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Kansas City RFP 2
Gartner Engagement; 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and Genera! Requirements dd. Ability to create ad hoc reports as needed without degradation to system performance ee. Ability to schedule reports to be automatically created and distributed via email, FTP and/or SMTP without the need for conversion ff0 h1I;t» to rat... n.m rn4n r. • +.+ami �v air 4a av r uu‘u yi1 first yr last information V11LCictl ink) a muiti- value/sub-value field gg. Ability to show only first value entered on a screen or report hh. Ability to show only last value entered on a screen or report ii. Ability to inquire on Date of Birth and result displayed in alphabetical order jj. Ability to inquire on multiple levels within a field Id:. Ability to produce monthly ad hoc reports based on specific geographic paws Response [ J [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ •1 Gartner Consulting • Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 50 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and General Requirements F. On -Line Help and Documentation 1. Introduction This section includes on-Iine help and documentation requirements for all applications. . Documentation and Online Help Requirements a. Ability to maintain on-line user -defined, agency -specific documentation and procedures: (1) Provide spell check capability (2) Searchable by key words (3) Download information from existing text files (4) Glossary of terms (5) Definitions (6) Staff procedures/ready references (7) Standard operating procedures (8) Policy/procedure statements (9) Statutes and codes b. Online, context -sensitive help. Help files must be provided by vendor and reflect any customized functionality c. Ability for administrator to editiadd to on-line help text d. The system should allow for on-line context -sensitive help features and provide the user with the ability to access directly on the screen help information regarding the operation in progress e. All documentation must be maintained according to the most recent release of the application. f. All documentation shall be provided in both printed and electronic format g• Provide help facility via function key or icon from any screen or field within any application h. System Administrators Guide. Vendor shall provide a comprehensive manual for each agency that contains all documentation required by the system administrator to perform all system management functions, including performance monitoring and troubleshooting. Response Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For intemal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 51 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and General Requirements System Users Guide. Vendor shall provide a single comprehensive manual that contains all documentation required by system users System Programmers Guide. Vendor shall provide a comprehensive manual that contains all documentation that details system functions, screen layouts, file structures, data structure and application program naci nn k. Network Diagram. Vendor shall provide a comprehensive diagram that details all installed components and their relationships. Response [ [" 1 Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc, For internal use of City of Kansas City only, December 2001—Page 52 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and General Requirements G.Data Conversion 1. Introduction 'This section includes requirements for the conversion of legacy data generated by the currently used in-house computer system. For the Fire Department, data is currently maintained in a Sybase database. For the Police Department, data is currently stored in IMS and DB2; however, the goal of the City is to standardize all departments in Oracle as Y .Y Y much as possible. The Police Department also has some -stand-alone" applications running Windows NT with an access database such as the Juvenile division with an in - !house created access database and mug shot system. The vehicle maintenance facility uses an AS 400 accounting application from New World Systems to maintain department vehicle records. The City would Like each proposer to price two alternatives for the conversion of legacy data. The first option is for the proposer to conduct all of the data conversion with minimal assistance from City staff. The second option is for City staff to provide 'Assistance as follows: <' Identify all records for conversion Assist vendor in creation of a data mapping document Unload existing data in vendor specified format. As part of the second option, the vendor will be expected to provide the following: • Provide clear and concise written procedures ▪ Create the data mapping document, with assistance from City staff • Provide data conversion formats to be populated • Provide appropriate value codes for data population • Perform all edits during data conversion • Provide appropriate reporting and balancing reports on conversion. At this time, the Department does not foresee a need to convert any existing CAD information to the new CAD system. Meanwhile, the Department has identified the following ALERT files that they want converted to the new Police RMS: File Persons (KCPD arrests only): Number of Records (Approx) Name 2.2 million Address 2.5 million Arrest 2.8 million Offense Victim 1.4 million Accident 15,000 Traffic Citation 1.3 million Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 53 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and General Requirements The Fire Department has decided to not convert any of the existing records in their Fire RMS. The Department is confident that accessing relevant records on the legacy system via a CD or the mainframe will satisfy its query needs. Regarding the existing Fire CAD system, the Department has identified the following files that they want converted to the new CAD system: File Number of Records (Approx) Hazard 20,000 Handicap 2. Data Conversion Requirements a. Please describe your approach to data conversion assuming that minimal support would be provided by City staff. Detail the steps that would occur, and price each step. b. Please describe your approach to data conversion assuming that COKC staff will provide the three bulleted