HomeMy WebLinkAboutpublic notice68 1 SATURDAY, MAY 7Q 7004
City of Miami
Department of Community Development
The Miami City Commission w# I hold a Public Hearing
to discuss issues relating to the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBO) and other HUD
t Thursday, June 10, 2004, 3:00 P.M.
City of Miami Commission Chamber
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Federal regulations governing CDBG and other HUD programs require that a participating jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice at and an opportunity to comment on any
amendments to funding of HUD programs. In addition. the public is advised of the proposed amendment(.) to the funding o1 Me City programfej inciceled below.
1. 'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the traneer of Home Investment Partnerships Program funds (HOME) funds previously allocated to Model City Homeownership Zone to an
in -Me affordable housing project as shown below:
Modal Ciylleoameretrip Amid
Zone/Pilot Protect
pDIS a815)
Tataf: ,900
Praarar0Activfty 9
Model City In -Fill Affordable
Housing ' r"
2 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the conveyance of the City -owned building located at 2368 Northwest 35th Street, Miami, Florida to Allepattah Business Development
Authority, Inc. (ABDA), a non-profit organization.
3. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution accepting the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) funds far Fiscal Year 2004.2005 for the Implementation o1 the Local Housing Assistance
4. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution approving the City of Miami's Five (5) Year Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2009 and the 2004 Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2004, in connection with the
implementation and administration of the City's Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Contrail.
5. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the de -obligation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for a total amount al $151,980 and allocate funds as shown
Arh� 524000
Haitian American Foundation, Inc. 11,960
F orene Utthcut Inner -City
Chlldren's Dance Company, Inc. 85,000
The Haitian Awareness and
Cultural Foundation, Inc. 214%1
Tetak $151,980
T1 tItemadve Program 523,ur0
SAME Development Corporation
of South Raride 7,000
The Embrace Foundation 22.960
• United Haman American Artists 47,000
Fain Ayieyen Nan Miyarni, inc. 529174
Tot 1151,909
& 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution approving the Goof Miami Consotldated Pion for 2004-2009 and the Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Yew 2E04.2005 with funding recommendations for
Community Development Development Block Grant )CDBG), HOME investment Partnerships Program (HOME); Emergency Shatter Grant {PSG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with
AIDS WPM). U.S. HUD requires entitlement cities, Ike the City of Miami, that receive tunas under Its grant programs to prepare a coneolldated five year plan, which details proposed
activities to maximize the benefits of federal funding.
Upon City Commission approval, the Consolidated Plan will be available for public review and comment for 30 days. The review and continent period begins an Monday. June 14, 2004 and
ends Tuesday, July 13, 2004..
Draft r,oplee of the 2004.2009 Consolidated Plan will be aveilable al two City o1 Miami Department of Community Development locations: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami Florida 33130
or 1313 NW 38th Street, 2nd Floor, Miami Florida 33142. The drafts will also be available at the City of Miami NET olticas, end Public Libraries located within the City Limits.
In addition, the City al Miami Department of Community Development has eliminated Its existing Community Revitalization Districts as part of ice Consolidated Plan for 2004-2009 Wiese new
boundaries now reterred to as Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZa) will also be available for public review and comment). The new NDZa will replace the previously axlsting CRDa end ice
The proposed ND2s Integrate the "model block', concept which will serve as target areas for affordable housing development activities, The model block boundaries, which reside within the
new NDZ boundaries, will also be available for public review and comment et the two Community Development location! hated above.
7. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution directing the allocation al 59,928,000 0l the 30th Year
5805,918 and Program Income in the amount of $1,100,000 as specified herein for the 30th Program
1Mmnlet ( %j
Section 108 Loan Guarantee
City of Miami Building Department/Unsafe Structures
Chy of Miami Capital Improvement Projects
C,ommunityDevelopment Block Grant
Economic DevetopmeenvPublic Facilities 8 Improvement
Total CD60 f ivasng:
' To be funded through the City of Miami Housing 8 Commercial Loan Committee
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and 28th Year Close Outs In the amount of
Year begmnIng October 1, 2004 as shown below:
Pronoaed 301h Ysa[
8. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the acceptance of Home Investment PartneraMpe (HOME) funding In the amount of 55,117,000; allocating such hands to the various
housing activities listed below:
Admin�� i (10%) ',100
District 4 Housing Pilot Project 500,000
Little Havana Homeoowwrneerraahip Trust 1,500,030
'Rentag ro % ms �5) _5 i,325
