HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-PresentationObjections to the Villa Magna
• Compatibility
• Adverse Impact on
the Neighborhood
Why is The Villa Magna too big?
_ eoy/bz5.- se/42,7,V; 3 ,
'TEMoz33 ON ic—o,
• The Villa Magna is
not in scale with
other Brickell
residential buildings
• It is TOO BIG
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Adverse Impacts.
Adverse impacts of the
Villa Magna are:
1)to the environment
2)to living conditions in
the neighborhood
Because of
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection If/lb
item v?.
Priscilla A. C y Clerk
Why is the Villa Magna Too Big?
1. Understated Floor
2. Overestimated FAR
3. Too many FAR
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Why is the Villa Magna Too
Understated Floor Area
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item __--
L-33 on iD GU
Priscilla A. Thompson lerk
1. Understated Floor Area
• First ... some background
• The prior proposal that was to go before
you on June 215t,
- in addition to being too big,
- suffered from serious flaws in the calculation of
floor areas
- and the calculation of FAR Bonuses that favored
a larger development.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Understated Floor Area
• In summary, the June 21st proposal:
• Undercounted FAR -subject area by 146,488
square feet*
- 111,240 in the two towers (floors 15 - 59)
- 2,687 s.f. on the pedestal floor (floor 14)
- 32,736 s.f. in the 11 pedestal floors (floors 2 - 11)
- 175 s.f. over -count on the ground floor
* data sheet floor areas used as FAR basis were lower than the sum of values and
scale measurements on the floor plates contained in the application.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item P2 -33 on to) 4 ibq
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Over -Estimated Allowable FAR
• The June 21St Proposal also over -calculated
allowable FAR by 48,507 s.f.
• Base FAR correct
1. Affordable Housing Trust Fund: correct
2. PUD Bonus correct
3. Brickell SD-5 Retail Bonus 10,875 s.f.
4. Underground Parking Bonus 37,632 s.f.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Understated Floor Area
• Combined, the effect of over -calculated
allowable FAR and under -reported floor area
• Allowed a total 194,995 s.f. of floor area that
was not allowable.
• 16% of the 1,197,012 s.f. project was not
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item P2 -33 on 10,E fn'/
Priscilla A. Thompson 5
City Clerk
Understated Floor Area
• End of the history
• How has it been fixed?
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Understated Floor Area
• Residential floor space was added up
correctly per the floor plates.
• Residential hallways and lobbies in all
upper floors were included. (not included prior)
• Parking bonus was withdrawn.
• Retail bonus was recalculated.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
� f
item' Pz-33 on lo)oil
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Understated Floor Area
• And where does the excess floor area
come out of the building?
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has it been Reduced?
• Original proposal
applied for 194,995 s.f.
that are not permitted
• This application
removes 197, 725 s.f.
- South Tower, 8 floors
- North Tower, 7 floor
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection wi
item pz. - 33 on 10)s4IDy
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
How has it been Reduced?
• However, 35,444 s.f of FAR -subject
area has also been added.
• And... the 50,987 s.f.* SD-5
Underground Parking Bonus
has been withdrawn.
• June 210 application data sheet incorrectly showed this bonus as 80,743 s.f.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has it been Reduced?
• This amended application still needs
to be about 86,000 s.f. smaller.
• Where has it been removed?
• Not where, but how? - Four ways...
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection wit,
item 'Pz-33 on 1t.,� e1)
Priscilla A. Thompson 8
City Clerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
I. Conversion of FAR Space
• 1,450 s.f of retail
space on the
ground floor has
been converted to
non -FAR space:
- 500 s.f. "admin.
support" space
- 950 s.f. mechanical
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
II. Common Space Re -labeled
• Lobbies and sections of hallway, once part
of the residential floor area have been
removed by re -labeling as access to
accessory uses.
• Neither Sec 605.5, nor Article 25 suggest
that hallways and lobbies to accessory
uses should be excluded from floor area,
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public.
record in connection wit'
item 7z.31 on !o os1
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
II. Common Space Re -labeled
• On the 14th floor of the North Tower, the hallway
west of the main elevators is not counted; however
the west elevator and stairwell provide access to
many residential units on other floors.
Why is The Villa Magna too big?
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
II. Common Space Re -labeled
• On the 14th floor of the South Tower, the lobby to
the pool is not counted, suggesting that its function
is recreational; however it is simply access to the
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item P2-33 on /D- t ' /
Prj-cilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
III. Offices as Accessory Uses
• There are 5 locations with office uncounted office
- "administrative support" space 500 s.f. 1st fl.
- office space in the South Tower 1,050 s.f. 14th fl.
ffice space in the South Tower 400 S.F. 14th fl.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
III. Offices as Accessory Uses
• and there are
2 new office
on the 5th
and 8th floors
of 4,620 s.f.
each, and
totaling to
9,240 s.f.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item PL-33 on io -'-v -o#'
Prisci!!a A. Thompson
City clerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
III. Offices as Accessory Uses
• 11,190 s.f. of office space presented as
accessory, and marked as non FAR space:
- Ground floor "Admin. Support" 500 s.f.
- 14th floor "Office" in south tower 1,050 s.f
- 14th fi. "Office" to multi -purpose room 400 s.f.
