration Active 5 Construction Miami River Dredging B-70002 CIP Administration Active 5- Construction Miami Watersports Center/Floating Dock B-76000 CIP Administration Active 5- Construction NE 71 Street Storm Sewer Project B-50690 CIP Administration Active 3-Design Overtown Shopping Center - Grease Trap B-30279 CIP Administration Active 5- Construction Quality of Life District 1 - Various Projects B-39912 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Quality of Life District 2 - Various Projects B-39910 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Quality of Life District 3 - Various Projects B-39908 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Quality of Life District 4 - Various Projects B-39905 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Quality of Life District 5 - Various Projects B-39904 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Soccer Complex Development B-34200 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Spring Garden Park Environmental Restoration B-30314 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Wagner Creek Dredging Project, Phase III - FEMA 8-50688 CIP Administration Active 3-Design Wagner Creek Renovation Project - PH IV B-50643 CIP Administration Active 3-Design Wagner Creek Renovation Project - PH V B-50644 CIP Administration Active 3-Design 1 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT R �9 t= .. . _. ale a0 On gtatu _P also-- Waterfront Improvements Citywide B-39903 CIP Administration Future 8-Future Robert Weinreb Consulting Services B-30117 City Manager Active 3-Design City Hall Communications Room Relocation project B-30005 Communications Active 3-Design Coconut Grove Exhibition Center Sidewalk Replacement B-33505 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active 7-On-Hold Coconut Grove Expo Center Improvements B-60466 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active 7-On-Hold Dinner Key Anchorage Project B-33511 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active 3-Design Dinner Key Marina Dockmaster Building Addition B-60464 Conf. Conv. & Public Fad. Active 3-Design Dinner Key Marina Fuel Dock B-60465 Conf, Conv. & Public Facil. Active 7-On-Hold Dinner Key Marina Gratings, Gates & Locks B-30150 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil, Future 8-Future Dinner Key Marina Mooring Pile Replacement - Phase II B-60474 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active a Construction James L. Knight Center Garage Improvements B-73502 Conf, Conv. & Public Facil. Active 6 Construction James L. Knight Center Parking Garage B-73503 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active 5- Construction James L. Knight Conf. Center Chiller Replacement B-30191 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. - Active 2-Pre- Design Manuel Airtime Center ADA Improvements B-30194 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Manuel Airtime Community Center A/C Energy Efficiency B-30195 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Manuel Artime Acoustical and Sound Improvements B-60399 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active 5 Construction Manuel Artime Fencing B-75904 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Manuel Artime Fire Alarm & Sprinkler System B-33515 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Manuel Artime Interior Improvements B-33504 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Manuel Artime Parking Upgrades B-75906 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Manuel Artime Playground B-75905 Conf. Conv. & Public Facit. Future 8-Future Marine Stadium Marina Improvements B-33514 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Metal Stands End Supports B-30153 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Miamarina Improvements B-33513 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active 2-Pre- Design Miami Convention Center Roof Replacement B-73501 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Orange Bowl improvements - Future B-33500 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Orange Bowl Improvements - UM B-33517 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Orange Bowl Stadium - 36ft Elev./ So. Conc. Replacement B-30152 Conf. Conv, & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Orange Bowl Stadium - Raker Beam Repairs B-30155 Conf. Conv, & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Orange Bowl Stadium - Security Railing Replacement, Ph 1 B-30154 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Orange Bowl Stadium 2003 Structural Repairs B-30297 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Active 5- Construction Orange Bowl Stadium 36 Ft. Elev. North Concourse Replacement B-30151 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future 2 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT On Aid— t- ,,- r41-4*4 �R l �t - $t t a$ Phas�a- Orange Bowl Stadium Field Replacement B-33516 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Building Roof Structure B-60477 Conf. Conv. & Public Facil. Future 8-Future Allapattah Community Elderly Center B-35003 Economic Development Future 8-Future Belafonte Tacoloy Center Site Improvements (Footsteps of Freedom) B-35908 Economic Development Active 3-Design Calle Ocho rmprov. - Tower Theater Expansion B-35005 Economic Development Active 5 Construction City Facilities Environmental Remediation B-30001 Economic Development Future 8-Future Coconut Grove Expo Center Redevelopment B-75008 Economic Development Future 8-Future Design District/FEC Corridor - Various Projects B-38501 Economic Development Future 8-Future Development/UDP Consultants - Watson Is, others B-70500 Economic Development Future 8-Future Ichimura Miami -Japan Garden Replacement B-70502 Economic Development Active 5' Construction Lummus Landing Expansion B-35006 Economic Development Future 8-Future 1 Marine Stadium Redevelopment Infrastructure B-35001 Economic Development Future 8-Future Miami River Corridor Economic & Market Study B-30115 Economic Development Active 3-Design Miami Riverside Bldg. Space Plan B-30118 Economic Development Active 3-Design MRC Customer Service and Space Optimization Plan B-30197 Economic Development Future 8-Future Tower Theater -Stage B-35004 Economic Development Future a -Future Virginia Key Beach Park Historic Restoration Phase 2 B-30174 Economic Development Future 8-Future Virginia Key Dev Proj Consultants B-75006 Economic Development Future 8-Future Virginia Key landfill Assessment B-35002 Economic Development Future 8-Future Watson Island Aviation & Visitor Center B-75005 Economic Development Future 8-Future Watson Island Infrastructure 8-75001 Economic Development Future 8-Future Watson Island Infrastructure- Southside B-75003 Economic Development Future 8-Future Watson Island Japanese Garden B-75004 Economic Development Active 5 Construction, Watson Island Public Boat Ramp Baywalk & Restroom B-75000 Economic Development Future 8-Future Watson Island Public Park Improvements B-35000 Economic Development Future 8-Future Watson Island Utilities Plan B-30116 Economic Development Active 3-Design ADAM, CAD Analysis, MUM B-72807 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Communications Vehicle Acquisition B-72814 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) B-72801 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Computer Equipment and Software Upgrades B-72805 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Defense and Security Equipment Acquisition B-72813 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future EMS Units B-72816 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future 3 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT • EGG/Emergency Operations Center Improvements b4�l B-60456 Fire Rescue Active Ase 7.On-Hold Fire Station #1 B-60455 Fire Rescue Active 7-On-Hold Fire Station #11 (New) B-60452 Fire Rescue Fire Station #13 (New) B-60453 Fire Rescue Active 2-Pre- Design Future 8-Future Fire Station #14 (New) B-60454 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Fire Station Alerting and Records Management B-72806 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Fire Station Equipment and Furniture Replacement B-72803 Fire Rescue Active 5- Construction Fire Stations & Other Fire Facilities B-72802 Fire Training Center Safety System B-32807 Fire Rescue Active 3-Design Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Large Firefighting Equipment B-72809 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Light Fleet Replacement 8-72808 Fire Rescue New Fire Station #10 B-60351 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Active 2-Pre- Design New Fire Training Facility B-32806 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Radio Equipment Upgrades B-72804 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Replace Aerial Trucks B-72812 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Replace Existing Fire Apparatus B-72810 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future Replace Existing Fire Engines B-72811 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future TRTIHazmat Vehicle Acquisition B-72815 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future UASI Grant Equipment Acquisition B-72800 Fire Rescue Future 8-Future City Facilities Capital/Emergency Improvements B-34201 GSA Future 8-Future City Hall Exterior Site Furnishings B-30193 GSA Future 8-Future City Hall Roof Replacement B-74201 GSA Active 4-Bid Citywide General Fleet Replacement B-74200 GSA Future 8-Future Emergency Dispatch Furniture B-74204 GSA Future 8-Future Fleet Maintenance Garage Wind Retrofit B-30166 GSA Future 8-Future FS11 Transformer Installation B-74203 GSA Future 8-Future Fuel Collar Acquisition B-74222 GSA Future 8-Future GSA Communications 800MHZ Radio System B-74202 GSA Future 8-Future GSA Facilities Expansion B-74205 GSA Future 8-Future GSA Facility Security Enhancement B-74206 GSA Future 8-Future GSA Parking & Bay Expansion B-74207 GSA Heavy Equipment Replacement B-74209 GSA Future 8-Future Future 8-Future 4 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT ft Q ; 1 _ ` it imitig8 Ft fnaQ V' e - Miami Riverside Center Cooling Towers B-74210 GSA Active 4-Sid Miami Riverside Center Electrical Improvements B-74211 GSA Future a -Future MRC - Canopy Installation B-74212 GSA Future 8-Future MRC - Carpet Replacement B-74213 GSA Future 8-Future MRC - Elevator Modernization B-74214 GSA Future a -Future MRC - Exterior Signage B-74215 GSA Future 8-Future MRC - Parking Garage Expansion Joints Replacement B-74216 GSA Future 8-Future MRC - Replace Tint Film for Lobby Glass B-74217 GSA Future 8-Future MRC Security Upgrades and Enhancements B-74218 GSA Future 8-Future Police Motorcycle Lease B-74221 GSA Future 8-Future Police Vehicle Replacement B-74220 GSA Future 8-Future Property Maintenance Building Improvements B-74219 GSA Future 8-Future Business Continuity B-74603 Information Technology Future 8-Future Citywide Area I -NET Enhancements B-74615 Information Technology Future 8-Future Citywide Document Management System B-74607 Information Technology Future 8-Future Citywide Telephone Equipment Upgrade B-74616 Information Technology Future 8-Future Citywide Time & Attendance System B-74604 Information Technology Future 8-Future Customer Service Request Automation B-30123 Information Technology Future 8-Future E-Gov Initiatives 8-74611 Information Technology Future 8-Future ERP Integration System B-74609 Information Technology Future 8-Future Integrated Voice Response System B-74612 Information Technology Future a -Future Land Management System B-74614 Information Technology Future 8-Future Marina Management System B-74613 Information Technology Future 8-Future Strategic IT and Project Management Services B-74608 Information Technology Future 8-Future Technology Infrastructure B-74610 Information Technology Future 8-Future Upgrade PC Software & Hardware B-74606 information Technology Future 8-Future Work Order & Project Management System B-74601 information Technology Active 3-Design Allapattah Produce Market Improvements B-40674 Net Active 5- Construction Land Acquisition Initiative - Foreclosures B-70001 Net Future 8-Future African Square Court Upgrades B-75938 Parks and Recreation Active 5- Construction African Square Park Recreation Building Improvement B-35872 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future African Square Site Furnishing B-75939 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 5 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Pr j : . r- _s .` . = t = Job ; pert i+Eant ilitos = a African Square Water Playground B-75941 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Allapattah Mini Court Upgrades B-35801 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Allapattah Mini Playground Equipment B-35800 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Antonio Maceo Electrical (Shelters) B-30066 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Antonio Maceo Park B-35905 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Antonio Maceo Park / Vita Course B-30086 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Antonio Maceo Park New Community Building B-60430 Parks and Recreation Active 7-On-Hold Antonio Maceo Site Furnishings B-30088 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Armbrister Court Upgrades B-75815 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Armbrister Irrigation B-75816 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Armbrister Landscaping B-75817 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Armbrister Playground B-75813 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Armbrister Recreation Building Improvement B-75814 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Athalie Range #1 Mini Park Improvements B-30291 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Athalie Range Park Soccer/Football Complex B-35907 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Athalie Range Park Swimming Pool Improvements B-35889 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Bay of Pigs Park Playground & Site Furnishing B-75920 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Belafonte Tacolcy Center B-35873 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Belafonte Tacolcy Park Court Upgrades B-75943 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Belafonte Tacolcy Park Irrigation B-30109 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Belafonte Tacolcy Park Site Furnishing B-75944 Parks and Recreation Future Et -Future Belafonte Tacolcy Sprinklers B-30064 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Belle Meade Playground B-75821 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Bicentennial Park Shoreline Stabilization - Ph. I B-30293 Parks and Recreation Active 5 Construction Bicentennial Park Shoreline Stabilization Ph. II B-30290 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Bicentennial Park Shoreline Stabilization Ph.lIl B-30310 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Billy Rolle Mini Park Shelter and Restroom Renovation B-75822 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Biscayne Park Court Upgrades B-75826 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Biscayne Park Irrigation B-75825 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Biscayne Park Landscaping B-75828 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Biscayne Park Playground B-75823 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Biscayne Park Site Furnishings B-75827 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 6 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Biscayne Park Turf Upgrades B-75824 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Blanche Park Court Upgrades B-75830 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Blanche Park Playground Equipment 8-75829 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Bryan Park Interior Improvements B-30302 Parks and Recreation