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Kansas City RFP 3
Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) City/KCFD applied vehicle number (e.g., 1248-E-7) 2) Description of maintenance item or symptom 3) Date entered 4) Officer ID 5) Station ID 6) Status (e.g., part ordered, replaced, etc.) 71 Tistp rprt rari irpeni la A Equipment Maintenance and Repair c. Ability to manage equipment maintenance and repair function with the following data 1) Type 2) Applied number 3) GeneraI description 4) Work order number 5) Station 6) Apparatus number 7) Requested by 8) Type of maintenance needed 9) Date maintenance requested 10) Maintenance shop code 11) Shop approval 12) Date/time work scheduled 13) Date/time estimated complete 14) Date work was completed 15) Repair cost 16) Description of repair or maintenance completed 1.7) Due date back in service 18) Remarks (e.g., reason for delay) d. Ability to maintain a complete repair history for each vehicle, apparatus or piece of equipment including the VAMI list Equipment Inspection and Test e. Ability to manage and track equipment test and inspection function 1) Type 2) City/KCFD applied vehicle number (e.g., bar code) 3) General description Response ] [ [ ] [ ] [ ] ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Ina. For Internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 196 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 4) Inspected/tested by (e.g., Officer ID, Name) 5) Type of inspection/test 6) Date of inspection/test 7) Status (e.g., pass/fail, etc.) 8) Next action/inspection to be made 9) Date of next action/inspection 10, Remarks £ Ability to manage and track pump test and inspection g. Ability to manage and track aerial testing and inspections h. Ability to manage and track respirator fit record i. Ability to manage and track Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) inspection and repair 1) Apparatus assigned to 2) First stage regulator number 3) Date in service 4) Monthly inspection number 5) Inspection done by 6) Daily inspection log with results of inspection Hose Inspection and Testing j. Ability to capture and maintain the following hose information 1) Hose number ID 2) Station ID 3) Diameter size 4) Type of hose 5) Length 6) Manufacturer 7) Date placed in service 8) Date tested 9) Pressure tested at (250 psi or 200 psi) 10) Results a) Visual/physical check (pass, fail) b) Pressure test (pass, fail) c) Remarks 11) Employee ID of tester/inspector Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 197 ' Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements k. Ability to maintain history of testing dates and results 3. Reports and Output a. Ability to display or print detailed vehicle, apparatus and/or equipment maintenance data, including digital photos b. Ability to display or print vehicle apparatus and/or equipment repair history report c. Ability to display or print additional maintenance items history report 1) By vehicle or apparatus or equipment 2) For a given time period 3) By key word search d. Ability to display or print equipment pending service 1) Serial number 2) AppIied number 3) Type of equipment 4) Description 5) Date entered 6) Location 7) Requestor e. AbiIity to display or print equipment scheduled for repair 1) Serial number 2) Applied number 3) Description 4) Date/time work scheduled 5) Date/time estimated for completion 6) Parts flag 7) Shop/vendor name a) Full address b) Phone number f. Ability to display or print equipment that is completed and is ready to be picked up Response [ [ ] 1) Serial number [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 198 • Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 2) Applied number 3) Description 4) Location 5) Date completed 6) Repair status 7) Remarks 0) V ciJUUL 11�1i11c 9) Vendor address 10) Vendor phone numbers g. Ability to print or display the following detail maintenance data 1) Type of equipment 2) Serial number 3) Applied number 4) Description of the unit 5) Size 6) Date of last activity 7) Type of activity 8) Employee making last report 9) Next type of activity scheduled for equipment 10) Next scheduled activity date 11) Where equipment is located h. Ability to display or print equipment pending service 1) Serial number 2) Applied number 3) Type of equipment 4) Description 5) Date entered 6) Location 7) Requestor i. Ability to display or print equipment scheduled for repair 1) Serial number 2) Applied number 3) Description 4) Date/time work scheduled 5) Date/time estimated for completion 6) Parts flag Response [ ] [ ] [ [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ l [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc, For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 199 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 7) Shop/vendor name 8) Full address 9) Phone number Ability to display or print equipment that is completed and is ready to be picked up 1) Serial number 2) Applied number 3) Description 4) Location 5) Date completed 6) Repair status 7) Remarks 8) Vendor name 9) Vendor address 10) Vendor phone numbers k. Ability to print or display the following detail maintenance data 1) Type of equipment 2) Serial number 3) Applied number 4) Description of the unit 5) Size 6) Date of last activity 7) Type of activity 8) Employee making last report 9) Next type of activity scheduled for equipment 10) Next scheduled activity date 11) Where equipment is located 4. On -Line Inquiries a. Ability to query equipment inspection date 1) Shift 2) Inspection status 3) Type 4) Description b. Ability to query into vehicle master file by vehicle ID Response [ 1 [ l I ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inns. For Internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 200 tl Gartner City of Kansas City Engagement: 220009530 Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements c. Ability to query for specific equipment 1) City/KC1~ D applied number 2) Serial number 3) Type of equipment 4) Size 1.1 I nnatin..n ..