HomeMy WebLinkAboutpublic notice81 1 SATURDAY, MAY 7Q 2004 F
City of Miami
Department of Community Development
The Miami City CommIaskm will hold a Public Hearing
to discuss issues relating_to the Community
Development dock Grant (CDBG) and other HU
Thursday, June 10, 2004, 3:00 P.M.
City of Miami Commission Chamber
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
Federal regulations governing CMG and other HUD programs require that a participating jurisdiction
provide citizens with reasonable notice al and an oppartunly to comment on any
to the finding of the City progmmis) Indicated below.
Program hinds (HOME) funds previously allocated to Modal City HameovmereMp Zone to en
amendments to funding of HUD programs. In addition, the public is advised of the proposed amendment(e)
1. 'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the transfer of Horne Investment Perthershps
in -fill affordable housing protect as shown below:
r &
Zane +Pilot Protect
o18 if615j
Froa anVActivity Sand
Model city In -Fill Affordable
2. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the conveyance ants City -owned building located at 2368 Northwest 351h Street. Miami, Florida to ANapattah Business Development
Authority, Inc. kek3DA), a von -profit organization.
a 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution accepting the State Housing initiatives Partnership (SHIP) tunda la Fiscal Year 2004.2005 for the implementation ol the Local Homing Assistance
4. 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution approving the City of Miami's Five (Weser Strategic Plan Racal Year 2005-2009 and the 2004 Annual Plan fa Fiscal Year Zook in connection with the
implementation and administration of the City's Section B Moderate Rehabilitation Contract.
6, 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the de —obligation d Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) lunda for a total amount of 5151,960 and allocate fads es shown
Piusgeoidoksti �
Ariz f20,009
Haitian American Foundation, Inc. 11,960
Hoene Literati Inner -City
Children's Dance Company, Inc. 85,000
The Haitian Awareness and
Cultural Foundation, Inc. ,'jgnj
Total: $151,11110
program/ vt
Tits Aileme�dve Pragmi eat
SAME Dr pmern Corporation
The Embrace Foundation 22,922,960
United Henan American Artists
faun Aylayen Nan Mlyami, Inc.
Tetak $I51
1 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution Year 2004-2005 with la
Community Development Developmentrock GGra9the City nt ICDEIG),iHOME Investment PConsoNdated Harenerehipa Program IHOM�; Emergency San tor 2004-2009 and the Annual Action tan helttor e► Grantl(ESO) and Housing Opportunities kw Persons
AIDS A). U.6. HUD quires emhrm leenl cities, pike the City of Miami, that receive tends under its gran) programs to prepare a consolidated Tive year plat, which details proposed
activities to maximize the berets of federal landing.
Upon City Commission approval, the Consolidated Plan will be available for public review and comment tor 30 days. The review end comment period begins on Monday. June 14, 2004 end
ends Tuesday, Jury 13, 2004...
Draft copies of the 2004.2009 Consolidated Plan will be available at two City of Miami Department of Community Development locations: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami Florida 33130
or 1313 NW 36th Street, 2nd Root, Miami Florkia 33142. The drafts will also be available el the City of Miami NET offices, and Public Libraries located within the C41y Unite.
1n addition, the City of Miami Department of Community Development has eliminated its existing Community Revitalization DletrkKa as pen of Ns Consolidated Plan fa 2004-2009 new
boundaries now referred to as Neighborhood Development Zones INDZe) will also be available to public review and comment). The new NDIs will replace the previously existing CRDe end its
The propoeed NDZs integrate the "model block", canoepl which will serve es target arena tor affordable hawing development activities. The model block boundaries, which reside within the
new NM boundaries, will also be available tor public review and continent at the two Community Development location listed above.
7. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution directing the allocation of 59.928,000 of the 30th Year Community Development Block Grant (CMG) funds and 28th Year Close Outs in the amount of
1805,918 and Program Income In the amount of $1,100.000 as specified herein its the 301h Program Year beginning October 1, 2004 as shown below:
Adminehstiorm %j 1, .
Section 108 Loan Guarantee 1,100,000
City of Miami Building Dep rtmenV Unsafe Structures 200,000
City of Miami Capita/ Improvement Protects 200,000
Community Dendopment Bloc* Gram L677.768
Economic Development/Public Facilities 5 Improvement 4.173,000
Taming ActM FixvJ 1I B
TaW CDB4 Funding:
' To be funded through the City of Miami Housing d Commercial Loan Cammimee
8. 'Discussion and Proposed Resoluton authorizing the acceptance of Hake Investment Partnerships
housing activities Hated below:
Dania armHousing Pil 110%) p r�
Lillie HHavanHameownerahlp Truett
•Homeavmnmenthip (75%)
(HOME) funding in the amount al 55.117,000; allocating ouch hands to the yartous
hndr l a
SNOW Funding Total NOW
' To be funded through the City ol Miami Housing and Commercial Lon Committee.
9. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating a projected amount of $10,715,000 for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 end 82,035,495 of dose -out funds la Fiscal Yew 2003.2004 Housing
Cpportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWAI tor a total amount of $12,750,495 program funds as specified for the provision d housing as stance and housing related eervkea to low income
pemcne living with HIWMDS es fatlowe:
Community AIDS ieaeurNefl sue, U�.ation of South Florida Inc. 1088�F
Center far Information I Orientation. Inc. 127,500
The Canter to Prettily Connections, inc. 108,975
Canmjtty Gess Management, Inc. 127.500
Center forindependent Living of South Florida. Inc. 63,750
Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center of Miami Beach, Inc. 223,125
Empower "U"np Corporation, Inc.191,250
89 750
Miami Beach Community
New Horizons Community Mantel Health Center, Inc. 63,750
Spanish-American Bask Education 8 Rehabilitation, Inc. 388,875
Tot d al Longterm
Far aging! of Cammu�ni Developmsn! Holy
Pro9rmm Administration,
of MicalAssistance
1� Department of Community Development 3321,450
Tree Perspectives, Inc. 100,000
Intemention, Rama pm Miami Community Development Corporation. Inc. 150,000
Miami Beech Community Development corporation, Inc. 139,200
City d Mara- Department al Communty Development 310.800
Project -Based Rental er Operetionel Support
mwm Miami 8eBeachCorRy�opmern
Emsropf ee Rental, Mortgage 8 Utility Assistance
Inc. 150 000
Total NOMA - Department Funding al Community Development 141125
10. 'Discussion and Proposed Resdutian allocating 54.173.000 of 30th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG1 Program horde in the category d Economic Development/Public
Faders and Improvements to the agencies specified below:
Allapattah 13usinees Development Authority, Inc.
Black Economic Development Coalition, Inc. 40,000
Catholic Charities a the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Pierre Toussaint Center 20.000
Department of Comm ratty Development Code Compliance 500,000
Department of Community Development Commercial Facade
Downtown Miami PartnerrsshIn. 1103,000
Hispanic Business Initiative and of Greater Mlanr, Inc. 150,000
Untie Hen -Edison Federal Credit Onion 250,000
Neighbored Neighbors Association, Inc. 150,000
Rafael Hernandez Hawing 8 Economic Development Corp 100.000
City of Miami . al Economic Development 250,000
Small Business Camp, Inc.. 400,030
The Edgewater Economic Corp. Inc. 40,000
Allapattah•Wynwood Community Center 250.000
Assihsttsnce:tatty Elderly Inc. 50000
City of Miami Department of Oft -Street Parking 250,000
KIDCO ChI1d Care, Inc. 175.000
Kiddie Kop Ci9d Care, Inc. 168,000
Southwest Social Services Programs,
Total Economic Development Funding: g 154,173,000
11. 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution allocating $1,677,766 of the 30th Year Community Development Block Grant IC06G} funds, $25,000 contribution from Commeaionar Regaiado'a
Campaign Account to be distributed $5,000 per District and $300,000 of transportation
and Transit Revenue funds fa a a total amount of $2,002,758 In one category of Public
to the agencies specified Inc Public Services Activities in the 30th Program Year beginning October!,
t 1,3350
_ 1a000
'The adoption of this Ordinance/Resolution, by the City Commission, authoring the any Manager to mend the appropriate Cry of Miami Annual ud Action Plan.
interested Individuals are encouraged to amend this Pudic Hearing. The meeting she is accessible to the handicapped. Requests for specie) accor nnodadona may be dsected to the
Department of Community Development at 1305) 416.2080 no less than Sweep) business days prior to the Pudic Hewing date. (AD #07530)
lapalfeh Action. Inc.
ASPIRA of Florida, Irnc.:
Bellefonte Taccicy Center Inc.
Says 8 [Tide Clubs of MM ani, Inc. - West Grove Unit
Brothers of one Same Mind, Inc.
Cethallc Chaltiee of One Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Services tor the Elderly Plaudit Pepper)
Cathdk Charles of the Archdiocese of Miami. Inc. - Centro Meter Childcare Center
Catholic Gurnee of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. • Emergency Services
Catholic Charities al the Archdiocese of Miami. Inc. - Centro Hispato Catdico Child Care Services
Catholic Charities o1 the Archdiocese o1 Miami. Inc. - Sagreds Fanlha Child Care Cella
Coconut Grove Cares, Inc.
De Hams Senior Center, Inc.
Dr, Rafael A. PenalterCliknllc, Inc.
FIRyFlve 8 Uyp, Inc.M'Inc.
Haitian American Foundation, Inc.
Jaynes E. Scott Community Aseodatlan, Inc.
Jose's Pere de Gaetano Kidney Foundation, Inc.
KIDCOCh*d Gene, Inc.
Lions Home for The Blind, Inc.
Little Havana Activities 8 Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc.
Regis House, Inc.
Sisters 8 Brothers Forever, Inc.
Southwest Soda Services Programs, Inc.
St. Alban's Day Misery, Inc.
Tacoky Economic Development Corporation, Inc.
The Alternative Programs, Inc.
The Association for Development d the Exceptional, Inc.
The Embrace Foundation, inc.
The Liberty City Optimist 'Club of Florida, Inc.
The NorAolence Project USA Inc.
Theodora Raoeavell Memorial Fund, Inc.
Total. Public Service Funding: