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GALLERY ART CONDOMINIUM C-1/RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT R-4/MULTIFAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SD-20IEDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as City of Miami Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, as per Article 9, Section 915.2, for F A A clearance letter. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 6, Section 620.3.2, for development of new construction within the Edgewater Overlay District. cPhee oning Inspector II Date GALLERY ART CONDOMINIUM Developer H & H Development 4535 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Ph 430517404319 Fax 43053 746-0939 Architect FULLERTON DIAZ ARCHITECTS, INC. 366 Altara Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Ph (305) 442-4260 Fax (2051444-6962 Landscape Architect Mariano Corral & Associates 2995 S.W. 110th Avenue, Suite RR Miami, Florida 33165 Ph (3051551-1202 Fax (3651551-1262 A WIg1A6EA L M XMUMOUISIIY LL BUA-HKILEIHACSH FAMASMATAi1 SAMMAM Ya WEST) L MAXIMUM EMMET ! ➢1AIMAA>lA13EffTAMia1ie a 6utomoPOo4MMAT M.E 14112.10.(ILVFLIWO12411TV M}s1Mlrlmrvw..M� EarewA-ly& a v,9u.,9r alorMa;l [MUSS 9 L,ngli NC.") C_1®O 31.161L9$L A1➢.01M PRlO0RE0 -LrGI HEY' M;EIS SiA LIZ6A� M-4 ISOAMA PALNEEAl31E- 1116[]BA619211H114 191112IILS RDA.= MAIM &Ala IF, T6•Pt •enaa 2*120. ,. 9k IOPS 1Lp pA Y¢ 13A. 0!e 1R SR. ALLMV9O e➢L.113611 UHF111f IL IWlWgb EAR»171,3PJ3661t13 AVIA - I.II.O, 89R - LTh IO8WE. ➢ IIN.MObOf ^ MLI AVA. &-1 •• MAAKMA.FPt. l EM" AEi.tll6bllowbp YLUSud Aw.3»7.Af(£Mi1IA)s2l(il]XOt Ap9$9q,PIm S;'13S5➢Pt • • Er uda O'.e 8pn61kAmi1(H.VR1i W LLLHA EASE W1B NL M EA..M. A A/M.111yfM5;R 8A9.-104-ST1rM 69LOPAREA-09.31.151 Sq. - IO,4,31050JR ANsdVA.L IWMIAMA -*MAMA. HEMynIHe PA. NUM AA MI AIA Not D. NA -u31.. Q.AM A.I. wxrraaossaao.3 • luaeean .. dY }6PJape$,eid iFmrP®16P58z51< 'MALCA FAA 9.1MAMMA .. !AMU 69Yt 690l SA. ANAL.U+C-I➢AA MAGMA. 131.1646+51 ALLOWED PP➢PVMtiL aMAW AF. -27,A2 Sq.N4K] 34-,m60y AMA. ewsa Ob F6&SNSgi9-MAS, 6MMA E M .En IYIO Y M.M.iAm-A13....110E¢ R-1&1415, C3 PofM.A..-0.f0>6E.i19 MPt -wok a 9.0 INOFmmP.+w 1 UCK611 L OFASIR}J:S }A&RI}I(e&Si(1MM1{IyZA PI IEms per 30084N:•CO ..10@iu '{p5,lgyvmpiud SE Srm ebA 4➢�eu1➢FA i1M75. aga3ID L OP➢s11UWY LOAFMLAO 9HYlN sups ...10i19: HC17160 M AAA. 3bewYWnY FIOl wdw.. l>13tl 19, s}969N MAMMA b6pm F6OVm1m 9.