HomeMy WebLinkAboutpre program guidelinesMAY-16.2002 10:37 1 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.12 Program Guidelines • er Aistyict 5 Little Haiti Job creation P� i a a�-pt er:t is a :�nrl enhance the physical r)iRtriCt 5 Little t•[aiti Job creation Pilot Nrvj comprehensive ipproacL to improve Nassr.dlizati and economic fxaQ WMrrk specifically to buexr.essPm in the Di District. Kittle Rivere concept t tle ot this specialiti itiative is to I� i strict . 1'h p' property owners and I,provideiinanr.i al assistance to P ro p create merchants to stabilize 1oc01. businesses and residenta of aison Little i River/Little opportunitiesiCommunity Revitalization T)ietriet City River/little Haig of Miami residents. The following guidelines establish minimum working parameter from. which to evaluate projects aeeki:ig assistance through the nistrict 5 i4i-ttl a Haiti Job Creation kilot Project! a) Ail requests for funding from buoinesses in the Little st i t.i Neighboraoo0 must be submrn m�e pity d to the City of Miami Department of e1,iibilitY Development for preliminary screen i_ng . b) Fliwible proposals will then be forwcr•ded to an engineering firm, Meiceted by the CiLy of Miami from the approved list ot firms of they City of Miami or Miami Dade -County. r.) The engineering firm will be responsible for providing te0nioal assistance to applicants s rand dotermininS the feasibility ot prop t have satisfied thr celig .billt of hecr crDepiteria th ougP the screening p CommuniL.y Development. d) App1iE:ritrons determined tc, be feasible by Lhe saleuC,ed engineering firm will then be frxz'wwrded for review and approval by the District 5 Little Haiti Job creation Pilot Project Advisory. Board, a Bevan -member panel cempriead of individuals nominated by Lhe City Manager and Approved by the City Commission. 01- 413 MAY--16-2002 10: 3? CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.13 e) The Advisory recommendations will have the rovd3 of ktsqu�4ts €o approval/disapproval forwarded by the 1104 d• f) ThN maximum allowable grant is $90,000. g) To be eli.giblr., an area buisineso must:sseste grant minimum of one new eulltimr_ job for esc increment nL $15,000 and mus be abbe 10 document the creati.nll of each new jus h) A11 Applicants must create jobs for low to madermgsatiai�4(a)sst abays.the defined area identified in it The applicant 1R responsible fair all additional costs above the approved projer:r. Amount (maximum city of Miami contribution will not kocoeed $90,000). ;) All properties must be located in the �1Liefitle Haiti neighborhood of District 5 as ned bolowl city Limits to Ohm Worth T-95 to the WesL Railroad track» to the Lite E sttr� District 5 Boundary the south, exclusive of the Design tis.riot, buL inclusive of Buena Vista k) Bnara will make funding to the City Cnlltl i8sion, wh i c:h final doterminat_i.oA in fundi n? vr'opu-dl If CDIiG-assi-ted prepertaies (5) years fLom the date of the i3ranLese must return proraked basic, any grant decl i rung percentage haais ore sold within five receiving assistance, to the (amity, LJ11 ra funds provided on a (e.g. luo1/4, Rnik, GO%, 1) Property owner:r and/or commernial/industrial leaseholders Are eligible tr1 apply for a grant/loan. 01.- 443 MAY--i 6-2002 10:37 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.14 aliment property owner most obtain Lenant rt+) An property consent and be i!I good etanOi.ng (i .e • F - F taxes must be r_uYr tent) . n) cr_rr Terclal/indastrial leaseholders approval from the property uwner. must receive n) The property owner or leaseholder must provider City of Miami Department. of Community Developt financial statements, certitied Lax etmenurn; and/or other financial informad.on deemed nece$aary. A project ie defined es any commercial or indumLriel building located within a trent or parcel of lanri . In cases where a building corttaiha multiple otorefronts, the entire proact. }.,s,ilding is ncc.sidercd to be a -single irJw�l with Buildings that are legally .d div wit separate ownership may be considered projects. q) Eligible project activities includes Uprgrolde and expand facilities Correct coda violations on commercial properties Imprrrvemento to meet ;DA standards draining, Improvrwents (i.e. lighting parking etc..) Facade ImproverT,rnts $co -tourism Educational and scientific programs Neighborhood hisLuric dcaxgnaticrrµ The Applicant w+ll enter into e City of Miami, which retainR reviac the coni..ract as required. 