Tel HOW Funding: $6,117,000
' To be funded through the City of Miami Housing and Commercial Loan Committee, _
'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating a projected amount a1$10,715,000 for Fiscal Yew 2004-2005 end 52,035,495 of dose -out funds for Fiscal Year 2003.2004 Housing
Opportunities for Persons with M35 IHOPWA) for a total amount of $12,750,495 program funds as specified for the provision of housing assistance end housing related services to low income
persons thing with HN/AIDS as follows:
Cent iveAl Resources, at n ISaulh Florida, Inc. 1
nc. 127,500
The Center for Positive Connections, Inc. 108,375
Comrimnity Case Management, Inc. 127,500
Center for Independent Livingof South Florida, Inc. 63,750
Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center of Miami Beach, Inc. 223,125
Empower "U', Inc. 191,250
Miami Beach Community Development Corporation. Inc. 63,750
New Horizons Community Mental Health Center, Inc. 63,750
Spanish-American Basic Education & Rehabilitation, Inc. 388,875
City of Miami Department d Canmunl y Development :1(! 0
Total Longterm Funding Reconanended:
Program Administration ,
Technical tyoMMiami
- Derw� of Community Development 8321,450
Apple Tree Perspectives, Inc. 100,000
Housing Information, Referral and Advocacy
Development Corporation, Inc. 150,000
Miami Bach Community Development corporation, Inc. 139,200
City of Miami - Department ofCommuniy�anopment 310,800
Proleri Ranlal or Operational Support
Miami Beach Community .Inc. 150,000
N8Uy Assistance
iam( Went of Community Development
10. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating $4,173,000 of 30th Yew Community Development Block Gram IC08G) Program funds In the category of Economic 0evelopmenUPuWlc
Facilities and Improvements to the agencies specified below:
Wlapattah Business Development Auttwrtly, Inc. 512212161V,0p
Black Economic Development Coalition, inc. 40.000
Catholic Charltiee of the Archdiocese at Miami, Inc. - Pierre Toussaint Center 20,000
Department of Community Development Code Compliance 500,000
Department of Community Development Commercial Fa(ade 1,200.000
Downtown Miami Partnership. Inc. 1C3,000
Hlspanlc Budnese initiative Fund of Greater Miami, Inc. 150,000
Uttlo Haiti -Edison Federal Credit Union 250.000
N 000
Raaffael Hehborsrnandez Housing 5 Economic
ighbors oDevelopment Corp c. 1000,000
Giry al Miami Dept. of Economic Development 250,000
Small Baines Opporhmey Center, Inc. 400,000
The Edgewater E Development Corp. Inc. 40,000
h Wynwood Community Center 250,001
epaltsMal once to the Elderly, Inc. 50,000
City of Miami. Department of Off•Street Parking 250,000
KI000 Child Care, Inc. 175,000
Kiddie Kop Child Care, Inc. 168,000
Southwest Social Services Programs, Inc. __.__30A40
Total Economic Development Funding: $4,173,000
11. 'Oiacussion and Proposed Resolution allocating $1,877,766 of the 30th Year Community Development frock Grant ICD0G► funds, $25,000 contribution from Commissioner RegrverilocZ
Campaign Account to be distributed $5,000 per District and $300,000 01 Transportation and Transit Special Revenue hinds for a total amount of 5,2,002.766 in the category of Public
to the agencies specified for Public Services Activities In the 30th Program Year beginning October 1, 2004.
All ,o imunity Action, Inc.flinalaillram 49, 00
RA a1 Florida, Inc, 10,000
Bideford. Taccicy Center, Inc. 25,000
Boys & Girls Clubs of Moil, Inc. - West Grove Unit 10,000
Brothers of the Same Mind, Inc. 65,000
Catholic Chadds a1 the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Services for the Elderly (Claude Pepper) 6,487
Catholic Charities al the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Centro Mater CNlkcae Center 50,000
Catholic Claridge of the Archdiocese of Miami. Inc. - Emergency Services 20,000
Catholic Cherltles of the Archdiocese of Miami. Inc. - Centro Hispano Caldino Child Care Services 11,350
Catholic Charities d the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Sagrada Fanilia Child Care Center 50,000
Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. 20,000
De Hostos Senior Coder, Inc. 100,000
0r. Rafael A Partitive Clinic, Inc. 20,000
Fanm Aylayen Nan Myam, Inc. 70,000
Filly -Five Years & Up, Inc. 50,000
Haitian American Foundation, Inc. 35,000
James E. Scott Community Assodallan, Inc. 50,000
Josefa Perez de Gaetano Kidney Foundation, Inc. 5,000
KIDCO Child Care, Inc. 46,658
(Jens Home for TheBlind, Inc. 5,000.
Utile Havana Activities & Nutrition Centers d Dade Courtly, Inc, 244,200
Regis House, Inc. 000
S era Brothers Forever, Inc. 30,000
Southwest Social Swerves Programs, Inc. 137.000
St. Alban'a [fey Nursery, Inc. 44,612
%coley Economic Development Corporation, Inc. 15,000
The Alternative Programs, Inc. 40,000
The Aeecdatlan for Development d the Exceptional, Inc. 49,866
The Embrace Foundation, Inc. 60.953
The Liberty City 0pl nrlsl Club of Florida, Inc, 20,000
The Non Ytolenca Praiect USA. Inc. 10,000
Theodore Roosevelt Gibson Memorial Fund, Inc, 10.000
Total NI* Senior Funding: $1,677,788
'The adoption of this Ordinance/Resolution, by Ste City Commission, authorizes the City Manager to emend the appropriate City of Miami Mnual Action Plan.
Interested Individuals ere encouraged to attend this Public Hearing. The meeting site is accessible to the handicapped. Requests for apical accommodations may be directed to the
Department of Community Development at {3o5j 416-2080 no les than lime {3) business days prior to the Public Hearing date. {AD 007530)