items above in support of the vendor's data conversion efforts. Detail the steps that would occur, and price each step. Describe .any costs savings the City will realize with this approach. c. Please describe any alternative approach(es) that would allow for a i.somprehensive data conversion phase Describe the tasks that would be required for both the vendor and City staff. Response Provided? Provided?I, (YIN ),__ Provided? (YfN)__ d. Recommend the approach that would be most beneficial for the City. Provided? Explain why, and what the benefits of this approach would be. (Y/N)_T Gartner Consulting • Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc, For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 54 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and General Requirements H. GIS Integration 1. Introduction This section includes GIS requirements that apply to all applications. It is the City's overall intention to utilize a single source of base geographic data for all City applications, including the public safety systems acquired as part of this RFP. The City it currently cuing multiple solutions s . •lt .. ��. . ) using ai■ui�al,ra�. mapping nv1uLL1/11J and Wlil lillgrdLC to a GiS data repository solution in the next 18-24 months. Response The City will provide a street centerline file that contains street segments covering all of Kansas City using the state plane coordinate system. At a minimum, the base geographic data provided by the City on a regular basis may include: a. Street Centerline with address ranges and leftlright designation for the entire City of Kansas City S. City limits c. County limits d. Street names e. Police boundaries f Police reporting areas g. Police sectors �:. Police beats i. Police districts j. Fire boundaries k. Fire reporting areas 1. Fire station response area boundaries m. Create map books showing streets, names, plots, hydrants, etc. Map page number should show on CAD screen Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 55 Gartner City of Kansas City Engagement 220009530 Request for Proposal for Public Safety information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and General Requirements Response n. The base geographic data provided by the City on a regular basis may also include: (I) Building footprints (2) Edge of pavement (3) Fire stations «t `i) ,L 11V llJ%l W.1IAA (5) Airports (6) Police stations (7) Water features (8) Railroads (9) Landmarks (IO) Schools (11) Parcels 2::3yeoi`iie Creation and Conversion Requirements The vendor shall use the City provided base GIS data as the single ..ource.f:.,r all geographic information in all systems. . 'l'he vendor shall provide all hardware, software and services required ..o initially convert the City provided geographic data into any vendor specific format required for use in any vendor supplied applications. v. The vendor shall provide an automated means to incorporate periodic updates received from the City GIS to the base geographic data into any vendor specific format required for use in any vendor supplied applications. d. The vendor shall make the conversion and update process available to authorized City systems administration personnel and provide all training, hardware and software required to enable authorized City systems administration personnel to perform these update tasks as needed. e. The vendor shall provide all training, hardware, software and services required to create public safety specific or vendor required geographic boundaries and / or polygon layers not included in the City provided base maps, but required for the operation of the vendor provided systems. Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 56 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems III. Functional Requirements Overview and General Requirements 3. Data Integrity and Accuracy a. The vendor shall be responsible for ensuring that all geofile/mapping data provided by the City is properly converted and included for use by all vendor -provided public safety systems. h The �. r. rin n1. ..11 provide t b. . he .ender 3ha11 au autuwated means to test the initial conversion and any subsequent updates prior to the data being used by the live systems. The test must be complete and comprehensive enough to demonstrate that all data has been accurately converted. :. The vendor shall submit a written conversion test plan to the City for approval prior to the test being conducted. d. The vendor shall make the testing process available to authorized City systems administration personnel and provide all training, hardware and software required to enable authorized City systems administration personnel to perform .these testing and validation tasks as needed. Response 1 [ 1 Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 57 ,Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 163 A. General Requirements 184 B. Incident Reporting 167 C. Personnel .183 D. Apparatus, Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance 195 E. Supplies and Equipment Inventory 202 F. Fire Prevention 208 G Traininn � awn ni �M ,7 Gartner Consulting • Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page i Gartner Engagement; 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 183 Gartner Engagement 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements A. General Requirements 1. Major Functions and Features a. Provide standard keyboard function keys across all RMS modules to avoid remapping keys b. Provide quick method to erase or cancel the screen entry prior to update (Le., refresh screen) c. AbiIity to update system information real-time with each transaction d. Ability to validate entries against the following data types: I) Date (i.e., past date, current date, future date, logical date parameters) 2) Numeric 3) Alpha 4) Alpha numeric 5) Code tables e. Provide ability for all code tables to: 1) Search by code and go directly to the corresponding code entry and description 2) Search by code description and go directly to corresponding code entry and description 3) If no match entry, the entry with the next greater code is displayed 4) If an existing code is changed/modified, prompt system administrator to select if he/she wants to update historical data and date/time stamp modification f. Provide hot key or icon