� �.+vvr. �•ww 5. Interfaces a. Ability to enter and print apparatus and equipment report information from remote workstations b. Ability to limit access to specific users c. Ability to update CAD with real-time status of hydrant (in-service, out of service) Response a [ Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 201 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements E. Supplies and Equipment Inventory 1. Application Overview The Supplies and Equipment Inventory application includes the following major areas: station supplies inventory, supply requisition, personal equipment issued, library inventory and fire station equipment including apparatus tool inventory. fJ 11 fire stations must be able to access t system ♦o request - 1:... .] y .. access the system to request $u} J1I and inquire IUU) L11C status of the requisition. Information such as inventory levels and back order information should be available from the system. KCFD also desires the ability to incorporate the use of a bar code system to manage its inventory process. Proposals should include all hardware and software for such a bar code system. Personal equipment inventory includes all equipment that is individually assigned to a person (e.g., protective clothing, keys, etc.). Response 2. Major Functions and Features Station Supplies a. Ability to create and maintain the following station supplies inventory information 1) Item description 2) Inventory number (e.g., Bar code) 3) Unit cost 4) Unit of measure 5) Quantity in inventory 6) Minimum stock level (reorder point) 7) Reorder quantity 8) Quantity on order 9) Ordered by 10) Disposal date b. Ability to generate and maintain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Personal Equipment Issued c. Ability to capture and maintain the following personal equipment inventory information - Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc!, For internal use of City of Kansas City only. November 2001—Page 202 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) Inventory number (e.g., Bar code) 2) Description 3) Model 4) Size 5) Cost 6) Tag number 11 �oYtal •tllrnI- 8) Issued to (employee ID and name) 9) Status (lost, decommissioned, etc.) 10) Disposal date 11) Date of purchase 12) Date of issuance 13) Condition 14) Replacement date(s) 15) Comments 16) Received by d. Ability to capture and manage the following Face Piece/Breathing Value inventory control data for SCBA: 1) Control # 2) Employee name 3) Quantity issued (face and nose) 4) Breathing value 5) Bag quantity 6) Date issued 7) Received by e. Ability for a designated individual to perform internal requisitions for supplies and repairs on-line with appropriate security f. Ability to track by time period, station and by division, total cost of supplies issued Resource Materials (Library) Inventory g. Ability to create and maintain the following resource material inventory information 1) Title of resource material 2) Bar code # 3) Station ID Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001---Page 203 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 4) Quantity [ j h. Ability to maintain perpetual supplies, resource materials and personal [ j equipment inventory records and produce monthly reports on current inventory Supplies and Personal Equipment i. Ability to enter monthly and supplemental supply requests from fire stations 1) Date 2) Station ID, Division 3) Requested by (employee ID & name) 4) Approved by 5) Item description 6) Quantity requested 7) Quantity issued 8) Unit cost of item(s) 9) Total cost of issued items j. Ability to print MSDS when product is ordered and delivered k. Ability to have the system assign a unique sequential requisition number 1. Ability for a designated individual to review and approve requisitions on- line with appropriate security Fire Station Equipment/Apparatus Inventory m. Ability to capture and maintain the following equipment inventory information 1) Equipment type 2) Description 3) City of Kansas City number 4) Bar code number 5) Serial # 6) Part # 7) Brand 8) Manufacturer 9) Model Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc.:, For internal use of City of Kansas City only, December 2001—Page 204 111 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 10) Size 11) Length 12) Diameter 13) Classification 14) Station/company assigned to 15) Vehicle assigned to (e.g., Vehicle ID) 1U) L icat1011 111 staLiu11 17) Location on vehicle 18) Date issued/acquired 19) Cost 20) Warranty information n. Ability to transfer equipment to a different vehicle/location without rekeying descriptive data o. Ability to track and maintain SCBA inventory by: 1) Serial # 2) Manufacturer date 3) Hydro -due date 4) Control # p- Ability to track by time period, station and by division, the total cost of supplies, equipment and materials issued Bar Code System q. Ability to manage and track the supplies and equipment inventory using bar code system including at a minimum: I) Generate bar code 2) Read bar code