HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Utility Studyni I ,®;®; ir' 1 In 01 n@111 11 Since 1989 MIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTAT}ON DUPONT PLAZA CONDOMINIUM AND HOTEL SITE UTILITY STUDY January 2004 8550 W. FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 113, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33144 1111111111111111MIE MB /1=1111111011.1aMa N ® nlg rnl® ® ir P n SI. !WC 1989 CML LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. General 2 2. Storm Drainage System 4 3. Water Distribution System 6 4. Sewer Collection System 7 5. Solid Waste Generation 8 EXHIBITS: Location Map 10 "B" Storm Drainage Well Calculations 11 MD-WASD Availability Letter 24 MD-WASD Atlas (Sewer) 26 MD WASD Atlas (Water) 27 Proposed Water Use Calculations .. 28 DERM Pump Station 30-0001 Monthly Report 29 "D" Solid Waste Generation Calculations 30 • • • rrr► rrirrrrrrrr MEM rim+rrmlr 1. General IRI cl® Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPt.ENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION DU PONT PLAZA CONDOMINIUM/HOTEL SITE UTILITY STUDY A. Project Location and size: The proposed project consists of a Multi -use Facility to be constructed at an approximately 3.16 acre site located at the south side of SE 4th Street between SE 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Blvd, in downtown Miami designated as Lots A, B and C of Block 1 of Dupont Plaza Subdivision, Plat Book 50, Page 11, Miami -Dade County, FI. (See Exhibit "A"). The project limits are: to the west is SE 2nd Avenue, to the north is SE 4th Street (Biscayne Blvd. Way), to the east Biscayne Blvd and to the south is the Miami River. All these being in Section 6, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, Miami -Dade County, Florida. B. The site in its present condition is being used a Hotel. The existing uses are as follows: Hotel Rooms 297 Units Apartments 146 Units Office 179,502 Sf Restaurant (6,800 sf) 225 Seats Retail 15,225 Sf 2 • • • gala wr _ rr_ MINIM is irornimm — raw 1 onl t 1a1® ® j t jn1 [! EIi��l I E [ Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION C. The proposed project build -out will be as follows: PHASE 1 Hotel 62 Rooms Condominium Apartments 266 Units Lofts 66 Units Condominium/Hotel 300 Units Restaurant 250 Seats Commercial Units 1,782 Sf PHASE 2 Condominium Apartments 528 Units Lofts 68 U n its Restaurant (Cafe) 100 Seats Commercial Units 8,200 Sf TOTAL Hotel 62 Rooms Condominium Apartments 794 Units Lofts 134 Units Condominium/Hotel 300 Units Restaurant 350 Seats Commercial Units 9,982 Sf 3 • • • tee� MOM 11111111111111111111118111111111PM i ialliONOMIL i® Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPAENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION 2. Storm Drainage System A. Existing Storm Drainage System: Roadway storm drainage systems presently exist along the streets surrounding the proposed project. These systems are owned and maintained by the City of Miami and the Florida Department of Transportation. The site, in its existing or proposed conditions, does not or will not contribute any significant amount of storm water run-off into the Public Roadway System. No significant improvements to the existing Roadway Drainage System are expected as a result of this project other than some possible inlet modifications associated with the street or sidewalk improvements. B. Proposed On -Site Storm Drainage System: The proposed storm drainage system to serve this project will be designed to fully contain on -site the storm water run-off and to meet the Miami - Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) Environmental