HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Utility Study• • VILLA MAGNA MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SITE UTILITY STUDY Prepared for Florida East Coast Realty, Inc. By: The Corradino Group. Inc. • VILLA MAGNA Site Utility Study Introduction The Villa Magna Project will include the construction and development of a building located on Brickell Bay Drive between S.E. 12`h Street and S.E. 13' Street. The building will be comprised of two 44-story residential towers complemented with an eleven -level parking garage, as well as, commercial areas for both retail and restaurant use. The total site covers approximately 3.71 acres. 1. Drainage Existing Drainage The site is currently vacant and the existing drainage system consists of some sparsely located inlets along the curb and gutter in the public right of way. Proposed Drainage System The primary drainage system for the project will consist of drainage wells, which will allow the storm runoff to be fully contained and disposed of on site. The project will be designed consistent with a 5-year design storm, DERM Water Control section D-4, part 2 of Miami - Dade County Public Works Department. It is currently anticipated that ten 24" drainage wells will provide sufficient capacity for the project. The final drainage design for the project will provide a drainage system consistent with the above criteria, and consistent with all approval and permitting requirements for the project. Preliminary drainage computations for the project are provided in Table 1, below, which includes the basis for design_ 10 Villa Magna Site Utility Study Page 1 Table 1 Drainage Calculations Runoff Generation Total Contributing Area 8.17 Acres Total impervious Area (Incl. Wall area) Roof Area Paved Areas Exterior Wall Area (7/3 South Wall Area) (570'-10"x 340'1/3 Pervious Area (green areas) Average Runoff Coefficient Impervious Site Area = 7.78 x 0.95 Pervious Site Area = 0.39 x 0.30 338,674 sf = 7.78 Acres 77,009 sf = 1 .77 Acres 67,582 sf = 1 .55 Acres 194,083 sf = 4.46 Acres 16,895 sf = 0.39 Acres 7.391 0.117 Average Runoff Coefficient, C = (7.391 +0.117)18.17 = 0.919 Design Storm 5 Year Return Frequency Time of Concentration 10 min. Rainfall Intensity 6.10 in/hr Peak Runoff Q = CIA = (0.919)(6.10)(8.17) = 45.8 cfs Assume each 24' diameter well flows at 700 g.p.m./per ft of head (As per Jaffer Associates) 700 g.p.m./448.8 = 1.56 cfs Peak Runoff/How Per Well = 45.8 cfs/(Ave. 3 ft of head` x 1.56 cfs) = 9,79 wells *3 ft of head is an average assuming most of the future site will be raised at least 3 feet. Provide 10 - 24" Diameter Wells Detention Tank Design Criteria: 1.5 minute (90 sec) detention time per detention structure Volume of Tank required for (45.8 cfs x 90 sec.)/10 =412 cubic ft / tank or 3,084 gallons each Interior Tank Dimensions: 8' {width) x 7' (height) x 8' (length) = 448 cubic feet each Provide 1 tank for each well, of 448 c.f. volume each Villa Magna Site Utility Study Page 2 • II. Water Distribution System The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (M-DWASD) owns and operates the following water mains in the vicinity of the project. (See Appendix) Location Between Water Mains) Brickell Bay ❑rive S.E. 12' Street & S.E. 13' Street (West side of the Project) 12" Brickell Bay Drive S.E. 12' Street & S.E. 13'h Street (West side of the Project) 16" 111. Sanitary Sewer Collection System The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (M-DWASD) owns and operates the following sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the project. (See Appendix) Location Between Sewer Main(s) Brickell Bay Drive S.E. 12' Street & S.E. 13'h Street (West side of the Project) 18" (Gravity) The Villa Magna Project is projected to create a water demand of 267,958 gallons per day (GPD) as per Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Section 24-13_ In order to accommodate for this demand, both the water and sanitary sewer connections to serve the project shall be coordinated with the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (M-DWASD), to ensure that the existing system has adequate capacity. Villa Magna Site Utility Study Page 3 • IV. Solid Waste Generation Solid waste generated by this project will be collected in standard on -site containers for refuse and recyclables. Regular pick-up service will be provided either by private hauling companies and/or by the City of Miami Solid Waste Department, who will transport the waste to Miami -Dade Counties or private disposal and recycling facilities. The volumes of solid waste projected to be generated by the project are shown in Table 4, below. Table 4 Project Solid Waste Generation Residential 1,121,890 sq.ft. @ 4 Ibs/ 100 sq.ft./clay Office/Commercial 33,500 sq.ft. @ 4 Ibs/100 sq.ft_/day 44876 Ibs/day 1340 Ibs/day (23.11 tons/day) J.A3255 -Villa Mt,gno MuspAWord dor,A2603,10 S.rte UtiEEy.doc • Villa Magna Site Utility Study Page 4