using remote, hand-held device 3) Track specific item information (e.g., description, quantity, status, etc.) 4) Automatically update (e.g., download) inventory information into system 5) Ability to print bar code labels Response [ ] [ ] [ I ] [ ] [ 1 [ J [ ] [ ] [ ] ] [ ] [ ] [ ] r. Please describe your proposed solution to support inventory management using a bar code system. (YIN) Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 205 . Gartner City of Kansas City Engagement: 220009530 Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI, Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 3. Reports and Output a. Ability to display or print inventory listing monthly or on demand 1) By station 2) By item 3) . By employee 4) By division 5) Detail and summary cost b. Ability to display or print open requisition listing on demand 1) By station requesting, by requisition number 2) Items 3) Quantities 4) Costs c. Ability to print hard copy requisition form d. Ability to display or print closed requisitions on demand 1) By station, requisition number 2) Items 3) Date shipped 4) Total cost/value e. Ability to display or print personal equipment issued 1) By employee ID number 2) Station/company assigned 3) Detail listing of equipment 4) Cost/value 5) Manufacturer f. Ability to display or print list all data fields of equipment issued 1) By type of equipment [ ] 2) All individuals equipment issued to [ ] g. Ability to display or print on demand all vehicles equipped with specific [ ] equipment or tools (Le., all vehicles with hydraulic rescue tools) h. Ability to print periodic apparatus equipment list I ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc..; For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 206 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response i. Ability to display or print station equipment inventory by station or [ ] company j. Ability to display or print master equipment list, sorted by I) Vehicle ID it Hn11;nn-1 i1t 7i F 3) Serial number 4. On -Line Inquiries a. Ability to inquire into inventory records 1) By item number 2) Item name/description b. Ability to inquire into requisition records 1) By requisition number 2) By requesting station or individual 3) By status (open/closed) c. Ability to inquire into equipment inventory 1) By employee ID number 2) By name 3) By item or serial number d. Ability to inquire into fire station equipment or apparatus inventory 1) By station, tag number 2) By vehicle, tag number 3) By serial number e. Ability to print MSDS of products 5. Interfaces a. Ability to interface with the Apparatus, Equipment and Maintenance module to update SCBA bottle Hydro -Due dates [ [ [ [ I Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 207 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements F. Fire Prevention 1. Application Overview The responsibilities of Fire Prevention include such activities as plan review, fire code enforcement and building inspections. Fire prevention information is used by Inspectors, Investigators, Fire Marshals, and other enforcement officials. infrrrmaticn leq i emcn 3 include 1�.�.Ull�llllt and track ug iuspucLions (from submittal of plan through plan checks and final occupancy inspection), permits, violations, citation data, and fire equipment servicing. Permits are generally issued for new construction, special activities and exemptions. The proposed records management system should also provide for the handling of inspection activity by fire companies and updates to inspection records via handheld devices. Owner/occupant and premise hazmat inventory information should be integrated with Fire Prevention information. Response 2. Major Functions and Features General a. Building and occupancy information 1) Occupancy number 2) Business name 3) Building name 4) Status of the business at this address 5) Census tract 6) Census block 7) Map page and grid 8) Reporting area 9) Address (full including room/suite no.) 10) Business phone number 11) Business fax number 12) Frequency of inspection 13) Date of next inspection 14) Year business began at this address 15) Assessor parcel number (APN) 16) Building number associated Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc:; For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 208 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 17) Occupational license number 18) Licensing agency 19) Standard industrial classification 20) Route sequence number 21) Target hazard flag 22) Disclosure flag 23)P riilii iir;uit-ii riag 24) Time necessary to conduct inspection (minutes) 25) UBC occupancy classification 26) General property use (NFPA 901) 27) Specific property use (NFPA 901) 28) Mobile property use (NFPA 901) 29) Property management (NFPA 901) 30) Occupant load 7/sq. ft. 31) Occupant Ioad 15/sq. ft. 32) Square footage occupied 33) Number of rooms/spaces 34) Year building constructed 35) Total square footage 36) Water flow requirements 37) Water flow a) Available b) Date of test 3 8) Hydrants 39) Stand pipe a) Available b) Date of test 40) Number of stories 41) Administrative Title 19 (YIN) 42) Fire alarm system present (Y/N) 43) Pre -fire plan code number 44) Protection system 45) Protection system 46) Central station (YIN) 47) Sprinkler plan code number 48) Date sprinkler last tested 49) Knox box (Padlock/electric switch) 50)Name of alarm company a) Alarm company b) Telephone number 51) UBC Construction type code Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 209 