Active 5 Construction Bryan Park New Tennis Center B-30134 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Bryan Park Right -Of -Way Improvements B-30303 Parks and Recreation Active 5 Construction Buena Vista Park Court Upgrades B-75947 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Buena Vista Park Playground Equipment B-75945 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Buena Vista Park Site Furnishings B-75946 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Citywide Mini Park Improvements 8-35900 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Citywide Park Building Roof Replacement B-35903 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Citywide Park Turf Upgrades 8-35899 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Citywide Playground Upgrades B-75998 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Citywide Pool Upgrades B-75999 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Citywide Sports Courts Upgrades B-35901 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Citywide Sports Lighting Upgrades B-35902 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Coral Gate Park Building Improvements B-35865 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Coral Gate Park Court Upgrades B-75924 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Coral Gate Park Landscaping B-75923 Parks arid Recreation Future 8-Future Coral Gate Park Playground Equipment B-75921 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Coral Gate Park Turf Upgrades 8-75922 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Crestwood Park Court Upgrades 8-75949 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Crestwood Park Playground Equipment 8-75948 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Curtis Park Bleachers and Press Box Renovations 8-30319 Parks and Recreation Active 4-Bid (JOG) Curtis Park Court Upgrades B-35807 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Curtis Park Irrigation System Upgrade 8-35805 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Curtis Park New Water Fountains B-35803 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Curtis Park Playground Equipment and Site Furnishi B-35808 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Curtis Park Pool Renovation B-35808 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Curtis Park Sports Turf Upgrade 8-35811 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Dorsey Park Building Renovation Expansion B-75840 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Dorsey Park Court Upgrades 8-75844 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 7 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT SyIM'-emu[-`y .__,_.,y}..- _- p--�`�£'' ... J=-I.ti:`� '1�i�5 -}.elf Dorsey Park Irrigation B-75842 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Dorsey Park Landscaping B-75843 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Dorsey Park Playground B-75839 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Dorsey Park Site Furnishings B-75845 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Dorsey Park Sports Turf Upgrades B-75841 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park B-60498 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park Court Upgrades B-75850 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park Irrigations B-75851 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park Landscaping B-75852 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park Parking Lot and Lighting B-75848 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park Playground & Furnishings B-75847 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park Recreation Building Renovations B-60475 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Douglas Park Sports Turf Upgrades B-75849 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Duarte Park Ballfield Renovations B-35819 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Duarte Park Building Renovation/Expansion B-35812 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Duarte Park Court Upgrades B-35814 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Duarte Park Irrigation System Sports Turf Upgrades B-35813 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Duarte Park Parking Lot Improvements B-35818 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Duarte Park Playground Equipment B-35816 Parks and Recreation - Active Construction Duarte Park Water Playground B-30080 Parks and Recreation Active 5- Construction Eaton Park Playground Site Furnishings B-75950 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Ester Mae Armbrister Park Youth Hockey Rink B-30300 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future FEC NE 25th St. Pocket Park B-35874 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Fern Isle Building Renovation B-35821 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Fern Isle Park B-30316 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Gibson Park Bleachers B-60482 Parks and Recreation Active 5- Construction Gibson Park Improvements B-30305 Parks and Recreation Active 4-Bld (JOC) Grapeland Heights Park Site Development B-60496 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Grapeland Park Comm. Recreation Facility & Parking Lot B-30105 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Grapeland Park Court Resurfacing B-35823 Parks and Recreation Active 7.On-Hotd Grapeland Park Water -Theme Park B-35828 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Hadley Park Black Box AC Structure B-30165 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 8 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT P::Iraleat : , u� = :' •tot ? az POpartmo. : F. tens Ph se Hadley Park Court Upgrades B-75958 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Hadley Park Iron Gate (Pool Area) B-30112 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Hadley Park Playground Equipment B-35882 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Hadley Park Pool Lockers 8-35886 Parks and Recreation Active 7-0n-Hold Hadley Park Sports Complex B-35883 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Hadley Park Swimming Pool Renovations B-35897 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Hadley Park Walking Exercise Path and Vita Course B-75960 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Henderson Park Irrigation System B-75892 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Henderson Park New Bathroom Building B-35856 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Jose Marti Park / Asphalt Walkway B-30108 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Court Upgrade B-75898 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Field Bathroom Bldg Improvement B-30125 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Gym B-35857 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre' Design Jose Marti Park Lighting B-75903 Parks and Recreation Active 4-Bid Jose Marti Park New Irrigation B-75897 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Playground Equipment B-75895 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Pool Facility Repairs B-60505 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Pool Improvements B-60478 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Splash Playground B-30124 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Jose Marti Park Sport Turf Upgrades B-75896 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kennedy Park Additional Parking B-60442 Parks and Recreation Active 5- Construction Kennedy Park Boardwalk Renovation B-35839 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Kennedy Park Irrigation B-35840 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kennedy Park Landscaping and Sod B-35841 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kennedy Park Playground B-35836 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kennedy Park Restroom Building Improvements B-35838 