HomeMy WebLinkAboutrevised fact sheetDepartment of Capital Improvements PROJECT FACT SHEET Emergency:' Project Name: GRAND AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, B-40668 (formerly B-4668), 2nd BIDDING, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PROJECT #651022. Project Location: Grand Ave between Matilda St & SW 37 Ave Project Number: B-4668 Commissioner District: 2 Initiating Dept.: C.I.P. Project Manager/Ext. No.: Maria E. Lopez (305)416-1206 Project Budget: Homeland Defense Account Number: 341208 Amount: Federal (C.D.B.G.) Account Number: Amount: S.N.P.B. Account Number: Amount: Other: C.I.P Nc Account Number: Amount: PROJECT SCOPE The Project is located along Grand Avenue between S.W. 37th Avenue and Matilda Street. $5,850,000.00 The Project consists of a complete rodway improvements including new landscaping. new media. new curbs and drainaoe system. new street furniture and lighting along Grand Avenue. PROJECT COSTS w CO z cp w CONSTRUCTION PHASE A/E Farm: Address Civil Works. Inc City. 'State, Zip: Contact Person: Linda Bell. PE Telephone/E_TJtal: (305) 448-5955 Type ofWaric: Engineering Desion Comments: The design of this project was administ-aced by Miami Dade County Public Works Department Contractor Horizon Constractors. Inc Address 8175 W. 32 Avenue Suite # 1 City. State. Zip. Hialeah. Honda 3301E Contact Person -eieahone!E-mar: Class F jr se Sanchez (30E)E25-205C = J3I77' F = Fn.r.?E E Minority Status H; F = Fema,E F--;= Ha a'ir /y = tvpIE Established 2C years License Number. Sub -Contractors' 1- General Asphalt E-874 2- LNC 3- Eerie inoustn 4- Piiome Engineering (A) Actual {E) - Estirna- ANE Firm Fees: Additional DesignServlces- N/A In -House Design 'Cost. N'F. J s; `ellaneous Services: N/A CIP'Design Adrriinistratiori: N'A Design Phase Total: Construction Contract Amount S3.252.531.00 (BID) CIP Construction Admin:stratror, S388.401.00 (E'. Mrsc Construction Costs 5227.588.00 (E) Construction Phase Total S4.568.520.00 Total Project Cost: S4.568,520.00 Copies to: CIP Senior Accountant CIP .Administrator, Fiie. initiating Departmeni C TABULATION OF BIDS FOR n a ! y • ,,t , y .. r,.,1.�..... 1+ �' � ,9 ,..t iR.. ...� ;.:� h A. t�. �' ,.�IItRA1„.. t . S 1 ,I F Y:4. ! i - :.,L Les ih t.r,, '.s t 'h' `rt +A: ! y t. �rA t Y fir ? fi'�, i a r •_ t 41 I +\ t i '� �l a} f 1 "�k } { Mil' OA 1u b _A t1? i ' R 40fifiB (Formerly R-4668) Prnjecl Managnr Maria 1.O13e7 I�[ototi'rhrhereecii9iV9'li thof iel (!4)I r Maria 1.013e7 f,nnclrnrtinn Fctimatn $3,F17 ,.39.3 00 ++ � ,mot' ) G a qq �, x .' a q 9 ° 1 A!. ! ' 1 I ` ^ � F �� 8 ? Y:. � � ' ��,.... [MlYft.+ � .µ 4 '6 .� • 7 � OC EVE r r:, Y.'%ry } -Y jF t y'SYk4 6kh °Viva V.11� g .. e °� f � 19.i, ,' 'R / W�7 , }fie 5 r .. t fl i '4 S n 1 1.:.. M4 1 fl c }tY r1a'L. 1 w t Y +wuC � i.' . [ . d' uitN +.+�-rAi i 1 a �*Ai tit `341208 Dale R9601049d(at. - Time FORMAI_ l INFORMAL n 05/10/04 Cily Clerk Office 11 00 a m. Milder Arlrlrr.cc Cily, Slain. jig -Code-_-___,-._ l� fy ■�y� N #we�wr�,,], , i NNY, '�.� m.' fA�R ,_ 1\`..V�� ,>1, AANItVI � a�i�a . 11175 W .37 Ayr, Sitile d 1 llialnah Florida .3.3n 10 {i��}f2!5`n 1� 3': r # ', �. �� �F�.�.:�M1.17 11.1nn NW SOIITII RUFF-1 OR 9 r ,Y f Y t p ,Y t t, �4�Y;,i.tz4.s} ... ��.__ �_t...s._.. MPr11ey, Flnrirla 33170 Located in the C,ily of Miami Licenser) PM Incurprt as per Cily Code and Metro Ordinances NO NO 'Inc ‚Inc flirt Bond Amount IrreyIilariliec Minnrily Owner) TOTAI R10 11IF r(lTAI OF ITEMS 1 THROI If;H 9n RASED ON 1 WO r 111NrlPFfl AND 11'N ()1n) WORKING DAYS COMI„1 r" 1InNI TIME. I ll[ SUM or 5 % yes s3.957,531 00 5 C yes $4.02H,433 00 IffF,:,,, AUI llrc I Fr:FN,\ 1 nr. , q.. nc,•. Li.l li nin ,.lili.mr nl: ,, np„.v^I 6,. I Ln,c nor n.mi / v or Mlary i AI'vV lt, u,.p: ....,.nl. I rl,, r it}. r1r r,Ilra nal I i „ , _ _ Thn Department of GIP has rdelpnnined Thal the lowest rnspnnsihle and responsive hirldpr is HORIZON CONTRACTORS. INC in the revised amount of $3.952.531 00 for the Total Bid. Prepared by Approved by DRIP MARIA E. LOPEZ 5/18/2004 CONTRACT This AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of A.D., 2004, by and beru-een the City of Miami. Florida. a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, parry of the first part. (hereinafter sometimes called the "Cirv-"), and HORIZON CONTRACTORS ,Inc. Pam of the second part (hereinafter sometimes called the "Contractor') «-1T'yESSETH: That the parties hereto. for the considerations hereinafter set forth. murually agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 SCOPE OF THE WORK- The Contractor shall furnish all labor. materials and equipment and perfol,,, all the work in the manner and foul, provided by the Contract Documents. for the proiect entitled: "GRAND AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, B-40680 (formerly B-4668)", 2.d Bidding, MLA_MI-DADE COUNTY PROJECT # 651022. ARTICLE 2. THE CO\TRCT SCI\1. The Cin- shall pay to the Contractor, for the faithful perfom ance of the Contract. in 12wful money of the United States. and subiect to additions and deducnons and based on