(191m- 1.110,107 3afA6?9q.R tl OtY al Mwni GALLERY ART CONDOMINIUM 4 tee.d1' (Cala & esse) (Let 11. &a. 4) (tat IZ me. 4) 9Rep.) LT FB95730'W 1a0.00'`Mot) 3 0 . sessrto A r �c th ,ems ,� 9 F �iNeu:7;N earn IA,a lets a 9. I44 N ST adc 4 �w nw en ya?' Buy Nerd. Line Lot I. loan RCA. 304.6FrOlasaT) WA .. XAW kfrve�....9, ..,....' ""r°' 24Eh---'g t,;;.pA-r: 1) tV . amanday LOCATION MAP Sccla. '-120' fL E G A L D E S C R 1 P T 10N1 Lots 1 and 2, Mock 1, 0AGHER VILLAGE. ac asalag la the plat thereof, ere corded In Plat 6aok 119. et Naga 5. et the PuW1c Records, of tlioml-Rode County, FlarGht. together with Lots 8, 9, IU and 11, 5tack 4. H4R05 SODIVS1ON, acaardmg to the plat thereof, as retarded h Pot Back 4. et Page 92_ of the 1eblic Records, of Miami -Dade County, Florida: together wkth tote 2, 3 ❑nd 4, Black 5, EDGEWATER Su4OIV1915N, oacordin9 to ate Plat thereof, ae recorded in Plot Soak 2. at Page 3F. of the Public Records, OF Word -Dade County, Florida, Cntainhtg: 66,281 Snare Net or 1,56 Acres, mare W lass. (Crpec, 13dudmg Right-of-ways). 55.666 Square Neel or 1.28 Awes, more or leas. (Not). 5l30VFY0R'SNOTES; j) The above captioned Property wad sarvayed rind described Posed on the above Legal Description furnished by Client. 2) This Certlticetion is only for the Lands as desrs6bed- It le not a certlhcalian al Title, Zoning, £oeaments. or Freedom of Encumbrenens- d) Thera tatty bet addliianal Reatdcllans not shown an !Ns survey that may ba bound in the Pu43ic a Retards f this County. Examination of will haw to be made to determine corded Instrument. If any effecting this properly. 4) Cwoership subject to OPINION OF 11135- 5) Type or Sorvey. BOUNDARY SURVEY. 6) Neasonathe efforts w ro mode to the exlateare end 1ooa4on of underground llt'rhlies. Ihls arm dada not accept reepons4e0.y far thin k,tarmatlan. Before excavation or consirectlon contact the opproprlo0e ofllltr aampnnieo for eor39cdtlea. 7) 1hel msbleet property a. faceted *Ma oo-Elood Administration. Cam11 nEty Penn1 00. 12865h-Hazard8183 Suffix'd'Floo 2 ns "A'. ose Elevad os darned by the tion: 11 A.nonce A tlup Dote: March 2, 1994. (ReNsed). B) This PLAN OF SURVEY. has boon erapored for the eacluslre use of thm merino named hereon. 11se GertMonta deep net esla,d to any unnamed party. 9) Bearings shown hereon are based on: N.E. 241n Street being S89"57'30'W. 18) 9.9' loo)Io foe Existing Eleaellane. it) Elevations are referred to National Geodetic Vertical €tevatkone. Elevation, 5.65' 6' 'feet (N G.V.R.) Location: S.E. Garner of intersection el can1Mmes of N.E. 23rd Street As 8ecoyno B0elavad 13) wr'fi4d4M Zoned Street dior obtained by lines, 001ner, Architect ndar�r da. 1asemente (net is Piet) sad Right -of -Ways, etc.. to be or Hodder barons