HomeMy WebLinkAboutexhibit• THE CITY OF MIAMI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2004 - 2005 and Multi -Year Capital Plan DRAFT November 18, 2004 • o • TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE Mayor's Capital Budget Message Chief Administrator's Capital Budget Message 1. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Introduction A Overview B Summary Report — Funding by Program Area Table B-1 Detail Project Report — Funding by Program Area Table B-2 2. PROGRAM AREA DETAILS Summary Report — Funded Proportion by Dept. Table C-1 Capital Improvements Department C REPORTS BY PROGRAM AREA & DEPT. PUBLIC SAFETY Fire -Rescue D Police E RECREATION & CULTURE Parks & Recreation F Conference, Convention & Public Facilities G INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT Transportation H Public Works I Solid Waste J COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development K Planning L GENERAL GOVERNMENT & SERVICES Information Technology M GSA / Facilities Management N Other Departments 0 3. HOMELAND DEFENSE / NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT BOND PROJECTS HDNIB Program P Project Appropriations Q Program Expenditures R HDNIB Active Projects S • TABLE OF CONTENTS 4. FUNDING Funding Overview T Funding Reports U Summary Report by Funding Type Table U-1 Detail Project Report by Funding Type Table U-2 Summary Report by Capital Fund Table U-3 Detail Project Report by Capital Fund Table U-4 5. DISTRICT PROJECTS District 1 V District 2 W District 3 X District 4 Y District 5 Z 6. APPENDIX Glossary of Terms 7. MAPS Citywide Flood Mitigation Projects Citywide Waterfront Improvement Projects Citywide Street Maintenance Projects Citywide NET Areas 8. INDEX TO PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT Projects By Department and Project Number 2004-2005 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN • • CITY of MIAMI, FLORIDA Manuel A. Diaz Mayor Mayor's Capital Budget Message As Mayor of the City of Miami, and on behalf of my colleagues on the City Commission, I am pleased to present the 2004-2005 Capital Improvements Program and Multi -Year Capital Plan - the CIP. Among the many changes we've implemented since I became Mayor, the re -introduction of a capital planning process is yet another initiative that puts City government back on track as an effective, service- and result -oriented force bent on meeting the needs of its residents and visitors. The importance of this type of investment plan cannot be overstated — the preservation and management of these significant capital resources, both physical assets and funding, are the foundation on which we build the Miami of the future, the heart of South Florida and the gateway to the rest of the country for Latin America and the Caribbean. The CIP has taken the key priorities from its electorate and translates those needs and issues into a framework for action. Thus, the CIP emphasizes three critical themes: to preserve City infrastructure and facilities, to maximize capital investment through regular repairs and maintenance, and to plan and schedule financial and other resources to accommodate future growth and needs. The partners in this process are many, and all have valid input to guide the path and outcome of these important investments — the residents and businesses we serve, your elected officials, the City Administration, and regulatory agencies, to name a few. In the reorganized City Administration, the City Manager has set up a well -qualified workforce of architects, engineers, and financial managers in the Department of Capital Improvements and Transportation, and paired them with recognized program and production managers from, the private sector, our industry partners. Together, they administer our capital and transportation project program, with all City Departments playing integral roles. Individual capital projects, or expenditure forecasts, in the plan are organized by department and functional category, and are programmed for the up -coming 2004-05 fiscal year and into the next five years, ending in fiscal year 2009-10. Revenue has been analyzed and projected for future years, then assigned to those projects and needs that take precedence according to the mandates of the people we serve. We are fortunate that, in this time of plenty, our traditional revenue streams are now augmented by new bond and surtax funds entrusted to us by the voters. This dynamic plan is just that — a guideline that is adaptable on many levels, with the ability to change to meet the changing needs and priorities of our community. This plan will not only guide existing efforts to improve our parks, our streets, our gathering places and our safety and security network, it will be modified almost immediately to accommodate the ever shifting requirements of our emerging urban neighborhoods and business sectors. With the CIP and continued dialogue with our constituents, the City Commission and I are better equipped to mold Miami for future generations 2004-2005 PROPOSED CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN • • CITY of MIAMI, FLORIDA Joe Arriola Chief Administrator / City Manager Capital Budget Message With the adoption of the 2004-2005 Capital Program and Multi -Year Capital Plan, the "CIP", the City of Miami takes another step in its journey to become the world class city it is destined to be. In the year 2004, Miami's Capital and Transportation Improvements Program has taken shape as a driving force behind the revitalization of the heart of South Florida - its neighborhoods and the urban center. Under the guidance of Miami's elected officials, capital improvements are once again focused on core planning principles and fundamental urban needs: infrastructure, transportation and quality .of life. The Plan demonstrates the City's renewed commitment to positively impact the lives and well-being of its residents and visitors by improving, enhancing or expanding the streets on which we travel, the paths on which we walk, the parks where we play, the fire and police facilities that keep us safe, and the infrastructure that maintains our environment, ultimately all intended to bring vitality back to the neighborhoods and commercial corridors as the cornerstones of the community. The CIP attempts to address all of the currently identified needs in the City within the limitations of the available funding revenues. The CIP by nature is a dynamic, evolving document that will continually be refined as each of the projects within the CIP advances. This most likely will include projects moving in and out of the years in which they are programmed as well as the introduction of new projects and possibly the modification or elimination of others. As City priorities, project scopes of work, cost estimates and production schedules are more precisely defined, the CIP will be modified to reflect any necessary changes. It is in this context that we respectfully request your approval of the CIP presented before you. To greater emphasize the role of these improvements in shaping the Miami of the future, we created the Capital Improvements and Transportation office for the sole purpose of planning, coordinating, executing and monitoring capital projects and the expenditure of capital funds. This department has a clear mandate to work with staff, the Administration and City officials to develop and implement a Capital Program that balances key community needs, policy directives, and the physical condition of assets and facilities. We are fortunate to have allied our in-house resources with recognized private - sector experts, our "industry partners," and together we are finding innovative ways to speed the delivery of these improvements to the public. Armed with revenue sources such as the Homeland Defense Neighborhood Improvement Bonds, the County's Transit Surtax, and a new Parking Surcharge beginning in 2004-05 with the unified support of City leadership, the ingredients are all in place for the successful physical rebirth of the City of Miami. 411 CITYMIAMI • TABLE OF ORGANIZATION FY 2004 - 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAIRMAN J. SANCHEZ VICE CHAIRMAN A GONZALEZ COMMISSIONER J. ALLEN COMMISSIONER T. REGALADO COMMISSIONER J. WINTON RESIDENTS of MIAMI City Clerk Priscilla Thompson Auditor General Victor igwe City Attorney Jorge L. Fernandez Virginia Key Beach Park Trust David Shorter Civil Service Board Tishna Mindingall Model City Revffaffzadon Trust Marva Wiley Downtown Development Authority Dana Nottingham Miami Sports & Exhibition Authority James Jenkins Bayfront Park Management Trust Tim Schmand Community Redevelopment Agency Frank Rollason Off -Street Parting Authority Arthur Noriega CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR / CITY MANAGER JOE ARRIOLA • Grants - Robert Ruano • NET - Ricardo Gonzalez • Agenda - Elvi Alonso • F.A.C.E. • Community Relations - Ada Rajas EXECUTIVE MAYOR MANUEL A. DIAZ Mayors International Council Police Chief John Timoney Fire Chief William Bryson Communications Kelly Penton Hearing Boards Teresita Femandez Rre Fighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust Robert H. Nagle Civilian Investigative Panel (Professional CompEance staff of C!P) Shirley Richardson 'Acting/Interim General Employees and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust Sandra Benberg Deputy Chief Achninistrator Chief Financial Officer I inch Hankins Finance Scott Simpson Purchasing Glenn Marcos Dept. of Economic H Development Keith Carswell Dept of Employee Relations Rosalie Mark Public Facilities Christina Abrams Community Development Barbara Gomez -Rodriguez Risk Management Dania Carrillo Chief of operation Alida Cuervo Schreiber Transportatfon/Capitaf improvements May Conway Public Works Stephanie Grindell Solid Waste Mario Saldeviva` GSA Alex J. Martinez' Building Hector Lima Planning and Zoning Ma Gelabert Parkes and Recreation Ernest Burkeen, Jr. ChieffInfommtion Officer information Technology Peter Korinis Chief ofSnategic Planning Budgeting & Performance Larry Spring CfUSlat Don Riedel