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kennedy Park Site Furnishing B-35837 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kinloch Park Community Recreation Building Improvements 8-35832 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kinloch Park Court Upgrades B-35831 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kinloch Park Fencing B-30062 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kinloch Park Irrigation and Turf Upgrades B-75809 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kinloch Park Playground Equipment B-35830 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 9 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT •����st :newt, r #^� .Ai =Lek-F`= Kinloch Park Site Furnishings 8-75807 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Kirk Munroe Tennis Court Improvements B-75854 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Legion Park Game Room Renovation B-30189 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Legion Park Parking Lot Renovation 8-35843 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Legion Park Playground B-75855 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Legion Park Site Furnishings B-75856 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Lemon City Day Care Center B-60272 Parks and Recreation Active Construction Lemon City Park 1 Resurfacing Basketball Courts B-30107 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Lemon City Park Picnic Facilities & Walkways B-75961 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Lemon City Park Playground & Park Equipment B-75963 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Little Haiti Freedom Garden B-30198 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Little Haiti Park - Cultural Center Master Plan B-30308A Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Little Haiti Park - Future Phases B-30308B Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Little Haiti Park - Land Acquisition B-78511 Parks and Recreation Active 5 Construction Little Haiti Park - Soccer and Rec Center B-38500 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Lummus Park Historic Building Restoration 8-35844 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Lummus Park Playground Equipment B-75858 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Lummus Park Recreation Building Improvement B-75859 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Lummus Park Shelters B-75857 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Lummus Park Site Furnishings B-75860 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Margaret Pace Park Improvements - Ph. II 6-35896 Parks and Recreation Active -Pre - Design Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Park Playground B-75862 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Park Site Furnishings 8-75863 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Maximo Gomez/Domino Restroom Improvements 8-35861 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre Design Merrie Christmas Park Playground B-75864 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Merrie Christmas Park Site Furnishings B-75865 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Miami Watersports Center - Boat Ramp B-30100 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Miami Watersports Center Hangar Improvements B-35855 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Miami Watersports Center Island Improvements B-30002 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Miami Watersports Center Parking and Baywalk B-30318 Parks and Recreation Active 5 Construction Miller Dawkins Park Playground Equipment 8-75966 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Moore Park Building Upgrade B-35887 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 10 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT op.47: .. 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I.: F��-- _ a � .-_,.. i� `M l�t�i� • 3 � 'r ".F'I ale Moore Park Court Upgrades B-75970 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Moore Park Door Replacement B-30106 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Moore Park Irrigation Landscaping & Sports Turf 8-75969 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Moore Park New Day Care Center B-35868 Parks and Recreation Active 7.On-Hold Moore Park Shade Structure B-30074 Parks and Recreation Active 5- Construction Moore Park Site Furnishing B-75971 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Moore Park Track Resurfacing 8-75968 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park 1 Canopy Pool Area B-30084 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Baywalk B-35849 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Court Upgrades B-75869 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Landscaping B-75871 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Maintenance Shed Remodeling 8-35848 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Playground B-75866 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Recreation Building Improvements B-35846 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Morningside Park Restroom building Renovation B-35847 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Sailing Equipment B-30063 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Shoreline Stabilization Project 8-30317 Parks and Recreation Active 4-Bld (JOC) Morningside Park Site Furnishings B-75870 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Sports Turf Upgrades 0-75867 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Walkways Upgrades B-75868 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Morningside Park Water Fountains B-75872 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future NE 29 Street Pocket Park 8-78506 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Neighborhood Parks - Improvement Contingencies B-35904 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future North Bay Vista Playground Equipment B-75972 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future NW 34 Street Pocket Park B-78507 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Oakland Grove Park Playground Equipment B-75973 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future ace Park Improvements Court Upgrades B-75876 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 'ace Park Improvements Irrigation B-75881 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 'ace Park Improvements Landscaping B-75875 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 'ace Park Improvements New AIC System B-75880 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future ace Park Improvements Shelter B-75878 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 'ace Park Improvements Shoreline Stabilization B-35850 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 11 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT �� ProJoct = N? - � I,I Rep0na.t ' fatiii6 w1 ,Phase._ Pace Park Improvements Site Furnishings B-75877 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Pace Park Improvements Sports Turf Upgrades B-75873 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Pace Park Improvements Steel Picket Fence B-75874 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Pace Park Improvements Water Fountains B-75879 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Park Maintenance Equipment Acquisisition B-30160 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Parks ADA Transition Plan B-79901 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Parks Facilities General Improvements B-30132 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Parks Master Plan B-35895 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Boardwalk Renovations B-75887 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Court Upgrades B-75888 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Irrigation B-75885 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Landscaping B-75886 