HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-MemoRE: -- 05-2004 11:39AM FROM -THREE TEQUESTA POINT it esti, m MEMORANDUM TO: All Residents FROM: Elizabeth Enriquez DATE: May 27, 2004 Proposed Project/Villa Magna Miami City Commission Hearing T-977 P.002 F-379 Please be advised that there will be a hearing today at 3:00 pm at the following address: Miami City Commission Hearing City Hall, City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 Our Board President wrote a letter to the City Mayor and City Commissions suggesting that a traffic study be completed regarding the impact of such new development on Brickell Bay Drive. The letter expressed our concerns about the size of the project and the traffic impact this project may bring to our area. A copy of the letter is attached. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM PZ33 ONLas-o THREE TEQUESTA POINT, A CONDOMINIUM AssocIATIoN 848 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 503, Miami, Florida 33131 305-373-2922 FAX 305.373-2923 1 Gu/_oa��D- sG1��,!' _Ci/ err(L JUN-05-2004 11:38AM FROM -THREE TEQUESTA POINT May 25, 2004 � lhree13 �"Poin'fr'es Mr. Joe M. Sanchez City of Miami Commissioner 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Commissioner Sanchez: T-977 P.004 F-379 In regards to the proposed Villa Magna development on 1201 Brickell Bay Drive, I am writing on behalf of Three Tequesta Point Condominium Association t•D express our grave concerns about the size and traffic impact of this project Specifically, it is my understanding that the developer is seeking 'FAR bonuses significantly beyond those which have been given to other developments in the neighborhood. This would allow the building to have over 1,200 units instead of the approved 375 and also have more than 1,400 parking spaces instead of the approved 550 spaces. In light of the dramatic increase in development along Brickell Bay Drive, we are concerned that the large increase in traffic could hinder access to Brickell Key. We would also suggest that a traffic study be completed regarding the impact of such new developments on Brickell Bay Drive and Brickell Avenue, and that any approval of FAR bonuses for developments on these two streets be contingent on SW 8th Street becoming a 2-way road at Brickell Avenue and on requiring such FAR bonuses to be much more limited in nature. Respectfully, FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ca -- r-- (X. Carlos A. Migoya President Submitted into the public record in connection with item P?-33 on io •aq Priscilla A. Thompson` City Clerk( THREE, TEOUESTA POINT, A CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 848 Brickell Key Drive. Suite 503, Miami, Florida 33131 305-373-2922 FAX 3115-373-2923 JUN-05-2004 11:39AM FROM -THREE TEQUESTA POINT +3053732923 T-977 P.006 F-379 ihree aeggest, sn May 25, 2004 Mr. Johnny L. Winton City of Miami Commissioner 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Commissioner Winton: In regards to the proposed Villa Magna development on 1201 Brickell Bay Drive, I am writing on behalf of Three Tequesta Point Condominium Association to express our grave concerns about the size and traffic impact of this project Specifically, it is my understanding that the developer is seeking FAR bonuses significantly beyond those which have been given to other developments in the neighborhood. This would allow the building to have over 1,200 units instead of the approved 375 and also have more than 1,400 parking spaces instead of the approved 550 spaces. In light of the dramatic increase in development along Brickell Bay Drive, we are concerned that the large increase in traffic could hinder access to Brickell Key. We would also suggest that a traffic study be completed regarding the impact of such new developments on Brickell Bay Drive and Brickell Avenue, and that any approval of FAR bonuses for developments on these two streets be contingent on SW 8'1' Street becoming a 2-way road at BrickeIl Avenue and on requiring such FAR bonuses to be much more limited in nature. Respectfully, FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carlos A. Migoya President Submitted into the public record in connection with item -3 3 on !e - Priscilla A. Thom y pson City Clerk THREE TEOUESTA POINT, A CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 848 Brickell Key Orive, Sui[e 503, Miami, Florida 33131 305-373-2922 FAX 305.373-2923 JUN-05-2004 11:39AM1 FROM -THREE TEQUESTA POINT May 25, 2004 Mr. Manny Diaz City of Miami Mayor 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mayor Manny Diaz: Three, , (Teq�es�a m T-9T7 P.008 F-3T9 In regards to the proposed Villa Magna development on 1201 Brickell Bay Drive, I am writing on behalf of Three Tequesta Point Condoriiinium Association to express our grave concerns about the size and traffic impact of this project Specifically, it is my understanding that the developer is seeking FAR bonuses significantly beyond those which have been given to other developraents in the neighborhood. This would allow tine building to have over 1,200 units instead of the approved 375 and also have more than 1,400 parking spaces instead of the ,.approved 550 spaces. In light of the dramatic increase in development along Brickell Bay Drive, we are concerned that the large increase in traffic could hinder access to Brickel f Key. We would also suggest that a traffic study be completed regarding the impact of such new developments on Brickell Bay Drive and Brickell Avenue, and that any approval of FAR bonuses for developments on these two streets be contingent on SW 8th Street becoming a 2-way road at Brickell Avenue and on requiring such FAR bonuses to be much more limited in nature. Respectfully, FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carlos A. Migoya President Submitted Into the public record in connection `nth on to . u item Priscilla A. Thompson rn City C THREE TEOUESTA POINT, A CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 848 Brickell Key Drive. Suite 503, Miami, Florida 33131 305-373-2922 FAX 305 373-2923 JUN-05-2004 03:32PM FROM -THREE TEDUESTA POINT +3053T32923 T-9T9 P.001 F-389 MANUgt. A. DIAZ MAYOR Citv zrf Antra, jitaritta June 1, 2004 Carlos A. Migoya Three Tequesta Point, A Condominium Association 848 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 503 Miami, FL 33131 REF: VVillaa Magna Development on 1201 Brickell Bay Drive Dear M goya: 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 /3 ]51 250-5300 FAX 13051 & A-4001 Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Villa Magna Development on 1201 Brickell Bay Drive. We are very sensitive to the issue outlined in your letter. I have forwarded a copy of your letter to the City of Miami's Planning and Zoning Department requesting that an investigation take place immediately. I appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention. Be assured that your concerns will be appropriately reviewed. If this office may be of further assistance on this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, Cc: Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Director of Planning and Zoning Otto Boudet-Murias, Senior Advisor/Economic Development Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P2-33 on l o :?IS -Da Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk JUN-05-2004 11:38AM FROM -THREE TEQUESTA POINT +3053732923 T-977 P.003 F-379 gali4A/4505ibi WEB ,E-MAIL a dome ► Email 5 Site Search 0 Maps ? H.alp Search a The Web r Yettow Pages Comrnt:R Fulda Addresses Get POP mdil Cl bons tisk Lo out c_e LASER I IIAIR REMOVAL ; NEVER SHAVE CLICK HERE± LIftl#Waidrfting. Goot Read Message Previous .•+:•'Next I Back to: loam From: <eliz3tcq@bellsouth,net> £u Date: 2004/05/26 Wed PM 02:03:52 EDT To: ‹mannydiaz@ci.miami.fl.us>, <jsanchez@oLmiami.fl.us>, <jwinton@ci. rtiami.Il.us> Subject: villa Magna Reply ! . Reply All Forward I Delete. Move.Ta: 1phoose Folder) ,.• 101111111111111111111111111111., JNallGuard ODtionc, In regards to the proposed Villa Magna development on 1201 Brickell Hay Drive, I am writing on behalf of Three Tequeeta Point Condominium Association to express our grave concerns about the size and traffic impact of Chia project Whatis MailGuard? specifically, it ie my understanding that the developer is seeking FAR bonuses significantly beyond those which have been given to other developments in the neighborhood. This would allow the building to have over 1,200 units inbreed of the approved 375 and also have more than 1,400 parking npacee instead of the approved 5S0 epaces. In light of the dramatic increase in development along Brickell Say Drive, we are concerned that the large increase in traffic could hinder access to trickell Key. We would also suggest that a traffic study be completed regarding the impact of such new developments on Brickell Bay Drive and Brickell avenue, and that any approval of FAR bonuses for developments on these two streets be contingent on Ste eth Street becoming a 2-way road at Brickell Avenue and on re;uiring such FAR bonuses% to be much more limited in nature. Respectfully, FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS President .Search•Messages 1 Previoa, 1.. Nei ti Back to: S€n MaU 0srLLscavn+• m 2000 BellSouth TeleCOltmfldllootiOns, loc. All Rights ReseTve4, LeBg' NOticee ten Privery Statement Submitted Into the public record in connection with item ZPt-33 on to ja.pio q Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk http://webmail.bellsouth.net/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+mobmain?msgvw-- SentMail... 5/26/2004 • JUN-05-2004 11:38AM1 FROM -THREE TEQUESTA POINT +3053732923 T-977 P.001 F-379 I.cj :1 4 4 JJIf1ltl WEB E-MAIL ik Home a Emai) 0, Site Seargh *Maps ? Help � •.. �e,•1 isr 1 Health Care 1 EaUGation .+ Degree Pregret Nursing Search a Tna Wsb C Yellow Pages !nhax emmpeno F.nl Addresses Get POP malt optlane. He1R L000ut VisliGuard Options What Is MaIlGuard? Cosiness PARCH„ ,1 Po",u°4 Goo Read Message Previous I Next I Back to: SentMail From: celiz3teq®beltsouth.nct> �s Date: 2004/05/27 Thu AM 11:20:57 EDT To: <threeteq bellsouth.nct> Subject: [Fwd: Re, Proposed Project/Villa Magna] Reply ! Reply All I Forward. Delete 1 .Move To: II(Chcoose Folder) M We have received a response from Commissioner Winton's office ineorming us that there will be a meeting today at 3:00 pm at the Miami City Mall. I will post a notice in the mail room for Residents to read today and attend meeting if they are able to do so. unfortunely, I received this email today otherwise I would have send a notice out to all of our residents last night. Elizabeth a From: "Balsebre, S>;ank" eFBa1 ebreOci,miami,fl.us> > Date: 2004/05/26 Wed PM 05:13:23 EDT > To: celiz3teq@bellsouth.net, a Subject: Res Proposed Project/Villa Magna a > Dear Mr. Migoya, > This is to confirm that we have received your Association letter etating your grave concerns about the > size and traffic impact of the Villa Magna Project, > • Please advise all residents that thin item will be heard tomorrow: a a 3:00PM, Thursday, May 26th, 2004 > • Miami City Commission Hearing a City Hall, City of Miami > 3500 Pan American Drive a Coconut Grove, It a > *should this item get deferred for any reason in the morning, our staff will > contact you immediatey. Yt would be a good idea for your Association members > to Check with Elizabeth before attending the Hearing at 3pm. > • Thank You. 411,11.11P a Office of Commissioner Winton a Ph:305-250-5333 Fax:305-579-3334 Search Messages C 2000 eei cnnb TeIeeOanunimtions.Inc. All Rights kexervea. Laid No[iery and Privacy Sr nem'nr rfeVlcius' '1 ivex[ Back to" SentMafl Submitted Into the public record in connectionvfilth �BLLSQUTH* item P2-33 on io)s#ow Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk hitp:l/webm ail.bellsouth,net/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+mobmain?msgvw=SentMa il.,. 5/27/2004