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 52) Fire extinguishers [ ] 53) Hose lines available [ ] 54) Outstanding unresolved violations [ ] 55) Date of last company inspection [ ] 56) Date of last Prevention Bureau Inspection [ ] 57) Special limits (free -form description) [ ] -C2) FlitlirA 1ncpectinn A.tes r 1 59) Completed inspections (last 6 inspection dates) [ ] 60) Remarks [ ] b. Ability to link multiple occupancies by common owner [ ] c. AbiIity to track fire prevention activity and occupancy history by owner [ ] and location d. Ability to retain location history file [ ] e. Ability to identify and populate new construction and maintenance [ ] f. Ability to track occupancies under self -inspection program [ ] g. Ability to record complaints and requests for inspection as two separate functions with the following information 1) Informant/requestor a) Name [ ] b) Address, city [ ] c) Telephone number [ ] 2) Planning number [ ] 3) Location 1 [ ] 4) Request/type (e.g., complaint) [ ] 5) Assigned to [ ] 6) Disposition/status [ ] 7) Date of: a) Complaint/Request [ ] b) Disposition [ ] c) Completion [ ] 8) Assessors parcel number [ ] 9) Referred/transferred [ ] 10) Comments [ ] h. Ability to track multi -use occupancies [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents ©2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 210 • Gartner City of Kansas City Engagement: 220009530 Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response i, Ability to manage fire inspection occupancy principals 1) Business name 2) Name of the business owner 3) Telephone number of the business owner 4) Full address of business owner 5) Nameof -•-- _ for t b _• i,• , JVaIIIC Ck11C���G�11.%V contact 1111 the! fl]fVlrlt'\\ ITlllllllTlP1 6) Emergency contacttelephonenumber (multiple) 7) Type of emergency contact 8) Building/property owner 9) Telephone number of the property owner 10) Full address of property owner 11) Comments Public Education j. Ability to maintain the following public education information: 1) Date and time 2) Name of school 3) Class location 4) Length of time 5) Number of personnel 6) Number of participants/class size 7) Subject matter 8) Total costs and expenses High -Rise Characteristics k. Detailed building characteristics associated with a business, if that building is a high-rise building (i.e., over 75 feet in height) 1) High bank elevator shafts ' a) Number b) Floors served by the high bank elevators c) Manual, Automatic, or Both recall (M/A/B) d) Supply air handling system protected by smoke detectors e) Automatic supply air shutdown f) Supply air purge g) Floors purged h) Supply air system override 2) Medium bank elevator shafts Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 211 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI, Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 17) Central station fire alarm system company 18) Auxiliary street box number 19) Fire alarm annunciator panel by floor 20) Fire alarm annunciator panel by selected floors 21) Fire alarm annunciator panel by all floors 22) Fire control room a) 1 nnatinn b) Paging system c) Other fire control systems 23) Fire telephone system 24) Fire equipment storage rooms a) Room locations b) Fire equipment stored in room 25) Fire Department piped air system a) Piped air inlet location b) Number of piped air outlets 26) Gravity tanks a) Location b) Capacity 27) CO2 inlet Fire Protection/Life Safety Features 1. Fire protection features associated with a business I) Occupancy number 2) Business name 3) Address 4) Knox box (Padlock/electric switch) 5) Fire Department Control (FDC) panel location 6) Type of sprinkler system (multiple) 7) Location of FDC for sprinkler systems (multiple) 8) Type of standpipe 9) Location of standpipe supply inlets (multiple) 10) Location of standpipe outlets (multiple) 11) PN or OSY valves 12) Description of hazards 13) Outlet location 14) Shut-off locations a) Electrical b) Gas Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For Internal use of City of Kansas City only.' December 2001—Page 213 Gartner City of Kansas City Engagement: 220009530 Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response c) Water d) Remarks e) Nitrous Oxide Inspections Information m. Inspection and investigative activity information includingnotes on the type of investigation or inspection, the hours spent, and the results of the inspection or investigation. 1) Occupancy number 2) Address 3) Date 4) Business name 5) ID number of the inspector 6) Amount of time spent on inspection 7) Amount of overtime spent on inspection 8) Assigned to 9) Type of inspection 10) Disposition of the inspection 11) Occupancy type 12) Number of violations issued 13) Number of violations cleared 14) Remarks n. Ability to recommend building inspection schedule for company inspections, fire prevention bureau inspection and special inspections: 1) Responsible station and shift, and bureau inspector 2) Amount of time needed to inspect occupancy 3) Time taken to inspect 4) Proximity to other scheduled inspections 5) Date of last inspection 6) Date of scheduled re -inspection 7) Total number of inspections to accomplish 8) Types of other inspections needed 9) Occupancy type 10) Square footage 11) Type of permit 12) Type of special system Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 214 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response o. Ability to access and search fire codes "help file" and provide brief [ ] description of code p. Ability to "copy