HomeMy WebLinkAboutcorrespondence09/23/2004 09:53 8504883309 COMM PLANNING STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" IfB eUSH Gm mm June 22, 2004 Ms. Lourdes Siazyk, Assistant Director City of Miami Planning aind.Zaning Department Post Office Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33130 RE: NOPC for Downtown DRI Dear Ms. Slazyk: PAGE 02/02 TIIADI-AUs t. coreN, AIA SeeneRry The Department received your letter dated June 21, 2004, which includes the revised draft development order conditions pertaining to the Notice of Proposed Change to accommodate the Flagstone project within the Downtown DRL Based on the revised conditions, the Department finds the proposed changes will not result in a substantial deviation, Therefore, the Department has no £Ewther objections to the City proceeding with the adoption of the proposed changes to the development order. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may call me at (850) 922-1807. Sincerely, ?u,()DaftAir.:_k__ Kenneth Metcalf, AICP Regional Planning Administrator cc: Ms. Judith Burke, Shutt & Bowen 255s SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD • TALI.At1ASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850,488.8456/Suncom 278.E 466 FAX: 50.921 .07011Sun nm 2'91.07a1 Internet addres5: LW):ilwww•Ar.31 c-a.L._tl. u.E. CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD COME CDh1MUNITY,1ANNING [MFACtN('Y MANAt aNT HOUSING ✓� COMMUNITY DEVCIOPMENY !,S'til Shurntd Dot Sot InvnrtJ 2715 Shuns rd C k aouleverd 2355 Shim. ' i D k Sou cvs u.r�... n enooJRln T�tlahalwn. rL 3f,S9G.2160 --"" "•+� ++�+. ww1A,AiA�M1M1MA 4 A11r11 TIALI f..0 ..S.AA AA Florida Department of Transportation JEB Bl SH GOVERNOR June 23. 2004 Joe ArnoJa Manager Cm of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami. FL 31=3 June 22. 2004 Office of the District Secretar\ District Six 1000 1 1 i o. Avenue Miami. Florida 33172 Telephone (3051470.5197 RE: Downtown Miami Increment 11 \OPC Expansion of Boundaries/A'atson Island Dear l\rir Arrtola JOSI.ABREC SECRETA121 On June 2]` 2004 our Planning ?v^.anacer met vvtth representatives of the City of Miami and the Downtown Development Authonr to discuss the technical issues related to the proposed Watson Island development To reiterate our position. the Honda Department of Transportation finds the traffic methodo]og' acceptable and consistent with the pre\ ioushh submitted Development of Regional Impact. and has no ebecuons with this proposed development going forward The Department concurs that the MacArthur Cansev\ a\ segment between Ba\ shore Drive and Watson Island does not function as an arterial street. and more reahsucall\ functions in a ranee between an arterial street and a free\va\ The Department continues to support the l\liami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Inc Count-N. and all municipalities. in their efforts to meet the challenges of providing a safe and efficient transportation system We look forward to cominuing to partner with the MPO and the Cities of lv7iam; and M;am; Beach to address regional ansportation issues assoc;ated vwith travel between the mainland and beaches if \ ou have an\ questions or concerns please contact Rafael De Arazoza. Planning Manager. at 305-47(1-5554 or myself Sinccrel\ Distract Seel -clan C. i.' an C0-\,'a\. Transno aliori Direclo: Cir\ of eTar- ]Do r D:: ecto: of P:ammmc. PTO anc .4:czn: i:s:re uor. Race] Dc A—a%CZ.:Manager V�'vd✓d 001 ELCLE • __.. =c