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Traffic Impact Analysis
• DUPONT PLAZA DEVELOPMENT SE 3rd AVENUE & SE 4th STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA • MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REVISED JANUARY 2004 • • • • DUPONT PLAZA DEVELOPMENT SE 3rd AVENUE & SE 4th STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT ANLAYSIS Prepared for CMC Construction Company 701 Brickell Avenue Suite 3150 Miami, Florida 33131 Prepared by Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. E.B. No. 3766 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami, Florida 33183 Revised January 2004 3722 • • DUPONT PLAZA DEVELOPMENT SE 3rd AVENUE & SE 4th STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT ANLAYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3 TRIP GENERATION 3 SITE ACCESS 3 TRAFFIC GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS 5 TRW DISTRIBUTION 6 PEAK SEASON TRAFFIC ADJUSTMENTS 6 FUTURE BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 6 COMMITTED DEVELOPMENT 6 LEVEL OF SERVICE 10 PERSON TRIP CAPACITY 12 PLANNED ROADWAY IMPROVMENTS 15 TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES PLAN 15 CONCLUSION 15 TABLES Table 1 — Daily, AM & PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Volume 3 Table 2 — PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Volumes 5 Table 3 — PM Peak Traffic Volumes at Study Locations 9 Table 4 — PM Peak Hour LOS 11 Table 5 — Existing Person Trip Corridor Analysis 13 Table 6 — Year 2007 Person Trip Corridor Analysis 14 FIGURES Figure I — General Location 2 Figure 2 — Existing PM Peak. Hour Traffic at Study Locations 4 Figure 3 — PM Peak Hour Site Only Traffic 7 Figure 4 — Percent of PM Peak Hour Site Traffic on Area Roadways 8 APPENDIX Appendix A — Traffic Volume Data Appendix B — Capacity Analyses & Traffic Signal Timing Data Appendix C — ITE Trip Generation Appendix D — FDOT Seasonal Factors Appendix E — Bus Schedules Appendix F — 1-DOT LOS Tables & MUATS information • • • DUPONT PLAZA DEVELOPMENT SE 3rd AVENUE & SE 4th STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT ANLAYSIS INTRODUCTION The existing DuPont Plaza has recently been purchased by a development company, which will raze the existing buildings and construct a new multi -use project. Figure 1 depicts the general location. The existing DuPont development has or has had the following land uses at peak build -out and occupancy: Hotel — 297 Rooms Office — 179,502 sf - Retail — 15,225 sf - Restaurant/Lounges -- 6,800 sf Apartments — 146 units The proposed DuPont Plaza development will have the following uses: - Condominiums — 899 Units Condo/Hotel — 424 units Retail — 5,000 sf - Restaurant/Lounges — 24,600 sf The methodology used for assessing traffic impacts of the condominium development was discussed in advance with staff of the City of Miami Department of Planning and the City's traffic consultant. The following locations were chosen to evaluate the proposed development's traffic impact for the more active PM peak period: Corridor Analysis (person trips) - Biscayne Boulevard (US 1) between SE 7th Street and NE 1st Street - Flagler Street/SE 1st Street West of Biscayne Boulevard Intersection Analysis - SE 2° Avenue and SE 4th Street - SE 3rd Avenue and SE 4th Street - SE 4th Avenue and SE 2nd Street • LT 7 0 . n Park /Q1,4 Bayside Market Place Ba,-.Front Park P__,,v.rickelI Point "'& 7Burlingame Island \\ rP DUPONT PLAZA Tr' - DEVELOPMENT vPont View GENERAL LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1 2 • EXISTING CONDITIONS Intersection turning movement volumes were recorded between 4:00-6:00 PM on a typical workday in January 2003. Traffic volume data for the two corridors in this study were collected in 2003. Figure 2 depicts existing PM peak hour volume at the three under study. TRIP GENERATION Using the sixth edition of Trip Generation, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), daily, AM and PM peak hour generation was estimated for the existing and proposed developments and depicted in Table 1, below. Land Use Table 1 Daily, AM and PM Peak Hour Period Traffic Generation for the Existing and Proposed DuPont Plaza Developments Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Volume In Out Total In Out Total Existing — Hotel -- 297 rooms 2,290 95 62 157 89 80 169 Office — 179,502 sf 2,080 262 36 298 48 232 280 Retail — 15,225 sf 619 0 0 0 17 22 39 Rest./Lounges — 6,800 sf 612 3 3 6 34 17 51 Apartments — 146 units 968 12 62 74 62 29 91 Totals 6,569 372 163 535 250 380 630 Proposed — Condominiums — 899 units 3,614 54 234 288 198 126 324 Condo/Hotel — 424 units 3,426 148 98 246 140 123 263 Retail — 5,000 sf 203 0 0 0 6 7 13 Rest. & Lounges — 24,600 sf 2,213 10 10 20 123 61 184 Totals 9,456 212 342 554 467 317 784 SITE ACCESS Site access is being proposed directly from SE 4th Street (US 1). The proposed development will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 will have access to US I in two locations. The west driveway will serve the phase 1 site's service drive, which allows deliveries directly from US I. The next phase 1 entrance to the east is directly aligned with SE 3`d Avenue, which is a signalized intersection. Phase 2 supports two access points with the first driveway east of SE 3`a Avenue, which will serve the proposed building's service deliveries. The next access paint to the east consists of a one-way pair of driveways, which will have one lane for ingress and one lane for egress movements. See site plan for further details. 3 TRANS Flagler Street SE 1st Street 2nd Street / hopin Plaza SE 3rd Street SE 4th Street 414 1144 —*- 20 DUPONT PLAZA Existing PM Peak Hour Traffic at Study Locations RT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS 4 Figure 2 • • • TRAFFIC GENERATION ADJUSTMENTS The City of Miami adopted a comprehensive traffic study, which was performed by Keith & Schnarr's, a consulting transportation company. The study was approved by the South Florida Regional Planning Council. The study is known as the Downtown Miami DRI. The comprehensive study produced trip generation rate adjustments to the standard ITE rates, which are known as "Increment II" rates. Increment II rates account for adjustments to the 1TE primary rates due to local transit, pedestrian and bicycle uses. The DuPont Plaza development falls within Miami's central business district aka CBD. The trip rate reduction factors reduce the primary rates by 22.6% and 10.0% to account for transit and pedestrian/bicycles uses, respectively. Hence, a reduction of primary trip making by the existing and proposed uses have an overall primary trip reduction of 32.6%. As can be seen in Table 1, the PM peak hour is the more active time of day, which typically corresponds to peak traffic on adjacent roadways. Therefore, the analysis will continue using the PM peak hour period. Table 2 below depicts the estimated raw ITE volume, reduction using Increment II volumes and the net amount of PM peak period traffic generation expected at site driveways. Table 2 Proposed DuPont Plaza PM Peak Hour Net Traffic Generation Volume Unadjusted Increment II Net Adjusted PM Peak Hour Reductions PM Peak Hour Land Use In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total Condos 198 126 324 -65 -42 -106 133 84 217 Hotel 140 123 263 -46 -40 -86 94 83 177 Retail 6 7 13 -1 -2 -3 5 5 10 Restaurants* 62 31 93 -20 -10 -30 42 21 63 406 287 693 132 -94 -225 283 193 467 It is assumed that 50% of the restaurant traffic is internal to the building and the remaining is external to the site. • • • TRIP DISTRIBUTION The Miami -Dade County Public Works Department was contacted to obtain the cardinal distribution data as set forth in the latest MUATS travel model validation runs for TAZ 557 to determine directional trip making characteristics of area traffic. The following infou cation was used as a guide to distribute site traffic: North/northeast — 11.97% North/northwest — 21.80% East/northeast — 6.59% West/northwest — 22.65% East/southeast — 1.22% West/southwest — 25.42% South/southeast — 0.77% South/southwest — 9.59% Figure 3 depicts traffic at the site's driveways and area roadways. Figure 4 depicts the percent of site traffic on local roadways. PEAK SEASON TRAFFIC ADJUSTMENTS Using FDOT's 2002 seasonal factors for South Miami -Dade County, traffic volume data collected January, 2003 were increased by 1.0501% to reflect a peak season condition at the intersections under study. (See FDOT peak season factors in the appendix.) FUTURE BACKGROUND TRAFFIC The site development is estimated to be completed and the project capable of being fully occupied in 2007. A 2% annual growth rate is used to estimate future background traffic in the area. A 2% growth rate has been generally accepted by city staff from information presented and approved in other recent traffic studies depicting area growth. COMMITTED DEVELOPMENT The City of Miami planning staff was contacted to determine whether other major land use changes or major land development projects have been recently approved in the immediate vicinity that would further alter future background traffic in the study area beyond that of normal background traffic increases. There were two nearby developments that were found. One Miami and Mist, which are included in the over all analysis. Table 3 depicts existing, seasonal increases, background traffic, committed development and site traffic through year 2007. N NTS rn 60 84 136 --40- 2nd Avenue 35 N 6 3rd Avenue t cs4c') f Phase 2 Flagler Street SE 1st Street SE 2nd Street Chopin Plaza SE 3rd Street SE 4th Street PM PEAK HOUR CONDITION IN OUT TOTAL Phase 185 133 319 Phase 2 98 60 157 Total 283 193 476 TAZ 557 21.80 11-97 25.2 1.22 25.42 1.22 59 0.77 DUPONT PLAZA Figure 3 RANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS PM Peak Hour Site Traffic 7 N AirS MP AV 2nd Avenue -4— 7.3% 3.8% 3rd Avenue 5.0% 12.6% -•►- 27.5 °/a j 0 j I �f 0 c rn rn --36.3 Flagler Street SE 1st Street SE 2nd Street / 17.6 % 28.5°/a ri U a) a) ClO❑ G) U m E j CJ)0 Phase 1 Brickell Avenue SITE Phase 2 Miami i Rives DUPONT PLAZA kPercentage of PM Peak Hour Site Traffic Chopin Plaza SE 3rd Street m SE 4th Street Figure 4 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS 8 • o e TABLE 3 PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUME AT STUDY LOCATIONS 2003 PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION AND APPROACH VOLUME 20031 SEASONAL GROWTH VOLUME 2007 BACKGROUND GROWTH VOLUME2 COMMITTED PROJECT TRIPS LESS EXISTING DUPONT PLAZA PROPOSED NEW SITE TOTAL SUBTOTAL VOLUME VOLUME SE 2nd Avenue & SE 4th Street NB RIGHT SO LEFT SB THRU 1521 224 1219 76 11 61 17 3 14 81 28 175 20 21 35 1675 245 1434 28 255 19 1703 500 1453 SE 3rd Avenue & SE 4th Street EB LEFT EB THRU ,c, EB RIGHT NB THRU NB RIGHT 414 1144 20 46 26 21 57 1 2 1 5 13 0 1 0 189 78 0 0 0 0 21 20 49 26 440 1271 21 0 0 1 98 184 0 132 441 1369 205 0 132 SE 2nd St/Chopin Plaza & US 1 NB LEFT NB THRU NB RIGHT SB LEFT SB RIGHT 334 1182 76 25 1272 17 59 4 1 64 4 13 1 0 14 117 159 0 0 0 17 9 0 0 0 455 1228 81 26 1350 145 47 0 28 0 600 1275 81 54 1350 1 Traffic data taken in Janauary 2003 were increased by 5.01 % to peak season conditions. 2 An annualized growth factor of 2.0% is used to increase traffic volume through year 2007, Dupont Plaza Transport Analysis Professionals Inc. JN 3722 • • LEVEL OF SERVICE Intersection level of service (LOS) analyses were performed at the study off -site intersections using software that supports the current Highway Capacity Manual (HCS). Arterial analysis were performed using the city's adopted Transportation Corridor analysis. The analyses were performed to measure future impacts at each intersection location with and without the project. Table 4 depicts PM peak LOS with seasonally adjusted existing traffic, year 2007 background traffic growth (without project) and year 2007 with proposed site traffic. 10 • • • TABLE 4 PM PEAK HOUR LOS AT STUDY LOCATIONS INTERSECTION AND APPROACH 2003 PM PEAK HOUR LOS 2007 SEASONAL AND COMMITTED PROJECTS LOS* 2007 WITH NEW SITE LOS* SE 2nd Avenue & SE 4th Street NB RIGHT SB LEFT SB THRU INTERSECTION LOS SE 3rd Avenue & SE 4th Street EB LEFT NB THRU INTERSECTION LOS SE 2nd St/Chopin Plaza & US 1 NB LEFT NB THRU SB LEFT SB RIGHT INTERSECTION LOS** B C F D A D D A A A BIA E C D E A D D A A A B/A * LOS with minor signal timing adjustments `* SE 2nd Street is a B and Chopin Plaza is an A Dupont Plaza Transport Analysis Professionats Inc. JN 3722 E C D D A D E A A A BIA 11 • • PERSON TRIP CAPACITY The City of Miami Planning Department has adopted a methodology for assessing proposed site impacts called the corridor analysis. The analysis is discussed in detail in a document called: Transportation Corridors adopted February 1989 and is included in the January 2003 Transportation Element of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. To summarily define a corridor analysis, the following is text obtained from the Transportation Corridor Publication: ... "this concept is based upon a new method for measuring passenger transportation levels of service (LOS) wherein the fitndafnental measure of travel is the person -trip, not the vehicle; and the Transportation Corridor analysis is the sum of two or more modes of person -trip travel, instead of the vehicular capacity of a roadway. Traffic volume counts were taken in 2003 on the two arterials under study (Biscayne Boulevard and Flagler/SE 15` Street). The existing year 2003 volume is depicted in Table 5. Table 6 depicts year 2007 peak season volume with site traffic as well as local bus (transit) activity. (The bus routes and schedules are in the appendix.) Table 5 shows that in year 2007 with project traffic included, the combined person - trip capacity for automobiles and transit (bus) is above the trip demand during the PM peak hour. 12 TA YEAR 2003 (EXISTINGRRIDOR ANALYSIS Arterial 1 Corridor Nam FLAGLER CORRIDOR EASTBOUND SE 1 Street FLAGLER CORRIDOR WESTBOUND F1agter Street ROADWAY MODE (N<xesi Adopted Alowable, E+20 (2390 vph) i ROADWAY ROADWAY PER TRIP PER. TRIP ROADWAY ROADWAY I CAPACITY ROADWAY VOLUME PER. TRIP VEHICULAR] BPPV= VEHICULAR- 6PPV 1_ EXCESS CAPACITY' 1.6 1VOLUME'" 1.4 PER, TRIP (21 (3) i (4) -(}.. Adopted t.6 1,990 3,184 Allowable E+20 (2390 vph}_. 1,478 ROADWAY PERSON TRIP (7) LOS Melrogus Elagler Max Metro Bus cite 14 (EB) Total --� 2,806 0 12 Metro Bus Rte 11 {WEB - .• FLAGt.FR CORRIDOR - TWO-WAV TOTAL 3,980 6,368 1,326 1856 4,512 029 C BISCAYNE CORRIDOR N4R1H13130510 Biscayne Boulevard (NB) BISCAYNE CORRIDOR SOUTHBOU31!Q Bricked Avenue (SR) Aduplsd Allowatl E LS Adopted t-S Allowable 3,164 3,184 022 1,261 1,431 1,765 1,753 MetroBus FiaVer Max -> MetroBus Route 3 MetreDus Route 16 - Total -> ,419 0.55 Meirofus Flagier Max -> MetroBus Route 3 - MelroBus Florae 16 rotall - > BISCAYNE CORRIDOR - TWO-WAY TOTAL 3,980 6,368 2283 3,196 3,172 050 MASS TRANSIT MODE LOCAL BUS EXPRESS - HAIL TRAM TOTAL TOTAL TRANSIT PER. TRIP PER. TRIP PER TRIP TRANSIT TRANSIT PERSON CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY PERSON TRIP 10 LOAD - 09 LOAD - @ LOAD = 0 LOAD = TRIP EXCESS DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN VOLUME CAPACITY (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) {13) 610 WT AVG HEADWAY SEATS PER PER DIRECTION VEH 20 38.0 8 39.0 57t 38.7 610 AVG RIDERSHIP DESIGN PAX LOAD 3 PAX PERCENT PER HOUR FACTOR CAPACITY RIp5RSt1IP 28 15000% 171 24% 120 150.00% 439 76% 158 150.00% 610 1005, 456 WT AVG HEADWAY SEATS PER PER DIRECTION VEH 75 38.0 456 AVG RIDERSHIP DESIGN 120 336 PAX LOAD PAX PER HOUR FACTOR CAPACITY 120 50.00% [ 456 PERCENT RIDERSHIP 100% CORRSOOR TOTALS CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR PERSON CORRIDOR PERSON PERSON TRIP PERSON TRIP TRIP EXCESS TRIP CAPACITY VOLUME CAPACITY V/C --- (14) (15) (16t {17) LOS 3,794 2)58 0.43 AUTO PERSON TRIPS w 1,478 TAA.N11,,,E9SON TRIPS = 1S8 TOTALPERSON TRIPS - 1 636 3,142 296 8% 31,7% 328 5% 4 AUTO PERSON TRIPS TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS TOTAL PEI0SON T13100 = 378 120 498 759% 24. 