HomeMy WebLinkAboutpublic notice6! I SATURDAY, MAY 20 7004 F • City of Miami Department of Community Development The Miami City Commission will hold a Public Hearing to discuss issues relating to the Communft Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other HUED Programs. Thursday, June 10, 2004, 3:00 P.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Federal regulations governing CDBG and other HUD programs require that a participating jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any amendments to funding of HUD programs. in addition, the public Is advised of the proposed stlendmerttis) to the funding of the City prograrn(e) indicated below. 1, 'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the transfer of Home Investment Partnerships Program fords (HOME) fends previously allocated to Model City Homeownership Zone to an infill affordable housing project as shown below: TRANSFER FUNDS FROM: ! ModeErS2l kteownership Zone/Pilot Proler t {IRIS 11815) Total: 000 REALLOCATE FUNDS TO: Model City In -Fill Affordable Housing - r ''' Totaf:'T 2. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the conveyance of the City -owned building located at 2368 Northwest 351h Street, Miami, Florida to Aliapattah Business Development Authority, Inc. (ABDA), a non -prof& organization. 3. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution accepting the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIF') hinds for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 for the Implementation of the local Housing Assistance Plan. 4, 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution approving the City of Miami's Five (5) Year Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2005.2009 and the 2004 Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2004, in connection with the implementation and administration of the City's Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Contract. L 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the de -obligation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds fora total amount of 8151,960 and &locae hinds as,houn below: TRANSFER FUNDS FROM: rrogram:Activfty -,I!. .,I REALLOCATE FUNDS To: roaramWAdivity� M2111a Artz-N-The Hood V1,000 Haitian American Foundation, Inc. 11,960 Florene Utthcut Inner -City Children'e Dance Company, inc. 85,000 The Haitian Awareness and Guttural Foundation, Inc. 35.440 Total: $15100 file Alternative program 623,000 fM6anuth Development Corporation 7,WU The Embrace Foundation 22.960 United Haitian American Artiste 47,000 Fans Ayisyen Nan Myaml, Inc. 52.000 Toth 1151,910 G. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution approving the City ol Miami Consolidated Plan for 2004-2009 Community Development Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships AIDS (HOPWA). U.S, HUD rewires entitlement cities, like the City of Miami, that receive funds activities 10 maximize the bene6te of federal funding. Upon City Commission approval, the Consolidated Plan will be available for pudic review and ends Tuesday. July 13, 2004. Druft copies of the 2004.2009 Consolidated Plan will be available et two City of Miami Department or 1313 NW 36th Street, 2nd Floor, Miami Florida 33142. The drafts will also be available at the In addition, the City of Miami Department ol Community Development has eliminated its existing boundaries now referred to as Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZs) wit also be available tor boundaries, The proposed ND2s Integrate the 'model block", concept which will serve ss target areas for and the Annual Action Plan tor Fiscal Year 2004-2005 with funding recommendations for Program (HOME) Emergency Sheller Grant (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with under its grant programs to prepare a consolidated five year plan, which details proposed comment for 30 days. The review and comment period begins on Monday. June 14, 2004 and of Community Development location: 444 SW 2nd Avenue. 2nd Floor, Miami Florida 33130 City ol Miami NET offices, end Public Libraries located within the City Limits. Community Rerits/izatian Metricts as part of 11e Consolidated Plan fo 2004.2009 Obese new public review end comment), The new NDIa will replace the previously existing CRDs and Oa affordable hauling development activities. The mallet block boundaries, which reside within the Development locations listed above. new NDZ boundaries, wit also be available for public review and �1nmesa of the two Community 7. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution directing the allocation of 69,928,000 of the 30th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and 26th Year Close Gum In the amount ol $805,918 and Program Income in the amount of $1,100,000 as specified herein for the 30th Program Year beginning October 1, 2004asshown below: t Admin elretion Pi) 1,98 .600 Section 108 Loan Guarantee 1,100,030 City of Miami. Building DepartrmentrUnsaleStructures 200.000 City of Miami Capital Improvement Projects 600,000 Community Development Block Grant 1,677,768 Economic Development/Public Facilities 6 Improvement 4,173.000 Tow. OWN Toll G Funding ' To be funded through the C4j of Miami Housing 8 Commercial Loan Committee 8. 'Discussion and Proposed Res0ution authorizing the acceptance of Home Investment Partnerships housing activities wed below: (1a%) District 4 Housing PiotPeci LRtie Havana Homeownerelp Trust 'Homeownership programs (75%) 'RentTotal (HOME) funding in the amount of $5.117,000; &locating such bonds 10 the various 511,06 500,000 1,500,000 1,953,975 $6,117,000 P,ag,o Funding: Total HOME ' To be funded through the City of Miami Housing and Commercial Loan Committee. Nof d ii Is id M ■ Id 9. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating a projected amount of $10,715,000 to Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and $2,035,495 of dose -out funds for Fetal Year 2003-2004 Housing Opportunities Idr Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) for a total amount of 512,750,495 program funds as *edited for the provision of housing aseiatence and housing related eervlcia to low income persons living with HIWAIDS as fo0ows: 4. E Development GarporM$on o1 South Florida. Inc. J Sr2a1Mit 1 Community AIDS Resources, Inc. i1108,375 Corder Ire information 6 Orientation, Inc. 127,500 The Center for Positive Connection, Inc. 108,375 Community Case Management, Inc. 127,500 Center to independent LMNg W South Florida. Inc. 83,750 Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center of Miami Beach, Inc. 223,125 Empower `U', Inc. 191,250 Misml Beech Community Development Corporation, Inc. 63,750 New Horizons Community Mental Health Center, Inc. 63,750 Spanfah•Mlerican Basic Education 8 Rehabilitation, Inc. 388,875 Hof Miami Longterm t 7 min Development g Room $10 750 Program Administration. T tiof ntAmbiance Dep eel of Community Development $321,450 Apple Tree Perspective!, Inc. 100,900 Houalm Ndonnation, Referral and Advocicy Miami Beach Community Development Corporation, Inc. 150,000 Housing Inspection Services Miami Beech Communky corpora/kin, Inc. 139200 City of Miami - Department of Community Development 310,800 Project-Bieaed Rental Subsidy or Operetianel Support Miemi.Geach Community Development Corporations, Inc. 150,000 Rental, Mortgage 8 Utility AeiMartea .295 Total IIOPWA Funding: of Community 112,750,486 10. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating 84,173.000 of 30th Year ComnunIy Development Block Grant ICDB(3) Program hinds In the category of Economic Development/Publc Facilities and Improvements to the agendas specified below: Economic Developme nt/Pvrblk: Fa0llties end Imtrevemen sAJlapattah Business d 111D! Stack Economic Developmmeent Coalition, lDevment aic Inc. 40,000 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, inc. • Pierre Toussaint Center 20,000 Department of Community Development Code Compliance 500,000 Department of Community Development Commerasl Facade 1,200.000 Downtown Miami Parinerehip. Inc. 199,000 Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Greater Miami, Inc. 150.000 Lhtle Haiti -Edison Federal Credit Union 250,000 Neighbors 8 Neighbors Association, Inc. 150,000 Rafael Hernandez Housing 8 Economic Development Corp 100,000 City of Miami Dept of Economic Development 250.000 Small Business Opportunty Center, inc. 400.000 The Edgewater Economic Development t Corp, Inc. 40,000 alIeeppaettl�aaht-Wynwood Community Center 250,000 Assistance to the Elderly, Inc. 50,000 c4 Miami Department of On -Street Parting 250,00D KI Child Care, Inc. 175,900 Kiddie Kop Child Care, Inc. 168,000 Southwest Social Services Programs, Inc. 30.000 Total Economic Development Funding: 84,173,000 11. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating $1.677,766 of the 30th Year Community Development Block Grant ICDBG) funds, $25,000 contribution Iron Commissioner e Campaign Account to be distributed 55,000 per District and 8300,000 of Transportation and Transit Special Revenue hinds for a total amount o1$2,002,766 in the category d Public to the agencies specified for Public Services Activities in the 30th Program Year beginning October 1, 2004. lapaiiii limunityAction.Inc. 49,200 ASPIRA of Florida, Inc: 10,000 Balatorae Tacalry Canters Inc. 25,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami, Inc. - West Grove Unit 10,000 Brothers of the Sons Mind. Inc. 65,000 Catholic Charities o1 the Archdiocese of Miami, inc. - Services for the Elderly (Claude Pepper) 6,487 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, inc. - Centro Mater Childcare Center 50,000 Catholic Charities o1 the Archdiocese o1 Miami, Inc. • Emergency Services 20,000 Catholic Chanties of the Archdiocese al Miarv. Inc. - Centro Hlepenno Catolico Child Care Servkea 11,350 Catholic ChaRiee o1 the Archdiocese of Mieml, Inc. - Sagrada Familia Child Care Center 50,000 Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. 20,000 De Hostos Senior Center, Inc. 100,000 G. Rafael A PenaverClic, Inc. 20,000 Fanm Ayleyen Nan M'ryani, Inc. 70,000 RBy-Five Years 6 Up, Inc. 50.000 Haitian American Foundation, Inc. 35,000 JamasE'ScoltCanomunity Asaoclatlon, Inc. 50,000 Josele Perez de Cemtano Kidney Foundation, Inc. 5,000 KtDCOChild Care, Inc. 45,858 Lions Home tor The Bend, Inc. 5,000. Little Havana Activities 6 Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. 244,200 Regis House, Inc. 15.000 Sisters B Brothers Forever, Inc. 30,000 Southwest Sole Services Programs, Inc. 137,000 5t. Albs s Day Nursery. Inc. 44212 Tecolry Economic Development Corporation, Inc. 15,000 The Alternative Pro, Inc. 40,000 The Aneocialon icr De elopment o t the Exceptional, Inc. 49,866 The Embrace Foundation, Inc. 60,953 The Liberty Gly Opterhht Club of Florida, Inc. 20,000 The Non -Violence Pro ct USA, Inc. 10,000 Theodore Roosevelt on Memorial Fund, Inc. 10.000 Total PdbFunding: 11c Service Fding: t, $1,877,788 'The adoption of this Ordinance'Resolution, by the City Commission, authorizes the City Manager to emend the appropriate City of Miami Annual Action Plan. Interested Individuals are encouraged to attend this Public Hearing. The meeting ate is accessible to the handicapped. Requests for special accommodations may be directed to the Deportment of Community Development at t305) 416-2080 no less than three (3) business days prior to the Pudic Heaving date. (A13 /07530)