that displays the code table screen whenever cursor is on a field that contains or requires a code table entry (e.g., violation) g• Provide quick method to erase or cancel the screen entry prior to update (i.e., refresh screen) h. Ability to capture all data and perform all edits required for NFIRS Report i. Ability to enter/attach reports from other fire agencies Response [ Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 164 . , Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements j. Ability to confirm the "send" transaction k. Ability for Supervisor to flag "questionable" reports 1. Ability to flag any report with incomplete information rn Ability to censor reports n. Ability to compare case numbers created in CAD with case numbers completed and approved in RMS holding queue and provide a report that lists case numbers not completed and/or approved o. Ability to allow Incident Commander to assign reporting responsibility to a specific unit p. Ability to automatically assign report generation according to Department protocols (e.g., first arriving unit responsible for report). Additionally, a manual override should be available to the system administrator q. Ability to restrict users actions for queries and reports by: 1) Warning of number of reports found 2) Using prompts to continue/refine/alter the query 3) Displaying a single page of data at a time 2. Data Purge Capabilities a. Ability to establish and modify purge criteria b. Ability to selectively edit and purge information (based on security level): 1) Purge single record 2) Purge group/all records (by criteria such as dates) 3) Purge all except specific records c. Ability to selectively edit and purge case information to comply with mandated record sealing: 1) Purge single record 2) Purge group/all records 3) Purge all except specific records 4) Purge specific information from a single record Response [ ] [ [ ] r 1. [ ] I ] [ Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 165 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response d. Ability to generate hard copy listing of purged data based on user defined criteria (date of report, person/business name, vehicle tag, etc.) e. Ability to selectively purge records and subject information based on user defined criteria (date, age, etc.) 1- A L:1:a.. ��--a«L1:..1- ...-•--------• --•J ----- '--�a _.-7_ r_.. - Y• •-• n .• 1. czuiuLy w'atauiiau allliuliasy auu pU1ge Lt1LGlltl lul V11-1111C 1111urxnaiion and off-line storage g• Ability to archive historical data by multiple mediums h. Ability to view on-line date and reason record was purged 3. Query and Search a. Ability to search and query RMS records by system number b. Ability to report "hits" on searches and queries by external systems c. Ability to search and query RMS on user -defined fields for given ranges. Includes the ability to use Boolean operators (e.g., and/or) and wild cards d. Ability to retrieve report count by operator with date ranges e. Ability to keep a running tally of the reports checked by Q&A 4. Integration with Other Systems a. Ability to access the RMS system from remote PCs with appropriate security b. Ability to access the RMS system from mobile data devices for queries and seamless integration of automated field reporting c. Ability to use GIS-based, state/plane coordinate graphical analysis tools to display specified RMS data Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 166 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements B.Incident Reporting 1. Overview Incident reporting covers the reporting of fire, hazardous materials, EMS, casualty and other non -fire -related incident responses. When an incident is closed, the initial dispatch information captured by CAD will automaLica I v bet Rviiii hie for of additional incident rcp-rtii _ data. --------- entry .,.....,..�....,µ. incident iL.t.JV1L111�' 11a4i4. Responding companies will complete their incident reports using remote equipment, including personal computer workstations and MDCs, if applicable. The MDC query capabilities that will be necessary are: roster, burn permits, callback, and vacation. The system should provide extensive help information including menus, reference tables and on-line tutorial. The system should collect all data needed to submit standardized electronic reporting including those for the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). All standard reporting should be the latest incident report version as defined by their respective organizations (e.g., NFIRS), with the capability to be upgraded as required. All reporting should be available for submission by hardcopy, off-line medium or direct data communications link. All response data should be available for extensive ad hoc reporting, management and statistical analysis. The system should maintain a rigorous audit trail of record changes. The RMS should provide a user -defined reporting capability that provides a data selection process for downloading data to each requesting user. Data selection should be user -defined and in accordance with their respective security access. 2. Major Functions and Features Incident Information a. Ability to capture and track all data elements necessary to generate complete fire incident reports compliant with the NFIRS 5.0 standard. b. Ability to prompt user for additional information or reports required based on type of incident or incident code c. Ability to capture, track and electronically transmit all data elements necessary to generate Missouri Fire Incident Reports compliant with the Missouri State Fire Marshal requirements including: Response ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. November 2001—Page 167 , Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 1) All incidents: a) Fire Department ID b) Incident number c) Exposure number d) Month/day/year e) Day of week 1) 1ll4llil L1111C g) Arrival time h) Time in service i) Type of situation found j) Type of action taken k) Mutual aid (received, given) 1) Fixed property use m) Ignition factor n) Correct address o) County/Town p) Zip code q) Census tract/block r) Occupant name s) Telephone t) Room/Apartment number u) Owner name v) Address w) Telephone x) Method of alarm from public y) Type of alarm z) District aa) Shift bb) Station cc) Number alarms dd) 