HomeMy WebLinkAboutmiami beach RFPCITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 hap: \ \ ci.miami-beach.fl.us PROCUREMENT DIVISION Telephone (305) 673-7490 Facsimile (305) 673-7851 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) NO. 49-00/01 FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A JOB ORDER CONTRACTING (JOC) SYSTEM A PRE -PROPOSAL CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED FOR 10:00 A.M. ON AUGUST 9, 2001, IN THE FIRST FLOOR . CONFERENCE ROOM, LOCATED AT CITY HALL, 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA PROPOSALS ARE DUE AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN BELOW NO LATER THAN AUGUST 24, 2001 AT 3:00 P.M. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DIVISION 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, THIRD FLOOR MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 PHONE: (305) 673-7490 FAX: (305) 673-7851 -vade41. c�aa%ol 4 -- d F:\PURC\$ALL\Mirtha\RFP\RFP 49-00-01.doc RFP NO. 49-00/01 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: 07/24/01 Page 1 of 5 0 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\ \ ci.miami-beach.fl.us PROCUREMENT DIVISION Telephone (305) 673-7490 Facsimile (305) 673-7851 Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 49-00/01 Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Miami Beach (City), Procurement Division, Third Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, until 3:00 p.m. on August 24, 2001 for: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A JOB ORDER CONTRACTING (JOC) SYSTEM At time, date, and place above, proposals will be publicly opened. ANY PROPOSAL RECEIVED AFTER TIME AND DATE SPECIFIED WILL BE RETURNED TO THE PROPOSER UNOPENED. The City of Miami Beach ("the City") is seeking Proposals from qualified Consultants to develop, implement and assist in executing a Job Order Contracting System. This system is necessary to enhance the current contracting operations. The main objective of the system would be to, enable the City to rapidly engage contractors to perform construction and construction related services. The City has contracted with DemandStar by Onvia as our electronic procurement service for automatic notification of bid opportunities and document fulfillment. We encourage you to participate in this bid notification system. To find out how you can receive automatic bid notifications or to obtain a copy of this RFP, go to www.demandstar.com or call toll -free 1-800-711-1712, and request Document # 493. Subscribing to DemandStar by Onvia's bid notification system is not a anent. You will still be able to find bid information and download documents through the City's website (http //ci.miami- beach.fl.us). From the City's home page, click on Index, scroll down to Bids, RFPs, RFQs, etc., click on Bid Information and Bid Status, double click on Order (Actions Column), and double click on Download documents for a fee. You will be charged an administrative fee of $5.00 to download this document. A PRE -PROPOSAL CONFERENCE IS SCHEDULED FOR 10:00 A.M. ON AUGUST 9, 2001, IN THE FIRST FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM,' LOCATED AT CITY HALL, 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA You are hereby advised that this RFP is subject to the "Cone of Silence", in accordance with Ordinance No. 99-31 fi4. From the time of advertising until the City Manager issues his recommendation, and said RFP is awarded, there is a prohibition on communication with the City's Administrative staff. The Cone of Silence Ordinance does not apply to oral communications at pre -bid conferences, if held, oral presentations before evaluation committees, contract discussions during any duly noticed public meeting, public presentations made to the City Commission during any duly noticed public meeting, contract RFP NO. 49-00/01 DATE: 07/24/01 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Page 2 of 5 0 negotiations with the staff following the award of an RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or bid by the City Commission, or communications in writing at any time with any City employee, official, or member of the City Commission unless specifically prohibited A copy of all written communications must be filed with the City Clerk. Violation of these provisions by any particular Bidder or Proposer shall render any RFP award, RFQ award, RFLI award, or bid award to said Bidder or Proposer void, and said Bidder or Proposer shall not be considered for any RFP, RFQ, RFLI or bid for a contract for the provision of goods or services for a period of one year. Proposers are hereby advised that this RFP is further subject to City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 2000- 3234 (Debarment Ordinance). Proposers are strongly advised to review the City-4 Debarment Ordinance. Debarment may constitute grounds for termination of the contract, as well as, disqualification from consideration on any City of Miami Beach RFP, RFQ, RFLI, or bid. The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to accept any proposal or bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach, or waive any informality in any proposal or bid The City of Miami Beach may reject any and all proposals or bids. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Gus Lopez, CPPO Procurement Director RFP NO. 49-00/01 DATE: 07/24/01 CITY OF MIANII BEACH Page 3 of 5 0