6) ¶ ho .ltpplicarii: must comply with Bacon rand Labor Sterirlards regal nLory requirement K of tho fedeial aovcrnment. p) r) c:untract with thi Lhe authority I.o applicable Davie - and all crher C1ty n Miami and 01- 413 ' MAY-16-2002 10:37 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.15 funds u�nii a t} The city will disburse proiectr,f do upc.ion, submittal of a certificate other compliance cazr.ificate of. occupancy and all fired by COWguldelineo. information toga fees and u) The applic,,nt is responsible for al; costs incurred prior to prof ect norova1. overrunsv) The City is not responsible for any cost t, approved Cont raft amount.. in excess of the ap[ " ':.'he goal of the program is to provide jrib creation ne cppUrt,unitiec for low aridmoderate-irloomo reailents in the 11 Little Haiti Community DisCriut 5 through Rd The focusbusi expansion and retention activities. include, ▪ Resolution of coda cnmplitinee issues • znfrastruCCLtre improvements • Fagada improvements • ADA improvements • ToLrioM deetinaLien initlal.ivea P"IC41-114213trIS 1JPR.L4�n $tandard4 help to [t1e thn The design concept @ nature and er.:c�pe o t B3rr.et3.A�' and interior rerat�il.itAtBd must meGL r.he the comm+�rcial Aroperl.y to style that ref 7 P(ta the specific architectural ateto, the building and the character considered RP6� P must be approved by the neighborhood. Tha design concept usaptrapriate ed by government aelacti4d All p grin g d zoning roquireur�:nte must bP agencies _ All paz'rni 1�.ting mot, i:,r':luding canfr rr-manco with apecifi.aations of the Scul l Florida Building Code. Some areas have cohesive design themes that lend to the 6eveloptnent of avohitoctural design standards and a unified approach. Other arose may not contain cohesive r3esign thernoo and the buildings aZe not o un lr takontJ.guous .rehabilitatione approach in the he eYbuilding's individual aruhiteCtural that ec�ltance,s design elements The comprahensi,rw design of the program i- but cna sa not only to revitalize indivit1ur11 building . ea— 449 MAY-16-2002 10:38 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 b introducing the use of encourage pedestrian IIx1VGrn�'n�� ��i �1]t� BLIc� d3. �.�Y3,d3C���11'�� r exterior pedestrian -oriented shading devices, and sUreet f1irn; tare are fifty (SO) yearm old or eider � artme be Building thatof Miami Planning or aub��cr. l.o review ��Y the Cityof of historic f the f;icility fit these to r�e�,ermine uild1Tys that arc�� i tectural siynificanc- �, ia will Yee subject Lo the standards of the experSecretary in criteria ronLract an a=Chitect of Interior �,�zd must for historic preservation the project. Commercial Y]�-s may also berevita3.izat.i.ori preject.s of rvatinn funding. eligible Cur hiotcric pre El.iE E22 OF 1L 2G ACTOR �_ nLractor applicant sIia11 eeleot a qua�.ified Genera The �P selection process must to complete the project and ttxe requirements. The conform to approved procurement. e+ Licanr. must obtain minimum hree 0) proposals. z11 a conductt a c.:ost an h en ineering firm available The selected g which will not be made analysis of the giujcct� applh tos. City ill e the applicant or bidding contractant may a accept wily review the proposals and t(.ty' estimate. The proposal th,3t is within 10% of the the l Ocnera a iicant is responHible t reviewing up al pp_-.....�..,,-, Q Y,ackr;=i�und. conducting fe3 loW a .. - _i r r n c enea .1 P.16