designconstruction. FOR TI'IE BENEFIT Of.:,r. tf-.dc:x DEVELOPMENT. ., V .. N rr, BOUNDARY SURVEY ,� The elhast BoedryLuvelr rep...ante the heroin described properly_.. an ,t woe- ramalo.d onamr mr suPhhIcon andcear dlmctlon. to ua beat t my hnun,edge d lh b and of also le the MVO.. �aahalcol St bench el forth by the Florida Booed of Lend Nerve -yore d Mappers, f to Secthn 61411-9.9UJ, flwtda Statutes and implementing Rules. fldftrs MLninbirative Cada Nn5F.. ens 35 NOT A vino GERIIFICAn(Ni PR flEPROpUC1Ei!x as IRIS ORANSI 81TifaGT THE SVRYEYtu'S ppta;NAL SGNARiRE AN9 RUSF'D i4F8555m gYAL PRESENT .. ., ..: �,. Ij ([(€ r�I EI'1 jq - - -- x:�%r✓�.i1t':,sc� I Ijl {I{I€ILIEfi�I1l[IlI Ili M A R I O 5A 1 E* - 132 .. : E4�`f %�... r I34 4' A N 8 le€ v i e T I 0 N S 11L I�II H 1117 p:y y�'�'�i {{''II''t s ! III II{P a1ma1 c tiff r` 7. pS .. t m 9 . " • °� " 2" .. nsyf uw e` w y 0i ern vi._ — ...., 4:- NY. ._R NUMBER' . m . _ ` Scale 1120 1'-D" .. .. ,,.. . .. .. ......,,,.., '.- ...,., w a e',",w',-. v .. r r "" - e'"'d' -e' -- p .w1Senna hNeR tfs, p4awUf\IN 14 Res, Roy Nrdlms o .--i 1 27 _l..4' A Walz"js r, new _. .... ._.,... .--"Th �7 Harming GALLERY ART CONDOM IN IU: LVLBI6t %t}IIbYM� LYLl, tt-0 fn i1 IMA 11J I" : 11 1® ;Mk1; Li LL MILTLIELIVAR [fin I1 II[I I 111 now ®1-1 ANA ee„, "s L v;re.44 - v Cdn5a rC dSLa w-i , 6a, j2 - 1 C,1„\ o'f 1 aw a cirivewai 61-1,ra„ ces c v:tee Lt Ali nmeni reay0�n vn less is .r21'�on ap'eart6 Wo,^ks ©ifet�a� Z-:ming Ep; Manning Sign TION �1 Nit NW ■I GALLERY ART CONDOMINIUM =',40doism.Ems. Ca tfil, �'""egswwT 1n u.lo:a ti.010111M@N M1111N $IY]�D1S� LS Ln Wei f�2 lamas E o Frv" 7b xu.,..A 7-4"BOARDS )its s(310 ,EAST .E ARON Seale 1f32"=1'-0" GALLERY ART CONDOMINIUM 0-"" ignlidireselgiLkt" =c3V %Wfl VINYL 1•93... . .. .. in% II itIMENT L MI i lionnosiM MEM KEMP Hp km II UNIII 11 ...... IINIMIIIIMIN 1111 IIPP.EA BM II . mi.Min ll T • iiiILP o..w 11111111 1111111 11 MNMiinligliSn=al toi9mi il1 m MEL MOM IIi WjMIIiIIIImIMIiI.,rIS 1 MI1;n. UM mu m umiiuuuiiuuuuiui a mmiMIn MIL I m.RE Me LS1-i °A nermm ei ONEMI olivam• miim WiliiN - i M1 5 k'Pi'r'Lm lI pluirlisrm, !WI! .;rf.01"ii:::T7g1%; i,i114 WI kkV .1.1 Nowliv .r.r. fll:M.1 iglu pp I t fft— mai 4 PL..-!)y..- yr) - SOUTRELEVATION Scale GALLERY ART CONDOMINIUM 1aA •"fq 6n ... �� 1■ ... U .1..� .i .. ■■ INN ..ui ""i NH. . .■ u■.. .... 141111111111re III 41a•�� 11 . III NV1 raftniDS kp WEST ELEVATION,-°� Seale 1./32"=l'_U•, E t7.K,.t tea; Y.i GALLERY ART CONDOMINIUM UNIT El UNrEES LfNIT EI UNR El UNIT EI uNrTEI UNfP El t 1mL SCHEMATIC BUILDINGSECTION Scale 1/32"—V-0'