1% 100.0% 1,066 0 0 1,066 278 788 7,434 2,134 5,300 0.29 C 522 522 WT AVG AVG HEADWAY SEATS RIDERSHIP DESIGN PEA PER PAX LOAD PAX PERCENT DIRECTION VEH PER HOUR FACTOR CAPACITY RIDERSHIP 20 39,9 37 150.00% 180 32% 20 38.0 42 150.00% 171 36% 20 38.0 38 150.00% 171 32% 6 67 33.6 117.0 150.00% 522 100 3,706 i 1,548 2,158 0 AUTO PERSON TRIPS = TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS TOTAL PERSON TRIPS - 1.431 117 1,548 287 3 % 1.13% 288.3% 0 WT AVG AVG HEADWAY SEATS RIDERSHIP DESIGN PER PER PAX LOAD DIRECTION VEH PER HOUR FACTOR PAX CAPACIT 455 PERCENT_ RIDERSHIP 65 1,881 1,884 0.59.,_..._.113 AUTO PERSON TRIPS = T RAN3IT REASON TAPS TOTAL PERSON TRIPS 1 765 116 1,881 354.4% 1,0% _ 355 4% 15 39.9 37 20 38.0 42 20 38.0 37 6.00 38.8 116.0 150.00% 239 32% 150.00% 171 150.00% 171 15000% 581 36% 32'i 100 1,103 0 0 1,103 233 870 7,471 3,429 4,042 0.46 D FOOT Base One -Way Fac. V/C Ratio ' Volume is born the year 2002 FOOT LOS tables - allowable LOS E on B€scayne and E+20 % on F€ogler and SE 1 St per Miami Adopted W S LOS Threshold-. 20 %. Adjust Threshold " LOS A & B not possible under assumptions - other vie rulotts use FOOT LOS table ratios C 650 780 0,39 Existing volume adjusted to peak season D 1580 1900 0,95 PM bus ridership per segment from Table 21.AS Downtown DRI Update E 1660 1990 1.00 Note, Flagler Max has limited stops but treated as I3581 bus service given corridor and frequency of stags. MelroMover Er.20 1990 2390 t.20 end Metrorail serve ether riders, MalroMover nearby. "" Peak Oirecllonal FDOT MSS 1V CBD Condition • TABLE 6 • FUTURE YEAR (2007) PEAK SEASON CORRIDOR ANALYSIS with GROWTH, COMMITTED DEVELOPMENT AND SITE TRAFFIC Arterial 1 Corridor Name FLAGLER CORRIDOR EASTBOUND SE 1 Street ROADWAY MODE 2007 CORK _.... TYPE Notes) (1) Adopted ._ LS.-- Allowable E+20 (2390 vph) ROADWAY ROADWAY PER. TRIP PER TRIP ROADWAY CAPACITY ROADWAY VOLUME VEHICULAR t4 PPV= VEHICULAR 9)PPV= CAPACITY' 1.6 VOLUME 1.4 (2) 1 (3) (4) (5) 1 ROADWAY PER TRU= ROADWAY EXCESS PERSON PER TRIP TRIP (6) (7) LOS 1,500 MetroBus Halle/ Isla Metro Bus Fite 11 (ED) --> Total( FLAOLER CORRIDOR WESTBOUND Flagler Street Adopted Allowable E+20 (2390 vph) LS 1,990 3.18 2.856 0.12 C Metro Bus Rte 11 (WO) --- FLAGLER CORRIDOR - TWO-WAY TOTAL 3,980 6,368 1,473 2,062 4,306 0.32 BISCAYNE CORRIDOR I+ IOi3T1i1102.112 Biscayne Boulevard (NE4) BISCAYNE CORRIDOR 4011Tf1ROI #ND Brickell Avenue (SR) Adopted LS Allowable E BISCAYNE CORRIDOR - TWO-WAY TOTAL 1,431 1,751 045 MetraBus nectar Max - MetraBus Route 3 ----> MetraBus Route 16 - ..._....._.___Total - 3_784 1,261 1,765 1,419 3,980 6,358 2,283 0,55 k O MetroBus FIe1tar Max "' MetroBus Route 3 -- MetreBua Route 16 + 3ota1) --a 3,196 3,172 050 LOS TABLE-- 6002 Rase One:Way Fac, VIC Ratio LOS Threshold"' 20%. Adjust. Threshold 0.00 C 0 00 C C 650 780 0.39 0.00 C 0 1580 1900 0 95 0 00 C E 1600 1990 1.00 0.00 C 5+20 1990 2390 1.20 0.39 C 040 0 '-' Peak Directional FOOT Class IV CUD Condition 095 .......... 096 0 ........ 1 TA. MASS TRANSIT MODE LOCAL BUS PER. TRIP CAPACITY 4 LOAD DESIGN„ (8) 610 EXPRESS PER. TRIP CAPACITY RAIL THAN PER. TRIP CAPACITY 63 LOAD DESIGN (9) r8 LOAD Tx DESIGN (10) TOTAL TOTAL TRANSIT TRANSIT CAPACITY PERSON f$ LOAD = TR€P DESIGN VOLUME (it) (12) 610 2 TRANSIT PERSON TRIP EXCESS CAPACITY 13) 410 WT AVG HEADWAY SEATS PER PER DIRECTION I VEH ......,_AVG........ RIDERSHIP PAX PER HOUR DESIGN LOAD FACTOR PAX PERCENT CAPACITY RIDERSHIP CORRIDOR TOTALS CORRIDOR' CORRIDOR CORRIDOR PERSON CORRIDOR PERSON :PER50N TRIP _1 _19ERBON TRIP E TRIP EXCESS _ £RIP CAPACITY.....VOLIIME..�CAPACi ViC (14) 1 (15) (116) i (17) LDS. 3,794 ; 1.894 1,910 0.50 D AUTO PERSON TRIPS = TRANSIT EPSON TRIPS TOTAL PERSON TRIPS - 684 1 318.9% t 0 ._..�..... 37 9%.. 884 1 356.8% 2 15 1a 0 39.0 38 7 WT AVG HEADWAY SEATS PER I PER J€RECTION VEH 7.5 38.0 AVG RIDERSHIP DESIGN PAX LOAD PER HOUR FACTOR 50 150.00% 171 439 610 150 28°A 720E 100% 3 PAX CAPACITY 456 ,640 28 3,112 0.15 AUTO PERSON TRIPS PERCENT TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS e RIDERSHIP TOTAL PERSON TRIPS = 100% 1,066 0 1,066 350 716 522 WT AVG_ HEADWAY SEATS PER PER DIRECTION VEH 20 399 20 138.0. 20 1 38.0 6.67 38.6 AVG E RIDERSHIP PAX PER HOUR, 46 51.._ 47 144.0 522 E 144 DESIGN LOAD.__ ,_.._per,.,_. FACTOR CAPACITY 150.DO J 150-00% 150.00% 150.00% 378 PERCENT RIDERSHIP 180 32%, 171 35% 171 T 33% 522 100% EAOWAY PER DIRECTION WT AVG_ SEATS PER VCH 0 AVG__ RIDERSHIP PAXY4 P6R HOUR 581 DESIGN LOAD FACTOR 152 378 28 71.6% 28.4% 100.0% 7,434 2,412 5.022 0.32 C 3,706 1,575 2,131 0.43 AU1 0 PERSON TRIPS _ 1,43 TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS a 144 TOTAL PERSON TRIPS = 1,57', 271.0% 1 0% 272 0% 429 3.765 PAX CAPACITY 917 1.848 0.51 AUTO PERSON TRIPS = PERCENT TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS -1 RIDERSHIP TOTAL PERSON TRIPS xr I5 20 20 6.00 39.9 __- 38 0 38.0 38.8 49 54 49 152.0 150.00% 150.00% 150.00% 239 171 171 32re 363 32'Y 150.001 581 100% 1,163 0 1,103 296 807 FACTORS:_ 2003-2007 Ann. Gr 42%ryr (eamp) = 1.0824 Note' Seasonally Adjusted Ease iron Table 4 PEIOJECT VOLUME ASSIONLD Transll Ceirid0r.! 01/00101/ Plai sila i5os Pelskru Lilo: Rapier Corridor 22.6 % Inbound (EB SE 1 5t) 60 29..,.. Outbound (WB Fla93er) 66 20 Biscayne Corridor 22.6% Inbound (SP) 59 27 ....Outbound (NB)_.......__-��- 88 18 1,765 152 1.417 334.3% 1.0% 335.3% 7,471 3,492 3,979 0.47 D Volume is from the year 2002 FOOT LOS tables Allowable LOS E on Biscayne and E+20% on Flagter and SE 1 St per Miami Adopted LOS L05 A & 13 ncn poss11Yo under a8sumptIons - othur vie cutoffs use FOOT 1.0S 1,tblu rativa Existing volume adjusted Ie (teak season PM bus ridership par segment hom Palle 21.A5 Downtown DR' Update Note' Fi9Oler Max has limited stops but trealed as localsorvice and Metrerail serve other rider$, MetroMover nearby. Note: Directional project traknsil trips divided equally among bus routes serving corridor . Transport Art0lysrs PI+ ssarlois, Ina • • PLANNED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Currently, on going study is being performed to determine the viability of converting all the roadways in the DuPont Plaza area from one-way roadways to two-way roadways. Also, there is a study being conducted to relocate the 1-95 distributor ramps further west from the current location at SE 2nd Avenue. The proposed DuPont Plaza project is designed to accommodate both the exiting one-way plan and the proposed two-way plan. TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES PLAN The City of Miami requires that developments requiring a MUSP process explain how the developer plans to reduce the proposed site's traffic impact on adjacent and nearby intersections. Metrobus routes serve this area, even along NW 19th Avenue, which will allow a reduction of primary trips to and from the proposed development. The developer intends to include a bicycle storage area, which may reduce vehicular (automobiles) use of the site by residents. Other traffic reduction measures will reduce primary trip making, too. Some suggested measures are listed, but no lirnited to, as follows: - Encourage shared ridership (van pooling). - Post mass transit schedules in public areas. CONCLUSION All intersections and roadways will operate within acceptable level of service standards after build -out and occupancy of the proposed DuPont Plaza development. 15 • • • APPENDICIES • o APPENDIX A TRAFFIC VOLUME DATA • • PM Peak Hour Volumes (2 HR Avg vph) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Average Eastbound SE 1st Street 1051 1066 1051 1056 03/18-20/03 4:15 — 6:15 4:45 — 6:45 4:30 -- 6:30 Seasonal Factor Peak Season Factor Peak Season Volume Westbound 267 275 269 270 East Flagler Street 4:00 — 6:00 4:00 — 6:00 4:00 — 6:00 03/ 18-20/03 Seasonal Factor 0.98 Peak Season Factor 1/0.98 Peak Season Volume 270 North SE 4th St.Biscayne Blvd. 1002 1002 11/12/03 5:30 — 7:30 1/1.00 Seasonal Factor 1/0.98 Peak Season Factor 1022 Peak Season Volume South SE 2nd AvenueBrickell 1236 1236 11/12/03 4:45 — 6:45 Seasonal Factor 1/1.00 Peak Season Factor 1/0.98 Peak Season Volume 1261 Higher volume mid -day downtown circulation traffic Two-hour period limited to 4-6 PM • • • DERIVATION OF PROJECT TRANSIT TRAFFIC Project Miami CBD Transit Vehicle Transit Equiv. Person Trips Direction Trips @ 22.6% (veh.) (T.Veh x 1.4) In 420 95 133 Out 286 65 90 Total 706 160 223 ASSIGNMENT OF PROJECT BUS!TRANSIT PASSENGERS Transit Persons Corridor % In Out Total Flagler St. 22% 29 20 49 Biscayne Blvd 20% 27 18 45 Long Distance* 47% 52 42 104 Other (Brickell) 11% 15 10 25 Total 100% 133 90 223 Longer Distance Metromover!Metrorail 47% JN 3722 Florida Department of Transportation November 12, 2003 - County Station -- 87 0101 Start Date Start Time March 18, 2003 1 I 23:45 Site Description: SR 9681FtAGLER ST/WB, 200' W US-11B#SCAYNE BLVD Direction: W Combined Total Timer 1st % 2nd y, 3rd 1/24th A Total 23.0 00:00 5.0 10.0 2.0 6.0 23.0 01:00 4.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 11.0 11.0 02:00 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 03:00 1.0 3.0 2.0 2 0 8.0 10.0 04:00 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 10.0 05:00 4.0 5.0 11.0 6.0 26.0 26.0 06:00 18.0 13.0 19.0 25.0 75.0 75.0 147.0 07:00 29.0 39.0 41.0 38.0 147.0 247.0 08:00 56.0 72.0 63.0 56.0 247.0 291.0 09:00 86.0 51.0 65.0 79.0 291.0 10:00 83.0 106.0 82.0 72.0 343.0 343.0 345.0 11 00 81.0 92.0 87.0 85.0 345,0 12:00 89.0 88,0 119.0 95.0 391.0 391.0 339.0 13:00 81.0 95.0 95.0 68 0 339.0 14:00 67.0 86,0 79.0 63.0 295.0 295.0 302.0 15:00 77.0 82.0 64.0 79.0 302.0 274.0 16:00 59.0 74.0 69.0 72.0 274.0 17:00 67.0 58.0 69.0 65.0 259.0 259.0 18:00 57.0 48.0 41,0 36.0 184,0 184.0 19:00 30.0 26.0 31.0 24.0 113.0 113.0 20:00 22.0 11.0 22.0 21.0 76.0 76.0 66.0 21:00 20.0 14.0 15.0 17.0 66.0 22:00 19.0 17.0 13,0 11.0 60.0 60.0 23:00 13.0 14.0 11.0 12.0 50,0 50.0 3941.0 24 Hour otal 3941.0 Direction: W Hour Volume A.M. 11:45 381 P.M. 12:00 391 Daily 12:00 391 Peak information Hour Volume Combined Directions Hour Volume 11:45 381 12:00 391 12:00 391 • Florida Department of Transportation November 12, 2003 County - 87 Start Date A.M. 11:45 P.I41, 12:15 Daily 11:45 Station --- 0101 Start Time March 19, 2003 ft 23:45 Direction: W Site Description: SR 968/FLAGLER ST/WS, 200' W US-1BISCAYNE BLVD Time 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16,00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 1st 7'. 2nd Y. 3rd % 4 Total 4.0 10.0 9.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 9.0 2.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 14.0 13.0 15.0 15.0 25.0 29.0 28.0 31.0 47.0 52.0 55.0 70.0 61.0 67.0 74.0 84.0 84.0 88.0 66.0 96.0 87.0 81.0 100.0 100.0 104.0 67.0 95.0 126.0 69.0 88.0 89.0 73.0 67.0 56.0 82.0 81.0 87.0 79.0 78.0 86.0 56.0 63.0 62.0 61.0 64.0 61.0 65.0 82.0 72.0 66.0 54.0 44.0 34.0 34.0 37.0 32.0 29.0 17,0 33.0 26.0 16.0 13.0 10.0 19.0 10.0 18.0 13.0 10.0 20.0 9.0 3.0 15.0 8.0 27.0 20.0 14.0 10.0 7.0 34.0 68.0 135.0 238.0 309.0 337.0 385.0 357.0 1 317.0 306.0 299.0 250.0 280.0 198.0 132.0 92.0 52.0 61.0 35.0 24 Hour Total 3063.0 Combined Total 27.0 20.0 14.0 10.0 7.0 34.0 68.0 135.0 238.0 309.0 337.0 385.0 357.0 317.0 306.0 299.0 250.0 280.0 198.4 132.0 92.0 52.0 61.0 35.0 3963.0 Peak Information Combined Directions Direction: W our Volume Hour Volume Hour Volume 392 11:45 392 378 12:15 378 11:45 392 392 • Florida Depart►vent of Transportation November 12, 2003 • • - County - - Station - - 87 0101 Start Date March 20, 2003 Start Tirne 23:45 Site Description: SR 9681FLAGLER STNVB, 200' W US-1/BISCAYNE BLVD Combined Direction: W Total Time 1st 'A 2nd Y. 3rd y, 4th 'A Total 00:00 9.0 9.0 5.0 7.0 30.0 30.0 01:00 3.0 6,0 3.0 2.0 14,0 14,0 02:00 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 6.0 03:00 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 04:00 1.0 7.0 3.0 1.0 12.0 12.0 05:00 8.0 10.0 8.0 13.0 39.0 39.0 06:00 12.0 23.0 26.0 21.0 82.0 82.0 07:00 38.0 36.0 31.0 56.0 161.0 161.0 08:00 44.0 61.0 57.0 65.0 227.0 227.0 09:00 77.0 67.0 68.0 59.0 271.0 271.0 10:00 75.0 99.0 73.0 75,0 322.0 322,0 11:00 91.0 81.0 100.0 85.0 357.0 357.0 12:00 80.0 82.0 93.0 86.0 341.0 341.0 13:00 84.0 74.0 73.0 96.0 327.0 327.0 14:00 74.0 76.0 78.0 91.0 319 0 319.0 15;00 66.0 66.0 69.0 79.0 280.0 280.0 16:00 69.0 69.0 65.0 80.0 233.0 283.0 17:00 63.0 50.0 70.0 72,0 255.0 255.0 18:00 49.0 67.0 44.0 34.0 194.0 194.0 19:00 32.0 21.0 23.0 15.0 96.0 96.0 20:00 19.0 11,0 27.0 21.0 78.0 78.0 21:00 4.0 16.0 10.0 23.0 53.0 53.0 22:00 14.0 14.0 11.0 13.0 52.0 52.0 23:00 14.0 12,0 15.0 7.0 48,0 48'0 24 Hour Total 3850.0 3850.0 Peak Information Direction: W Combined Directions Hour Volume Hour Volume Hour Volume A.M. 11:00 357 11:00 357 P.M. 12:15 345 12:15 345 Daily 11:00 357 11:00 357 Florida Department of Transportation November 12, 2003 - County 87 - Station - 0100 Start Date Start Time March 18, 2003 11 23:45 Direction: E Time 1st %. 2nd '/= 3rd % 4th '/. Site Description: SR 9681E8 SE 1 ST, 200' W SR 5/U5-1/BISCAYNE BLVD Total 00:00 19.0 17.0 13.0 7.0 56.0 01:00 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 19.0 02:00 5.0 3.0 7.0 6.0 21.0 03:00 4.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 21.0 04:00 37.0 12.0 23.0 25.0 97.0 05:00 14.0 13.0 43.0 30.0 100.0 06:00 34.0 55.0 77.0 83.0 249.0 07:00 67.0 89.0 106.0 94.0 356.0 08:00 95.0 124,0 126.0 142.0 487.0 09;00 140.0 127.0 138.0 152.0 557.0 10:00 164.0 191.0 171.0 174.0 700.0 11:00 206,0 182.0 204.0 184.0 776.0 12:00 204.0 170.0 202.0 213.01 789.0 13:00 195.0 185.0 162.0 172.01 714.0 14:00 166,0 152.0 150.0 157.0 625.0 15:00 179,0 170.0 156.0 207.0 712.0 16:00 197.0 217.0 216.0 309.0 939.0 17:00 295.0 269.0 295.0 254.0 1153.0 18:00 207.0 206.0 213.0 193.0 819.0 19:00 208,0 138.0 59.0 100.0 515.0 20:00 76.0 40.0 41.0 61.0 218.0 21:00 45.0 51.0 47.0 53.0 196 0 22:00 40.0 43.0 25.0 44.0 152.0 23:00 31.0 20.0 25.0 24.0 100.0 24 Hour Total 10371 Combined Total 55,0 19.0 21.0 21.0 97.0 100.0 249.0 356.0 487.0 557.0 700.0 776,0 789.0 714.0 625.0 712.0 939.0 1153.0 819.0 515.0 218.0 196.0 152.0 100.0 10375 Peak information Combined Directions Direction: E Hour Volume our Volume Hour Volume A.M. 11:00 776 11:00 776 P.M. 16:45 1168 16:45 1168 Daily 16:45 1168 16:45 1168 • Florida Department of Transportation November 12, 2003 • • • - County --, r- Station ---- 87 0100 Start Time Start Date March 19, 2003 23:45 Site Description: SR 968/EB SE 1 ST, 200` W SR 5/US-11BISCAYNE BLVD Direction: E Combined Total Time 1st Y. 2nd '/. 3rd '/. 4th Y., Total 45.0 00:00 12.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 45.0 01:00 14.0 11.0 9.0 10.0 44.0 44.0 02:00 8.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 25.0 25.0 03:00 5.0 4.0 10.0 4.0 23.0 23,0 04:00 6.0 8.0 20.0 21.0 55.0 55.0 05:00 9.0 19.0 22.0 26.0 76.0 76.0 06:00 29.0 48.0 50.0 56.0 183. D 183.0 07:00 86.0 81.0 105.0 103.0 375.0 375.0 08:00 96.0 138.0 109.0 149.0 492.0 492.0 09:00 114.0 159.0 137.0 145.0 555.0 555.0 13:00 119.0 147.0 198.0 160,0 624.0 624.0 11:00 157.0 217.0 228.0 253.0 855.0 855.0 12:00 222.0 207.0 209.0 182.0 820.0 820.0 13:00 225.0 191.0 221.0 185.0 822.0 822.0 14:00 152.0 190.0 180.0 210.0 732.0 732.0 15:00 149.0 180.0 177.0 204.0 710.0 710,0 16:00 147.0 219.0 192.0 310.0 868.0 868.0 17:00 321.0 258 0 295.0 254.0 1128.0 1 128.0 18:00 226,0 250 0 217.0 195.0 888,0 888.0 19:00 155.0 114.0 106.0 133.0 508.0 508.0 20:00 110.0 111.0 77.0 68.0 366.0 366.0 21:00 62.0 36.0 45.0 42.0 185.0 185.0 22:00 29.0 32.0 44.0 41.0 146.0 146.0 23:00 26.0 10.0 14.0 18.0 68.0 68.0 10593 24 Hour Totar 105931 Peak ln(ormation Direction: E Hour Volume Hour Volume A.M, 11:15 920 P.M. 16:45 1184 Daity 16:45 1184 Combined Directions Hour Volume 11:15 920 16:45 1184 16:45 1184 Florida Department of Transportation November 12, 2003 • • • - County 87 Station -1 0100 Start Date Start Time March 20, 2003 1 [ 23:45 Site Description: SR 968/EB SE 1 ST, 200' W SR 5/US-1/BISCAYNE BLVD Time Direction: E Combined Total 1st '4 2nd 'J. 3rd y. 4th . Total 24.0 19.0 17.0 13.0 73.0 73.0 00:00 01:00 8.0 6.0 4.0 7.0 25.0 25.0 02:00 3.0 5.0 4.0 7,0 19.0 19.0 03:00 5.0 6.0 7.0 13.0 31.0 31.0 04:00 19.0 27.0 11.0 20.0 77.0 77.0 05:00 27.0 16.0 11.0 48.0 102.0 102.0 06:00 28.0 36.0 57.0 79.0 200.0 200,0 07:00 83.0 81.0 89.0 103.0 356.0 356.0 08:00 94.0 95.0 120.0 126.0 435.0 435.0 09:00 143.0 141,0 127.0 139.0 550.0 550.0 10:00 153.0 165.0 192.0 172.0 682.0 682.0 11:00 175.0 198.0 183.0 193.0 749.0 749.0 12:00 185.0 197.0 171.0 187.0 740.0 740.0 13:00 200.0 193.0 190.0 163.0 746.0 746.0 14:00 174.0 167.0 153.0 151.0 645.0 645.0 15:00 158.0 180,0 171.0 181.0 690.0 690.0 16:00 187.0 200.0 218.0 217.0 822.0 822.0 17:00 302.0 296.0 270.0 296.0 1164.0 1104.0 18:00 295.0 208.0 207.0 214.0 924.0 924.0 19:00 190.0 203.0 142.0 95.0 630.0 630.0 20:00 102.0 81.0 68.0 74.0 325,0 325.0 21:00 87.0 56.0 48.0 51.0 242.0 242.0 22:00 53.0 48.0 44.0 29.0 174.0 174.0 23:00 41.0 31.0 20,0 0.0 92.0 92.0 10493 24 Hour Total 10493 Peak nformation Direction: E Hour Volume Hour Volume A.M. 11:15 759 P.M. 17:00 1164 Daily 17:00 1164 Combined Directions Hour Volum 11:15 759 17:00 1164 17:00 1164 0q 2 n 0j�3'7 561 ti7� 39 4CNALLY' PAGE 26 VtIL�I a�:3J 21:47 JC?�'�lr--�3 `JA S1 4T1 STREET'/aUTT A SE 2gD AVBPi131 N1AXI, FLORIDA ST3D 3Y: 0 AR VBLjt LIidD TRAFFIC :MAY SPECIALISTS, INC. 124 GARDBN:A T31RACS DBLR?Y BRACa, FLORIDA 31444 (561; 272.1215 FAI (511) 272.4111 LtGHr VSaiCUS, ENVY YBAiCL!S Site Code : 01111074 Start Fate: 41/14/93 nit 1.D, : 5E4S2A7E Page : 5 SB ";ND A`2BYUS Prot Borth ISE 4TR STREB", 1Fro7 Bast Peds Right Tbru Left 'G Peda Right T0N Lett Date 01/1i/01 SE 2ND AV3111 Fro; South Pede Right thro Left HATT B07EL Frog Nest 7ehicle Peda Right Thru Left i TOta: Peak lour Aoaiyaie By Batire Peak start 17.00 !olume • 41 1219 224 Percent 31 821 151 Pk total 148i Bightit 17:45 Yoluse 14 16 91 Hi total 390 PI! .95 •ATT HOTEL 0 0 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 Intersection for ;he 17:f00 Period: 14:00 :0 17:10 oa 01i14/03 17:00 1 0 1 - 1477 44 Q1 01 1001 - 971 31 1 1921 17:45 :7:CO .15 C 1 1 408 91 SE 2ND AVENUE 41 • 1,218 0 • 1 222 2 41 1,219 224 1,484 1,528 0 90 88 2 • 90 9 21 4:a 0 ) 0 44 0 44 LIGHT VEHICLES • HEAVY VEHICLES 131 1,702 Intersection Total 3,096 2,631 1 0 1,219 0 90 1,3101 0 SE 2ND AVENUE 17 O0 • 90 0 • 1301 01 3 30 17:45 • 32 0 31 .7C 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 224 1,701 0 1,477 SE 4TH STREET 0a/27/2003 22:20 561--272-4381 MCNALLY PAGE 06 SI 4T3 STREIT E SI 3RD AVENUE NIAEI, FLORIDA t}ITYD BY: ALVARO G08ULES [ALIEN TRAFFIC SURVEI SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEAU, FLORIDA 33444 1561) 272.325S TAR (5617 272.4301 LIGHT VEHICLES, HEAVY VEHICLES Site Code : 00030004 Start Date: 01/14/03 File I.D. : SE4S3AVE Page : 5 SE 3IID AVENUE From North Peds Right 'tiro Left Da:e 01114103 Peak Eo;ir Aaatyaia By Ectire Peat start 17:00 Volute 0 0 0 Percent 01 04 0t Pk total 0 Highest 07:00 volust 0 0 0 Hi total 0 PHF .0 2 0 2 S3 47H STIIEET Frost East Peds Right Thra Left OUPONT PLAZA Froe Sou:h Si 4TE STRl37 ?roe Ie3t Peds light Thru Left Peels Right Iitersactiosl for the Period: 11:00 to 17.30 a: 01/14/03 17;00 17:00 0 0 0 0t et et 0 J7:00 0 .0 0 0 411 4'TE STREET 0 0 0 0 414 0 414 0 0 0 0 72 17:00 19 .95 SE 3RD AVENUE 0 0 ,578 • 1,138 6 1,144 1,578 20 0 20 3 0 3 r 0 0 0 460 26 46 0 164 644 01 5 14 0 414 46 0 460 LIGHT VEHICLES • HEAVY VEHICLES 1,17 Irlter8ection Total 1,650 92 72 0 0 46 0 0 0 20 20 0 46 DUPONT PLAZA Thzu Lett Vehicle Total 17:00 • 20 1114 414 • 11 724 26t 157E 17:15 474 ,93 r 1 297 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,170 0 0 0 1,144 26 SE 4TH STREET 26 • 22 0 • 0 26 22 81/2712803 12:19 5E 1-272-4381 MCNAL.LY PAGE 1{ CBGPII PLAZA i BISCATNI BCULBYARD I, FLORIDAIP , BT: RDSSiiB C3ttALB: a BISCAYH3 BOULSIARIl Frce North TRAFFIC SUMO SP3CIAMISTS, INC. 624 GAROB'YIA TURRACS DlLRAY BBACs, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 2,2.1255 YAI (551) 212.4311 LIG!T Y831CLSS, FlA'+Y YSBICLBS, LI7RT V Site Code = )00)0004 Start mate: 01116103 File I.D. : C80PBISC Page ; 5 CH2PIB PLAZA Pros Bast B:S:AYx3 BOULEVARD Frol South Pegs ¶hru OThra Peds light Lt!t Peds Right Thru Date 01116/01 Ptak NW analytic ➢y entire i3;t>•nsction tvr 04 Period: 14;10 Peak start 15:45 16:45 14:45 Volute 0 15 167 0 75 1153 Pe:ctat - 01 1101 1201 01 61 941 1265 17:30 17:15 10 - 44 0 - 22 107 319 Pk total 25 Righest 17:15 Volute li total 10 PEP .62 • • 17 49 .S5 .96 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 25 25 1,381 Vehicle Other Total Total )p 17;30 ;0 01/16103 0 1,189 167 1,356 LIGHT VEHICLES • HEAVY VEHICLES LIGHT VEHICLES Intersection Total. 1,457 0 0 €O 0 1,265 0 268 1,265 • 1,182 7 0 0 0 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 1,189 167 29 • O 0 29 0 0 166 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 CHOPIN PLAZA 76 0 0 76 0 335 0 0 335 25 0 76 01/27/2003 12:19 561-272-4381 MCNALLY PAGE 19 SE 21D 3TRSSI k RISCAYAB 0OULZVARD 1411MI, FLORIDA STBD BY: ALVARO GO9tALIZ ALSKED ruAFPtC S1:RYR7 SPSCIALISTS, INC. 624 GARSRIIA TEtRACE DILRAY 96ACR, FLORIDA 31444 (561J 272-3255 FAX (5611 272.4331 LIGBT VREICL3S, ABAVT MUCUS Site Code : 00030004 Start Date: 01/16/03 File 1.D. SE2SRISC Page : 5 9ISCAYKi BOULEVARD From NortO Pe46 Right Thru Date 01;1631 SiSCA1N3 B0ULYVAR➢ Frog South Ptd6 Thru Left Ptak Roar Analysis Sy Wire Fe+k otart 17:00 70l1114 - 1272 0 Perc!at - 1001 0t Pk total 1272 Bigheat 17:OC Vault 347 0 Bi total 347 P37 .92 2ND AVENUE 334 0 1,272 1,606 St 2ND AMUR Frog Vest Pods Rig:l Left Vehicle Other Total Total atersectioa for the 17:00 C 314 Oi 1004 314 17:30 0 90 9) .91 105 1,267 0 5 105 1,272 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 C) 4 • Period: 14:00 to 17:30 on 01/16/03 17:30 0 0 31 Dt 0 3r:)0 0 0 3 .0 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 0 0 1,272 1, 606 0 1,272 0 0 0 • LICHT VEHICLES • HEAV( VEHICLES I:Icersectiori 'focal 1,606 f 0 0 0 0 334 327 7 334 0 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 334 0 0 0 /13/03 I:00:38 ite ID : 3722 30 Info 1 : SE 4 St W/O Biscayne Info 2 : SE 2 Ave S/O SE 4 ST Lane 1-Normal, Axle, /2 Lane 2-Normal Axle, /2 2-SB Hour Combined 1-EB TO NB Hour 0 15 30 45 Total. Total Hour .tarts 0 15 30 45 Total AM 1 80 47 41 27 27 142 280 124 364 26 138 12 17 16 10 55 124 20 16 7 6754 2 9 6 9 10 316 12 14 12 38 88 88 3 5 2 7 7 21 9 10 9 10 85 4 4 2 14 9 29 12 13 12 19 56 5 g9 123 151 173 536 85 11 10 28 37 86 12 29 45 79 163 2249 6 36 61 86 108 293 5 8 1 167 198 205 240 810 231746 7 1236245 232 257 942 245 393 370 367 1375 146 8 285 232 257 942 7 10 228 42 322 254 207 319 1102 207 9 277 175 22875 228 1145 776 45 776 268 227 314 219 1028 11 232 207 184 164 787 310 257 223 265 1055 1842 PM 1934 243 168 247 201 859 317 287 264 207 1075 1934 12 226 281 228 1059 1 1 201 214 194 193 802 3241762 � 196 188 212 202 798 267 245 248 224 984 1789 205 145 259 245 785496 249 181 263 242 1035 Ig23 3 223 214 245 206 888 253 249 257 2762238 4 944299 237 420 338 1294 5 227 1749 299 29 15 280 303 319 245 1147 2162 6 215 269 239 292 1015 1691 2147 243 235 214 906 118561 149 116 1758 164 51780 202 171 152 150 675 8 149 118 138 105 510 1039 119 110 115 92 436 145 175 129 154 603 10633 9 160 129 315 142 746 10 100 56 73 88 317 73 56 311 626 11 108 88 70 49 315 93 89 - TOTALS56% 17184 30460 AVERAGE 44% 13276 1.10.0 138.3 period 553.2 179.0 period 716.0 TRANSPORT ANALYSIS PROFESSIONALS, Inc. 8701 SW 137th Avenue, Suite 210 Miami. Florida 33183 305-385-0777 Page: 1 *** Dual Channel 15 Minute *** Date : Nov 12, 2003 Wed Factor : 1.00 Peak AM Hour is *** 8:15am to 9:15am .k** Combined: 2503 1051 Lane 2 : 1452 Volume Lane 1 58% Directional Split : 42% q 928 0.923 Peak Hour Factor 0.922 0,084 0.082 Peak / Day Total 0.079 Peak PM Hour is *** 5:30pm to 6:30pm *** 1027 Lane 2 1341 Combined: 2368 Lane 1 : Volume 57% Directional Split : 43% 0.826 Peak Hour Factor 0.798 0.864 0.078 0.078 Peak / Day Total 0.077 • • • • APPENDIX B CAPACITY ANALYSES TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING DATA aneral Information ialyst ;ency or Co. a Performed eriod RPE/TAP 11/11/2003 PM Peak SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection SE 2nd Ave & SE 4th St Area Type Ail other areas Jurisdiction City of Miami Analysis Year Existing 2003 rolume and Timing Input EB 0 LT TH RT LT (Tf um. of Lanes 0 0 0 0 ane group - MEM olume v.h) /o Heat/ veh HF ,ctuated PIA ;tartu• lost time _ :xt. eff.. reen MINIM krrivai t •e init Extension 'ed/Bike/RTOR Volume iiolr.III'Mgaill ■ M 04 _ane Width )arkingfGrade/Parking Darking/hr 3us stops/hr Jnit Extension IIIIIIIMIIIII 03 Phasing (, 01 02 ,ing G = IG = Y_ 1Y= yu Y-= =Ti ion of Analysis (hrs) _ 0.25 RT i LT NB TH 0 0 RT 2 LT 2 SB TN 3 R 1521 0 0.93 P 2.0 2.0 L T RT 0 3 3.0 0 12.0 224 0 0.95 A 2,0 2.0 3 3.0 12.0 1219 0 0.95 P 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 12.0 0 0 1 0 3.0 3.0 0 3.0 NB Only I SB Only 07 1 08 G = 68.0 IG= 22.0 .G = 1Y= 5 �...1Y= 5 IY= Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB 4dj. flow rate _ane group cap. i/c ratio Green ratio Jnif. delay di Delay factor k Increm. delay d2li PF factor Control delay Lane group LOS Apprch. delay 11111.11111 54.6 IIII Approach LOS lnt rsec. delay HCS2000TM Y= t',yc!e Length C NB SB 11635 I2.36 1933 770 0.85 10.31 1283 I 1141 1.12 0.68 0.22 0.22 12.1 32.6 39.0 0.50 0.11 4.8 0.2 0.50 67.8 1.000 16.8 8 1.000 1.000 32.8 106.8 F 16.8 95.3 B F Intersection LOS Copyright 0 2000 University of Florida, Ali Rights Reserved Version 4.1 d SHORT REPORT Site Information :neral Information aiyst iency or Co. lerformed eriod RPE/TAP 11 /11 /2003 PM Peak olume and Timing Input ,gym. of Lanes me group plume (vph) Heavy veh HE ctuated (P/A) tartup lost time xt. eff. green rrival type snit Extension 'ed/Bike/RTOR Volume ane Width 'arking/Grade/Parking 'arking/hr Sus stops/hr Jnit Extension LT 0 EB TH 0 )hasing 7irning G= Y 0 Y pion of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 ^ �� Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WE 02 iG Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year WB RT 0 03 04 1G= Y= SE end Ave & SE 4th St All other areas City of Miami 2007 w/o Site & Mad Time LT 0 = 58.0 Y= 5 •dj. flow rate Lane group cap. ilc ratio Green ratio Y= NB TH SB RT 1 LT TH RT 2 2 3 2.0 2.0 2.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 SB Only 1 07 G = 32.0 G = Y:. _..5 Y= Cycle Length C = 100.0 NB 8 1801 1648 1.09 0.58 SE 258 1121 0.23 1509 1660 0.91 0.32 0.32 )nif. delay di 21.0 25.0 32.6 Delay factor k 'ncrem. delay d2 F factor 0.50 0.11 0.50 52.1 0.1 8.9 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control delay _ane group LOS Apprch. delay 73.1 25.1 E C 41.5 0 approach LOS ntersec. delay HCS2000TM 73.1 E 39.1 0 56.3 Copyr Intersection LOS gill © 2000 University of Florida, XI Rights Reserved Version 4.1d SHORT REPORT Site Information ,neral Information talyst Fency or Co. Performed eriod 0 RPE/TAP 11/11/2003 PM Peak ume and Timin• Inaut um. of Lan lne group plume v.h Heavy veh HF ctuated (PIA. tartup lost time xt. eff. green rrival type Init Extension `ed/Bike{RTOR Volume ane Width 'arking/Grade/Parking 'arking/hr 3us stops/hr init Extension 'teasing Ong IG= Y= 01 J 02 G= Y= G= on of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 and LOS Determination ...c1I iC .7i la .. Frw,....fruv..d y � � • -- - - . , EB WB 4dj. flow rate '_ane group cap. t/c ratio Green ratio Jnif. delay dl Delay factor k 'ncrem. delay d2 DF factor Control delay 111111111111 IIIIII ..ane group LOS 1111.1.111111 Apprch. delay 4pproach LOS 54.8 intersec. delay HGS2000Tm • Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year SE 2nd Ave & SE 4th St Ali other areas City of Miami 2007 with Site & Mod Time 1_21B Only J SB Only 1 07 1 G = 58.0 G=....32.0 jG= I Y = 5 Y= 5 Cycle Length C = 100.0 i801 1648 11.09 0.58 Intersection LOS 0.47 0.32 27.2 SB 1660 0.92 I 27.5 C 0.32 32.8 0.50 1.000 42.7 0 38.8 0 Copyright ©2000 u i,vers.ty ai F yr un, Vers;or, 4.1 d aneral information Site Information )alyst RPE/TAP jency or Co. ate Performed / 1/11/2003 rr ,riod PM Peak Intersection SE 3rd Ave & SE 4th Street Area Type A11 other areas Jurisdiction City of Miami Analysis Year 2007 with Site olume and Timing.tnput EB WB NB SB L LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT am. of Lanes 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 the group L TR TR )fume (vph) 441 1369 205 0 132 Heavy veh 0 0 0 0 0 -i F 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.95 0.85 ;tuated (P/A) P P P A A artup lost time 2.0 2.0 2.0 <t. eff. areen 2.0 2.0 2.0 rival type 3 3 3 'tit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 Md/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 14 me Width 12.0 12.0 12.0 irking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N N N 0 N N N arking/hr is stops/hr 0 0 0 nit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 03 04 NB Only 06 07 08 using ; EB Only 02 I G = 79.0 G= G= i G = G= 13.0 G= G= G= r ty= 4 Y= Y= (Y= Y- 4 Y = Y = Y- uration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100 0 Control. Deiy, and LOS Detef_rninatiort ane.GroupCapacity EB WB NB Jj. flow rate J 450 1397 139 ane group cap, 2767 399 0.35 - c ratio 0.16 reen ratio 0.79 0.79 0.13 nit delay di 2.5 39.6 elay factor k 0.50 0.50 0.11 crem. delay d2 0.1 0.5 F factor 1.000 1.000 ontrol delay 2.7 40.2 ane group LOS A D perch. delay 40.2 pproach LOS 0 tersec. delay Intersection LOS ;52000TM 4 SHORT REPORT Site Information General Information \nalyst RPEJTAP agency or Co. ,JatR Performed 1 1/14/2003 T -3eriod PM Peak Intersection US 1 & SE 2nd Street Area Type Alt other areas Jurisdiction City of Miami Analysis Year 2003 Existing Volume and Timing Input EB • WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Jum. of Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 Lane group L R 1272 Volume (vph) 334 % Heavy veh 1 2 0.93 0.92 r'HP A P Actuated (P/A) _ 2.0 Startup lost time 2.0 Ext. eff. 2.0 0 green Arrival type 3 Jnit Extension 3.0 3.0 'ed/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 105 12.0 Lane Width 12.0 'arking/Grade/Parking N N N N N 0 N N 0 N arkingihr Bus stops/hr 0 0 Jnit Extension 3.0 3.0 ,'haling 01 02 03 04 NB Only SB Only 07 08 G= iG= G= G= G. G= 20.0 G= 68.0 G= Timing 1Y=- Y= Y= Y= 6 Y= 6 Y= Y Y= Cycle Length C = 100.0__ ion of gnat, sis hrs 0.25 _._ Delay, and LOS Determination Lane Group Capacity, Control EB WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 359 1268 Lane group cap. 693 3919 //c ratio 0.52 0.32 Green ratio 0.20 0.68 Jnif. delay d1 35.7 6.6 Delay factor k 0. 12 0.50 Incrern. delay d2 0.7 0.2 PP factor 7.000 1.000 Control delay 36.4 6.8 A Lane group LOS D Apprch. delay 36 4 6.8 Approach LOS D A Intersec. delay 13-3 Intersection LOS 6 HCS2008T M Copyright O 2000 University of Fonda, All Rights Reserved Versiof e, SHORT REPORT Information Site Information .ieneral Analyst RPEITAP agency or Co. Sate Performed 11/14/2003 i -'eriod PM Peak Intersection US 1 & SE 2nd Street Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction City of Miami Analysts Year 2007 w/o Site Timing Input Volume and EB WB �g LT 5i3 TH RT L LT TH AT LT TH RT LT TH EPT Sum. of Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 Lane L R group 456 1 Volume (vph) 1 2 %Heavy veh 0 03 _ 0.92 PHF P A Actuated P{A 20 lost time 2.0 3tartu. 