and paste" appropriate fire code with description from . [ ] help file to inspection report c.f. Ability to uL1/4A.,,aa7 ivua•c insnectiun Records G._ n_ fire titntiiin i 1 workstations r. Ability for inspection report to indicate additional technical/HAZMAT [ ] inspection required s. Ability to review or print prior fire incident and inspection history for [ ] scheduled occupancies t. Ability to track disposition of any inspection 1) Outstanding violations [ ] 2) Cleared [ ] 3) Completed [ ] 4) Other [ ] u. Ability to maintain a master table associated with fire statutes and codes [ ] v. Ability to track most frequently sited violations for a given time period [ ] Inspection Schedule w. Ability to create and track inspection schedule for fire prevention staff with a reminder capability x. AbiIity to schedule joint inspections 1) Station and Fire Prevention Unit 2) Fire Prevention Unit and Hazardous Materials y. Ability to track inspector activities (time involved) 1) Field inspections a) Time involved b) Number c) Type 2) Re -inspections [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc..; For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 215 s Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 3) Incident investigation 4) Fee collection 5) Meetings 6) Plan checks a) Time involved b) Number n'1 i • m a .� .Fr7 7) Other routine activities (coded) z. Ability to remind appropriate inspector(s) of inspection due dates (e.g., 30/60/120 days) aa. Ability to rotate grouped inspection responsibilities (e.g., between companies and shifts) bb. Ability to perform inspection workload balancing Violations and Citations cc. Ability to create and maintain violation information 1) Address 2) Business name 3) Date of violation 4) Entered by 5) Type of violation 6) Type of complaint 7) Complaint date 8) Number of violations 9) Violation code (uniform fire code) 10) Clearing period 11) Method by which the violation was cleared 12) Citation number 13) Date of notice of violation 14) Date violation was cleared 15) Date by which the violation should be cleared dd. Ability to enter and track citation information 1) Date 2) Citation number 3) Responsible party Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 216 Gartner Engagement 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements a) Name b) Address c) Telephone number d) Multiple violations per citation (up to 99) 4) Violation(s) a) Code (state, municipal, etc.) nl i nnP c) Description 5) Court date 6) Fine/penalty amount 7) Issuing officer 8) Final disposition ee. Ability to track and maintain weed abatement program information ff. Ability to add and clear multiple violations on a single screen gg. Ability to record citations issued by field companies hh. Ability to track the most frequent violations and citations over a given period of time (user defined) Permit Information ii. Fire permit information required of a business to track and issue permits. These permits cover a wide range of issues including disclosure fees for storage of hazardous materials. 1) Occupancy number 2) Address 3) Business name 4) NFPA 901 Code 5) Most recent permit billing status (historical re cords) 6) Permit number 7) Date permit issued 8) Expiration date 9) Billing date 10) Rebill 11) Billing address 12) Permit detail (multiple) 13) Total amount paid (calculated by system) 14) All permit numbers are paid in full Gartner Consulting —Entire contents-0 2001 Gartner, Inc. For Intimal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 217 ty . 'Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems. VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 15) Comments jj. Ability to calculate permit fee based on tables of fees and permit types kk. AbiIity to generate permit applications and invoices for new businesses 11. Ability to r�licra�e ICIICWI,I ,,nr Feations and invoices mrn.Ability to generate delinquent notice to billing address (e.g., payment 30 days past due) nn. Ability to generate late charge invoice (e.g., payment 90 days past due) oo. Ability to enter new fee structure for future period while maintaining existing fee structure history pp. Ability to track partial payments of fees and fines Permit to Burn qq. Ability to track and manage permits to burn 1) Issue date 2) Name 3) Address 4) Location of burn 5) Target burn date 6) Expiration date 7) Issued by employee name, ID Hazardous Material Information rr. This section describes information on hazardous materials located at business locations 1) Occupancy number 2) Business name 3) Reporting area 4) Full address 5) Business plan (YIN) 6) Chemical information (multiple) a) Name b) Chemical trade name Response [ [ ] [ 1 [ J [ ] [ ] ] Gartner Coriaulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 218 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements c) ChemicaI brand name d) Department of Transportation (DOT) number e) Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) identification number f) Toxicity code g) Materials Safety Data Sheet reference number h) Trade secret ;'1 L-ln..n...l nl..., .,: is ....i: �.. .1 - ITN /lT ' .1. 