HomeMy WebLinkAboutcover memoMAR-17-2004 10:24 CITY MANAGERS OFFICE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM RE.6 !i The Honorable Maya DATE ; MAR 1 7 200 , PILO ; Mem; of'Ihe C' o issioa Transfer interest o Kapustin arejEc't ; Corporation in Everglades Center Apartments Pt ►ership and release of its obligations under the RGFER!NCas ; Horne program!Agreement City Comrnissi n Agenda ENCLOSURES; March 25, 2004 Joe • la City alter 1 RECOMMENDATION; It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the transfer of the interest of Kapustin Corporation in Everglades Center Apartments Partnership to Everok Investments, LLC and the release of the obligations of IGapustin Corporation under the Home Program Agreement. Such transfer of interest shalt be contingent on the restructuring of the Promissory Note and Mortgage fora loan made with Community Development dock Grant funds so that payments under the note will be retroactive to January 1, 2004, to make the City loan current, with a 15-year monthly amortization to begin January 2, 2004; and further authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary doeurrnents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, for said purpose. BACKQROUND: The Everglades Center Apartments partnership consiatS of Kapustin Corporation, a Florida corporation under the direction of Rafael Kapustin and Downtown Realty InVeshrrents, a Florida general partnership. The Everglades Center Apartments Partnership entered into a Home Program Agreement with the City of Miami on May 30, 2000. Mr. Kapustin requests to transfer Kapuser' Corporation's 25% interest in the Partnership to Everok investments, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (owned and managed entirely by Netert Rok) and re lease its obligations under the aforesaid Home Program Agreement. There will be no change in control or in the rnana.gernent of the Everglades Center Apartments Partnership as a result of the transfer of interest. It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the &Medical R.tsOlut transfer of interest of Kapustin Corporation to Everok Investments, LLC obligation under the Home Program Agreement Such transfer of interest the restructuring of the Promissory Note and Mortgage for a loan mad Development Block Grant funds so that payments under the mote be retr 2004; and to make the City loan current, with a 15-year monthly amortization 2004; and further authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary d acceptable to the City Attorney, for said purpose. The p. •osed Resolution does not have a budgetary impact on the Gener r -9 L + -r rr authorizing the the release of its 1 be contingent on with Community Live to January I, to begin January 1, entry in a form alnswrfann 1 Fund. ; vvs er !) T unn7.012s «n TOTAL P.02 L 0• t