2.0 2.0 .Ext. eff. Breen 3 3 Arrival t se Jnit Extension 3.0 3.p 0 105 3ed/Bike/RTOA Volume 12 0 Lane Width 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N N N N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/hr 0 Bus stops/hr 3 0 3.0 Unit Extension 08 01 — 02 03 04 NB Only SB Only 07 Phasing G= G= G= G= G= 20.0 G= 68.0 G= G= Timing Y= Y= 6 Y= 6 Y= Y= Y. Y= Y_ Cycle Length C = 100.0 Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 --- ,;on of Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB 489 1353 Adj. flow rate Lane group cap. 693 3919 sic ratio 0.71 0.35 Green ratio 0.20 0.68 Unit. delay dl 37.3 6.7 Delay factor k 0.27 0.50 Increm. delay d2 3.3 0.2 f'F factor i.000 1.000 Control delay 40.5 6.9 Lane group LOS D A 405 6.9 Apprch. delay Intersection a LOS A 6 Approach LOS intersec. delay 15.9 HCS2000TM Copyright Cc3 2000 University of Florida, All flights Reserved St-IUH I HL 1'UH 1 *ieneral Information ' ; " Site information snalyst RPE/TAP agency or Co. )ate Performed 11/14/2003 -ir =riod PM Peak Intersection US 1 & SE 2nd Street Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction City of Miami Analysis Year 2007 With Site Volume and Timing Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Jum. of Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 .ane group L R volume (vph) 600 1350 Y. Heavy veh 1 2 'HF 0.93 0.92 ctuated (P/A) A P >tartup lost time 2.0 2.0 :xt. eff. green 2.0 2.0 arrival type 3 3 Jnit Extension 3,0 3.0 'ed/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 105 ane Width 12.0 12.0 'arking/Grade/Parking N N N N N 0 N N 0 N 'arking/hr us stops/hr 0 0 Jnit Extension 3.0 3.0 'hasing 01 02 03 04 NB Only SB Only 07 08 G= G= G= G= G= 20.0 G= 68.0 G= G= Y= Y= Y= Y= Y= 6 Y= 6 Y= I Y = )uration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 .ane Group Capacity; Control Delays and'LOS ©etermir ation EB WB NB SB ;dj. flow rate 645 1353 ane group cap. 693 3919 is ratio 0.93 0.35 green ratio 0.20 0.68 )nit. delay d1 39.3 6.7 )elay factor k 0.45 0.50 icrem. delay d2 19.2 0.2 'F factor 1.000 1.000 ;ontrol delay 58.6 6.9 ane group LOS E A ,pprch. delay 58 6 6.9 pproach LOS E A Itersec. delay 23.6 Intersection LOS C 13520001-m Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, Ail Rights Reserved Version 4.1d General Information Site Information Analyst RPE/TAP agency or Co. Date Performed 11/11/2003 - Period PM Peak Intersection US 1 & Chopin Plaza Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction City of Miami Analysis Year Existing 2003 Volume and Timing Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT \turn. of Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 Lane group TR L Volume (vph) 1182 76 25 % Heavy veh 0 0 0 ?HP 0.96 0.96 0.62 Actuated (PIA) A P P A Startup lost time 2.0 2.0 -Ext. eff. green 2.0 2.0 Arrival type 3 3 Jnit Extension 3.0 3.0 3ed/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 Lane Width 12.0 12.0 narking/Grade/Parking N N N N N 0 N N 0 N 'arking/hr Bus stops/hr 0 0 Jnit Extension 3.0 3.0 Phasing WB Only 02 03 04 _'JS Perm 06 07 08 G= 24.0 G= G= G= G= 65.0 G= G= G= Timing Y= 5 Y- Y= Y= Y= 6 Y= Y= Y= _lion of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 100.0 Lane Group Capacity,_Control Decay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adj. flow rate 1310 40 Lane group cap. 3341 451 '/c ratio 0.39 0.09 Green ratio 0.65 0.65 Unit delay di 8.2 6.5 Delay factor k 0.50 0.11 Increm. delay d2 0.3 0.1 PIE factor 1.000 1.000 Control delay 8.6 6.6 Lane group LOS A A Apprch. delay 8 6 6.6 Approach LOS A A Intersec. delay 8.5 Intersection LOS A HCS2aa0T M Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, Ali Rights Reserved Version 4.1 SHORT REPORT General Information Site information 'analyst \gency or Co. 1)2 Performed T 'eriod RPE/TAP 11/11/2003 PM Peak Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year US 1 & Chopin Plaza All other areas City of Miami Year 2007 w/o site Volume and Tinning Input hum. of Lanes LT 0 EB TH 0 RT WB LT TH 0 0 RT 0 0 NB LT TH I RT 0 3 1 0 LT 2 SB TH RT 0 0 Lane group Volume (vph) TR % Heavy veh PHF Actuated (P/A) Startup lost time 2xt. eff. green Arrival type Jnit Extension )ed/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width arking/Grade/Parking parking/hr N Bus stops/hr Jnit Extension Phasing Tinning WB Only G = 24:0 Y= 5 G= Y 02 G= Y= 03 MIN 1228 f 81 26 0 I 0 0 0.96 10.96 0.62 A P 0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 12.0 N N N N 0 0 -111.- 3.0 G= Y= 04 NS Perm j 06 P A 0 2.0 2.0 3 3.0 12.0 N N 07 0 3.0 08 G- 65.0 IG= Y = 6 lion of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Y G Y= G= ICycte Length C - 100.0 Lane (iroup t apaeiiy, 1,on ra; ut is y. aliu u,7 L/G•4i..t#a.u•••v•• EB WB NB SB 1363 42 Adj. flow rate 466 Lane group cap. 3340 0.41 0.09 i/c ratio Green ratio 0.65 0.65 Jnif. delay di 8.3 6.5 Delay factor k 0.50 0.11 Increm. delay d2 0.4 1.000 0,1 1.000 PF factor 8.7 A - - 6.6 A Control delay Lane group LOS Apprch. delay 8.7 6.6 Approach LOS A A Intersec. delay 8.6 intersection LOS A HCS2000Tm Copyright © 2000 University of Florida, Ail Flights Reserved 4, ersian SHORT REPORT ieneral Information Inalyst Igency or Co. )ate Performed it �riod RPETFAP 11/11/2003 PM Peak Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year US 1 & Chopin Plaza All other areas City of Miami Year 2007 with site volume ana .t tmmg input . , BB WB NB SB TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT lum. of Lanes _LT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 .one group TR L volume (vph) 1275 81 26 Y. Heavy veh - 0 - 0 0 ,HF 0.96 0.96 0.62 actuated (P/A) A P P A startup lost time 2.0 2.0 ixt. eff. green _ 2.0 2.0 arrival type 3 3 Jnit Extension 3.0 3.0 'ed/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 .ane Width 12.0 12.0 'arking/Grade/Parking N N N N N 0 N N 0 N 'arking/hr 3us stops/hr 0 0 Jnit Extension 3.0 3.0 3hasing WB Only 02 03 04 NS Perm 06 07 08 Ti G= 24.0 G= 'G= G = G= 65.0 G= G= G= Y= 5 Y_ Y= Yr Y= 6 Y= Y= Y= )oration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 rn C.rr,i �r� f`anar+iter_ C`ontrc�I QP_i�V.rd LOS Determination LCI14LIL V f:. BB WB NB 1412 3342 42 481 SB Adj. flow rate _ane group cap. 0.42 0.09 ,/c ratio --- green ratio 0.65 0.65 Jnif. delay di 8.4 6.5 Delay factor k 0.50 0.11 ncrem. delay d2 0.4 0.1 DF factor 1.000 1.000 :,ontrol delay _ 8.8 A 6.6 A _ane group LOS Apprch. delay 8 8 6.6 Approach LOS A A ntersec. delay 8.8 Intersection LOS A CS2OOOTM Copyright © 2000 University of Florida. All Rights Reserve FATTER PASSWORD ENTER PASSWORD TSX PORT 11 LOG -ON IN PROGRESS ON 07-14-2003 AT 10:07:29 R USER ID (CAPITAL LETTERS) TA P ID ACCEPTED. PLEASE WAIT. $JOB /USR011/DUT011 Enter command (CAPITAL LETTERS, MM = Main Menu) CTD ENTER THE CONTROLLER NUMBER (/ _- STOP) 4579 TIMING DATA FOR 4579 US 1 & SE 5 ST (SEC: 223 TYPE: SA) PAT OF NSG F Y R EWlrJ F G Y R NSL Y S Y M CYC 2 M - 39 8 4 1 4 15 1 4 1 10 3 900E PARADE IN 3 M 21 43 4 1 4 15 1 4 1 6 3 90GRAND PRIX 0 4 M 7 49 8 4 15 1 4 1 10 3 /1-00OB PARADE 0U 5 T 64 23 8 4 1 1-5,�1 4 1 6 3 702RE AM 6 T 67 50 8 4 4 15 1�4. 1 9 3 '-�l 100AM PEAK 1 -� 7 T 59 43 8 4 1 4 15 11 4 1 4 3 - 105MI0 DAY 9 T 21 30 8 4 1 4 15 11 4 1 9 90EVE & WEEKEN 10 T O 39 8 4 1 4 15 1 4 1 10----3 90EARLY MORN W 12 T 12 39 8 4 1 4 15 1 4_1-10 3 90POST PM 0/1 13 T 47 65 8 4 1 4 15 -1- 4 1 9 3 115PM PEAK 20 T 0 39 8 4 1 4--15 1 4 1 10 3 --6__ 90EARLY NIGHT ' 2 2 T 0 3 9 8 4 .-1✓�4 15 1 4 1 10 3 6 01�AE NIGHT 4 23 T 0 39 8 4'' 1 4 15 1 4 1 10 3 6 90LATE NIGHT 5 T 0 20...--8 4 1 4 15 1 4 1 5 3 7 66RECALL TEST I N: i "7 8 15 1 5 ENTFj.R'THE CONTROLLER NUMBER (% = STOP) 421% TIMING DATA FOR 4214 SE 2 AVE & 4 ST (SEC: 228 TYPE: SA) PAT OF NWFYRSWFGYR S Y M CYC 1 T 81 52 12 4 1 7 5 24 4 1 8 110AM PEAK 2 M 29 62 5 4 1 7 5 1 4 1 900 B PARADE I 3 M 79 55 5 4 1 7 5 8 4 1 90GRAND PRIX W 4 M 19 7 2 5 4 1 7 5 1 4 1 10 00 B PARADE 0 5 M 7 32 5 4 1 7 5 21 4 1 80PRE AM PEAK 8 T 66 32 12 4 1 7 5 24 4 1 8 90PRE/POST AM 9 T 60 32 12 4 1 7 5 24 4 1 8 90AVERAGE 11 T 57 56 12 4 1 7 5 10 4 1_______ _8 100PM PEAR 12 T 18 55 12 4 1 7 5 1 4 1_._ 8 90POST PM PEAK 22 T O 55 12 4 1 7 5 1 4 1 6 90EARLY NIGHT 23 T O 55 12 4 1 7 5 1 4 1 6 90LATE NIGHT 4 24 T 42 62 5 4 1 7 5 1 4 1 90RECALL TEST MIN: 15 12 5 1 ENTER THE CONTROLLER NUMBER (/ = STOP) 3421 TIMING DATA FOR 3421 SE 2 AVE & 3 ST (1-95) (SEC: 228 TYPE: NA) PAT OF EW F Y SW F G Y 5 Y M CYC 1 T 44 67 8 4 7 5 15 4 110AM PEAK 2 M 24 37 8 4 7 5 25 4 900 B PARADE I 3 M 42 17 8 4 7 5 45 4 90GRAND PRIX W 4 M 56 7 8 4 7 5 65 4 1000 B PARADE 0 5 M 35 42 8 4 7 5 10 4 80PRE AM PEAK 8 T 30 46 8 4 7 5 16 4 90PRE/POST AM 9 T 26 30 8 4 7 5 32 4 90AVERAGE T 45 24 8 4 7 5 48 4 100PM PEAK T 11 44 8 4 7 5 18 4 90POST PM PEAK 22 T 24 32 8 4 7 5 30 4 90EARLY NIGHT 23 T 42 28 8 4 7 5 34 4 6 90LATE NIGHT 4 24 T 42 28 8 4 7 5 34 4 6 90RECALL TEST MIN: 7 8 5 1 ENTER THE CONTROLLER NUMBER (/ = STOP) 3493 TIMING DATA FOR 3493 US 1 & CHOPIN DR (SEC: 2 TYPE: NA) PAT OF NG G Y R EW F Y R CYC 900 B PARADE Z 2 M 54 63 1 4 2 8 7 4 1 90GRAND PRiX 1 3 M 52 62 1 4 2 9 7 4 1 1000 B PARADE 0 6 52 2 1 4 2 9 7 4 1 100MID-DAY (M & 52 62 1 4 2 19 7 4 1 100PM PEAK (M & 6 T 86 64 1 4 2 17 7 4 1 PEAK 8 T 52 62 1 4 2 19 7 4 1 100R00AM PEAK 9 T 52 62 1 4 2 9 7 4 1 19OAM PEAK_ 11 T 86 64 1 4 2 17 7 4 1 _ 00PSP AK PEAK 12 T 54 58 1 4 2 13 7 4 1 100 ARENA iN 14 M 86 54 1 4 2 27 7 4 1 100 ARENA OUT 15 M 86 54 1 4 2 27 7 4 1 100MRENAY 17 T 52 62 1 4 2 19 7 4 1 2224 TIMING DATA FOR 2224 US 1 & SE 2 ST (SEC: 2 TYPE: NA) PAT OF SW F Y R WW F Y R 900 B PARADE I 2 M 61 18 4 4 2 49 7 4 2 90GRAND PRIX 1 3 M 64 57 4 4 2 10 7 4 2 1000 B PARADE 0 M 10 674 4 2 10 7 42 100MID-DAY (M & T 6457 4 4 2 20 7 4 2 1ClOPM PEAK (M & 6 T 95 64 4 4 2 13 7 2 Y0}AM PEAK __-8-.-,I,_.66...-5'T__-4_-4--__2-2 fl- -,�. _ 4_ 2 90AVERAGE 9 T 64 57 4 4 2 10 7 4 2 10OPM PEAK 11 T 95 67 4 4 2 10 7 4 2 90POST PM PEAK 12 T 68 57 4 4 2 10 7 4 2 100 ARENA IN 14 M 9 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 3 7 4 2 100 ARENA OUT 15 M 95 54 4 4 2 23 7 4 2 100MIL?-DAY 17 T 64 57 4 4 2 20 7 4 2 90BAYSIDE EXIT 18 T 64 57 4 4 2 10 7 4 2 6 90EARLY NITE 2 20 T 64 57 4 4 2 10 7 4 2 6 90NITE 6/0 22 T 64 57 4 4 2 10 7 42 6 90LATE NITE 7/ 23 T 64 57 4 4 2 10 7 4 2 APPENDIX C ITF TRIP GENERATION Existing Dupont Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 297 Rooms of Hotel August 04, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 7.71 0.00 1.00 95 0.00 1.00 2290 . 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.2100.00 1.00 62 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit0.00 1.00 157 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.53 0.53 0.00 1.40 B9 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0 0.00 1.00 89 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0.0.37 0.00 1.00 169 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 0.00 1.00 80 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.220.27 0.00 1.00 80 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit1.00 143 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 0.48 0.00 98 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.33 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 71 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.24 0.00 1.00 161 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total $.67 0.00 1.00 2563 Saturday 2-Way Volume 0.40 0.00 1.00 119 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.31 0.00 1.00 99 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.71 0.00 1.00 211 Saturday Peak Hour Total0 00 1.00 1850 Sunday 2-Way Volume 6.23 83 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.28 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 95 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.320.2 0.00 1.00 178 Sunday Peak Hour Total Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: T = 8.946(X) +-368.112, H"2 = 0.98 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = 1.24LN(X) + -1.998 R^2 - 0.75 , 0.61 Enter, 0.39 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = 1.2121,N(X) +-1.763 R^2 - 0.7 , 0.53 Enter, 0.47 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) - .87LN(X) + .016 R^2 = 0.54 0.55 Enter, 0.45 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: RN2T) 0.6 22L0.58 }Enter, 0.42 Exit Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 179.502 Th.Gr,Sq.Ft. of General Office Building November 17, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total Saturday 2-Way Volume Saturday Peak Hour Enter Saturday Peak Hour Exit Saturday Peak Hour Total Sunday 2-Way Volume Sunday Peak Hour Enter Sunday Peak Hour Exit Sunday Peak Hour Total 11.59 0.00 1.46 0.00 0.20 0.00 1.66 0.00 0.27 0.00 1,30 0.00 1.56 0.00 1.46 0.00 0.20 0.00 1.66 0.00 0.27 0.00 1.30 0.00 1.56 0.00 2.24 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.10 0.00 1.00 2080 1.00 262 1.00 36 1.00 298 1.00 48 1.00 Z 32' 1.00 280 1.00 262 1.00 36 1.00 298 1.00 48 1.00 233 1.00 280 1,00 402 1.00 32 1.00 29 1.00 61 1.00 120 1.00 11 1.00 7 1.00 18 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: 4-6 PM AM Gen PM Gen Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. Peak Hr. Total: Pk Hr. Total: Pk Hr. Total; 2-Way Volume: Pk Hr. Total: 2-Way Volume: Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .768LN(X) + 3.654, R^2 = 0.8 LN(T) _ .797LN(X) + 1.558 R^2 = 0.83 , 0.88 Enter, 0.12 Exit T - 1.121(X) + 79.295 R''2 = 0.82 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit LN(T) = .797LN(X) + 1.558 R-2 = 0.83 , 0.88 Enter, 0.12 Exit T = 1.121(X) + 79.295 R^2 = 0.82 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit T = 2.136(X) + 18.473, R^2 = 0.66 LN(T) = .814LN(X) + -.115 LN(T) = .863LN(X) + .306, R^2 = 0.5 LN(T) _ .605LN(X) + -.228 R^2 = 0.56 , 0.58 Enter, 0.42 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 15.225 T.G.L.A. of Specialty Retail Center November 17, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 40.67 13.70 1.00 619 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1.11 0.00 1.00 17 '� 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 1.48 0.00 1.00 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.59 1.74 1.00 39 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 3.08 0.00 1.00 47 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 3.33 0.00 1.00 51 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 6.41 0.00 1.00 989 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 2.81 0.00 1.00 3 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 2.12 0.00 1.00 1.00 752 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 4.93 0.00 Saturday 2-Way Volume 42.04 13.97 1.00 640 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday 2-Way Volume 20.43 10.27 1.00 311 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 6.8 Th.Gr_Sq.Ft. of Quality Restaurant November 17, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 89.95 36.81 1.00 612 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.81 0.93 1.00 6 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 5.02 0.00 1.00 34 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 2.47 0.00 1.00 17 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 7.49 4.89 1.00 51 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 4.57 0.00 1.00 31 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 1.00 0.00 1.00 7 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 5.57 3.79 1.00 38 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 5.59 0.00 1.00 38 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 3.43 0.00 1.00 23 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 9.02 4.55 1.00 61 Saturday 2-Way Volume 94.36 34.42 1.00 642 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 6.38 0.00 1.00 43 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 4.44 0.00 1.00 30 Saturday Peak Hour Total 10.82 4.38 1.00 74 Sunday 2-Way Volume 72.16 32.35 1.00 491 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 5.28 0.00 1.00 36 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 3.10 0.00 1.00 21 Sunday Peak Hour Total 8.38 3.88 1.00 57 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 146 Dwelling Units of Apartments November 17, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 6.63 2.98 1.00 968D.0$ 0.00 1.00 12 � 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter1.00 7-9 A Peak Hour Exit 0.43 0.00 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.51 0.73 1.00 740.42 0.00 1.006 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.20 0.00 1.00 29 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0 00 1.00 29 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 0.62 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.16 0.00 1.00 23 1.00 58 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.40 0.00 1,00 82 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 0.56 p.77 1.00 82 PM Pk Er, Generator, Enter 0.41 0.00 1.00 38 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0•26 0.000.85 1.00 98 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 2.99 1.00 998 Saturday 2-Way Volume 6.39 0.00 1.00 3 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.001.00 0 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 76 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.52 0.74 1.00 Sunday 2-Way Volume 5.86 2.73 1.00 856p.