1 1 .J i 114 I4 .4 ..IU61.3iUl L11J11 I.UUG 11JV 1 gUIUG UUUK) j) Form of material storage k) Amount of stored chemical/maximum stored l) Unit of measure m) Is chemical inactive (no longer used) n) Method of chemical disposal o) Into what is it disposed p) Where is chemical disposed q) Waste stream code r) Name of waste pick-up firm s) Location of the material stored on premise t) Amount disposed u) Units disposed v) Description of the chemical process w) Locations used x) Exempt amount y) Remarks 7) Control areas (multiple) 8) Special storage requirements ss. Ability to associate all occupancy records together for comprehensive review and reporting Storage Tanks tt. Ability to manage information about fire permit for under and above ground storage tanks 1) Occupancy number 2) Business name 3) Parcel identification 4) Reporting area 5) Tank type (under or above ground) 6) Tank number code 7) Initial inspection date Gartner Consulting -Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 219 i tl . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 8) Last date of inspection 9) Manufacturer of tank 10) Model number of tank 11) Serial number of tank 12) Contents of tank 13) Capacity of tank (gallons) 1 q 1 f 'n.� nfw.z n4. n.. of a . f vvSSU Ll NV41V11 yl I.644Ub. 15) Type of pipe used 16) Type of monitor used 17) Type of vapor recovery system 18) Date of installation 19) Name of tank installer 20) Date tank was removed 21) Name of company that removed tank 22) Amount of inspection fee 23) Location code 24) Abandoned in place 25) Date application filed with County 26) Date application received from County 27) Date application completed 28) Remarks uu. Ability to track closure and removal of tanks vv. Ability to use table driven fee schedule by tank code, inspection and permit amount ww. Ability to pro -rate fees based on application date xx. Ability to track history of given Iocation including: 1) Contamination sites [ ] 2) Date contamination found [ ] 3) Less than required disclosure amounts [ ] 4) Prior hazardous material use [ ] 5) Citizen complaints [ ] 6) Conditional use limitations [ ] 7) User -defined codes by district [ ] yy. Ability to maintain and readily retrieve history on all locations/ facilities [ ] that have (current or previous) HAZMAT storage or are potential HAZMAT exposure sites Gartner Congulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 220 t t) • Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements zz. Ability to tie HAZMAT Plan Review with HAZMAT Inspection Records aaa. Ability to maintain list of certified tank installers and installation history 3. Reports and Output a. Ability to print inspection document 1) Pending date for the next scheduled inspection 2) Date Last inspected 3) Assigned to 4) Inspection sequence 5) Date range 6) Reporting area 7) Serial number of inspection 8) Type of inspection 9) Disposition of the inspection 10) Street/area to be selected b. Ability to display or print all inspection, violation, HAZMAT, permit and principal information associated with a business/ occupancy with a single transaction or menu selection c. Ability to print summarized occupancy and address data for 1) All businesses within an inspection area for a given fixed property type 2) All businesses within an inspection area with a given type of hazard 3) All businesses within an inspection area with a given occupational use code or occupant load 4) All businesses within an inspection area based on building parameters d. Ability to display or print a business inspection and violation history summary e. Ability to output report of violations issued by specified date or all and sorted by 1) Assigned to 2) Date violation clearance is due Response [ ] [ ] [ ] f. Ability to produce summary report on inspections and outcomes [ ] Gartner Consulting -Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only, December 2001—Page 221 t1T . ' Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response g. Ability to produce an audit report of the following data elements 1) Date of the activity 2) Name of business 3) Inspection number 4) Assigned to i i Hi um nPr of hours spent 6) Occupancy type 7) The number of inspection or investigation 8) Number of violations issued 9) Number of violations cleared 10) Category of the investigation h, Ability to print inspection activity report for 1) Date range 2) Assigned to 3) Type of inspection 4) ID number of the inspector i. Ability to print a summary report of inspections 1) Date range [ ] 2) Occupancy type [ ] 3) Incident type [ ] 4) Assigned to [ ] 5) Number of violations issued [ ] 6) Number of violations cleared [ ] 7) Number of inspections made [ ] 8) Man-hours spent on inspections [ ] 9) Overtime hours spent on inspections [ 3 10) Number of investigations [ ] 11) Man-hours spent on investigations [ ] 12) Overtime spent on investigations [ ] j. Ability to print a summary, by company or Fire Prevention Bureau [ ] Inspector, of the percent assigned inspections that are completed k. Ability to print permit certificates including variable information from [ ] occupancy record 1. Ability to display or print permit listing Gartner Cornsuiting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 222 IV Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) Permit number 2) Type of permit 3) Name of business 4) Address of permit m. Ability to print formatted fire safety inspection report with variables from occupancy LGI.VJd n. Ability to print delinquent receivables (e.g., 30/60/90/120 day) overdue by: 1) Occupancy number 2) Business name 3) Date billed 4) Amount overdue o. Ability to display or print scheduled inspections report 1) Assigned to 2) Address/location 3) Date of last inspection 4) Date scheduled 5) Type of inspection 6) Contact name and telephone number p. Ability to display or print detail or summary citation listing q. Ability to display or print detail or