Resources Permit (ERP) and The Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT) requirements. This will be accomplished by means of deep drainage wells. No off- site run-off will be generated from the site. The total contributing site area and 30% of the building wall area exposed to the rain will be included in the Disposal Well System design calculations. An impervious coefficient of 0.95 will be used for the purpose of this study. • • • err -1v 111____R Nam !r r 1111111111111M. 1.0rrn11= _ ram•.. ®I[lj fih1®® I Since 1989 C L' J CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND T3ANSPORTATiON Based on information provided by an experienced well drilling company for other projects in the vicinity, an approximate well discharge rate 750 gpm per foot of head can be expected. Storm water from roofs, internal driveways, walkways and parking areas will be conveyed by means of a collection system to sediment tanks sized to meet the detention volume requirements prior to discharging into the Well System. Additional Water Quality pre-treatment and Pollution Retardant Baffles at the catch basins will be provided at areas subject to vehicle traffic. C. Required number of Wells: The proposed wells will be designed to maintain the site dry during the 5 year-24 hour storm, to keep flooding below the perimeter grades during the 25 year-3 day storm and to keep flooding below the minimum floor elevation during the 100 year- 3 day storm. Based on the attached calculations, a total of 6 — 24" diameter storm drainage wells are required to provide full on -site retention for this project depending on the actual yields obtained during the well drilling operations. For Well Disposal System calculations refer to attached Exhibit "B" 5 • • • wrrr1M MOM r r IMINIMIMPIO Since I989 3. Water Distribution System CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION A. Existing Water System Facilities: Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following domestic water facilities in the vicinity of this project: • Existing 12-inch water main on SE 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Blvd (SE 4th Street) that runs northerly from this intersection. • An existing 12-inch water main on SE 4th Street that runs easterly along SE 4th Street from SE 2nd Avenue to SE 3rd Avenue. • An existing 24-inch water main on SE 4th Street that runs easterly from SE 3rd Avenue along the front of the property. • An existing 8" water main that runs along SE 4th Street along the entire length of the property. These existing water mains can be used to provide fire protection domestic and landscape irrigation service for this project. B. Required Water System Improvements: As stated in the MD-WASD availability letter dated September 12, 2003, (See Exhibit "C"), the existing Watermain System is adequate for the connection of the proposed Domestic Water, Fire Protection and Landscape Irrigation services for the project. A 12" watermain extension along SE 2" Avenue from SE 4th Street south to the end of the property will be required by MD-WASD. C. Anticipated water use: The water use requirements for this project are calculated based on the build -out information previously described. An anticipated flow demand of 238,798 GPD is expected from this project. The previous flow demand from the existing hotel is 88,861 GPD. The net increase in demand from this project is 149,937 GPD. For determination of anticipated flows see Exhibit "C". 