911 used ee) Personnel responded ff) Engines responded gg) Aerial apparatus hh) Rescues ii) Other vehicles 2) Civilian Injuries and Deaths Only for Fire Incidents a) Number of injuries (fire service, civilian) b) Number of fatalities (fire service, civilian) 3) Fires only: a) Complex Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 168 , Gartner Engagement:220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response b) Mobile property type c) Area of fire origin d) Equipment involved in ignition e) Form of heat of ignition f) Type of material ignited g) Form of material ignited h) Method of extinguishment i) Level of fire origin j) Estimated Ioss k) Estimated value 4) Structure Fires only a) Number of stories b) Construction type c) Extent of flame damage d) Extent of smoke damage e) Detector performance f) Sprinkler performance g) If smoke spread beyond room of origin i) Type of material generating most smoke ii) Avenue of smoke travel iii) Form of material generating most smoke 5) If mobile property a) Year b) Make c) Model d) Serial number e) License number 6) If equipment involved in ignition a) Year b) Make c) Model d) Serial number 7) Comments 8) Officer in charge (name, position, assignment), date 9) Member making report, date 10) Occupant date of birth 11) Owner date of birth 12) Investigation requested 13) Property management 14) Dispatcher 15) Buildings and contents Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 169 , Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response a) Company b) Agency c) Contact d) Phone e) Insured amount f) Settlement amount 10) Vehicles a) Company b) Agency c) Contact d) Phone e) Insured amount f) Settlement amount 17) Total insured amount (buildings, vehicles, contents) 18) Total settlement amount (buildings, vehicles, contents) 19) Action codes: a) Arrived/emergency b) Arrived/non-emergency c) Arrived/no action taken d) Did not arrive e) Standby at station 20) Vehicle number (multiple) a) Action taken b) Pump time c) Run miles d) Tools used e) Hose used (size & length) f) Ladders used (height) g) Personnel and rank 21) Narrative Hazardous Materials Reporting d. Ability to capture and generate the following NFIRS-HMI Hazardous Materials Incident Report information: 1) Fire Department ID 2) Incident number 3) Exposure number 4) Month/day/year 5) Day of week Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 170 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 6) Special HAZMAT response actions taken (multiple) 7) GeneraI property use 8) Area of release 9) Level of release 10) Release factors: a) Primary n r ,wn indary c) Tertiary 11) Equipment involved in release 12) Type weather I3) Temperature 14) Estimated number of chemicals/HAZMAT 15) Disposition of incident 16) Personnel identifying HAZMAT 17) Reference material used to identify HAZMAT 18) Number of injuries a) Fire service b) Other 19) Number of fatalities a) Fire service b) Other 20) Chemical/HAZMAT trade name 21) DOT ID no. 22) DOT hazard class 23) Chemical Abstract Services Number 24) Physical state stored 25) Extent of release 26) Physical state released 27) Quantity released 28) Unit of measure 29) Suspected environmental contamination 30) Container use 31) Special container features 32) Container type 33) Container material 34) Container capacity 35) Unit of measure 36) Transport type 37) Year 38) Make 39) Model Gartner Consulting Entire contents ©2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 171 . Gartner Engagement 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 40) Vehicle license no. 41) State 42) Vehicle identification number 43) ICC/DOT number 44) Driver's license number 45) State di i 1 'nm n nts 47) Special studies 48) Member making report/date 49) Narrative 50) All information necessary for HAZMAT cost recovery Casualty Reporting e. Ability to capture and generate the following NFIRS-4 Civilian Casualty Report information: I) Fire Department ID 2) Incident number 3) Exposure number 4) Month/day/year 5) Day of week 6) Alarm time 7) Casualty number 8) Casualty name (last, first, middle initial) 9) Date of birth 10) Age 11) Time of injury 12) Home address 13) Telephone 14) Sex 15) Casualty type 15) Severity 17) Affiliation 18) Familiarity with structure 19) Location at ignition 20) Condition before injury 21) Condition preventing escape 22) Activity at time of injury 23) Cause of injury 24) Nature of injury Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 172 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 25) Part of body injured 26) Disposition 27) Officer in charge (name, position, assignment)/date 28) Member making report/date f. Ability to capture and generate the following NFIRS-5 Fire Service i AVT1A tv Kwnnr: infnrrnvtir,n• 1) Fire Department ID 2) Incident number 3) Exposure number 4) Casualty number 5) Date Injury occurred 6) Time of injury 7) Casualty name (last, first, middle, initial) 8) Type of casualty 9) Age 10) Sex 11) Case severity 12) Primary apparent symptom 13) Primary part of body 14) Patient taken to 15) Assignment 16)No responses prior to injury 17) Physical condition 18) Status before alarm 19) Fire fighter activity 20) Where injury occurred 21) Cause of fire fighter injury 22) MedicaI care provided 23) Protective coat worn a) Status b) Type problem 24) Protective trousers worn a) Status b) Type problem 25) Boots/shoes worn a) Status b) Type problem 26) Helmet worn a) Status Response [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 173 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements g. b) Type problem 27) Face protection worn a) Type problem 28) Breathing apparatus worn a) Status b) Type problem ro i ninvpg worn a) Type problem 30) Special equipment worn a) Status b) Type problem 31) Member making report/date 32) Officer in charge (name, position, assignment)/date 33) Remarks Ability to capture and generate the following Fire Report information: 1) Fire Department ID 2) Incident number 3) Exposure number 4) Month/day/year 5) Day of week 6) Alann time 7) Acres burned a) Timber b) Woodland c) Brush d) Grass e) Crop f) Total acres burned 8) Property information a) Area type b) Fire danger rating c) Land use d) Latitude e) Longitude f) Slope (%) g) Aspect h) Property management 9) Weather a) Temperature Response L [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] L [ ] [ ] f [ ] f Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 174 , Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements b) Humidity (%) c) Wind speed (mph) d) Direction e) Shade (%) f) Time observed 10) Rate spread suppression cost 1 i r Tf 4Y fe t o wind, railroad or power line: a) Horizontal distance (feet) b) Type of right of way 12) If person caused: a) Age b) Gender 13) Cause/Factors a) Major cause b) Fuel model c) Ignition factor d) Activity type 14) Contributing factor 1) a) Cause b) Spread 15) Contributing factor 2) a) Cause b) Spread h. Ability to capture and report the following Fire Loss Report information: 1) Fire Department ID 2) Incident number 3) Exposure number 4) Month/Day/Year 5) Day of week 6) Alarm time 7) Buildings: a) Estimated loss b) Estimated value c) Insured amount d) Settlement amount 8) Vehicles: a) Estimated loss b) Estimated value c) Insured amount Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 175 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements d) Settlement amount 9) Contents: a) Estimated Loss b) Estimated value c) Insured amount d) Settlement amount 1 I1\ • '..+_1_ 1 V) 1 vLal. a) Estimated loss b) Estimated value c) Insured amount d) Settlement amount 11) Insurance information: a) Buildings and contents: i) Company ii) Agency iii) Contact iv) Telephone number b) Vehicles: i) Company ii) Agency iii) Contact iv) Telephone number i. Ability to capture and report the following mutual aid/contract agency information: J• 1) Fire Department ID 2) Incident number 3) Exposure number 4) Month/Day/Year 5) Day of week 6) Alarm time 7) Department code/name 8) Auto mutual aid code 9) Notified 10) Arrival 11)Leave 12) Number of persons Ability to capture and report the following arson investigations information: Response Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 176 , Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) Fire Department ID 2) File number 3) Incident number 4) Area of origin 5) County 6) City % 1 • 1l •a nt +era 8) Address of fire 9) Value of structure 10) Date of fire 11) Damage to structure 12) In/Out of City limits 13) Insurance on structure 14) Insurance company 15) Name of owner 16) Address of owner 17) Name(s) of occupants 18) Value of contents 19) Damage to contents 20) Insurance on contents 21) Insurance company 22) Type of building 23) Type of roof 24) Residence/Commercial, etc. 25) Automobile (year and model) 26) Number of fatalities 27) Charges: a) Names b) Addresses c) Nature of charges 28) Status (under investigation, DA, closed, etc.) 29) Investigation requested by 30) Deputy arrival date/time) 31) Date of report 32) Notes 33) Evidence number 34) Evidence location Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 177 • Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Emergency Medical Service k. Ability to capture and track all data elements necessary to generate Missouri EMS Reports (a.k.a. patient encounter report) compliant with the Missouri State Department of Health and City of Kansas City Health Department requirements 1. Ability to capture, track and report on equipment and supplies used during a patient encounter m. AbiIity to associate one or more patient encounter reports with a single NFIRS incident report n. Ability to assign a unique sequential number to each patient encounter report entered from a single NFIRS incident report o. Ability to electronically capture and track an EKG output/summary from the Medtronic Physio-Control unit p. Ability to associate the EKG output/summary of the Medtronic Physio- Control unit with the appropriate patient encounter report (e.g., incident number, patient ID, patient name) q. Ability to utilize standard word processing features in narrative: 1) Word-wrap 2) Dictionary/spellchecker 3) Format/tab settings r. Ability to flag incidents for cost recovery program (e.g., hazard) s. Ability to track alcohol and drug related incidents (e.g., drug screen) t. Ability to flag incidents for further investigation u. Ability to update incident and location information if different from initial incident dispatch v. Ability to provide audit trail of changes to incident reports (e.g., timestamp, user ID, record -ID, location entered, etc.). Vendor to describe process and capabilities proposed. Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 178 Gartner Engagement:220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements w. Ability to retrieve and transfer occupancy, inspections, permit and licensing information from KIVA (e.g., DBA, APN, NFPA 901 codes, UBC Codes, etc.) x. Ability to automatically calculate hours utilized based on personnel responding to call y. Ability to transfer and capture multiple CAD incident dispositions z. Ability to verify all RMS incident addresses against centralized CAD geofile aa. Ability to track incidents associated with violent crimes or weapons involvement bb. Ability to restrict edits to reports after user -defined time period cc. Ability to track biohazardous infectious waste disposal dd. Ability to track oxygen bottle exchange 3. Reports and Output a. Ability to provide all required reports compliant with NFIRS 5.0 standard and the Missouri State Fire Marshal (e.g., Hazardous Materials, Casualty, etc.) 1) Electronic transfer 2) Printed summary 3) Printed detail b. Ability to report on equipment, apparatus, personnel and supplies used on any incident c. Ability to print public disclosure/press incident report (i.e., incident summary with translation of coded fields). Solution must support the sale of Fire Reports to the public. d. Ability to print prior 24-hour activity summary report with narrative e. Ability to produce list of missing or incomplete reports for follow-up Response [ 1 [ Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For Internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 179 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response f. Ability to notify personnel responsible for entering missing or incomplete reports g. Ability to produce a list of personnel exposed to incident hazards (Le., communicable diseases, hazardous materials, etc.) h. Ability liter fn .notify., appropriate ..1 to r_ 11 _ it, appropriate personnel fb]iow up when an employee has been