summary violation listing r. Ability to display or print building/occupancy detail report 1) By address or occupancy number or business 2) Detail building/occupancy information (e.g., hazardous materials, • storage tanks, etc.) s. Ability to display or print occupancy history, including incident reports, inspections, permits, violations and citations, and correspondence and contact log I) By address 2) Occupancy number 3) Business name Response [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 223 Gartner City of Kansas City Engagement: 220009530 Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 4) Owner name t. Ability to display or print inspection statistics 1) Monthly or on demand 2) By station or unit 3) BY inspector or comnan Y 4) Number of a) Inspections b) Violations c) Citations d) Reinspections e) Plan checks 5) Break out by type 6) Revenue summary 7) By occupancy type u. Ability to print self inspection materials for selected occupancies including 1) Cover letter [ ] 2) Inspection detail sheet [ ] v. Ability to print daily inspection schedule with activity descriptions and [ ] remarks 4. On -Line Inquiries a. Ability to query all inspection data 1) Occupancy number 2) Location/address/parcel number 3) Building or business permit number 4) Planning number 5) Inspection date 6) Inspection responsibility 7) Scheduled by date 8) Completed by date 9) Common violation 10) User -selected field b. Ability to query into permit information Gartner Constulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For intemal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 224 it 'Gartner Engagement:220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) Occupancy number 2) By location/address/parcel number 3) By permit number 4) By name 5) By type of permit 6) Due date 7) 1 e. r-Glelertpri 7lelfl c. Ability to query into building and occupancy information 1) Occupancy number 2) By address/location 3) By DBA 4) By owner name 5) Building type 6) Special features or systems 7) User -selected fields d. Ability to query hazardous material data by 1) Chemical name 2) Trade name 3) Brand/manufacturers name 4) Hazard class 5) User -selected field(s) e. Ability to query into underground tank information 1) By address/location/parcel number 2) By owner 3) By inspection number 4) By type 5) By inspection date(s) 6) Contractor name 7) Other f. Ability to query into above ground tank information I) By address/location/parcel number 2) By owner 3) By inspection number 4) By type Response [ ] [ [ [ ] [ ] [ [ 3 Gartner Consulting -,Entire contents'® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 225 Gartner City of Kansas City Engagement: 220009530 Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements g• 5) By inspection date(s) 6) Contractor name 7) Other Ability to query for most frequent sited violations for a given time period 5. Interfaces a. Ability to interface with Incident Reporting applications for comprehensive history by location, within CAD b. Inspection and hazardous materials information should be available for integration with pre -fire planning and documentation of target hazard locations c. Ability to geographically link RMS data to geographic information system mapping capability to display building and HAZMAT information (i.e., ESRI, state -plane coordinate) d. Ability to import/export specific information from RMS to hand-held devices e. Ability to import/export specific information from RMS permits to CAD f. Ability to import/export from RMS to ASCII files Response [ [ ] [ 1 [ 1 Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 226 1y Gartner Engagernent: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements G.Training 1. Application Overview Requirements for training include the ability to track classes, number of training hours, class rosters, testing, certifications and expirations. Throughout each employee's career, a record of all training and education is maintained. Firefighters ightcrs participate in two major types i tr n rig! classroom instruction wn� station training or drills. Both types must be scheduled and then data entry of attendance and results is recorded. In addition to tracking training records, the number of hours spent in vocational training must also be compiled. Response 2. Major Functions and Features Training Records a. Ability to maintain and track employee and candidate training information to include the following: 1) Course code 2) Description of course/title 3) Location 4) Instructor 5) Date training started (if applicable) 6) Date training ended 7) Number of hours 8) Completion status 9) Grade received (P, F or completed) 10) Certification level issued 11) Certifying agency 12) Expires b. AbiIity to maintain the following general individual training information 1) Name 2) Employee ID 3) Education history detail 4) Training certifications 5) Special skills/qualifications 6) Hours attended 7) Classes attended Gartner Consulting .gntire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc, For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 227 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements c. Ability to automatically update individual training record d. Ability to track mandatory training requirements for each position/ rank e. Ability to obtain information on personnel in need of training and notify appropriate personnel in advance of expiration date 1) By person 2) Training type 3) Notification date (e.g. ability to set date of notification) 4) Date