HomeMy WebLinkAboutpublic noticeN I SATURDAY, MAY 7Q 7004 F _^ City of Miami The Miami City Commission will hold a Public Hearing to discuss Issues relating to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other HUED Programa. Department of Community Development Thursday, June 10, 2004, 3:00 P.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Federal regulations governing COBG and other HUD programs require that a participating lufadiction provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any amendments to funding d HUD programs. In addition. the public Is advised of the proposed wnandrnent(e) to the funding of the City programs) indicated below. 1. 'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the transfer of Home Investment Partnerships Program funds (HOME) funds previously allocated to Model City Homeownership Zone to an in -fill efiordable housing prajecl as shown below: TRANSFER FUNDS FROM: Mr arlJ icily Mad d Cloott Prairie' 0DIS 1815) Total: Nali00 REALLOCATE FUNDS TO: ProG A ModZon&1 Model City In-FHI Affordable I4ousng Total: Na 2. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the conveyance al the City -Owned building located at 2368 Northwest 35th Street, Miami, Florida to ANapanah Busknees Development Authority, Inc. (ABDA), a non-profit organization. 3. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution accepting the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) funds for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 for the implementation of the Local Hous ng Nee dance Plan. 4. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution approving the City of Miami's Five (5) Year Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2009 and the 2004 Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2004, In connection Oh the implementation and administration of the City's Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Contract. 5. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing the de -obligation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for a total amount of $151,960 and allocate funds as shown below: TRANSFER FUNDS FROM: AannfActivttt 9mahall rN-The Hood 201J00 Hainan American Foundation, Inc. 11,980 Flarene Uttrcut Inner -City Chlldren's Dance Company. Inc. 85,000 The Haitian Awareness and Cultural Foundation, Inc. 35J443 Total: $1511660 REALLOCATE FUNOS TO: Prooram/Activtly -lr,..r, The Anernative Prograrn 11 Development CorporationCorporationCo BAME �7000 of South 27,000 The Embrace Foundation United Haitian American Artists 47,000 Fanm Aylsyen Nan Miyami, Inc. it8 1E9e0 Total: 6. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution approving the City of Miami Consolidated Plan for 2004-2009 and the Naval Acton Plan fa Fiscal Year 2054-2005 with funding recommendations tor Community Development Development Block Grant ICDHG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME; Emergency Shelter Grant IESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWAj, U.S. HUD requites entitlement cities, like the City of Miami, that receive funds under Its grant programs to prepare a consolidated fhve year plan, which details proposed activities to maximize the benefits of federal funding. Upon City Commission approval, the Coneolidated Plan will be available tor public review and comment for 30 days. The review and comment period begins on Monday, June 14, 2004 and ends Tuesday, July 13, 2004. Draft copies of the 2004-2009 Consolidated Plan will be available at two City of Miami Departmernt of Community Development locations: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor, Mteml Florida 33130 or 1313 NW 36th Street, 2nd Boa, Miami Florida 33142. The drafts will also be available at the City of Miami NET offices, and Public Libraries located within the City Waits. In addition, the Dry of Miami Department of Community Development has eliminated its existing Community Revitalization Districts as part of its Consolidated Plan for 2004-2009 ghee* new boundaries now referred to as Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZs) will also be available fa public review end comment). The new NOD will repines the prunlcusty existing CROS and Its boundaries. The proposed NDZa Integrate the 'model block', concept which will serve es target areas for affordable housing development activities. The model block boundaries, which reside within the new NDZ boundaries, will also be available for public review and commend at the two Community Development locations Mated above. 7. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution directing the allocation of $9,928,000 al the 30th Year Community Development Block Grant (CON) funds end 28th Year Clove Outs In the amount of aber 1, 2004 as shown below: 5805,918 andProgramIncome in the amount of 31,100,000 as specified therein fa the 30th Program Year beginning Odw: 21:125121"ILYIEtil Grant m�Is1radan ) ROE Section 108 Loan Guarantee 1,100,000 City of MiamiB1,�dkha Department/Unsafe Structures City of Miami emenl Projects 600,000 Community Devdopmend Block Grant 1,677.768 Economic DevelapmentlPublic Fac0ltles 8 Improvement 4,173,000 Haabg Activities' PURE USN0BO Funding: ' To be funded through the City d Miami Housing 8 Commercial Loan Committee 6. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution authorizing ire acceptance of Flome Investment Partnerships housing activities tinted below: (HOME) funding in tie amount of S5.117,000; allocating such funds to the various 11, 00 `� , 1.500,000 1,953,975 115,117,51225000 AdrninMEillistra on (1096) District 4 Harting of d, Lithe Havana Ip Trust .Hovrag� r�Programs f75%) 'RentTotal HOME Furelinw ' To be funded through the Chy of Miami Housing and Canmerdat Loan Committee. ij 15 id • Id 9. 