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 1.00 74 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.51 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: InsvAtute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICRGTRANS Dupont Plaza Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 899 Dwelling Units of High -Rise Residential Condo / Townhouse November 12, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 4.02 0.00 1.00 3614 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.06 0.00 1.00 54 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.26 0.00 1.00 234 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.32 0.00 1.00 288 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.22 0.00 1.00 198 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0.14 0.00 1.00 126 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 0.36 0.00 1.00 324 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.06 0.00 1.00 54 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.27 0.00 1.00 243 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 0.33 0.00 1.00 297 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.25 0.00 1.00 225 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.12 0.00 1.00 108 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 0.37 0.00 1.00 333 Saturday 2--Way Volume 4.16 0.00 1.00 3740 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.14 0.00 1.00 126 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.19 0.00 1.00 171 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.33 0.00 1.00 297 Sunday 2-Way Volume 3.30 0.00 1.00 2967 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.16 0.00 1.00 144 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.13 0.00 1.00 117 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.29 0.00 1.00 261 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: T = 3.771(X) a- 223.657, R^2 = 1 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: T = .288(X) + 28.861 R^2 = 0.98 , 0.19 Enter, 0.81 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: T = .342(X) + 15.466 R^2 = 0.99 , 0.62 Enter, 0.38 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: T = .298(X) + 25.334 R^2 = 0.95 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .843LN(X) + .073 Dupont Plaza Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 424 Rooms of Hotel November 12, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total Saturday 2-Way Volume Saturday Peak Hour Enter Saturday Peak Hour Exit Saturday Peak Hour Total Sunday 2-Way Volume Sunday Peak Hour Enter Sunday Peak Hour Exit Sunday Peak Hour Total 8.08 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.56 0.00 8.92 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.70 0.00 7.03 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.63 0.00 1.00 3426 1.00 148 1.00 98 1.00 246 1.00 140 1.00 123 1.00 263 1.00 106 1.00 89 1.00 195 1.00 136 1.00 98 1.00 237 1.00 3782 1.00 165 1.00 131 1.00 297 1.00 2981 1.00 123 1.00 144 1.00 267 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: T = 8.946(X) + -368 . 112„ R^2 = 0.98 7-9 AN Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = 1.24LN(X) + -1.998 R'2 = 0.75 , 0.61 Enter, 0.39 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = 1.212LN(X) + -1.763 R^2 = 0.7 , 0.53 Enter, 0.47 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr, Total: LN(T) _ .87LN(X) + .016 R^2 = 0.54 , 0.55 Enter, 0.45 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) - .922LN(X) + -.115 R^2 = 0.6 , 0.58 Enter, 0.42 Exit Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 5 T.G.L.A. of Specialty Retail Center November 13, 2003 Average Standard Rate Deviation Adjustment Driveway Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 40.67 13.70 1.00 203 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1.11 0.00 1.00 6 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 1.48 0.00 1.00 7 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.59 1.74 1.00 13 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 3.08 0.00 1.00 15 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 3.33 0.00 1.00 17 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 6.41 0.00 1.00 32 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 2.81 0.00 1.00 14 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 2.12 0.00 1.00 11 PM Pk Er, Generator, Total 4.93 0.00 1.00 25 Saturday 2-Way Volume 42.04 13.97 1.00 210 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday 2-Way Volume 20.43 10.27 1.00 102 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6tn Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICR.OTRANS Dupont Plaza Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 24.6 Th.Gr.Sq.Ft. of Quality Restaurant November 12, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 89.95 36.81 1.00 2213 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.81 0.93 1.00 20 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 5.02 0.00 1.00 123 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 2.47 0.00 1.00 61 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 7.49 4.89 1.00 184 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter. 4.57 0.00 1.00 112 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 1.00 0.00 1.00 25 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 5.57 3.79 1.00 137 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 5.59 0.00 1.00 138 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 3.43 0.00 1.00 84 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 9.02 4.55 1.00 222 Saturday 2-Way Volume 94.36 34.42 1.00 2321 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 6.38 0.00 1.00 157 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 4.44 0.00 1.00 109 Saturday Peak Hour Total 10.82 4.38 1.00 266 Sunday 2-Way Volume 72.16 32.35 1.00 1775 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 5.28 0.00 1.00 130 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 3.10 0.00 1.00 76 Sunday Peak Hour Total 8.38 3.88 1.00 206 Note: A zero indicates no data available. Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation. 6th Edition, 1997. TR]TP GENERATION BY MICRG'TPANS O 0 0 0 3 Cti N 0 O 0 Vacancy Analysis January 2003 kCD \ / k >_ / 02 # Lti \ o 0m ° coJ \ eo» ,1 Ln 57/ Q } c » o w — 0 Z30IntO 29«0C .. o n 3 « # CO UT- / //$%\ £(II R©=# 9\k(^ 2 _0 t =rcyr /0 04 CO' \ % \ 2 § 0 co 0 k co ƒ ~ m 0 R 0 0 r Office Building 0 O 0 0 \ 0 CD e E § 0 7 < 0 \/ w tri Apartment Building Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 135 Occupied Rooms of Hotel November 10, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 0.00 0.00 1,00 0 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.33 0.00 1.00 3245 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.24 0.00 1.004 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0.56 0.00 1.00 ? 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.29 0.00 1.00 39 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0.30 0.00 1.00 41 41 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 0.59 0.00 1.00 1.00 47 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.35 0.00 47 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.29 0.00 1.00 AN Pk Hr, Generator, Total 0.64 0.00 1.00 86 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.41 0.00 1.00 55 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.31 0.00 1.00 42 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 0.72 0.00 1.00 97 Saturday 2-Way Volume 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday 2--Way Volume 0.00 0.00 1.00 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: 0, R^2 = 0 7-9 AM beak Hr. Total: T = .782 (X) + -29.797 R-2 = 0.69 . 0.58 Enter, 0.42 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = 1.15LN(X) + -1.255 R'2 = 0.58 , 0.49 Enter, 0.51 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .906LN(X) + .014 R^2 = 0.57 , 0.55 Enter, 0.45 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .94LN(X) + -.034 R'2 = 0.6 , 0.57 Enter, 0.43 Exit Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 45 Th.Gr.Sq.Ft. of General Office Building November 10, 2003 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 15.97 0.00 1.00 719 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 1.93 0.00 1.00 87 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.26 0.00 1.00 12 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 2.19 0.00 1.00 99 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0.49 0.00 1.00 22 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 2.39 0.00 1.00 108 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.88 0.00 1.00 1303 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 1.93 0.00 1.00 7 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.26 0.00 1.00 12 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 2.19 0.00 1.00 99 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.49 0.00 1.00 22 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 2.39 0.00 1.00 10O PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 2.88 0.00 1.00 Saturday 2-Way Volume 2.55 0.00 1.00 115 15 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.24 0.00 1.001.00 9 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.20 0.00 1.00 20 Saturday Peak Hour Total 0.44 0.00 1.00 36 Sunday 2-Way Volume 0.81 0.00 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.10 0.00 1.00 5 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.07 0.00 1.00 3 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.18 0.00 1.00 8 Note: A zero ero indicates no data available. The aboverates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: LN{T) = .768LN(X) + 3.654, R^2 = 0.8 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = .797LN{X) + 1.558 R^2 = 0.83 , 0.88 Enter, 0.12 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: T = 1.121(X) + 79.295 R^2 = 0.82 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = ,797LN(X) + 1.558 R^2 = 0.83 , 0.88 Enter, 0.12 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: T = 1.121(X) * 79.295 R-2 = 0.82 , 0.17 Enter, 0.83 Exit FDOT SEASONAL FACTORS EL DEPT Ul- i KHNSr Ur. t rah Florida Depament of 'Iran ortatian Pant Uatz: hsay/17/2003 Tran rracion Statistics Office 2002 Peak Season Factor Category Report 11iflCF = 0,98 MIAMI-DARE SOUTH -" ug o rj: 8701 Week Dates 01/01/2002 - 01/05/2002 2 01 /06/2002 - 01 / 12I2002 3 01/13/2002 - 01/19/2002 4 01/20/2002 - 01/26/2002 5 01/27/2002 - 02/02/2002 6 02/03/2002 - 02/09/2002 * 7 02/10/2002 - 02/16/2002 * 8 02/17/2002 - 02/23/2002 * 9 02/24/2002 - 03/02/2002 * 10 03/03/2002 - 03/09/2002 * 11 03/10/2002- 03/16/2002 * 12 03/17/2002 - 03123/2002 * 13 03/24/2002 - 03/30/2002 ▪ 14 03/31/2002 - 04/06/2002 * 15 04/07112002 - 04/13/2002 * 16 04/14/2002 - 04/20/2002 * i7 0/21/2002 - 04/27/2002 • 18 04/25/2002 - 05/04/2002 • 19 05/05/2002 - 05/11/2002 20 05/12/2002 - 05/18/2002 21 05/19/2002 - 05/25/2002 22 05/26/2002 - 06/01/2002 23 06/02.12002 - 06/08/2002 24 06/09/2002 - 06/15/2002 25 06/16/n02 - 06/22/2002 26 06/23/2002 - 06/29/2002 27 06/30/2002 - 07/06/2002 28 07/07/2002 - 07/1312002 29 07/14/2002 - 07/2012002 30 07/21/2002 - 07/27/2002 31 07/28/2002 - 03/03/2002 32 08/04/2002 - 03,1012002 33 08/11/2002 - 08/17/2002 34 0S/1812002 - QS/24/2002 35 08125/2002 - 03/31/2002 . 36 09/01/2002 - 09/07/2002 37 09103/2002 - 09/14/2002 38 09/15/2002 - 09/21/2002 39 09/22/2002 - 09; 2812002 40 09/29/2002 - 10/05/2002 41 10/06/2002 - 10/12/2002 42 10/13/2002 - 10/19/2002 43 10/20/2002 - 10/26/2002 44 10/27/2002 - 11 /0212002 45 11103/2002 - 11/09/2002 46 11/10/2002 - 11/16/2002 47 11/17/2002 - 11/23/2002 48 11124/2002 - 11/3012002 49 12/01/2002 - 12/07/2002 50 12108/2002 - 12/14/2002 51 12/ 15/2002 - 12/21/2002 52 12/222002 - 1212812002 53 S 21k9,2002. - 12J31/200 'Note: "" Indicsus peak season wcck 1 SF PSCF 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.05 1.02 1.04 1.00 1.02 0.99 1.01 0.98 1,00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.93 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.98 1.00 0.99 1.01 0,99 1.01 0.99 1.01 0.99 1.01 0.99 1.01 0.99 1.01 0.99 1.01 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.01 1,03 1,01 1.03 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.03 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.04 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.03 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1,00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1,00 1.02 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.02 0,99 1.01 0.99 1,01 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.03' Paga BUS SCHEDULES Flagler MAX LIMITED STOPS s SW 8 St C� Coral Way Hagler St Government Center Metrorail Station Downtown Bus Terminal Omni International ❑ Mall m � 0 Omni Sus a Terminal NE 14 S a) N w z ,JW/NE 1 St ua m m NE3St SW/SE 1 St 19 St 17 St `9C.,elrt, 5 St North Map not to scale MU l - Koute �cncut t�: M 1 A M I• U A OF, TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St.: 305.891-3131 TTY Users tfor deaf/hard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 6 a_m. to 10 p.m. Weekends, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.miamidade,gav ROUTE FLAGLER MAX SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY DIRECTION: EAST BOUND SW 8 St SW 18 St I SW 26 St C Flagler SE 1 St Omni 5 St FU incoln Rd Flagler & St & Metr• o i & A':ton I ° 1/Jash. 132 ve 137 Ave I 122 Ave 72 Ave & 27 .Ave 3 Ave jMover Bus' Rd 1, Av I I Terminal JLI1 05:27AM 05:30AM [05:37AM 05 56AM L06:10AM 06:21AM I1 06:30AM 1[ 06:35A 1L06:42AM _I 05:42AM 05:45AM 1{ 05:52AM 106:11AM 06:25AM j 06:36AMI 06:45AM jnu6.5OAM ; 06:57AM 1 I05:55AM IF 05:58AM j{ 06:05AM 1L06:24AMj 06:38AM j-06:49AM 3 06:58AM 11_07:04AM Il 07:12AM 106:08AM II 06:11 AM jj 06:18AM 6:37AMI106:51 AM I(07:03AM lI 07:13AM j 0 r:19AM 107:27AM j107:30AM 106:19AM 11 06:22AM I1 06:29AM 1I06:48AMl07:06AM1 07:18AM jI 07:28AM jj 07:34AM ij u7 ,42AM 107:45AM {06:28AM 11 06:31AM:1I 06:38AM 1I07:03AMj{07:21AM '07:33AM1[ 07:43AM ,j 0':46:AM ; 07:57AM 1 08:00AM1 106:43AMj 06:46AM 16:53AMJ27:18AMij07:36A:r�-1r107:48AM ( 07:58AM [08.04AM j 08:12AM 08:15AM j _.... 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Av 5 St & Alton Rd Omni Metro Mover Bus Terminal DIRECTION: WEST BOUND Flagler St & 27 Ave Flagler & 72 Ave i - _ • • 06:45AMM+ 06:53AM' 07:OOAM iI 07:10AM I[07:20AM 07:05AIvi E 07:14AM r07:21AM 07:31AM I07:41 AM I 07:20AM II 07:29AM 1�7:36AM 07:46AMj[07:56A 07:51 AM , 08:01 AM ][08:11 AMI E 08:08AM 08:16AM 08:26AM � 08:21AM 08:31AM I08:41AMJ 8:57AMII09:20AMj109:28AM 08:20AM 08-29AM II-08:36AM i! 08:46AM 108:56AM 09:12A0I 09:33AM1. 09:41AM 08:36AM [ 08:40AM IL08.49AM 108- 56AM ; 09:08AM [09:19AMjI09:34AM109:55AM ?j 10:O3AM 09:06AM II 09:10AM 1[ 09:18AM 09:25AM ',' 709:48AM1I10:03AM 10:24AM 110:32AM 09:40AM II09:48AM 09:36AM 10:06AM [ 10:36AM 10:10AM 10:40AM k 11:06AM j 11:36AM 12:06PM j 12:36PM 09:37AM [09:55AM 'F 10:07AM I10:18AM 10:33AMiI 10:54A1v1 1 11:02AM 10:18AM r =o:25AM i 10:37AM ]j10:48AM I11:03AMjI 11:24AM j 11:32AM 10:55AM !i 11:07AM J 11:18AMI 11:33AM L-11:54AM I 12:02PM 11:10AM "I 11:18AM 11125AM 11:37AM [ 1:48AM112.03PNg 12:24Ptr,J[ 12:32PM 11:40AM 1} 11:48AM1I[ 11:55AM `I 12:07PM 112:18PMj 12:33PMP2:54PM [ 12:18PM 12:25PM 12:37PM 1112:48PM101:03PM 01:24PM 101:32PM 12:40PM 12:48PM JL12:55PM ?! 01:07FM [01:18PM j01:33PM] 01:54PM li 02:02PM 01:10PM 101:18PM 01:25PM 01:37PM 01:48PM IO2:03PMII 02:24PM f 02:32PM 10:48AM 01:06PM SW25Sti[SW18St & [ 122 Ave iE 137 Ave 05:24AM SW 8 St 132 Ave 05:39AM 05:52AM I [ 06:05AM I[06:08AM 05:27AM 05:42AM 05:55AM 06:16AM 06:25AMJ 1 06:40AM.1 06:19AM 06:28AM 06:43AM • 06:52 ^ t 1] 06: 55AM 07:07AM 187:10AM Ij 07:22AM' 07:38AM I07:41AM 1L : IL07:53AM I07:56AM 07:36AMII 07:59AM [ 08:07AM 08:10AM 07:57AMJI 08:20AM [[08:28AM {08:12AM [08:35AM 1 08:43AM 1 08'27AM 08:5OAM 11 08:58AM 08:42AM j 09:05AMI( 09:13AM L09:16AM 09:31AM I o7:25AM 08:31AM 108:46AM 09:01 AM 09:44AM] 12:10PM 01:02PM 10:06AM 110.35AM 111:05AM 11:35AM 12:05PM 12-35PM 01:05PM 01:35PM 02:05PM 02:35PM I http:// ww.co.rniami-lode.£ .us/+ransitimetrobus/routes/schedule.asp?R1=WEEKDAY%... 11/11/2003 :36PM 02:06PM 02:36PM 03:06PM 01:40PM 02:10PM 02:40PM 03:26PMj 03:41 PM 03:56PM 04:11PM E [04:26PM 04:41 PM 03:10PM 03:30PM 03:45PM 04:00PM 04:15PM 04:30PM 04:45PM 1 04:56PM 1 05:OOPM 1 05:11 PM' 05:26PM I 05:41 PM 05:56PM II 06:00PM 106:11PM 06:26PM I 01:48PM 11 01:55PM [02:18PM 02:25PM I 02:48PM 02:55PM 103:18PM 103:25PM [ : j : : : I it 03:38PM 03:45PM 1 03:57PM 1[04:08PM 04:25PM 04:51 PM] 105:03PM `123:53PM 104:OOPM I 04:12PM 10423PMI04:43PM1105:09PM L5:18PM r04:08PM 1 04:15PM IL04:27PM-1I04:40PM 5:00PMI1 05:26PM i 05:35PM 105:38PM 04 23PM E 04:30PM I; 04:42PM 04:55PM105:15PMI[ 05:41 PM-11 05:50PM i 05:53PM 104:38PM 04:45PM 11 04:57PM J 05:10PM I05:3 0PMI 05:56PM 11 06:05PM 05:12PM 05:25PM1 25:45PMI 06:1 1 PM L06:20PM 05:08PM L05:15PM 05:27PM 05:40PMj 00PM1L06:26PM L06:35PM'l 05:23PM 05:42PM II05:55PMIj06:15PMI 06:41PM 06:49PM 1 06:52PM 105:38PM 1 05:45PM 1L 05:57PM I06:10PMII06:30PMjI 06:53PM 107:01 PM 105:53PM 1I 06:00PM 11 06:12PM ii06:25PM 106:45PM1 07:08PM f. 07:16PM 06:08PM 1 06:15PM it 06:27PM 1106:40PMJ10.6:59PMI( 07:22PM (I 07:30PM 06:15PM II 06:23PM 106:30PM II 06:40PM I; 06.51 PN4 'Iu7:101=MF1:33P?`l 107:4i PM ; 07:44PM 06:30PM 1L6:38PM € 06:45PM I 06:55PM 107:O6PM I07:25PMI€ 07: 48PM 1 07:56PM 1 06:45PM II 06:53PM1 07:00PM 11 07:10PM 1i 07.2 i PMII07 :40PM]L B:O3PM 1 08:11 PM I 07:51 PM- 8:.'0PMI[ 08.33PM 1 08:41 PM] 08:44PMJ 02:07PM 02:37PM 03:07PM 03:37PM 02:18PMj IO2:48PM 03:18PM IO2:33PM [ 02:54PM 03:05PMI 03:28PM 103:35PM 03:58PM • 1 04:28PM 3:02PM 103:36PM 04:06PM 4:08PM I 04:37PM 04:38PM 03:05PM j 03:39PM I 04:09PM 04:11 PM' 104:40PM 04:41 PM 05:21 PM 05:15PM 05:30PM 05:45P M 06:08PM 06:23PM 06:38PM 07.04PM 07:19PM 06:41PM 04:53PM 05:OOPM 05:30PM 07 :11 PMJ 07:15PM it 07:23PMa[:30PM 07:40PM I 103:48PM 107:33PM 07:59PM [08:14PM CL95E :"!!NDOW 04:05PM 05:OOPM http://www.co.nliarli-dade.il. us/transitimetrobus/routes/schedUle.asp?R1=W EEKDAY%... 11/11/2003 Short Turn W Flagler St FIU SOUTH CAMPUS 1111 SW 16 St SW 17 St r MU Bus Terminal EFFECTIVE: March 16, 2003 REISSUED: Maii the Americas 1' W Flagler St 1)1 I ONLY SHORT TRIPS ENTER g MALL OF THE AMERICAS WHEELCHAIRS Stop the bus at any location near the stop to allow wheelchairs on or off the bus. DESTINATION SIGN EAST DOWNTOWN MIAMI 0040 WEST MALL OF AMERICAS — 0042 WEST FIU SOUTH — 0046 NOT IN SERVICE — 021)6 Little Havana Route • Government F.3 Center Metrorail Station NW/NE 1 St SW/SE 1 St 'LL1 North Map not to scale 2iO3 ALL BUSES ARE WILLELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St.: 305-891-3131 TTY Users {for deaf/hard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday-Fnday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Weekends. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Avn.v.rniamdade_gov ROUTE 11 SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY Flagler Si Fiagler StlFlao1er StirZ;7',/\! 1 St • & 4 St the Arnerio & 72 Ave & 42 Ave l& 27 Ave as Main Terminal SW 107 Avel Mali of DIRECTION: EASTBOUND 04:38AM F0-4 53A [24:36AM 04 A4AM 04:59AM 04.56AM1105:08AM 05:14AMI, 05:18AM1105254.71' 03:10AM 05:13AM 05:25Ar711 05:31AM 05:35AM [ b.5:42AM 05:52AM 1 05;20AM 1 05.23AM 105:35AM105:41A14 05:45AM 05:52AM L. : 0534Aryl 10546AM 05:52AM 05'561,M 106:04AM 06.16AM iSE 1 Sri,'IMetro-Dade 17 Ave 3 Ave Government Center 04:39AM [04:51AM7104.57AMIL05701AM 05:08AM 05:18AM 05:35AM 05:16AM 05:22AM : _11 05:41AM 1 05:44AMA05:56AM1[06:03AM[ C8AM 1S,6: 1 eAM [ 06:28AM 05:44AM : 1[05.56AM1[06:08AM1 06_15AM 06:26-111_06:28AM [ 06:40AM 06:02AtT106:06A!Vy0=3:18ANTIL2625AM i 06:30,41V11[06:38AM 06:50AM 05:52AM1 05:58AM I 706.14ANCIFF6(26AMil 06133AM, 106738AFAHI n6'46AMir 0658AM 1 ic:_....- , j— : — 110T::-i-i.A7,111-66-..22A—M1-06:34A1V1 J06:41AM-1100:46A1V1 f06:54AMT07:06AM 0603AM r'—' ' 1AM 'r--- : . 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Country Club Dr �, ht Club NE 209 St & Biscayne Blvd Wal-Mart Hallandale 06:21AM 06:25AM 06:33AM 06:39AM 05115AM] 05:22AM1 05:29AM 05:38AM 05:48AM 05:57AM 106:05AM 06:49AM 1 06:55AM 05:37AM 05:44AM 05:53AM 106104AM 106:13AM 06:21AM 06:37AM 06:41AM 105:30AM 05:52AM' 05:59AM 06:09AM 106:20AM 06:29AM 06:37AM 06:53AM106:57AM 07:06AM 07:13AM 05:45AM 06:46AM 06:54AM 07:13AM 07:18AM 07:27AM 1 07:34AM [6-6:00AM 06:09AM 06:16AM 06:26AM106:37AM 07:46AM 07:55AM [ 08:03AM 06:41 AM 06:51 AM] 07:03AM 07:13AM 07:22AM 107:41 AM[ 06:25AM 106:34AM1 107:29AM [07:38AM 07:57AM] 08:02AM1 08:12AM1 08:20AM [0°3:49AM [ 6:56AM1 07:07AM1l07:19AM 1O6:40AM 1107:41AM j08:09AM1 08 14A1 08:24AM]L08:32AM 07:31AM 107:5OAM _[ : [07:08;L7:19AM 0700AM IC7:10AMj(07:188AM1 O7.29AMI107:41AM 07:51AM 08:00AMI108:19AMJ 08:24AM108:34AM11 08:42AM 08:41AM1 08:46AMJE6-56AM 09:04AM 07 38A—MT67:49AMft 8:02AV 08:13AM1C08:22AM 107:20AM1 07:30AM1 08:33A1408:420 09:01AN1 109:06AM1109:16AJ[ 09:24AM 107:4t'AM1107:50AM1'07:58AIV11 03:09AM08:22AM 108:19AM] 108:54A"11 09:04AM [09:23AM (09:28AMa 09:38Ai-V-111 09:46AM 0S:10AM 08:30.AMj[08;43AM [08:00AMI 10:07AM 08:39AM 07S50A-1 09:03AM [09:14AM] 09:24AM 09:43AM 09:48AM1[09:58AM1 08:20AM1 08:3OAM 10:27AM 1 109;44AM 10:03AM 110:08AM 110:18AM11 108:40AM 08:50AM [08:59AM] 09:10AM [09:23AM-1L09:34AM 1 10:47AM] 09:43A 09:54AM 10:04AM1 10:23AM1 10:28AM1]10:38AM [09:00AM 09:10AM1(09:19.AM1j09:30AM I [09:20AM1109:30AMft09 39AM 109:50AM] 10:03AM, 10:15AM [10:25AM1 10:44AM1 10:49AM 110:59AM [ 11:08AM 11:28AM 10:35AM 110:45AM1 11:04AM1111:09AM [11:19AM 09:40AM 09150AM [09:59AM 11010AM1,10:23AM1 11:48AM 1 10 43AM1L10:55AM 11:05AMi111:24AM1 11:29AM 11:39AM 1 10:00AM 10:10AM1110:19AM1110:30AM 111:15AM 111:25AM111:44AM 11:49AMI11:59AM 1 12:09PM 1 10:20AM 10:30AM 10:39AM-1110:50AM1111(03AM 11:10AM1[11:23AM:I1:35AM1 11:45AM [12:04P1112:09PM1 12:19PM 1 12:29PM 1 10:40AM 10:50AMj 1 59AM1 1230PM1 12:40PM 1 12:50PM 1 20AM 11:31AM1111:44AM1 11:56AM112:06PM1[12:25PM1 111:00AM 11:10AMi111 [12:26PM 12:45PM1112:50PM1101;00PM [01:10PM 1 11:20AM1111:30AM 111:40AM1 11:51AM 12:04PM1112:16PM 1 01:31PM 1 12:25PM 12:37PMj112:47PMj101:06PM1101:11PM1 01:21PM 11140AM 11:50AM1 12:00PM]112:12PM] 01:41PM 1 01:51PM 1 12:32PM 11 :45PM1 12:57PM 101:07PM1101:26PM101:31PM1 112:00PM1j12:10PM 112:20PM1 12130PM1 12:40PM 12:52PM 101:05PM 01:17PM 01:27PM101:46PM 101:51PM 02:01PM 1 02:11PM 1 112:20PM1 01:12PM 01:25PM 01:37PM 101:47PMjL02:06PM1102:12PM1 02:22PM [ 02:32PM 112:40PM1 12:50PM 191:00PM1 IOI 01:20PM [01132PM1 01:45PM1[01:57PM1102:08PM102:27PM 102:33PM1[02:43PM 02:53PM ]OOPM 01:10PM1 03:15PM '01:20PM 01:30PM101:40PM 01:52PM1102:06PM1[02:18PM1102:29PM102:48PM1102:54PM103:04PM 02:26PM 02138PM1102:49PM1103:08PM1103:14PM1 03:24PM 1 03:35PM 1 101:40PMi01:50PM IO2:00PM1102:12P1 x tl I http://www.co.miami-dade. fl.us/transit/metrobus/routes/schedule.asp?R1=WEEKDAY%... 11/11 /2003 MDT - Route Schcduie Page 1 of 2 M 1 A `i 1- 1) A DE TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St.: 305-691-3131 TTY Users tfor deaf/hard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Weekends. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www,miamidade.gav ROUTE 3 SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY DIRECTION: NORTH BOUND -.... . CBD Bus Terminal Omni Metro Mover` Bus Terminal NE 36 St Biscayne Blvd NE 79 St Biscayne Blvd NE 123 St & Biscayne Blvd NE 163 St & Biscayne Blvd NE 167 St & 15 Ave Mall Aventura Mall E. 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tJ t M I A !t I- D A D E TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St,: 305-691-3131 TTY Users (for deaf/hard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Weekends, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.miamidade.gov ROUTE 16 SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY DIRECTION: NORTH BOUND CBD Bus Terminal Omni Metro Mover Bus Terminal NE 36 St & Biscayne Blvd NE 79 St & Biscayne Blvd NE 125 St & 6 Ave NE 167 St & 15 Ave Mall 05:35AM 05:42AM 05:49AM 05:58AM_ 06':09AM 06:29AM 06:10AM1 06:19AM 06:26AM 06:36AM 06:47AM 07:09AM 06:30AM 06:39AM 06:46AM 06:56AM 07:07AM 107:29AM 06:50AM 1 06:59AM 07:07AM 07:18AMj 07:29AM , 07:51AM 07:10AM 07:20AM 07:28AM 11 07:39AM 07:50AM i 08:12AM 07:30AM1 07:40AM . 07:48AM j 07:59AM 08:11AM 08:33AM 07:50AM 1 08:OOAM 108:09AM 08:20AM 08:32AM 08;54AM 08:10AM 1 08:40AM 08:49AM [ 09:00AM09:11AM 09:31AM L08:30AMj [08:50AMj 09:0OAM 09:09AM 09:20AM 09,31AMJ[ 09:51AM 09:10AM7, 09:20AM 09:29AM 1 109:40AM1 09:51 AM 10:11AM 09:30AM j 09:40AM 09:49AM 1 110:OOA:M-- 110:11 AM ] 10:31AM 09:50AM 10:00AMJ 10:09AM ' 10:20AM 10:31 AMJ 10:51AM1 10:10AM , ( 10:20AM 10:29AM I 10:40AM r10:51 AM 11:12AM 10:3OAMI 10:40AM 1 10:49AM 11:OOAM 11:11AM II 11:32AM 10:50AM 11:OOAM 11:10AM 11:21AM 11:32AM 11:53AM 1 [11:10AMM 11:20AM 11:30AM 11:41AM 11:52AM j 12:13PM 11:30AItj 11:40AM 111:50AM 12:02PM 12:13PM 12:34PM 11:50Aii1j 12:00PM -I 12:10PM 12:22PM 112:33PM 12:54PM 12:10PM 12:20PM 12:30PM 12:42PM , 12:53PM 1 01:15PM 12:30PM 12:40PM 12:50PM 01:02PM 01:13PM L01:35PM 12:50PM 01:OOPM 01:10PM 0122PM J 01:33PM 01:55PM 01:1OPM 01:20PM j 01:30PM 01:42PM 01:53PM I[ 02:15PM 01:30PM 01:40PM 01:50PM 02:02PM 02:13PM 02:35PM 02:22PM 02:33PM ] 02:55PM 01:50PM 02:00PM 02:10PM 02:42PM 02:53PM ; 03:16PM I 02:10PMIr02:2OPM l 02:30PM IO2:30PM] 02:4OPMJ[ 02:50PM 03:03PM 03:16PM 03:39PM 02:50PM 03:OOPM 03:10PM 03:23PM 03:36PM 03:59PM '03:10PM 03:20PM 03:30PM 03:43PM 03:56PM 04:19PM 03:30PM 03:40PM l 03:50PM 04:03PM 04:16PM 04:39PM I 11 11 1r IT it I http://www. co. miami-dade.fl. us/transit/metrobus/routes/schedule. asp?R 1=WEEKDAY%... 11 /11 /2003 MDT - Route Schedule Page 2 of 2 103:50PM 04:00PM 04:10PM 04:30PM [04:50PM :05:10PM 105:30PM 05:50PM 06:10PM 06:30PM 06:50PM 04:20PM 04:40PM f07:15PM 05:OOPM 04:10PM 05:20PM I07:45PM I 08:15PM 08:45PM 05:40PM 06:00PM 06:20PM I 06:40P M 09:30PMI 110:20PM 07:OOPM 04:30PM 04:50PM 05:10PM 05:30PM 07:24PM 1 07:54PM 08:22PM 08:52PM 05:50PM 06:09PM 04:23PM 1104:36PM 04:43PM 106:29PM 1 06:49PM 07:08PM 109:37PM j 10:27PM 05:03PM 05:23PM 07:32PM 05:43PM 06:03PM 08:02 P M-1 08:29PM 06:20PM 08:59PM 09:44PM 10:34PM 06:40PM 07 :OOP M 04:56PM I 07:16PM 05:16PM 05:36PM 05:56PM 06:15PM 07:40PM 1 08:10PM 06:32PM 104:59PM 05:19PM I I-06:52PM 08:37PM 09:07PM 09:52PM 10:42PM 07:12PM 07:28PM 05:39PM 05:59PM I 06:19PM 06:35PM 06:52PM 07:12PM 07:32PM 07:48PM r07:52PM 1 08:12PM 08:36PM 1 08:21 PM 08:48PM 09:18PM 110:03PM 1 [10:53PM 109:03PM , 09:33PM 1 10:18PM 1 11:08PM CLOSE WSNDOW http://www.co.miami-dade.fl.us/transitlmetrobus/rauteslschedule.asp?Rl =WEEKDAY%... 11/11 /2003 MDT - Route Schedule Page 1 of Z M 1 A M 1- t) A 1) E TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South at SW 216 St.: 305-891.3131 TTY Users (for deafThard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 6 a.m, to 10 p.m. Weekends, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.miamidade.gov ROUTE 16 SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY DIRECTION. SOUTH BOUND NE 167 St & 15 Ave Mall NE 125 St & 6 Ave NE 79 St & Biscayne Blvd NE 36 St & Biscayne Blvd Omni Metro Mover Bus Terminal CBD Bus Terminal 05:12AMJ 05;26AM 05:36AM 05:44AM 05:50AM 05:58AM 05:32AM 105:46AM 05:56AM 06:07AM 06:14AM 06:23AM 05:42AM ' 06:OOAM 06:11AM 06:22AM , 06:29AM 06:38AM 06:02AM 06:20AM 06:31AM 06:42AM 06:49AM 06:58AMI 06:19AM 06:37AM 06:48AM 07:OOAM 07:08AM 07:18AM , 06:39AM 06:57AM 07:08AM 07:20AM 07:28AM 07:38AMv 06:55AMJ 07:17AM 07;28AM 07:40AM [ [ 07:48AM 07:58AM 07:15AM] 07:37AM 07:48AM 08:00AM f 08:08AM 08:18AM 07:32AM [07:54AM 08:O8AM 08:20AM 08:28AM 08:38AM 07:52AM 08:14AM_J 08:28AM [08:40AM 08:48AM 08:58AM1 08:10AM 08:32AM 08:46AM 108:58AM ir 09:06AM 1 09:18AM 08:31AM 08:53AMJ 09:07AM 09:18AM 09:26AM i j9:38AM _!l 08:53AM 1 09:15AM r09:27AM [ 09:38AM 09:46AM [09:58AM [09:15AM 09:35AM 09:47AM 09:58AM 10:06AM r10:18AMI 109;35AM 09:55AM 10:07AMJ 10:18AM 10:26AM J 10:38AM 09:55AM 10:15AM 10:27AM [ 10:38AM 10:46AM 10:58AMJ 10:15AM_J 10:35AMJ 10:47AM 10:58AM 11:06AM 11:18AM 10:35AM 10:55AM 11:07AM 11:18AM 11:26AM 111:38AM 10:54AM 11:15AM l 11:27AM 11:38AM 11:46AM 11:58AM ' 11:14AM 11:35AM [ 11:47AM 11:58AM 12:06PM J 12:18PM r11:34AM 11:55AM 12:07PM 12:18PM 12:26PM 12:38PM 11:54AM 12:15PM - 12:27PM 12:38PM 12:46PM 12:58PM C 12:14PM if 12:35PM I 12:47PM 12:58PM 01:06PM 01:18PM [12:34PM L12:55PM 1 101:07PM 01:18PM 01:26PM 01:38PM I12:54PM 01:15PM 01:27PM 01:38PM 01:46PM 01:58PM 01:14PM 01:35PM 01:47PM L L 01:58PM 02:06PM 02:18PM 01:33PM 01:54PM1 02:07PM E 02:18PM "11 02:26PM 02:38PM 01:52PM 02:14PM� 02:27PM 02:38PM 02:46PM 02:58PM P.:12PM 102:34PM 02:47PM 02:58PM I1 03:06PM 03:18PM 02:33PM 02:55PM 03:08PM 03:18PM 03:26PM 03:38PM l II ii II it II http://www.co.miami-dade. fl.us/transitlmetrobus/routes/schedule.asp?R 1—WEEKDAY%... 11/11/2003 MDT - Route Schedule Page 2 of 2 02:53PM 03:13PM 03:33PM 03:54PM 04:14PM 04:34PM 103:15PM I 03:35PM 03.55PM 04:16PM 04:36PM 04.56PM 04:54PMI 05:16PM 05:14PM] 05:35PMf 05:55PM 06:30PM1 07:06PKTI 07:37PM 08:09PM 09:29PM 05:36PM 05:57PM1 06:17PM 06:50PM 07.22PM 07:53PM 08:23PM 03:28PM II 03:38PM II 03:46PM 1L03:58PMI 03:48PM 09:43PM 04.08PM 04:28PM 04:48PM 05:08PM 05:28PM 03:58PM 04:18PM [ 04:38PM 04:58PM 05:18PM 05:38PM 05:48PM 05:58PM 06.09PM 06:29PM 07:02PM 07:32PM 08:03PM 08:33PM 09:53PM I 06:19PM j 06:39PM 07:11PM 07:41 PM 08:12PM 08:42PM 10:02PM 04:06PM 04:26PM 04:46PM 05:06PM 05:26PM 05:46PM 06.06PM 06:26PM 06:46PM 07:18PM 07:48PM 08:19PM 08:49PM 10:09PM 04:18PM 04:38PM 04:58PM 05:18PM 05:38PM 05:58PM 06:18PM 06:38PM 06:58PM [07:28PM 07:58PM 08:28PM 08:58PM 10:18PM CLOSE WINDOW http://wvw.co.miami-dade.fl.us/transitJmetrobus/routes/schedule.asp?R1=WEEKDAY%... 11/11/2003 FDOT LOS TABLES MUATS INFORMATION TABLE 4 - 7 GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S URBANIZED AREAS* UNINTERRUPTED FLOW UIGHWVAYS Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided Level of SCrv7CC A B C D 100 340 670 950 1,060 1,720 2,500 3,230 1,600 2,590 3.740 4,840 STATE TWO-WAY ARTERIALS Class 1 (>0.00 to 1.99 signalized intersections per milt) Level of Service Lanes Divided A S C D 1 Undivided •• 220 720 860 890 2 Divided 250 1,530 1,810 1,860 3 Divided 380 2,330 2,720 2,790 4 Divided 490 3,030 3,460 3,540 1,300 3,670 5.500 Class 11 (2.00 to 4.50 signalized intersections per milt) Level of Scrvicc B C D Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided A 100 220 340 440 590 810 1,360 1,710 2,110 2,570 2,790 3,330 E E 850 1,800 2,710 3,500 Class 111 (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and not within primary city central business district of an urbanized arca over 750,000) Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided A Level of Service 8 r_ 280 650 1,020 1,350 D E 660 810 1,510 1,720 2,330 2,580 3,070 3,330 Class 1V (more than 4,5 signalized irttcrsec.lions pc' :ride and µ Rhin primary city control business district of an urbanize area over 750,000) Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided •. M. •. .