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TO :
The Honorab - or and Members
he Ci Commi ion
OCT 12 2004
SUBJECT : Resolution to Authorize a Locally Funded
Agreement with the Florida Department of
Transportation - Biscayne Boulevard Cross
REFERENCEtreets Conversion Project
It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution
authorizing the City Manager to execute a Locally Funded Agreement with the State of Florida,
Department of Transportation ("FDOT") to provide construction funds in an amount not to
exceed $82,500, for the City of Miami's Biscayne Boulevard Cross Streets Two -Way
Conversion Project, (NE 9th, 10th, 11th Streets between Biscayne Boulevard and NE 2nd
Avenue), from Capital Improvement Project Number 341330.
The City of Miami's Department of Capital Improvements and Transportation and its consultants
have developed plans for the two way conversion of NE 9th, 10th, 11 h Streets between Biscayne
Boulevard and NE 2nd Avenue. FDOT will be constructing a project on SR 5 / Biscayne
Boulevard from NE 5th Street to NE 13th Street, which ties directly into the roadway
improvement plans designed by City consultants. Therefore, the City requested that FDOT
include the City's plans in their Biscayne Boulevard project. This provides for a more cost and
time effective project.
The project scope addresses future area development and associated traffic demands for these
streets by increasing the capacity and modifying the direction of traffic flow. The design calls for
milling, resurfacing and striping of the three streets from the FDOT Biscayne Boulevard project
limits to NE 2nd Avenue. Additionally, the signalized intersection of NE 2nd Avenue and NE 10th
Street is proposed to be modified by adding a new mast arm to accommodate the new
westbound traffic.
The Locally Funded Agreement allows the City to furnish the estimated project cost of $82,500
to FDOT, which includes a 10% contingency cost in the amount of $7,500. However, the City
will retain an additional 10% of the estimated construction cost in an amount not to exceed
$7,500, which may be authorized for payment by the City Manager in the event additional funds
are needed for change orders. If the cost of the project is Tess than the submitted $82,500,
FDOT will refund the City of all surplus dollars. If the cost of the project is more than the
submitted amount, FDOT will notify the City and provide warrant for additional deposits which
will be paid through the City's retained contingency.
This action will have
admirtis.#rative costs of
a positive fiscal impact on the City as this will reduce the City's
idding and supervising the project.