expired 5) Remaining training f. Ability to maintain employee License and certification information 1) Name 2) ID number 3) Certification/license type 4) Date obtained 5) Date of expiration 6) Endorsements 7) Remarks g. Ability to track multiple classifications of employees (e.g., safety and non -safety) and record their unique training requirements and status h. Ability to enter and track mandated training requirements (e.g., NFPA, etc.) i. Ability to track evaluations and testing of recruits 1) Agency 2) Name 3) Date of application 4) Category 5) Task 6) Evaluation 7) Comments 8) Evaluator name 9) Individual training scores/grades Response [ 1 [ Gartner Cons;rlting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 228 'Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response Course Information j. Ability to maintain and track available training classes 1) Course code 2) Description 3) Location 4) Instructor 5) Start date/time 6) End date/time 7) Number of hours of training 8) Certification k. Ability to set up and maintain a schedule of the following types of activities 1) Instruction dates 2) Recertification dates 3) Company drills 4) EMS training 5) HAZMAT training 6) Other 1. Ability to track classroom training . I) One-time set-up of class information 2) Preparation of class roster 3) Data entry of each participants' results m. Ability to display inter -agency training schedules n. Ability to inquire other agency training schedules by training type or course identities o. Ability to enter and maintain station or Iocation training information at each station 1) Name 2) Company 3) Station/battalion 4) Date/time 5) Location Gartner Consulting ltntire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 229 I Op Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 6) Type training/drill 7) Instructor p. Ability to maintain Fire Department Instructors listing by 1) Specialty 2) Qualifications q. Module should allow for interagency training calendars to coordinate and plan training classes 3. Reports and Output a. Ability to display or print monthly and annual Individual Training Summary Report 1) Employee information (name, rank , shift, station, ID) 2) Listing of all drills completed, hours and evaluations 3) Listing of all training classes, hours and evaluations 4) Instructor hours by class and type b. Ability to display or print Class Roster 1) Date for each class/program 2) List of all participants, station/shift 3) Grade information 4) Instructor name c. Ability to display or print ad hoc educational profile of I) Individual 2) Battalion d. Ability to display or print ad hoc reports 1) Certifications by employee 2) EmpIoyees by certification 3) Certification renewal by date 4) Instructor certifications e. Ability to display or print Monthly, Bi-Monthly and Annual Training Summary [ ] 1 ] Gartner ConsultIng Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 230 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) By battalion, Division, Company 2) Classes/drills held 3) Summary of hours f. Ability to produce training records for I) Certified LlAl1C\ 2) College unit classes for credit 3) EMT certification 4) HAZMAT certification 5) State or national academy classes 6) Paramedic certification g. Ability to generate an automatic re -certification reminder letter h. Ability to list all ICS (Incident Command System) certified personnel by name, title and certifying agency via workstation 4. On -Line Inquiries a. Ability to view individual training records at remote work stations b. Ability to retrieve training records by: I) Employee ID 2) Training type 3) Instructor 4) Company 5) Battalion 6) Agency c. Ability to display or print pre -defined or ad hoc reports d. Ability for agency to easily generate user -defined reports e. Ability to automatically assign report generation according to departmental protocols (e.g. first arriving unit responsible for report). Manual overrides should be available to system administrator Response [ [ ] [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc, For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001-Page 231 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements a) Number b) Floors served by the medium bank elevators c) Manual, Automatic, or Both recall (M/A/B) 3) Low bank elevator shafts a) Number b) Floors served by the low bank elevators c) Manual, Automath., or Roth recoil (M/ i ) . �� rw.F ,a•Ls ULf d) Automatic supply aid shutdown e) Supply air purge f) Floors purged g) Supply air system override 4) Freight elevator shafts a) Number b) Floors served by the freight elevators c) Manual, Automatic or Both recall (M/A/B) 5) Air conditioning control panel location 6) Parking lot elevator shafts a) Number b) Floors served by the Parking Lot elevators c) Manual, Automatic or Both recall (M/AJB) 7) Emergency power a) Hours b) Emergency power generator location c) Emergency power control panel Iocation d) Equipment powered by emergency generator 8) Number of enclosed stairways 9) Number of pressurized stairways 10) Number of smoke towers 11) Number of stairways with roof access 12) Number of balcony exits 13) Total number of stairways 14) Fuel powered fire pump • a) Type b) Fire pump pressure (PSI) at full capacity c) Available fuel supply in gallons d) Available water supply in gallons e) Fire pump Iocation 15) Manual pull station 16) Smoke detectors a) Smoke detector coverage b) Location of partial coverage area Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 212