unit prices (where applicable). all as provided in the Proposal and other Contract Documents. the sum of 53.932.331.00 . Tirirer .'tliiror N_arcrrG Fri,; Two Th. ou!ard Fr.a Thzrn Or Dollars and no Cents _�RT]CLE 3 P_�RT1A1 AND FI\A1 P_17\'IENTS: In accordance with the provisions fully set forth in the "General Conditions" of the "Specifications. and subject to additions and deductions as provided. the Cin- shall pay the Contractor as folio\�'s: On or before the 1 071- day of each calendar month. the Cin- shall make parna' payments to the Contractor on the basis of a duly certified and approved estimate of work. perfor.ned during the preceding calendar month by the Contractor. less ten (10' e_ percent of the amount of such estimate. which 1s TO be retained by the Can until all work has 'been p erfoiu,ed stnctly accordance w h ttus AL-reermen; ane u'_'ia suck wor4 ^as beer: accepted ibe Cary rb L non submission bt the Contractor of evidence saIIsfaCiory to me CI Z that all payrolls. material s and other costs incurred bT_ the Contractor connection with the construction of the work have been paid in full. arc 2i5(:. after 2.1] guarantees that.. mat- be required in Mc Specifications or by the Contractor have been furnished and art found acceptable bt the Can-. final pav;r,ent or. account of this _agreement shall be made \Vithln sixn- 6( claw after completion by the Contactor of all work covered by this ALT-Tetien: and acceptance of such work by the Can- work to be performed under this Contract within the number of consecutive days after the date of written notice from the Director of the Department of Capital Improvements to begin work as noted in the Proposal, and shall fully complete the Contract in accordance with the Contract Documents within the number of working days as set forth in the Proposal. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that rime is the essence of this Contract, and. in the event that construction of the work is not completed .within the rime herein specified. it is agreed that from the compensation otherwise to be paid to the Contractor, the City may retain for each day thereafter. Sundays and holidays included, that the work remains uncompleted, the sum set forth in the General Conditions of the Specifications, as modified by Division 2 - Special Provisions, which sum represents the actual damage which the City of Miami. Florida. will have sustained per day by failure of the Contractor to complete the .work within the rime stipulated, and this sum is not a penalty, but .will be the liquidated damage that Ciry will have sustained in event of such default by the Contractor_ ARTICLE ADDIT)ONA] BOND: 11 is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto, that if. at any time after the execution of this Agreement and the Performance Bond hereto attached, when re9uired for its faithful performance. the City shall deem the surety or sureties upon such bond to be unsatisfactory. or if, for any reason, in the opinion of the Engineer: such bond ceases to be adequate to cover the perfoLmance of the work. the Contractor shall, at his expense. within five (5) days after receipt of notice from the Engineer so to do. furnish an additional bond ur bonds in such form and amount. and .with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the Cite. In such event. no further payment to the Contractor shall be deemed to be due under this Agreement until such new or additional secunry for the faithful performance of the work shall be furnished in manner and form satisfactory to the CITY. ART)CLE 6 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Al] of the documents hereinafter listed foie, the Contract and they are as fully as pan of the Contract as if hereto attached. or repeated in this Agreement: AD-ERT1SEMENT FOR BIDS PROPCSA] BID BOND CONTRACT PERFOR'V1.1NCE BOND '\i INTENANCE PERFOR2M1_-\NCE BOND INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SPECIF]CATIONS ADDENDA P1_ NS: ;s prepared b,- Civil Works. Inc. for '\1 amm-Dade County Public Work. Enticed- Grand Avenue Improvement. B-4(1680 'fom,eriv B-4668. Bidding. Miami -Dade Count-- Protect = 6:31022- IN \ 'ITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first above written in five (5) counterparts; each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deemed an original contract'. THE CITY OF MLMMTI, FLORIDA Parr- of the first part Al -I EST: BY: Joe Arnola Cir- Manager Priscilla A. Thompson Cm- Clerk WITNESS. If Corporation. attach Sea] and Artest b'- Secretan-' rcE_� I CONTRACTOR: BY Parr- of the second part (Title; (Emplover Tax I.D. Number RESOLUTION NO APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE. REQUIREMENTS: Dania F. Carrillo A crrunistrato7 of Rsk 'Management APPROVED AS F_ GINEERI\G APPROVED AS TO FOR\4 AND CORRECTNESS Mary Conyv,-P E - A,elandro A arello Director of C.I.P. Det aruiien; Cm- Attorney T:-:E CO\:ti:C`OR EL -.r.:C �D C .: CERTIFIED COP- 0= .. >L.SOLUTJ ON O THE b0.=2; OF DIRECTOR5 Or COR0r`-.7.0\ O":CLF \--HO SIGNS THI CON!`.=,CT TO DO SO I T ;- BE. .1..