HomeMy WebLinkAboutpublic noticeell I SATURDAY, MAY 74 7004 F _ - City of Miami Department of Community Development The The Miami City Commission will hold a Public Hearing to discuss issues relating to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other HUD Programs. Thursday, June 10, 2004, 3:00 P.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Federal regulations governing CDBG and other HUD programs require thel a participating Jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any amendments to funding of HUD programs. In addition, the public is advised of the proposed aamnctmedta) to the funding of the City prograrMs) indiceled below. 1, 'Discussion end Proposed resolution authorizing the transfer of Home investment Partnerships Program funds (HOME) hinds previously allocated to Modal City Hcmeornerehlp Zone to an in -fill affordable housing project as shown below: TRANSFER FUNDS FROM: ProaaM21910 90t41101 Model City Homeownership ZaneePilot Project (IDIS 1615) 100: WOE REALLOCATE FUNDS T0: ProgramrActivik &MI Model City In -Fill Affordable THousing , ot* WA 7. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the conveyance of the City -owned building located a1236B Northwest 3501 Street, Miami, Florida to Allepattah Business Development Authority. Inc. (ABDA), a non-profit organization. 3. 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution accepting the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) funds for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 lor the implementation of the Local Housing Assistance Plan. 4, 'Dlacussien and Proposed Resolution approving the City of Miami's Five (5) Year Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2009 and the 2004 Annual Plan for Fiscal Yew 2004, In connection with the implementation and administration of the City's Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Contract. 5. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the de -obligation of Community Development Block Grand (CDBG) lands for a total amount d 1151,960 and allocate lands as shown below: TRANSFER FUNDS FROM: Acti u,�. a� Prograrn/u i ., i 1.1 Artz-N he Haitian American Foundation, n, Inc. 11,960 Florene LitlhculInner-City Children's Dance Company, Inc. 85,000 The Haitian Awareness and Gultural Foundation, Inc. i151960 Totab REALLOCATE FUNDS TO: u., . a Altemauve pogrom 523,, iri BAME Corporation Fioride 7,000 The Embrace Foundation 22.960 United Haitian American Artists 47,000 T Ayleyan Nan Miyami, Inc. Waal i151,610 0. 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution approving the City of Miami Consolidated Plan for 2004-2009 and the Annuli Action Plan to Fiscal Year 2004-2005 with funding recommendatiore for Community Development Developmem Block Grand ICDBG), HOME investment Partnerships Program (HOME); Emergency Sheller Grant (ESG) and Housing Opportunities Inc Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), U.S. HUD requires entitlement cities, like the City of Miami, that receive funds under its grant programs to prepare a consolidated five year plan, which details proposed activities to maximize the benefits of federal funding. Upon City Commission approval, the Consolidated Plan wilt be available for public review and comment Inc 30 days. The re.hew and comment period begins on Monday. June 14, 2004 end ands Tuesday, July 13, 2004... Drat copies of the 2004.2029 Consolidated Plan will be available at two City of Miami Department of Community Development locations: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami Florida 33130 or 1313 NW 36th Street, 2nd Hoar, Miami Florida 33142. The drafts will also be available et the City of Miami NET offices, and Public Libraries located within the City Units. In addition, the City of Miami Department of Community Development has eliminated its existing Community Revitalization Districts as part of its Consolidated Plan for 2004-2009 new boundaries now referred to as Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZs) will also be available for public review and comment). The new NDZs will replace the previously existing CRDs end Ito boundaries. The prolonged NDZs integrate the 'model block", concept which will lave as target areas for &fordable housing development activities. The model block boundaries, which inside within the new NOZ boundartes, will also be available for public review and commend el the two Community Development locations listed above. T. 'Discussion and Proposed Resouton directing the allocation of 59,928,000 of the 301h Year 11105,918 and Program Income in the amount W $1,100,000 as specified herein Inc the 30th Program Community Developrnerul Block Grant (CDBG) funds and 28Ih Yea Close Outs In the amount of Year beginning October 1, 2004 as shown below: t[4D.g12 x 1,96 ,tit) 1,100,000 200,000 600,000 1,677,768 4,173,000 11 , ri Grant Adminlatrafan %) Section 108 Loan Guarantee City d Miami Building DepartmenlNresafe Structures Ciy of Miami Capitol Improvement Projects Community 1)evalop rot 11lodr Grant Ecpousnoknmiggic Dev ublk Facilities 8 Improvement otei CDOG Reidkgr ' To be funded through the City of Miami Housing & Convnercial Loan Cortminee 6. 