exposed to a hazardous material or communicable disease i. Ability to compare and report actual response times against defined response time objectives j. Ability to provide monthly and annual incident summary by property class and incident type and by City and County k. Ability to prepare a summary and detail report of resources used during an incident in order to prepare a bill for reimbursement (e.g., DUI cost recovery, hazmat cost recovery): 1) Unit(s) responding 2) Personnel 3) Equipment damage/lost 4) Expendables/non-expendables used 5) Services provided 1. Ability to prepare and generate BLS and ALS response reports/ patient encounter reports (e.g., extrication) m. Ability to produce report for follow-up inspections using user -defined parameters (e.g., dollar loss or percentage of building destroyed) n. Ability for supervisors to review and/or approve reports on-line o. Ability to randomly select any number of completed reports to view or print out for the purposes of quality control checks p. Ability to generate automatic narrative based on fields in the Incident Reports q. Ability to create labels using name and address of occupant and/or owners Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 180 Gartner Engagement:220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 4. On -Line Inquiries a. Ability to retrieve incident report information by: 1) Incident number 2) Agency number/MDID _.. 1) Date/date range 4) Time/time range 5) Ca11 type 6) Location/Place/Name/Information 7) Reporting party 8) Involved party 9) User -defined selection criteria 10) Station/Company/Shift b. Ability to generate daily activity reports by shift with location summary and narratives from incident reports c. Ability to inquire or report on transported equipment (e.g., backboards, [ ] splints, etc.) 5. interfaces a. Ability to capture incident data from CAD system and automatically include information in incident report b. Ability to enter and print incident report information from remote workstations and Mobile Data Computers c. Ability to interface with an external GIS based, state plane coordinate geographical and analytical systems for incident and other data analysis (i.e., formatted extract and download) d. Ability to access RMS from remote workstations and Mobile Data Computers e. Ability to interface with Supplies and Equipment Inventory module for equipment, apparatus and supplies used on each incident for costs and billing information and inventory control purposes f. Ability to utilize centralized geofile for recording report boundaries for incident location: I Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 181 Gartner Engagement 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) Map pages 2) Reporting areas 3) Census tract/block 4) District (first in units) 5) BattaIion Districts 6) Jurisdiction Response [ 1 [ ] [ [ [ [ _1 Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 182 , Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements C. Personnel 1. Application Overview Personnel system requirements include the capture and management of individual personnel data, leave, daily roster, roll call, schedule, call back, and transfer requests. Also, telephone numbers, emergency contact information and special certifications must be kept up-to-date. Training records related to individuals are described under training .....l..aavaawauu. Personnel data and recruitment information should provide for individual career history and personal information. Daily roster provides the list of scheduled employees at the beginning of a shift. Roll call defines who actually worked and scheduled employee status (e.g., vacation, etc.). Schedule applications support the long range scheduling of staff. Callback list provides an on-line means to confirm call-back status. Transfer requests tracks applications for re -assignment. Personnel modules should be integrated with the CAD, enabling employee data entered in the Personnel module to update CAD unit roster files. This module should also interface with the City's personnel system allowing data to be transferred into the personnel module. The module should allow for user -defined data elements to be downloaded for additional processing in accordance to their respective payroll systems. Response 2. Major Functions and Features Personnel Data a. Ability to capture and maintain the following personnel information: 1) Employee ID number 2) Full name of person 3) Sex 4) Race 5) Date of birth 6) Age 7) Religion 8) Residence address (full) 9) Mailing address (full) 10) Phone number (multiple) 11) Blood type 12) Social security number 13) Emergency contacts (multiple) Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. November 2001—Page 183 Gartner Engagement; 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 14) Phone numbers of emergency contacts (multiple) 15) Division 16) Shift 17) Station 18) Rank 19) Certified for acting position(s) 20) Hire date 21) Original date hired 22) Date of current rank 23) Termination date 24) Pay step 25) Pay band 26) Hourly rate 27) Pay frequency 28) Pay cycle 29) Cycle start date 30) Review date for probationary and/or annual employees 31) Rank this employee is qualified to act in (multiple) 32) Beginning date of schedule 33) Beginning of regular work hours (i.e., 0800) 34) Ending of regular work hours (Le., 1700) 35) Degrees earned (multiple) a) Degree description b) Date completed 36) Continuing education (multiple) a) Course b) Date c) Units 37) Certificates earned/licenses held (multiple) ' a) Title b) Category c) Date ' d) Expiration 38)Date probation completed 39) Driver's license a) Number b) Date c) Class d) Endorsements 40) Management courses (multiple) a) Title Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, kic. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 184 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements b) Date 41) Date of last physical evaluation 42) Name of personal physician and phone # 43) Medications 44) Allergies 45) Previous assignments (multiple) 46) Promotion dates (multiple) 47) Commendations 48) Disciplinary actions (multiple) 49) Digital personnel photos (multiple) Daily Roster b. Ability to manage a roster function to include but not be limited to the following data I) Agency 2) Employee ID 3) Name 4) Assignment 5) Station 6) Company 7) Rank Code 8) Schedule Code 9) Date range 10) Beginning of regular work hours (i. 11) Ending of regular work hours (i.e., 12) Flag - To note no longer needed on Roll Call e., 0800) 1700) duty roster c. Ability to manage employee attendance and exceptions (e.g., disability, sick leave, vacation, etc.) 1) Agency 2) Employee ID 3) Full name of person 4) Type of exception 5) Free -form description of the exception 6) Date range 7) Time range 8) Person replacing Response [ 1 [ ] [ 1 [ [ 1 [ ] L J [ [ ] [ ] Gartner Consulting q Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 185 ' Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems Vl. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 9) Assignment 10) Shift 11) Station 12) Company 13) Rank 14) Schedule code J) I tee-foiiit lieu Lor remarks d. Ability to input multiple employee activity records per screen to speed data entry e. Ability to manage the process in which employees may trade shifts to include but not be limited to the following data 1) Agency 2) Employee ID 3) Full name of person 4) Type of exception 5) Free -form description of the exception 6) Date range 7) Time range 8) Person replacing 9) Assignment 10) Shift 11) Station 12) Company 13) Rank 14) Schedule code f. Ability to update roll call data in real-time g. Ability to enter adjustments and exceptions to the shift/ assignment schedule to record actual time worked 1) Regular time 2) Drafts a) Voluntary b) Mandatory 3) Sick leave 4) Vacation 5) Annual leave 6) Light duty Response [ [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ L 1 [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, lac. For intemal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 166 x . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI, Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 7) Military duty 8) Jury duty 9) Shift trades 10) Other pay codes 11) Extra services pay A nitiry TA Time Tr; nt r.f.40C.C, to t,,,,airee..:ng ...+..... �v •lboUTI11� .7' JLL.11l i. Ability to track individual history of working out of rank (e.g., acting captain) J• Ability to manage information about company staffing and equipment status 1) Company 2) Shift 3) Date 4) ID of captain on duty 5) ID of A/O on duty 6) IDs of Firefighter(s) on duty 7) Staffing count 8) Status at inspection 9) Vehicle equipment numbers 10) Other k. Ability for the system to identify staffing shortfalls in roster assignment (based on minimum staffing requirements) Schedule 1. Ability to accommodate multiple schedule periods (e.g., 10/14, 9/80, 56, 49.9) hour) m. Ability to schedule in advance (by week for at least 12 months) and track detail shift assignment information 1) Date/day of week 2) Shift on duty 3) Duty Chief 4) Station rosters a) Planned assignments (captain, firefighters, etc.) b) Special assignments (city business, fire academy, etc.) Response [ J [ J [ [ J [ J [ J [ J [ Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. frog internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 187 '. Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 5) Personnel needed 6) Additional callback n. Ability to schedule 40 hour/week personnel (e.g., 4/10, 5/8, 12 hours) o. Ability to create and maintain a leave schedule for up to twelve months in riv:lnce r �n.,u�I.n�n�i..n.g lr�ac—,a�Ti. n, n,a, nmiiirary�, Ypeciwaa assignments, etc.) p. Ability to create a shift calendar 12 months in advance q. Ability to inquire and report maximum number of positions allowed time - off per day r. Ability to apply future promotions in staffing plans (e.g., a promotion to captain can be applied currently for staffing plans for the following month) s. Ability to track vacation roster 1) Allowable off -duty per day 2) Balance forward 3) Hours sold Callback/Overtime t. Ability to enter and maintain over -time roster. System must have an extensive audit trail and security levels for access. 1) Name 2) Employee ID 3) Position/rank 4) Station/shift 5) Preference/Availability 6) Qualifications 7) Previous overtime worked 8) Previous overtime refused 9) Out of class/out of grade u. Ability for staffing officer to maintain callback list and position order v. Ability to track callbacks and reason for refusals w. Ability to create and maintain a mandatory callback list Response [ 1 [ [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ ] [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Ibc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 188 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) By position/rank 2) Qualifications 3) Days off x. Ability to track Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime credit i hi rrr Reco,npek y. Ability to track transfer or reassignment requests 1) Name 2) Date of employment/anniversary date 3) Present assignment 4) Date of present assignment 5) Position/rank 6) Date of present position title/rank 7) Choice of assignments by priority 8) Action 9) Date of action Activity Log z. Ability to capture and track the following fire personnel activity information: 1) Name(s) of company 2) Date of activity station 3) Employee ID(s) 4) Beginning time 5) Ending time 6) Activity code 7) Description 8) Shift 3, Reports and Output a. Ability to display or print roll call report 1) Company 2) Station 3) Comments (up to 4 lines) Response [ [ ] [ [ ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents © 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001--Page 189 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response b. Ability to display or print daily personnel report 1) Company 2) Station 3) Number of companies reporting 4) Comments (up to 4 lines) c. Ability to display or print activity log/schedule 1) Name 2) Employee ID(s) 3) Company 4) Shift 5) Date of Activity 6) Beginning time 7) Ending Time 8) Activity cancel flag - cancel event but retain record 9) Activity code 10) Free -form description of the Activity 11) Remarks d. Ability to summarize personnel activity by: 1) Individual 2) User defined groups (e.g., battalion) 3) Date(s) (e.g., single day or range of dates) 4) Timeframe (e.g., hour range) 5) Type of activity e. Ability to display or print daily roster 1) Employee ID 2) Station 3) Shift 4) Company 5) Type of exception (multiple) 6) Day/date 7) Rank 8) Hours 9) Status/event (e.g., vacation, regular duty, etc.) f. Ability to display or print unit manning variance report Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Irv. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 190 . Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements g. Ability to display or print special duty roster h. Ability to display or print station/shift/company duty roster i. Ability to display or print list of employees absent 1) District 2) Bureau 3) Exception type 4) Name(s) 5) Employee ID(s) j. Ability to display or print list of daily overtime 1) District 2) Bureau 3) Exception type 4) Name 5) Employee ID k. Ability to display or print list of "acting as" by 1) District 2) Bureau 3) Exception type 4) Names 5) Employee IDs 1. Ability to display or print call back list 1) Current list 2) Previous list 3) Level/rank 4) Remarks (up to 4 lines) 5) Day of overtime (up to 4) m. Ability to display or print overtime availability record n. Ability to display or print personnel exception report 1) Date 2) Company 3) Shift Response [ [ Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 191 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 4) Type of exception o. Ability to display or print personnel data by 1) User -defined sort keys 2) User -defined data element p. Ability to display or print injury report 1) Monthly 2) By type of injury 3) Summary of time lost q. Ability to display or print current personnel activity (e.g., transfer requests pending, etc.) 1) Seniority 2) By type of request/activity 3) Name 4) Date of request/activity 5) Length of time in current assignment r. Ability to display or print shift/assignment schedule 1) For specified future period 2) Names/Employee IDs 3) Staffing needs s. Ability to display or print timekeeping form 1) Pre -formatted 2) By station 3) By day 4) Summary of employee pay codes and hours 5) Bi-weekly t. AbiIity to display or print recruitment summary, demographics and detail reports u. Ability to display next of kin information Response [ Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, tic. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 192 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements Response 4. On -Line Inquiries a. Ability to query roster data by 1) District 2) Company 3) Battalion 4) Employee ID 5) Name b. Ability to query job applicant data 1) Agency 2) Temporary ID number 3) Full name of person 4) Date of application 5) Status of application 6) Remarks c. Ability to query specialized employee skill 1) Agency 2) Full name of person 3) Division 4) Company 5) Shift 6) Skill type code 7) Brief description of skill 8) Level of proficiency d, Ability to query an employee history record 1) Agency 2) Full name of person 3) Division 4) Company 5) Shift 6) Date of the personnel action 7) Type of personnel action being recorded e. Ability to query into personnel data by Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 193 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI, Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements 1) Name 2) Employee ID 3) Social Security number f. Ability to inquire into vacation, military leave, and days available by employee g. Ability to display future daily rosters 1) By company 2) Date 3) Anticipated assignments h. AbiIity to view or print daily staffing level hours and variances i. Ability to display daily roster at station terminal j. Ability to inquire into re -assignment or transfer requests 1) By company 2) By type of request k. Ability to determine the location of personnel by specific expertise, e.g., vertical rescue 1. Ability to perform user -defined search of text in remarks fields m. Ability to retrieve individual fire personnel activity by 1) Name 2) ID 3) Date/Time range 4) User defined group (e.g., battalion) 5. interfaces a. Ability to transfer unit staffing information to CAD with current data b. Ability to automatically update activity log with appropriate data from CAD c. Ability to interface with an external automated call notification (phone) system Response [ [ ] I ] [ ] [ d. Ability to access and update Personnel module from MDC I ] Gartner Consulting Entire contents C 2001 Gartner, lnc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. December 2001—Page 194 Gartner Engagement: 220009530 City of Kansas City Request for Proposal for Public Safety Information Systems VI. Fire Records Management System Functional Requirements D.Apparatus, Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance 1. Application Overview The Apparatus, Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance module provides minimum requirements for managing the inspection and maintenance of Fire vehicles and non - vehicle related apparatus. This system should allow remote access from each fire station for input and query regarding non-scheduled vehicle maintenance requests, trouble symptom descriptions noti fict,tio a• status and , symptom descriptions, noti±ication v. status required iiialiii jiwil;e schedules for Fire vehicles. Additionally, this fire RMS should be able to track the periodic inspection and testing of non -vehicle -related apparatus and equipment such as pumps and Self -Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). KCFD also desires the ability to incorporate the use of a bar code system to manage its inventory process. Proposals should include all associated hardware and software for such a bar code system. Response 2. Major Functions and Features Vehicle Information a. Ability to capture and track vehicle maintenance information 1) Type of Vehicle 2) City/KCFD applied vehicle number (e.g., 1246-E-7) 3) General description 4) Manufacturer 5) Classification 6) Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 7) Company 8) Station 9) Date of next inspection and/or scheduled maintenance 10) Date of last inspection and/or scheduled maintenance 11) Status at inspection 12) Date acquired/put in service 13) Remarks 14) COKC Asset Tag Number b. Ability to capture and track Vehicle Additional Maintenance Items (VAMI) list (e.g., description of symptoms or item to be repaired) to be inspected by City FIeet Services Gartner Consulting Entire contents ® 2001 Gartner, Inc. For internal use of City of Kansas City only. November 2001—Page 195