6 • • I. - - errarrr Since 1 989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION 4. Sewer Collection System A. Existing Sanitary Sewer System Facilities: Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following sanitary sewer facilities in the vicinity of this project: • An existing 36-inch gravity sewer line along SE 2nd Street, a 21-inch and a 24-inch gravity sewer on Biscayne Blvd and 10-inch and 15-inch gravity sewer lines on SE 4th Street which will serve the proposed development. This lines collect all the sanitary flows from the general area and direct them to Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department Pump Station # 30-0001. B. Required Sanitary Sewer System improvements: MD-WASD Gravity Sewer System requirements: As stated in the MD-WASD availability letter dated September 12, 2003, (See Exhibit "C"), the existing Sanitary Sewer Collection System is adequate and additional offsite system improvements will not be necessary for the construction of this project. The proosed project could connect to any of the existing gravity mains o SE 4th Street to obtain sanitary sewer service for the project. C. Transmission Capacity Requirements The Wastewater generated by this project will be conveyed to MD-WASD Regional Pump Station No. 30-0001. This is a major station with a yearly NAPOT of 4.63 hours per day according to DERM. (See Exhibit "C") The current ET data as of 9/24/03 reflects 6.09 hours which is less than the allowed 10 hours. Pump Station No. 30-0001 at this time has sufficient available capacity to support this project. Flows form this Pump Station are transmitted to the MD-WASD Treatment Plant at Virginia Key. 7 • • • ii i jni®E@ ni ? Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION 5. Solid Waste Generation A. Solid Waste Generated by this project will be collected in standardized on - site containers for refuse and re-cyclables. Either hauling companies and/or the City of Miami Solid Waste Department will provide regular pick- up services. The anticipated daily solid waste generation for this project is 43 CY per day. (See Appendix " D"). 8 w�rr�a *wrr — '�. err • • ®n g r ® G [FIo nig Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT "A" Location Map 9 • • Una AMSIN/NIONNONI MOM 001011MIIIIMIIIMI =Ma 4I-111.10611Mfill IMMUNE IMINIMONOL 011•1111•11 !MI 11110•101...--4 1111M MINIMMINOMMI IMIS ®' tinl® ® t]n gi 1 1 Since 1989 3NAvDsie %VATiri08 I `ON ),..VMHOIH ..,- • •• • " . w 301\13AV OWL \ LAND DEVELOMENT \ TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION \ \ oN033S HGNWAY No, 1 < •\ -r co `ON AVN,HOIH .S.n EMONMINI sNK �) • • 1® ci nj®l® Er Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOP.ENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT "B" Storm Drainage Calculations 11 • • • RNA ANIPIMMEMINIMM AIM IIIIIMMOIMINIM .__.FN, ®1n gib b ®l@ Since 1989 PROJECT NAME DRAINAGE AREA: CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION DUPONT PHASE 1 ENTIRE SITE 8/25/2003 Page 1 SITE DATA: SITE AREA = 1.84 ACRES BUILDING FOOT PRINT = 300 FT BUILDING HIGHT = 200 FT BUILDING WALL AREA = 1.38 ACRES CONTRIBUTING BUILDING AREA = 0.41 ACRES CONTRIBUTING AREA = 2.25 ACRES NUMBER OF WELLS = 3 REQUIRED VOLUME FOR 90 SEC, DETENTION TIME (PER WELL): CONTRIBUTING AREA PER WELL = 0.75 ACRES RAINFALL INTENSITY (90 SEC) = 6.4 IN/HR RUN OFF VOLUME (90 SEC) = 389 CF DETENTION VOLUME PROVIDED: TANK LENGTH = 13.00 FT TANK WIDTH = 6.00 FT TANK BOTTOM ELEV = -2.50 NGVD TOP OF WELL CASING ELEV = 2.50 NGVD STORAGE DEPTH = 5.00 FT DETENTION VOL PROVIDED = (per well) 390 CF TOTAL DETENTION VOLUME = 1,170 CF 12 • • • NM, morarrowelms ramie Noma 10-71•11/01=1 immirmoi Inomminomi nib] Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PROJECT NAME DUPONT PHASE 1 8/2512003 DRAINAGE AREA: ENTIRE SITE Page 2 DRAINAGE WELL DATA: WELL DIAMETER = WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD AVAILABLE HEAD = DISCHARGE RATE PER WELL = CUMULATIVE INFLOW/OUTFLOW DATA: STORM FREQUENCY= C FACTOR DRAINAGE AREA # OF WELLS PROVIDED TOTAL DISCHARGE RATE = TOTAL DISCHARGE RATE ----- SEDIMENT TANK STORAGE F.D. STORAGE = SOLID PIPE STORAGE = INFLOW-EXFILTRATION TABLE 24 INCHES 750 GPM 3.00 FT 2,250 GPM 5 YEARS 0.95 2.25 ACRES 3 6,750 GPM 15.04 CFS 1,170 CF 0 CF 0 CF TIME MIN INTEN. IN/HR CUM.INFLCW CF SYST_ STO. CF ADJ. INFL. CF WELL DISCH. CF OVERFLOW CFS 8 6.41 6583 1170 5413 7219 -3-76 10 6.17 7923 1170 6753 9024 -3.79 15 5.64 10873 1170 9703 13536 -4.26 20 5.20 13361 1170 12191 18048 -4.88 30 4.50 17326 1170 16156 27072 -6.06 40 3.96 20345 1170 19175 36096 -7.05 60 3.20 24637 1170 23467 54144 -8.52 90 2.48 28669 1170 27499 81217 -9.95 120 2.03 31224 1170 30054 108289 -10.87 150 1.71 32988 1170 31818 135361 -11.50 180 1.48 34279 1170 33109 162433 -11.97 13 0 • 0 T11111(1 CUMULATIVE INFLOW-EXFILTRATION 1E ]000 161000 14 )000 1,2 000 0 1C 1000 uJ E 000 &)000 4 )000 2 ) 00 0 WELL DISCHARGE 6,750 GPM 0 20 40 60 80 100 TIME (MIN) 120 CUMULATIVE INFLOW 140 160 180 5 200 • • • NNW +war+_ rra wirr� ■w� r--•111111111we 1.1111111001111. r 11111111111111111116----4 11111111.110111 y 3 3 ECi ] i Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION STORMWATER WELL STAGE ANALYSIS DUPONT PHASE 1 DATE: 8125/2003 WELL # 1,2 & 3 (TOWER & GARAGE ROOFS, BLDG WALLS AND OPEN AREAS) CONTRIBUTING AREA DATA: SITE AREA = 1.84 ACRES BUILDING FOOT PRINT = 300 FT BUILDING HIGHT = 200 FT BUILDING WALL AREA = 1.38 ACRES CONTRIBUTING BUILDING AREA = 0.41 ACRES CONTRIBUTING AREA = 2.25 ACRES LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE = 7.50 NGVD RUN OFF COEFFICIENT = 0.95 WELL DATA: WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD = 750 gpm NUMBER OF WELLS = 3 TOTAL WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD = 2250 gpmlft MEAN HIGH TIDE ELEVATION [MH] = 1.52 NGVD WELL DIAMETER = 24 IN SPECIFIC GRAVITY LOSS [SG] = 2 FT 15 • • • gi Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION STORMWATER WELL STAGE ANALYSIS DUPONT PHASE 1 DATE: 8/25/2003 WELL # 1,2 & 3 (TOWER & GARAGE ROOFS, BLDG WALLS AND OPEN AREAS) DESIGN STORM Syr-24hr RAINFALL INTENSITY lin/hr] 6.17 PEAK RUNOFF [cfs] 13.21 WELL HEAD [ft] 2.63 SG + MH [ft] 3.52 STAGE [NGVD] 6.15 CRITICAL STAG E [NGVD] The three well in Phase 1 will be interconnected to be able to equalize the developed head. The maximum Stage of 6.15 will not exceed the adjacent elevations and will be sufficient to maintain the flow within the property. 7.50 16 • • • NM MOM 41=1•11 ter= T;®c® Ci 1 1 Since 1989 1 Ii1 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PROJECT NAME DUPONT 8/2512003 DRAINAGE AREA: DUPONT PHASE 2 Page 1 SITE DATA: SITE AREA = 1.25 ACRES BUILDING FOOT PRINT = 360 FT BUILDING HIGHT = 180 FT BUILDING WALL AREA = 1.49 ACRES CONTRIBUTING BUILDING AREA = 0.45 ACRES CONTRIBUTING AREA = 1.70 ACRES NUMBER OF WELLS = 3 REQUIRED VOLUME FOR 90 SEC. DETENTION TIME (PER WELL): CONTRIBUTING AREA PER WELL = 0.57 ACRES RAINFALL INTENSITY (90 SEC) = 6.4 IN/HR RUN OFF VOLUME (90 SEC) = 293 CF DETENTION VOLUME PROVIDED: TANK LENGTH = 13.00 FT TANK WIDTH = 6.00 FT TANK BOTTOM ELEV = -2.50 NGVD TOP OF WELL CASING ELEV = 2.50 NGVD STORAGE DEPTH = 5.00 FT DETENTION VOL PROVIDED = (per wall) 390 CF TOTAL DETENTION VOLUME = 1,170 CF 17 • • vim iiiNOMMISNMPOM NNW SINIIIIIIMMINIMIN 1.Vra r.iri/ L \- — t ii 1®I®i jIr�IC; l Since 1989 PROJECT NAME DUPONT DRAINAGE AREA: DUPONT PHASE 2 Page 2 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION DRAINAGE WELL DATA: WELL DIAMETER = WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD AVAILABLE HEAD = DISCHARGE RATE PER WELL = CUMULATIVE INFLOW/OUTFLOW DATA: STORM FREQUENCY = C FACTOR DRAINAGE AREA # OF WELLS PROVIDED TOTAL DISCHARGE RATE = TOTAL DISCHARGE RATE = SEDIMENT TANK STORAGE = F.D. STORAGE = SOLID PIPE STORAGE = INFLOW-EXFILTRATION TABLE 8/25/2003 24 INCHES 750 GPM 3.00 FT 2,250 GPM 5 YEARS 0.95 1.70 ACRES 3 6,750 GPM 15-04 CFS 1,170 CF 0 CF 0 CF TIME MIN INTEN. INJHR CUM.INFLOW CF SYST. STO. CF ADJ. INFL. CF WELL DISCH_ CF OVERFLOW CFS 8 6-41 4956 1170 3786 7219 -7.15 10 6.17 5964 1170 4794 9024 -7.05 15 5.64 8186 1170 7016 13536 -7.24 20 5.20 10059 1170 8889 18048 -7.63 30 4.50 13044 1170 11874 27072 -8.44 40 3.96 15316 1170 14146 36096 -9.15 60 3.20 18547 1170 17377 54144 -10.21 90 2,48 21583 1170 20413 81217 -11.26 120 2.03 23506 1170 22336 108289 -11.94 150 1.71 24834 1170 23664 135361 -12.41 180 1.48 25806 1170 24636 162433 -12.76 18 1E1000 lel.)000 14 )000 12 .3000 0 1( J000 LU CUMULATIVE INFLOW-EXFILTRATION ILI o0°1 tw7.1 0.°°. WELL DISCHARGE 6,750 GPM / 3000 3000 3000 0 0 CUMULATIVE INFLOW tov lar ADJUSTED INFLOW 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 TIME (MIN) Lr) • • • J" nig wr�w� Lt V �w vItIC iI 1 Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION STORMWATER WELL STAGE ANALYSIS DUPONT PHASE 2 DATE: 8/25/2003 WELL # 1,2 & 3 (TOWER & GARAGE ROOFS, BLDG WALLS AND OPEN AREAS) CONTRIBUTING AREA DATA: SITE AREA = 1.25 ACRES BUILDING FOOT PRINT = 380 FT BUILDING HIGHT = 180 FT BUILDING WALL AREA = 1.49 ACRES CONTRIBUTING BUILDING ARE,, = 0.45 ACRES CONTRIBUTING AREA = 1.70 ACRES LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE = 6.00 NGVD RUN OFF COEFFICIENT = 0.95 WELL DATA: WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD = 750 gpm NUMBER OF WELLS = 3 TOTAL WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD = 2250 gpm/ft. MEAN HIGH TIDE ELEVATION [MH] = 1.52 NGVD WELL DIAMETER = 24 IN SPECIFIC GRAVITY LOSS [SG] = 2 FT 20 • • 11111111111111.1411111 r- -.nIwA c CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION STORMWATER WELL STAGE ANALYSIS DUPONT PHASE 2 DATE: 8/25/21)03 WELL # 1,2 & 3 (TOWER & GARAGE ROOFS, BLDG WALLS AND OPEN AREAS) DESIGN STORM RAINFALL INTENSITY [in/hr] PEAK RUNOFF [cfs] WELL HEAD [ft] SG + MH {fl STAGE [NGVD] CRITICAL STAGE INGVD] 5 yr- 24 hr 6.17 9,94 1.9E 3.52 5.50 6.00 The three well in Phase 1 will be interconnected to be able to equalize the developed head. The maximum Stage of 5.50 will not exceed the adjacent elevations and will be sufficient to maintain the flow within the property. ® @i Since 1989 21 • Since 1989 July 8, 2003 JAFFER ASSOCIATES, LTD. 2801 NW 6th Avenue Miami, Fl. 33127 Attention: Mr. Gene Friedlander Reference: DUPONT PLAZA Biscayne Blvd. and SE 2" d Avenue, Miami, Fl. VSN Engineering, Inc. Project No. 23032 Gentlemen:. cIvIt � b vousetinooterTA tF TRAFFIC AND TRANSFROFiT• aN SCA . �SL2a4t Ow_ Lut kof' SAL 1)00bek4et. We are in the process of designing a Storm Drainage Syste TI for the above referenced project utilizing Drainage Wells as means of dlspot al. See attached Location Plan. We would appreciate if you can provide to us in writing, based on your experience in this area with the expected yields for the Drain= ?e Wells for this project. This information is very important to us for design purpo.ees. Thanks for you cooperation. If you have any questions, please c Rodolfo Vafgas-Fournier, PE Cc/ Mr. Tim Wensing, CMC S55Q W, FLAOLER STREET, STJJTE.113, MIAMI, FLORIDA 5314E TEL; (306) 651-02 7 =FAX. (305) 551.4542 22 • • • raw — MOe 11111•1111.M. M...ININN. — CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION Since 1989 EXHIBIT "C" MD-WASD