• •• Level of Service D C D E 270 720 550 1,580 1,000 2,390 1,350 3,130 780 1,660 2,490 3,250 Interchange spacing> 2 mi. apart FREEWAYS Level of Service Lanes A B C 1,270 2,110 2,940 1,970 3,260 4,550 2 3 4 5 6 Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided NON -STATE ROADWAYS Major City/County Roadways Level of Service A •+ •• 480 760 •• •• 1,120 1,620 •• •. 1,740 2,450 810 1,720 2,580 Otbcr Signalized Roadways (signalized intersection analysis) Level of Service A B C D F •• .• 250 530 660 •• •• 580 1,140 1,320 2.660 3,360 4,050 4,410 5,560 6,710 6,150 7,760 9,360 D 3,580 5,530 7,480 9,440 11.390 Interchange spacing .c 2 mi. apart Lcvcl of Scrvicc Lanes A B C D 2 1,130 1,840 2,660 3,440 3 1,780 2,890 4,180 5,410 4 2,340 3,940 5,700 7,380 5 3 080 4,990 7,220 9,340 6 3,730 6.040 8,740 11,310 BICYCLE MODE E 3,980 6,150 8,320 10,480 12,650 L- 3,910 6,150 8.380 10,620 12.850 (Note: Level of service for the bicycle mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not number of bicyclists using the facility.) (Multiply 'notarized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine maximum service volumes.) Lcvcl of Service Source: Florida Dcpartmcnt of Transportation Systems Planning Office 605 Suwannee Street, MS 19 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 http://wv,w I l .myflorida.corn'planning?systcros/srnllos/defaul t.htm 02/2 2/02 Paved Shoulder/ Bicycle Lane Coverage 0-49% 50-84% 85-100% A B C D E •• •• 170 720 >720 •• 130 210 >210 160 380 >380 PEDESTRIAN MODE (note: Level of service for the pedestrian mode in this table is based on roadway geometric; at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not the number of pedestrians using the facility.) (Multiply motorized \.hick volumes shown below by number of direclir,nal roadway lanes so dctern:i:tc maximum service volumes.) Lcvcl of Service • Sidewalk Coverage A B C D E 0-49% .. .• 330 810 50-84% •• •• •• 520 990 85-10094 4.3 120 590 >590 334 Sidewalk Coverage 0-84% 85 100% BUS MODE {Scheduled fired Route) (Busts per hour) Lcvcl of Service A i3 C .. >5 >4 >6 >4 >3 D >3 >2 ARTERIAL/NON-STATE ROADWAY ADJUSTMENTS DIVIDED/UNDIVIDED (alter corresponding volumes by the indicated percent) Lanes Median Left Turns Lanes 1 Divided Yes l Undivided No Multi Undivided Ycs Multi Undivided No ONE WAY FACILITIES Increase eorrespondin2 volume 20% Adjustment Factors +5% -20% -5°/ -25% 'This table does not constitute a swndard and should be used only for genera! planning a5plieario4- The computer models from which this sable is derived should be used for more specific planniag applications. The table and deriving computer models should nor be used for coridor of intmection design. where more refined techniques exist, WOOS ,haws art hourly directional volumes for levels of service and arc for the autom°bde truck modes unless specifically staled. Level of servlee terser grade thresholds ire probably not comparable across modes and, therefore. cross modal comparisons should be roadway l of scrtmee Fs not ed. To made with caution. Furthermore, prate D andels of K facton�Theice o table's ient nput oalues rnto one defaults and level of service cri cna appear on the follocen g page. Calculaonvert �ans are basedaverage on p€anmitraffic apptvolumes, caicons o(SLhe Highway v olumes must be y Manual, by Bicycle a c bc clef dcstran and bus modes. Highway Capacity h€anual, 8ieytfe i.OS Model, Brdcstnsn LO5 Model and Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manua'. respectively for the automobileitem l} pe ''Cannot be Achieved using table input value defaults. "'NM applicable for that level of Serflike teeter grade For aummobiie/:ruck modes, volumes rearm than level of service D become F because interscetion capatiiics have been reached. For bicyc c and pedestrian mites, the level of Ierricc lens, gradc {including Ff is nest achicvab€c, because there is 110 ma.i+nans vehicle volume threshold using table input valat der.. s. 97 TABLE 4 - 7 ,..00NTINUED) GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S URBANIZED AREAS INPUT VALUE ASSUMPTIONS CNINTEARil PTEO FLOW FACILITIES Freawa Ye 11ihways KKOA0WA1' CNARACATER1STIC5 Class ill CIIss(V Nonaar of directions! through lanes 2. 6 2- 0 I 2 3 P0ased speed I 65 55 50 50 Free 11, ,o spiced II11564 70 60 53 55 Basic segment knell' Imi) LS 0 Inlrichanyc syncing per unite Median in.yl Y Lett turn lanes fn. 1 Y X Tcmin OM I j F I 2'. no zone 80 passing Passing Ioecs fn,5,3 ' TRAFFIC CIIARACCE1OISTICS Planning anal SKis hour facwr 13:1 0,097 0,093 0.095 0.045 Oirctlionsi disrrihution 4r5or E 111 0-35 0.55 0-53 0.55 Peak Sous. I. Hof l PIOF2 0.95 6.95 092! 9.'125 Issas cagiretty (T<pllpll 1700 2100 Ileavy vehieie perecno 611 4 f1 21! 2.0 I.sss'sI adjustment Tea, 013E { ll(! 1 <1 1.0 IN591011 1P1'!Ll El _OD: 6AC1Lf1155 Sfa1t Arterials Nun -Stare i3 nadwas's Bin rle Pedestrian dos CII Class 1 Class II Cf.n (11 Class IV Slain, C'rerCaunly Other Signalised Class a Clef 11 ROADWAY ARACTERISI'ICS Numher l Ihr at h lanes 1 2. 3 a 1 2-3 4 1 2. 3 a 1 2 -1 4 I 2. 3 1.2 2 2 oattire:he/0 Posrfl 45 50 50 45 45 45 34 33 35 30 )0 30 45 45 40 40 speed d (rival freeeflow 50 55 55 50 50 50 40 40 3$ 35 35 15 5R 50 d5 35 speed ph! I 11 h11I n r tun+yp, lnr Len i+net ill, Y (1 V y Y v Y-.-. _ .Y Y Y 23 Y 5 v 15 tarot VI raved 1arlr in } n, S1Y •.v n s1,0u1Jcs(blrvdc Ouaidc rose Is.I,m} I width Pavenlenl condition Iu,EJ) Sldew's!L l n,50%,v n.y { n,v 013ew3I5.40Adwav €a,I.wl separallun San er In.yl n Sijewalkh ,0J.rav }tsuleevive . bus 4.14,y4 n Obstacle to slur/ TRAFFIC CIIARACI'FRIST'ICS hour factor 5651 0,095 0.095 , 0095 0.095 0095 0095 0.095 9095 0.095 0095 0095 0k95 0.093 (I095 0.095 0uv5 05Na5 I'!loo>g analysis factor fi5! 0.55 0-55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0455 0,55 0.55 0,55 0.55 0.55 0.55 055 0.55 0ircnianal eh Bribe/lion hour factor "PI 1 Ft. 0.925 0,925 0.925 0.925 0.925 (5.925 0925 0925 0.925 0. 55 0925 0.925 0925 0.955 0925 6925 0.925 I'.al: Bow I 1900 19i10 1905 490 1900 1906 1900 19(YS i990 Isv10 1900 11300 1900 1900 1900 IY00 1900 Banc saluraliun 'WC php1) lewYvchiela - 20 2.0 20 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 20 1.5 1.5 4.5 IS 1.5 5.6 70 2.0 I tsan5 l (root I11 1.0 095 0.'I8 0.98 0.95 095 0.95 092 0.97 0.9,7 0,90 0.90 0493 0,95 0.93 0.98 L,>o aef usournl (Pal nun lanes 12 12 12 12 I5. 11 42 12 12 12 12 12 1 a 14 16 3 2 12 ,; 3urns raclus3vc Deis s L5 of eew,cc S11 ('4/N 1'k151. Cl/AMA Cl T (Ils I IS'1 15 10 1rl 11! 415 111 5II 51]_... h11 II II N0 341 3,15 51Y In S1rnahacd.6tvi,cln fIwn r tie 3 3 i a 4 4 4 3 a a 4 4 a 1 3 s a Atr lv A 454fa.. (I-61 a s e s s 1 5 v t s s a s 5 s Sxins}1s3n.la.s.11 Cvela 11ne11k 14.1. 120 570 i20 120 150 120 120 120 4-5n -0.1! 120 420 15_0 120 120 120 470 310 FIie.li5c riven 6155010/51 O.J 1 0. 14 0 as O.a i O.aa 0.34 0 4.1 rl.1.i 0.44 0.44 0.44 a 431 0.41 0.41 _-_ 0 -3 0 44 vRr os S RVICE TI-IRES1-IOLDS Frre.va11 f .ua a blotto vs Arterials SlateTwrlVavArterials IS Ilia+clr Pevlellrean Hui Level of Service Class III 13cnsily Claus sic IV 0cnaily Twn-.+nr l 5's FPS Multilane v!c 0ensily ass Cl1 ATS C'Isas 11 ATS Class 10 ATS Class IV ATS hlajur Cily5Counf y ATS Other Signuhz<d Control Belay 5cnre Score Buse( per hi. A vfc c0.32 ell <0.29 SII >0.917 <0.29 <II a42mst,.. ._ >35 mph >3 31 >25rixph >35nlph <10 ice 51.5 51.5 a e053 < 1.4 <1447 4IN >0.333 >0.47 <18 >34 mph >24 mph >14 mph > 19 mph >2t5 nxph 920sac <2.5 c2e >4 11 C ,: 11.74 77 < ORS s 2(, > 0.750 <0.68 e 2h > 57 ntith > 22 fatph > 15 mph > 13 mph_ > 22 n1pll > 33 ice < 5.5 < 3.5 ? 3 . •.35 <0.33 .135 . 0607 40.33 :4', 55 > 1I xrp11 > 17 wish > 14 Mph 791nnh >i7n4p1, <5},e .a.5 <45 >2 15 -.011! 5100 _ 52 _..5 -•I00 s45 _._.,,_._.._ .4.15 :t.SYd • <45 4u >11.583 <1.00 2._... a3t : 9Ihn„L� >111125f2' <lllnr/i' >7nlph >1)oopi1 >NOsee <5.5 >5S <55 ',5.5 a <1 ¢,nsp_h 5.,41340p44 _... _.. �>140. -.... •45 1_J0tdl %Ii111 >al <tomph L.I31 h... .404t;44 >5955r El0 v/c = I)n5530d let C'.Ipacity Italia a/1 Fi'S = 1'>rcclll (Free How Spccc! ATS A5'r'r3 Se 'I rd v1:1 Speed 02i27102_ Florida's LOS Standards Applicability of Standards 6.) Table 6 — 1 STATEWIDE MINIMUM LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS FOR THE STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM1 Rural Areas' Transitioning Urbanized Areas', Urban Areas', or Communities' Urbanized Areas" under 500,000/ urbanized Areas over 500,000 Roadways Parallel to Exclusive Transit Facilities' Inside Transportation Concurrency Management Areas' Constrained' and Backlogged50 Roadways Intrastate" Limited Access 2 Highway {Freeway) B C C(0) D(E) D(E) D(E) Ma ntain's Controlled Access ighway„ B C C D E E Maintain OTHER STATE ROADS" Other Multilane 8 C D D E Maintain Two -Lane C j C D D E Maintain Level of service standards inside of parentheses apply to general use lanes only when exclusive through lanes exist. 1. The indicated levels of service designate lowest quality operations far the 100th highest volume hour of the year in the predominant traffic flow direction from the present through a 20-year planning horizon. The 100`" highest hour approximates the typical peak hour during the peak season. Definitions and measurement criteria used for minimum level of service standards are based on the most recent updates of the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual "Special Report 209". All level of service evaluations are to be based on "Special Report 209," or a methodology which has been accepted by FOOT as having comparable reliability. 2. Rural areas are areas not included in a transportation concurrency mairagurnent area, an urbanized area, a transitioning urbanized area, an urban area or a community. 3. Transitioning urbanized areas are the areas outside urbanized areas, but within the MPO Planning Boundaries. These areas are planned to be inciuded within the urbanized areas within the next 2,`7l years. 4. Urban Areas are places with a population of at least 5,000 and are not included in urbanized areas. The applicable boundary encompasses the 1990 urban area as well as the surrounding geographical area as agreed upon by FDOT, local government, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The boundaries are commonly called FHWA Urban Area Boundaries and include areas expected to have medium density development before the next decennia! census. 5. Communities are incorporated places outside urban and urbanized areas, or unincorporated developed areas having 500 population or more identified by local governments in their local government comprehensive plans and located outside of urban or urbanized areas, 6. Urbanized areas are the 1990 urbanized areas designated by the U.S. Bureau of Census as well as the surrounding geographical areas as agreed upon by the FDOT, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), commonly called FHWA Urbanized Area Boundaries. The aver .or under 500,000 classifications distinguish urbanized areas with a population over or under 500,000 based on the 1990 U.S. Census. 7. Roadways parallel to exclusive transit facilities are roads generally parallel to and within one-half mile of a physically separated rail or roadway lane reserved for multi -passenger use by rail cars or buses serving large volumes of home/work trips during peak travel hours. Exclusive transit facilities do not include downtown people movers, or high occupancy vehicle lanes unless physically separated from other travel lanes. 8. Transportation Concurrency Management Areas are geographically compact areas designated in local government comprehensive plans where intensive development exists or is planned in a manner that will ensure an adequate level of mobility and further the achievement of identified important state planning goals and policies, including discouraging the proliferation of urban sprawl, encouraging the revitalization of existing Nov 2002 FDOT Quality/Level of Service Handbook 129 TABLE 4 - 4 GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR TWO-WAY VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S URBANIZED AREAS* UNINTERRUPTED FLOW HIGHWAYS Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided Level of Service A B C D E 180 620 1,210 1,720 2,370 1,940 3,140 4,540 5,870 6.670 2.900 4,70(1 6,R00 5.810 10,010 STATE TWO.WAY ARTERIALS Class 1 (>0.00 to 1.99 signalized intersections per mile) Lcvcl of Service Lanes Divided A 13 C D 2 Undivided *' 400 1,310 1,560 4 Divided 460 2,780 3,300 3,390 6 Divided 700 4,240 4,950 5,080 8 Divided 890 5,510 6,280 6,440 Class 11 (2.00 to 4.50 signalized intersections per mile) Lcvcl of Service Lanes Divided A 13 C f1 2 Undivided *• 180 1,070 1,460 4 Divided 6 Divided 8 Divided SO 390 620 800 2,470 3,830 5,060 3,110 4,680 6,060 E 1,610 E 1,550 3,270 4,920 6,360 Class 111 (more than 4.5 signalized intcrscctions per mile and not within primary city central business district of an urbanized arca over 750,000) Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided S Divided A se se . , i3 *« Level of Service C D 500 1,200 1,180 2,750 1,850 4,240 2,450 5,580 E 1,470 3,120 4,690 6,060 Class IV (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per l'ni'.c and within primary city central business district of an ,iri,>nizcd arca over 750,000) Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided 8 Divided A 44 .4 13 *. Lcvcl cf Scrvicc C 17 490 1,170 1,810 2,460 1,310 2,880 4,350 5,690 1� 1,420 3,010 4,520 5,910 Interchange spacing 2 ini, apart Lanes 4 6 8 10 12 A 2,310 3,580 4,840 6,110 7,360 FREEWAYS Lcvcl of Service 13 C D E. 3,840 5,930 8,020 10,110 12,200 Interchange spacing < 2 SDI. apart Lanes 4 6 8 10 12 A 2,050 3,240 4,420 5,600 6,780 5,350 8,270 11,180 14,110 17,020 Level Of Service B C 3,350 5,250 7,160 9,070 10,980 4,840 7,600 10,360 13,130 15,890 6,510 7.240 10,050 I1,160 13,600 15,130 17,160 19,050 20,710 23,000 D E 6,250 7,110 9,840 1 1 ,180 13,420 15,240 16,980 19,310 20,560 23,360 Lanes Divided 2 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Divided NON -STATE ROADWAYS Major City/County Roadways Lcvcl of Service A B C D •" •• 870 1,390 •' „ 2,030 2,950 *' 3,170 4,450 Other Signalized Roadways (signalized intersection analysis) Level of Service Lanes Divided A B C 2 Undivided 4 Divided * * E 1,480 3,120 4,690 D h • 450 950 1,200 • 1.050 2.070 2,400 BICYCLE MODE (Vote: Level of service for the bicycle mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not number of bicyclists using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine two-way maximum service volumes.) Paved Shoulder Bicycle Lane Coverage 0-49% 50.84% 85-100% Level of Service A B C 300 240 680 310 390 >680 D 1,310 >390 13 >1,310 PEDESTRIAN MODE (Note: Level of service for the pedestrian mode in this table is based en roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, net number of pedestrians using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine nun -way maximum service volumes ) Level of Service Sidewalk Coverage A B C D E 0-49% .. *' *. 600 1,480 50-84% '* .• •* 940 1,800 85-100% *' 210 1,080 >1,080 BUS MODE (Scheduled Fixed Route) (13uscs lift hour) tNo+r: Buses per hour shown are only for sue peak hour in +€sa single directiuu of higher ,rant flow.) Sidewalk Coverage 084% 85-100% Level of Service A C L1 >4 >3 >6 ?3 >2 13 >5 >4 E >2 >1 Source: Florida Department of Transportation Systems Planning Office 605 Suwannee Street, MS 19 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 hrtp://www11.myflonda.corniplanningisysterns/smilosidefault.htm 02/22/02 Lanes 2 2 Multi Multi ARTERIAL/NON-STATE ROADWAY ADJUSTMENTS DIVIDED/UNDIVIDED (alter corresponding volume by the indicated percent) Median Left Turns Lanes Adjustment Factors Ycs +5% -20% -5•/ Divided Undivided Undivided Undivided No Yes -25% ONE-WAY FACILITIES Decrease corresponding two-dircctional volumes in this table by 40%to obtain the equivalent one directional volume for onc-way facilstt CS. 