'Diecuaaion and Proposed Resolution allocating a projected amount of $10,715,000 for Fiscal Yew 2004-2005 and S2,035,495 of close-out funds for Reed Year 2003.2004 Housing d Opportunities tar Persons with AIDS (I1OPWA) for a total amount of S12,750,495 program funds as !pacified nor the provision al housing assistance and housing related amble to law lnconhe persons living with HIWAIDS as follows: idigat opnerdFurdina Recom Community MS Resources,Inc, of South Florida, Inc, 108,375 Career for Information 8 Orientation, Inc. 127,500 The Center for Positive Connections, Inc. 108,375 CanmuniM Case M Inc. 127,500 Caner to fndepandanl�af South Florida, Inc. 63,750 Douglas Gardens Community unity Mental Hedth Center o1 Miami Beach, Inc. 223,125 Empower "U", Inc. 191,250 Miami Beach Community Development Corporation, Inc. 63,750 New Horizons Community Mental Health Center, Inc. 63,750 Spanish-American Basic Education 8 Rehabilitation, Inc. 388,875 City of Miami Depwlment d Comm Development 75 9.31I00 T Longterm Funding : 110,918,750 Program AdmInislraffon, City of Miami - Department of Community Development 5321,450 Technical Assistance Apple Tree Pwepectivea, Inc. 1 D0,000 Housing Nitonnadon, Men* and Advocacy Miami Basch Community Development Corporation, Inc. 150,000 Housing Inspection Services Miami Beach Community Developmae corporation, Inc. 139,200 City of Miami - Department of Community Development 310,800 Project -Based Rental Subsidy or Operational Support Miami Beach Community Development Corporations, inc. 150,000 Emergency Rental, Mortgage a Utility Assistance City Total Miami Fundenting: of Community Development $12 5 10. 'Discussion and Proposed Resolution allocating 54,173,000 of 3(Xh Year Community Development Block Grad! ICDI3G) Program funds in the category of Economic Development/Public Facilitiesand Improvements Io the agendas specified below: F./anemic Developmenteublic Fadliks apt lmnrevernentu Allapanah Business �tt�c Rack Economic DevnenCoalf on inc. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Pierre Toussaint Career Department of Community Development Code Compliance Department of Community Development Commercial Facade 0ownlawn Miami Partnership, Inc. H'apenlc Butaneas Initiative Fund of Greater Miami, Inc. t.Nik NA -Edison Federal Credit Union Neighbors d Neighbors Associaiion, Inc. Rafael Hernandez Housing 6 Economic Development Corp City t usami t o1 Economic Inc.opment Smell Business • Center, in The Edgewater Economic velogrrnad Corp, Inc. N ilah Wynwood Community Center A sslelance to the Elderly, Inc. City of Miami Department of Off -Street Parking NOW Chad Cars, Inc. Kiddie Kop Child Care, Inc. Southwest Social Servitor! Programs, Inc. Total Economic Development Funding: 850,000 40000 20,000 500,000 1,200.000 100,000 150,000 250,000 150,000 100,000 250,000 400,000 40.000 250,000 50,000 250,000 175,000 168,000 S4,173,000 11. 'Discussion end Proposed Resolution allocating $1.117,766 of the 301h Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, 525,900 contribution from Commissioner ado's Campaign Account to be distributed $5,000 agencies aspecified Mr Public Services Activities ctivities in District !nd $300.000 of Transportation end the 30th Program Year beginning October Special Revenue funds far a total amount of 52.002,788 in the category of Public es to the �munily' Acton, Inc, RA of Florida, Inc.. Belelonte Tacolcy Center, Inc. Boys 8 Girls Clubs al Muni, Inc. - Wesl Grove Unit Brothers of the Same Mind, Inc. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, inc. - Services for the EWeriy (Claude Pepper) Catholic Charities d the Archdiocese of Miami, inc. - Centro Mater Childcare Center Catholic Charitiee of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. - Emergency Services Catholic Cha Iles of the Archdiocese of Mlemt, Inc. - Centro Hisparno Cetolion Chad Care Services Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, inc. - Sagrada Familia Child Care Center Coconut Grove Ceres, Inc. De Hodes Senior Center, Inc. Dr. Rafael A. Panther Inc. Fanm Aylayen Nen Monti, Inc. fify=Flve Years 8 Up, Inc. Holden American Fonardalion, Inc. James E. Scats Community Aeaadetbn. Inc. Josela Perez de Casten Kidney Foundation, Inc. KI000Child Caro; fna Doris Home for The Blind, Inc. Utile Havana Acthitlee 8 Nutrition Cenlera of Dade County, Inc. Regis House, Inc. Sisters '8 Brothers Forever, Inc. Southwest Social Services Programs, inc. SI. Alban's Day Nursery, Inc. Tecalcy Economic Development Corporation, Inc. The Alternative Programs, Inc. The Aeeodatian for Development of the Exceptional, Inc. The Embrace Foundation, Inc. The UbalyrClty 0ptimistChat of Florida, Inc. The Non -Violence Prod USA,Inc. Theodore Roosevelt n Memorial Fund. Inc. Total Pails Service Funding: Eling652-11641n3Mi4 , 00 10,000 25,000 10,000 65,000 6,487 50,000 20,000 11,350 50,000 20,000 100,000 20,000 70,000 50,000 35,000 50,000 5,000 48,058 5,000. 244,200 15,000 30,000 137,000 44,812 15,000 40,000 40,866 60.953 20,000 10,000 10000 ti $1,677,768 a.. ' 'The adoption of this 0rdinancaffleeolution, by the City Commission, authorizes the City Manager to amend the appropriate City ai Miami Annual Action Man. Interested Individuals are encouraged to attend Ihb Public Hearing. The meeting site is accessible to the handicapped. Requests for special accommodations may be directed to the Department o1 Community Developmental 1305) 416-2080 no less than three 13) business days prior to the Putk Hearing date. IAD 007594