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Playground B-75883 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Recreation Building Expansion B-35851 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Roller Hockey Rink 8-30162 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Site Furnishings B-75889 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Peacock Park Sports Turf Upgrades B-75884 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Pools ADA Improvement Handicap Accessible lmprovem B-75996 Parks and Recreation Active 5- Construction Pullman Mini Playground Equipment B-75974 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Rainbow Village Playground Equipment B-75975 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Range Park Building renovation 8-75981 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Range Park Playground Equipment Site Furnishings B-75976 Parks and Recreation Active 5 Construction Range Park Sports Courts Lighting B-75977 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Reeves Park Building Renovations B-35894 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Reeves Park Fencing/Gates B-35909 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Reeves Park Playground Equipment B-75982 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Riverside Park ADA Upgrades B-75914 Parks and Recreation Active 8 Construction Riverside Park Court Upgrade B-75913 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Riverside Park Irrigation B-75912 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Riverside Park Playground B-75910 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Riverside Park Site Furnishings B-75909 Parks and Recreation Future a -Future Riverside Park Sports Turf B-75911 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 12 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT - Pro soh: �[ . ,'Rim�ant = .e J ect = Robert King High Park New Building & Site Improvements B-35868 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- _ Design Roberto Clemente / Safety Surface B-30087 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente ADA Sidewalks B-30091 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Bldg. Restorations B-30172 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Court Upgrades B-75835 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Irrigation B-75836 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Playground B-75833 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Site Ballfield Dugout Improvements B-75838 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Site Furnishings B-75837 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Roberto Clemente Park Sports Turf Upgrades B-75834 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Sewell Park / Asphalt Walkway B-30111 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Sewell Park Playground Equipment B-75811 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Sewell Park Restroom/Office Facility B-35834 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Sewell Park Site Furnishings B-75812 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Shenandoah Park Fencing B-30065 Parks and Recreation Future a -Future Shenandoah Park Improvements B-30304 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Shenandoah Seamless Gutters B-30089 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Simpson Park Building Expansion B-35864 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Simpson Park Signage B-60320 Parks and Recreation Active 7.On-Hold Simpson Park Wood Trail B-60319 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Southside Park ADA Improvements B-75915 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Southside Park Playground Equipment B-75916 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Technology Upgrades for Parks B-30159 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Town Park Playground Equipment B-75985 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Triangle Park Playground Equipment, Site Furnishings & Walkways B-75919 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Various Parks / Lifts & Aqua Chair B-30085 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Virginia Key Beach Park Circulation Road & Parking Improvements 8-30184 Parks and Recreation Active 2-Pre- Design Virginia Key Beach Site Improvements 8-35898 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Virrick Park Community Center - Library and Glaser B-30292 Parks and Recreation Active 3-Design Virrick Park Gym Repairs B-30180 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Virrick Park Pool Building Renovation B-35853 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future Nainwright Park Court Upgrades B-30122 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future 13 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Pr Wainwright Park Playground Equipment & Site Furnishings e-35906 Parks and Recreation pmum 8-Future West Buena Vista Playground Equipment o-75986 Parks and Recreation pmum 8-Future West End Park Playground Equipment o-75932 Parks and Recreation Future ' ' a -Future West End Park Pool Improvements o-35871 Parks and Recreation Future � 8-Future West End Park Splash Playground a-30081 Parks and Recreation ' ' Active 2-Pre- Design Williams Park euildm n���u _ a��1 ��mo�n��� �� 2-Pre- Design Williams Park Court Upgrades B-7598* Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future ' Williams Park Irrigation/Landscaping B-75$$3 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future _ _ Williams Park Playground Equipment B-75980 Parks and Recreation Future o'mmre Williams Park Site Furnishings o'75995 Parks and Recreation pumm o'pmum _ _ Williams Park Sports Turf Upgrades o'75992 Parks and Recreation Future 8-Future ' Williams Park Swimming Pool Improvements B-76890 Parks and Recreation rmmm 8-Future Art Museum -Master Plan B-30170 Planning and Zoning Future ' ' 8-Future . . Bicentennial Park Museum nfScience B-78502 Planning and Zoning pumm 8-Future ' eivontennia|Pem+mMuseum B-78603 Planning and Zoning Future o'pumm Coconut Grove Waterfront Master Plan o'30182 Planning and Zoning Future 8-Future . . Domino Park Expansion and Improvements Project B-30289 Planning and Zoning Active Construction ' ' Historic Preservation Development Initiative B-78512 Planning and Zoning Future 8-Future Historic Preservation |oNat|meu B-38602 Planning and Zoning Future 8-Future ' Museum u/Science ' Master Plan B-3016e Planning and Zoning pumm o-Future _ ovortownSector oignaVoProject B'30604 Planning and Zoning Future o'pmum 000MozRadio System & Mobile Digital Terminal Exp. o-72906 p0000 pumm o-Fumm ' ' n/1Center Generator Replacement o'72816 ponoo pmum o'pmum ' City ufMiami MMPDFire Alarm Modifications B-60433 Pn|ioo Active 5- Construction City nfMiami MMPoFire Suppressor Mvdifioa|unu B-00437 Police Active r'on'*mu David Herring Center Building Improvements B-72922 pmioo Future 8-Future . . David Herring Center Roof neo|evomant o'729e0 punmo Future 8-Future ' David Herring Center Safety & Utility Upgrades B'72921 pvnmo Avwo 3-Design Desktop Computer, Server and Network Upgrade and R B-72913 punoo rumm 8-Future Headquarters Building /woRenovations B-7291* ponua pmum 8-Future ' ' Headquarters Bu|WinOLocker Room Renovation B-72903 Police Active � onnmmm/un Headquarters Building Parking Lot Improvements B-72$19 po|ima rumm 8-Future 14 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT r-�y.rlt� 1f, =it?ilk Headquarters Building Roof Improvements B-72902 Police Future 8-Future Installation of ADA Doores at N,S & HQ Btdgs B-72909 Police Future 8-Future Miami Police Station Forensic Lab B-72927 Police Active 5- Construction MMPD Stables B-30320 Police Active 7-On-Hold North Substation Parking Lot Improvements B-72925 Police Future 8-Future Police Bomb Squad Building B-30082 Police Future 8-Future Police Depart. Main Bldg, Locker Rooms & Bathrooms B-72926 Police Active 3-Design Police Dept. 911 Comm. Unit Electrical Upgrade B-32900 Police Future 8-Future Police Dept. South Substation Roof Improvements B-72928 Police Active 3-Design Police H.Q. Computer Room Electrical Upgrade B-30158 Police Future 8-Future Police Headquarters Walkway/ Pedestrian Gates B-72929 Police Future 8-Future Police Helo Roof Structure & Main Roof B-72915 Police Future 8-Future Police Homeland Def. Preparedness Initiative S2 Bal. 5-30186 Police Future 8-Future Police Homeland Defense Preparedness Initiative B-72911 Police Future 8-Future Police Mobile Digital Terminal Refinement B-72900 Police Future 8-Future Police Parking Garage Structural Repairs B-72907 Police Future 8-Future Police Training Facility (New) B-72910 Police Future 8-Future Property Room Vault Renovations B-72918 Police Future 8-Future South Substation Parking Lot Improvements B-72924 Police Future 8-Future South Substation Security Gates B-72923 Police Active 2-Pre- Design 12th Avenue Public Works Shop Relocation B-30103 Public Works Active 3-Design Adopt a Waterway Program B-50721 Public Works Future 8-Future Allapattah Storm Sewer Impact Fee B-56530 Public Works Future 8-Future Brickell Median Landscaping Maintenance Contract B-60495 Public Works Citywide Canal Cleaning & Maintenance Project B-50710 Public Works Active 5- Construction Active 5 Construction Citywide Emergency Pumping Contract B-50718 Public Works Future 8-Future Citywide GIS Map Storm Sewer Update B-50713 Public Works Future 8-Future Citywide Pump Station Maintenance Project B-50697 Public Works Future 8-Future Citywide Sidewalk Emergency Repair B-43118 Public Works Future 8-Future Citywide Storm Sewer Repair Project B-50712 Public Works Active 5- Construction Citywide Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade B-56500 Public Works Future 8-Future District 3 Curbs & Sidewalks Ph. 1-111 B-43115 Public Works Future 8-Future 15 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Project . � , Solid Solid 2005 Job. ROpartn ent ii ?hate Downtown/Coconut Grove Tree Pruning & Sidewalk Repair Project B-30090 Public Works Future 8-Futura Inspection of Clean -Out County Project No. 629528 B-50709 Public Works Future 8-Future Lawrence Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade B-50652 Public Works 5- Active Construction Little Havana Stormwater Pump Station Maintenance B-56520 Public Works Future 8-Future ,Miami Dade Storm Sewer Clean -Out Project B-50708 Public Works Future 8-Future North Zone Storm Sewer Cleaning & Inspection Project B-50711 Public Works Future 8-Future Orange Bowl & Riverview Generators B-30161 Public Works Future 8-Future Orange Bowl Pump Station Auto Bar Screen B-56540 Public Works Future 8-Future Orange Bowl Stormwater Pump Station Upgrades B-50653 Public Works 5- Active Construction OutfallslBafne Sox Cleaning5- B-50714 Public Works Active Construction Overtown Stormwater Pump Station Upgrades B-50654 Public Works Active 4-Bid River Zone Storm Sewer Cleaning & Inspection Project B-50715 Public Works Future 8-Future Riverview Building Upgrade B-30110 Public Works Future 8-Future Riverview Stormwater Pump Station Upgrades (Hood) B-50650 Public Works Active 5" Construction Scavenger 2000 Depollution Boat B-50719 Public Works Future 8-Future Sidewalk Repair & ADA 13-43114 Public Works Future 8-Future South Zone Storm Sewer Cleaning & Inspection B-50717 Public Works Future 8-Future Storm Sewer Equipment Aquisition B-30156 Public Works Future 8-Future Storm Sewer Inlet Retrofitting 8-30157 Public Works Future 8-Future JS-1 Medians Landscaping Maintenance Contract B-60489 Public Works &- Active Construction factor Truck Debris Hauling B-56081A Public Works Future 8-Future /actor Truck Debris Removal B-50681 Public Works Future 8-Future Nagner Creek Fence Repair Project B-50720 Public Works Future 8-Future Natson Island SanitarySewers &50590 Public Works Active 5- Construction Nest Zone Storm Sewer Cleaning & Inspection Project B-50716 Public Works Future 8-Future )urchase of Tractor with Hoists & Roll on/off B-73203 Solid Waste Future 8-Future ;did Waste Capital Improvement FY 1999 - FY 2003 B-73204 Solid Waste Future 8-Future Waste Capital Improvement FY 2000 - FY 2005 B-73205 Solid Waste Future 8-Future iolid Waste Collection Equipment B-73202 Solid Waste Future 8-Future Waste Expanded Facilities B-73201 Solid Waste Future 8-Future lolid Waste Removal Pilot Program B-73206 Solid Waste Future 8-Future Roadways Bond Program (Contingency) B-30187 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future 16 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT �-, J.F. _ t-a-. gas Z — - k ,C Yn• -' 1AMC oirAffe.?? 2005 Streets Bond - Debt Service from LOGT B-30148 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future 2005 Streets Bond - Debt Service from Parking Surcharge B-30147 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future 2005 Streets Bond - Debt Service from TST B-30149A Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future 36 to 41 St NE 1 Avenue Reconstruction B-31211 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future 9th Street Pedestrian Mall Railroad Crossing B-31226 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Allapattah Road Improvements Project B-40702 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Auburn Storm Sewer Ph. I & II B-30012 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Auburn Storm Sewer Phase III B-30007 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Avalon Storm Sewer Project, Phase I - II B-50685 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Battersea and Douglas Road Storm Sewer Improvement B-50700 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Beacom Blvd. Enhancements B-39909 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Belle Mead Storm Sewers Ph. I B-30010 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Belle Meade Storm Sewer Project, Phase 11 B-50672 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Brickell Area Street Improvement B-30094 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Brickell Area Traffic Operations B-71209 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Brickell Streetscape Project B-40666 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Brickell Village Improvements B-30176 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Buena Vista East Historic Dist-Streetscape Impvmts B-78500 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Buena Vista Heights B-40699 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future 1 Buena Vista Heights-Streetscape Improvements B-78501 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Calle Ocho Improvements B-78509 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future City Hall Entryway & ADA Compliance B-60002 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction Citywide Circulator Services B-71201 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Citywide Drainage Projects B-59900 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Citywide New Street Construction B-40636 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction Citywide Sidewalk Replacement Project Phase 24 B-40664 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction Citywide Tragic Calming 8-30096 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Coconut Grove Storm Sewerllmpact Fee Proj PH 11 B-50660 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction Coconut Grove Street Improvements B-30099 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Coconut Grove Traffic Calming B-30004 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Consul -Tech General Engineering Consultant Services B-71217 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design 5- Coral Gate Entryway B-60491 Transportation & Transit Active Construction 17 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT PCo eb = ob N p II Merit t} }il pp- h Coral Gate Traffic Calming B-40688 Transportation & Transit Active 4-Bld (JOC) Coral Way Beautification Ph. II B-60450 Transportation & Transit Active 2-Pre Design Coral Way Beautification Uplighting PH I B-60451 Transportation & Transit Active 6- Construction Design District/FEC series 2 Balance (SWAP) B-30178 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Downtown Baywalk Master Plan & Design B-30179 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Downtown DRI Transportation Component B-31220 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Downtown Infrastructure Series 2 Balance B-30185 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Downtown Infrastructure Streets - Phase II B-30177 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Downtown Infrastructure Streets Phase I B-39902 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Downtown Storm Sewer Projects - Phase II B-50658 Transportation & Transit Active 7-On-Hold Downtown Street Conversions 13-71210 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Dupont Plaza Traffic Recirculation B-31206 Transportation & Transit Future 0-Future E. Allapattah River GreenwaylStreetscape B-40687 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future East Little Havana Sidewalk Replacement Project B-40677 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction Englewood Storm Sewer B-30011 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Fairlawn Storm Sewer B-50629 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Proj Ph 2B B-50703 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Proj Ph III B-50704 Transportation & Transit Active 2-Pre- Design Fairlawn Storm Sewer Pump Station Proj Ph 2A B-50702 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Fairway Storm Sewers B-30017 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Flagami Traffic Calming Improvement B-40672 Transportation & Transit Active 4-Bid (JOC) FlagamilWest End Storm Sewer Improvements PH II B-50695 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Flagami/West End Storm Water Pump Stations Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 B-50696 Transportation & Transit Active 4-Bid (JOC) Flagler Street Marketplace Streetscape Project B-40667 Transportation & Transit Active 4-Bid Garden Storm Sewer - Phase I B-30183 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Glenroyal Storm Sewer Phase III B-30008 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Grand Avenue Streetscape Project B-40680 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction HDR Program Management Services B-71214 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Holliman Park Area Street Improvements B-40705 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Impact Fee Study B-72500 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future ntermodal Planning Component B-31201 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future <intoch Storm Sewer Improvements Project B-50705 Transportation & Transit Active 2-Pre- Design 18 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT • • Pic)* ob NQ=; Lawnview Storm Sewer Ph. III opailment tafius .`pht to B-30009 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Liberty City Drainage Impr. Project - Ph2 (FEMA) B-50694 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Liberty City Drainage Improvements Project PH I B-50692 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Liberty Storm Sewers B-30016 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Little Havana St. & Sidewalk Improvements B-40657 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Little River Road Improvements Project - Phase B-40700 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Little River Road Improvements Project PH II B-40701 Transportation & Transit f Future Little River Storm Sewers Ph. II B-30015 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Memorial Blvd. B-30309 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Miami Greenway NEOLOFT Segment El B-40707 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Miami River Greenway - Other B-40685 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Miami River Greenway Streetscape Project - Seg A B-40690 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Miami River Greenway Streetscape Project - Seg B B-40691 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Miami River Greenway Streetscape Project - Seg C B-40692 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Miami River Greenway Streetscape Project - Seg E2 B-40693 Transportation & Transit Active Miami River Greenway Streetscape Project - Seg F 8-40694 Transportation & Transit Active Miami River Greenway Streetscape Project - Seg G B-40695 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Miami River Greenway SW 2nd Ave. to S. Miami Ave. B-30130 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Miami River Greenwaysl Streetscape Segment D (ELH) B-40686 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Milling & Resurfacing 1" Asphalt (Master Contract) B-73102 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Model City Infrastructure - MLK Boulevard B-78505 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Model City Infrastructure Improvements B-78504 Transportation & Transit 1 Active Model City Trust Infrastructure Improvements B-33150 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Model City/ Floral Park - St. Improv. PH I B-40703 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Model City/ Floral Park - St. Improv. PH II B-30138 Transportation & Transit 1 Future Model City/ Floral Park - St. Improv. PH 111 B-30139 Transportation & Transit Morningside Traffic Calming Project B-40682 Transportation & Transit MPO Grant Application for "Traffic Study for the Civic Center Area" B-30093 Transportation & Transit MPO Grant Application for Regional Traffic Impact Study b/w City & City of Miami Beach B-30092 Transportation & Transit N. Miami Avenue Reconstruction B-31216 Transportation & Transit N. Miami Court Reconstruction B-31213 Transportation & Transit NE 1 Avenue Reconstruction B-31212 Transportation & Transit 8-Future 3-Design 3-Design 8-Future 6- Construction 8-Future 8-Future 8-Future 3-Design 3-Design 8-Future 3-Design 3-Design 3-Design 3-Design 3-Design 3-Design 8-Future 8-Future 5- Construction 8-Future 2-Pre- Design a -Future 8-Future 8-Future Future 8-Future Future 8-Future Future 8-Future Future 8-Future Future 8-Future Future 8-Future Future 8-Future 19 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Praloot ,Job No Department Status `: Phase NE 1 Court Reconstruction B-31214 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NE 2 Avenue Improvements B-78508 Transportation & Transit Future NE 2 Avenue StreetCar Pilot Project B-71203 Transportation & Transit 8-Future Future 1 8-Future NE 38 Street Reconstruction B-31209 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NE 39 Street Reconstruction (Design Disl/FEC) B-31208 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NE 40 Street Reconstruction B-31207 Transportation & Transit NE 41 Street Reconstruction B-31219 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Future 8-Future NE 42 Street Reconstruction B-31218 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NE 43 Street Reconstruction B-31217 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NE 9, 10 & 11 Two Way St. Conversion bet. Bisc Blvd. & NE 2nd Ave. B-33100 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design NE Miami Place Reconstruction B-31215 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Neighboorhood Gateways - Beacom Blvd B-30143 Transportation & Transit Active 2-Pre- Design Neighboorhood Gateways - District 1 B-30141 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Neighboorhood Gateways - District 2 B-30142 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Neighboorhood Gateways - District 4 B-30144 Transportation & Transit Active 2-Pre- Design Neighboorhood Gateways - District 5 B-30145 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future