HomeMy WebLinkAboutpre resolution. 2MAY-16-2002 10:36 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.08 R1SOLUTION NO. 01 443 A i{'ESOLUTION OF Md. MTP.MI CITY Eb MMLI fiTON, WITH ATTACHMENTS, 41d.EATIItiG AND i•N ,REATZO Ti E DI',RTRICT FIVE LIT T IXATl'S JVB :RE TO RUM P22OJECT AND APPROVING AND AD 1640,7ECT ` S GUIDELINE$ , NJ:TACKEn AND INnoRPORATED. WHEREAS, ReBolutir_trr No. 9S-402.1, adopted April 1.4, 1990. av,d.i 'rued the ale ncdtion of $325, 000 of Community Development Block Craft ("CnBG") funcdo to implement the Little Haiti Jab Creation Pilot Project l`tdarojecrm) , which represented the first create j obo and installment of a five-year commitment to atimulatm Laeineesoo ln the 'liaison Little Rive; area; and W]IERF115, Remral titian No. 00-419, adopted May 11, 2nn0, authorized the allocation of the :.wcord installment of the five-year funding commitment, in 01A amount of $223, Onn, to tho 1,iCt1� Bi i ti Job Creation Pilnr. Project from CIAG fun' ; and WHEREAS, Kaeolut„rn No 00 •5ab, adDpL+.(l June 29, 2U1.10, authorized the allocation ot $100,000 ff CMG funds from MAY-16--2002 10 : 36 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.09 available Set aside funrl.s to the pT:Qject to assist 'Ortega Fashions and Georges w1 ).1iam Enterprisws, two buisin:esys located in the Edison Little River/Little Haiti Revita1iwaL.ion Distr'1Ct. in Lhe amount Of $50,000 each; and WAEREA', Resolution No. 00-505,1, adopi.r=d 'July 11, 2nOC, authorized the allocation of the third j.nSLallment of the Five- year funding commitment, in the amQvnt of $225, 000, Lc the Project from CTOUC funds; and WxP:.EAS, as a rocult of the approved rtame to aocist Omega Fashions and Georges William Enterprises, Inc. and an allocaL i on of $25 r 000 to the Planning Departi'tient to coordinate er.otiumic development Activiticc,, in Ecii Ann Little River, i.he balance of set asi.de funds to the Little Haiti Job CranLicn Pilot Project toLa1s $550,000; and vfl-T REAS, the AdminiatreLion has oat asitlf. $225,000 of 27t Year CDBC tunds to mmeL the CitY' c fourth year commitment to LTiis Project, increasing the available funds t.0 $775,OO1Di and WR REAS, numerous busine`Hes in the Edison Little River/Little Haiti GctnmuniLy Revitalization District have been Page 2 of 4 01- 443 - MAY-16-2002 10:36 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.10 negat.iNely impacted 1.1y code enf❑tnement violations that threat•en the viability of the businesses: Find WHEREAS, Resolution No. 01.312, adopted March 29, 2001, directed Lhe City MaliayKr to develop a comprehensive plan to impleMenL the pistrict Five Little Haiti Job CreaLian Pilot Projkct to provide grants/roans to businesses in the Edison LJ(.tle River/LitLlr. Haiti Community Revitalisation District? and WHERITAL, Resolution No,. O1-312 further directed the r'ty engineering firm, selected from the Manager Lu engage an Miami -Dade County or CiLy of Miami list.r'+ of approved r i rme, to provide technical assistance; and WHuREAS, Lhe City C:ommiss�r,n wisher to approve the District Five Littic Haiti Joh Creation pilot Project Program Gui0elines, to inulode eligible prnje-ts :won as upgrade and expanJ facilities, norrect code violations on commercial properties, irnprovemento tc meet NDA standards, infrauLructure improvements (i.e. lighting, draining, parking etc.), facad improvements, eco-tourism, ellacation.aJ_ and wAentifie activities, and nHighborhood historir_kil designations? NOW, THEREPO'.- Pfg IT RESOLVED k1Y TH1 C(MMIS2ION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, 5'LORTDA: Page 3 ai 4 01- 443 MAY-16-2002 10:37 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.11 The recitals and findings contained it the vrearrible to thi.e Resolution are adopteri by referen..:e and.. iilcluY'poral`.ed 2G if fully set rc,rth in this Section. Section '' .. Tt3e D? 4trict Five Lir..tle Haiti Job Creation Pilot Project is ersatrqcl and estSl=r1 i:illad and ttaM Pra7 ecc ' a Cu'idelinpsattached ani3 incorporated, are approved and adopted. qwutioxl 3 . This Reeolutirrn shall become efiacr.ive immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Moyar.1/ of Ma �OQ1. PASSEL) AND ADOPTED this l2thday J Section 1, DOE Cn L°1.11,u, MAYOR yin aczordenc' 1'�:iti fol.:,1ili �iti:::3 `{C'C.'. -y?��� `1:�.: lTll: F�`Y• ',�.i dr:J ricg 4:�d.'J ear;prr'vii o1 illy i. rni11on by L..yr4 �i4/ IL ���{ .1 ice, 4��.:. �; �.•I��i.l .�Fw�.Y I. ��i•�F r�l r,c;ii is e..:17.1� w l.� .� Jilil n�� be:corn s of:o iv' i'rl. t ui2 :Y et. (it) Cr1'f: siJlli tnt:i.a C'l Cc 1 s ion L',.ton re4aru:r!o tame, will-iot.t rito, May:: t:;er: ig i:•st a vrin. ATTEST WT�I,T1rk .1. FOEMAN CITY r_T.FtRK APPROVED TECPRITRY • Wefor J. Foram, City OINK F'UkN AND COR ECTNLSS i t,/ .e7: i7:e1f :i3OS tr It the mayor does not al.gn rill.* Resolution, it ai1a11 became effective at Cho ens of r.w:i calendar daya from, the date it was paumoc7 and Arinpied. If the Mayor vetoes ;his RewnluL1 n, it obeli ba_r,.nme Cffeet ive immmdiately upon override of Lhe veto by tns i_ir.y cwmmiaiion. Page 4 of 4 01•- 443