Availability Letter MD WASD Atlas (Sewer) MD-WASD Atlas (Water) Proposed Water Use Calculations DERM Pump Station 30-0001 Monthly Information 23 MIAMI. DADE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT September 12, 2003 VSN Engineering, Inc. c/o Mr. Rudy Vargas, PE 8550 West Hagler Street, Suite #113 Miami, Florida 33144 Re: Water and Sewer Availability for a proposed project to be located at 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Miami -Dade County, Florida. Ladies and Gentlemen: This fetter is in response to your inquiry regarding water and sewer availability to the above -referenced project for the proposed construction of hotels, condominium/apartments, condominium/hotel, restaurants and retail space. The County owns and operates a twelve (12) inch water main located in S.E. 2nd Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard Way (S.E. 4th Street), from which the property owner shall connect and install a twelve (12) inch water main southerly along S.E. 2"d Avenue to a point as close as possible to the southwest corner of the referenced property, but without conflicting with any existing bridge structure. The County also owns and operates a thirty-six (36) inch gravity sewer main located in S.E. 2" a Street, twenty-one (21) and twenty-four (24) inch gravity sewer mains in Biscayne Boulevard, and ten (10) and fifteen (15) inch gravity sewer mains located in S.E. 4th Street (Biscayne Boulevard Way), from which the property owner shall connect the proposed project, provided that there is sufficient depth and that there are no obstacles which would preclude construction of the sewer. The existing eight (8) inch gravity sewer main in S.E. 3rd Street and S.E. 4th Street have capacity for only partial discharges from the proposed development. Other points of connection may be established subject to approval of the Department. information concerning the estimated cost of facilities must be obtained from a consulting engineer. All costs of engineering and construction will be the responsibility of the property owner. Easements must be provided covering any on -site facilities, which will be owned and operated by the Department. Please be advised that the right to connect the referenced property to the Department's sewer system is subject to the terms, covenants and conditions c—n+ f„rf" in 1t10 SPttipmr,nt Agreement between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP") and the County dated July z[ , 'lg , ine 24 • • • First Amendment to Settlement Agreement between DEP and the County dated December 21st, 1995, the First Partial Consent Decree and the Second and Final Partial Consent Decree entered in the United States of America Environmental Protection Agency vs. Metropolitan Dade County (Case Number 93-1109 UV-MORENO), as currently in effect or as modified in the future, and all other current, subsequent or future agreements, court orders, judgments, consent orders, consent decrees and the like entered into between the County and the United States of America, State of Florida and/or any other governmental entity, and all other current, subsequent or future enforcement and regulatory actions and proceedings. This letter is for informational purposes only and conditions remain in effect for thirty - (30) days from the date of this letter. Nothing contained in this letter provides the property owner with any vested rights to receive water and/or sewer service. The availability of water and/or sewer service is subject to the approval of all applicable governmental agencies having jurisdiction over these matters. When development plans for the subject property are finalized, and upon the owner's request, we will be pleased to prepare an agreement for water and/or sewer seNice, provided the Department is able to offer those services at the time of the owner's request. The agreement will detail requirements for off -site and on -site facilities, if any, point of connections, connection charges, capacity reservation and all other terms and conditions necessary for service in accordance with the Department's rules and regulations. If we can be of further assistance in this matter, please contact us. Very truly yours, Clementine Sherman New Business Administrative Officer 2 Utilities Development Division 25 MD-WASD ATLAS (SEWER) 359 z 12_ 5 FL AGLER "---- s 227 15 429 3► 4 j \- 1 287724 mo I " 5 T ..23 _, • $ ,fiNT 3 "? 448 449 PROPOSED PROJECT (\ 450 437 5T \2924 2,606 8 S T. F-E2) t 446 Cr bF1 N 'PLAZAS ,_5U E,E g — NE MM A -:;A 'i Z.---- ,. ...8U3 .- • 92I9 44 MD-WASD ATLAS (WATER) 2,1 r E 98155 (EJC ase c' I) z 1 r K- F.- 5/25/O2,-- PROPOSED PROJECT Y.F.5--iD-0Z ( 1 — Etw 2001-f ' 2 27 • • • Since 196''9 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PROPOSED WATER USE CALCULATIONS PROJECT DUPONT PLAZA DATE: 4-Feb-04 TYPE OF BUILDING USE PROPOSED FLOW& PHASE ONE: HOTEL ROOMS CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS LOFTS CONDOMINIUM/HOTEL RESTAURANT COMMERCIAL UNITS PHASE TWO: CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS LOFTS RESTAURANT (CAFE) COMMERCIAL UNITS SUB -TOTAL PREVIOUS FLOWS: HOTEL ROOMS OFFICE RESTAURANT (6,800 sf) RETAIL APARTMENTS SUB -TOTAL AREA [sf] (units] 62 266 66 300 250 1,782 528 68 100 8,200 297 179,502 225 15,225 146 RATE [gpd/sf] [gpd/unit] 100 200 200 100 50 0.10 200 200 35 0.10 100 0,10 50 0 200 ADF [gpci] 6,200 53,200 13,200 30,000 12,500 178 105,600 13,600 3,500 820 238,798 29,700 17,950 11,250 761 29,200 88,861 NET INCREASE: 149,937 28 Pump Station Monthly S4-ation..30 -0001 Atlas Pg..F14 O I DADE WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT r..390 NW NORTH RIVER DR Sec--Township-Range 1-54-41 Genr. ET clock.Y Telm.Y #Pumps. 8 Ty pe.A ype.A Stn Class.M Speed.2 Hrspwr.+ Res flow(gpd) Plans.. 7,633,653 Plats_. 0 Extens . 0 Proj Napot 6.01 hrs 4.63 hrs 4.63 hrs Cap 60.10 46.30 46.30 Date Mo.NAPOT 09/24/2003 08/25/2003 07/25/2003 06/25/2003 05/27/2003 04/25/2003 03/27/2003 Avg Daily Flows 6.09 42.61 4.87 34.10 0.00 Y_ 5.01 35.04 0.00 Y 5.95 41.63 0.00 Y 5.24 36.66 0.00 Y 4.19 29.31 0.00 Y 4.63 32.41 0.00 Y Information <Plan Review> Moratorium..OK Moratorium effective since / / Rgd Flg 0.00 Y Signature..GARCIM GOLD/M Station I<m>provement GOLD/S <S>tation Inform. GOLD/D <D>ownstream Station GOLD/G Codes & Cata<g>ories • • Yearly NAPOT (hrs) 4.63 Stn Gross Capacity(gpd). 221,760,000 Station Reduction Factor 0.60 Stn Net Cap Certif(gpd).. 0 Stn Net Capacity(gpd)•...133,056,000 indicated Flows (gpd) 25, 668, 720 Comments Prnp 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Sign Date..08/11/2003 06:15:10.07 GOLD/U <U>pstr eam Stations GOLD/P <P>ump Information GOLD/T Sewer Cer<t>ification 29 Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT "D" Solid Waste Generation Calculations • • 30 • • • NNW nIgIbin ®® tg 1 Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PROPOSED SOLID WASTE CALCULATIONS PROJECT DUPONT PLAZA DATE: 4-Feb-04 TYPE OF BUILDING USE AREA/UNITS [sf] [seats] RATE [Ibisf] [Ib/seat] SOLID WASTE GENERATED [lb] SOLID WASTE GENERATED [tons] HOTEL ROOMS 62 8 496 0.25 APARTMENT UNITS 794 8 6,352 3.18 RETAIL 9,982 0.025 250 0.12 RESTAURANT 350 5 1,750 0.88 CONDOMINIUM/HOTEL 300 8 2,400 1.20 LOFTS 134 8 1,072 0.54 NET INCREASE: 12,320 6.16 ANTICIPATED SOLID WASTE VOLUME AT 7 CY PER TON 43 CY / DAY 31