TO :
The Honorable Mayor and
Members of The City Commission
e Arriola 1-
City Manager
MAY 2 7 2004 FILE ;
Deobligation and Allocation of
Various District 5 Public Service
REFERENCES : City Commission Meeting
June 10, 2004
It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution,
with attachment(s) authorizing the de -obligation of Community Development Block
Grant ("CDBG") funds for a total amount of $151,960 from the following agencies: Artz-
N-The Hood, Inc. $20,000, Haitian American Foundation, Inc, $11,960, Florene Litthcut
Inner -City Children's Touring Dance Company, Inc. $85,000 and the Haitian Awareness
& Cultural Foundation, Inc. $35,000 and allocate total said funds to the following
agencies: The Alternative Program, Inc. $23,000, BAML Development Corporation of
South Florida, Inc. $7,000, The Embrace Foundation, Inc. $22,960, United Haitian
American Artists, Inc. $47,000, and Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami, Inc. $52,000.
In accordance with the City of Miami's Consolidated Plan goals and objectives of
improving the condition of our residents, the Community Development Department
maintains an ongoing review of the effective use of CDBG funding. There are times
when contracted agencies are unable to use all the allocation of funds entitled to them.
These unexpended funds can be used to address the needs of other agencies or
necessitated situations in the community that may arise. This reallocation will assist in
providing needed summer program activities to low-income District 5 children. The
reallocation of CDBG funds is detailed in the chart below.
Agency LActivity
Artz-N-Thc Hood, Inc. (IDIS# 1518)
Haitian American Foundation, Inc. (IDIS# 1560)
Florene Litthcut Inner -City Children's Touring Dance Company, Inc. (IDIS# 1457)
Florene Litthcut Inner -City Children's Touring Dance Company, Inc. (IDIS# 1458)
Haitian Awareness & Cultural Foundation, Inc. (IDIS# 1503)
The Alternative Program, Inc, (IDIS# New)
DAME Development Corporation of South Florida, Inc. (IDIS# New)
The Embrace Foundation, Inc. (IDIS# New)
United Haitian American Artists, Inc, (IDIS# 1518)
Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami, Inc. (IDIS# 1455)
Total Funds
Transfer 'From Transfer TQ
$151,960 $151,960
It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, with
attachment(s) authorizing said funds to be de -obligated and allocated as outlined in the
chart above.
The prgposed Resolution does not have a budgetary Impact on the General Fund,