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution authorizing the acceptance of Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) tending in the amount of 65.117,000; allocating such tumds to the various . housing activities listed below: ' FMOME Fends t1, 00 ethninislraoon t1 g96) Pilot Project 500,002 title H 4 oneHoHo eowwn Tun title Havana Hnmea 1,500,000 'Homeownership Programs (7596) 1,953,976 'Rental Prograne (25%) ___6325 Total NOFunding: i5,117,000 ' To be lurded through the City of Miami Housing and Commercial Loan Committee. - Id a, 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating a projected amount of $10,715,000 for Fiscal Year 2004.2005 and $2,035,495 of dose -out funds for Fiscal Yew 2003.2004 Housing n Opportunities for Persona wet AIDS (HOPWA) for a total amotat of $12,750,495 program hinds as specified for the preMsion of housing assistance and homing related services to low Income persons living with HIWAIOS es follows: • E Development Corporation al South Florida, Inc. 127, Community AIDS Resources, Inc. 100,375 Center for Information 8 Orientation, inc. 127,500 The Carder for Peeieve Connectona, inc. 100,375 Community Case M krc. 127,500 Center for Independent Living South Fk,rkia, Inc. 63,750 Douglas Gardena Community Mental Health Center of Miami Beach, Inc. 223,125 Empower "U", Inc. 191,250 Miami Beach Community Development Corporation, Inc. 63,750 New liadzona Communtty Mental Health Center, Inc. 63,750 Sperriah-Mredcan Basic Education 8 Rehabilitation, inc. 388,875 �d Miami Department of Canenun'ddyy Developnnenl $ 10 25,000 Longterm Funding Reoanrrrarrdad: Program Administration , City of Miami - Department of Community Development $321,450 Technical Assistance Apple Tree Perspectives, Inc. 100,000 Housing hdormedon, Reforest and Advocacy Floes • Beech Community Development Corporation, Inc. 150,000 Inspection Services Miami Reach Community Development cortion, Inc. 139.200 Project -Based d Rental a or Com • Miami - Department munity Operational Sn,310.800 port Mimi Beach Community unity Development Corporations, Inc. 150,000 Rental, Mortgage A Udtty Anistanee Total �of Community Developme nt660.20,5 NOWA Fad$12,750,4055 10. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating 54,173,000 of 30th Year Community Development Block Grant ICDBGj Program funds In the category of Economic 0evdapmentiPublic Facilities and Improvements to the agencies specified below: Erinarttic DarelcomerdlP+blic FaaMitles and IrawovemaAs ,000 6 c Econpatiahomic Develoness Development d Caalttion, Inc.lnc. $40,000 Catholic Charities o1 the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Pierre Toussaint Carder 20,000 Department of Community Development Code Compliance 500,000 Department of Community Development Commercial Facade 1,200.000 Downtown Miami Partnership. Inc. 103,000 Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Greaser Miami, Inc. 150,000 Little Halt -Edison Federal Cred'il Union 250,000 Neighbors 8 Neighbors Association, inc. 150,000 Rafael Hernandez Housing 8 Economic Development Corp 100,000 City at Miami paps of Economic Development 250,000 Small Business 6ppadun'sy Center, Inc. 400,000 The Edgewater Economic0eveiop eni Corp, Inc. 40,000 A�to mnoad Community Center 250.000 the Elderly, Inc. 50,000 City of Miami Department of 011-Sheet Parking 250,000 KI Child Care, Inc, 175,000 Kiddie Kop Child Care, Inc. 168,000 Southwest Sod* Services Programs, Inc. 317,1304 Total Economic Development Funding: $4,173,000 11. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating $1,677,766 ol the 30th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, 525,000 canhibutian tram Commissioner ado'a Campaign Account 10 be distributed $5,000 per District and $300,000 of Transportation and Transit Special Revenue tunde for a total amount of 32,002,758 in the category of Public to the agencies specified for Public Services Activities In Inc 30th Program Year beginning October 1,2004. lapatt�a meeting Action, Inc. riMISIBLikraMMOg,2 ASPIRA of Fladda, Inc. ' 10,000 Bel lonte Tacolcy Center, Inc. 25,000 Boys 8 Girls Clubs of Miami, Inc. - West Grove Unit 10,000 Brothers of the Same Mind, Inc. 65,000 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese o1 Miami, Inc. - Services tor the Elderly (Claude Pepper} 6,487 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Centro Maser Childcare Center 50,000 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Emergency Services 20,000 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese at Miami. Inc. - Centro Hispano Calolico Child Care Services 11,350 Catholic Charities ol the Archdiocese al Miami. Inc. - Sagrada Familia Child Care Center 50,000 Commie Grove.Caree, Inc. 20,000 De Hostos Senior Center, Inc. 100,000 Dr. Rated A. PendverClWc. Inc. 20,000 farm Ayleyu n Nan Mlyarni, Inc. 70,000 Fifty -Five Years 8 Up, Inc. 50.000 Haitian American Foundation, Inc, 35,000 James E Scat Community Association, Inc. 50,000 Josela Perez de Gaetano Kidney Foundation, Inc. 5,000 KIDCO CMk1 Care, Inc. 48,658 Lions Home for The Blind, Inc. 5,000 Little Havana Acetifies 8 Nutrition Genteel of Dade County, Inc. 244,200 Regis House, Inc, 15,000 Sisters & Brothers Forever, Inc. 30,000 Southwest Social Senicee Programs, Inc. 137,000 SI. Allan's Day Nursery, Inc. 44,812 Tacalcy Economic Development Corporation, Inc. 15,000 The Alternative Programs, Inc. 40,000 The Amociadon for Development of the Exceptional, Inc. 49,866 The Ernbrace Foundation, Inc. 60,953 The taLr�ttyy City Optimist 'Club of Florida, Inc. 20,000 The Non•liaknce P USA, inc. 10,000 Theo ore Roosevelt vior� Memorial Fund, inc. __._ 10.000 TotalFunding: ` $1,677,705 q. 'The adoption of Ibis Ordinarlce/Reaolutlrn, by the City Commission, authorizes the City Manager to emend the appropriate City ol Miami Annual Action Plan. Interested Individuals are encouraged to attend this Public Hearing. The meeting site is accession to the handicapped. Requests for special accommodations may be deected 10 the Department of Community Development at 1305j 416-2080 no less than tome (3) business days prior to the Pudic Hearing date. IAD PC71f30j