'This cable does not constimtc a standard and should be used only for geocrat planning appircatians. The composer models from which this table is derived should be used for more specific planning applications. The tablet and drr)vdng computer models should sot be used far corridor or intersection design. where more relined techniques exist- Values shown are hourly two-way volumes for levels of service and arc for the automobil.'ruck modes unless spec finny stated. Level or service €cner grade thresholds are probably not comparable across modes and, therefore, cross modal comparisons should be made with caution- Funhetmore, combining hi.dr of service of di/Talent modes into one overall roadway level of service is not recommended- To convcrr so anneal as''amgc daily traffic volumts. these ‘inlitenne nun be divided by an appropriate K.factor. The table's input value de faulu m and level of,twits criteria appear on the following page- Calculations arc based on planing appiicatns of the Highway Capacity Manual, Bicycle LOS Mode:, Pedestrian LOS Model and Transit Capacity and Quality' of Service Manusi, respectively for the auto:nabile'1tuck, bicycle. pedestrian and but modes. "Cannot be achieved using table input vafoe dcfaulu. .*'Not applicable for that level of service letter grade. For automobile/truck modes, volumes greater than level of service 0 become F because intersection capaciiita have been reached. For bicyclt and padervian modal the iarei of adrv€er Eenar out* (+cludlny Ir) it out sehiavabi*, has Wee thatt is no man lmum vehicle vatunn thruahald sung t:bl. mpas value do fouhr, 91 TABLE 4 - 4 ,continued) GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR TWO-WAY VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S Urbanized Areas INPUT VALUE ASSUMPTIONS VN1N'TLRRIJPI e- ea 4 eta, FA4ar,rslr,.> Frern ors Ili 6o a ROAI11\'A7' C:11ARA<A' E:RIS'Sa(-92 1 4 b Noo,hcr oishraugh lanes 4 - 12 4 iz 50 !'(1 speed pine 65 55 55 55 n Tared Ito free now sg 70 60 Irnynh trail I o ilh 0 ---. 09 Il,.+c scgmcm 92 25 1 f Int 4chantrN.,4,uL1_I+. nolc n v Y I nfol+yu 11,.r3 Leh lxnyn l u vl nuns I I I Terrain Ir t( 80 5: ing zone Pessing lanes (n.r) TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS Planning hour fac,or Hi 0.0a27 0.093 4095 0,095 0.55 analysis F:rc,or ({11 0.55 0,55 0.55 Peak hour aclar (P1i11 Peak hour fanw f Pl I F 0.95 0.95 0.425 0."725 2106 790 Use capacity Ipef <n . ._..._.�..- 6. __..' d.0 2.0 2,0 f feavy vcbcle percent 1 ,.-sl ochmmount fa<tin 0,98 3.fKk I .0 €.0 INTERRUPTED E L,U25 rAs a lea Stale A nerials Non-SI41e Roadwa 1 Bicycle Pedestrian CIII Rus m. CS CIass I Class II Class III Clare 1V Major Ci r!County 01 her Sign.rlead 2-4 Class IE 4 ass 4 ROADWAY CEEARACTERISTI Number of Through lanes lmp6l '. 45 4-6 50 8 50 _2 45 4m-6 2 4 • 6 B 2 4-6 8 2 4-6 40 45 40 45 45 45 _2 35 35 15 30 3r1 30 45 45 50 Ponc(1 < 5(1 F1ec liow sgcc.l fmphj 50 55 SS 50 50 50 40 40 411 15 57 15 50 1 r i Mellon oipc In.n1.0 n r r n r a 0 r 5 v Y Y -�- Ire lanes[n.vl Y r 1' Y r 1' v v Y Y .. ....... n,505:.p 1 sum Paved sh0aide:Aileycic lane In,. 1 -L.- _ .- «..... Ow ode loot width In,r_n 1 n.y Pavement condition €u t5.0 _. ._ ., .-..r.----- . .r.._...�.,.. _ n.SD"".Y I SK14al<1 n.v; 3,14cwalSdroadwav scp:tlanmt [a?.w'1 ^ . Std<wa0:lruadway prince-05e banr<' In))" Obstacle to bus stop Sn,v1 TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS 0.095 0.005 0.995 0.095 6095 0.55 0 095 9,095 0095 0995 0.095 0.1715 0.095 0_095 0.095 0 0'35 0,095 0.2123 Planning analysis hour factor 0<5 I)ircal.nnal disiribusion €ac+or (UI t 0-55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 6.55 n.55 0.55 9.55 0.55 0.55 0-55 0.55 6.923 0,55 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.925 1900 0.925 391.0 0925 1900 0.925 1900 95775 1400 0.925 1900 0.925 1900 0.925 1000 Peal our 159,50(1110) Base 1a101411on flow ntclgc(lt(,ES €9ri0 1900 1900 1900 i9140 7900 1900 1900 1900 I 1.5 15 1.5 0578 i.5 LO 20 2.0 _Navy vehicle. 2.0 2.0 7.0 20 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 25 098 14 9!95 0.98 0.98 perccnl Lees( adjuslnscnt 01101 !.0 1_0 0.93 0.98 0.98 095 0.95 095 0.92 0.97 0572 9.90 12 54 16 II 12 v. turns 60m carIn4ere turn lanes (7 12 12 12 12 32 32 12 12 12 (2 IS Rua- span or scn•ice. CNARACT025110 IC'S �.. 1,9 7.0 S f3 CONTROL -Gi}natvlyd inlcrscct tt,nss:r mile 1.5 I0 _�..,, 1.0 7.0 3.0 1,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 y.0fi.0 8.0 4 0 4 4 1 4 .,. s 4 ___r 1 l 3 a 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 _ s 1 Arrival t+T,c(I-61 al n Signp0las,1) a a s s 5 5 s s 120 s __.-._.._.s 120 s 120 s 120 120 9.11 129 120 Cv�lc 1e0)3013:1 120 120 9 0.44 1744 044 044 0.44 0.44 (1.44 04.1 0.44 0.44 Free as vcf of Scraper A (9 C C last Eli vlc Density <932 <11 <0.55 < €8 < 074 -26 <0'!0 7 i5 <I00 .45 >100 1 >45 ('1551 1 V <0:9 047 < 068 <uxz I Sat ▪ 1 00 10115.un1 it, CaCacily I{slio 3n1si15. <11 <18 5,76 • 45 45 Two -Lane 5: FFS > 0,917 0_833 >0.750 6 667 >0591 < 0.583 lli(hw-.ve h1Vlit1anc v!c < 0.29 < 0.47 <068 <0 St 1K1 W fknsity < II < 18 < 26 _, 15 41 LEVEL OF SERVICE TIIRESI-IOLDS Non-S1ale Roadways Chits I ATS > 42 mph > 34 n12h > 21 ntph ?1 nigh Slase Two -Way Ai -renal) Class 11 Class I11 ATS ATS > 35 atp1a >?0niph > 28 ntp1, 5 24 nigh a12 mph > 18 mph > 17 nigh > 14 oppl, > I _ > 13 o h > 10 001 <16m<} ]i}i}1h <i 0mph I < nsph Clasi IV ATS >25 mph > 19 na2ll > 13 nigh > 9 nigh I'l'S = Percent Free I-i11w Spec I ATS = A<erilgs.1ri10el S(1ce11 lajor CilyfC'onoay CR her Signalized ATS Cnmrol (3<lav > 15 mplt < 10 sec >28 mph 570sec >22rngh > 17h > I mph <13 rare 111416le Score < 1.5 <2.5 <15tact <5.3 <55 sec < 4.5 <80 set . 45 > 00 see > 5.5 edeslri4n Stem < 1,5 < 2.5 1.5 <45 <5,5 55 II Roses Per 11r. >6 >4 >2 02l22/02 92 Miami -Davie 1999 Validation Distribution Report DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY ORIGIN ( CARDINAL DIRECTIONS 1 TOTAL ZONE NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW 556 TRIPS 479 337 165 114 614 1926 2135 1512 7282 PERCENT 6.58 4.63 2.27 1.57 8.43 26.45 29.32 20.76 557 TRIPS 1312 723 134 84 1051 2787 2484 2390 10965 PERCENT 11.97 6.59 1.22 0.77 9.59 25.42 22.65 21.80 558 TRIPS 275 167 105 142 130 300 333 374 1826 PERCENT 15.06 9.15 5.75 7.78 7.12 16.43 18.24 20.48 559 TRIPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PERCENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 560 TRIPS 33 21 7 7 16 63 35 54 236 PERCENT 13.98 8.90 2.97 2.97 6.78 26.69 14.83 22.88 561 TRIPS 158 132 82 50 89 308 224 239 1282 PERCENT 12.32 10.30 6.40 3.90 6.94 24.02 17.47 18.64 562 TRIPS 14 17 8 5 12 24 22 35 137 PERCENT 10.22 12.41 5.84 3.65 8.76 17.52 16.06 25.55 563 TRIPS 242 151 234 125 191 459 342 391 2135 PERCENT 11.33 7.07 10.96 5.85 8.95 21.50 16.02 18.31 564 TRIPS 299 259 362 100 191 450 428 465 2554 PERCENT 11.71 10.14 14.17 3.92 7.48 17.62 16.76 18.21 565 TRIPS 700 981 444 187 352 970 909 986 5529 PERCENT 12.66 17.74 8.03 3.38 6.37 17.54 16.44 17.83 566 TRIPS 24 14 9 5 7 38 21 30 148 PERCENT 16.22 9.46 6.08 3.38 4.73 25.68 14.19 20.27 567 TRIPS 131 91 39 18 46 165 141 136 767 PERCENT 17.08 11.86 5.08 2.35 6.00 21.51 18.38 17.73 568 TRIPS 1529 781 229 489 582 2480 1863 2352 10305 PERCENT 14.84 7.58 2.22 4.75 5.65 24.07 18.08 22.82 569 TRIPS 1330 450 130 101 817 2394 1744 2480 9446 PERCENT 14.08 4.76 1.38 1.07 8.65 25.34 18.46 26.25 570 TRIPS 238 173 29 56 136 1203 1254 1127 4216 PERCENT 5.65 4.10 0.69 1.33 3.23 28.53 29.74 26.73 - 40- 12131/01 FROM : TRANSPORT ANALYS I S 02/11/2004 18:28 FAX URS February 5, 2004 FAX NO. : 3053859997 Feb. 12 2004 10:53AM P2 Z002 Ms. Lilia I. Medina Senior Planner City of Miami - Planning & Zoning Department 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue P.C. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 Re: DuPont Plaza MLISP (Revised) Traffic impact Analysis Review— W.O. # 40 Dear Ms. Medina; We have reviewed the Traffic Impact Analysis report for the DuPont Plaza project. Our detail review comments are included in the attached memorandum. We conclude the report adequately addresses the traffic Issues. However there are minor inconsistencies, which are not expected to change the outcome. Therefore, we recommend the City approve this project with the condition: 1. The traffic report will be revised to eliminate the inconsistencies. 2. The study recognizes 32.5% reduction in the primary trips to account for trips diverted to transit and pedestrian/bicycle facilities that exist near the project. Therefore, the applicant will present to the city's review and approval a Transportation Controls Measure .(TCM) plan that clearly identifies specific commitments to encourage the use of transit facilities, and c arlvan pooling. The implications of such commitments should be monitored consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan requirements. Should you have any questions, please call me at 954.739.1881. cc: Richard Ed -Anger — Transport Analysis' Prq#essicnals Enclosure UPS Corporation Law:we Complex 5100 NW 3514 Roan . Suite 150 FOrt1.400erriate, FL $3309-0375 954.739.1881 Fax 954.739.17n FROM : TRANSPORT ANALYSIS 02/11/2Q04 18:29 FAX FAX NO. : 3053859997 Feb. 12 2004 10:54AM P3 Z 003 MEMORANDUM To: Lille 1. Medina From: Raj Siianmugam, P.E. Date: February 11, 2004 Subject: DuPont Plaza Mt1SP Traffic Impact Analysis (Revised Report) Review — W.O. # 40 1. General: The Traffic Impact Analysis report (revised) was prepared by Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. (TAP), The report is dated January 2004. This revised report includes response to comments provided to the applicant at the Large Scale Review Meeting (LSRM). We have also received and reviewed an addendum to this traffic report dated January 21, 2004. 2. Project Background: The proposed development will be in place of the existing DuPont Plaza located on the south side of SE 4th Street, north of the Miami River, between SE 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard (SE 4th Avenue). Construction is estimated to be complete in 2007. The report indicates that the applicant is proposing to build 899 condominium units, 424 unit Condo/Hotels, 5,000 square feet of retail, and 24,600 square feet of Restaurant/Lounge. 3. Location Map: The report includes a location map identifying the location of the project and the surrounding street network (Figure 1). 4. Study Area: As agreed upon previously, the study analyzes the intersections of SE 2" d Avenue and SE V Avenue with SE 4th Street, and SE 4th Avenue with SE 2nd Street. Additionally, the Biscayne Boulevard between SE 7th Street and NE 1st Street, and Flagier Street (NE 1s` Street) west of Biscayne Boulevard in the vicinity of the project are also analyzed. 5. Site Access: The project is proposed to be built in two phases. Each phase of this project will consist of a service drive and a primary access drive, a total of four driveways along SE 4th Street. The main drive is located across from SE 3`d Avenue, intersection of which is controlled by a signal. SE 4t' Street is a state roadway, and such the number and spacing of driveways along SE 4th Street is an issue to be addressed by FDOT. 6. Traffic Counts: Two-hour 4:00(' PM) timing movement counts were collected in second week df .farluary 2003 and two-way directional counts were collected in November 2003 and are provided in the report. The two-way FROM : TRANSPORT ANALYS I S FAX NO. : 3053859997 Feb. 12 2004 10:54AM P4 02/11/2004 18:29 FAX f ► 0 0 4 Memorandum Me. Lille I. M3drw DuPont Plaza - Traffic Impact Armtytis Review' February 11, 2004 Page 2of3 directional counts were augmented with FOOT station counts collected in third week of March 2003. 7. Adjustment Factors: We agree with the seasonal adjustment factor of 1.0501. Given that the project is located in the Miami CBD, we agree with the CBD Area trip reduction factors of 22.6% to account for transit use and 10% reduction to account for pedestrian/bicycle use. The 60% reduction of restaurant trips to account for internalization is reasonable. Further, we accept the person -trip adjustment factors utilized throughout the report. 8. Capacity Analysis: Art existing level of service analysis of the study segments and intersections were performed. We agree with the use of HCS2000 for the signalized Intersection analyses. We agree with the use of current service volume thresholds from the FOOT for the segment person -trip capacity analyses. We agree with the analysis of the PM peak period conditions. For the PM peak period analyses, the three intersections operate at level of service (LOS) D or better under existing conditions. The study segments operate at LOS D or better under existing conditions. 9. Planned Roadway Improvements: The on going study to convert all downtown roadways to operate as two-way has been recognized. Because this study has not been adopted, the analysis reflects the one-way operation. However, in recognition of SE 3m Avenue conversion to two-way and make it a pedestrian priority roadway, the main project drive located across from the SE 31'1 Avenue intersection has been restricted to right turns in/out only. 10. Background Traffic: A two -percent annual background growth rate was applied to all roadways to account for future growth of un-identified developments in the area. We agree with the two -percent annual traffic growth rate for the area roadways. 11_ Committed Developments; Within the study area there are two approved committed developments — One Miami, and Mist, Trips anticipated by the committed projects are identified and included In the traffic analysis. 12. Trip Generation: The trip generation for the proposed site is from the most current edition of the ITE Trip Generation manual. Appropriate ITE Land Use Codes have been used to generate trips for the existing and the proposed conditions. The proposed project is estimated to generate a total of 784 PM peak -hour trips. This was reduced to 467 net new vehicular PM peak -hour trips, after multimodal reduction factors were applied. FROM : TRANSPORT ANALYSIS FAX NO. : 3053859997 Feb. 12 2004 10:55AM P5 02/11/2004 18:30 F�4 Memorandum Ms. Lifts I. Medina DuPont Plaza - Traiilc Impact Arneysis Review February 11, 2004 Page3of a 00 5 13. Trip Distribution: The project is located within new TAZ 557. The cardinal distribution for TAZ 557 obtained from Miami -Dade County is used to distribute the traffic. We agree with the application of the trip distribution and assignment in Figure 3. 14, Future Conditions with Project; The methodology for determining future peak- hour volumes with protect, lurk LOS, and intersection LOS is consistent with the rest of the report. Although we agree with the PM peak hour .site traffic presented In Figure 3, it does � Forot exch with the ample, there should be little or no project ntage of PM peak hour site traffic presented in Figureare shown on test traffic on SE 3' Avenue. Whereas, 21.8% of the %pp7}ips presentedre in Table is link. We agree with the future roadway traffic (y 6. Under the future conditionthe Flagler s LOS 'D' or eetter. The thnd ree critne ical intersections ard corridors are anticipated to function near the project site are also except to function within the accepted LOS threshold. The study recognizes 32.5% reduction in the primary trips to account for trips diverted to transit and pedestrian/bicycle facilities that exist near the project. The report indicates that the auto trip reduction can be achieved by encouraging car= pooling/van-pooling and making available the mass transit schedules, maps, and related Information.