North River Dr.Spring Garden Impr. Project B-40643 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Northwest Storm Sewers B-30014 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NW 14 Street Project B-50686 Transportation & Transit Active 4-Bid (JOC) NW 15 Avenue improvements Project B-40689 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design NW 20th Street Beautification - Phase 1 B-30181 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NW 2nd Avenue (18th to 20th Street) B-30135 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future NW 34 Avenue Road Improvements Project B-40696 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design NW 35 Street Road Improvements Project B-40706 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction NW 71 St. Main Trunk Storm Sewer B-30018 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Oakland Grove Street Improvements B-30097 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Overtown Landscape Improvements B-38503 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Paramics Model B-71206 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Pinehurst Storm Sewer Retrofitting Project B-50683 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Pios & Sons Enterprises - Sidewalk Construction Services B-73103 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction Reid Acres Storm Sewers B-30013 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345 PW 60 B-40652 Transportation & Transit Active 5- Construction 20 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT • Street Car Project Pride0# Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345 PW 644-0 No: Bent f� 8tts I Phase B-40651 Transportation & Transit Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345 PW 645-0 B-40656 Transportation & Transit Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345 PW 647-0 B-40653 Transportation & Transit Road Rehabilitation, FEMA 1345, PW 611-0 B-40654 Transportation & Transit Roads Area Traffic Calming Active 5- Construction Active 5 Construction Active 5 Construction Active 8 Construction B-40671 Transportation & Transit Active 1 4-Bid (JOC) S. Bayshore Drive Median Beautification B-30137 Transportation & Transit SE 8 Street Two Way Conversion B-31204 Transportation & Transit Shenandoah Traffic Calming Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future B-30167 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future Shenandoah Traffic Calming (Study Only) B-30006 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Silver Bluff Traffic Calming B-30168 Transportation & Transit Active 1 3-Design Silver Bluff Traffic Calming (Study Only) B-30003 Transportation & Transit Active 1 3-Design South Miami Avenue Improvements B-60479 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future South Miami Avenue Two Way Conversion B-31205 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future Spring Garden Bridge Repairs B-60459 Transportation & Transit Storm Sewer Forcemain System - Construction B-50693 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future Active ' 5- Construction B-71215 Transportation & Transit Active I 3-Design Street Maintenance Program Project B-30023 Transportation & Transit Future f 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30031 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30034 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30041 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30054 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30048 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30024 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30025 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30030 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project B-30047 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future Future 1 8-Future B-30020 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30021 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project Future 1 8-Future 6-30022 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future . Street Maintenance Program Project Street Maintenance Program Project B-30026 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future B-30028 Transportation & Transit Street Maintenance Program Project Future 1 8-Future B-30035 Transportation & Transit Future 1 8-Future 21 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Project Job •No. Department - Status Phase Street Maintenance Program Project B-30039 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30040 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30019 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30027 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30029 Transportation & Transit Future a -Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30032 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30033 Transportation & Transit Future a -Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30036 Transportation & Transit Future a -Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30037 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30038 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30043 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30044 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30045 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30046 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30042 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30049 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30050 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30051 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30052 Transportation & Transit Future a -Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30053 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30055 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30056 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30057 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30058 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30059 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30060 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30061 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Street Maintenance Program Project B-30188 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future SW 16 Terrace Road Priority Reconstruction Project B-40698 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design SW 16 Terrace Street Improvements B-50691 Transportation & Transit Active 5 Construction SW 22nd Terr. improvements - Aston B-39907 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future SW 27 & 28 St Closures - East of 27 Ave. B-30083 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design 22 INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT • • • Project . • - Job -No.- . -Department Status Phase SW 3 Avenue Two Way Conversion B-71212 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future SW 32 Avenue Improvements B-40704 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future SW 69 Avene Road Priority Reconstruction Project B-40697 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Tamiami Canal Drive (West of Lejeune) B-30136 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Tamiami Storm Sewer Improvements Project B-50706 Transportation & Transit Active 2-Pre- Design Transit Half -Cent Surtax Annual Balance B-30149B Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future URS Program Management Services B-71216 Transportation & Transit Active 3-Design Venetian Causeway Improvements B-39911 Transportation & Transit Future 8-Future Old Virginia Key Bch Park Sewer Pump Station B-30282 Virginia Key Park Trust Active 3-Design Old Virginia Key Bch Park)Renovations/Repairs-PH I B-30281 Virginia Key Park Trust Active 5- Construction Virginia Key Beach Park Master Plans B-30164 Virginia Key Park Trust Future 8-Future VKBP Sanitary Force Main Road Reconstruction B-30199 Virginia Key Park Trust Active 3-Design Notes: 23