- 5th floor "Administrative Offices" 4,620 s.f.
- 8th floor "Administraitve Offices"
• Enough space for 30 to 50 office workers.
4,620 s.f.
11,190 s.f.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
III. Offices as Accessory Uses
• Article 25 does not provide for the exclusion
of "Administrative Offices" from residential
floor area.
• With regard to residential Floor are and
office space, Article 25 provides only that
"(d) staff space for therapy or examination
in group care housing" is not countable as
residential floor area.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted into the public
record in connection wit
item -3 on!
Priscilla A. Thompson 12
City Clerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
III. Offices as Accessory Uses
• Then the exclusion from FAR space is
therefore because the use is considered
• Sec 605.5 states that such a use must be
"customarily accessory and clearly
incidental to permitted principal uses"...
• There is nothing that shows that 11,190 s.f of
office space is clearly. incidental.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
IV. Residential Air Handlers
• Throughout 1,118 residential units, 20 square
feet for each unit's air conditioning equip-
ment has been removed from FAR.
calculations. (yellow boxes)
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection wi h
item .T2 33 on r6
Priscilla A. Thompson Clerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
IV. Residential Air Handlers
• Shown in yellow, these spaces add up to
22,360 square feet
• equivalent to 2 stories of the North Tower's
FAR space. (22,726 s.f.)
South Tower
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
IV. Residential Air Handlers
• Non FAR
space within
units, and not
by common
space has
not been
utilized on
prior permits.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item pa 3 on /it
Priscilla A. Thompsonilerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
IV. Residential Air Handlers
• This decision may be legislative, since
mechanical space within areas not
accessible by common space is not
specifically referenced in the zoning ord.
Article 25,
floor area,
paragraph (f)
■■ ■ �a� ■
■■ m .al
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
IV. Residential Air Handlers
• Article 25 excludes from residential FAR
calculations, "mechanical rooms"
• The South Florida Building Code requires a
mechanical room to be fully enclosed with
a door of at least 30" in width.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection wi"
item P Z- 33 A
Priscilla Thompson
City Clerk
How has Floor Area been Reduced?
IV. Residential Air Handlers
• Both the City's zoning ordinance and the
SFBC require that walls for these spaces be
articulated, and that the space can have
no other use, such as personal storage.
• All other mechanical spaces, elevator
shafts, and stairwells are articulated in the
plans by black -lined walls.
• The 1,118 A/C spaces are not.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Why is the Villa Magna Too Big?
1. Understated Floor
2. Overestimated FAR
3. Too many FAR
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
item Piz -33 on /to
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Submitted Into the public
record in connection w'th
Over -Estimated Allowable FAR:
Retail Bonus
• The Retail Bonus is overstated
• The Project Data Sheet shows a total retail
bonus of 98,850 s.f. based on the bonus in
Sec. 605.7.2 (1).
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Over -Estimated Allowable FAR:
Retail Bonus
• The bonus is
based on 3
ground level
retail spaces:
(shown in blue)
Retail 16,400 s.f.
Retail 2,100 s.f.
Restaurant 14,450 s.f.
Bonus = 98,859s.f.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection W a y
item P...?._- °n io
Priscilla A. Thompson
Over -Estimated Allowable FAR:
Retail Bonus
• The inclusion of the restaurant space over-
states the SD-5 Retail Bonus by 43,350 s.f.
• Total allowable floor area should be
1,040,565 s.f.
• Not 1,083,915 s.f. per the project data sheet.
Why Is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public'
record in connection th
item Pz -32 on to - sV
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Why is the Villa Magna Too Big?
1. Understated Floor
2. Overestimated FAR
3. Too many FAR
Why is the Villa Magna Too big?
Effect of the Bonuses
• Impermissible floor
area removed -
new roof line shown
by red line
• From 59 floors to:
• 52 floors North Tower,
• 51 floors South Tower.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connoelcti o pi
2- 3
Pris A. Thompson
City Clerk
Effect of the Bonuses
• Underground
Parking Bonus:
• Withdrawn
• 53,987 sq. ff.
• Approx. 2 floors of
both towers
• 50 floors North Tower,
49 floors South Tower.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Effect of the Bonuses
• Ground Floor Retail
• 98,850 sq. ff.
• 3 '/z floors of the towers
• 46 floors North Tower,
46 floors South Tower.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection Jio n w
item 33-- h
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Effect of the Bonuses
• PUD (Planned Unit
• 137,263 sq. ff.
• 5 floors of the towers
• 41 floors North Tower,
41 floors South Tower.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Effect of the Bonuses
• Affordable kousing
Trust Bonus:
• 161,485 sq. ft.
• 6 floors of the towers
• 35 floors North Tower,
35 floors South Tower.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection ith
item P2-3.on /o
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Do Not Approve the
Villa Magna MUSP
• Because of over -calculated bonuses, and
under -calculated floor area.
• The cumulative effect of the bonuses
produces a project out of scale with its
• Only 63% of the floor area is from the Base
FAR allowance of 4.25.
Why is the Villa Magna too big?
Why is the Villa Magna Too big?
Submitted Into the public
record in connection witki
item _p_2:33 on is )a+ ,v
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Submitted Into the public
record in connection 'th
item 2 L33 on 1a 1.,) py
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk